gangster survery analysis

Out of 25 people 17 watch gangster movies which suggests that it is a genre which has a lot of interest (68% of the sample) This suggests that our film would be relatively popular if it was released.

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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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Out of 25 people 17 watch gangster movies which suggests that it is a genre which has a lot of interest (68% of the sample) This suggests that our film would be relatively popular if it was released.

As predicted Godfather was the popular out of the films this could because it’s the most iconic and a classic gangster movie which has set many of the conventions for the genre

The most popular answers related to weapons, guns, drugs, money and other criminal behaviour. Many also talked about the mise-en-snene of the genre which included suits fedoras cigars and some made a reference to Italians.

96% of the answer said yes which means that we could include it in our trailer.

Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Ryan Gosling, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg Matthew McConaughey all came up which was expected.

Not many people know about directors as only several famous names came up.

Scarface, Godfather, Gangster Squad, American Gangster, Goodfellas all came up