gain control ic for audio signal processing hr 0777

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  • 8/18/2019 Gain Control IC for Audio Signal Processing HR 0777


    gain control 1C

    for audio signal processing

     Asamulti-purposed 1C,




    Tw o ICs recentl y i n troduced by S igneti cs , the

    NE570and NE571, permitthedesignof efficient and

    prac ti ca l aud io -s igna l con tro l func tions w i th a

    minimum overall parts count. These devices are

    primarily designed to act ascompandors; the com

    plementary processes of compression and expan

    s i o n . 1^ They are both dual-channel ICs and either

    portion can be used individually as a compandor.

    However, asw ill beseeninthisarticletheyarealso

    well suited to a variety of other tasks useful to the


    basic device operat ion

    Each channel of the 570and 571 consists of the

    functional componentsshown in f ig. 1A. Packaged

    ina 16-pin DIP, the only items common to the two

    signal channels arethe power supply, ground con


    The three principal components of each section

    are a AG cell, fu ll-wave rect if ier, and an output


    a rangegreaterthan 80 dB. The controlvoltagefor

    this cell is generated by rectifying an input signal

    (RECTIN). Thefinal output is thendeveloped bythe

    bufferedo utpu tamplifierfrom thescaledsignalcu r

    rent supplied by the AG cell. The 570 and 571 are

    identicalelectrically, butthe570isselectedfo rlower

    inherent d istor tion and a h igher supply voltagerange.

    TheAGcell,asshowninf ig.1B, consistsofanop

    amp, A1, andtransistorpairsQ1-Q2andQ3-Q4. The

    input signal is first converted by R2 into a current

    thatdrives A1. Thefeedback forthisop amp is via

    thetransistorpair Q1-Q2. Therefore, theam ount of


    R2. In addition todriving Q1-Q2, theopamp isalso

    connected to Q3-Q4. Unlike Q1-Q2, this transistor

    pair does not have a constant-current source. By

    scaling the Q3-Q4emittercurrent, their outpu t is a

    linear product of the input signal from A1 and thescaled current. This circuit is a linearized transcon

    ductance multiplier4-7 which cancels the inherent

    non-linearity and temperature sensitivity of the dif

    ferential pairs, greatly enhancing the usefulness of


    The rec tif ie r port ion consis ts o f op amp, A2,

    class-B transistors Q5-Q6, a pnp current mirror Q7,

    and an npn cur rent mir ror Q9. When rectifying a

    signal at the RECT IN terminal, Q5and Q6 produce

    pulses of current proportional to the positive and

    negative input signal swings. The output currentof

    Q6 is used directly, while theQ5cu rrent is mirrored

    byQ7.Thus, thedrivetoQ9 isa positivegoing,full-

    wave rectified pulsating dc. These pulsesarefiltered

    byanexternalsmoothing capacitor attached to the

    C r e c t terminal.

    The output stage is a s imple inverting op amp

    similarin performance toa741. Various optionsare

    possible byuse ofeitherR3, externalinput, orfeed

    backresistors. Theoverallcircu itgainisun ity (AG IN

    to OUT) , with R3 connected as a feedback resistor

    and70/iA rectifiercurrentintoQ9.

    In addition, the T HDT RIM terminalallowsasmall

    offset to be introduced into the AG cell to null its

    distortion. The two inputop amps (A1 and A2) are

    connected tothe internal1.8vo ltregulator. Eachop-

    amp input should be capacitively coupled while the

    inputimpedance isdetermined by R2or R1, respec

    tively. Circuitoperation isverystableand immune to

    power-supply var iations. A single supply voltage

    from +6to +1 8volts(571)or +6to +24volts(570)

    can be used, though the following applicationswil l

    usea +15vo ltsupply.

    basic com pando r c i rcui ts

    The570and571 canbequitesimp lyconnectedfo r

    theirbasicfunctions ofexpansion and compression,

    asillustratedin fig.2. Thesecircuitswillnotbedealt

    wi th in great detail because most amateurs wi ll

    probably be more interested in some of the other

    uses. Also, compandoroperationiscovered indetail


    Thegainthroughtheexpandorshownin f ig. 2A is

    1.43 VIN, where VIN is the average input voltage.

    By Walter G. Jung

     ju ly 1977 E3 47

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    8 THD TRIM 13V+



    J 5 (-) IN

     j 6 R3



    > 12(- ) IN

    i II  R3

    f ig . 1 . Funct iona l d iagramo f the S ign et icsNE570/571.A s im pl i f ied schem at ic d iagramo f the device is shown in B. C ons tant cu r rent sources l -j

    and I2 feedtransistorpairQ1-Q2.

