garwood cranford kenilworth · alex flachek, 123 vpllcy road, clark, and the type of fuel oil used....

WATta omt tMkANNnmSAKT IH D I IIlia M GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH "WATCH IDS Mth'ANNTraUABY 188 UE JUNE 94 VoL L. No. 18. W ill Mail Fuel Oil FormsJune IO f Mott Consumers W ill ' Receive Same Ration A» During R ut Year With local War Price and Rationing Board* scheduled to mail out. fuel oil application ' forms directly, to consumers beginning June 10, the District OPA office here today outlined the new fuel rationing pro- gram which goes into effect July 1. Ia describing the new plan, W illiam R McKenna; chief rationing officer, emphasized that the program has been extremely sim plified, w ith the entire distribution of application forma and ration coupons accomplished by m ail to spare consumers the tim e end in- ' convenience of w aiting in lin e at schools or local boards. He said It ..was expected that distribution o f all rations would be completed by July Sl/and urged applicants to flit out the simple application form s as soon as they receive them and to return to local rationing boards im m ediately. * ileJhe^jnaJorlty of consume will receive the. same ration as last year, a feature of the new fuel oil program is a provision which auto- matically increases the ratlons o f cer- tain types of smaller homes of the bungalow type. - This provision, OPA explains, comes “as a result of careful study of representative rations, supported by valuable material submitted by local boards and field offices'* which indi- rated that the heat loss Is higher in such homes. ' ' • ' The application form which boards Will begin to mail on June 10 list only five questions which applicants w ill answer. These Indude, in addition to name and address of applicant, whether the ration w ill Be used. for the same premises as last year, wheth- er the applicant for the premises is the same as last year’s applicant, whether a smaller ration than last year’s , will be needed, and the name and address of the fuel oil supplier and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in- structions fo r fillin g o u tth e a p p U c a - tion, and explains how the ration w ill . be determined by the local board: “When the board receives this ap- plication, it w ill issue you the full heating and hot-water rations to which you aTe entitled. - “For - most private dwellings, -the new" (1943-44) rations w ill be figured ' just as were tile old (1942-43 rations. Some private dw ellings w ill receive a larger ration.' Your.board w ill deter- mine this on the basis of information it already has as to size of dwelling, amount of oil usually "used for. that ..dwelling, type of heating equipment, and locality in which the ration w ill be used. No ration w ill be reduced as a result of changes' in the methods of figuring. . ’Tor ail other buildings (for ex- ample, apartment houses end . office —buildings)7-the-new -Regulations "pro - vide for reissuance of the same amount as tost year’s *basic ration,’ (Continued on page ten) Township Has No Funds For Recreational Program Beyunoftas lin e Reduces Schedule . Although the Township Committee is in sympathy with proposed plans to inaugurate a recreational program In Cranford this summer for the young people, there are no funds In the^current budget to helji defray/the . This was announced Tuesday night at a meeting of the committee by Mayor George E. Osterheldt follow- ing verbal requests for support of such a program by H. Stanley Mac- Clary, chairman of the Rotary Club youth service committee, and Clar- ence Fritz, past president of the Lions Club, and in a letter from Sirs. Thom- as Gilley, chairman of the Junion Red Cross committee, which sponsored program tost season. - ' Mr. MacClary pointed out that In many families both parents now are engaged in war work and after the schools are dismissed for the sum. mer recess the children w ill, in many cases; be left without supervision. He Duty Stressed Local Police Oust Fortune Teller* : ' ■ .’4 ‘ sieve Zero, 89 years old, andfris wife, Pauline, 68 years old, were ar- rested Tuesday nigfbt b y S g tT h o m a s woods and Patrolman Lester Powell J® charges relating tp fortune telling, jfotr pieadhd guilty told were fined toe County- JattltottoUce Court T u «H <rey night. The ja il sentence w ill be suspended, < however,' According to Judge Carroll K . Sellers, before whom they were arraigned, Tor they agreed to Icave town immediately, ' Zero was charged by W oods with, operating for the use of the public a place for for- tune telling, a violation ofaflocaj ordi- nance . His w ife was charged under a state statute wjth being a disorderly Person b y ■ using palminstry or" an allied crafty science”, to tell tirefor- T-tunc ota'person. " . x '' P 1® police, had the: place under sur- veillance from the tim e it wasoperied. Charged by'Pktrolman Anton K o- ™cs wit^overtimexparking at the Station Plaza, the, following, .wait uned $2, each: Norman F . Stuart, 11 Madison avenue; A . Kenneth Howell, 205 Locust drive; F .'B . Panewicz* 18 Umora avenue; Florence Gilford, 25 Cherokee road, and Ronald dumpers; Newark.. Joseph. Hadabos, o f 118 East ®ancke street, Linden, wa», filled '81 S? a similar; charge, and Thomas M c- aiamara, of 252 North avenue, Gar- wood and Anthony D i Tuttle, of 601 ""trill avenue, W estfldd,yalso ar- reigned for overtime parking, - was wren suspended sentences toview of “ e fact that they left their cars at , Ptaza while they went to Newark w army physical examinations. Dr. G. G. Cole Speaks At Towmhip’s*Largest Manorial Day Rite, It is the. duty and responsibility of the people on the home front to see to it that the proper economic, social and political structures, as they relate to a Democracy, are maintained for our soldiers who are fighting oh the battle fronts, Dr. Charles G . Colei, president of Union Junior College told several thousand persons Mon- day night at Cranford's Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Tablet, North had Springfield avenues. v The speaker-impressed, on thei'as- semblage that those at the fighting front ale giving to their country con- siderably'more than Any who remain at home— that they are giving up their aspirations and their plana for the futtire, in addition to the possi- bility of giving up. their lives. “Be missionaries and tell workers strike,’’ Dr. Cole urged. “Tell your representatives In the Govern- ment what you want and aee that it to carried out Our government is made up of all thih people,.and we must becomemore vocal so our elect- ed representatives w ill know what we want” . The exercises at the tablet were the largest yet held in the community and followed a parade over a m ile- long route in which several hundred marchers participated. Mayor George E- Osterheldt in ex - tending a greeting, referred to, the fact that 1,210 Cranford boys are in the armed forces and that many more are scheduled to go, and said the community is proud of every one of them, as w ell as of the intrepid souls in this and -form er-wars who -have given their lives in order that , this country could maintain its freedom. S. E. Klunder, commander of Capt N . R. Fiske Post, 33.5, V . F. W „ was master of ceremonies, and Eric. An- derson, commander of Cranford Post; 212, American Legidn, -conducted the rojl-callot-w ay..xdead.— Besides-the 15 who gave their livej in W orld War I, he-read the names of the following from Cranford who have died to'this war; W illiam Ira Billinger, Chester A. Lang, W alter M. VanWagner, KeltherJeffries,Roger S. N orton ,*., and Alan X . 'OkOL'' *•> ' / ' A s the nitmes of the war dead were read,- wreaths ' were presented by these flower girls to be placed on small white crosses: Dorothy Davis; Caroline Knudien, Grace Dentz, Bar- bara McCarthy, Elsie Johansen, Patty. Bailey, Marian Kaye, Joye Skaarup, Marita .J^net-DougaS, Mary Markey, Margaret ‘ Sauer, Martha Berry, ' Virginia Sauer, Mary H u ll, Marcia - Houston, Katherine Sauer, (Continued on page four) said some program should be worked out particularly for-'children from 8 to 16 years of pge so that Cranford will not be faced with a juvenile de- linquency problem. h . .. | Police; /Com m issioner W olf, iwliito statinf that he was in full sympathy with the program and-would support it, declared that.he did not anticipate any great increase this summer above other summers. • ~ Steps to open a new road from Cen- tennial avenue to Lincoln Park, east, which runs through the former Kal tenbach estate, were taken at the meeting with the introduction of an ordinance to acquire part of the land by purchase or condemnation. Cer- tain township property is to be dedi- cated in the opening of the street. The road, necessary for a develop- ment to be undertaken by T. V . A l- bert, will extend 362 feet westerly from Centennial avenue, immediately north of Cranford Hall, and will con- tinue on a curve an additional 195 feet , into Lincoln Park, east The committee authorized the appropria- tion of $500 to acquire the required property. Bond anticipation notes, bearing interest of not more than 6 per cent and maturing within a year, will be issued to finance the cost A hearing was set for June 15. Referred to the Board of Adjust- ment were applications of M rs. George A . - Watson, 109 Holly street and Flora S. Allison, 114 Eastman street for permission to convert their residences from one to tw o-fam ily dwellings, and referred to. the road Committee Was a request of Nicholas Annese and Max Goldberg of Spring Garden street, that a portion of Es- telle place, along which part of their properties run, be dosed, x Recommendation of the tax Men committee, submitted by Wade H. PoSton, chairman, that 8550 be ac- cepted as full settlement of taxes and liens due orilot 63, block 75-C, was approved. \ ' Referred to thb^Town Planning Board was a new application of the Cranford Trust Company for per- mission to erect tw o-fam ily houses in block 87, facing on South avenue; east. Offer of 8100 from Mrs. Gablee Kelsey for lots 1923 and 1924 in block 548 was referred to the real estate committee. L. S. Kaplan of Newark requested a settlement on .taxes and interest oratos property at 735 Orange avenue. The request was referred to committee of the w tole.. ’ x State Board of Tax Appeals advised that hearings wUl be held at the .Court House Elizabeth,.at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow on the following appeals: Germania Mutual Savings Associa- tion, 405 Elm street; and Estate of Sarah B. Wood, 2-4-6-B South ave- nue. Thomas MacMeekin was au- thorized retained as a real estate ex- pert to aid the township attorney and ^ in representing the tovo-tA frfra Changes to the schedule of the Bevfeno Chartered Bus service, serv- ing Linden, Cranford snd Kenilworth, have been made to accordance with the recent 20 per cent reduction in bus travel ordered by the Office of Defense ^Transportation, it was an-) nounced b y officials o f the line this morning. The bus-w ill now run on half-hour intervals, leaving Linden every hour and half-hour to com- plete its round. Buses bound for Kenilworth will arrive at South and Walnut avenues at 20 minutes after and 10 minutes of the hour. .... No changes are contemplated in the schedule of the Green Flyer bus service between W estfield, Cranford, Kenilworth and Five Points, the H ill- side office of the line reported this morning. Buses w ill run on half- hour tchdulex, leavng Wesfield five minutes before and 25 minutes after the hour. . Thos. Cullen DiesIn Action Former Local Man Killed in Africa, •- W ar D ept Discloses Pfc. Thomas Joseph Cullen, Visiting Nurse Group Elects assessor ship’s interests at the hearing. Referred to the road committee / (Continued on latt page) Mrs. Daniel Burr Renamed President; , 5,936 Visits by Nurses- Mns. Daniel Bur was reelected president o f tiie Visiting Nurse As- sociation at the annual meeting last Friday morning at her home on Holljr street- Other officers, for the ensuing year follow : First vice-president, M rs. A. D. MacCuilum; second vice-president, M rs. W illiam E. - H ill; recording sec- retary, M rs. W illiam H. O ld; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. H. G . Hahlo; treasurer, M rs. J. P. Heuer; and as- sistant treasurer, Mrs. iH. A . Groben- gieser. Directors include- M rs. Everett Heim, M rs. Harris LaBoyteaux, Mrs. C. H. Krusie, Mrs. C. T. McGrady, Mrs. Peck, M rs. F. W . Myers and Mrs. C. L. Simms. . ‘; Members of the. association ex- pressed regret on the retirement from 1 the board of two. charter members; Mrs. H . J. Gocckel and M rs. G . K. |Warner. Both had served' since the . I inception of the group by the Village i Improvement Association more than ; 20 years ago. Mrs. Gocckel had been 251 chairman o f the nursing committee years old, formerly of 8 Cranford j and Mrs.-Warnerihad served-as treas- ierrace, was killed in the performance inrer-for_m anyyears. of his duty to North Africa, it was announced this week by the W ar De- partment in a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin J. MacKenzie of 6 Cranford terrace; dose friepds of the former Cranford boy, and in a telegram to his sister, M iss jUleen Cullen ~of Jackson Heights, L. I. " Cullen eras killed on May 25 but the W ar Department information does not reveal whether he was killed in the line o f duty or in some other fash- ion. He was wounded in, the left hand about two months ago, hls fam- ily and friends teamed, but the wound bad healed and he had returned to active combat, according to more re- cent letters. Pfc. Cullen bad been in the regular army since-19W and had been in service in Hawaii, the W est Coast and the South before, leaving for North Africa in February or March. He was ordered back to -this country- from Pearl Harbor jm t before the Jap at- tadc on tiie naval base in December, 1941....... . .... ' ...................... -...... ..... Cullen had bear a resident of Cranford store he was 18 months old. He was a native of Brooklyn. H is mother died to 1925 and'his fattier, James Cullen, in August 1939, and.he. had made his home w ith Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie whenever he was home on -furkHig] H e -la st-visited-them shortly before he' went to North ' May Not Open Boys’ Camp - In all probability, the Cranford Boys’ Camp, located on Silver Lake, near Hope, will not open this summer, it was announced yesterday by. Charles A . Skill- man, president of the Camp As- : ,, soc/ation. ; It w ill mark the) first season since the cump was Started about 17 years ago that it has not opened. .. ~ W hile nq official announcement will be forthcoming until all di- rectors have been contacted by Secretary Clifton H. Cox. Presi- dent Skillman said that the trans- portation, food and councilor problems, brought on by the war, would'make it impossible to open ~ . the camp this summer. School Gets Mrs. Heim, chairman of the nurs- ing committee, reported that the as- sociation’s two visiting nurses, «Mrs. Josephine Rudnicki and Miss Dorothy Koeppler, made 5,936 visits during the past year of which 022 were free cases. . The association has a hospital bed and two. wheel chairs which it will loan to local residents in need of such equipment. Must Use Zone . x Numbers on M a3 \ Local residents have been requested to use zone or key a iit e s ia addi- tion to regular addresses when writ- ing to. friends, relatives or business ____ __________ establishments In more than'160 cit- B esid es'th elles—tiiroughniit the country_whicn now'have tire zone system in opera- tion. According to' Postmaster W il- liam ITArcy, who made the above request, the zone 'SyStem has been put into operiaion to assist inexperienced postal-employes'-to .sorting Incoming matt. ,' ■ ' '' - In New Jersey, 'the followtogxllies are now operating under the zone pos- tal system: Elizabeth, Neiyark, Atlan- tic City, Camden, Jersey City, Pater- son and' Trentonl; . Abo under the system are New York Ctty. Brookly a, the Bronx and-Queens. ' . a i f^rt-oL thecttiesln.which th enetri system is betof tosted ls sivattaUe at tfie siatop' window at the. posiofflee, mid patrons are, Invited tp inspect the list ' ' • ., " A graduate ot S t Michael’s Paro- chial School, he had r also attended Lincoln School and entered the army immediately after the completion of h is form al education.------------------ Surviving besides his sister in Jackson Heights are another sister, Mrs. Anna Mae McBroom of Califor- nia; and two ibrothers, 1st L t James F. Cullen. 27 years old, recently of Camp Fidntt, Va., now supposedly overseas, and Pfc. John Cullen, 23 y««rs p t^ a l» in NorUi A frica.' - - - " v KHniiprto seven Hie More Potatoes Now, \ But Less Milk W hile the. potato famine appeared to have passed the crisis this week, the m ilk situation, under the new skip-a-day delivery'plan which pre- cipitated strikes among a number of route men for the larger .m ilk com- panies; caused - Cranford residents their newest-war-tim e headache. Many local families were without milk ' ora their doorsteps yesterday morning, and the majority of local stores were sold out before noon. Many stores, did not receive deliver- ies, either, some instances the proprietors braved the picket lines at the dairies to obtain milk for cus- tomers w ith small children. The route men -tiiuaT far have refused ~ to double up on deliveries every other day. . Most local stores received larger shipments of potatoes yesterday and today,' and some merchants were giv- ing customers up to stx pounds. . Send-off Monday for Selectees \ . ~ (r Many Left This ...... . -Week t<> Begin Navy Training Send-off ceremonies will be held at .10 a. m. Monday in the Cranford Theatre for the latest group of selectees from Local Board 5, comprising Cranford, Garwood and Clark. It w ijl include the first group of mar- ried men without children to be called up since the start of this year. 1 -The Rev. C. J. Mason, pastor of the Cranford Gospel Tabernacle; Mayor George E. Osterheldt, L. B. Hazzard, chairman of the board, arid H. 'R . Winckler, chairman of the send-off committee, w ill speak to the selectees.' Each member of the group will be given a utility kit, money belt. Amer- ican Legion handbook and Gideon So- ciety Bible. Musk: will be provided by the High School band, under di- rection of Louis Haar. Several members of the group, who - pasSed'physIcal'examihatiorisTarid' were inducted in Newark last week, left this week to begin training with the Navy. They .include: John A. Conway, 111 walnut avenue; Robert P ; Greco, 12 Meeker avenue; Joseph T . G riffin, 104 South avenue, east; August K. A. Howell, 205 Locust Drive; Everett F. Howell, Springfield; Ignazio. J. M iliano, 641 Raritan road;..WlUiam W . Miller, 7 South Un- , . , , ion avenue; Harold Richter, 10 W al- may play back recordings of-th elr -n in vcn u e; Howard W . Rlngle, 11 own voices and thus correct mistakes. -- - - - ■• - - The program included only one student talk this year, that of John Curran, president of the student council, who gave the'tribute to the boys .of the school serving in the armed forces. Eleven mdmbers of the graduating class were in the armed forces at the time of the ex- ercises and several more w ill leave w ith the Cranford inductees next week. Four of the doss were in ad- vanced schools, having left for ac- celerated courses, and were present at the graduation. - -X Graduating Gass. " Gives Phonographic . Recording Machine Presentation of a phonographic re- cording machine to the Cranford High School by the Class of 1943 high- lighted the graduation of 185 seniors from the school In commencement ex- ercises held Friday night in the High School auditorium. . Jane Fredrick, vice-president of the graduating class, presented Principal Ray A. Clement with the dironze plaque marking the machine" as the gift of the Class of 1943. .The machine will be used in the English, Public Speaking and Language departments as a means through which students CuBen’s z . number of Cranford men killed tiie present war. Loses Gais Ration for Pleasure Driving" John B . Lanza of 2 Chestnut street was denied use of bis A gasoline ra- tion book, until Labor Day for viola- tion of the pleasure driving ban by War'Frice~andTiatl6rUng”Board"No: 8 Violations In Blackout i Tih| hfii Tirif SocccmM Here Notes About Local Men In Nation's Armed Forces John A . Enright, ion of M r. and M rs., tyilllam .Enright of Sfratford terqce, lias completed basic training at Miami Beach and- been promoted to private, first class... He has been transferred to Seyrriour - Johnson Field, N:' C - to attend aero-*nechanic School- , * Pfc. Malcolm T. Douglas, Arm y Air Forces’ Technical Training Command sqn of M r, and Mrs. R .,T. Douglas of X Tulip street, is at . the U .'S . Army Hospital at 1*011 Totten, N. Y ., sufler- Ing from an'attack ot scarlrt fever. Upon completion of his basic training at Miami Beach, he 'Wfis tranrferTed to the cryptography school at ..Bawl- in g , N . Y . He recently spent week-, end with his parents. Sgt Harry Kates, a former'teacher in Cranford High School Is hpme on furlough thls week from Camp Polk, La. He Is accompanied By M rs. Katra who has beearesidtag to Shreveport, La.; for the past scvei'al months. . CpL Irvto K. Giles, U. & M . C , is spending a 30^ay firalough with his brother and slster-to-law , Sir. , and Sirs. Jblto Giles of 84; Ndrinandie jilace. CpL Giles has been on duty in the -South Pacific aftnt ztoce„ last September. ■ ' ^ ' . ; Pvt. Lawrence Khesey Is horte on a 10-day, (urlough from Fbrt Bragg, N . C ., visittogr his w ile,, the form er Annette Price, ancf his parents, Sir. 'anil Sfrs. PhIlip Kaeser of 309 Slandr avenue, - . ' ____ Seamark SecomL.Clam Wttliam A l- bans, son ot fifr. judd Sira. Tliamas Albans of 42 W all street, who re-, cently..completed hI* “boot” tratotag at’1the Sampson; N. ^ Naval Base, has been aqisgned 'to the Naval Air Technical Training,Center at Mem- phis,' ,Tenn. He w ill study aviation radio. - ', -. ' (Continjied on-pope jlec)/ . Eight violations were, reported dur- ing last Friday night's 35-m lnuie sur- prise State-wide’test blackout; it was announced following tiie test by Commander C. K, ^ellerj of the local Civilian Defense fam es. . Violations were vieported at 24 Springfield avenue, where a light was burtog to the lobby; -28 North avenue, east,'first floor; 30 North avenue, east, second floor; 352 North avenue, east; 140 Hillcrest avenue,-5 'Washington Place, , 407 Orchard street,- and 11 South Union, avenue. The violators probably will' be summoned, into court Monday. • 'V; ' . Despite the lateness ot the test, the turnout o f air raid, wardens rind other, volunteers was as good if. ndt better' than'many previous'tests, Command- er- Sellers stated.. The ,confidential “yellow” , signal was received), at 10J09. f iia , the first “blue" at 10:24 pi m _Ilhe. “red" at J0:35 Wi m ., the seconof "blue" at 10:45 {Uinkrtoi&the “ an dear” at 10:5914 p . m . \ ' The high, school commenctnient was finished just prior' to| the first blue «tgn»l, and most persons were enroute. home w hcvithe red signal setmded. Many prrsons'walttog iof bus service took refuge in nearby m itil the seesnd bine. ' ^ in 3, m eeting'to headquarters .in'RoSefiri Park last Wednesday nightx lt njark- de the first suspension^of gasoline ration here since the recent ban went into effect_____________: ~ - ____ . At the same m eeting,,!. Himpele ot Kenilworth was elected co-chairman of the board. to. relieve Chairman Clarence Fritz of Cranfordof the in- creasing responsibilities ot hla office. It was also pointed out that Mr. 'ritz is trailed out-of-tow n on busi- ness from tome to time and M r. Him; w ill act ia-hia -ahseuce^ - ' - ;. . Harold Kinney of 528' Orchard street-was appointed a member, of the board. ,. The high school orchestra, under the direction of Louis Haar. played the processional music for the grad- uates. The girls wore white sports dresses and the boys dark business suits. ' ’X Other detoils of the program ln - eluded the ores :n tation of next year's class president, Wilbur Chtnriry. James Buttolph, president of the sen- ior class, presented hlm .with the gavel of authority. Mr. Clement pre- sented the class to I)rf Howard R. Best, supervising pjihclpal, whoTin turn, presented them to Joseph l\. Plummer, president of the Board of dEuCation, who awarded' the diplo- mas, "yA . , The Rev. Matohett Y , Poynter, pasi tor ofthe Cranford Methodist Church, gave the invocation and the Rev. William H. Niebanck, pastor of Cal- vary Lutheran Church, pronounced the benediction-. The class Tsang “Land of Hope and Glory”, under trie direction.of Mra.' leu Idwshe^'music supervisor. . ,' ■'' % Woman’s Club . LuncbiionTufiaday ;V . The Crapford Woman’s Club will have its annual-luncheon at 1:30 p. ra. Tuesday at the Lynn Restaurant, Ebnora. H ie-m ajority of members w ittgo by train, which leaves here at 1 2 : « ’^ .r m .-A n n m l'r e p o r t s w t t t h e submitted and ofilcers elected fo r the ensuing year, .An aftemoon o f cards w ill follow the business meeting. M Brownies Become Scouts A t Annual 'Fly-up* Ceremony A-total of 44 Brownies of Cranford were promoted to the ranks of Girl Scouts in the annual “Fly-up” cere- monies held last Wednesday in the First Presbyterian Church. The program was to charge of Mrs. Frank Lane and .Mrs. A . K . Kleeman had charge of the music. The cere-i piony 'included the marching of the Brownies down . the stairs to the a^ sembly room, a welcome to the moth- ers and to M rs. Raymond Waters, director; Brownie songs and patriotic recitations and the ‘‘Fly-up” cere- mony. The new scouts had their wtogsipinned on by their leaders and wOre-tijen welctimed by a group of Cir) Scout.-., . ' . . --Tiiose who took part to the promo- tion ceremt. files'included: Troop 21— Mrs: t . A . Smith, leader;. May Fair- weather, Ruto . Frost, Nancy Rudd, Giidersjeeve, Marilyn Grant, Janice Richmond; Troop 23— Mrs. E. L. Timm, leader; Mrs. C. Grady, as- sistant deader; Faith Bartholomew, Elsa Eichinger, Lois. Lyons, Barbara Jane: Schlpper, Jean - Schmidt ’ and Mildred Schott. * Trop 24— Mrs. Frank Lane, leader; Kay Berry, Joyce Davis,. Nfincji,’Goode man, Jane Jeffries, Betsy’Lightbown, Elizabeth McPherson, Margaret Sauer, LaVaun Schfld, Barbara- Stoat and Eleanor Hewitt. ' ^ Troop 25-1-M rs. A . K . JCioeinan, leader; Vivian Adams, .Page Brydon, Katherine Reynolds, -Carole -Clark, June Lashlcy, Paddy Thom, Lois Anri Sc hack Joan Lehman. Barbara Kruger and Jane W hipple.' . Trop •20 — M rs--F . - M . Burelback, leader; Carol iiovettpBarbara. Flood. Anne Kuntzman, Patricia GraU, Rose-i mary Zarlllo,; Elizabeth, : Brennan, Norma Schaefer, Anne O’Donnell, Mary Brennan and Patricia W eis. Makatom drive; James D. Roberts, 163 North Lehigh avenue; and W il- liam F. Roche, Jr., Bethlehem, P a, all from Cranford or formerly from Cranford; W alter E. G ill, 325 W illow avenue; Harry T. Rittenhouse, SO 1/ Willow avenue, and Jerry J. W yres, 254 .North avenue, all of Garwood; Martin P. Haluza, W estfield ^aVenue, and Albert A . Nielson, Westfield ave- nue, both of d a rk . Joseph H. Yater, Jr., 15 Central avenue,.Cranford, and - Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, were accepted for^srirvice In the Mar- ines:- ...................... Those who-Wlll leave Monday fol- low: A Frta Cn^hrl H ttrmnir Ins CmfarS — Paul JCT Anger, 8 Waihlngloo rt. FeUr J. Ajtpeiato, 124 UlllcrMt Are. - VVAIUre J. Ilenoell, Jr., 30S B n 8L /Edward 1*. Connully, 32 DuxHilda Arm * >? AnUionjt DlTulUo, WeslAeid nr.bari E; ntedner, 314 Elm ......................... Itobfrt 0. Forster, 170 N. Lehigh Ara. (’hnrlea E. Frew, Jr., Chatham Jolmv. (Jreco, 38 BollywoM A*a. . Earl llughea, 4 Denman FI. Kta*en 0. JaruaewaU; Weatfleld Edmond Uv Klamla, 2 N. Union Ara. ' Edward 1*. Kuntiman, Jr., 0 UllUldn PL t%ariaa C. Llord, Jr., Long Branch- - Louia T. Luca.xlO Woodlawn Are. . - Chari w a Miller,' New York City . Ueorge C. Mory, 323 Nortti Are., E. . . Francis O’Brien, Rahway ^ __ . Joseph T- I’ernlco, Jr.V231 North Art., W. > . lloliert i ’oelUcr, 30 WallySL . ' Carmen II. Quelly, 406 Central Are. Carmen A. Ramarco, 123 N^W RL x Hluart D. Rhlelda, 21S Miln flt. . Stephen C. RIitwamlth, 35 Burnside. Are.. Thnmaa J.,flpeed, 305 Denman Rd. . William , f. Tunirr. 3rd. 7 ntuifleld 8L - John V. VanWagner, 426 N. UnionxAra. . 1Dooild Wchrenberg, IT Bunfalde Art, -8 w n W- Wrnli,, 229 North-Arn^,Wa-^\ .... - Jullua K. Woen, 337 Walnut Are. \ A ‘ ; ' . ' •* X ' , .. \ Frem Garwaed. aid formerly from flf weed Frank C. Chlndnkek* Newark George J. D!Matthews. 410 North At*. Ktanley Matllnaon, 212 Second At *. ' Thoms* U McNamara, 25t North Ar*. - John*Fatrick, 3t Aecond Ar*.. Georg* Bread*. I2> South Ay*. Fr*m Ctarit *r fen—rly tram l^crk — . Warren T. Hlntt. lielln . . . .Hendrik Moen.- Bprtogfleld . Joseph J. EchnMdw. Prescott Torn _ Dominick VUlcor. 1IS-A Wuhlngtom M. The next call on June 23 will be comprised largely of married men without children bom prior to Sep- tpn^er 14, lfi4 Z. ................. S.Elizabeth Hospital . Benefit Wednesday ... '.Throngs attended'the opening of the ticket sole for. the gala benefit at' the St, Elizabeth Hospital which wttl. be held next Wednesday nigtrt inJthe . Ritz Theatrp," Elizabeth. Ticket .sell- era at Altenburgfs-Piano House, 1150 East Jersey street, where the ad- vance sale Is in progress, reported to Stephen Negrc^, .chairman of the en- tertainment cqminftteerthat the racks would be cleared before' the week- £ 5 ^ 'if the present pace of patronage continues. At the- extremely low scale, of' prices for a first class screen feature ' with a high-grade bill of vaudeville added, the entertainment' committee _ considers the benefit the bargain en- tertainment of the. year, pside from .the wonhtooss of the hospital appeal for public aid. ; - L t and Mrs. Herinan G . Steiger- walt of Washington, D . C ., have an- nouncrid the birth of a daugiter. Elizabeth Jane. L t Steigerwalt, tiie' son of M r. arid M rs. George.Selgert- * wait of'114 Centennial avenue; is at- tached to the Bureau of Aeronautics of the U. S. Navy. , ' 1 - 41

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Page 1: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

W A T ta omttM k A N N n m S A K T

I H D I I I l i a M



M th 'A N N T ra U A B Y

1 8 8 UE JUNE 94

VoL L. N o. 18.

