games, interactivity and gamification for learning

Follow on Twitter:@kkapp for updates, slides & additional ideas. By Karl M. Kapp Bloomsburg University Author of Gamification of Learning &Instruction Download Slides & Notes at: Course on Gamification Available at: Games, Interactivity and Gamification for Learning

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Follow on Twitter:@kkapp for updates, slides & additional ideas.

By Karl M. Kapp Bloomsburg University Author of Gamification of Learning &Instruction Download Slides & Notes at: Course on Gamification Available at:

Games, Interactivity and Gamification for Learning

For: Notes/Slides

Additional Ideas

Bring Karl to speak to your organization for a workshop or


Contact him at [email protected]

Or on his web site at:

Additional Resources Course: Gamification of Learning

Design Takeaway Challenge

Karl M. Kapp

and Training 2015


It started out like any other day at the office…

I had just ventured out on my lunch break…. when she showed up

Hi ya boss.

Hey, I need your help and I need it


On my lunch break?

Learners are disengaged all over the city, I need to

know why and how to fix it.

I started to imagine the chaos, the agony, the snoring….

Then she zoomed off into the cityscape…

We’ve got to solve this mystery. Help me figure out the clues …and fast.

Text KarlKapp to 37607 Or

First, take out your text machines.

K a r l K a p p

Choose your disguise…

Stakes are high and time is short.

Learners are not Engaged? Why?

Learning eagLe October 30, 2014 See Section F for Coupons

Investigation Opened By Harry James Las Vegas, NV– It started out as just another normal day. Larry the Learner had just sat at his desk to embark on a learning journey. A journey that turned horrific within only a few moments. The result is unnecessary incident that could and should have been avoided by having the right instructional strategy coupled with the right content.

The news of disengagement was spreading…

We need to find Ivan…the Informant...

I knew one of his old hangouts...

He was about as friendly as a clown with no rubber nose.

Hello, again clueless…

Look I am going to ask you a question about engagement, let’s see if you know

the answer.

How many times a day does the average person check their cell phone?

The average person in the US checks their cell phone 150 times a day that’s

about 9 times an hour.

People send or receive an average of 41 text messages

per day.,

Smartphones users spend over 2.5 hours a day on their

phones—32% of that time playing games.

Wait, let me Tweet about that…

Really? Well here are more interesting statistics…not positive but


“A study of 2,300 people found only 6% of organizations are successful in influencing behavior change among

employees.” --Al Switzler

According to Gallup, 7in 10 American workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” in their


This means they are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces

and less likely to be productive.

A Gallup poll found that the average company has as many as 18% of employees

who are actively disengaged.

Exude negativity.

Aren’t interested in learning or development.

Putting in Time.

Aren’t interested in anything related to

the company.

Close themselves out of solutions to organizational


Thwart efforts for improvement.

I’m not disengaged.

….oh look a squirrel.

This question will give you a clue to engaging learners. Riddle me this…

Ivan had another question for me…I was the one who was supposed to be ask’n questions….

Do learners remember facts better when presented in a bulleted list or

when presented in a story?

Research shows humans have an inclination toward


People tend to remember facts more accurately if they encounter them in a story rather than in a list.

Now get out of here…

This mystery of the disengaged learner was starting to take shape…

Let’s brief the boss on what we know so far…

Let’s brief the boss on what we know so far…


Ah, umm?

So what have we learned so far?

So far, so good. Follow the next clue on the matchbook I found in my desk drawer….

I arrived at the place on the matchbook, as shady as a clump of oaks caught in an eclipse…

Enter Question Text What could this location and clue mean??? Tell me. Does engaging instruction start with…

Action draws in the learner and encourages further engagement.

Make the learner do something

Answer a question

Identify a procedure.

Make a decision.

Solve a mystery.

Confront a challenge.

Solve a Problem.

Write a proposal

Hands On

Create Open Loops

Law & Order

Just as I was leaving, I found another matchbook.


Get the Notes/Slides & Additional Ideas

Should Learning be:

Easy so we don’t discourage the learners? or Challenging so learners will struggle?

Look! Things that are too easy or too difficult will not pique a learner’s interest because they lead to

boredom or frustration.

Let me show you Clyde’s folder on this subject.

Do you know what elements contribute to


Achievable Task

Clear Goals

Control Over Actions (Autonomy)


You can also add elements such as …

You can also add elements such as … Novelty



Surprise Incomplete information

Unpredictable Future

Give them the Kobayashi Maru of challenges.

Interesting stuff, but I was getting hungry.

I knew a little diner where L&D folks hung out.

I saw her across the diner, the mysterious Learning Lady.

Here are some more matches for your boss. She

smokes a lot.

She shouldn’t smoke.

Put the learner at risk. or Let the learner safely explore the environment.

No risk, or danger equal no skin in the game.

For engagement, put the learner emotionally involved by putting him or

her at “mock” risk.

Losing (points, game)

Not Solving the Problem

Social Credibility


Then they mysterious stranger started talking about what learners can “risk”…

Starting Over

Multiple Lives

In games, for example, failing is allowed, it’s acceptable, and it’s part of the process.

Thanks, great info.

We need to brief the boss lady…let’s go.

First let’s get our thoughts together….

Ok, good work detectives, I think you solved the case of the disengaged learner.

But, here are three more tips to engage learners, give them:

- Multiple, Realistic Scenarios (case studies)

- Provide a Question Protocol - First-Person “Thinkers”

Ok so for what type of knowledge is a

matching game most appropriate?

She turned on her computer to show me an example…

Provide a list of prompts or questions to help trigger thoughts and question sets.

Check out this folder.

Create a learning documentary of how to do a job, how decisions are

made, how dots are connected.

Then she turned on the oldest TV I’d ever seen…to some Reality TV show…What was this? Appointment Television?

Show learners how experts think through problems and solve them.

It’s a “think aloud.”

Alright, detectives let’s close the case.

Wait, one more piece of evidence, looks like the case is still open….

Sorry boss, we are out of time, we’ll have to solve that case at another presentation.

Text LEAVE to 37607

Have a good day. See ya. And…don’t forget

your evals!

The End


Detective Artwork Courtesy of Vanessa Bailey

Other art is Microsoft Clip Art

Audience Response by Poll Everywhere

Now for the Takeaway Challenge

Now for the Takeaway Challenge

1) Story/Characters2) Polling/Audience Input3) Humor4) Mystery/Curiosity5) Blend story/instruction6) Suprise7) Winners/Teams8) Open Loop

Oh, which team won?


Thank you and Remember For: Notes/Slides

Additional Ideas

Bring Karl to speak to your organization for a workshop or


Contact him at [email protected]

Or on his web site at:

Additional Resources Course: Gamification of Learning