    The 570/571 circuit constants are set up such that


    or0 dBm in 600-ohm systems. The Cin and Coare

    coupling capacitors, chosen for the desired low-

    frequency rolloff. Cr ec t is selected for the desired



    Resistors Ra , Rb , Rc and Cb are not essential to

    basic operation, but are desirable. Rr furnishes


    loadbuffering,whileRa andRcpolarizeCin andCa -

    Cr isa powersupply bypass, typicallyanaluminum


    The compressorconfiguration in f ig . 2B also has

    unity gain at 0.775 vol t (rms) input , but , a com

    p lementary in /ou t characte ris tic . The main d i f


    asafeedbackimpedanceviaCf  ,andtheinputisap

    pliedtoR3throughCin - Biasfortheo utputstageis

    set up by the RC-decoupling ne twork , w i th the


    In general, the OUTterminal should be biased to

    one-halfthesupply voltage. Useo fa570or571 asa

    compandor is not limited to the gains shown, but



    t r imm ing techniques


    trimm ing, as shown in f ig.3. Each technique is op

    48 0 ju l y1977

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    tional, and can be applied in anycombinationwhen

    the highestperformance isdesired. Themost useful

    ofthethreemethodsisprobablytheT HD trim,which

    minimizes the gain cell harmonic distortion. In this

    case, a smallvoltage (0to 3volts) is usedto injecta

    currentintotheT HDT RIM terminalthroughthe100k

    resistor. By biasing the rectifier terminal as shown,

    the inherent currentflow in the rectifieris compen

    satedforandpermitsbetterlow-levelsignaltracking.Typically, thegain-controlsignalto A1 shouldnotbe

    reflected in the output. The contro l feedthrough

    trimmer will minimize that signal during periods of


    appl icat ions

     An interest ing and versat ile group of circuits, the

    gated orswitched-mode amplifier, can be builtfrom

    the 570/571. With thedevice controlled by external

    logicappliedtothe RECT in input,theongainisnor

    mallysettoanyvalueandtheo ff attenuationcanbe

    in excess of 80 dB. Use of the 570 or 571 is ad

    vantageousinthatallportionsofthefunctioncanbeperformedentirelywithinthe IC. Further, theo n/o ff

    transition timescanbesetto a valuedetermined by

    thetimeconstantfrom C r e c t -

    Fig. 4A is a logic controlled amplifier configured

    for a HIGH input to be on, and LOWoff. When the

    control input is HIGH, CR1 is off and the current




    f ig . 2 . Schemat ic d iagramof the devicesconnectedasanexpander ,

     A , an d a co m pre ss o r, B. Th e vo ltage ga in th ro ug h th e ex pan de r is

    1 . 43 * V j j y , w h i le f o r t h e c o m pr es s or i t i s \ / 0 .7 /V j js j . - V j n is t h e

    average input vo l tage.

    developed by Rgain f lows into the rect if ier input,

    which turnson theAG cell allowing thesignal tobe

    amplified. Rgain can be selected for the desired on


    nA. R1 and R3 also effect device gain, but R3 is

    selected basicallyfor an optimum ou tput bias of7.5

    Vdc. R1 canalsobeadjustedfo rgain, but asshown



    f ig . 3. B y a p p ly in g t h e d i ff e re n t t r im m i n g m e t h o d s , d i s t o rt io n

    t h ro u g h t h e 5 70 /5 71 c an b e r e d u ce d . T h o u g h e a c h m e t h o d is o p

    t iona l , theycanbeappl ied in anycom binat ion.

     As can be seen in the contro l ch aracte ris tic s

    plotted in f ig. 4C, the gain is unity (or its nominal

    value, ifchosenotherwise)forco ntrol inputsgreater

    than 3volts. Switching is quiteab rupt, with full at

    tenuationbeingachievedatlevelslessthan 1.5volts.