Will Mail Fuel Oil Forms June IO

f Mott Consumers W ill' Receive Same Ration

A » During R u t YearWith local W ar Price and

Rationing Board* scheduled to mail out. fuel o il application

' forms directly, to consumers beginning June 10, the District OPA office here today outlined the new fuel rationing pro­gram which goes into effect July 1.

Ia describing the new plan, W illiam R McKenna; ch ief rationing officer, emphasized that the program has been extremely sim plified, w ith the entire distribution o f application form a and ration coupons accom plished by m ail to spare consum ers the tim e end in­

' convenience o f w aiting in lin e at schools or local boards. H e said It

..was expected that distribution o f all rations would be com pleted by July Sl/and urged applicants to flit out the simple application form s as soon as they receive them and to return to local rationing boards im m ediately. *

ileJhe^jnaJorlty o f consum e will receive the. sam e ration as last year, a feature o f the new fu el oil program is a provision w hich au to­matically increases the ratlons o f cer­tain types o f sm aller hom es o f the bungalow type. -

This provision, O P A exp lain s, comes “as a result o f carefu l stud y of representative rations, supported by valuable m aterial subm itted by local boards and field offices'* w hich in d i-

• rated that the heat loss Is higher in such homes. ' ' • • '

The application form w hich boards Will begin to m ail on June 10 list on ly five questions w hich applicants w ill answer. These Indude, in addition to name and address o f applicant, whether the ration w ill Be u sed . for the same prem ises as last year, w heth­er the applicant for th e prem ises is the same as last year’s applicant, whether a sm aller ration than last year’s , w ill be needed, and the nam e and address o f the fu el o il supplier and the type of fu el o il used.

The back of the form contains in­structions for filling o u tth e a p p U ca - tion, and explains how the ration w ill

. be determined b y the local board:“When the board receives this ap­

plication, it w ill issue you the fu ll heating and hot-w ater rations to which you aTe entitled. ‘- “For - m ost private dw ellings, -the

new" (1943-44) rations w ill be figured ' just as were tile old (1942-43 rations.

Some private dw ellings w ill receive a larger ration .' Your.board w ill deter­mine this on the basis o f inform ation it already has as to size of dw elling, amount of oil usually "used for. that

..dwelling, type o f heating equipm ent, and locality in w hich the ration w ill be used. N o ration w ill be reduced as a result o f changes' in the m ethods of figuring. . ’

’Tor ail other buildings (fo r e x ­ample, apartm ent houses end . office

—buildings)7-the-new -R egulations "p ro ­vide for reissuance o f the sam e amount as tost year’s *basic ration ,’

(Continued on page ten)

Township Has N o Funds Fo r Recreational Program

Beyunoftas lin e Reduces Schedule

. Although the Tow nship Com m ittee is in sym pathy w ith proposed plans to inaugurate a recreational program In Cranford this sum m er fo r the young people, there a re no funds In the^current budget to helji defray/th e

. This w as announced Tuesday night at a m eeting of the com m ittee by M ayor G eorge E. O sterheldt follow ­ing verbal requests for support of such a program b y H . Stanley M ac- C lary, chairm an o f the R otary Club youth service com m ittee, and C lar­ence Fritz, past president o f the Lions C lub, and in a letter from Sirs. Thom ­as G illey , chairm an o f the Junion Red Cross com m ittee, w hich sponsored program tost season. - '

M r. M acClary pointed out that In m any fam ilies both parents now are engaged in w ar w ork and after the schools are dism issed for the sum. m er recess the children w ill, in m any cases; be le ft w ithout supervision. H e

Duty Stressed

Local Police Oust Fortune Teller* : ' ■. ’4‘ sieve Zero, 89 years o ld , a n d fris wife, Pauline, 68 yea rs old , w ere ar­rested Tuesday nigfbt b y S g tT h o m a s woods and Patrolm an Lester P ow ell

■ J® charges relating tp fortune telling, jfo tr pieadhd gu ilty told w ere fined

toe County- JattltottoU ce Court T u «H <rey night. T he ja il sentence w ill be suspended, < how ever,' According to Judge Carroll K . S ellers, before w hom they were arraigned, Tor they agreed

■ to Icave tow n im m ediately, ' Zero w as charged by W oods w ith, operating for the use o f the public a place for fo r­tune telling, a violation ofaflocaj ord i­nance . H is w ife w as charged under a state statute w jth bein g a disorderly Person by ■ using palm instry or" anallied crafty science”, to te ll tir e fo r -

T-tunc ota'person. " . x ' ' ■P 1® police, had the: place under sur­

veillance from the tim e it w asoperied.Charged by'P ktrolm an Anton K o -

™cs w it^overtim exp ark in g at the Station Plaza, the, follow ing, .w a it uned $2, each: N orm an F . S tu art, 11 Madison avenue; A . K enneth H ow ell, 205 Locust drive; F .'B . Panew icz* 18 Umora avenue; Florence G ilford , 25 Cherokee road, and R onald dum pers; Newark.. Joseph. H adabos, o f 118 E ast ®ancke street, L inden, w a», fille d '81 S? a similar; charge, an d Thom as M c - aiamara, o f 252 N orth avenue, G ar­wood and Anthony D i Tuttle, o f 601 ""t r i l l avenue, W e stfld d ,yalso a r - reigned for overtim e parking, - w as wren suspended sentences to v ie w of “ e fact that they le ft their cars at , Ptaza w hile they w ent to N ew ark w army physical exam inations.

Dr. G. G. Cole Speaks At Towmhip’s*Largest Manorial Day Rite,

It is the. duty an d responsibility o f the people on the hom e front to see to it that the proper econom ic, social and political structures, as th ey relate to a Dem ocracy, are m aintained for our soldiers who are fighting o h the battle fronts, D r. Charles G . Colei, president o f U nion Junior C ollege told several thousand persons M on­day night at C ranford's M em orial D ay cerem onies at M em orial T ablet, North h a d Springfield avenues. v

The speaker-im pressed, on thei'as­sem blage that those at the fighting front a le giving to their country con­siderably'm ore than A ny w ho rem ain at home— that they are givin g up their aspirations and their plana for the futtire, in addition to the possi­b ility o f giving u p . their liv es.

“B e m issionaries and te ll w orkers n o strike,’’ D r. C ole urged. “T ell you r representatives In the G overn­m ent w hat you w ant and aee th at it to carried o u t O u r governm ent is m ade up o f a ll thih p eop le ,.an d w e m ust becom em ore vocal so our elect­ed representatives w ill know w hat w e w an t” .

The exercises at the tablet w ere the largest yet held in the com m unity and follow ed a parade over a m ile - long route in w hich several hundred m archers participated.

M ayor G eorge E - O sterh eldt in ex ­tending a greeting, referred to , the fact that 1,210 Cranford boys are in the arm ed forces and that m any m ore are scheduled to go, and said the com m unity is proud of every one of them , as w ell as o f the intrepid souls in this and -fo rm er-w a rs w ho -h ave given their lives in order that , this country could m aintain its freedom .

S . E. K lunder, com m ander o f C apt N . R . Fiske Post, 33.5, V . F . W „ w as m aster o f cerem onies, and Eric. A n­derson, com m ander o f C ranford Post; 212, Am erican Legidn, -conducted the r o jl-c a llo t-w a y ..xdead.— B esid es-th e 15 w ho gave their liv e j in W orld W ar I , he-read th e nam es o f the follow ing from C ranford w ho have died to 'th is w ar; W illiam Ira B illinger, C hester A . Lang, W alter M . VanW agner, K elth erJ effries,R og er S . N o r to n ,* ., and A lan X . 'OkOL'' *•> ' / '

A s the nitm es o f the w ar dead w ere read,- w reaths ' w ere presented by these flow er girls to be placed on sm all w hite crosses: Dorothy D avis; Caroline K nudien, G race D entz, B ar­bara M cCarthy, E lsie Johansen, Patty. B ailey , M arian K aye, Joye Skaarup, Marita . J^n et-D ou gaS , M aryM arkey, M argaret ‘ Sauer, M artha B erry, ' Virginia Sauer, M ary H ull, M arcia - H ouston, K atherine Sauer,

(Continued on page four)

said som e program should be worked out particularly for-'children from 8 to 16 years of pge so that Cranford w ill not be faced w ith a juven ile de­linquency problem . h . .. |

Police; /Com m issioner W olf, iw liito statinf that he w as in fu ll sym pathy w ith the program and-w ould support it, declared that.he did not anticipate any great increase th is sum m er above other sum m ers. • ~

Steps to open a new road from Cen­tennial avenue to L incoln Park, east, w hich runs through the form er K al tenbach estate, w ere taken at the m eeting w ith the introduction o f an ordinance to acquire part o f the land by purchase or condem nation. Cer­tain township property is to be dedi­cated in the opening o f the street. ’

T h e road, necessary fo r a develop­m ent to be undertaken b y T . V . A l­bert, w ill extend 362 feet w esterly from Centennial avenue, im m ediately north of Cranford H all, and w ill con­tinue on a curve an additional 195 feet , into Lincoln Park, e a st The com m ittee authorized the appropria­tion o f $500 to acquire the required property. Bond anticipation notes, bearing interest o f not m ore than 6 per cent and m aturing w ithin a year, w ill be issued to finance the c o st A hearing w as set for June 15.

Referred to the Board of A djust­m ent were applications o f M rs.G eorge A . - W atson, 109 H olly street and Flora S . A llison , 114 Eastm an street for perm ission to convert their residences from one to tw o-fam ily dw ellings, and referred to. the road Committee W as a request o f N icholas Annese and M ax G oldberg o f Spring G arden street, th at a portion o f Es­telle place, along w hich part o f their properties run, b e d o sed , x Recom m endation o f the tax Men com m ittee, subm itted b y W ade H .PoSton, chairm an, that 8550 be ac­cepted as fu ll settlem ent o f taxes and liens due o r ilo t 63 , block 75 -C , w as approved. \ '

Referred to thb^T ow n Planning Board w as a new application o f the Cranford Trust Com pany for per­m ission to erect tw o-fam ily houses in block 87, facing on South avenue; e a s t . O ffer o f 8100 from M rs. G ablee K elsey for lots 1923 and 1924 in block 548 was referred to the real estate com m ittee. L . S . K aplan o f N ew ark requested a settlem ent on .taxes and interest oratos property at 735 Orange avenue. T he request w as referred to com m ittee o f th e w to le .. ’ x

S tate Board o f T a x A p p e a ls advised that hearings w Ul b e held at the .Court House E lizabeth ,.at 10 :30 a . m . tom orrow on the follow ing appeals: Germ ania M utual Savings Associa­tion, 405 Elm street; and Estate o f Sarah B . W ood, 2 -4 -6 -B South ave­nue. Thom as M acM eekin w as au­thorized retained as a real estate e x ­pert to aid the tow nship attorney and ^

in representing th e to v o -tA fr fr a

C hanges to the schedule o f the Bevfeno C hartered B u s service, serv­in g Linden, C ranford sn d K enilw orth, have been m ade to accordance w ith the recent 20 per cen t reduction in bu s travel ordered by the Office of D efense ^Transportation, it w as an -) nounced b y officials o f the lin e this m orning. T h e b u s-w ill now run on h a lf-h ou r intervals, leaving Linden every hour and half-hou r to com ­plete its round. B uses bound fo r K enilw orth w ill arrive at South and W alnut avenues a t 20 m inutes after and 10 m inutes o f th e hour. . .. .

N o changes are contem plated in the schedule o f the G reen Flyer bus service betw een W estfield , Cranford, K enilw orth and F iv e Points, the H ill­sid e office o f th e lin e reported this m orning. Buses w ill run on half­hour tchdulex, leavn g W esfield five m inutes before an d 25 m inutes after th e hour. .

Thos. Cullen Dies In Action

Former Local Man Killed in A frica,

•- W ar D ep t DisclosesP fc. Thom as Joseph Cullen,

Visiting Nurse Group Elects

assessorship’s interests at th e hearing.

R eferred to the road com m ittee / (Continued on latt page)

Mrs. Daniel Burr Renamed President; , 5 ,936 Visits by Nurses-

Mns. D aniel Bur w as reelected president o f tiie V isiting N urse A s­sociation a t the annual m eeting last Friday m orning at her hom e on Holljr street- O ther officers, for the ensuing year fo llo w :

First vice-president, M rs. A . D. M acC uilum ; second vice-president, M rs. W illiam E. - H ill; recording sec­retary, M rs. W illiam H . O ld ; corres­ponding secretary, M rs. H . G . Hahlo; treasurer, M rs. J . P . H euer; and as­sistant treasurer, M rs. iH. A . G roben- gieser.

D irectors include- M rs. Everett H eim , M rs. Harris LaBoyteaux, M rs. C. H. K rusie, M rs. C . T . M cGrady, M rs. P eck , M rs. F . W . M yers and M rs. C . L . Sim m s. . ‘ ;

M em bers of the. association e x ­pressed regret on the retirem ent from

1 the board o f tw o. charter m em bers; M rs. H . J. Gocckel and M rs. G . K .

| W arner. Both had served' since the . I inception o f the group by the Village

i Im provem ent Association m ore than ; 20 years ago. M rs. G occkel had been

2 5 1 chairman o f the nursing com m ittee years old , form erly o f 8 Cranford j and M rs.-W arnerihad served-as treas- ierrace, w as k illed in the perform ance inrer-for_m an yyears. o f h is duty to N orth A frica , it was announced th is w eek b y the W a r De­partm ent in a letter to M r. and M rs.Irvin J. M acK enzie o f 6 Cranford terrace; d o se friepds o f the form er Cranford boy , and in a telegram to his sister, M iss jU leen Cullen ~of Jackson H eights, L . I. "

Cullen eras killed on M ay 25 but the W ar Departm ent inform ation does not reveal w hether he was killed in the line o f du ty o r in som e other fash­ion . H e w as w ounded in , the left hand about tw o m onths ago, h ls fam ­ily and friends team ed, b u t the wound bad healed and he had returned to active com bat, according to m ore re­cent letters. ’

P fc. C ullen bad been in the regular arm y sin ce -1 9 W and had been in service in H aw aii, the W est C oast and the South before, leaving for North A frica in February o r M arch. H e was ordered back to -th is country- from Pearl H arbor jm t before the Jap a t- tadc on tiie naval base in Decem ber,1941........ . . . . ' ...................... -...... .....

C ullen had bear a resident of C ranford store he w as 18 m onths old.H e w as a native o f Brooklyn. His m other d ied to 1925 a n d 'h is fattier,Jam es C ullen, in A u gust 1939, and.he. had m ade h is hom e w ith M r. and M rs.M acK enzie w henever h e was homeon -fu rkH ig] H e -la st-v isite d -th e mshortly before h e ' w ent to North

' May Not Open Boys’ Camp -In all probability, the Cranford

Boys’ Cam p, located on Silver Lake, near H ope, w ill not open this sum m er, it was announced yesterday by. Charles A . S k ill- m an, president of the Cam p A s- :

,, soc/ation. ; It w ill m ark the) first season since the cump w as Started about 17 years ago that it has not opened. .. ~

W hile n q official announcement w ill be forthcom ing until a ll di­rectors have been contacted by Secretary C lifton H . C ox. Presi­dent Skillm an said that the trans­portation, food and councilor problem s, brought on by the war, w ould'm ake it im possible to open ~

. the cam p this summer.

School Gets

M rs. H eim , chairm an o f the nurs­ing com m ittee, reported that the as­sociation’s tw o visiting nurses, «Mrs. Josephine Rudnicki and M iss Dorothy Koeppler, m ade 5,936 visits during the past year of which 022 w ere free cases. .

The association has a hospital bed and tw o. w heel chairs w hich it w ill loan to local residents in need of such equipm ent.

Must Use Zone . x Numbers on Ma3 \

Local residents have been requested to use zone or key a i i t e s i a addi­tion to regular addresses w hen w rit­in g to. friends, relatives o r business

____ __________ establishm ents In m ore th a n '160 c it-B e sid e s 'th e lle s—tiiroughniit the cou ntry_w hicn

now 'have tire zone system in opera­tion. According to' Postm aster W il­liam ITA rcy, w h o m ade th e above request, the zone 'SyStem has been put in to operiaion to assist inexperienced postal-em ployes'-to .sortin g Incom ing m att. ,' ■ • ' '' -

In N ew Jersey, 'th e fo llo w tog xllies are now operating under the zone pos­tal system : Elizabeth, N eiyark, A tlan ­tic C ity , Cam den, Jersey C ity , Pater­son a n d ' Trentonl; . A b o under the system a re N ew Y ork C tty. B rookly a , the Bronx and-Q ueens. ' .■ a i f^rt-oL th ecttiesln .w hich t h e n e tri system is b e to f tosted ls sivattaU e at tfie siatop' w indow a t the. posiofflee, m id patrons are, Invited tp inspect the lis t ■ ' ' • ., " ■

A graduate ot S t M ichael’s Paro­chial School, he had r a lso attended Lincoln School and entered the arm y im m ediately after th e com pletion ofh is form al education.------------------

Su rviving besides h is sister in Jackson Heights are another sister, M rs. A nna M ae M cBroom o f C alifor­n ia ; and tw o ibrothers, 1st L t Jam es F . C ullen . 27 years o ld , recently of Cam p F id n tt, V a ., now supposedly overseas, and P fc. John C ullen, 23 y ««r s p t ^ a l » in N orU i A frica.' - -

- " ‘ v KHniiprto seven Hie

More Potatoes Now, \ But Less Milk

W hile the. potato fam ine appeared to have passed the crisis this week, the m ilk situation, under the new sk ip -a-day delivery 'p lan w hich pre­cipitated strikes am ong a num ber of route m en for the larger .m ilk com ­panies; caused - C ranford residents their new est-w ar-tim e headache.

M any local fam ilies w ere w ithout m ilk ' ora their doorsteps yesterday m orning, and the m ajority o f local stores w ere sold out before noon. M any stores, did not receive deliver­ies, either, an d .to som e instances the proprietors braved the picket lines at the dairies to obtain m ilk fo r cus­tom ers w ith sm all children. The route m en -tiiuaT fa r have refused ~ to double up on deliveries every other day. .

M ost local stores received larger shipm ents o f potatoes yesterday and today,' and som e m erchants w ere giv­ing custom ers up to stx pounds. .

Send-off Monday forSelectees\ . — ~ (r ■ ’

Many Left This ....... -Week t<> Begin

Navy TrainingSend-off ceremonies will be

held at .10 a. m. Monday in the Cranford Theatre for the latest group o f selectees from Local Board 5, comprising Cranford, Garwood and Clark. It w ijl include the first group o f mar­ried men w ithout children to be called up since the start o f this year.

1 -T h e R ev. C . J . M ason, pastor o f the Cranford Gospel Tabernacle; M ayor G eorge E. O sterheldt, L . B . Hazzard, chairman o f the board, arid H . 'R . W inckler, chairm an of the sen d-off com m ittee, w ill speak to the selectees.' Each m em ber of the group w ill be given a utility k it, m oney belt. Am er­ican Legion handbook and Gideon So­ciety B ib le. M usk: w ill be provided by the H igh School band, under di­rection of Louis Haar.

Several m em bers of the group, who - p asS ed 'p h ysIcal'exam ih atiorisT arid ' w ere inducted in Newark last w eek, left this week to begin training with the N avy. They .in clude: John A . Conw ay, 111 w alnut avenue; Robert P ; G reco, 12 M eeker avenue; Joseph T . G riffin, 104 South avenue, east; August K . A . H ow ell, 205 Locust D rive; Everett F . H ow ell, Springfield; Ignazio. J. M iliano, 641 Raritan road;..W lUiam W . M iller, 7 South Un­

, . , , ion avenue; H arold R ichter, 10 W a l-m ay play back recordings o f-th e lr -n in v c n u e ; Howard W . R lngle, 11 own voices and thus correct m istakes. - - - - - ■• - -

The program included only one student talk this year, that o f John Curran, president of the student council, w ho gave th e'tribu te to the boys .of the school serving in the armed forces. Eleven mdmbers o f the graduating class w ere in the armed forces at the tim e of the ex­ercises and several m ore w ill leave with the Cranford inductees next week. Four o f the d o ss w ere in ad­vanced schools, having le ft for ac­celerated courses, and w ere present at the graduation. - -X

Graduating G ass. "Gives Phonographic . Recording Machine

Presentation of a phonographic re­cording m achine to the Cranford High School by the Class o f 1943 high­lighted the graduation of 185 seniors from the school In commencement ex­ercises held Friday night in the High School auditorium . .

Jane Fredrick, vice-president of the graduating class, presented Principal R ay A . C lem ent w ith the dironze plaque m arking the m achine" as the gift o f the C lass o f 1943. .T h e machine w ill be used in the English, Public Speaking and Language departm ents as a m eans through w hich students

CuBen’s z . num ber o f Cranford m en killed tiie present war.

Loses Gais Ration for Pleasure Driving"

John B . Lanza o f 2 Chestnut street was denied use o f b is A gasoline ra­tion book, until Labor D ay fo r viola­tion o f th e pleasure driving ban by W ar'F rice~an d T iatl6rUng”B oard "N o:

8 Violations In Blackout

iTih|h fii Tirif SocccmM H ere

N otes A bout Local M en In Nation's A rm ed Forces

John A . Enright, io n o f M r. and M rs., tyilllam .E nright o f Sfratford terqce, lias com pleted basic training a t M iam i Beach and- been prom oted to private, first c la ss ... H e has been transferred to Seyrriour - Johnson F ield , N :' C - to attend aero-*nechanic School- , *

P fc. M alcolm T . Douglas, A rm y A ir F orces’ Technical Training Com m and sqn o f M r, and M rs. R .,T . D ouglas o f X T u lip street, is at . the U .'S . A rm y H ospital at 1*011 Totten, N . Y ., su fler- Ing from an 'attack ot scarlrt fever. U pon com pletion o f his basic training a t M iam i Beach, h e 'Wfis tranrferTed to the cryptography school a t ..B aw l­in g , N . Y . H e recently spent w eek-, end w ith h is parents. ‘

S g t H arry K ates, a form er'teacher in C ranford High School Is hpm e on furlough th ls w eek from Cam p Polk, L a . H e Is accompanied By M rs. K atra w ho has b eearesid tag to Shreveport,

L a .; for the past scvei'al m onths. .CpL Irvto K . G iles, U . & M . C , is

spending a 3 0 ^ a y firalough w ith his brother and slste r-to -la w , S ir. , and Sirs. Jblto G iles o f 8 4 ; Ndrinandie jilace. CpL G iles has been on duty in the -South Pacific a ftn t ztoce„ last Septem ber. ■ ' ^ ' .; P v t. Lawrence K hesey Is horte on a 10-day, (urlough from F b rt B ragg, N . C ., visittogr h is w ile ,, the form er Annette Price, ancf his parents, S ir. 'anil Sfrs. PhIlip K aeser o f 309 Slandr avenue, - . '____

Seamark Secom L.Clam W ttliam A l­bans, son o t fifr. judd Sira. Tliam as A lban s o f 42 W a ll street, w ho r e -, cen tly.. com pleted hI* “boot” tratotag at’1 th e Sam pson; N . ^ N aval B ase, has been aqisgned 'to the N aval A ir Technical T rain ing,C en ter a t M em ­phis,' ,Tenn. H e w ill study aviation radio. • • - ' , -.

' (Continjied on-pope jle c ) /

. E ight violations w ere, reported dur­ing last Friday night's 35-m ln u ie sur­prise State-w ide’test blackout; it was announced follow ing tiie te st by Com m ander C . K , ^ e lle r j o f the local C ivilian D efense fam es. .

V iolations w ere vieported a t 24 Springfield avenue, w here a ligh t was burtog to the lobby; -28 N orth avenue, east,'first floor; 30 N orth avenue, east, second floor; 352 N orth avenue, east; 140 H illcrest avenue,-5 'W ashington P lace, , 407 Orchard street,- and 11 South U nion, avenue. The violators probably w ill' be sum m oned, into court M onday. • • ‘ ' V ; ■ '. D espite the lateness ot the test, the

turnout o f air raid, w ardens rind other, volunteers w as as good if. ndt better' than 'm any previous'tests, Com m and­er- S ellers sta te d .. T h e ,confidential “yellow ” , signal w as received), at 10J09. f i i a , the first “b lu e " at 10:24 pi m _Ilh e . “ red " at J 0 :3 5 Wi m ., the seconof "b lu e " a t 1 0 :4 5 {U inkrtoi& the “an d ear” at 10:5914 p . m . \ '

T h e h igh , school com m enctnient w as finished ju st p rio r' to| the first blu e «tgn »l, and m ost persons were enroute. hom e w h cv ith e re d signal setm ded. M any prrson s'w alttog iof bu s service took refu ge in nearby

m itil the seesn d bine. ' ^

in 3 , m eeting'to headquarters . in'RoSefiri Park last W ednesday n ig h tx l t n jark - de the first suspension^of gasoline ration here since the recent ban w entinto e ffe ct_____________: ~ - ____. A t th e sam e m eetin g ,,!. H im pele ot K enilw orth was elected co-chairm an of the b o a rd . to . relieve Chairm an Clarence Fritz o f C ran ford of the in­creasing responsibilities o t hla office. It w as a lso pointed out that M r. 'ritz is trailed ou t-of-tow n on busi­

ness from tome to tim e and M r. H im ;w ill a ct ia -h ia -ahseuce^ - ' - ; .

. H arold K inney of 528 ' Orchard street-w as appointed a m em ber, o f the board. , .

The high school orchestra, under the direction of Louis H aar. played the processional m usic for the grad­uates. T h e girls wore w hite sports dresses and the boys dark business suits. ' ’X

Other detoils o f the program ln - eluded the ores :n tat ion o f n ext year's class president, W ilbur Chtnriry. James B uttolph, president o f the sen­ior class, presented hlm .w ith the gavel o f authority. M r. C lem ent pre­sented the class to I)r f Howard R . Best, supervising pjihclpal, w hoTin turn, presented them to Joseph l\. Plum m er, president o f the Board of dEuCation, w ho aw arded' the diplo­m as, "yA . ,

The R ev. M atohett Y , Poynter, pasi tor o fth e Cranford M ethodist Church, gave the invocation and the R ev. W illiam H . Niebanck, pastor of Cal­vary Lutheran Church, pronounced the benediction-. T h e class T sang “Land o f H ope and G lory” , under trie direction .of Mra.' le u Idw she^'m usic supervisor. . , ' ■'' %

Woman’s Club . LuncbiionTufiaday ;V. The C rapford W om an’s Club w ill have its annual-luncheon at 1 :30 p . ra. Tuesday a t the Lynn Restaurant, E bnora. H ie -m a jo rity o f members w ittgo b y train, which leaves here at 1 2 :« ’ .r m .-A n n m l'r e p o r ts w ttth e subm itted and ofilcers elected fo r the ensuing year, .A n aftem oon o f cards w ill follow the business m eeting.

M Brownies Becom e Scouts A t Annual 'Fly-up* Cerem ony

A -to ta l o f 44 Brow nies o f Cranford were prom oted to the ranks of G irl Scouts in th e annual “F ly -u p ” cere­m onies held last W ednesday in the First Presbyterian Church.

T h e program w as to charge of M rs. Frank L ane and .M rs. A . K . K leem an had charge of the m usic. The cere-i piony 'in cluded the m arching o f the B row nies dow n . the stairs to the a ^ sem bly room , a w elcom e to the moth­ers and to M rs. Raym ond W aters, director; Brow nie songs and patriotic recitations and the ‘ ‘F ly -u p ” cere­m ony. T h e new scouts had their w togsipinned on by their leaders and wOre-tijen w elctim ed by a group of C ir) S c o u t.-., . • ' .. --Tiiose w ho took part to the promo­tion cerem t. files'included: Troop 21— M rs: t . A . Sm ith, leader;. M ay Fair- w eather, R uto . Frost, N ancy Rudd,

G iidersjeeve, M arilyn Grant,

Janice R ichm ond; Troop 23— M rs. E . L . Tim m , leader; M rs. C . G rady, as­sistant deader; Faith Bartholom ew , Elsa Eichinger, Lois. Lyons, Barbara Jane: Schlpper, Jean - Schm idt ’ and M ildred Schott. *

• Trop 24— M rs. Frank Lane, leader; K ay B erry, Joyce D avis,. Nfincji,’Goode man, Jane Jeffries, B etsy’ Lightbown, Elizabeth M cPherson, M argaret Sauer, LaVaun Schfld , Barbara- Stoat and Eleanor H ew itt. ' ^

Troop 25-1-M rs. A . K . JCioeinan, leader; V ivian Adam s, .Page Brydon, Katherine Reynolds, -C arole -Clark, June L ashlcy, Paddy T h om , Lois Anri Sc hack Joan Lehm an. Barbara K ruger and Jane W h ip p le .' .

Trop • 20 — M rs--F . - M . Burelback, leader; C arol iiovettpB arbara. Flood. Anne K untzm an, Patricia G raU , Rose-i m ary Z a r lllo ,; Elizabeth, : Brennan, Norma Schaefer, Anne O ’D onnell, M ary Brennan and Patricia W eis.

M akatom drive; Jam es D . R oberts, 163 North Lehigh avenue; and W il­liam F . Roche, Jr., Bethlehem , P a , all from Cranford or form erly from Cranford; W alter E . G ill, 325 W illow avenue; H arry T . Rittenhouse, SO1/ W illow avenue, and Jerry J. W yres, 254 .N orth avenue, all o f Garw ood; M artin P. H aluza, W estfield ^aVenue, and A lbert A . N ielson, W estfield ave­nue, both o f d a r k . Joseph H . Yater, Jr., 15 C entral avenue,.Cranford, and - A lex Flachek, 123 V pllcy road, C lark, were accepted for^srirvice In the M ar­ines:- ......................

