gap analysis

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Page 1: Gap Analysis

• Gap Analysis

Page 2: Gap Analysis

ISO 14000 - Plan – establish objectives and processes required

1 Prior to implementing ISO 14001, an initial review or gap analysis of the

organization’s processes and products is recommended, to assist

in identifying all elements of the current operation and if possible

future operations, that may interact with the environment, termed

environmental aspects (Martin 1998)

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Sylvia Kierkegaard - Recent publications

1 Kierkegaard, Sylvia (ed), Special Issue on Legal Gap Analysis, Phobias

and Techno Leaps. International Journal of Technology Transfer and

Commercialisation (IJTTC) Volume 7 – Issue 1 – 2008

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Systems Modeling Language - Overview

1 SysML allocation tables support common kinds of allocations. Whereas UML provides only limited support for

tabular notations, SysML furnishes flexible allocation tables that support requirements allocation, functional allocation, and structural allocation. This capability facilitates automated verification and validation (V&V) and

gap analysis.

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Software developer

1 Participation in software product definition, including business case or gap analysis

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Certified Information Technology Professional - 4.) System Development, Acquisition, Implementation, and Project Management

1 iii. Assess product gap analysis

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Business case

1 Information included in a formal business case could be the

background of the project, the expected business benefits, the

options considered (with reasons for rejecting or carrying forward each option), the expected costs of the

project, a gap analysis and the expected risks

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Security testing - Security Testing Taxonomy

1 Security Review - Verification that industry or internal security standards

have been applied to system components or product. This is typically completed

through gap analysis and utilises build / code reviews or by reviewing design

documents and architecture diagrams. This activity does not utilise any of the

earlier approaches (Vulnerability Assessment, Security Assessment, Penetration Test, Security Audit)

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Enterprise architecture framework - History

1 In 1998, The Federal CIO Council began developing the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) in

accordance with the priorities enunciated in Clinger-Cohen and issued

it in 1999. FEAF was a process much like TOGAF’s ADM, in which “The architecture team generates a

sequencing plan for the transition of systems, applications, and associated business practices predicated upon a

detailed gap analysis .”

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SWOT analysis - Corporate planning

1 :* 'Analysis of existing strategies', this should determine relevance from

the results of an internal/external appraisal. This may include gap

analysis which will look at environmental factors

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Strategic management - Origin

1 In his 1965 classic Corporate Strategy, he developed gap analysis

to clarify the gap between the current reality and the goals and to

develop what he called “gap reducing actions”.Ansoff, Igor

Corporate Strategy McGraw Hill, New York, 1965.

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Learning management system - Purpose

1 An LMS delivers content but also handles registering for courses, course administration, skills gap analysis, tracking, and reporting.

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Learning management system - Purpose

1 Some LMS providers include performance management systems,

which encompass employee Performance appraisal|appraisals,

competency management, skills-gap analysis, succession planning, and multi-rater assessments (i.e., 360

degree reviews). Modern techniques now employ competency-based

learning to discover learning gaps and guide training material selection.

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Habitat conservation - Identifying priority habitats for conservation

1 Species that possess an elevated risk of extinction are given the highest

priority and as a result of conserving their habitat, other species in that

community are protected thus serving as an element of gap


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List of conservation topics - G

1 * Gaia theory (science) - Gaia philosophy - Gaian (disambiguation)|Gaian - Game Warden - GPS Wildlife

Tracking - GRANK - Gap analysis (conservation) - Genetic pollution -

Genetic erosion - Global strategy for plant conservation - Greenprinting

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Biofuels Center of North Carolina - Education

1 ::Do an education gap analysis against that jobs and skills


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Enterprise Life Cycle - Enterprise Architecture Process

1 The architecture team also generates a sequencing plan for the transition

of systems, applications, and associated business practices

predicated upon a detailed gap analysis

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System Architect (software) - Features

1 * Cause-Effect Analysis and Gap analysis through Network-style Explorer diagram

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Enterprise Architect (software) - Business modeling and analysis

1 Enterprise Architect also supports the definition of Business Rules with the ability to generate executable code from these rules. Business

modeling can be combined with GAP analysis to view potential gaps in

proposed solutions.