    This narrow t ransit ion width and the nominal dc

    center of 1.8voltsallowsdirectcon trolfrom CMOS,

    T T L, D T L, or o ther pos it ive log ic . The u lt imate

    voltage ofthe HIGH stateis non-critical, due to the

    100-voltratingofCR1. Unfortunate ly, thisc ircuit hasone inherentweak point. Gain issensitive to supply

    voltage due to the connection of R g a i n - Thus, the

    supply voltage should be stable whi le choosing

    R g a i n for70/xAintotheRECT IN terminal.

     A companion circui t w ith complem en tary contro l

    characteristics is shown inf ig . 4B. In thiscase, the


    R g a i n in con junction w i th the in te rna l vo ltage

    reference(1.8V). With a lowc ontrol input, thenor

    mal currentwil l f low outthrough R g a i n - When the

    control signal is high, CR1 is forward biased, inter

    rupting the currentflow. Therefore, the output will

    beattenuatedsinceQ3-Q4havebeenturnedo ff.

    Both circuits can be tai lored for specific on-off

    transitiontimesbyselectionof C r e c t - Thetimecon

    stantissimply 10k-CREc r HOkilohmsistheinternal

    resistor). Thus, the audible switching effect can be


    asynchronousfast switch. The C r e c t value shown


    UseofC r e c t inasw itchedamplifierofthistypeis

     ju ly 1977 [(3 49

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    f ig . 4 .The log i c con t ro l led amp l i f ie r s can be con f igu red to p rov ide

    an o u t p u t w i t h e it h er a H IG H o r L OW i n p u t. T h is a ll ow s th e

    a m p l if ie r s t o b e i n te r fa c e d w i t h m a n y d i f f e r e n t l o g ic t y pe s , T T L,

    CMOS, DTL , e tc . The res i s to r Rq a IN shou ld be se lec ted to p rov ide

    70 fiA a t un i ty ga in .Eachamp l i f ie r hasanon /o f f t ime determined by

    the t ime constan t o f C r^C Tw i th in terna l 10k resistor .

    optional and not absolutely necessary. However, .to

    minimize noise pickup some capacitance wi ll be

    founduseful. Also, theultimateo ff stateattenuation

    willbelimitedtoabout60dBduetotheinternalbiascurrent. Thisfeedthrough errorcan beeliminatedby

    connect ing a 1 megohm resistor f rom C r e c t to

    ground to bleed awaythe error current. This allows


    Fig.5illustratestwosectionsofa571 combinedas

    a two-input multiplexer, for FSK orother uses. This

    circuitoperation issimilartothe others, but is biased

    and switched in a simpler manner. Gain of eachon


    ofthe B channelAG cell issum med with channel A

    by connecting the ( - ) IN terminals of the A and B

    sections.Therespective channelsaregated o ff bya

    low control logic input, which clamps the rectif iercurrent,switchingtheAGcelloff. Forfskoralternate

    channel use, the CONTROLAand CONTROLBsignals

    shou ld be comp lemen ta ry . T hus, the inpu t is

    "instantaneously” switched between the  A and B


    Control signal suppression can be optimized with

    the CHOPPER NULL contro l, wh ich trims the control

    signalc omponen tin theo utput. Suppression is bet

    terthan60dBa ftertrimm ing. Responsetimeisquite

    fast, and is actually l imited by the slew rate of the

    output op amp rather than the AG cell itself . This

    makes the sw itch ing in te rval a function o f the

    signal's peak amplitude. For instance with a 4-voltpeak amplitude signal the 0.5 V//xs slew rate wil l

    f ig . 5. Byprovid ingco mp leme ntarycon tro l s igna ls, the FSKgenera

    t o r w i l l s w i t c h b e t w e en t h e t w o s ig n a l i n pu t s . T h e o u t p u t s , w h e n

    ON,are summ ed throu gh the f i rs t ope rat iona l am pl i f ie r .

