games, gamification and the quest for engagement:

Twitter:@kkapp By Karl M. Kapp Bloomsburg University Gamification of Learning &Instruction May 18, 2014 Games, Gamification and the Quest for Engagement:

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Presentation provides information on how to engage learners using elements of games. It provides an example of the elements in action.


Page 1: Games, Gamification and the Quest  for Engagement:


By Karl M. Kapp Bloomsburg University Gamification of Learning &Instruction May 18, 2014

Games, Gamification and the Quest

for Engagement:

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Design Takeaway Challenge

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• A statement is presented

– Type in “Code word”

• Text Response:

Take out your text-machines

Standard Texting Fees Apply!

Page 4: Games, Gamification and the Quest  for Engagement:

How To Participate via Texting

1. Polleverywhere has no access to your phone number 2. Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do





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How To Vote via

Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIP




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Observe the process, take notes for debrief.

-What design techniques are used? -What elements add to experience?

-What instructional design principles are being followed or broken?

How To Participate via Observation

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Notes Slides

Additional Ideas

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GII Theatre


Karl M. Kapp


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Games, Gamification

and the

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t was a quiet Monday morning, very quiet, really quiet… almost too…

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Then, out of nowhere, she flew into my office, like a boss who had a problem that needed solved …

Hi Boss.

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I have a problem that needs to be solved.

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We need more engagement.

She wanted to increase learner engagement and have more interactive learning for career training and services.

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You came to the right guy that’s what I do…

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Yeah, I know…that’s why I hired you. Ugh..

Now take the new person here and go ask Clyde, he went to a

conference on the subject.

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For some reason, she didn’t seem bothered by the fact that she was breaking the organization’s no smoking policy…

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Here’s where you come in. Help me figure out the clues …and fast.

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Choose your disguise…

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Stakes are high……

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First stop…Clyde’s office…look for clues

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Game Thinking


Teaching knowledge, skills & abilities using a self-contained game.


Using game-based techniques to engage people, motivate action promote learning & solve problems.


Focusing on actions leading to a meaningful outcome while navigating risk in a challenging environment.


Application of different types of game-elements to propel a learner through content with no changes to the content.

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I found three things written on one of Clyde’s notebooks.

Could be a lead…or

…it could be this session’s learning objectives

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Let’s get going.

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Now we need to find Ivan…the Informant... I knew one of his old haunts.

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He was about as friendly as a fly at a fly strip convention.

Hello, Clueless…

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Look I am going to ask you some questions, the right answer gives you

a clue to interactive learning.

He was about as friendly as a fly at a fly strip convention.

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What do you and your lackies here have to say about this?

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Are Game-based Learning and Gamification are the same thing? Games and Gamification are the same thing?

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Enter Question Text Next clue, how many types of gamification are there?

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There are two types of gamification.

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He grabbed his typewriter and made some notes to explain to me the difference between the two types of gamification.

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Gamification is

use of game-

elements to propel

a learner through

content with no

alteration or

changes to the






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Gamification use

of game thinking

to alter content

to make it more

game-like but

doesn’t turn the

content into a







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Ivan then grabbed his laptop to show me a demonstration of the two types.

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First Structural Gamification….

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Gamification The concept of gamification Consists of many different elements. These elements can include: • Story • Character • Mystery • Curiosity • Curve of Interest • Surprise • Chance • Points • Badges

Screen captures courtesy of MindTickle….

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Then he demonstrated content gamification....

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It was a little like déjá vu ….this content gamification…..

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It has elements of story, characters and content that was altered to be more game-like…

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Ivan had another question for me…I was the one who was supposed to be ask’n questions….

Do learners remember facts better when presented in a bulleted list or

when presented in a story?

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This mystery of interactive learning was starting to take shape…

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Thanks, Ivan.

Get out of here….

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Let’s brief the boss on what we know so far…

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So what have we learned?

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So far, so good. Follow the next clue on the matchbook I found in my desk drawer….

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I arrived at the place on the matchbook, as shady as a clump of oaks caught in an eclipse…

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Enter Question Text Hmm… What could this location and clue mean??? Tell me. Does engaging instruction start with:

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Action draws in the learner and encourages further engagement.

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Too often instructional design is about the content and not about the actions that

need to occur.

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Make the learner do something

Answer a question

Identify a procedure.

Make a decision.

Solve a mystery.

Confront a challenge.

Pick a team.

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Just as I was leaving, I found another matchbook.

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Seems like a clue…should

Learning be easy so we don’t discourage the learners? or Challenging where some learners will struggle?

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Look! Things that are too easy or too difficult will not pique a learner’s interest because they lead to

boredom or frustration.

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Let me show you Clyde’s folder on this subject.

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Do you know what elements contribute to


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Achievable Task

Clear Goals

Control Over Actions (Autonomy)


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You can also add elements such as …

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You can also add elements such as … Novelty



Surprise Incomplete information

Unpredictable Future

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In fact, Clyde says…give them the Kobayashi Maru of challenges.

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Suddenly, a voice appeared out of nowhere…the mysterious Learning Lady

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Challenge, Curiosity, Control, Fantasy, Cooperation, Competition and Recognition.

I saw her eyes in the shadows of the alley and she simply said…to motivate learners add …

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Hey, I know that’s Malone’s Theory of Intrinsically Motivating Instruction.

Yes, it is …. Ya’h sure about this “fantasy” thing?

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Fantasy provides two learning benefits...

Cognitively a fantasy can help a learner apply old knowledge to understand new things and help them remember the content.

Emotionally, a person can connect with the experiences and not bring with it “real-world” concerns or fears

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Then, suddenly, she emerged from the shadows.

I pictured you differently…

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Here are some more matches for your boss. She

smokes a lot.

She shouldn’t smoke.

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Well, here is the next clue, do we :

Put the learner at risk. or Let the learner safely explore the environment.

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No risk, or danger equal no skin in the game.

Get the learner emotionally involved by putting him or her at “mock” risk.

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Losing (points, game)

Not Solving the Problem

Social Credibility


Then they mysterious stranger started talking about what learners can “risk”…

Starting Over

Multiple Lives

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In games, failing is allowed, it’s acceptable, and it’s part of the


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Also, failure or earned success can lead to emotion which can contribute

to Episodic Memory.

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Time for a recap with the boss…she looked a little frantic…she wanted to know one more thing.

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I want to know one more thing.

What game elements can engage learners?

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What game elements did we encounter today that can

engage learners?

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Any Others?

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Great stuff, you folks really seemed to have cracked the case as to what makes engaging


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Back to Clyde’s office, which note is right?

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Game Thinking


Teaching knowledge, skills & abilities using a self-contained game.


Using game-based techniques to engage people, motivate action promote learning & solve problems.


Focusing on actions leading to a meaningful outcome while navigating risk in a challenging environment.


Application of different types of game-elements to propel a learner through content with no changes to the content.

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To sum it up, what have you learned today?

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Anything else you noticed?

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I thought my work was done but then….I found another pack of matches on my way home…

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But we’ll have to leave that mystery for another presentation….

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One last thing…Design Takeaway Challenge.

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1) Story/Genre

2) Polling/Audience Input

3) Points/Winners/Teams

4) Mystery/Curiosity

5) Pre/Post Test

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The End

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Detective Artwork Courtesy of Vanessa Bailey

Flow Diagram by Kristin Bittner

Typewriter and Mysterious Eyes are Clip Art

Audience Response Devices by TurningTechnologies

Demo of Gamification Software by MindTickle