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Asset liability management - Managing gaps

1 Gap analysis suffers from only covering future gap direction of current existing exposures and

exercice of options (i.e.: prepayments) at different point in


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Asset liability management - Managing gaps

1 Dynamic gap analysis enlarges the perimeter for a specific asset by

including 'what if' scenarios on making assumptions on new volumes, (changes in the business activity, future path of interest rate, changes in pricing, shape

of yield curve, new prepayments transactions, what its forecast gap

positions will look like if entering into an hedge transaction...)

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Asset liability management - Liquidity gap analysis

1 Measuring liquidity position via liquidity gap analysis is still one of the most common tool used and

represents the foundation for scenario analysis and stress-testing.

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BABOK - Knowledge Areas

1 : How Business Analysts take a business need: define that need; identify gaps in current capabilities that stop that need

being met; then if change is required, to propose an approach and scope for

finding a solution and building the case to justify the work. It explores assessing

Enterprise architecture|business architecture; undertaking capability gap

analysis; Feasibility study|feasibility studies; defining the Scope (project management)|solution scope; and

developing a business case.

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EMT Intermediate - Scope of practice

1 Gap analysis has been completed by the state and the board has moved to allow up to 4years for the EMT-IV to transition to EMT-Advanced by

way of an eight-hour course, choosing to let all EMT-IV's and Paramedics under the current

standard be renewed as usual for this cycle.

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Software developers - Description

1 *Participation in software product management|software product

definition, including business case or gap analysis#Market gap analysis|

gap analysis

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Outcome-Driven Innovation - Opportunity algorithm

1 Standard gap analysis looks at the simple difference between importance

and satisfaction metrics; Ulwick's formula gives twice as much weight to

importance as to satisfaction:Marc Logman, Logical brand management in

a dynamic context of growth and innovation, Journal of Product Brand

Management '16':4:257-268 importance + max(importance-satisfaction,0),

where importance and satisfaction are the proportion of high survey responses

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Generational accounting

1 The Social Security Trustees Report, in Table IVB6, provides an infinite

horizon fiscal gap analysis each year for the Social Security System by

itself in which the actuaries use a 3 percent real discount rate

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Poaching - In Central America

1 Wildlife Trade Control; CAFTA-DR

Regional Gap Analysis Report

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Export - Advantages of exporting

1 The locational advantages of a particular market are a combination of Gap analysis#Market potential|market potential and financial risk|

investment risk

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Retirement spend down - Modeling retirement spend-down: traditional approach

1 Traditional retirement spend-down approaches generally take the form of a gap


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Total Worker Health - Optimize environment

1 *Conducting assessment gap analysis to identify key areas for

potential improvement and to provide the basis for an action plan for the organization to move toward

best practices.

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ISO14001 - Plan--establish objectives and processes required

1 Prior to implementing ISO 14001, an initial review or gap analysis of the

organization’s processes and products is recommended, to assist

in identifying all elements of the current operation and, if possible,

future operations, that may interact with the environment, termed

environmental aspects (Martin 1998)

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Launch Services Program - Research

1 *Collision Avoidance (COLA)[

p?R=20130009700 A Geometric Analysis to Protect Manned Assets

from Newly Launched Objects - Cola Gap Analysis] NASA

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Information audit - Role and scope of an IA

1 In much the same way as the IA is difficult to define, it can be utilised in a range of Context (language use)|contexts by the

information professional,Wood, 2004, p.6. from complying with freedom of

information legislation to identifying any existing Gap analysis|gaps, duplications,

bottlenecks or other inefficiencies in information flows and to understand how

existing channels can be used for knowledge transfer Henczel, 2000, p.92.

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1 * Capability (systems engineering), used in the defense industry but also in private industry (e.g. Gap analysis)

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Executive development - Assessment

1 * Gap Analysis – Identify gap between requirements and current

assessment, with an eye toward what capabilities can be “built”

(development) vs. “bought” external hiring

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Capability (systems engineering)

1 A 'Capability', in the systems engineering sense, is defined as the ability to execute a specified course of action. A capability may

or may not be accompanied by an intention.Department of Defense

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Joint Publication 1-02, DoD, 17

March 2009 [] The term 'Capability' is used in

the defense industry but also in private industry (e.g. Gap analysis).