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    al low switching in 8 ^s; lower amplitudes wi ll be

    proportionally faster. Although the circuit is touted

    as a multiplexer, it can also be used as a summing


    automat ic level control

     Automatic level control isa relative ly common re

    qu ir emen t in aud io s ignal p rocess ing . A 571

    automatic levelcontrolc ircuitcan provideconstant,

    h igh percentage modu la tion w i th vary ing inpu t

    levels, yet without danger of overload i f properly

    handled.8 This circuit ( f ig. 6) is adapted from the

    570/571 data sheet. There is one additional feature

    which may be useful, however: an optional resistor

    allows thethreshold of level regulation to be varied.


    of gain control. As this resistor value is lowered, a

    larger input signal is required for full output. The

    general effect, for var ious Rx values, is shown in

    f ig.6B.

    Since the 570/571 device operates on the prin

    ciplesofaveragelevelde tection , itwilleasilysaturate

    on large crestfactor inputlevelssuch asspeech, or

    large transient envelope changes. This condition is

    highly undesirable, but, fortunatelyitse ffectcan be

    negatedquitesimply. Sincethe resultof overshoots

    are peak-to-peak amplitudes in excess of the regu

    lated output level, it follows that appropriate peak-

    levelclipping can effectivelycontrol theovershoots.

    Inthiscase, thermsoutpu tamplitude is0.775voltor

    2.2 volts p-p. This part icular level is conveniently

    clippedw ith a pairo f reverseparalleled LEDs, which

    willlimitto3.2vo ltsp-p. TheLEDscanbeconnected

    asshown in f ig. 6with a series resistorRy, wh ich is


    This clipping technique, while not a requisite part

    of the automatic level control, greatly enhances its

    regulationw ith nonsinusoidal signals. Useofthis cir

    cuit with speech inputs wil l necessitatethe diodes,

    which willtypicallybeclipping a good portion ofthe

    time. This, of course, adds audibledistortion to the


    isaspeechfilterto removethe superfluous highand

    low frequencies. Thefilterw illalsogreatly attenuate


    The circuit in f ig. 6C is a bandpass speech filter

    which usesa single IC.Thecircuitissimply a pair of

    cascaded Sallen and Key10 highpass filters (3-pole

    Bessel type) . The Bessel response is one of the

    poorest intermso fcu toffsharpness, but goodfrom

    500 IOOO 5000


    -4 0 -3 0 -2 0


    f i g . 6 . Schem a t i c d iag ram o f an NE570 connec ted as an au tom a t i c l eve l con t ro l (A ). The speech f i l t e r (C) i s added to r emove the undes i r ed com pon

    createdby thepeakc l ipp ing. Thea t tenuat ion curve (D) , thoug hno t sharp, providesexce l lent re ject ion o f the sharp pu lsesp ikesgeneratedby thec l ipp i

     ju ly 1977 C2 51

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    a pulse response standpoint. This feature is impor

    tantto minimize amplitude overshoots which could


     A comm on 1458 (dual 741) op amp is used with

    nearest5 per cent component values for the fil ter

    elements. Iflow-powe roperation isdesired, the1458

    canbe replaced directlyw ith a 358. Ifa 358 is used,

    10 kilohm resistors should be added from each outputterminaltocom mon. W ith unitygain, thecircuit


    Oneveryeffective usefor the570and571 deviceis

    an amplitude-regulated RC sine wave oscil lator.

    Typically, such circuits use a Wien bridge or other

    frequency-selective RC network, with some form of

    amplitudestabilization to maintain cons tantand cor

    re ct lo op g ain , and also t o g ua ra nte e o u tp u t

    waveformpurity. A 570or571 is nearlyoptimum for

    this type of circuit because it contains the required

    functions of ampli fier, recti fier, and gain-control


    Two types of sine wave oscil lators are shown inf ig. 7. The oscillator circuit ( f ig. 7A) based on the



    amplifier ofsection A, which effectively makes it a


    / = 72-rrRC

    With equal values o f R and C, the inpu t/ou tpu t



    tion is used as an inverting amplifierw ith a nominal

    gain of2. A slightlygreater initial gain is establishedbythecombinationofR6,R7,and R8,wh ichensures


    pressor, which regulates this stage's gain at the



    Thereare two main steps taken to enhanceflex


    R4, C4)isusedaround theA stage, to removevalue

    restrictions on R2 due to bias considerations. This

    a llows R2 (R1) to range f rom 10k to 1 megohm

    without a major performance compromise. C1 and

    C2 have an even greater range, from 1 /*F down to

    100 pF. To minimize errordue to strays, the lowestvalue should be used. W ith the values shown, the

    circuitis capable of reasonably low harmonic distor

    t ion. For example, 0.03 per cent d istort ion was

    measured at 1.6 kHz and THD (Total Harmonic

    Distortion)can generally be heldbelow0.1 percent.