Those w ho-W lll leave M onday fol­low : A ■ ■Frta Cn^hrl H ttrmnir I n s CmfarS —

Paul JCT Anger, 8 Waihlngloo rt.FeUr J. Ajtpeiato, 124 UlllcrMt Are.

- VVAIUre J. Ilenoell, Jr., 30S B n 8L /Edward 1*. Connully, 32 Dux Hilda Arm *

>? AnUionjt DlTulUo, WeslAeidnr.bari E; ntedner, 314 Elm .........................Itobfrt 0. Forster, 170 N. Lehigh Ara.(’hnrlea E. Frew, Jr., Chatham Jolmv. (Jreco, 38 BollywoM A*a. .Earl llughea, 4 Denman FI.Kta*en 0. JaruaewaU; Weatfleld Edmond Uv Klamla, 2 N. Union Ara.

' Edward 1*. Kuntiman, Jr., 0 UllUldn PL t%ariaa C. Llord, Jr., Long Branch- - Louia T. Luca.xlO Woodlawn Are. .

- Chari w a Miller,' New York City .Ueorge C. Mory, 323 Nortti Are., E. .

. Francis O’Brien, Rahway ^ __ .Joseph T- I’ernlco, Jr.V231 North Art., W. >

. lloliert i ’oelUcr, 30 WallySL • • .' Carmen II. Quelly, 406 Central Are.Carmen A. Ramarco, 123 N W RL x Hluart D. Rhlelda, 21S Miln flt. .Stephen C. RIitwamlth, 35 Burnside. Are.. Thnmaa J.,flpeed, 305 Denman Rd. .William , f . Tunirr. 3rd. 7 ntuifleld 8L

- John V. VanWagner, 426 N. UnionxAra. .1 Dooild Wchrenberg, IT Bunfalde Art, „

- 8 w n W- Wrnli,, 229 North-Arn ,Wa-^\ ....- Jullua K. Woen, 337 Walnut Are. \

• A ‘ ■ ; ' . ' •* X ' , .. \Frem Garwaed. aid formerly from flf weed

Frank C. Chlndnkek* Newark George J. D!Matthews. 410 North At*.Ktanley Matllnaon, 212 Second At*. 'Thoms* U McNamara, 25t North Ar*. - John*Fatrick, 3t Aecond Ar*..Georg* Bread*. I2> South Ay*.

Fr*m Ctarit *r fen—rly tram l^crk — .Warren T. Hlntt. lielln . . .

.Hendrik Moen.- Bprtogfleld • .Joseph J. EchnMdw. Prescott Torn _Dominick VUlcor. 1IS-A Wuhlngtom M.The next call on June 23 w ill b e

com prised largely o f m arried m en w ithout children bom prior to Sep - tpn ^er 14, lfi4Z. .................

S.Elizabeth Hospital . Benefit Wednesday ...'.T h ro n g s atten d ed 'th e opening o f the ticket sole for. the gala benefit a t' the S t, Elizabeth H ospital which w ttl. be h eld n ext W ednesday nigtrt inJthe . R itz Theatrp," Elizabeth. Ticket .se ll- era at Altenburgfs-Piano H ouse, 1150 East Jersey street, w here the ad­vance sale Is in progress, reported to Stephen N egrc^, .chairm an o f the en­tertainm ent cqm inftteerthat the racks w ould be cleared before' the w eek- £ 5 'if the present pace o f patronage continues.

A t the- extrem ely low scale, o f' prices for a first class screen feature ' w ith a high -grade b ill o f vaudeville added, the entertainm ent' com m ittee _ considers the benefit the bargain en­tertainm ent o f th e. year, pside from

.the w onhtooss o f the hospital appeal for public aid . ; -

L t and M rs. Herinan G . Steiger- w alt o f W ashington, D . C ., have a n - nouncrid the birth o f a dau giter. Elizabeth Jane. L t Steigerw alt, tiie ' son o f M r. arid M rs. G eorge.Selgert- * w ait o f '114 Centennial avenue; is at­tached to the Bureau o f Aeronautics o f the U . S . N avy. • , '


- 41

Page 2: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

------------ THE CRANFORD--

(Eittznt and fflftrnm rieT h * C k an to cd C b b o n ic u c , E sta b lish ed I I M - i n Q u x ro so C rm c x , Established, .189!

■ .. (Com bined in 1921) - -

m unity. J u v e ^ t delm qaency ia not n probi' lem at the ifiomeBt m C ran lord . Let's aee^ to it that it'does not becom e a problem ./ . ~hv-

H a '>*w*

iliE T T E R S T Q T H E E D I T O R v ** % 3Q pQ j

. ' J.. • • . • * *

A Fine Record


ED W AR D C . M cM AH O N . Pubuskzh CH AR LES M . R A Y , Enrro* '

m n i .CMORIAL.ESOCjATlONEntered at the Post O ffice at Cranford, N . J ,. as Second C lass. M atter.

Published Thursday at C ranford, New Jersey, by The Cranford C itizen and C hronicle, Inc. O fficial

- paper for C ranford, G arw ood, and K enilw orth. ~—"S utty r fp ^n fr ^*lt ^ ^ no a Jvaar. In Advance

5 -7 A ld sn S ’O FF IC E :

apifa—and faculty membera o f the Cranford Juiuor-Sehior High School .haVe made a splendid record for themselves, their school and their com m unity in the purchase o f war bonds and stamps during the past year. . ■' . . ■. "

Since the program w as inaugurated a little m ore than a year ago, the pupils and faculty membera have purchased a total o f $ 104,072.35 in bonds and stamps. Not on ly is this displaying a fine spirit; at a time when the government needs every dime and every d ollar to purchase, vital w ar equip- meht, but

• ACom m unity Problem'■ A new comm unity problem, brought

on by the war, faces Cranford this summer. .Because o f the ban on pleasure driving, the crow ded trains and buses and heavier work­

' in g schedules, there will be fewer families leaving town after school closes for the sea­shore, mountains or summer camps. This means there w ill be more-children in town during the summer months. -Both the moth­ers and fathers o f many children are now* working in war plants or doing some type o f volunteer war work, leaving the children to shift for themselves.

W e have a fine group o f youngsters in Cranford — there are no finer anywhere — but they are only human, and without proper supervision the community may find itself facing a serious juvenile problem. But where are the- childreir to-look - for-- super--

—vision? : • ~ ■ ^■ A t the present time, the only p layfield :

in the com m unity open during the summer is the County Park play area located at the ! foo t o f High street, and the opening o f that field hinges on the obtaining o f a qualified. supervisor. '■

Cranford has no recreation com m ission and there are no funds provided in the cur­rent township budget fo r this purpose.

The Lions and R otary Clubs, realizing the seriousness o f the problem , have started• m ovem ent to arouse interest am ong otherorganizations and individuals to see if some .organized recreational program can be for­mulated. Schools w ill be dismissed in an­other tw o weeks and som e program should b e drafted by that time if it is to b e started a t all. - ■........' - ...........r

The problem is too large a one fo r two service clubs to handle alone. It demands and should receive the support o f the churche, the township, the schools, other or­ganizations, parents o f. Cranford's 3,000 school children -— in fact the entire com -

T ti CRantord 6-oooa meht, but the sales planrazTfr-is opeiraterida^ the local schools, bias taught the pupils the., value o f saving regularly. _

George Beam, faculty adviser, and his corps o f ’ faculty and, stuefent assistants are .

' to be comm ended on the fine record they': have made to date. It is the hope o f the com ­mittee that every student in the school w ill purchase a bond or stamp next Tuesday, the final sales' day o f the current school y ea r/ Let's hope the com m ittee attains its goaL/w

E ditor, C itizen- and C hronicle, ..t Y - C ranford, N . J . - • .

D ear S lr r • . . -. O n beh alf o f-th e Am erican L esion a .t'riiia ry , f*r«n fard * 1g. 1 w ish to .th ank .Cranford tow nspeople f o r ' their generous support o f our Poppy Program. • •

I a lio w ith to . thank The C itizen and C hronicle fo r the publicity space alloteid to us. ,

- M A R Y BEER,.1 * Poppy Chairm an.

28. H am ilton Avenue,- ■ ■ , •' Cranford, N . J .- ' ' Mar 3 0 ,1 8 4 3

E ditor, C itizen an d Chronicle,C ranford , N . J . ' ' ,

Dedr S ir : ' ~ " ' ;

Gasoline Is VitalT w o hundred gallons o f gasoline would

last an A card holder about tw o years and e^ K r tn6nths;'^t'the~presem alfawaHe rate- o f consum ption, but a b ig LI. S. Bomber uses that much in one hour. _- ’ Keystone A utom obile Club stresses thisin a statement urging m otorist cooperation in saving all possible gasoline fo r use oN h e country's armed foirces. T he Club believes therehas not been enough emphasis on the trem endous quantities o f gasoline and oil needed for prosecution o f the war. M otor­ists, it says, w ould have accepted inconven­ience and hardships m ore readily i f the facts had been m ore plainly Stated. • 1

A recent report made by the O ffice o f W ar Information gives the follow ing figures on gas consum ption for w ar:

A mech&nizeddiviaion burns up 18,000- gallons o f gasoline per hour at normal speed; a fighter plane needs 100 gallons an hour and a bom ber 200 gallons. Ships which can y supplies' to the armies in A frica aver­age 214,000 gallons o f heavy fuel oil fo r the round trip.' “ These are just a few o f the uses o f gasoline on the war fronts o f the world, the Club statement.said. T ho'tdtai am 'ount'of gas and oil needed for military operations w ill stagger the imaginatiori whien it eventu­ally ia made public. '

I f w e athom e keep these facts in m ind, w e w ill be m ore likely to think .twice before using gas fo r any non-essential purpose.

" A t tim es lik e them w e a ll fe d that w e are contributing as m uch as pos­sib le to such organizations as the (J. S . O . and th e -Red C ross. For m any o t u s a t hom e this m erely m eans a donation to a w orthy cause, and w e'm erely*scratch the surface in

~ understanding h ow ~ beneficial and w elcom e it is to th e m en in the arm ed forces. • ' " . ’

I w ould lik e to quote a portion o f the first letter m y parents received

. from m y brother, Sergeant Ira D . D orian, w ho is now stationed som e­w here in In d ia : '

“ In com ing h ere we had occasion to pass through several U . S . A rm y posts and I certain ly w as proud to see how fine a job has been done. In a coun­try that has poor livin g,, sanitation, Cnnd a n d -,w a ter_fa cilitiey ..ift_sh g rt periods o f tim e d ean and 'w d l sani­tated buildings have been erected vrtth show ers (unknow n in this coun­try ap p aren tly); food as good as that in the U . S . an d plen tiful in quantity is the general r u le . . ,

— “ T o g eth erw ith , the arm y, the R ed Cross to doin g com m etfchle w ork. A t on e cam p, the officers b u ilt fo r th e m - - selves w hat th ey considered to b e a luxurious loun ge room . T h e R ed C ross then b u ilt on e fo r th e enlisted m en so w e ll th a t it surpaarad that o f th e officers. A t m y present port, I am w riting th is letter from a R ed C ross lounge roam w hich has been so w eU set u p th at It looks lik e a lu xu r­ious d u b back in th e states. Fans overhead, w ritin g tabes a t one side, a sm all lib rary , a pool table, am ple

Patuffer ch airs, and a m oderately priced restaurant m ake it on e o f the nicest paces in tow n. T h e R ed C ross is doing a fin e Job and I hope it is bein g strongly supported back hom e.’’

-4 -1 -

—thru^orwindowB y M aafi C kariey

T w o C ranford residents now on w ar duty In R y i « t bad a gay and happy reunion in London re - cen tiz- They, w ere H iss J o a n . B a n te r, cfo u ^ ter of M rs. C halm ers B ryce o t P ittsfield street an dC apt S . H . A ir im » n . ip ** ^ m a V io let A su lu jo n o f A U to street. M iss B anker is w ith the R ed C roat F ie ld Service in E ngland and C a p t A ndereon U in th e U . S . A ir Corpa.




D a te s C o. A g tlea ltera l A gent

coRs—-llw. ......

- --J w f f w f f - —

w s m t i t f

HE PURPOSE of this new wartime practice is to try to give those who must use long distance a fair share .of the busiest wires. - ■ '•■■■■, When you must call and there is a waiting list of calls because the circuits are overloaded, the operator, will ask you to limit your conversation to five minutes. . ■"

Jour cooperation In this new effort will help to make long distance service meet wartime heeds more effectively. „ ■’ - \

v; r ifw a s h kuthbhoni cohnwy\

* * - * - * T IM IN “ T l l T IU N O H I a 0 B I M BOMBAY A l 9 P .B . • f i l l * KYW * * *

■ 1 , ■ 1 . SedkJFoeter Homes Here for Children

H ave you an axtra room an d a {fiace in you r h om e fo r a ch ild? A n

-.u rgant n e to fc r /b o a id ta h Jaatar hom es exists in th d ep C ounty and th e N ew Jersey State B oaiB o f C ^ Q - dran’e OuanHana ie in elttn g-lh ie e o -; peal to th e realdento o f U nion to o ffer their: servicse w herever pow fcta, - . :

F o r ona reaaoa o r snoS)er'in argr chUdren h ave been deprived o f .ttista ow n h a to rsi h e m e life an d ourdfaiect

: ta to provide fo r ’ ttM m th e U fe lta 'A norm al h em e to ;W<rirti .a O .chO dksa

' A te J h fW f'd b - w e'-itaed? b « n e e t « - t t i * l f a t i » l 4 biids toBtiiera, ' sd^anS .th s ta '^ y '.lit tb . evegCueta

itkdhBr liv a s trinta M n *isss , a iB .iril| d n g a ft ; m ost

in :rm o ip q i Igood riMaans. Thsse .fhQteen WBmUr raqulrs the

" pt ycnx ■ bosM E, ■" W tB j w .o f i t e i t t j .j / . . . . .

-- Ciairiqid iiMiaownitarif inosLcc- ,, „ opamtivsrin -th e 'port and wa lave

DQmH ioT Ihis Cm* - J : ■- mrndta->-;Wa..desplyK appreciate • the

.. tata»d:-ccotrtbutionr- tiira s foetar ; parmita are makhw but during this

-. - r peried when maay' of our homes have - . T baan witixhaWn .baciuae.tbe fqetar

.......— .... m o ttu n n ave gone in to indusizy w e- : Snd i t ..particu larly , necessary ^ to

. . .. search , fo r new hom es, f t you have ' ; a place in you r hom e fo r even one

ch ild , won’t you please answ er th is can? ... . . ■

Board fo r cu r children is p aid a t the rate o f $20 p er m onth per c h ild .. In addition to this am ount, com plete outfits o f new clothing are fu m h h jd

^ e s * u b r ^ ta a k J j;p r o » * f5 d w b « n n « c - " e tsa ry and a ll -m ed ica i'a n d dentid

ca re .ia g ivefi. -F or further in fetm a - . tion kindly comm unicate w ith the

N ew Jersey State B oard ot C hildren^ G uardians, R oom SO ?, C ourt H ouse

- A n nex, E lizabeth , N ew Jersey. .....

IN R E TR O SP E C T' — F ram -th e r o c s a f-th e X a tlsa z a a d Chranlele_____

, F ive Y ears A c e ’ ■A U en M iller w as elected president o f the Cran­

ford Sym phony O rchestra, succeeding R obert Miskelly, a t tire annual m eeting o f th e group last w eek at the hom e o f M rs. Everett A H eim .

T w o B ayonne boy bu rglars w ere caught in the a ct early yesterday m orning b y th e local police, while entering th e C ranford T h eatre.: They had previously, robbed th e EUte B eauty Sh op and the Cranford Meat M arket o f s n a il sum s o f m oney. T h e boys were turned over to th e B ayonne p o lice, w ho reported they w ere im plicated in 28 robberies.

T h e C ranford G arden C hib w ill bold its tenth an -, ratal spring flow er show in T rin ity parish house to­m orrow from 2 to A p . m . M rs. W . Spencer Damon is in charge o t the show . C i s t s fo r arrangem ent, sin­g le bloom s, children an d am ateura win be arranged by th e eoaandttee. -

. Local residents w ill celebrate Independence Day w ith a band concert and firew ork* d b p lay in the eve­n in g , it w hs announced la st n igh t at a m eeting in the tow ndrip . room s o f the heads o f m any civ ic organiza­tion s^ H arlon W . D rew , com m ander o f Cranford Post, 212 , A m erican Legion, w as nam ed chairm an o l the e o a n ttte e . • • . • . ■

F a st presidents < £ C ranford L ocal 52 , P . B . A . and m em bera w ho have attained th e rank o f sergeant were fu eota o f 'th e organization a t a picnic held Monday nigtril a t R tu an d iV a G rove. " . -

T w en ty-tw o m embera ’o f . th e C ran ford . Rotary

T h e tim e la fa st approaching w hen th e first har­vest in your V ictory G arden w ill begin . T h is m eant that preparations should b e m ade fo r th e planting Of th e la te crop, supplem entary fertilizin g o f th e garden h r s id vegetables n o t y e t developed, control o f w eed*, especteQy qu ackgran and dusting an d spraying to rid th e garden o f Insect parts. ' .' H b m e ra id m e rs w ho sow ed early p e s> 'm a y ^ se -:fa n ta e P a n iy s ie vtetiiDa. .

» i S s ,8 i s » ,a s ? ? J X S E em p ick ed ekwa anduthen Just aa toon a s th e last M km idM l* C om m ittee hero, w as recently named by en ra t o * * )**** toTveetad, w hile th e vines are itiB — 'Q overn cr A. H orry'M oora a s a m sU ber o f the Local

■ - f y jy io g » y«*le fiw tfllsar, nno pound to 88- " G overnm ent A d visory Board., f a s lo f row , an d tu rn th e eoil over, digging th e vines in . '

C lu b and th eir guests visited th e Children’s Country H om e in W e s tfl^ l last Thursttay. T h e visitors enjoyed

• a ju n ch ym in th e rfiiting room an d then were con- { ducted > s teu r P* the h a m , d esig ned to care for to­

l l tin y h ave n ot dried m uch rottin g w ill start alm ott a t o n e s If-th e so il i s m oist, and a w eek or 10 days It W iB titr a te to p lan t ta ts crops in the row . TBeee ptant- b te s can b e short season c a n t m ap b ou ts, late ta b -

: :: Tan Teas* Age : ■3rtin . Thsrm snn and ilo y d W eeks, new master

cou n d lcr and senior councilor, rem ectivey, of the D renuisc C hapter, O rder ot th e D sM otay, w ill be in- i l i l M S ifcm lK r nlRht at thfi M u o n ic T eeddIc by the

t a m 'm h i o v R ,' B r m r is «so u ta .'ra ta b a in s , and a S ta te teifaB lq g tram . D sn d n g w til fo llo w anq guests fmm v w ff i h c n fit /lite ra>iiM>ai» i f ip h * loffn inc iQ u v e M e n iiwit08> • v .tb s Workirut th a t tiie greatest y ie ld from the g a r- . . . Ttapis r a m e prim ary, pre-sch ool end ktodetgarten t e w f f l b e cM sJiiad. T h is m a r b e a good tim e to add rteportm ents o f th e Sunday School o f Trinity Church g g ™ - ^ T T r "T U the w d a k e part in “C inderella's Reception,” s play, tom U w u oreosred aocortUite to th e 1943 N ew Jersey b e given Saurday afternoon a t the Casino.-' M rs. C . A. V lea sy G u d m M to w ol'(ava ilab le fre e a t the County A tou ry is in charge o f the.production w hich w ill bene- V to ra feo fllce ) m ffld en t fe ^ liz e r v v „ rorom m m ted to - f i t Schoolt o n y th e idanta through th e . season. H ow ever, soil w hich h as hot been u sed s e a garden fo r a num ber of years n n y b e tow in p lan t fo o d m aterials and addi­tion al fertilizer w iH b e n eed ed .. . .

I f th e foliage takes on a yellow ish east,* especiaBy in th e low er iraveat and there baa been norm al rain - fo lL th is change in color w ill probably indicate the

------------------------------- K —i r u i n .......................................'need' for fertlkzerr s n o tw is e to ap p iy e x tra n itro -gen to fru it bearing plants such as tom atoes, egg plants and peppers un til .a fte r fru its have been s e t .

T h e fn tiliz e r m ay h e applied d ry b y spreadiifii it 'a lo n e th e row s 4 to 0 inches from th e p ta n t* at the

rate o f .1 poundr along each aide o f a row 100 feet long.

track , teem w ill leave Saturday fo r M ontclair where / th ey w ill defend the state title w on b y last year’s squ^d in the taste inter-school m eet. Fourteen o f last years team are still m em bers o t C oach W eekley’s squad and hUfit bopes are held o f their keeping th e aw ard in the loca l high school. '

C . W estqr C ollins o f W estfield w as elected chair-n u n o fth e Republican C ounty Com m ittee' Ot the a n -....

. n u a ! m eeting o f th e raoup h eld M onday n lg tt Samuel T o ol o f C ranford w oa elected treasurer o f the group.. Beneath dark skies that opened to a downpour ot ra in in the. m iddle o f the services a t th e tablet, Cran- . fo rd paid tribute ,to its w ar dead a t th e annual M e- -

last Com m union!

Jewelry Taken Froin Centennial Ave. Home

Jew elry, valued a t m ore than $175, w as stolen from th e ap artm ento'bf L . P . Fricke an d IB s . Louise C ow an ' a t 115 C entennial avenue w hile i t s occupants w ere array on e nigbt la st w eek, according to police, S n -

- trance w as gained tiirough a firta . floor w indow into th e IH ck e apart­

m ent, w hore -a sm all rin g valued a t $35^w aa taken. I te m th e s econd floor, occupied b y l b s , C ow an an d her dautarter, M ary V arvoor^ a p - proxhnartely 10 item s o f Jew elry an d a stiver Sw iss precision stop w atch, valued a t $75 , w arn stolen . B g t Thom as W oods an d Patrolm an H arry Stage are Investigating. . -

« t\ -


i— JUJiAmSb- . BtmdTdimf.

*be dissolved in w ater and put o n w ith a sprinkling p o t ■ F or a liquid aide dressing u se tw o teacupfuls o f V ic­

to ry G arden fertilizer to . 12 ' quarts o f w ater. Apjrfy • th is solution 8 to 8 in d u e aw ay from th e plants at the

rate ot a taecupful to a foot o f ro w .' D o not allow this . aoJUtion to get on the foliage. . . .. -

- K eep th e garden w rit tilled to control the w eeds. I f you keep th a n dow n now , w hile th ey are sm all, they

- w til not t o -the dtacouraging -elem ent In the. garden

needs special attention in gardens th at m a^ have been m ade on o ld sod is quackgrase. T h is Is a very course

- leaved grass that develops lon g thick root stocks. W hen these root stock* are out up , they create m ore plants.

. th e tops ot th e w eeds cu t o ft and th e roots w ill even tu ally d ie . . : _ ' _ /

A bout th e.firat w eek in June la ' th e proper tim e to sow trade o f late cabbage, broccoli, B russels sprouts an d cauBflow er. A special seed -b ed should be set • tid e tor th is purpose. ■ , . . .' A ll the insect* to b e m entioned today m ay not: attack plan ts in a ll raroteos. H ow ever, it Is w ell to be

. on th e lookout fo r them because earftr attention means better control. Cabtw ge w orm s w ill soon be appear-

• in g orr cabbage, cauliflow er, kohlrabi, B russels sprouts,- broccoli, mustard and ooRatds. Dust or spray With,

rotenone. Potato beetles may appear upon potato, to- - mato' and. eggplant Dust or spray with calchim ar-' semate. Spotted and striped encumber beetles are al­

. moot bound to be found on cucumber. squaah and -m elon , fo r these are present everyw here. Calcium arsenate hydrated lim e du st w ill control them , and It is w ise also to u se a B ordeaux m ixture dust w ith this

. to eontnfi w ilt A spray o t calcium arsenate and B o r -. deau x m ixture m ay b e used Instead o f th e dust. In sm all rardeno, th e dusta w ill b e m uch m ore convert- len t to apply and a s effective as teray* applied w ith p te ii equipm ent. i . i . . ....

T h e M exican beam beetle Is another Insect w hich ■. atw unds in m oal gstd en s. T h e first sign o t tbese b e e -

ties is w hen h oles appear through the leaves m ade b y th e adults and th e skeletonizing o f the leaves b y the -

' larvae, S tart ten tin g a t once w ith rotenone dust, u s -v ■ in g duster th at w ill apply, th * m aterial to the under- ■ atdao C ••

- Cora retr now b e sufltdentty advanced so fla t-w e can b egin th e control o f the co m eorw orm . It can be ap plied b y a force oiler that has been adjusted, by m e m e o fa c o tk th at has been pierced, o n the ph ito cr, ■ to dEhyer ooe-qu erter O f a teospoanful a t eoch pres­

. su re c o th e plunger. T h e o il is applied a t th e op en g to th e tan k s through w hich tire talks im u e/ob ou t

.. 5 to 7 d ays after th e taUCs appear. ■" . ■ . • .

m oved to th e protection o f th e Presbylerian Church.T h ree taen w ere inJiued and three autos damaged

in a - three-car crash a t noon today a t South and W al- ' nu t avenue. C . C . Stew art, o f Elizabeth, W alter Mc­

M anu s o f G arw ood and John Tham aa a t Scotch Plains received lacerations and bru ises an d, crow ds o f towns­people w ere draw n to the scen e o f the crash. One car proceeded Into South avenue egainst the light, which^ had lu st turned red, and precipitated the crash .» .

Thom as. W oods and E dw ard C olem an, w ho retired

a n d patrolm an, respectively, w ere honored' yesterday__afternoon a t a picnic held a t Tinneaf G rove. They .. w ere presented w ith life m em berships in the Cranford L ocal, 52, P . B . A ■- < :

, * J .....• . W-: • .. ’ • •' ._______^ .F tfto e n Y e a n A g s

L etters have b e e n se n t th is w eek to a number of C ranford people, urging th em to becom e sustaining m em bera o f th e C ranford T toiV C am p Association. , T h is is th e first public req u eatm ad t since the site was purchased and fun d* are so a r needed to m aintain the plea*rres e fia sum m er vacation to th e boys o f Cran­fo rd . • ■ .... •. . . .•■■ - ■

T h e Board o f Education in a special m eeting lastn igh t decided to put to a vp te in a tafiedal election th eir request fo r a $25,000 appropriation to purchase n e w equipm ent fo r the schools. .

Satu rday w as B oy Scou t D ay in Cranford for : m ore than 1,008 scouts o f G alon County as their an- n u a l“ >‘Jsm boree’’ . w a» h e ld ^ o a -. the . C ran ford . oval F rancis R . P yne, form er about executive o f the Chios C ou n d k w ax in charge o f th e a ffa ir w hich started with a large parade from th e tow n cen ter to th e grounds.

M r. and M ix W illiam S c h n d l o f 710 M anor ave­nu e -celebrated tiM ir 50th w e r a h it a anniversary Tues­d a y evening w ith a fam ily -p arty - T h ey w ere given a surprise party at the Presbyt erian. Church fifilowing th e dinner and 50 yellow rosea w ere given them as a m ark o f th eir celebration- T h ey have been residents o t th e tow n and m em bers o f th e church fo r many years. ■ .. ■ ■ ■■■ . . . - . . .. "A d w i a fa q o f. the proposed parochial school1 to b e erected tor S t M lchari’a Church a t A U en and MUn atreeto w aa h eld a t th e n teetfa* o f th e Zoning Board fo r tn ig h t R esidents o f fits area w are present to m * * ' th at the jiu tid in g (ite conform w itii th e property hn65 In that a n a . ;i ■■ .■ . - • ■v R . S . N kh h te form er p H tadm t o f the Echo C o u n b y C lu b , w as guest o f honor a t the dinner given b y th e riu b S a tu r * v n ig h t to celebrate the opening o! th e rem odetad d u b boaee. H e w ee presented with a g o ld w atoh and m ambeix (oared the new ly furnishedJoanna anddub roam* - - . ’

Page 3: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

PresbyterianChoir Elects'

W3Gnt Filiiiabkk Named Pwridrnf;

William Fitopatiidc w as elected president o f th e C hoir o f th e F irst Presbyterian C hurch at a recent b u sl-

i c^b m eeting od th e (ro u p . M rs.Haas w as ejected v ice -p re si-

jgrt. M is R oberta Adam e, secretary, 2nd Robert S . D ow , treasurer. .

Communion services w iH h e held at the I l a .m . service on Sunday and new members w ill b e received into, flie rtiurch’ a t toto tim e. T h is tsth e ' last Communion to be held u n til fa ll. Prr-communion services , fo r those entering the church W ere h eld lastnight. .

The Rev. W illiam R . S loan , pastor, has announced th e follow in g recep­tion committee fo r June: D r . H ow ­ard R. Best, G eorge L e a v itt, G . H . Smith and R . H . Thongworv

The Woman’# B ib le C lam win hold a «jlver tea tom othw in th e ir class­room in the church a t » p . m . M rs.

' George E. O steih eidt w in exh ib it a model o f th e Tabernacle an d m em ­bers and friends are Invited. ^

The annual C h ild m V s D ay service of the Sunday School w ilt b e held

.•Sunday at IM S a . m . ■

_ to HoldTalentNight .

A Talent N ight w in h e held in the auditorium o f the M ethodist Church tom orrow night at 8 o 'clock, it was " r a xm ced this w eek b y the Rev. M atchett Y . Poynter. pastor. A n cd-Tering w ill be taken at the program and used tow ard the fin al paym ent for. th e grand piano of the church.