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Capability (systems engineering) - Capability Gap Analysis

1 The Operation of the JCIDS introduces a Capability Based Analysis (CBA) process that includes identification of 'capability' gaps.Operation of the Joint

Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJS), CJCS Manual 3170.01, 24 June 2003

[] In essence, a 'Capability Gap Analysis' is the determination of needed 'capabilities' that do not yet exist.Antommarchi, Sidney N., A Process for Modeling and Simulation

Capability Gap Analysis, Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), December 2008


340,1]Antommarchi, Sidney N., Enhancing and Expanding the Modeling Simulation Composability Paradigm, 08S-SIW-067, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO), April 2008 [


%2F2008+Spring+SIW+Papers+and+Presentationsfile=08S-SIW-067.doc] The Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) suggests the use of the Operational View#Operational Activity Model|Operational Activity Model

(OV-5) in conducting a 'CGA'.Department of Defense Architecture Framework, Version 1.5, Volume 2, United States Department of Defense|Department of

Defense, 15 August 2003 []

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Gap analysis

1 In the management literature, 'gap analysis' is the comparison of actual

performance with potential or desired performance. If a company or

organization does not make the best use of current resources, or forgoes

investment in Capital (economics)|capital or technology, it may produce or perform below its potential. This concept is similar to an economy's being below

the production possibilities frontier.

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Gap analysis

1 This comparison becomes the gap


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Gap analysis

1 Gap analysis is a formal study of what a business is doing currently

and where it wants to go in the future. It can be conducted, in

different perspectives, as follows:

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Gap analysis

1 Note that 'GAP analysis' has also been used as a means of classifying how well a product or solution meets

a targeted need or set of requirements

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Gap analysis

1 Gap analysis can identify gaps in the market. Thus, comparing forecast

profits to desired profits reveals the planning gap. This represents a goal for new activities in general, and new

products in particular.

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Gap analysis - Gap analysis to develop a better process

1 The gap analysis also can be used to analyze gaps in processes and the gap between the existing outcome

and the desired outcome.

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Gap analysis - Gap analysis to develop a better process

1 Sometimes the gap analysis will reveal that the two processes can be combined to create a new one that is

superior to either original.

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SysML - Overview

1 * SysML allocation tables support common kinds of allocations. Whereas UML provides only limited support for

tabular notations, SysML furnishes flexible allocation tables that support requirements allocation, functional allocation, and structural allocation. This capability facilitates automated

verification and validation (VV) and gap analysis.

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Competency-based recruitment - Best practices

1 Results can be used as part of the staffing process and / or for other purposes (e.g., competency gap

analysis for Learning and Development; Succession

Management; HR Planning).

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Exports - Export strategy

1 Internal 1: Export readiness assessment of a company (and gap analysis with recommendations how

to address the change required)

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Digital strategy - Developing a vision and prioritizing a set of online initiatives

1 A design of a technical architecture which will meet the needs of the business vision

and conform to the business plan and roadmap. This is often done as a gap analysis where the current technical

architecture is assessed. A future technical architecture, which meets the needs of the

online vision, is designed. The gaps between the current state and future state are identified, and a series of initiatives or projects to fill those gaps are developed

and sequenced.

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Tudor IT Process Assessment

1 TIPA also supports process improvement by providing a gap

analysis and proposing improvement recommendations.http://www.tipaonli

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Tudor IT Process Assessment - Overview

1 The gap analysis helps identify SWOT analysis|SWOTs, get a clear picture

of the current state and identify improvement recommendations.

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Marine Protected Area - International efforts

1 *By 2009 designate the protected areas

identified through the gap analysis.

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Pakistan Standard Time - Daylight saving time

1 Daylight saving time is no longer observed in

Pakistan.[ Gap

analysis on Energy Efficiency institutional arrangements in Pakistan],

Asif Masood, pp.44, 2010, UN ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for

Asia and the Pacific), United Nations, ..