    This will vary according to the specific frequency,

    and the selected impedance of the Wien network.

    The lowvalueof distortion isdueto thelightdegree




    f i g . 7 . The NE570/571 can be connec ted as a s ine -wave osc i ll a to r .

    TheWien br idge type osci l la tor is sho wn in A. For R= R1=R2and

    C= C1=C2 , the ope ra t ing f r equency i s 1 /27 rRC. Res is to r R shou ld

    be l im i tedbetw een10kand1 meg ohm w i th Cbetwe en 1000pFand

    1/xF. The no rma l f r equency range can be va r ied f r om 10 Hz to 10

    kHz. Thepha se-sh i f t osci l la tor should beused to generate d iscre te

    f requencieson ly. Dependingupon these lect ion o f par ts, the output

    frequ enc yw il l be1/27rRCV3.

    The circuit wil l operate as shown over the range

    from 10 Hzto 10 kHz. Below10 Hz comp onentsize

    becomesimpractical,andabove 10kHz slewlimiting

    in theoutpu tamplifiercauses distortion to rise. The

    circuit is useful as a fixed frequency oscil lator, butcan also be tuned if a matched dual pot is available

    for R1-R2. Outputamplitudeissetby R6, and is op

    timum at1.5 volts rms output,from section A. Ifa

    higher output level is needed, section B outp ut can


    The circuit of f ig . 7A maybe undulycom plexfor

    some uses, so an a lte rnate and much s imp le r

    sinusoidal oscillator is shown in f ig. 7B. Thiscircuit

    is a form of phase-shif t osci llator, similar to that

    52 Q3 july 1977

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    describedbyTobey,Graeme, andHuelsman.9A571

    is well suited for a phase-shift oscillator because it

    contains the necessaryinverting amplifierto sustain

    oscilla tion. In thecircuitshow n, C1, C2, andC3are

    the t iming capacitors, while R1 and R2 are the

    resistorsfor the phase-shift network. R3 mustbeat

    least 12 times the R1-R2 value for adequate loop

    gain. AGC is provided by using the AG cell as acompressor.

    Thiscircu itisnotsuitablefo rtunable use. Itshould

    only be used as a spot frequency oscil la tor, by

    varyingC1,C2andC3. ThisisbecauseR1 andR2are

    related, bythedesign, to R3; in thisspecific caseR3

    cannot bevariable becauseit is used tosettheo ut


     Although it uses a simple design, this cir cu it pro

    ducesexcellentresults.A tthefrequency indicated,a

    laboratorytes tindicatedaTHDof 0.01 per centat 3

    voltso utput, which is remarkable in viewo f the cir

    cuit's simplicity. Totake full advantage ofthis per

    formance, an output buffer may be useful; for thisyou could simply use the remaining channel as a



    Thisdiscusssion hascoveredafe w usesfora new

    and interesting chip. In the course of this article's

    preparation several other potential uses suggested

    themselves, such as phase comparators, phase-

    locked loops, voltage-tuned oscillators, and others.

    Unfortunately, space and time restrictions did not


    references1.C.Todd, "A MonolithicAnalogCom pandor,"IEEE Journal o f  

    Solid State Circuits, VolumeSC-11, number6, December, 1976,


    2. C. Todd, "The MonolithicCompandor— A HighPerformance

    Gain Control Integrated Circuit," Aud io Eng inee ring So ciety 

    Preprint, number1100, May,1976.

    3. W. G. Jung, C. Todd, "Operationand Usesfor the570/571 IC

    CompandorChip," The Audio Am ateur, 4/1976,page3.