A service of H oly Com m union w ill be held at l l a . m . on Sunday and no aennon w ill be given. • • ■. Special services fo r M em orial Day w ere h eld in the church 'Sunday at the m orning service. Included w as the singing o f tw o hym ns, on e subm it­ted from the Am ur and N avy Hym ­nal by George^Anderson o f Cranford, now in the A ir C orps, an d one was w ritten b y the R ev. M r. Poynter in tribute to a ll m en now serving in the arm ed forces. > >

T h e executive com m ittee of w om an ’s SocletyLfo r -e h r i8t1a ir - vice and the rotary grou p leaders m et yesterday for a box luncheon and a special m eeting. -

H oly Communion SundayServices o f H oly Com m upidn w ill

be h e ld a t the 11 a . m . service on Sunday in the . C alvary Lutheran Church, it was announced this week by th e R ev. W illiam N iebandc, pas­tor. T h e Senior Luther League w ill] entertain the. new ly confirm ed class o f young people Sunday evening In the church basem ent at 7 :4 5 . '

jB’iuu B’rith Lodge IElect* Officers| B ’nai B ’rith Lodge o f Union Coun­ty elected D avid Scfabnm ell president i at a recent m eeting. - H e succeed* W illiam Lester of W estfield , retiring president. Other officers electedw ere: Everett G ordon, vice-president; M r. Lester, m onitor; A be Lockfeld, treasurer; Frank Schneid e^ record- tag secretary; Edward A lton , financial secretary; J erom e'- B erke,' w arden; and Jam es K . V ictor, trustee. ■

, T he lodge voted - to donate 1,000 packages at cigarettes to th e soldiers in A frica . A testim onial dinner w as given M r. Lester recently in apprecia­tion o f h is.service in the lodge. T h e party , w as held at the C fal-A m C ha­teau and a g ift w as given him .

Y outh Fellowship M eeting ,The Young People’s Fellow ship of

th e ' Firs* Presbyterian Church w ill m et* 3u isfay~at'~7:30J n H .~ ~ is~ flie church to discuss fellow ship . T he group is inter-denom inational and an young people interested have been invited) to attend and express their ideas. T he group held a picnic last Sunday and plans' are being form ed for m any inform al get-togethers dur­ing the. sum m er.

Weston Electric _ Lauded for War Work

Praise fo r th e m any contributions o f W estern E lectric workers to war

Giri Scout Rally , -T h e annual rally o f the G irl Scouts

of C ranford w ill be held tomorrow evening in Roosevelt School auditor-

production w as voiced by M ajor G e n -' iura at 7 :30 o'clock. Parents are in­vited to attend the program at which aw ardsTw ill be m ade and a pageant presented showing G irl Scout activi­ties in th e w ar.

d r u g s t o r e sW IL L BE


10 a.m. to 2 p.m.A N D "

3 p . m. to 7 p. m.

C H U R CH O F C H R IST, SC IEN TIST“G od the O n ly Cause an d C reator"

is th e • Lesson-Serm on subject for Sunday, June 6, In ,a ll C hristian S d -. ence Churches and Societies through­out th e w orld. • . -

i~ -T h e 'G o k te rt'-T m ~ lsr ' “'W hattbevef G od doeth, it shall be for ever: noth­ing can. be put* to it , nor any thing taken from it ." (Ecclesiastes 3 :14)

A m ong the Lesson-Serm on cita­tions is the follow ing fn xn the B ible: “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (G en . 1 :1)' The Lesson-Serm on also includes the follow ing passages from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and H ealth with K ey to the Scrip­tures”- by M ary B aker E ddy: “ There is bu t on e creator and one creation.

T h is creation Consists o f (he unfold­ing o f spiritual ideas and their iden­tities, w hich are em braced in th e in ­finite M ind and forever reflected. These ideas range from the infinitesi­m al to infinity, and the highest ideas are the sons and daughters o f G o d ." (pfiOS)

oral -Roger B . C olton, A . U . S . Direc­tor, Signal a ^ y l y Service, at M e­m orial D ay exercises on the com ­pany’s property a t K earny M onday.

T he exercises, sponsored by thekbor-M aragem ent W ar Production jolned m e arm ed forces. G eorge D u-

C oranittee o f the W estern Electric. val; president of toe W estern E lec- K e a r y W orks area, were in honor o f j trie .Em ployees’ A ssn ., urged w ork- H*®, IS W ekeernyanr who have t fv e n ,.ra to d o -th e ir utm ost to see that their Uves in service, and the 8,907 o f fo d r fellow -w orkers ■ whoothers in the arm ed forces. ; have died in service shall not have

Thousands o f w orkers crowded on Idled in vain, the south tract o f the com pany’s j For the benefit o f second and third property for th e brief but-im pressive .sh ift w orkers, as w ell as friends-and exercises. A band played the N a-1 fam ilies o f all em ployees, the cere- tiorial A nthem , and the invocation i m onies w ere broadcast over Station w as pronbunced. b y Chaplain C . L e s -1W O R . John B , G am bling described lie G lenn, U( S . N . RJ Soldiers o f, the I them for the radio listeners and acted714th -M ilitary -B olice-ftred -a~S B iu te!as_m Bster- o f- cefem a color guard from the sam e unit, raised the half-m asted flag to ' fu ll m ast. A b u gler playing “To the C olo rs" ended th e flag cerem ony. |

The plaque honoring the men in| service arid those Who have died was unveiled by H . Everett Peters and Jam es K earney, o f the Labor-M an­agem ent W ar Production Com m ittee, The plaque is designed) in the fashion o f Hie entrance o f toe Lncolni M em or­ial in W ashington- —

R eese F . C lifford ; W orks M anager, addressing the- w orkers briefly, said , that b y the en d o f the year about! 2,000 m ore W ekeam yans w ill have

Dr. Howard P. WingertSurgeon Chiropodist

. O ffice H ears In Cranford: ' D ally 8 A . M . 1 * 1 2 naan

' • Evenings " -Tuesday and ftM a r . 7 to 8 F .M .

O ther evenings by appointm ent only

18 ALD EN BT. C B . (-1 4 M

Salvage,Sewing Group Continue* in Summer

The Salvage fo r W ar R elief com m ittee w ill continue their sewing ac tivities throughout toe summer at ther C leveland School w as announced this w eek.

M ore than 300 garm ents have been m ade during the past m onth. One of the present projects U the m aking of nightgow ns fo r the C ranford C ivilian Defense C asualty stations.

A successful tea w as held in M ay, at w hich C ranford children modeled the garm ents. The proceeds o f the tea in m aterials and m oney w ilt go to -

Use DEVOE/ . / j

for the best job!T R IM A N D SH U TTER COL­O R S. DEVOE to the best for the purpose and leads In d ara- bUlty and beauty.

jolmUon Paint Shaft1 *7 -5 . N . U nion Ave.~ C r. 6-2540

ward continuing toe w ork o f th e com m ittee this summer^ ■ ■

Tbcte conditions Our be ta* siau .s r Vitgmia B defideocy. lik e Bezel V itaale B Complew Cepeal— doily. Bexd C ip e te mxthigh unit tpd plwwiy ttJting.. .. / r • *money iAOc v seen oocsun give v o v

//A t t A im m fiiu s r io d a y si ,

, MdOtSON A B01BIML M & '

BetelV IT A M b rr C O M rik X C A M U IIt

40*1-98# • 100,»-$1.9g

BELL’S DRUG STORE, Inc.8 . S . E I8EN BERG, R eg. F h ar.

17 N . UNIO N AVEN U E - CRANroaa. n. j.

-Tit. CR. I W l ■ toUIII


h e n S B S aM



BSWWuraaBiiaggBjKicWon’t Y O U help him—by working in a war plant?He may be your husband— your son— your neighbor's boy. He's at the front in A frica—New Guinea— th e' &outh Pacific Islands. He'afighting fo r you. W on't you work for Aim—in a war plant?- '' '

Here’s what he needs. : ■ \ - X X : ■^See that telephone hd'a using? It symbolizes many kinds

o f military communications equipment made by Western - Electric. -Field telephones, wire, switchboards—radio for planes, tanks, ships. A ll tlicse arc fighting tools— just as truly as guns and'ammunition. . / .

, ’ - ■ ' ' > yX . -

Who is going to make theht?Thousands o f Western Electric men are^dready in the

. armed forces—more are going each week.D itfa n d n

in war work. Some o f ypu have never worked in a fac­tory— never gone to business—never worked anywhere outside your horned Regardless o f previous experience, yon— your friends— and hundreds o f ’women like yon are nfceded^now in war plants. . .

You’ll learn quicklyAfrich, o f the work here has always been done by women. r

XYou Can do it, too— and you’ll be proud o f your war job . For you —-like thousands o f Westem E lecinc men

- and women— wOl be helping to win this war. .

How to

I fy o u are n o t now in a w a r J ob ,co m e to the E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e

>lant— or^callat the pli Mitchell 2-7700 and aak for Miss Basse, on Extension4014.You’ll find her easy to talk with—ready toanswer your questions. She’ll gladly make an ap-

-pointment for you — explain how to get here. Call her today— ■ that man at the front needs your help! ~ ’

We must not more workers.only replace them but also get moi

''The one great group o f people who can who must, do fh'is vital work is made up p f women not piow engaged

.............THE K E A R N Y W O R K S O F

Western Electric100 CINTRAl AVINUI, KIARNY. IL.Ji .


- J

CLLISERS-LUISIBEKSLL 5 -342 0 R0 4 1 0 0 7 CR 6 1514 WESTERN


Page 4: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

”■ _ 4 1 v-"' ' > <* *T H E - CRAN FO R D C IT O E N A K D CHRONICLER - T H U R S D A Y */J P K K

Mrs. John Wiley Is G uest at , N ovel Wedding Anniversary Party

^absences—o f—-w a r * ~H ie i enforced didn’t glop M rs. John W iley o f 508 C u in o avenue from celebrating her

, wedding anniversary, fo r M r. W iley, row on overseas duty w ith the navy, sent her flow ers through a group of her friends and the celebration took the form o f a surprise party w ith the presentation o f h is g ift. M rs. John L , Low o f Springfield avenue w as hostess Sunday evening a t the party and amoiW those’ present w ere M r. and M rs. W illiam W isem an, M iss E lsie M ldgley, Bussell Johnson and A llan W hitney. #

M rs. C harles Hansel' and son, Stanley of N orth U nion av e n u e 'a r- rived hom e last w eek from W ash* Jngton, D . C .

. . . M iss P hyllis Sldllin o f Arlington Road spent the w eek-end in Schenec­tady, N . V ., visiting her sister, M rs. W . B . M cK inley. - ’

Eli J. Loranger, Jr., o f 109 Cran­ford avenue is listed am ong the new members o f .th e Echo la k e Country C lub. ~

M rs. W illiam C . M yers of Shep- herdstown, W . V a ., is visiting her brother-in -law and sister, M r. and M rs. F. W . M yers o f 7 H am ilton av­enue. ”7 , ’

The M other's Chib o f B oy Scout' Troop 80 w ill hold their annual pic­

nic next Thursday at Nom ahegan Park. Parents o f each b oy are asked

' to bring the fam ily, picnic supper.M r. and M rs. A . G . O w en o f Edgar

avenue celebrated their tw elfth w ed- d in g 'm iS v e ro ir~ S a tu rd a y night fay |, entertaining a group of neighbors and friends.

M iss Nancy G outel, dauhter of M r. and M rs. H enry Goutel o f Chatham , form erly of Cranford, w ill be gradu- a ted Saturday thorn Centenary Jun­ior College in Hacfcettstown

M rs. Lienhard Bergel o f Flushing,L . I., form erly o f Cranford, has been elected president of the Faculty W ives’ C lub o f Queens College, Flushing.

M r. and M rs. Louis Sayer Of 119 Centennial avenue are attending the 80th anniversary reunion o f M e. S ay- e l's class at Phillips Exeter Academ y at Exeter, N . H .

M iss Lois N eald and M rs. F . A . Huttem an recently returned from Chicago w here they visited Fred Huttem an, firem an, third class, U . S.N ., who is til in the Chicago N aval H ospital.’ H e is the son o f M r. and M rs. H uttem an o f 121 North Lehigh avenue.

M rs. P . J . G rail o f 605 Brookslde place' entertained on S atu rd ay /after- noon In honor .o f' the tenth birthday o f her daughter, Patricia A nn. M iss

. G rail's school friends attended the party and enjoyed the gam es' and re­freshm ents. .

M iss M argaret P tneen, daughter o f M r. and M rs. Thom as D ineen o f 56 Burnside avenue, w as elected presi­dent o f the Plainfield sub-district o f the M ethodist Youth Fellow ship at a m eeting held recently in Scotch Plains. /

M rs. John F od esw a, the form er Ir ­

a n i M rs. Jam es Fairw eaber o f H olly sreet, visited (her parents last w eek­end. H er husband is a sergeant at Cam p Edwards, M ass., w here they

ton U niversity w here d ie w as the w eek-end su e d o f W illiam B arbe.

Prom , the commence m ent exercise*

K a rl' P fell, D onald B u m * W alter Chapman, Leonard H i chins, R oger W addiU, W alter B ennett and B k h aid Patton. .

W inifred M iller; daughter o f M r. and M rs, B . S . M iller o f 206 Central avenue was the guest o f C ol. and M rs. R. W ilH s and Cadet Richard W illis o f the IM S class at W est Point, at the graduation exercises a t W est Point. She accom panied them to Fayette­v ille ! N . C ., fo r a b rief red .

M iss M ary X e p p e l,. w ho w in be m arried Saturday , to,' A rthur Barlow o f Springfield, ' 'w as • gU|fat Tuesday evening at a surprise show er given a t her home at 1111 N ew rtreet b y her sister. M iss B arbara K ep p d and M iss S ailie H efley, M iss Pearl H ellyer and M iss Dorothy M acP herson.. M rs. Barkrtr and her daughter o f Spring­field , m other iit f S ister-o f bar. Bar­low , and m ore than 20 girls from Cranford w ere guests at th e party,' M iss M arlon C ollin s o f 10 Balntiere parkw ay returned to -h e r hom e from Vlrginta Interm ont C ollege in B ristol, V a , this w eek a fter h er graduation from the school on M onday. She also participated in th e M ay D ay program held on the cam pus. M iss J«asye Ttr- rell o f 719 Springfield avenue also re­turned hom e this w eek from V ir­ginia Interm ont C ollege aftter g ra& i- atln g from the preparatory depart­m ent. .......


. -.*■ +■ *:•> ■%._ "S .

E N SIG N SO LO N LA W K K N CE sa a r f M r. and M i* L a sts L sm r- e s e s e f SIS N orth B olen a v e sa e , w h s m s U s T h e y “ w tags a t g e ld " s a d 'te a s eaeaadsdssed a s eaaigs I s th e N aval R eserve la st w eek fsO ssrlsg e s sv M h m s f the prescribed M g h t t n la ls g c e a n e a t the N aval A ir Training C as­ter a t Peaaacela, F Is. B e a t-

C olgate P elveralty h i 1L Y , fo r e s s year

prevloas to h is esU sh sest to the a s s y , a ad w as a ■ im b e r s f the ’ v a n ity heckey sa d track taaav* H e trained a t th e N aval A ir S ia - U aa a i B aafcer B U I, B A j before

Will Curtail ServiceOn No. — — r_ 7— — ,

Service on Public Service B us f t , w hich operates .-th rou gh C ranford, w ill be curtailed In off-p eak hours by spreading headw ays, it w as apnounc-

Ride Hay WagonT h e ban o n pleasure drivin g didn 't

keep m em bers o f th e Lions C lu b fromB p r e d U lU K IlC d U W d ^ n , ih " a s 1 m w iiiv v is v a t u p a a u u g v iu w U V I ll

ed yesterday b y Public Service C o -'a tte n d in g the review and band con - ordinatedTTansporbCom pahy.—— — jeert last Friday night at th e R ahw ay

" Bus 35 w iti bperate only betw een 1 C oast G uard B arracks in C lark -T ow n -C lark Tow nship and EUXabeth. T r i p s ~ -----------' ’ " ‘between Elizabeth and Federal Ship­yard w ill be discontinue^.

Jn putting in to e ffe ct a 20 percent reduction in m ileage ordered by the,O U T In th e present gasoline em er­gency, Public Service has tem porarily suspended service on 15 routes, m ade sharp reductions in service ' on 23 other routes, and tem porarily sus­pended service, on the N ew ark -A s- bury Park, G reenw ood L ake-N ew Y ork bus lines and reduced service on a ll other seashore lines. -

The com pany announced that there w ill b e no reduction In service to w ar plants and no reduction in service on lin es w here all-eervice vehicles op­erate. The latter are operated ' electricity from -overhead w ire*.

Whipprect-Pylc Wedding Plant

Invitations fiave 'b eea fsstiecTfor the w edding o f M ias B etty P yle, dautfte ter o f M r. and (Mrs. G eorge A . P y le , S r , o f 424 B rookslde place, to JSgt. C harles W hipprect, nephew o f M r. and M rs. B eyer o f B eech street. T h e w edding w ill take place. Saturday in S t M ichael's C h u rth * ■ ■

R onnie P yle , a s m aid o f boor and an­other A fter, M rs, Frank K illian o f Elizabeth, as.m atron d f honor. M rs. Frank F o r c e o f G arw ood w iH b e

otter brother; Wt.' Jamer JTrte,-*in

the ceremoitf.TNltfcl Vfnt:

sh ip . The m em bers, 30 strong, piled Into a w agon draw n by a team o f horses, and rode dow n W alnut avenue in a m anner rem iniscent o f th e era o f th eir grandfathers.

H eaded by President E llsw orth N . D ow ne and M rs. D ow ne,. w ho m ade th e trip on bicycles, the procession also Included P ast President Joseph A . W arsinaki and V ice-president V ic­tor D . Shaheen, w ho rode horses. D uring the review , representatives from the local L ion s and R otary Clube as w ell as m unicipal officials and rep­resentatives from groups in R ahw ay, C lark , W estfield and Linden w ere in the review ing stand; together w ith C a p t Francis IK Low den, U . 8 . C . G .

b y R , com m ander o f the P ort Security C ouncil; an d L L G eorge B . Snow den, com m andant. M ore'th an 1,(100 per­sona w itnessed the review . ■ -

T lie C oast G uard band o f E U ig.Ie - land provided a concert an d _ w as a varied ,en tertainm ent.' ' 1

fit the L ion s C lu b ‘Ing la it Friday n lfh t in th e C om er, the m em ben “ luvenfle d altnquancy _ . disrnseed t t e p o a a ib llity o f m un lty playground as a *

Dom Cutor Bride of Malcolm R. Johnson

M ia T D oris B -X a s o r , d au gh ter'O f M rs. M argaret C astor o f 14 W ashing­ton road, an d th e late Edw ard B . C a *- to r. w as-m a rrie d e t f p . m on Satu r­day to ffaieoU w R . Johnson, son o f C ounty School Superintendent A r ­thu r L Johnson o f 20 H olly street and th e la te ’ M rs. M ary Johnson. T h e cerem ony w as perform ed in T rin ity Episcopal Church w ith t t e R ev. F ran k-M . Sherlock, rector, officiating . • A reception fo r / the im m ediate fam ilies and dosas friends e l th e cou­p le w as h eld in th e perish house fo l low ing th e cerem ony.

G iv en in /m a ria g e fay h e r H d rr brother. A lfre d E . C astor, th e bride w as attended b y M rs. J . E arl Fieraon, o f y n io n j m ptron 'of taonor, en d, M iss A n ne C astor. h e r sister, o f C ranford, and M im B lanche P o ll, a conxin. o f Jersey C ity , a s bridesm aids- D r. Johnson w as best m an fo r h is son and H erbert W . C astor, brother o f the bride, an d Frank K a ra , w ere t t e ushers. -

T h e b rid e w ero -a w hite M atched ch iffoo gow n over satin m ade w ith lace yok e and lace trim o n th e train. H er three-ou arter length v e il eras a t­tached to a lace Ju liet ca p . an d sh e carried w hite roses and U R es-of-th e- valley . F o r traveling she w ore a cock b lu e su it w ith n a v ^ M u e and w hite accessories. T h e m atron o f honor w ore a sh ert b lu e princess M yie gow n an d m atching tiara arid sh e carted a bouquet o f bronae snapdrag­ons. T h e bridaranaliw -w ere attired in sheer coral pink princeae M yle gow ns w ith flow er tiaras to n and th ey csrried -bququ eta ,of.Jb ljie a M p d r a g o n s .-' . ■ , '

T h e brid e 's earrinra P in w ere heirloom jew elry belongin g to th e b ritte ro o m 'f lu n U y .

M rs. C astor w as st& red in a beige c r q ie and lace dress an d w ore a b lack h a t and rorang a o f t i n * sw eet p eas and taH nnan ro tes. M m . A rth ur Xw J ah n son w as a ttir e d in s n aqua rtieer 'dress w ith m sfeh in g a e - ceoaories an d w ore a oon age o f w hite roses an d sw eet peas.

B oth th e bride an d bridegroom are graduates o f C raafosd H igh School and th e b rid e is em ployed fay t t e E lastic S lo p N ut C orp orator* U nion. M r. Johnsor* w ho w ent to N ew Jezray L aw S c h o o l is o n attorn ey in B iia - b e t t .---., . . K ■ .

Marion Mftttfoeis Jean Hannnd Engaged’ M r. and M rs._Frederidc M atthaei o f

4 9 M anrton terrace h a v e announced th e engagem ent o f th eir daughter, ia«r»in - M C pL Jean H am m ri; eon o f M r. and lir a . C harles U ansnei o f T ii im s f'ii T h e announcem ent w es m ade t u t w eek a t « fam ily dinner party rollow ig CpL H aneneFs return from G aad d eam L H e h a d been in overseas service tor 1 8 months.

M iss M atthaei ia . s graduate o f C ranford H !gh > Scboo) en d is em ­ployed in th e 'W eston Elfcctrlcsn In ­strum ent C orporation, N M m k C pL H stisn el is a graduate o f W est O r ­ange H igh School an d w as form erly em ployed w ith th e E dison Com pany at O range, - H e w ill b e stationed in C am p B ob erti,(C rtff.

N o date' h as'b een se t fo r th e w ed - dine* ■ ' - • ■

Robert Haunt* to Wod MhmMot»Giri .

M r. an d I b L James -M otterg o f D uluth , aO netf- h avn anwnunrsd the

fakem ent c f lh e ir (k u tfita r . A u ­d rey, to R obert B . H a a s , radices th ird d a s * U . S -C o a st G u ard , so n o f M r.; an d M m . ’Stan ley H arm s .eg U

o f D o -M isa M o lb e r g lk ah ith D e n h

r h q r a g a s a u(tOM 4 QCl from RaaoBa r a r k H i ^


M»rriage AnnouncedMias Evelyn M. Bennion, daagite

of Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. Bermion of West-HoOr street was married May 22 at 6 p. m. in tte First Presbyter­ian Church of BoseRe to John ;X* Baleh, son of Mis. Ludwig K. Balch of Westfield and the late MT. Belch. The Rev. Herbert K. England offici­ated at the ceranouy. ■

Given in marriage by her fatter, the bride ware a gown of white Baro­net satin with long .’train, and a full

glh illusion veil, .fastened to a tiara. Shocarried a bouquet of white roses, sweet peas and baby’s breath,

Mias Marion Carow of Randle was mrid ofTraorrate'Wbre’orchid'taf­feta and a shnuldrr length veil of matching net fastened to a headdress of flowers. Her bouquet was of makhing flower* yeOow rosea, snap­dragons and gypaophda. Mr* Rob­ert W. Biarh of Lewbbutg, Pa and Mr* Edward N. White, 4th, of Cran­ford were the other attendant* They wore froefcsofyeOow taftotaand net and canted bouqura Amtiar to that of tte honor otteudaoL

-Robert W. Bladt was hlstaottex'a best man, and n Avers included How­ard Stevens of New. Canaan, Cornu Jansi Orteir of Short Hitts and Har­ry Basriotd of Cranford. .

A reception waa hdd at the Win­field Seott Hotel, Mlaaheth, after which tte couple left for a trip. On their return they will live at 438 Ev­erson place, Westfield. The bride is a graduate of RoeoOe Hlgi SchooL Mr. Biach was graduat'd fnan-Yale Unl- veiAy, d m of 1929, and is a mem­ber of Sigma Phi fraternity. '

Mis* Muriel Dirdn* Trad* Revealed

Mr. an d I t e * H arry D in k s o f 106 w— » im street J a v a announced ,the eagagem ent o f th d r daughter, I f^ r iA H tta v to -P to ’ F d w teil flin k n an *l, son 'o f Jofan'GaABOw ald o f Jeracy C ity . ■■■ ” ■; . '" ~ s D iR k a ls a ffa d u a te o f Sacred

S ch ool in JcracjrC lty and H oly E am iiy'Aeadem gr ha Bayum m . H e . " ' ‘ ~ ' la a graduate o f 'D k k in -

Srtm ol, J e n e y C U y ,a n d is oned a t W alter R eed H oa-

p tta lln W ashtegtodvD ; C ,

li^ E u iy u rtH e id t

B sib a rt w as riected _ o f t t e Ju nior . A u xiliary toC ran fon l U n it, 2 1 2 , Am erican Legion A u xiliary , a t the final m eeting o f the

~ T u esday n igh t in th e Casino. O ther officers a re : V ice-president,P strid a B a n ; treasurer, E velyn B eer; chaplain,' fin m a J ee n S iefk en ; and teege au t-a t-arm *-V irg in ia - Sw eeney T h e secretary am t com m ittee chair­m en w ill b e appointed b y the presl­

a t a later d ate . Installation w ill take p lace a t the in itia l fa ll m eeting:

t-G raene C m MT h e M argaret G reene G uild o f the

Presbyterian Church w ill hold their annual p icn ic M ocxhqr a t 6 :3 0 p . m . a tth e hom e o f M r * G eorge S teitger- w olt o f 114 C entennial avenue. In

> o f rain , the program w ill b e heid in th e ; church. E velyn M cC ord, H d m Frank end L yd ia C on ies are in

mT Edw. Mackie & Sons! N sa fh e n N . J .

...fiw O ver M Y e s r * .....



■ . — ....N o r a s n - " —’ "I t Is no fauU o f Christianity if a

hypocrite to lls into A * 1’—S t. J s come, • ■ ••

Say <Hello, To Spring With a,New Permanent

T h e n V nothing that “ picks y o u u p “ inthi s warmer • weather like a new styling o f your, hair.

Phone CRanford 6-1846 T oday '' : for an A ppointm ent



Home Front Duty Stressed .

fContinued from papa on e) Barbara and G a o Scbatz, Barbara R eyn old * Eteanor Schqelde r andJanet-and-Jean Zu lld c.------- . :

W reaths also w ere placed on the tablet b y these organizations: . Flake Post, V . F . W . and. its A u xiliary , Cranford Boat; Am erican Legion and its A u xiliary , Firem en’i C lu b and Spanish and C iv il W ar V eteran*

R ichard W eb e r recited Lincoln’s "G etty A w ig fiM rttt-’ V Invocstioo w as o ffe n d b y 'tb e R ev . B eejam in W . A llen , pastor o f the l i n t B ip tist Church, and benediction b y the R ev. W illiam H . N iebanek. pastor o f .C al­vary Lutheran, C hurch.:. T h e H igh School B and, d lrectad 'b y L ouis H am , led th e p aririe . an d played q t the tablet. . ( . . . - .o '-

P olice C om eoteA on w >f. W w i— W olf w as chelrinaa o f'th e corm nittee in charge and.C tarence A . V tetcr waa


Service Boardto

T h e board o f _Cranford Junior 8ervice league wIU have, their filial lundwoD and buai- nesa meeting uf the saaaon tomemw noon at the home of-Wla Oiealdtfit, Mr* Clifton H. Cos of 399 Elizabeth avenu* The annual hmAwon of the leraue will be bdd June 1 at ttie home of Mr* E. E. Day on Central avenn* s vi> ’HIGH GRADE CLEANING

ParatiHHintCleaiiers” rateUMadlEtS,.

I W ah m IA v* /1 M . '

W cn a n 's A esocistion PicnicThe Woman’s Association of the

Preobyterian Church wiB bold their annual picnic Writoextoy noon at the home of MTO. George Strtgerwalt ol lld Cebtemlal aveinie. A oovered ' dtth luncheon wilt be held and eadi wooaan la requested to bring one cov­ered dish end! her own cup, fork-and qpoon. A l women of tjha church are Invited toattcod. .

- Bet tor EsenUevIf yog find electric tons are scarce

this Mummer, efansidar that the cop­per from a down such fans is anough to; jverida all the copper needed In fabricating a 26-mm. air­craft cannon to make it hot for the Jape and Neal* - ■


:-1 K V 0 B 'F U M M tA N D ..DECKK fA M B U to E ilfct C o lo n , for

ad esteriec fiat, snr-

Far Sale at

Qoluaton Paint ShopI97-SN.UnteaAv* Cr.6-2M#

4 4 A ♦tH tlW > lt H IH 4 ltM U » W I H tte fte «4 4 4 W W W


W« sra-NOT. pennittafl tp make.Yourdeliveries until further notice.

cooperation in picking up your Hquor _«nd beer needs here when doing your ether ehopptng w9 be

i j&tanzz


t tVjl V

l> q o ft F o f g t t — W e W C lo t e d S u n d iy u

j| BARNETTS WINES AND UQUORS;: 9 Wahmt Avenue CRanford 6-1044

J. C NAPIERCRanfmd.fta03£R

Fair Beauty Salonw u a a a k jT n ^ ^ f^ m n ^ i '■ CKANFOBB;

' .....—


Funeral Directors




Cranford Higfi Grade MarketMeets, Jreeh Fruits and Vrgwtahlei, Grocyies ^


Page 5: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

tA CRANFORD ^ " ^ j>KD <^O W lCLB. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1942 r w n q

Second In County M eet

----- C iv iford H ig b ’s T n c kTeam Score* 3 6 % Ptointo; State Meet Saturday

Cranford H i * School1* track team nlaced second In th e U nion County interscboUstic Trade M eet held last Thursday in W arinanco P ark , placing h ^in d Plainfield H ig h School, w hich S h in e d its title, w ith 8814 points to tte champion*’ S6V4. C ran foid ’s p lac- in« over Thom as Jefferson, w hich totaled 31V4 points, w as an unex­pected clta>** to th e event and gives the local boys* a~ goo d reputation aa, Bier prepare to tace the state com -' netiUoo Saturday in th e N ew Jersey Interschotactic Track M eet at M ont­

clair* - • •: .Steve W arsh anj cam e freon third

to first place in the laat lap o f the 880n r d dash to gam er liv e points for his team and b rin « foeu i ahead o f Jefferson, the only first place gained br the B lue an d G old . A largo num ­ber of second! so d thirds added up the sco re .' ' . '

Tw enty-four C ranford boys w ill oarticipate In the state m eet Satur­day and Coach J. S e th W eek ley e x ­pects the team to m ake a fine record „ the end o l a successful season.