    4. B. Gilbert , "A Precise Four-Quadrant Mult ip lier with Sub

    nanosecond Response,” IEEE Journ al o f So lid State Circuits, 

    December, 1968,page365.

    5.W . G.Jung, "GetGain Control of80 to 100 dB,"Electronics  

    Design,June21, 1974,page94.

    6. W. G.Jung, "ICOpAmpC ookbook," HowardW . SamsCo.,

    1974,page251 and451.

    7. W. G. Jung, "Application of the Two-Quadrant Amplif ier

    Multiplier in Audio Signal Processing," Journal of the AES, Volume23,num ber3,April, 1975,page207.

    8.J. Fisk, W1HR, "Novel Audio Speech ProcessingTechn ique,"

    ham radio,June, 1976,page30.

    9. Tobey, Graeme, Huelsman, "Operational Amplifiers; Design

    andApp lications," McGraw-Hill, 1971,page391.

    10. R. P. Sallen, E. L. Key, "Practical Method of Designing RC

     Act ive F ilte rs," IRETransactions, VolumeCT-2, 1955,page74.

    ham radio

  • 8/18/2019 Gain Control IC for Audio Signal Processing HR 0777


    describedbyTobey,Graeme, andHuelsman.9A571

    is well suited for a phase-shift oscillator because it

    contains the necessaryinverting amplifierto sustain

    oscilla tion. In thecircuitshow n, C1, C2, andC3are

    the t iming capacitors, while R1 and R2 are the

    resistorsfor the phase-shift network. R3 mustbeat

    least 12 times the R1-R2 value for adequate loop

    gain. AGC is provided by using the AG cell as acompressor.

    Thiscircu itisnotsuitablefo rtunable use. Itshould

    only be used as a spot frequency oscil la tor, by

    varyingC1,C2andC3. ThisisbecauseR1 andR2are

    related, bythedesign, to R3; in thisspecific caseR3

    cannot bevariable becauseit is used tosettheo ut


     Although it uses a simple design, this cir cu it pro

    ducesexcellentresults.A tthefrequency indicated,a

    laboratorytes tindicatedaTHDof 0.01 per centat 3

    voltso utput, which is remarkable in viewo f the cir

    cuit's simplicity. Totake full advantage ofthis per

    formance, an output buffer may be useful; for thisyou could simply use the remaining channel as a



    Thisdiscusssion hascoveredafe w usesfora new

    and interesting chip. In the course of this article's

    preparation several other potential uses suggested

    themselves, such as phase comparators, phase-

    locked loops, voltage-tuned oscillators, and others.

    Unfortunately, space and time restrictions did not


    references1.C.Todd, "A MonolithicAnalogCom pandor,"IEEE Journal o f  

    Solid State Circuits, VolumeSC-11, number6, December, 1976,


    2. C. Todd, "The MonolithicCompandor— A HighPerformance

    Gain Control Integrated Circuit," Aud io Eng inee ring So ciety 

    Preprint, number1100, May,1976.

    3. W. G. Jung, C. Todd, "Operationand Usesfor the570/571 IC

    CompandorChip," The Audio Am ateur, December, 1976,page1.

    4. B. Gilbert , "A Precise Four-Quadrant Mult ip lier with Sub

    nanosecond Response,” IEEE Journ al o f So lid State Circuits, 

    December, 1968,page365.

    5.W . G.Jung, "GetGain Control of80 to 100 dB ,"Electronics 

    Design,June21, 1974,page94.

    6. W. G.Jung, "ICOpAmpC ookbook," HowardW . SamsCo.,

    1974,page251 and451.

    7. W. G. Jung, "Application of the Two-Quadrant Amplif ier

    Multiplier in Audio Signal Processing," Journal of the AES, Volume23,num ber3,April, 1975,page207.

    8.J. Fisk, W1HR, "Novel Audio Speech ProcessingTechn ique,"

    ham radio,June, 1976,page30.

    9. Tobey, Graeme, Huelsman, "Operational Amplifiers; Design

    andApp lications," McGraw-Hill, 1971,page391.

    10. R. P. Sallen, E. L. Key, "Practical Method of Designing RC

     Act ive F ilte rs," IRETransactions, VolumeCT-2, 1955,page74.

    ham radio