Troop 79 to HaveMyiteryHike ... ...

- .-M e m b e r*.,o tJ B flX j3 m u t_® C o o »Ww fll meet tonight a t 7 :1 8 o ’clock at the First Presbyterian Church to em ­bark on a M ystery H ik e, conducted by W illiam M yers, a m em ber o f the troop com m ittee. , . . . . .

The nUdtVe activities w ill be one o f the many feature* planned to bring members a better kn ow ledge o f scout­ing and to afford th em entertainm ent

Boy Seoul Troop 78 Has 3 Eagle Scouts

Three m em bers o f B oy Scout Ttoop 78 qualified for E agle tan k at the Character. Cdurt held recently in EHz* abeth. T h e troop h as never before bad an Eagle Scout since its organiza­tion in S t.M Ich ael’sC Tiurch lo IBS*.

Those w ho qualified are G eorge G ilm ore, Robert K dntzm an and John M arkey. U rey w ill b e given the rank at the next district co u rt A t the sam e Character C ourt th e follow ing m em bers o f the .troop qualified as Star Scouts: WUHam G ilm ore, E d ­w ard Thom pson and Peter W eber. The drat tw o w ere bu t 13 years old w hen they qualified.

Robert E . Bannon, scoutm aster, has prepared a report sh o ein g fo e p ro g ­ress o f fo e troop during fo e p u t tw elve m m fo s and the report w u given a t - f |fa*eh ■ m eeting. Irr ad dl- tion to fo e above prom otions there have been-m any others and fo e . troop now has 12 first class soouto, 11 sec­on d .d a s*, seven tenderteet and four recruits, a total o f 34 active m em ­bers. There are three associates and four junior A ssistant Scoutm asters.

T h e troop service flag now has five star*... Paul, K untzm an and Carm en QtielLy have been inducted recently an d..'P eter M arker, Edw ard Quinn and D r. Joseph A . Zingales are a l­read y in fo e arm ed forces.

P lans are bein g m ade fo r an over- n itfit hike this w eek-end. W atchung C ouncil Cam p has h e m selected and pians are being m ade to sleep at fo e U on ’s 'D e n . 1 ■ .


M rs. Elizabeth CoOiasM rs. E lizabeth B . C qllin i, w idow of

Patrick C ollin s, died Tuesday after­noon at th e hom e o f her daughter. M rs. John D onnelly o f 1 M arsh street, follow ing a long M aces.

and athletic activities. .L ast Sunday m em bers w ere con­

ducted on a bird h ike b y Scoutm aster M . L . Taliaferro.' T h ey started a t 8 a. m .’ and'm anyT htere^iiig specim ens o f w ild life w ere discovered.

A t fod^tegular m eeting last w eek tw o additional m em bers w ere w el­com ed into the ranks. T h ey w ere Jade O isen and M ilton K oos, both of C ranford .’ M ovies w ere show n on the telephone a s a vita l part o f the w ar effort. ■ ■ "

A native o f P U lston ,-F a , sh e was 77 years b id and had lived in A llen ­town, P a ., before com ing to Cranford. She w u a com m unicant o f S t. M ich­ael’s Church. .

B e s td e /th e daughter w ith whom she lived ,' she is survived b y tw o oth­er daughters, M rs. Patrick M cA uley o f Llndeq c o d Sister W inifred at S t. Rose’s Convent at CartoondaJe, P a .; a zon /V ictor C ollins o f A llentow n;, tw o grandchildren, a sister, M rs. Agnes Loftus o f Scranton, P a ., and tw o toothers, Joseph. E arly o f Shelton, C ?on n ,-an d , Edw ard E arly- o f .p u n - more, Pa. ' ’ ’ ’ '

Funeral services w ill b e h d ila t 8:30 a . m . tom orrow from D ooley’s Funeral Home;. 218 N orth avenue, w est, w ith a h igh m ass o f requiem at l a . m> from S t M ichael's Church. Interm ent w ill b e In S t Gertrude’s Cem etery, W oodtoidge. .

Joseph A G all* .Joseph A G allo , 48 yeara oW , who

roomed at 7 N orth Urdon avenue, died last. W ednesday-at the R ahw ay M e­m orial H ospital follow ing on opera­tion. B om In Ita ly , h e had resided in . C ranford fo r several years. H e never m arried, and he had no surviv­ing relatives. Funeral services were held Saturday, from D ooley’s Funeral Home, 218 N orth avenue, w est,’ and interm ent w as in RosehlU Cem etery, Linden. .................. •........... .

THE WEEDS ARE GROWING HIGHm My victory garden -


' * CH ORES, BU T NONE IS A V A IL ­A BLE. SO I’M GOING HOM Ea n d d o t h e m m y s e l f . :

Unt3 F urtherN otice BREEN’S LIQ U O R STORE



29 N. Union A venue CRanfond 6-0150

M rs. Isabella V . Stew art, 57 years old, .o f 211 Thom as street, d ied yes­terday afternoon at O verlook H os­p ital, Su m m it follow ing a lingering illnees. S t e m s fo e w ife o f James W . S tew art '

B om in Ireland, she had reside in Cranford fo r 13 years a n d -w a s a oommundcant o f S t M ichael's Church.

Besides her husband, sh e is sur­vived b y a daughter, M rs. Patricia Vinson; tw o brothers; Joseph M cC an- noa o f C ranford and Thom as M cC an- non o f Ireland .

Funeral services w ilt b e held ae held at 8 JO a . m . Saturday from foe D ooley Funeral H om e, 218 N orth av­enue, w e st and a solem n high re­

quiem " M w ill b e offered in S t M ich ael's Church a t 8 a / m . inter­m eat w ill b e in S t G ertrude's Cem e­tery, W oodbridge.

V alentin e E M rfa a a -------V a len tin e B . M cCann, 41 years

old , d ied suddenly Sunday night at his hom e a t 2 G arfield street A na­tive o f BrooJdyST he hadT lived in C ran ford 'for s ix years and w as em ­ployed as a bookkeeper b y Sheffield Farm s, O range.

Su rviving are h is w ife; Theresa; a son, A n thon y M .; a brother, W iHiam ,

~ C ranford ; and three , sisters; lb s . M ary B artholom ew o f R oselle; M r s . C harles M anteoft o f Brooklyn and M rs., Joseph. Taddeo, o f R oselle.

T he fun eral, is, being held from fo e D ooley Funeral H om e at 218 N orth avenue, w e s t .th is afternoon a t 2

’d ock and interm ent w Sl be in S t Tfrtrude’a C eroetoy , W o o ^ ^ fe .,

M rs . M ils W . I torebleyM rs. K a te W alton Ttenddey o f 111

A lden street d ied M onday m orning fo e B rookside N ursing H om e. She

had suffered a broken hip in a fa ll last Septem ber an d w as taken to the Elizabeth G eneral H ospital and m oved to fo e nursing hom e in M arch. Sh e w as a n a tive o f Inw ood-on-th e- Hudeon. . ,

Surviving is a daughter, IMiaa G er­trude W alton TVem bley o f Cranford. H er husband; C harles W . Trem bler died tw o years ago.

F u neral services w ere held from G ray M em orial a t 12 Springfield av­enue yesterday a t7 :4 5 p . m . and in­term ent w as in T rin ity Church Cem e­tery, N ew Y ork C ity :. The R ev. Frank M . Sherlock o f T rin ity Epis­copal C hurch conducted fo e Suneral service.'

V uit N ew Y ork PolicePatrolm en W illiam Gassm ann an d .

Louis G uertin at fo e Cranford P olice I D epartm ent Peter ChomiCz, D aniel | H eyburn, S r . and Daniel H eybum , J r., .w ere fo e guests last Thursday o f C hief .Inspector Jam es J . Sheehy o f the N ew Y ork P olice Department at N ew Y o rk P olice Headquarters. ' -

NOTICC o r INTUITION - Tftk* nolle* tbnt BIDNIY BRZKN, h u applied

to the Tgtnhlp CommUUo of tbo Townihlp of Cranford, N. J„ for a Plenary BeUtl Dttrlbutloa license for premloeo attuaUa aI f t North Dilee Areoue, Cranford, N, / .

Objection*. If a e f, Ihoold be made Iraedl atelj la writing to 1. Welter Coffee Clwfc of the Township of Cranfont N. J.6-10 (Signed) SIDNEY BISK*.

- NOTICC OP INTCimONTaka notloo that- Duke and Rdarard DttaM.

trading aa Duke’S Tfcvtra, have agpUed to tbo Township Committee of the Tbwnahln of Cnn* ford, N. J ., for a Plenary Retail OeneampUen Ueenao for premlees situated nt 814 C—fen lel Avenue, Cranford: N. J. . ' • •

Rdward Dttael reuRho at SM C rtew M Avo- ooe, .Cranford, N. i . .

Duke Dttsel realdm In dark Townihlp, N. I . Objections, If any, ahould bo made Immedi­

ately In writing to J. Waller Coffee Clerk otthe R w ublp of CnmferdL E J.___ ______


NOTICK OF INTENTION Take notice that 81DNRT BCHER, has applied

to the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford. N. J., for n Ptenary Retail Distribu­tion license for prwnleee tltanied At 144 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, N .-J. . " ’ : /• _

.Objections, If toy, should bo made hneedl- ately In writing to I . Whiter Coffee, Clerk of the Township of Cranfwd, N. 1.A ll . • - (Mined) SIDNEY SCBIB*


lne.V'ho* applied to the TbwpeWp Committee of the Townihlp of Cranford, N. I ., for A rienary Retail Consumption license for prem- bm situated at 41S Centennial Avenue, Cran ford. N. J.

MkSiael Y*Bhalray, President, I I I M om Ter-

r*Afn**0<TBreea Shalray, Vlce-Pm ldeot, U4 Miner Terrace, Unden, N. 1 , _____. . .

Jolle A. Leo. Secretary and Traawrer, 111 West Colfhr Avenue, Boee»e Perk, N . .

Objections, If any. ahould be mads ately In writing to I. Welter Coffee, Clerk of the Township of Cranford, N. J.

|.J c u S n u TOWN W M , 1st

Use Moore Paint

i t n o r t h * m , w .p « A N r o * n T E L , C K . H I M 7V


*■’* (i

W A R W O R K E R S M U S T g e t T O W O R K . . . / -

That's Our Job


Getting to and Irmb wod, aai^r; and dependably, is qaite a prob* lem these hectic day*. .It ia solved Ac ten* of thou­sands of New Jersey war worker*. . . they jiuat board * Jeraey Central train. ( ,,And although we*" kept pretty lively, tnoring war Wight nnd necearery civilian commod-" itiea .. . aa well aa troop and

nimtir1 civilian passenger traffic . . . we’re proud that we Me able to gat our wawrorking neighbor* on the job, and home again. ,goah tremendous wartime freight .and passenger traffic aomrtipra causes late or crowded trains— despite our every effort you may be inoonTTitif"*^, nmsinnally.S o w ea sk y o u to u n d erstan d , sn d be p a tie n t, in 'tb e in terest o f V ic to s y .


A V I T A * » mw Im m a tr

' . - . I l l W « WAS BONOS

Notes About Local Men

(Continued from page one)' PvL A lex Grickow skl Qf 16 New

street hiM ,.ieiun»e4 to'.CatoR ®hW ip, K a n . follow ing a 15-day furlough spent at his home.

M iss D oris W anko, daughter of -M rs. Annie S . W ankg o f : 9 Quin e street, has been sworn into foe .W AVES as an apprentice seam an. She is a graduate o f C ranford High School and has been em ployed by fo e A m er- can Type Founders, Inc., o f Eliza­beth as an inspector. She w ill report to fo e H unter C ollege Indoctrination Center .o f the W A V E S. . • '

C adet Jam es Fairw eafoer; m idship­m an in foe M erchant M arine has com pleted training at foe K itqp Point M erchant M arine Academ y, L I., and la now aw aiting alignm ent to active duty. H e is fo e son o f M r; and M rs. Jam es Falrw ^athto o f H olly street

CpL John H . H ill, son o f M r. and M rs. H . G . H ill o f 2 8 M ansion terrace, is now stationed in O akland. C alif., taking a course in sheet m etal work at fo e U nited A irlines Com pany.

C p l. C harles G artlan ,' son of M r. and Mrs.-. C . P . G artlan o f 46 Beech street, has com pleted his assignm ent at fo e radio operators’- school at Sioux F alls, S . D ., and has been assigned to aerial gunnery School at Kingm an, A riz. i .

Thom as F . D ineen, J r., son of M r.

NOTICZ 6r INTENTION . T ik , n o lle llu t NATHAN BABNNTT, S n

appllwl to tbo Township Committee of Urn iw nufct, or cn aiw a . N. A . for a ( U n i , to - UU Dlotrltnitka Ueouo h r w a in * attraua at t Wklaot Aronw -CnnlM d. N. I.

OMaeUou. IT u r , ahookl b , ra d , taM dl- itrlr la writlas » A Wolur Coaow Chrk of th , Townahi, of C eahrd. N. J. - - ( St a>- U NATHAN BANNHIT,

i r k t s b b b m

K ' i i J OT O D A Y — F R L — 8 A T .



...A F F A I R SO t M A R T H A

w ith ’M a n h a ' R ich a rdH U N T .........C A R L S O N

O pen PaBy tr ig A itLF R L a a * S A T .

- Krnaa . /Ma«reeH- . P O W E R / O 'H A R A

“ TH E B LA CK SW AN”(ia lerknieater)

G isrta W a n e * , ta“ Cuiderell* Swing* It”


R A Y B U L L U fD

“ C R Y STA L B A L L ’ ’— HTT N n 8 — -

Jrtm Carran Er e Arden Sraaa Hayw ard— GaU Patrick la

“ H IT PAR AD E o f 1943”/ N E X T W E D . TH RU SA T .

“ A I R F O R C E ”' ■ ’ - .and- . .’JOHNNY DOUGHBOY*

and M rs. Dineen o l 88 B urnside ave­nue, has w ritten his parents a letter,, the first in over four m onths since he le ft this country on active duty yrlfo the U . S . M arines. !e cannot report w here he ia but sa s that they are treated royally by t te people there, have no shortage of neat and can go and get a thick- steak w henever theyf eel like i t * X ------------------------------

S taff Sgt. G ordon B . D eah, form er­ly o f Cranford, is now stationed et

Low ry F ield , C o lo , where he i* 'a t ­tending fo e bom balght malrrienanc* school o f fo e A rm y A ir C orps. H is _ brother, Technical S g t R eed B . Dean, is now on m aneuvers in D eath Val­ley , Q alif., w ith tan arm ored division,

fA dditional notes about M en in. ' Sertrtce on page- 7 ).

B uy W ay Bonds and Stamps


TO O TH P A S T E ............GILLETTE TYPE J .

R A ZO R BLADES' ......

h Safety2 tube. 29c

2 0 25cCLEANSING '

• TISSUES ......................: .... 3^S,rf5 0 c1 LB. M OTH CRYSTALS 3 5 c' PARA-DICH LOR ..........






■ - / •... 1 .49

/ P R E S C R I P T I O N SCarefuSyCom pounded -

/ ’• / •

— CarefuBy Priced

S C H E R ' SD R U G S T O R E

SID N E Y SOBER. Reg- P hana. - -SOUTH and W A L N U T AVENUES O pp. U aloa Co. h a d C o.


R E C O R D 4.29 R A C K S *



. Telephone FLED . 6 -854*111 - - — Open Thnraday and Saturday Evenings


S U N .-M O N .-T U E 8 . 2 B ig H its Jeaa CRAW FO R D

John W A Y N E — P hilip D ORN“ REUNION in FRANCE”

Lion el Dar n rear* la '“ D r. GSlrapie’*

New Assistant”W R D .-T H U R . 2 O utstanding H Rs

G reer W alter -G A R SO N PIDGRON

BLOSSOMS In the DUSTC ary Rorallad


C R A N F O R Drrowrot s-o«»o

T O D A Y — F R L — SA T. Errol F L YN N — A n n SH ER H )AN

“ EDGE O F DARKNESS”(» • » * TMUy a Sri. 2:19. 7 :l l . li:M i M i i a l a r ia a T ia N :N

SSM n Tadnr'a F A 1:15 a *M

S U N .-M O N .‘ TUR8 . Jnae 4 - M K affir rlnn tTpranrrH EPBU RN T R A C Y

•K EEPERof theFLA M E ’s a « n h i 1:4*. 4 0 5 l i t , l* X *

" I t m I n . T n Z ta ^ 7 :ia l*ta*

“ H ie D e v i W ith H ilkt”a s m i n . ix a . i » i a a :i* - r a n a n i m id s a a w


“ I T A I N ’ T v H A Y ”S in n at 1 * 7 :1 4 l*to r .

Som ething to Shout A bout------- ---------------- r^ fo e k O A K IR


N B W A S K A M P gP g W T S

MOSQUE... 1 *8 * B read S t , N ew ark


GOUNTERATTACEN ltea B-M T u es. fo n t S u n , 4#e to L S *. M ate. 200 W e d , T ta u a , S a t, 85e to • fa p lu s -ta x . 'S e a ts B ox O ffice, or CaB H A .- 8 -1 8 1 8 ; , .


' . ■ • - ■ ‘ _. ’ ’ . . ” - .■

due June lp h . -I f you need money to pay jrour income tax—or fo f any other approved purpose—don’t sell out your share ia Victory by

-’ ^ t H l f l ^ ^ ^ W 7 d r B a a d f c - K e e p y o ^ d r i U a r s 'j % M » f ^ .;. ......Come to the UnioorCounty Trust Compahyi where our re*

qairements for credit are simple; where it is possible to oth taia a loan without collate ta ler so-signers. ^Your, application for a petsonai-loan will receive, immediate and confidential^consideration; When granted, the needed cash is available without detity; -L otaljya made at low banking rates, in’ strict acoordanca with sound, banking procedure. You may repay your loan in 12 convenient monthly, payments. ’Come in fer ■ confidential discussion o f your financial needs «oday. ..... - /■ . , , ■ . . '

tXmeBt N E W BASKING BODSS. Th » * b ■* *<•» -ttrtrL w * , .H&Btmk'wa AttUmd m Srtm fcya fimi i> 1 * 0 N Sum ter 1 4 ,1 9 0 , A K A af* . .

U n i o n C o u n t y T r u s t C o m p a n y

IPOSIT DI5U8ANC8:o o a N a A n o N


, 1 0 0 S O U T H A V B H U B C R A N fO R D

, % 11 r -r-.:v-ik. .vf i-; T’ ’. £ : , ■





Page 6: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

W lnthrop Corporation to Joseph I * re.i.p.*.,—y m s iUp him sn e t Nafc2 M . 309, 300 and 312 W ade avenue.

M utual Savin** F in d B anoouia to M r. and H n . R obert A . G p b en gw *- er, property In the e a terly sideline o f Ehnora avenue. 2 6 1 1 4 feet fromN orm andy place. .

M r. and U t i . C arl G . Archibald to M r. and M rs. D onald E din*er, lo t l l block E , m ap o f th e % * n y W a le s , section 2 .

R uth S . M in ts and P h ilip , her h u s­band, one; tract in the southeasterly sideline o f Union av e n u e ,. SO feet

. -fro m C herry street, and one; tract in the southeasterly sideline o f U nion avenue, 100 feet from C herry sh e

Jean H avens, w id o W .to M r . and M iC H arry E . Yertcea, lo t 106, re­vised m ap o f Orchard P erk annex.

M r. and M rs. H arold W . Crom ey to ^Stella M cG rann, property in the w e s-

terty line o f Arlington road, 255 feet from N orth avenue. ' '

Tow nship o f Cranford to M r. and M rs. Frederick D eckhut property in th e northeasterly sideline o f L exir.g- ton avenue. 300 feet from Denm an road .' ; _________________

T Ze+l E *S M k 1 0 * 0 * 1

N IC E house in Cranford, conVenient­' ly located, w ith three or four bed­

room s, before Septem ber.. Send d e­tails to R . V . W aller, Am erican Type Founders, In c , Elizabeth,

— N ..J . .......------------------------------ -

H O U SE good neighborhood. Three or four bedroom s. Fam ily o f .adults. Phone CRanford 6-0504.

H O U SE 7 or 8 large room s, centrally located, all im provem ents, July 1st. Adults, gentiles. B ox 572, Citizen and. Chronicle, Cranford. '

NOTICE OF INTENTION Tikt notice that ANNA UWt'KIK. b*»

plied to Uio Township CumnlttM of lA* T*wm- •blp of Cranford. N. J., for a n m arj fetal! CoosumMlon 1 teens* for prmlsca sUtuite 59 North Atmue, feft. Cranford. N. i.

Objection*, if *nj, ahould be route imm atelr In wrttlnf to J. Walter Cbff*e, Orrt « f the Township -of Cranfnrd. X. I.<■3 (Slmadt ANNA P in rtlK . t

B E A U T IF U L R IV E S PROPERTY— Four lovely bedroom s, tile bath w ith biggest closet y oa ever saw ; m odem kitchen, 'breakfast room ; open p o n h ; gaiagei Y o u w ill ap­preciate this hom e w hen you aee Jt w ith its large yard and so near to

suhuuis an d ' transp ortstion . 3*500.

H E IN E 17 N orth A v e , E , C R . 0-0777

L O O K A T 214 C LAR E M O N T -—A m odem D utch Colonial L arge room s, nice interior tion , fireplace, oak floors, (team ' b ea t, beautifu l setting. Ideal for children. It cost 110,500. N ow priced at $*,000 to settle ah estate, I t is a m ighty good N orth side value. C onsult your ow n broker or

PO STO N , C R anford 0-0500 O r 0-0879,

A BIN D ER o f m anuscript m usical cataIogue,Xbetw een C ranford T h ea­tre and D a r in g W ay on Saturday evening. R eturn to 5 D oering W ay. Phone C R anford 6 -0 1 7 3 -J .

SM A L L lock et, 'book shape; V . P . L e « M > u , tin y photos inside, keep­sake. R ew ard. B allard , 10 Frazer P lace; CRanford 6 -1 4 8 6 -J . 6-17

• V G asoline Coupon B ook. J . H . M cA teer, 9 Tu xedo Place, Cran­ford . Phone C Ranford 6 -M 2 0 -M .

0 -3


tm Uu n a a n C w i l t ! I o f lb* M i a * 0tO u l u . X. J , lor a n u u r BMUl Cosaiap- d . Um bm h r t n u i . i . ftlutldd u 1 Booth r a u Xtmam, Crmaloid. X. i . ' '- M a r. Bmo » * ■ at MS Oaatfal Arena*.

O u M . X. J. - ,- -O m o B .-B om rwhW l l II Salferd .Arena*. Oaaf«d.\N. J. .

W*twr j.nHob rcaMw «t 1 South ttaloa Ato- ■«*. r m f o r l N. J. - •

Mania B «* , ir. r a l t a «t 91 Grteo Btroet IfThMUA. X. J.\ .

OhjMtlaes. If nnf, should bo nado tmaetf- .M r to wrttln* to'A. Waller CoSet, Clorh of

Crmaford. . .. — __(Sifted) BBSS TAVBBN,

• - John F. H*~Oscar M. Hess, Writer J. Boa. Martin UcM, Jr.

NOTICE OF INTENTION |Tike notice that T1IE LODGE, Inc. has applied,

to the Townahip Committee of the Toen tlp i of Cranford. N. J.. for a rtenary- Eetall Coo-1 •umptlon llcenee for premises situate*! at 5-5! South Avenue, West, Cranford. S. J. I

Robert W. Medrich. F m U a l, T ladUal Bprlnf Road, Cranford. N. J. , -~|

-Southerland Kirkwood. Ylct-FmbkM. 127 f BUlcreal Avenue, Cranfords N. J. I

Edmund Burke. Bceretarj-TreasBrcr. JlSi Retford Avenue, Cranford. N. J. |

Objection*. if any, should be nude taanB-l eteljr In writing to J. Walter Coffee. Clert of I

> the Tovnlhlp o f Cranford. X- J. __ - I9-3 • (Btfaed) THE LODGE. b e . I



We de Carpentry. 1

N o Job T oo S m all o r Tod Largs Brtimstes Cheerfully GivenPAR AM O U N T


27 W .P n i A w . C * . 6-3163

C L A S S I F I E D *Work Wanted-Female

YO U N G g irl w ill take c a re .o f .am all children, tw o an d tip, from 3 :3 0 to 0 P . M . Jane Freem an, 2 2 P aik er A venue, C ranford.

Help Wonted-Femaleto take w ork ou t and

B ox 573 , cate T h e C ran - itizen and C hronicle.

stenographer. V ery gew office. S trictly g o v -

i C lose to C ranford.Telephone

UPHOLSTERER, daentator, curtain*,

and a lso an furniture repair. Ft*d X a atn ar * a M ,.ftc m a r ir w ith W

. B aum gartan, 45 Sanfb Union A vol MMe Hfirrtl t -m > . g

T h at Insertion—T w o cents a w ard. Repeat ada—O ne cent a w ord, D eadline fo r copy— W fitorw isy

accom pany advertising copy.


Jtotjs WamtodfMtJm Jfolp Watded^MaU

MEN WANTEDMen weeded for bench weric. s leeM al

' testing and Eaqperteneedmfaabto bat not eoorartlil


participate actively in


JJT j»o^ .’are an xious /(■>i.a r e « m w » ia victory effort.

C O N TEN TS o f hom e— W aln u t inlaid bedroom su ite, tw in bedk^. thrCe- piece liv in g room suite, tw ^ n ig s , m an’s in laid w alnut c h ille ro b e /g ir- andies; g ilt clock a c t C an b e seen after F riday. Phone C R anford fl-024 2 -J .

PO R CELAIN sink, right hand com er drain , faucets and trap included, $8 ; cream colored gas range, le ft hand top oven , $8 ; large oak kitchen table, drop leaves, $2. Phone C R anford fi-234 9 -J . . ■

CO M PLETE dining room and bed­room suites; sacrifice. C a ll CRan­ford fi-1 5 9 2 -W ......... ....

'W llL M c r m i»T je a ljU ra '7 -b It4 » 'w a l- nut bedroom set, lik e n ew , cost $450.00, price $150.00, m attress new ; bookcase, com bination desk, $5.00; table lam p, $ 3 .00 ; radio, victrola attachm ent and records, $25.00; bird cage and stand, $3.00; C rem - erius, 201 South Union A venu e; phone C Ranford 6-1260. .

K R A N 1C H ' and Bach spinet pianO, four years o ld . W alnut case, ex ­cellent condition. Phone C R anford 6-2699-M .

O N E law n m ow er in good condition; \also m iscellaneous tools. C a ll at

205 O range A venue betw een 6 and i any evening o r phone C R anford 6 -0 5 4 8 -W .

BUTCH ERS, Fanners, let us take the feathers o f f . your chickens clean and cheap. G loat’s P oultry Farm , S , Springfield A venu e, W estfield ,

FU R S T O R A G E $2 P er $100 valua­tion . K alin sky fu rs , on sate. D . D fyson and Son, Furriers, 34 N orth A venue, W ., C ranford, v t f

NOW Is A Good Time To F IX UP Yonr HOME!

ELECTR IC R EFR IG ER ATO R V IC IN G . - J . C . N apier, C R anford 0-2 0 3 2 -R . . . • ’ ' •

I p you are interested in lig r t, d e a n factory w ork, under p k aaan t coruhtioos.

IF youage.

are between 16 and 50. years o f

Y O U 'w ill find m any rrm anal opporfi inilire here w ith a co n pany tfart h a s em ­ployed an d M in e d girts fo r m ore Oran50



•14 Fkdfarghuyaen Kyrnt Ifew azk , H ew JtTw y

‘ U . & E M P L O Y M E N T SE R V ICE 306 W adrington S L . H ew azk. N . J .

M ood ay a n d P rtday. » - l I A . 1L 1000 StiringfleM A ven n e, Irvingtoei, N . J .

Tuesday an d T huriday. £ 3 0 -4 3 < f . 1177 EL G rand S t , O im b e th . N . J .

Wedoeaday. 0-11 A . M . /» - L V A IL _____ /





N A T IO N A L T O O L fc M F G . C O . 12th Street, KenUwOrtb, N . }C

D o not apply if on w ork '

G IR L S and W O M E N

18 toto ^ i


and. , /


Lmcuomroop . mpo. c a775Xddgarw ood A t e , K H tahrtli, HL J .


\Day Shift S to 4^0 Night Shift 5 to 1^0

■ White «w ColoredTJ|»«* llM M h rtiiT lr f W nrlr

N o Experience N ecessary

. • . . A n d y ■ ■



N ew ertc, N ew Jersey

U . 6 . E M P LO YM E N T SE R V IC E 309 W ashington S t , N ew ark. N . J .

M onday and K id a y , 3 -1 1 A . I L 1000 fip rin gfid d A venu e,. Irvington , N . J .

Tureday and Thursday, 2M -+M P . M . 1177 & G rsod S t , E lixabeih . N . J .

W adneeday, 3 -11 A . M .


M E N . for. G eneral F actory W ork— P referably over : 4 0 years old . I f you are in essen tial, w ork, do not apply.p a c k i n g E n g i n e r i n g c o r p .

972 Lincoln A ve^ E ., C ranford, N . J .




INSPECTORSM A N o r b oy to cu t grass. C a ll CRan­

fo r d 6 -1932. ' G RIN DERS

G ARDENER— O ne w ho understands landscaping an d m ake grounds at­tractive. Phone C R anford 6-J995-J .


TF irst C lass

D IE A N D .T O O L M AK ER S P revailing Top R ates'

O vertim e O ptional




T O O L " C H IB " A T T E N D A N T S '

S H IF T LEAD ER S*M ust have toolm aker background

and able to take charge o f shift.

A . O . M . T O O L EN G IN EER IN G C O . 226 C entennial A v e .

Cranford, N . J .

N A T IO N A L T O O L 3 M FG . CO. 12th S t , K enilw orth, N . J.

D o n ot apply If on w ar work



G EO R G E STO C K baby gran d ' piano, P ertect condition, 3666. C a ll CRan­ford 6 -0 3 0 2 -W a fter 6 j . m. 5 -2 7

H elp W anted— M ale or Fem ale

C H IC K E R IN G grand' piano. CRanford 6 -0 6 2 3 /


• Repair Aal laltj goof.

• Fix

SENS and Y®10, 12, lf^ a n d 10. Open M onday and Friday evenings. E d ith H m , SIB E /B ro a d stre e t W estfield . T el. W E atfleld 2 -1 4 1 0 . ' t f .

rHT bulbs, Maxdaq an watts up to 300 in stock; also 3-way bulbs 7V4 to M watts; l f c eadi. 'Jobniton Paint Shop, 137-3 W. Union Ava- rme, Cranford.

W AUUjPftnte 1368 patterns, .ex- (h r in d M in beguttfuleolcringa

tim d cd/orfaxt Lobk a ^ i t 'h a l u b . yokr'artect

/Jofanaton PaintShop. i'UiBian’:Avahuew!';.Crait-

_ T xttm ss . ^ ftaiten^-36 Norths A v».f c O g n t a d -,; ’ > ^ V ' '




C H O O SE Y O U R O W N . H O U R S


Near Your Own Home



BelFlDrng3 -1 0

K lT 'ron cferkT'accurate' a t figures.r office. G ood p a y . Perm anent

fo r duration. Phone TJndeu 2-5177.

in He laag tan, faT dS - p a litv ru specially d t- T*6a p n ftiy

s a d p xn tea a on — its ad f> c le a n in g fe a tu r e k e je ft w h ite h ou ses w h ite . la g u s C ell y o u a b o u t iz . V e have

I gau ge o f c o lo r s , to o r

K eep -y o u r''king. Service can on ly b e ob­

tained through th e E lectrolux Corp. D eal direct w ith authorized repre­sen tative., Edw ard W . W lttk e . TeL W E etdald 2 -6 k *7 -J . ...... ' r ;t f

. / t e n “pm t1938 B U IC K coach, fo ir condtticn.

TeL C R anford 6 -1192 -W .

FU LLER B rtuhex^For tooth bru shes teufniutM brutheti ptH ihM i w m i Can ar w rite L A , M cK ee, 12 A r­lington ltoad , C ranf or*. N . J . T ele­phone C R anford 4-1T 85-W .

fifiactebfla*-LIUCNAED BUKTROCIAN—-1

D A N IE L J . H EYN U BN Rea. g B n m rtd f A f e , C B an . 3 Q50L

M E N -'W O M B f w anted in asiem &ty room to operate in W ood­w orking plan i; d oin g governm ent w ork .. .Chance fo r irnrnediate ad- vunoemenL j ■ . .N A T IO N A L C H A IR C O , Inc. W aln u t A v e . an d V a lley Road C lark Ttownsbip,- R ahw ay, N . J .


M I U M I L C H . I 4 H L .

c c

p u m itt S tm e A utos W anted A utos W anted

< 914-95

L e t u s hope th e rain 'is through, F or w e' have m any things to Tdo. Straighten every dresser or draw er, T h e surplus fo r d ie Jum ble Store.

. . ; TeL C R anford 6-2047. r ,

la 5-G aL C aa



OlANFORD PAINT*We have Jart abaet


O IL BURNER and R EFR IG ER ATIO N SERVICE_jon a ll m akes. B oilers vaccum cleaned, o il or cfiaL Con­version w ork ,..' Phone C Ranford 6-2120. . 6 -24

,118 BOUXE AVENUE,— Ik y Ite F fa sT

C R A N FO R D 3 -1 3 7 6 .

M ason R epairs -

M A SO N repair w ork ; Jobbing. W il­liam .B a rn e s,'44 Johnson A venu e. T eL CRanford 6 -0 4 S4-M . 6 -1 7


W E M U ST S U r tL Y 5 0 C A B S Z A C H ,'V D S (1939 to 1841)

- HIGHESTPRICESPAID!H Y o u N a v e N o t BeHcem e d Y o u r C a r, and W ant to S r t llL •

O ur R epresentative W in C a ll a t Y o o r H om e b y A p poin tm en t

WE HAVE CASH WAITINGB rin g T ltte an d Tlurze ie r j T n m efer P apers. . 1

J f you ow u a batenee to tb e fhw nce com pany ' -■ w e w H Taetaa U an d p a y y o u tb e d ifferm oe. -

O pen evening* u n tn 8 an d Sunday m orn in g;« b y appointm ent.

DRIVE RIGHT TO OU RLOT313 N . B R O AD S t ; E L . 3 3 8 0 1 (N e x t to W in flrtd S c a tfH o ta l)

A S K F C S M R . K H P A 3 H K X 'C A L L C R A N FO R D '6 -1 3 0 3 -J A R S 8 P . 1C. ^

W A R W O R K ;Mechanics ..

' L a b o r e r a : ;


15 N O R TH A V E . . _ , G AR W O O DA p p ly M on . thru SaL i


8 A. M. to ll-A.'M .Ihoee now em ployed urtng their fuU drill in -w a r w ork need not apply..v , - - — * * ’ “ 5-6

B uy W ar Bonds and Stamps

M ACHINIST ESSENTIAL INDUSTRYExperienced all-arou n d m an ~ ; . .

• fo r M achine Shop.

L ath e, tom e w elding, etc.

' G ood opportunity-tor future.

State age, experience; salary desired, o f .apply personally a fter phoning f a ap poin tm en t' . ’


CO RPO RATIO N650 South A venue * G arw ood, N . J .

' Telephone W E stfleld 2-12755-6

LA W N M O W EB S sharpened. Avoid the rush. H ave it done now . W prk done on the prem ises. C o ffe y 's 1 Alden S treet Telephone CRanford 6-2224. , • ' tf

“p tou tU ied jg a om * J& *tLA R G E , light second floor bed-sitting

room ; suitable fo r business person. A ttractive neighborhood, near bus and station. Telephone CRanford 6 -2 2 3 8 -W .

•kfam tedFU R NISH ED room w ithin ten m in­

utes w alk of com er jot.C um m ings and Thom as A venues. Telephone Solax, CRanford 6 -2045 . .

LA R G E , com fortable;-front bedroom; also room w ith private bath ; -gar­age i f desired. N ear bus and sta­tion. 427 N orth U nion Avenue. TeL C R anford 6 -0594 . tf

EIG H T inch bench saw ;-good condi- Jioji.__ C alL C R anford 8 -1 9 5 6 -W . FIR ST

XiBut . •floor o f tw o-fam ily house.

U SED law n ■ m ow ers. W e .w ill pay h igh est prices. A p gar H ardw are; 109 N ..U n ion A v e , C ranford .' 5 -27

S i t eTH R EE roan s and bath . A ll utilities,

private hom e, residential section. Phone C Ranford 6 -2 3 7 3 -J . .

Four room s, fireplace, tile bath, steam h e a t on e-car garage. 24 John Street; good neighborhood,

'h a lf m ile from tow n center. Im­m ediate occupancy. $50. Inquire O w ner, 34 H am ilton A v e , CRan­ford 6 -0205 . Open fo r inspection.

A T TR A C TIV E , first floor, five room apartm ent .A v a ila b le Ju ly 1 st Screened porch. C aB CRanford 6-1 8 2 3 -J . - « '

Alias *rssriiiroftjroaaM*£L A S T -C A L L ! - L o vely spic and span

brand n ew 6>-T00Hr ap attm en fr'for $45. Large bright airy com er room *. Fine neighbors. ' A grand garden. C or. Burnside an d R oosevelt ave­nues. . ■ . ■. .. „ '■

PO STO N , C R anford 6 -0 5 0 0 O r 6-0879.

D R E SSM A K IN G and tailoring:, a l- terdUona; ladies’ ow n m aterial -m ade up . M rs. A . G . Anderson,222 N orth A v e , E , Crpnford, Tel. CH anford 6 -ll? 3 -W . > . tf------- ------------------ ' ' ' ......ItJMpmKtofyf&SZZt*

A u to s W antedW A N T E D .good u se d .ca rs for cash.

W ilio n , 199 South A venue, Gar­w ood. - . - . ,6 -1 7

pM /vtietA . KANTNKR. New crete and scarf*

for sate.- Remodeling and repair­ing high grade fu n . lM Wahmt Aypnue. Phare CRanford 6-15781• ■ . •... I f

d o y k Ht n - f tU emf -ft tp e to *E ST IM A T E S’ an y ea r caipauliy and

turning w ork chaertully given. Ex­cellent worte at reasonable prices. Gharlex E . H erm ann, 31 N orth A v e- nhe, E . Phone C Ranford 6-1320. - tf


( I t e d t e a s g i w i a hS p e c ia l iz in g in alterations

w ar approved Jobs. Satisfaction guaranteed. -E stim ates given . TeL W Estfleld 2 -3 1 5 4 -M .' John M onaco, 232 S t P aul S tre e t W estfield . tf

TPecm atV tfJO SEPH W A R SIN B K I — P a in tiiv -

D ecoratin g .. U o y d k ; T h lban t and Im perial w allpaper*. P hene CRaw* fo rd 6 -1 4 3 4 -M . - ’

A. CRANE, Painter aad Decaratox.320 South U nion A ven u e. . T e le -phone'CRanfotd ««B99Lm for 4M-‘ ’ tf

SU B SCR IPTIO N S new , renew al, gifts and prizes. Publishers’ Special offers filled . Low er rates to Service m en. C ards and W rappings. Avon Products. Phone CRanford 6-0980.M iss C . B . W eld ln , 18 Berkeley Place, C ranford. tf

S tvtm qc -r P ttu d e ti^ ^ LO N G distance m oving. Fireproof .

storage, padring, crating. Agents A llie d : V an*.' . Slsaer B r o s ,; In c, Som ervU le, P lainfield , N ew B hinS- < w ide. .■■■. . - i ■■■'.■"

W II J.T A M R Q E S E L , 4w 4«»rlo- m l « v . tetter painting. S k illed m erb .r.1-Personal supervliten . Phone CRan­ford 6 -2 1 3 4 . .

L E T O f estim ate on an y o f your m ov­ing or. afbrega proM em a. M odem equipm ent and experienced, cour­teous m en: A gents fo r A llied Van

Twii| 1a»i| liiflt e ip j m overs.B obbins

flou ry C lu b D w aile Deliuqu«ju v e n ile

"T discussion o f th*of Juvenile d

- isJTeldfat-th e-regulaE J

f-sssgfsrEI Church. ™ a im

■& XZSST.' srsubjrottothefofore.

A proram dealing /ethics of variousjprM e

^ held at^ i . rhanre o f 11

■ .mfeision and 'Jhe fo B -r - ’ T m in the discussion: 1

f C b a n . the dentel

'^ l i c a l p ro fegtm . m e chib accepted the c

| J u o n sC h ib to th re e g nI “ ' j i j . G rail, presdden ' on the recent .Rote

Conference. " •Hepresentalives o f th e

appointed to* be on 1the ■ Tg at the review o f I Guardsmen held .Friday al “ indoctrination Center. •

R e n te r Britton, S r , an

Robert, Harden and G« thty of Westfield and P polhemus of R oselle weri the meeting. '

Dr. Gordon L . Peters,

" ( p H * '"

Lincoln-Sherm an G^re R ed C ro ss SI

. n .. mmiie- n f TilnrolnThe pupils1 o f L incoln nan Schools presenter America," the pageant o f

: progress of foe Junior Re< : llunday night in' the L in mditorium. M iss Jean I

the physical education r ud Mlss Olga Specht of gepirlment were in ch i program.

i The pageant w ritten b of the faculties o f the C ra idmola was in four acts jinior Red Cross Learoa The Juhior Red Crosi Conxnunity W orld-w kk The Junta -Red C ross Pi rial Competence? and “ Red Cross Prepares fo r i beshlp.”

Bay W ar

FOR SASix noma, flroilaeek i soa porch. Plot 68 Nelzhborhood Is 1M %

price b right!

GENERiINSURA1Consult a r on a sy

Inrarance problem s,

genenl agents fo r s

the leading — "I — 1- .

STILL ’ASPAJi » z . 5 0 c



C . E

sEBCRaM 6-

Page 7: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,


Rotary Club Diocuaaea L-emle Delinquency

i^ sc u ssIo o rfth e iw ta M P ro W e ® o f Juvenile d d ln gu a w y

c ta b to fn iu r r ta r iio o n tak * * rfulStion81 buildtag o f tfaeM eth -

‘^ C h u r c h . The d u b w ill con­I * * %e discussion t o d v a n d .H .i S S e^ M a cC b u y . d ia ln n a n ot the

^ S e r v i c e com m ittee, w u ap­I ^ t d io r e p r e s o * th e clu b at any ! if^ ^ e e tin g which m ay b e h eld on

r ^ t a t h e f U t m e . , . .. .A proram dealing w ith th e code

, ,t£cs o f various professions ™ l , held at the m eeting. H en ry W .

in charge o f th ep rogram . « W f ■ trie ethics o f "th e banking ^ an d th e foU oW lng partici-

• P r , in the discussion: U r.* Sam uelt in m a n , the dental p ro te rio n ; J L i« M. Ray. the new spaper p ro - S o n ; and D r: R ow land P . Bfjrthe, *e medical profession. V .

L chib accepted the! challenge o f J lJon s Chib to three g o lf m atches. !ktrick J. G rail, presIdenA-rfect, r e -

on the S c en t R otary D istrictConference.

Hepresentalives o f th e d u b w ere .pointed to* be on th e review ing S at the review o f th e Coast

• Guardsmen held ,Fjridajr a t th e C lark indoctrination Center. T h ey w ere S ^ t e r Britton. S r., and (M r. H oy.

ROjart Harden and G eorge F ru t- rhfj of Westfield and P . G areteon “ ^ u s of R oselle w ire guests at the meeting. ' ..............----­

Dr. Gordon L . Peters, president, "Ijraidefl. ~ ~ “

Uncoln-Shermaii PupilsGp Red Crow Show

me pupils o f L incoln an d S te r ­n a Schools presented “ Young America." the pageant o f 2 5 years of pmcess of tte Junior R ed C ross last ltursday night In the U rieoln School mditorium. M iss Jean V oorhees of the physical education departm ent, uri Mlss Olga Spocht o f th e m uelc aeputment, were In ch arge o f the

■ program.i The pageant, w ritten b y m em bers

g the faculties o f the C ranford grade idtools, was In four acts title d “ The Junior Red Cross Learns b y Doing,'*

: The Jhhior Red C ross Prom otes Coasnunlty W orld-w ide S e rv ice /

r The Junior Red C ross Prom otes S o - rial Competence" and “ T h e Junior Bed Cross Prepares fo r A d u lt M em - benhlp." • •

B v W ar B eads a id H H t k

Important Notice to Women of Cranford

D o you know that In your area there la being produced a vast amount o f the necessities for our armed forces, su ch -as arm s, clothing, food and m edical supplies w ithout which our m en an d" boys cannot carry on their offensive In this globial war,?

A ll plants are losing m anpow er to­day to our arm ed forces and our only sou rce-o f supply to -k eep w ar ma­terials v itally needed supplied to them is through the Idle wdm en In each com m unity w ho have no eco­nom ic need to w ork but w ho should do their part to help their husband, brother or son by adapting them selves to the change In conditions as the B ritish w om en have-done over,a year ago. They have gone in and manned the m achines left id le by. their men being inducted into the arm ed forces i t the B ritish Em pire and their work records-should 1» an inspiration to our Am erican Women.

H erbert F . Friemari, head o f the Recruitm ent D ivision, Elizabeth Office, U nited States Em ploym ent Service of the W ar M anpow er Com m ission, w ill have a representative at the United States Em ploym ent Service Itinerant O ffice, Inform ation Center, o f the O . C . D ., 29 North Union avenue, this Saturday from 10 o . m . to 4 p . m .

Discuss Status Of Farm Labor

M em bers o f the Union C ounty Se­lective Service Boards and the Union County branch of the U . S . D epart­m ent o f Agriculture W ar Board held

FOR S A L E8b rooms, fireplace, open and

saa porch. Flot 68 b y ISO.- Neighborhood b 1M % and the prior is right! .................

GENERALINSURANCEConsult us on any o f yonr

Insurance problem s. W e u n

general agents fo r nereral eg

the leading com p an ies, -

R£RI fS T .Q T - n f o t

[Rflnfofio TS!is: ra.e NORTH AVt A ■ . - ... .

. . ■ Important Rationing Dates' F u el OU ' .... -

Period F ive fuel o il coupons now good for the purchase o f 10 gallons o f fu el oil or kersene. ■

' ' H 'C offM • " _ • - ': S tam p N u m b ^ 24*In *W ar-R aU 6rrB cok*O ne*is-vatid-(or-the-pur—

chase o f one pound of Toasted coffee through June 30.

. ■ ,11 Sugar • 1 .. ■ ■' - Stamp num ber 13 in W ar Ration B ook O ne valid fo r five poundso f sugar through August IS. Coupons N o. IS and 16 are good -for five pounds each fo r hom e canning purposes. H ousew ives m ay apply to ' ‘ " " ‘ " ins If necessary.

Shoes 'r Ration Book One is good for the pu r-rune IS. ' . i '

■local boards fo r additional ratii

Stam p N um ber 17 in Wa chase of a pair o f shoes until


gFood .

e re are no I stam ps) In W ar Ration purchasing canned and processed 11 continue good through July 7.

i, and Cheese j. .atlon B ook T w o are valid .for/u se The red J and K stam ps are good one 6.

N o gasoline rations inspected.

G asoline11 be issued


a conference. ’fecently ’ m the "mu­nicipal building. The , m eeting was called by the state to show the necessity o f com plete inter-change In­form ation betw een the tw o groups to prevent further drainage o f farm la­bor and to enable the Selective Serv­ice boards to face the difficulties con­fronting them relative to th e type of m an-pow er to be drafted. It w as the last o f a series: o f such m eetings held throughout the State. - .

MaJ. Edgar E . Lew is, J r., deputy State Selective Service director, was chairm an at the m eeting. It w as em ­phasized by the entire group that the Im portance o f food production to the w ar effort m ust be considered'by draft boards in their drafting of m an-pow ­er. State officials o f both groups were present at the m eeting.

WAAC Officer HeraC p l. C onsuelo M artin ez,'W A A C , of

th e staff o f the U . S . A rm y Recruit­m ent and Enlistm ent office in Eliza­beth, w ill be at the Inform ation Cen­ter o f the D efense Council Tuesdays to give-inform ation on the W A A C and take enlistm ents. C pl. M artinez re­ported several Cranford g irls as ex­pressing Interest In the corps and be­in g sent to the Eliztbeth office for m ore ..Inform ation and p ossib le en­listm ent during her first v isits to C ranford. Sh e h as.u rged , anyone in th e area to contact her at th e office for d e ta ilso f the W A A C duties. '

Traffic Violator* FinedIram Tarver o f 17 C hestnut street,

Sum m it, w as fined $5 and $2 court cost In -Police C ourt la st w eek by Judge C arroll K . : Sellers. H e was sum m oned fo r speeding b y P atrol- tram G eorge W ard. A u drey Bow lby o f 195 Sum m it avenue, Sum m it, charged b y Patrolm an W ard with

a stop street, w ad fined $3.


T A XI NOT1C* that tha underlined will apply to the Union County Court of Conaoo Plena on the lllh day of Jane, pexl, *t 11*0 o'clock In the forenoon or «n *$on thereafter as we can be beard at the Court House In the City of BUebetb. New J e w , for an autborUlnc ue to assume another name, to wit, lha name of Frank John Whlte_and Fr«d W i­liam White. puniiAhl to the -Statute -Ih.-iucb c u t ttad, sad MortSwtlU S S ANTHONY PATEENO,

By MAEION WHITE. I E N o t IH o d ________


. HU N o t PHand IMtad: Mur St. IMS. . *

C n o llK . Srtlm . Attormr.« No. ra lM Atubb. ■ . . .Cranford. Now Jcrser. 111

STILL TIME TO PLANTASPARAGUS ROOTSooz. 5 Oc - 50 % 7 5 c -1 0 0 < - 2 .0 0



unless tires have been

Board H onrsM onday and W ednesday- -1 1 a. m . to 3 p . m . and 7 to 9 .P . M . Tuesday, Thursday, Frid|Saturday— 9 a. m . to 12

Telephone C R . 6-2510 Infonnation Center — CRanford 6-2846.

iy— 10 a. m . to 4 p . m . ioon.— R O selle 4-2254.

' SH E R IFF'S SA LE SsjlE R irrs SALE—lo Chtncerj or New Jtntj.

Between Anchor Securities Company, Inr., a «oriri>raUou of the Uteie of New Jersey, com* lilatpam, and Xicula Tetito and ITloictna l'etito, Ills wife, and Cornelius B. Cuutant. defendants. Ft. fa. for aale of mortcetMl premlaea- .

By .virtue of* the above-stated writ of fieri facias to ao directed { shaft-eiijoee for aal* by puhlltr^oauerTirThe' Dl|trtrraeouTt-Riw».-“ lw Uie Court Houu, in thlr >OUy of Elizabeth, N. J.. pn. • W : t .


at two (Tdock (EWT) In tite afternoon of aald da . •

ALL that certain tract or parcel uf land, alt uatc, lying and being In the Tovrushlp of Cran­ford, in the County of Union tu the State of New Jersey. . * * ... .

BEGINNING at a point In the Northerly line of Pawnee Road-distant therein Easterly one hundred forty-two feet from the point of Inter­section* of the aald Northerly line of Uawnec lload and the Easterly line of Chippewa Way; from thence running (1) along the said Northerly line of Tawuee Hoad North eighty-seven de­grees GJlrty .minutes forty seconds East aizty feet to a point; thence (2) north two degrees twenty-nine minutes twenty stK-ouds West one hundred feet to a point; ‘ thence (3) South elglity-seveu decrees thirty hiinutea forty sec­onds West sixty feet to a point : thence' (I)

1 South tv(o degrees, twcntv-nlne minutes twenty seconds -East one hundred feet to the aforesaid Northerly line of ,1'swnee Hoad and the point or place of BEGINNING.-

The al>ove description being In sci'ordance with a survey made by W. XI. Van Wagner, Civil Engineer and Land Hunreyor, dated June » . mo. . •

There h due approximately 94,958.89 with Interest from April 12, 1943, and costa. a


Notes A bout Local M en In Nation s Arm qd Ft

S ix boys from Cranford lig h School who received their dipl< mas in Jhe_C 9mmencemem.'.exerc_ises last w eek are enroUed In ffi^ N a v y fV 3 > plan for training navy and m urine aviators and w ill soon report for jrisht m onths’ college training prelim inary to their flight training. They are John Babeuf o f 25 H illcrest avenue, Jam es Buttolph o f -106 Cranford ave­nue, W illiam G ulick of 110 Clarem ont place, Richard K iesling o f 31 Durham iv en u e , Thom as M erritt- o f-1 - Spruce street and G lenn M usselm an oi 301 South Union avenue. i ■

A viation Cadet Joseph Angjjnoli, son of M r. and M rs. Ghetano A n gi- noli o f 83 Benjam in street, and A via ­tion Cadet A lbert H . Volckm ann, son o f M r. and M rs. R obert-Volckm ann of 44 South U nion avenue, have re­ported to the A rm y A ir Forces Pre­flight School fo r P ilots at M axw ell F ield , A la ., from the N ashville Arm y A ir Center. ■ j!

A viation C adet O rville J. Stephens, son o f M r. and M rs. O rville Stephens o f 26 H illcrest avenue, has arrived at the Perrin F ield , T exas, A rm y -A ir Forces Flying School. H e is Ih the third 'phase o f lils train ing toward graduation as a pilot and an officer.

P fc . Henry H . C rane of 19 Lpcust drive is’ convalescing at Fort W ads­w orth Staten Island H ospital, yh ere he w as taken a fter becom ing ill w ith rheum atic fever w hile at hom e He Is stationed at- F ort M onm outh;

Seam an Anthony Joseph Be: n e lll. son of M r. arid M ts ardinelli o f 2 7 -Burnside com pleted a training ’Course G reat Lakes N aval Training Station H I., and is hom e on furlough.

P v t Robert Schade W ill reti Fort Bragg, N . C ., on Tuesday! after a tw o-w eek side furlough here w ith his parents, M r. and M rs. C . W .

spn xxii it ‘s: John I

avenui, ourse at

orcesSchade o f 115 O ak.L ane. Pvt, Schade, w ho is in the field artillery, had been confined to the cam p hospital with pneum onia, for tw o’- w eacsr"prlor“to-com ing home.

P ilot Officer R ob ert'L . D ecker,-son of M r. and M rs. M . S . Decker of 110 Marior avenue, w as am ong the 48 pilots o f the C anadian and Polish A ir Forces who transferred to the. V. S. A rm y A ir Force in London re­cently. He w as form erly connected w ith the Canadian A ir Forces.

A lvin W olfe, son o f M r. and M rs. Sariiuel W olfe o f 20 N orth avenue. W est, has been prom oted to corporal at Law son General H ospital, Atlanta, G a„ w here he is in the m edical corps.

P fc. Jam es P yle , son o f M r. arid M rs. G eorge A . P yle, Sr., o f 424 Brookside place, is now stationed at Cam p*Eshby at N orfolk, Va.

P vt. Francis J . H einem an has been home visiting his w ife, Loretta Heine- man of 52 South Union avenue, for the past week. He is an airplane m e­chanic, stationed ot H osw ell, N . M . A m em ber o f the Cranford Volunteer Fire Departm ent and an em ploye of the local Post Office, he was on his first leave in alm ost a'year of service.

W allace Poynter, son of the H ev. M . Y . Poynter and M rs. Poynter oj 155 Lincoln avenue, has been pro­moted from flDnrentice seam an to sea­m an, second class, at Cam p Perry, W illiam sburg. V a .. w here he is In training w ith the Sea B ees. H e .e h tered service on M ay 8. ..

BACK UP YOURBOYBuy an Additional

. Bond Today

SHKItirrs HALE—In ClillKwr or Xrw Jmes,Between J.' Henry Drejer, 8r., complainant,

and Cranford Noruahegan (tolf Club. lur.. a New Jersey Corporation and olhern, defondants. FI. fa. "for sale of mortgaged prenibira.

JTy rirtue of the abore-atalcd writ of fieri faclaa to me directed I shall Expose for sale by public vendue, lo Uie .District Court Room, la (he Court llouae, lur the city of Elizabeth, N. J„ on .


at two o’clock 1KWT) In the afternoon of *itd doy. " - ' .

All the following.tract or parcel of laud and prcmlsea* hereinafter partlrjilarly descrllxtl. sll- UBte, lying and being In the Townalilp- of Cran­ford. in Uie County of Union and Htale of .New Jersey:

■»TIt8r*TiaCTr~BE«INN1NG at a-idfln«-4n- Uie middle of Uio road leading; from William Crane’s to Xloses lMcrton; thence 8outh 81 dt*g, West along said riersun’s- land 20.0ti chains to a atone |n an angle of said Tlcrimn'a land; thence BouU) 27 deg. West along said IMeraon’t line 7.50 chains to a stone In an angle nr Squire I’lcrson’s land; (hence South 59 deg. East 5.49 chains to .a stone at a comer of Theophi.h'*_ and John. -Pierson's1 4am]; thence Bouth 31-deg. Wra'tralong their Jino 4.45 chains to a stone In an angle In their land; thence BouUi deg. Bait 0.91 chains to a Mono in an-uid-dltch at-the Westerly corner of the see*, ond tract hereinafter doscrll*d; thence North 44 deg. East along said secood tract 11:33 cltalni lo a-rock; thence South 47H deg, East 7.51 chains to a stone, a cottier of WlUlsra Crane’s land; thence South 42<4 deg. East 6,17 chains lo a atone in an angle of said Crano'a laud; thence North t’»^ <leg. East 11.24 chains to the South­westerly aide of the aforesaid rolihgadheiice North 08*4 deg. East 03 links arroaa aald road; thence North 46 deg. East 4.02 chains to a stone In the Southerly corner of kinoes Dun­ham's land; thence North 22 deg. West 3.74 chains to a stake In an angle of said Denham's land: thence South 71 % deg. West 4.06 chains to.tho middle of aforesaid road; thence along Die middle nf Mid road North 10 deg. Weit 9.70 chains to tho place of BEGINNING.

SECOND TRACT; BEGINNING at the rock shore menUoned: thence South 44 deg. West 11.35 .rhalus to land late of Hylrenas I’ leraon, deceased; thence along that land (now of Ktiulro IMerstm) South 47 deg. East 7.94 chains to the Westerly corner of said William Crane's laud; thence along said Crane’s line North .43 deg. East 11.40 chains to the first aforesaid tract; thence along that land North 47 deg. Wost 7.51 chains to the place of BEGINNING. t .

A small portion of premises shore described Is situate in Town of Westfield, N. *3. .- Excepting out, of the above.. tho premise* lying oa the Easterly' side of Springfield Ave­nue. recmtly sold by said Dreyer and wife to Uie Union. County 1’ark Commission. *

There Is due approxlmatefy $50,569.45 and 95M20.09 with Interest from April 27, 1943, and costs. . CHARLES E. AYEBS, Sheriff. CARROLL K. HELLERS, Sot'r. .EDJACC—CX-193

Nurse’s-Aides to Hold ' Open Meeting Tjiesday

H ie N ursed A ide C orps of Cran­ford w ill hold an open m eeting Tues­day—n igh t..at_8 o*clock in ClevelandSchool to w hich all women inter­ested in the w ork of the corps are in­vited. T h is is tho regular m onthly m eeting o f local women who have com pleted the R ed Cross course in N urse's A ide w ork and are now en­gaged in supplem entary nurse~ work in> local Hospitals and doctor’s offices. Inform ation w ill be given a i the m eeting relative to new courses start­ing in the near future. ...

School Seeks 100% ' War Stamp Purchases u

C ranford Junior - Senior High School w ill wind up its w ar bond and stam p sales program until (all with a .special drive next Tuesday, it w as

announced yesterday b y G eorfB Beam , (acu ity adviser. T h e com ­m ittee in charge la asking every M u- dent In the school to purchase either a- stam p or a bond in the final drive oi the school year.

O n Tuesday o f this . w eek, student! and (acuity m em bers purchased $ 1 ,­122.30 in bonds and stam ps, bringing the total purchases since the atari o f the drive to $104,072.35.



ICE CREAMN. Union A ve. and AM cfi bL -

Phone C R . 6 4 1 1 6III


Plumbing, Heating, TinningAm erican R adiator C o. - Autom atic OU Bornera

- Telephone C R . 6-0261 '

BICYCLESThese Sturdy New Bikes A re Just

W hU Y ou Need to G o Bade

—— - and Forth to -W ork, .D o__ ___

' Essential Shopping,





If you are employed in a gain­ful occupation, essential war work, or public welfare work, apply, to. the Local Rationing Board at 6 Alden Street for an application blank for a new bicycle certificate.



.109 N. U nion Avenue CRanford 6 4 8 6 6

C E. Trubenbach

d U M u e s i_ \r- . /

104 Scatth Ave, E.


oo&b / f t iU A X . . tfoackd&w e v t f- * f* ’ r 8T r ; . '■ ■ i * T T T I ' ■ ■ .



€xbr*Smocit&...iffee/i, /!&

MJVMOMIic a .M W a a i.

- .i f f


'* i „ L ',*

_ ttv ^ -* i tt -rSa'V

Page 8: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

K r I H S f I L W O ^ I T H 'S ' K<


Court HouseEighth Glide Group * Taken on Tour o f County Offices

The eighth grade social studies and social science classes ot the K enil­worth School w ere taken on a con­ducted tour of the Union County Court House in Eliiabzeth Tuesday and W ednesday of this week by Abe Grossm an, an official of the county clerk's office. M iss Beryl Antrobus conducted the group on Tuesday and M iss Fitzpatrick aided her on 'th e tour yesterday. ■

The pupils saw the County Court In action and also conducted a m ock court o f their ow n, under the direc­tion o f th eir-lead ers. The prison, kitchen, laundries, identification office and sheriff's office were Blso visited.

Plans for graduation and baccal­aureate services for approxim ately 80

-pup H s o f-th e-elgh th -grad e-are . being w m pleted and w ill be announced in the near future. Baccalaureate serv­ices w ill be held In the Harding School auditorium Sunday evening, June 13. Parents and friends in the community w ill be invited to attend.

M em orial Day services were held In the school In a special assem bly Friday m orning and recltations w ere given and patriotic songs sung. Those pupils who took part were George Caste, Eleanor Izzo, N ick Zanpagllone, Jean Ruskansky, P hyllis H iller, How­ard Y o u r*. S ylvia K och, Edward Tyjew skl, Anna Philippa and Betty Read. . ,

■ The girls o f M iss Pltten's fifth grade w ill take an outdoor hostel hike to Northover Cam p in Bound Brook this w eek-end. H arold Shaterlan, super­vising principal. M iss Pltten and M rs. M ilton V on Dorn, w ill accompanythem . ..................

Results o f the Field D ay-held last w eek showed M iss Antrobus’ class leading the school w ith a total o f 120 points and M iss R ay's class second w ith 108 points. i

The new ly organized Brownie Pack

50 Plane* Exhibited In Show Monday

• M ore than 80 entries w ere received in the first annual M odel Airplane C ontest held b y the B oy Scouts of Troop 8% K enilw orth, fo r eU the boys of the (£ n sn u n iiy ./ T h e congest w as held M onday- afternoon and Included both show and field trials.

In the appearance classes, exhib­ited in the basem ent o f the Com m un­ity M ethodist C hurch, Jade Reinhart was the w inner In the division fo r boys under 14 years o f age. Fred W olff took second place and Joe C on - verso and Joe M lrahs tied for .third place. Bruce D avis took first place in the appearance class fo r boys over 14 and A lfred Izzo second.

H onorable m ention w as given the plane m ade by V ictor C onven o, now

navy p ilot, and exhibited by his brother, Joe Converso. T he navy man sent the plane from cam p.

Perform ance classes included hand- launched glider planes and strin g- launched glider planes. L ee A row - sn ith took first place In the hand- launched class' w ith a plane that stayed up 37 seconds and Rudy A l­bert took second place w ith a plane that "w in rifrth en ir^t-secon d s.—R udy Albert’s string-launched plane stayed up 41 seconds before It disappeared over a h ill and it w as found later fa r aw ay from the launching grat. Sec­ond place in this class w as taken by A lfred Izzo w hose plane w as in the air 28 seconds. T h e gilder trials w ere held on the old U psala C ollege field.

Kenneth M orick, Lester Cooper and Jam es A rthur, 3rd , w ere in charge of the show . • '

K enlhvorh C ountry C lub w ill hold a picnic June 24 on the law ns o f M rs. M aude RoUMahd, In place o f the ban­quet planned to b e held at the Chan- tld e r and now m ade Im possible by the han on pleasure driving.

of the K enilw orth School m et last Thursday, under .the direction of M iss G allagher, leader. Th ey are planning a picnic In the near future. Plana are being form ed for a large organization w ith 'm any activities in the fa ll.

A total o f 8936.30 w as sold in w ar bonds <ind stam ps this w eek by the pupils, according to the report o f Mlr~ N ew com b, In charge o f sales.

Name Motor Corps Captain

Mra. S. P . Nippin*W01 Heed U nit;Defense Council Notea

M rs. S . P . Nippina of N ew ark ave­nue has b e a t nam ed chairm an o f the M otor C orps tor the D efense Council, it w as announced at the regular m eet­in g o f the group last Thursday eve­ning in Borough H alL (M rs. N ippins and M rs. Lester Cooper are In change o f recruiting w om en o f th e borough to Join in the w ork.

The present plane call fo r a num ­ber o f cars to be prepared fo r action and the drivers on call du ring a test or raid that th e m achines m ay b e at the disposal o f a l raid w ardens or the m edical crew . '

F irst aid and m edical crew m em ­bers are m eeting the third! Tuesday o f each m onth at Borough H all to disfuas em ergency problem s. D r. A b ram -W ettz-w tll' b e th e-sp eek er-et the June m eeting.

'Paul V an D er Zee, chairm an o f the council-, announced th is w eek that last Friday’s surprise alert an d black­ou t w as successful In th e borough. N o violations w ere reported and m ore than 78 per cent o f the civilian defense forces'm obilized. In consid­eration o f the late hour and th e num ­ber o f m en w orking nights, M r. Van D er Zee considers this a good record.

M anorial Day Service*K enilw orth Post, 2230, V eterans of

Foreign W ars, held M em orial D ay services at the H arding School ‘m on­um ent M onday m orn in g.. T h e L a­dles’ A u x illa iy assisted and civic or­ganizations o f the com m unity laid w reaths on the ta b let A m em oral service w as held Sunday n igh t in the K enilw orth Com m unity M ethodist Church by the V . F . W . an d auxiliary and the R ev. O tis M oore, pastor, spoke on “ The H eaven-R escued Land.”

Mis* Amalia Onofri Wed Ini Cranford

M iss .A m alia O nofri, daughter of M r. and M rs. A n gelo. O nofri o f 22 19th street, w as m arried Saturday at 8 p . m . to LL Frank W . N apolitano, U . S . Arm y. A ir Corps, soik/of M r. and M rs. V incent Napolitano «di W estfield , The w edding took place in S t . M ich­ael’s C hurch, Cranford, and the R ev. W illiam B . D onnelly, pastor, perform ­ed th e cerem ony.'

T h e bride w as given in m arriage by her father and attended by her sister, M iss A nn O nofri, os m aid o f honor. Joseph Caserta o f W estfield w as best m an. M iss N ina Esposito o f K enil­w orth w as soloist. < ,

T h e.bride w as gowned in w hite net over, m arquisette in old-fashioned de­sign and carried a spray o f lilies of the v a lle y and w hite orchids w ith a prayer book. H er sister w ore orchid net, q ld -fash lon ed 'style , w ith a bou­quet o f yellow roses and orchid sw eet pees. , -

A reception follow ed, at th e home of the bride for. 100 guests. Follow ­ing a w edding trip to N ew Y o rk , the couple w ill reside in N ashville, Tenn., w here L t. N apolitano Is stationed.

M rs. N apolitano-1s a graduate of R oselle 'P ark H igh Sthocfl and'attend’ ed D rake Business School. S h e w as form erly em ployed by the Prudential Insurance Com pany, N ew ark. .

The bridegroom is a graduate o f W estfield H igh School and attended N ew York U niversity. H e w as em ­ployed w ith the insurance brokerage firm in N ew York C ity before entering the arm ed forces. H e Is a graduate o f the Officer’s Candidate School at M iam i Beach, F la ., and the Tactical Officers School at Randolph Field, Texas.

BRIEFST h e N ational T o ol an d D ie team o f

the Com m unity S o ftb a ll League de­feated the U ptow n team 6 to 5 M on­day n ig h to n th e o ld U psala C ollege

ield. T h is Is th e first d efeat of; the ason fo r the U ptow n#™ .' Gam es

scheduled for th is w eek ' include the N ational Tool an d D ie team vs. the P olice R eserves tonight and th e G reen R iders v s . the B lu e R idge team to ­m orrow n igh t

E xcept Y e B e C onverted” w ill b e the topic o f th e R ev . O tis M oore at (he regular 11 a . m . services In the K enilw orth C om m unity ‘M ethodist Church on S u n d ay., T h e Y oung P eo­ple’s C hrislan E ndeavor. {Society w ill m eet in the church in the evening and John Sw ords w il) lead a discussion on “Jacob a t BetheL”

P olice C hief G eorge C onklin has announced that th e borough ord i­nance prohibiting th e allow ing o f dogs to' run ‘a t large w ent into effect on Jqne 1 for th e sum m er m onths. A ll ow ners ot dogs fou n d running at large, w hether o r n ot th e anim al be licensed; w iU b e fin ed $80.

B reezy Point Society w ill hold a card party in th e C om m unity tte th o - a& rC H ureE 'M o n d a y evening.

block 8 3 , section 3 and 8, m ap o f N ew Orange, and lots S3 to 38 and! 4X, block 83, section 5, m a p o f N ew O range.

M r. an d M ra. G eorge D . C onklin to M r. and M rs. R obert, N eville, lo ts 13 and ,18 , bfoefe 6 3 , sec^on 8, m ap o f N ew O range. * ' , '

K enilw orth R ealty C orporation to Robert D . N eville , S r ., tot* 21, 22, 29 to 32, block 82 and lo t 22 , b lock 84, section 8 m ap ot N ew O range.

K enilw orth R ealty C orporation to G eorge D . C onklin , Iota 28 to 3 0 , block 37, section 8, m ap o f N ew O range.


YK 8, SO U Cease In and see a ir . com p lete selection.

See ns first — W e have Jest a b o st everything!

•’ I • Schlecter’sCranford Paint & Hard

C B . *-1 8 7 0lM S m rth A ve, E. Cranford



Special Service Held In St. Theresa's Chapel

S ervice! for the C row ning o f the Blessed V irgin w ere h eld In th e S t Theresa o f the Infan t Jesu s Chapel Sunday at 3 :30 p . m . fo llow ed b y a tea served to m others o t th e Young Ladles’ Sodality o f the B lessed V irgin by the group in the basem ent o f the chapel. . 1 ’

Julia Barbereae w as crow n bearer, C laudette B utler had th e honor of crow nlng th e B lamed M other and an Inveatiture service fo r new m em berso f the Sodality follow ed :...i T h e R otary Society o f th e Church iserved a Conm iunlon D rtalrftirt in the chape) follow in g th e '8 :3 0 a . zm inam ion Sunday a t w hich 24 ch ildren re­ceived com m union fo r th e first tim e.


Hie Cranford Citizen Chroniclein conjunction with die

Kenilworth Bugle, Fife and Drum Corpsfo r benefit o f

J rl_ ji ' *§

The Corps’ UniformLs * '% JSl& i



NOTICE Take nodes that

has applied te ihe X a m /u a CoBBdl at tha BoroughsT Kenilworth, ~

t or HffltBfH cnnrontn» mrof/ABd G. rertbt/ft. J .; to i II w ill > tor p

„ _ M f i i U t At

smz&ig .--------- e f K anthm fe & A

/ T

Ott_____M a m u v o .

} Ratal! flw m toto luaied at Mkhlgaa llvorth, * . A

hr ft Plenary

toah10 to Mato te toOftchsCtevk o r tha

Dim rANO.

-frm rete aXOStHNAIfCg;

MfejWUM.Tm O iU i

mg Nfo tn

— the aubacrip*

to the Kenil-

p M

^ J g p S..... aame pujpoae.

m s s .....;

f t’o l the Kenilw orth Bugle:, F ife and Drum Corpg w ill subscription. For d ie tw o dollars you pay,

_.f . i ilfu D coverage o f Kenilworth new s each week for less b u t'you also are helping a fine organization o f

____________ kW Of |to

tto atnsta s f iha Borough. '■ 't o It stdataed bp the Moyer i M On u II d

. • Batnugh of Kenilworth, Q m tp of Uhlan,

| . B etto r I; That It than beunlawfULTor u R u e*, to tide ee hem tocB oe. ooy o f the to u ts to>xltoBltoofito-'«topft :«h, prarito* tafieetlea

[ffv ef; thlojiidtasnoo* - •'iltorttol>tL<-'R to''lttfor:.ftM Cotmcfl of to*

, orwgh d f Koaitwwth w irn m igu u from time to ttto owtftto itraata ltoUh w&l to town

t potto Ito horoatoek ridlaf h inm ii i>of r ^ i M u a v r . x .

D ba unlawful L V iton toioiitororsaff

— fa m taplMMOt.______ dfrtca f f t " 11" !plaitft or an j am nfv*

of traetlto larotrtDff p o tu a U u Into tha . . . j.aBBfteo'Of tto stm ta unleaa tba raffaca t tto stm t to adaquatalj protactad with plaak-

' ■ ? proper davtca to fnard tha atmto, ........ „r fh n u g h Ito travanlBg or craoalncItharoof by tny iucb vchlda. - -

Bactioo iT . Any pm oo,'flrm or corporatloa vtolattBC oof of tto provlaloot of this ortBn- aaeo ahaQ upon eonvlctloa to auhioct to a fin*

loot esm dlac fifty (ISM S) Dollars or to tm- |prtaooMI for a Urn not tnoedloi tao (10)

A la ordtoanco shall taka effactIdaya, or both. I Baetlon T. 1

_ Notleo ta toraby Idloabra waft lo

[van that tto foracotns or* ' at > ftMHlof' Of tto

V ; ' 7

l» ih day of May. lH Sr*tt« ’t*w d ' oo first lraadtot, aod'th* tamo .waa than ordered to Ito publUtod aoeordlof’ to law -'-and that aacfc lordloanet win to furthtr cooildtrcd for final Ipaaaac* at ft htoUac of. tto Connell to to hold I at tha Bonrash Hall, to -ftftld borough, on tto

.................................. l « , ‘ * t debt o'clock P. M.i una ana olaeo. or at anv

I ttn r iBd~pUew urwhtehKich'nBatinr fthall fnm Itln o to Una to adjourn ad. alt paraoika tatonatad I will to glraa an opportunity -to to heard coo learning aucb Ordlnanea. •

By ordar of Ito Council.' - KARL POLLACK.

. Borough Clerk.I Bated May 15, ltU . ....

, L E T S M AKE IT A BIG “ G O ” v 'Below is a list o f corps members w ho will participate in the drive.

U p Please have ypurfubecription ready when theycalhH u bert A rlt, <>p t»in

P olly A llcroft Joan A llcraft B obby A llcra ft Richard C ara

G erald B rodsky, Captain L o l, C aneEleanor W ados ,Fred R oessto H elen A rth u r ! ’O m ar Laurene .Patsy B retthauer Toni R izzle

PROPOStD OnW ANCE NO. If*I a n o z d in a n c s to P nan it Buntine for k>b-

Mta, Bqulrfvli, Blrda -or Other Gama in tha Boaough of KanllworQu N. A

_ Bo IT ordalfied by tto Mayor and Council of Itht Borough of KonttwuHh. County.of Union: I Section L - That It etaD be unlawful to hunt

for rabbits, squirrels, Midi or other game within the Borough of Kenilworth. . .

Bectteo 1L ^is- A sll-b o unlawful to earrr or shoot any gun or rifle of any also or caliber

In n a Shallcross, Captain R uth Sha Heroes H ow ard 'Y oung ■

. _ Fkank R ica ' ~L ou lzO d M ri Jolla MhWUUams

- •> 4 M flV AMDOBfiCM^ *-

Carm ela A lab lse , Captain - Anna C ozcione

Frances C ord aea - D oris D ietridc _Sol Curillo

... Emma Bailey _ Elizabeth Bailey

. R lchaid Jenldna . . Donald Golden ’ I Larzy Nolan i '

M aty C asialdo, Captain B . K ram pert

- F red Q uinton . _. Jam es K O foyla

M ik e CaataJdo . M argaret Schaleatodc A r t D IG razie

, Bmlon m . SMUtt I ol th l, rndlnue. Sun foot apply to police, military or other, author- I Ised persons while In the performance of their I duties. ; • ' ■ . . -I Section.JT^.. Any peraon, firm or corporatloa I violating any of the provhdona of this ortha- lanco shall-upon eonvlctloa to subject to n I flue not eTreedlng-fitty-QSPAft) dollars .o Ito imprisoned for a term not exceeding un V (10) days,-, or both. ■ : ■ • . - •

lection T. Thla onlnance shall take effort1

Ifottoe ts li herohp gtvntfital ton (to p h i no MrodMad oft w morthw ot

IOHSCO l« w a j H a l m t t a d »I s t h d ,! **

^ 'l * S u M w a k f ! flad ttat mek » s m > l e a f — m a i l fa» sm i •a a a M te a (lw Caaacn S U M

, _____ s m a k San. laiSaM .tenm a, aa Iktl t h > a > i ( l m . ISO. H e t e V dock V. X .

aw T *.). at wifca law aa« steal, ar J l aaz i m « iteaa la asiai aam aaama mtelvtaa

........................ ......... lC an M im e s t a r■ O l k a M ats*


B , mhm. A t e Carnal

fp«M ( Mag'SSSmH^

Transfers of Real Estate ■

T h e follow in g deeda have been re­corded a t the office o f C ounty R egis­ter B auer at th e C ourthouse. E liza -.beth :....... .. ........ :...... I

M r. and M is . H arold G . B uttx, Jr. 1 to M r. and M rs. F rank R . H all, prop-1 erty in th e northerly lin e o f th e B ou l­evard 100 feet from N orth 12th street

M r. and M rs. H arold G . B utts; J r ;' to M r. and M rs. G eorge D ietrich , Jots 20 to 22, b lock 7 9 , section 8, m ap o f N ew Orange. / ' .

M r.'a n d M lh . H arold G , ^ u t h J r . to M r. and M rs. Joseph Schultz, prop­erty In the n orth erly Hne o f the Boulevard, 100 feet, from N orth 13th stre e t •• /

K enilw orth R ea lty Com pany to U r , and M rs. P eter K risco , lo t 4 , block 407, section '^, m ap o f N ew O range.

M r. and M rs. H arold Q . B utts, J r . to M r, and M rs. A d olph H avelka, lots 44 an d 48, block 79 , section 79 , section S /th a p o f N ew O range.- M r. and M rs. G eorge D . C onklin to' M r. and M rs. R obert N evQ le, lo t 16,


ThM M m tf Rne liienialiNNew woodwork can lilt a wen 48m home

from the doldrums and set it right again Jor ' many more years of up-to-date service. Anew

. entrance—modern doors—up-to-date moulding** and trim—* built-in book shelf or china cabi-

neb—new stair failing—all these are available , in stock items at low cost. Pictures and

~ samples show you bow they will look before you buy. '

W e can demonstrate tbe pOeeibBitiw new woodwork items hold for your home. W e can give you oompleta service. CaU Ua today.

BUILDERS GEN ERR l SUPPLY B■ - - ■■■■ : ' . . . . ■ ‘ ' : 0.N J


onto O u I or* bacon rind for any coohtag purpoaa? 1 buy bacon aquaroa

and hate to throw tba rind away without finding oome u m for U.

A Boron is too voluthia to throw any part away. You can tut tto.rind to s h im griddlmt, pans and cssktoIm . and bacon rind mntoa '

" - good fisroring tar noopa snd aatrtftMm. too. ...... -------------- -------- 1------ ; ------

to Bow con I hoop a M B pkea of.toeou from spoilingF I don't Intend l® uso it far, oamo time; ^nd I don't want ft to go tod. b thara any way of keeping tt ftoahf

A Uncooked, amohed meotn such as bacon or ham w llr toep fraeh for . soma tlmo If you treat them property. Soak a clean whtta doth ot1

piepp of d itw tloih ta vinegar, wring It out and uso It to wrap uptocow or bam. This will keep It frertL. Then wrap It -again la ■ toaxad paper tuf parchment paper and atoro It In your wfrtgetotor.

to Bow can I save egg yotb that ora left after using tba whites In a red pa F . I put them ta tha refrigerator, but they usually get a hard

. • crust on top befog* I get around to using than a d I have to throw •. them awuy. . . . . . ■ ■■ • • ■. . . . ... .

. to « iL d i| « ..if p a c e n r^ R a with

... to uso the leftover^yolkS .within a sboct period of tlmo. whK not~ poach these lu water. u til they ora Bra. Egg yolks treated In this ^

■ to y can to weed aa sandwich finings. In «*i«% or creamed itlshre. 1' and can to gntsd for u m - as a p » i * . ■ • «

to Could you august wqyi to make -Scrapd-day** dtahegt I'm tMaMag _; Port& IiH y of waja to u m roast real, which oeenu to U tt foranr

• . In our home. ' . ^ .

A Leftover veil is very good when it la brooded sod fried. Tou cut tha . cold ve*l fairly thick, stoat oue^qtmiter loch. Dip each slice

— thk^m oat afurasudi at ketchup or A . L and Jhau roll In dry broad . cnimta. Fry It in hot fat until It's brawn. Another good way to

cook leftover,m l te to copabtoa It.wtth chopped laftprer ham and a fow eegetahles and hake It as a pit with a pastry top. •

to Bow ran f u m leftover bread? Not ta d sso ia , pleoao, m w* do notran for them? ' . . '

A Thera are many ways to u m leftover brand, but one very -.. way resultft In as flovetful a dlto of. creamed eggn •»»«« vegetables s i

Fa*re ever tasted. Mohr » weO-aeaaooed. motot stuOng with left­. over bread, using plenty o f o n to and seasoning with mlhrad parsloy - and sage. Spread this miffing ta a toallew pan/ making a Layer

• about erna and ona-haU to two lncfam Brush u»ia vrtth melteddripptags sad take it fat • moderate ertu until brownod. lb serve, cut tku baked duffing Into squares sad cover with several tpponftila of rvoomed eggs and vegetaUra.. This makes a wonderfully appetising •

. and imsw.dLah for meeiltm T iw n d if________ ________ : .' .. - ‘ : ■______




~ f«r •■■■>■ te Ota* I H i rmt PwMi« . T w le.StewSw M tnlw i V -

BOiiE BURKE in TASHlONS IN RATIONS”f t t o d r i to to w L h o . Is OsspmttswWMh V ssr Sns Osmpmiy •

STATION: W. A. a C ~ TIME: 11:30A.M .

W A T IttrS f COOKINO muni .better *****ift"F ond lesa goal No special utensils are needed—use n food pot or pan and keep it tightly covered. Cook vegetables in ever? email quantity of water, over a low flatap.Thli saves vita* mlns-mnd gas. Boning is waste* ful end does not cut cooking tlmo.

TJU CABI OP YOUB B0 BIO- '■UlTOBa Defrost when ice Is a quarter of an ineb thick. Wipe- up spilled foods immediately, and ra h entire Inside of refrigerator weekly with Worm eosp suds.

■Rsffi tht isrind* aMnlng-wflir

njve when needed. Wax preaerves the ennmrt. A steady, constant temperature keeps food freak and men leas gas than a fluctuat­ing temperature. Use your re*

. frjgerttftr coctrole wisely. ’ _

•AVI CAS. Cook one*dIah meals on tto top of your stove; stews, nurnlss, etc. Don’t light the oven for just one dish; holes apples, biscuits, meat loaf and ottor foods ftt tto same time. Or: plan one-dlah ovsn meala. And DONT one your oven to tost the kitchen! -

Bl m o TO YOlIB STOVI* le tonftmel and burners cool—then wlpo off spflled foods or bofled- over foods with soap and water. Use a mQd ahnelvo when neces­sary. Cool tbs oven with the door

- open ind ues soap snd woter^rf- a eosp powder laetaad of steel wool to remove stubborn food psrtkks. Let the powder 'stand farnwhOs, than work food loose.


Page 9: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

■ t o

•‘ u^- ‘‘‘*‘1-l*‘SilM,l l,u",G ir l Seoul Troopsi ll l l i u w " ---- *

Sunday D a n ce Ban L ifte d

Cound A cb at . R e q u e s t r f G u r w o o d

| .A a r C o u n c il '

The ban on the p°W **<* dj? ces and- o t h e r <*.a *Pr & in ttie B oiou to o f.G w w o o d w as tilted by the Borough C ou n cil a t their S m m eeting T u esday nigh t to Srpugh H all. M ayor Jam es T . Leonard, who presided, announced s n e ban w as lifte d fo r the d u ra - ton 3 the w ar at th e request o f the Garwood Labor C ouncil and to con­a t i o n o f the ta c t th at d e l^ s e workers now have n o tim e tor rec­reation except on Sunday, "councilm an Edm und Sm ith , chair­man of the police com m ittee, w as ap­pointed chairman o f th e law s and U -

com m ittee b y M ayor Leonard­- council President A n t ^ R ^cardo

jmd been offered the p o st, hu t refused.Additional properties obtained b y

the borough through foreclosure b e ­' cause of non-paym ent o f ta x * * am nr taring 97, w ere p ia c e d te r aafe b y " supplement to the-on H n enca llsth such properties. F in a l reading, o f thesupplementary list w iH tak e p lace at

' IhTnext m eeting;---------------Mayor Leonard atao announced th at

the Garwood Labor C ou n cil haa. e x ­pressed interest id th e C hild C are Center proposed by th e Com m unity Service Com m ittee o f .th e D efense Courw Oriw y w ill m eet-w ith Conrad Ke!ro,'chairm an o f th e com m lttee, to

ilniss future plans. J_______ _Councilman Bra G ibson urged the

Council to cwnfcfcr e x te n tv e plana for future im provem ent* to b e o b ­tained by governm ent appropriation! after the war and M ayor Leonardstated that a com m ittee w blud b e ap­pointed at the next m eetin g to con ­sider such w ork.

Investigation o f th e reported chang­es in the route o f P u blic Service B us 49 to meet the com petition o f the new Green fly e r w ill be investigated by the transportation com m ittee, since the schedule of th is b u s w a s se t som e time ago With the approval o f the Council and no change* are desired.

Win Hold “Cook-out"Troop 10, G arw ood G irl Scouts,

have invited the girls o f Troop 50 to accom pany them on a “ C ootoout” this afternoon. - T h e girls w ill w alk to U nam i P ark , after^-acbooi and w ill participate in gam es and cook their suppers to the fireplaces to the picnic

sea. ' j ' .M rs. H artm an, G irl Scout executive

o f th e. W estfid d-G arw ood district, was. guest at last, w eek’s m eeting o f the scouts. S h e awarded 20 service boards to g irls o f th e troop lo r their fine w ork to collecting tin cans, fats, books fo r soldiers an d other w ar w ork. Feature o f th e m eeting w as the dram atization o f short sk its show ­ing the m eaning o f. M em orial D ay. T h is w ork w as the fin al requirem ent tow ard earning th e Junior Cii sh ip badge.

E van gelical.

Woman's Guild Sunday

T h e.W om an ’s G u ild o f S t Paul’s R eform ed Church

charge o f the regular 11 ic e to the church o h S u n -

announced Ibis w eek. M rs. 'a lter Pugh, w ife o f th e pastor, w ill ; to charge o f plana.T h e Junior W om en’s G uild w ill

hold a picnic m eeting tonight at the hom e o f M rs. John W a lto e ro T W e a t- fle h i T h e w om en w ifi m eet at the church at 6 :30 o’ clock and! go to M rs. W alther’s hom e to a group.

T h e Y outh Fellow ship o f the church is planning a cam era h ike for n ext Sunday, June 13. T h e young people wiH start, from to e church at 1:45 arxf a b ox km cheon and vesper

Scrap Drive to End Clean-up Week

A scrap d riv e on Sunday to collect a ll m etal, rags and rubber v ita l to toe w ar effort, w ill oondude the Clean­up W eek bein g held in G arw ood this w eek, i t was announced, yesterday by Councilm an Ira G ibson, chairm an o f to e com m ittee, H e com plim ented residents for their efforts in cleai out trash and painting and their hom es during the wi

Coundhnen G ibson apdf Conrad K & m , chairm an o f the salvage com ­m it, have urged residento to collect all toe m etal, r to r o r and rag scrap they can fin d ^m their hom es and place it on to ® curb fo r toe borough­w ide truck collection on Sunday, No tin cans or paper w ill b e taken.

A n early coUectton is anticipated dnd scrap should be placed at toe curb Saturday night if possible. Sev­en trucks h ave been donated b y local industries en d R oy Scouts and all units o f the D efense Council w ill par­ticipate ip to e drive. '

service w ill b e included to th e after­noon's program .

The applications o f A lfre d and - Irene Lutz to purchase lota 234, 235,

238 and 10 feck o f 237 to b lock 82 for {420; of Leonardo an d Irene Ragonese to purchase lot 414 in -b lo c k 81 fo r $270, and o f Jam es R ego to purchaae lots 220 and 230 to b lo ck 3 IStjr *240 were subm itted. . - - •

The State Board o f T axation noti­fied the Council th at appeals had been submitted. for. lorw ertog o f . tax assessments on a on e-fam ily house at 10 New stm t b y C am illo R eal Estate Company and on th e O akland H otel at 358 North avenue b y L ecfll Suski. The correspondence w a s referred to the Borough A ttorney, T a x Ajaesaor and finance com m ittee. ’’ .

SodalityHold* Communion Breakfast

The annual O raiiu nion B reakfast of the Sodality o f to e P la ned V irgin Mary of St. A nne's C h u rch w as held Sunday m orning to th e p a ri| 4 ih a U , following early m ass. T h e H ct . J . M - Walsh, pasor, conducted th e snaaa and more than 125 g irls attended in a body. The breakfast w aa served b y the Rosary Society o f to e church. '

Miss H elen OTiuch w a s toastm aster at the breakfast and speaker w as M iss

.Anne. G annom ,..past su p rem e..p etsir dent of toe New Y o rk A n * Dioceae

.Union of Sodalities an d presen t m em ­ber of the executive cou rt o f th e o r ­der. She spoke on “T h e B la n d V ir ­gin and Sodality W ork .” M in V e ­nera- D e& oco" w as organ ist fo r th e

• program. .Special services fo r th e C oronation

of the statute o f the B lessed V irgin Mary were held Sunday evening, T h e precession -w as led b y - sm all g irls dressed in -white w ith w h ite v eils end the statue w as carried b y MicheMne Jablonski, Bettina G iordan o, C on -;

Dorothy Bowlby’s Engagement Announced

M r. and M rs. K enneth B ow tby o f 374 M yrtle avenue have announced the engagem ent o f th eir daughter, D orothy M ay, to P etty O fficer, Third C la n R obert M ullto, U . S . N ., son .of M r. and M rs. J am e s. M u llto o f M ountainside..

M iss B ow lby is a graduate o f R e- g io h a f H igh School to Springfield and is em ployed b y the C ranford B randi o f to e U nion C ounty Trust-C om pany.

M r. M ullto, also a graduate o f R e­gional H igh School, w as em ployed by the C a k o C hem ical Com pany to Bound B rok before entering th e navy. H e is a petty officer, third class.. N o date has been se t fo r the w ed­

ding. .


M rs. J a ils FriedrichM rs. Julia Friedrich, w idow o f

Peter FH edrich, died M onday m o m - tog at the home^of her son, N icholas, at 427 T h lrd avenue. Sh e w as a native o f Germ any and w as 84 years old . Sh e w as a com m unicant o f SL Anne’s Church and. a m em ber o f its R osary Society. . '

Surviving besides h er son are a daughter, M rs. Joseph H onings o f Jam aica, L . L , and three grandchil­dren. • , ' 1 ... . •’ -“ “Funeral services-w ere held from her hom e at 10 :3 0 a. m . yesterday and a aolem n high m ass o f requiem was said a t SL Anne’s Church a t 11 a . m . Interm ent w as to H oly T rin ity Cem e­tery, B rooklyn. -

. - W illiam B liss ............. ..■' W illiam B liss o f 324 W illow avenue died Sunday night a t E lizabeth G en­eral H ospital, follow ing an abdom inal op eration ,- A firem an a t the W atson - Stifim an C om pany's R oselle plant, he w as a com m unicant o f SL A nne's C hurch. •

Surviving are a daughter, M rs. W Qm a G arabrant o f G arw ood, and a grandson, A rthur' G arabran t.: H is w ife died 16 m onths ago.

Funeral services w ere h eld from tbe D ooley Funeral hom e a t 21£N orth

.i& nbnfl; S p e ro n ^ a n i* H elen . .{M Soi*.' a v e n u e^ '-to est" C ranford.' . ye^eortay'. The aasembtffly san g “ M ary,- W e .m orning a t 8 :3 0 o 'clock . A high m ass Crown You W ith Today',’ p f requiem w as said at S C -A n n e’swhite the statue w as b elie f crow ned.

The R ev. Thom as J . G O hooiy, head of the departm ent o f p u b lic speaking

-a t Seaton- H all C ollege to South O r­ange, gave a serm on fo llo w tog tod Coronation and benediction follow ed. The. Rev. Father G U h eoly, to e R ev . Father W alsh and th e R ev . Father Jaremzyk, p r e fc * * a t S n a ito H r t College, assisted the ch oir w ith file singing o f hym ns., ■- • -

• , xon cr or is r a m o a .■,5 “ “S*1™ Utti tnu iA M CXBNT. has l

>taror an< Council <r Ik . X m . N. J.. far . m «u>y SMaU Cm *& u“" Ucnw (dr r a k a O w M tt »St

Aveoue, Gfinrood. If J__ :Objection if^aj/afeooM M il

f a r ■ " 5?* '■Ja W»uw a ttfu iw a. ckak " “ • Soraifk or Oaran*. X . Xisisaad) w n xJA X C zairr.

n an ce o r inrw m oarTkka noOc. 11»IW IL U A M K LXD U N . trad-

■f aa OllaiW rtaH aad M ila n , haa arellad • i|m H im tad Cornell of-UM Bonmgn of

titt q m n for j y I ib d to iM At SCI Koctbf tm L iain aaeaal,raaMee at 44T Sooik Aaa-

-B r f r a * I f 'a n j i . riioilld ha auda taaadk aM jrlaw itu oa la Waltar a McXaaii^ Oajk w e .* » m k xL Z xm Jf.

■ a .... .houcg or irrxaTtea .pnS i„ ,iUcL lhu ,a la c n m c u k kaa 1>- aiin to tha Major aad fuaain at tka WmtA

Boromh of Gtrwood. N . J ..I ,j ■ ( > M io n C ttN O U B .

- . NOncC OP IR T H flM .u^TTO'R1? 0170 *• s S u Sm .

i " •PpMM'te Ib i Major m* CM k Ot n u o T y . J.. far a

a t^ k a u i- If w t 5 ^ k T S t a A »IA WAR* A. AMCbM. (9Mk

-M -

Church a t 9 o'clock and interm ent to SL M ary’s C em etery ,.P la in -


HOTICC OP INTDmON new M tle* that AMDRIW OLBAB* hat ap-

pUad40 tba Mayor-aad Cruadl c f tha Borough S r B u ! m S , ? T « ( t f a n o a i y J ittU Cm * S a S t a l l i w e lDr*f<M lsee attoatad at 11Martk A w w a; Uaiaroai IL _ . ______

nhhrtlMii if aay, thoohl to aada t o t o r • t S t a to Waltar 8 . M e X a m . Clifk« f tho Bm ngk o f Garwood, W. f .-• § (g fciO 'A W m w Q u ia .

1 WOTICI OP IMTSMT1M .• ffcto mtOn that TONTS TAYBBN, haa

B M tt th i lh fiM M -O D a d l-o f tha- Borofiigti efOm med. ^ 7 , far a Wocary atotoltaB IlM M 'n r atoadM afattol, at, M ltath ATCBMt Oaiwaoi N. J. . lweejH

OhlieO— . If W ritoyW .fc* mtfity la witttac to Willor B. MtMaatti. CtorttS T * * * * im S S t’Toirrs VAvaan.

taka « ^ a ° T 2 f P ^ i S ^ a S u n O U . ha. m iM t o tha Mayor aad Cornell o f tho OorraPN

Mtatk aw — j.O ar— ad. r . .» . , .

s f lfc rta to l£ s >a‘Mhlw % a *rt

- c '

School Pupils Have 69 Victory Gardena

Sixty-nine pupils of the Garwood schools -now have Victory Gardens, it w as reported this w eek b y Franklin W icks, faculty supervisor. Am ong the m ost popular crops are carrots, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, tom atoes, p ep p ers_an d -h eets-..-T h ek -B oard-.of Education furnished lim e and fe r - tilzer for the gardens.

In correlation w ith the Victory Garden program the science classes have com pleted a study o f garden planning and m ethods’o f planting and

‘ire. . ■“The C lass M irror", the Students’

reco rd ofth em o stp op u la iT T xv ttieiLm ost studious, best dancer and - many other im portant qualities am ong the pupils, win b e the feature o f the last Issue o f “T h e Lincolnian” , school m agazine. T h e newspaper w ill be distributed shortly before graduation. A ll final plans for C lass D ay and graduation fo r the eighth grade- are now being m ade and w ill b e an­nounced shortly.

M ias D ascoll’s D ram atic C lub stu­dents are n ow planning an original p lay which w ill be presented- to M iss Roger’s fifth grade to (Jie near future. The Science C lu b is also w orking on experim ents w hich w ill be presented at that tim e. . . .

W a ll maps o f A frica , A ustralia and A sia have been com pleted b y th e p u - plls o f M iss Tobiassen's fourth grade to connection w ith the study o f geog­raphy. ........

The children o f M iss P h dp’s first and second grades are constructing a circus tent an d three rings. - T he fo l­low in g, pupils have m odeled anim als for.the show : Joe Esposilo, giraffe and bear; Rose K asper, elephant; G eorge K ovach, d ow n , dog and horse; Ed­w ard Shlm kus,' elephant; P hyllis W ard, zebra; M anfried D udlck, ele­phant; and B arbara Scheffler, cameL

T h e Junior R ed Cross o f L incoln School is sellin g candy for the benefit o f the Junior R ed C ross fund.

AM OKSEUMCB «a M aas*No. 3aa, aatUMk "A * Ik

tha prlvato aala o f all fa* terett of tha Borough of. firtilq iseds aad ptMpIbfi _of tba Una wUhla Which n ek ycopfiittaa n r ha

■u p I hy tha Marat iad Oanarfl af •nr,-* of Gavwoad-that- Rm Ui— T at too

.-. .' OnUaaacw K a SN k» a a n M r~ " pfeoMatod to toad aa foUo«rs:

. 8 L 2 3 . 2 3 . . .

. * » .. ..... .......

sm . nr. MB'.241, 232 ____248 ...............231. 292 ------239 .

_2 RAN

221. 2t2,.2t3, 2M; 245, 2M. 24T248. 2»a ’ 2fr» 271.

; 283, 284. SISA, 28SB24#r 2 8 1 ’ T " ....221. 222, 223 —229. 239 — ------- ------228 234 .

, 242, 243 — -------------------262,’ 243 ------ -----------------239, 259, 240 ----- i— ------282, 283. 284 _________ _232, 233. and W of 234 .254, . 257 .... ...... — .........249, 241242, 243, 244, 243 271. 272

43RW 244.44 IB M 12444

' 24444 14444 24444

11454 87JO


273,474, ITS. 274, 2T7. 218 281, 282. 283. 284, 283, 284, 287 4125063, 44 ______________ 1540077. T 8 ________ ;------- :----------- 15444224, 217 — ------------------- ------------- 14444234, 235, 336. 237, 238244. -247 -------------------47. ‘48 ........... --------------228,-227 --------------------255, 254. 157 ----------263, 144



H -275, 274. 277. 278.' * 27 r . 284, 281 — -------—221, 222, 223, 224. 225 ------ — .224, 227, 228, 229. 234. 20 ft. of_____ 232, 233, 234, 235. 236 — svww

“23t, 24# ' — :---------- e b m243, 244, 145. 244, 24T, 248. 24* 42440

.243, 244 ------------------------------------1*44027; 28 _____1--------------------------- :• 154*0224, 3*5 ................—....... ............ 12400

, 2 2 4 1 2 9 -1 3 6 . 121,, 234. 235 —-----------------

244. 245 244, 247251, 251. 252. 253, 254. 255.

• 256. 257 ------ ------------231, 232 —---------------------—19, 29 - .............................—37. 88 .221, 222. 223, 234 ------229. 239. 231. 232. 233 . 234, 235




243. 244. 245. 246 . -fetlBr-JU .

282. 289, 276. 271. 272 . 275, 274. ITT. 2TB ~— ~~282, 288. 284 — ---------221, 222. 222.224, 125. 226. 227. 228. 229.

289, 231. 232. 233. 234. 235, 236, 227. 239. 239., 249. 241. 242. 2 0 . 244.245 .

284. 245. 286. 287274 ............ ..............283, 283 ................

- U 4440

, 237. 234 239 . , 254. 25? -------

274 270. 299. 281,' 284'2 * 4 244 ___ -TT ..............

2 2 4 222. 224 224 223. 224

. 2*4 244 244 244 244 421 _

. 2M. 120_________________

. 253 _____________________

. 254 231,• 237 ------. 254 254 2 *4 -‘ . 224 224. 227. ; . 234 234 234 .

270. 274 274 273. 274. 275.. ’ 274 277. 274 270. SMB .

3 0 . sac. sat. 302. M 3 ______221 — — r..-----------------------2 3 4 274 258 -------------------------

344 544 584 384 3B3 ,.344r.3*4 -3M -

3 9 4 597. SO*. S00-

18440 ”480. f t 240.0# 180.0#300.04 4M.0# 21450 18400 180.00 180.00


750.04885.00430.00240.00 240.0# 2440#100.00 407.50

~24f.OO435.00 28450 190.0#

•0.00210.00 MOM330.00270.00340.00240.00210.00

4M.90130.00 3(0.00110.00

1.240.00435.00150.00395.00245.00270.00500.00330.00140.00300.00 30.00

243.00 1M.M180.00 180.00 100.00


t UtaUJ *5 1 _____ '236* 340, 263, 244 ~261. 263 ____ ____ u.4 3 1 ------------------ -229, 230 ________231, 232 _________434 ____________331. 222. 323, 234. 235. 336,

237. 239. 329. 330,331.332, 233, 234. 235 ____

237, 23# ___________________244. 245. 24#, 247 ____ __253. 254. 255 •270. 271 .

Mlalnan Rrtoa---------- 180.00----- ---- 405.00---------- 180.00--------- 125.1-------- 120.00-------- ™ 200.00------ -- 80.00


277, 278. 278B ______________283, 283, 284 ______________

' 14, 15, 14, 17, 18. 51, 53. It., 20, 21. 22. 23, 24. 25 M

i 234, 235 \ ■/ 344. 247. 348. 340 .

-----350,-25lr 40C -352, 253. 354 ____55. 5# .221, 222. 323 . 230, 231 .233, 231. 335. 236, 337. 238,

239, 249 ________________241, 242. 343. 244. 345, 244, 247 .248, 249, 250, 251 )___ ________254, 237338, 259, 200, 361, 262, 363 .244. 265. 26#______ ______371, 2*2 ___ ________ ____ _275, 27#, 277280, 281 ___________ ______ ......284, 287

<62. 60S. 604. 645. 604. 607 .

. 247. 248. 249. SB .

. 2SS. 256 ---------, 230 ----;---- -------------

2SS.962.263. 244. 265. aa« i r «T 278 ___. 2SS. 2S6. 23? -----

540.08112.50470.00250.00 246.M240.00300.00115.00240.00 130.0#


.2 S .2 t l.S M . 2M . 28#. 2*7 - L 3 0 B . 28U SM . 283. 284. 205

SSL 226. 225. 22# --------------3 9 . 230. 2X1. 232-----------------SB . 234-------------------------- —SB . 200. 24L 212. 243. 244,

SB. 204. 2t7. 2M --------SOL 248. 215 _____________ —


1M.OO340.00340.00 126.60

276.00 94180.00 II

334. 225, 236, 237 . 338, 339 ___235, 236, 237. 238, 339, 340. 341243, 243, 244 __ _______347, 248? 349 , ..............

3si, 5?32233, 334 .............. ........................333, 236, 337. 338. 329, 330, -

231, 232 '................. ..........333. 234, 235, 236 .......................251, 252. 253 - .....:______ _______254. 255 .......-i.__258, 259, 260. 261 ....................268, 260 ____ _____________273. 273, 274, 275 .................278, 270, 280,-436-.............. ........

-^My>22Xk-22S^t2tr.2M..133. 234, 135, 336 -------------------247, 248, 349. 259, 251, 352; 60C429 __________ _______________224. 235, 328 ___________ ______427226, 227,- 416 .... .................. L.:.236, 227251. 254, 255, 256. 337 ..............g-2T^27*5T‘376iso! 227

' 246, 4 r rt48," I !.Z .ii-iii" -I I -267, *268, 368 ....................254. 255. 256, 257 ....... ..........;118. 839, 360 ... ........... ..... .....

379. 280. 281. 282 ______ ____ ;321. 222. 833, 236 ..... ...............331. 832. 233. 234. 233, n O S T in T 'iiiT tw T iM «

1,800.00 ' 140.00

.480.00 240.M140.00280.00 200.00 249.00,

140.00184.00113.00135.00150.00135.00 90.00

340.00315.00180.00150.00360.00180.00 120.00 1KQ.00150.00120.00433.00480.005110.00120.00430.00160.00 160.00130.00300.00270.00960.00480.00360.00 120.06340.00126.00340.00200.00


- 130.00133.00166.00 90.00

343.00 410.09 6M.00130.00 .100.00348.00240.00 120.06360.00360.00813.00610.00170.00 240.60480.00500.00 360.M390.00430.00

Question Marks Low . _The G arw od Question M arks lost

their third straight ball gam e in the U nion County League Sunday after­noon when the W estfield Hadrks de­feated them 11 to 5 . The W estfleStersT rated the hardest hitting team in the league, took advantage of G arw ood's six errors and won W ith no difficulty*

•look Lota81 369, 27081 379

M*. WI. M2 ..— .......... 59.99f l* ............ 270.0#234. 235, 23#. 237. 238. 239, 840 - 8(600" * * " ............. 1.021.00

. 240.00800.00 ito.M 240.00 MOO •0.60


336, 237. 258. 339, 260 . 277, 77# ,4 1 2 _____242. 343 _____ ___ ________350 .... ..... .................................257 ______ - __ _____________277, 278. 279, 280, 281. 282, 2(2238. 139. .230, 231, 232 — ____236, 237. 23M ...................- ____243. 244

— 360.M— 180.00".... 370.00... . 50.04W 340 00- 135.90... 340.00... 240.M

............. 240.00230, 257 .......................... ;....410.00365, 266 .................................... . 240 M268. 270 ------ -------------- ---------- 240.06

. 286, 287, H-288 ......____ .-ft,______ 3M.M

247, 248, 249 ........228, 229. 230 _____ . l233, 234 ..... -405 .............................236. 337 ..............— ...245, 246

180.00180.00403.00450.04270.04180.00 180.00

' 840.00240.00480.M300.00

.iU M ..724 04 180.00

__ 810.00

230. 231 _242, 213 ....... ................. ........258, 239, 260, 261, 262A ~~~875, 276, 277 , 278. 879 _____283, 284, 295 .......... .........403 ...... ......................... ;.........

■ "#04 — .......:........... ........... .221, 122, 223. 224, 223, 210,

827, 228 ........____ _______ ______ _243, 244. 245, 246 ............... .251. 332 ............................... .

•2..A.,.23i..233..i0t------------------ —-92 325. 226. 227. 238. 239, 330.

. 231. 232 .......... .......... -I 234. 133 ..................................I 338, 339, 340. 241. 342, 243,

’ 344, 243, 246 ....... .S 249. 230. 231. 232, 253, 334,

255. *56, 237, 238 .......... VM.MTills ordinance shall taka affect tmttadlataljr

ebon patted and published as required b* Uw.

The fortpotat ordloanee waa Introduced at a -regular neettn* of thr Borouth Council ef -the Borough of Garwood of the Oeinty of Union. New Jersey, held on June 1, 1942, and will to eonaldered for final paatage, aftar public bear* lag, at another regular aaaetlng of Mid Bor* ough Council At tha Borough HaU. coroer South Avenue end renter Ptreet, on ,

TUB8DAY. JUNB 15th, 1943.At 8 :3# o’clock P. M. (B. W. T.)

WALTBX & MeMANUB.' Boroush Qafk.

Dated June 1. 1143. •- i - -

r - r

BRIEFSM rx. L ook^of 237 Locust avenue

w as taken to M uhlenberg H ospital. Plainfield, to - to e F irst A id Squad Am bulance M onday.

Joseph H um enlk, chairman o f the F irst A iders F rolic, recently present­ed b y toe G arw ood F irst A id Squad, h a s called a m eeting o f a ll m em bers and friends w ho participated to the show tom orrow night a t 8 o 'clock toBorough HalL . .......................... ..............-

Fife. Louis K erekes, son o f M r. and M rs. Joseph K erekes o f 220 Third avenue, has reported fo r training as an aviation m echanic to G ulfport, M iss., -A rm y A ir Forqes Technical Training Com m and School. -B efore entering m ilitary service h e w as em ­ployed a s 'a s till operator at M erck and Com pany, Rahw ay.

Services fo r the Sunday pfter the Ascension w ill be h eld . in SL M ark’s Episcopal C hurch on. Beech avenue and H oly Com m union wiU be admin­istered p t .t h e -9 -a ,^ . *ervic«{J L w as annoyhced-thisw eric b y -the B e f t S . E . Scbm aus, vicar. ■ '

A uxiliary E linor F . Todd, daughter o f M r. and M rs. Theodore N . Todd o f 330 Locust avenue, has been assigned to adm inistrative and technical duties a f 'M axv/eU ' F leld- Ata^- foilow ing com pletion o f training a t D aytona Beach, F la .' S h e w as form erly em ­ployed with H ubeny B roth ers,,R o­selle. ,

F isktag K ev cneesRevenues from the fishing Indus*

-tr y -o T th e province o f Q uebec for 1941 gave com m ercial fisherm en o f the province an increase of m ore than half a m illion dollars for their total.year’a catch . . „

NO!We’re Net Out ef


ScUectcr’s( r u M f ia t i fiffimre

, O L f i -lf if* .IfififiN M A v o w B . C M b t t


W ahen Public Service Corporation o f N ew Jersey was organized and began business forty years ago (June 1, 1903) no person could have predicted that today the United States and most o f the great countries o f the w orld would be engaged in the bitterest war in history. C ertainly'’no one o f the Corporation’s founders could possibly have foreseen such a w orld catastrophe........ .....

But the little group o f far-seeing business men w ho conceived the Public Service enterprise realized that this State o f N ew Jersey would becom e a great indus-^ trial commonwealth and they knew also that, in order tp progress, the State would need sound public utilities •—such as could produce an unfailing amount o f gas and electricity and adequate transportation facilities. These men further knew that the success o f these utilities w ould to-dejjeBdeQt..npoffi .the. gMvqk,mA~Pie8Pgi$*9iJb$p State. ' ■* s ■ •

So, after forty years o f expansion and conservative management, during w hich perj6d m illions o f dollars o f new capital- have -been;-'invested- in the business, P ublic Service operatiife'titilities today are supplying electricity,«gas and transportation not’-only to a vast residential and commercial- area but to hundreds o f thousands o f workers in N ew Jersey’s war production industries. - - - ’ ' •

N ew Jersey, although com paratively small in area, today stands second among all the.states in the value o f its Isbip building and fifth in the value o f its total w ar work, with contracts totalling. $7,733,277,000 as o f February 19(3. The very life blood o f these war in-? dustries is an ample supply“o f electric, gas, and trans­portation services to. keep .their wheels m oving. -

• 4P V B L IC ® S E R V IC E


Page 10: GARWOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH · Alex Flachek, 123 Vpllcy road, Clark, and the type of fuel oil used. The back of the form contains in structions for filling outtheappUca-- 41. tion,

1 0t . .11 ..... I jTOm X ft onm) ...a6b }ac^ 4^ 4ba iw ovisiflns on oonver-

: l ocal boards w fli, o l course, e a r n d an y crro n discovered as they

/g o o v e r laat year’s figures in tbaj preparation o f the new ration. H ow - s w i, crvnioneri w ill riot he n iw l to d a d u a 'cou p on s or fu el o il le ft over as your la st year’s ration allow ed.Y ou m ay need less because them are not so m any persona liv in g in your

.h o u se .o r bescause fu el-savin s m eas­ures have been taken. I f this is the case. indlcate in Item 4 the am ount leas tu r n y our bailc f i t io n f o r i M 2- 43 that you w ill accep t Y our local board w ill then reissue last year’s basic ration less the am ount you in* dtcate.”

M cKenna said that m ailing o f ration coupons to consum ers w ho return their applications prom ptly w ill com ­m ence early in July and w ill b e com * pleted by the end o f that m onth. He explained that the first heating period during w hfcji Period O ne fuel cou­pons can b eu sed to purchase fuel oil

' begins on Ju ly 1, 1943 and extends to January 4, 1944. The second period stam ps can b e used beginning N ovem ­ber 30, 1943 un{ll February 8, 1944, The generous overlap ! period, he

-pointed out. Is provided so that con­sum ers can fill their tanks, this sum -

foe propel ty loss estim ated a t $163. T here w ere 16 am bulance ca lls dur­in g th e m onth. ..

T h e Bryson R ealty Com pany w as granted perm ission to erect three ty o -ta m lly dw ellings on Preston ave­nue. three on R oosevelt avenue and

Valuation on Perm its to

one on B a le r avenue. . each perm it w as 69,000. --------— - ­erect chicken coops w ere granted to A . Stankow ski, 9 Q uine stret; B . J . M athisen. 24 Q uine Street, and Joseph □IF abio, 37 M eeker avenue.

public fttreet froa CwuauUl Arraus wctlcrlj to property owned by lire Township And known l As lot T IS' block S3 on th« u i mops And dupllcst*. UlA (ollonlna' properly Is hernbr Authorized to bo Acquired try purcbASA or ecu- * w n .u -i ; Bcslnnlok At a point dlAlAol ISO foot oouthweasrly st debt sniies front t point In the woaodr lino otciCAotanntal Annuo, which potot In dUtsnt AouthArir Aloof AAld linoS8S feet troa Its Intcnectlon with the southerly line of South Avenue; runnlnK' thonco south

m*r.The third period runs from January

4 , 1944 to M atch 14, 1944; the fourth period from February 8 to Septem ber 30, and the fifth period from M arch 14 to Septem ber 30. . " ’ .

The coupon sheets which w ill-b e distributed during July are different th an -last year's coupons, being de­signed for various classes of users. C lass Four ration sheets totaling 800 gallons for consum ers w ith space

.^aterj..w -h p j^se-fr.Q m „?P O ^_300j® iitions a year consist, o f eleven 1 -u n it stam ps per period, and also contain eleven ten -gallon coupons w hich can be.used at any tim e during the year; and 48 change-m aking coupons o f one and five gallon denom inations.

C lass Five ration sheets for consum ­ers with central heaters who use be­

__ tween 500 afid_4,000 gallons a yearcontain stam ps totaling .2,000 gallons, consisting of six five-unit coupons per period, five 50-gallon stam ps good during the entire year, and change- m&klng stam ps of 1, 5 and 25 gallon denom inations. .

C lass S ix ration sheets are for con­sum ers o f 4,000 to 20,000 gallons.

Consum ers w ill not be required to enter the serial num ber o f the ration dieet on each coupon as w as the case last year. T h ey m ay deposit their coupon sheets w ith their dealers. Per­sons requiring larger rations than la st year because o f changed conditions in the house w ill not use th e a g p lica - tion form , bu t w ill go to local n tllb fi- boardi after O ctober 1.

M cKenna stressed that the petrol­eum shortage this year is far m ore •cute than test year because o f d is­rupted transportation due to floods, pnd o f increased m ilitary require­m ents. -

54 decrees 11 sUnutes wait 163.65 feat to point; tbeaeo north 35 degm * O m lnults weat 135.90 faet to • point; tbsoeo north 84 dtgraea 11 minutes east 35 feat to a point: and tbanco south 35 decrees 49 minutes east 195.99 fast to a point; thence north 34 decrees I I minutes east

-Township Has No Recreation Funds

(Continued from page one) w ith proper pow er w as a request o f Clarence R ydlnsky, 6 Sam oset Road, to have tw o excavations near hla hom e filled In.

Starting June 19 and continuing through Septem ber 11, th e tow nship offices w ill b e closed Saturdays. T ax Collector A . B . C aldw ell and Tow n­ship C lerk J . W alter C offee w ere au­thorized to attend a series o f m eet­ings on m uiUclpal problem s in Tren­ton tom orrow and Saturday. 1 1

Taxes on lota 30 and 31 in block 85 w ere apportioned so that tw o parts o f the tract ow ned b y M abel V . A !- b ert. w ere released on paym ent o f $620. A letter o f appreciation w as authorized sent to Jam es G illon , m an* ■get o f th e A uto-M achine C orp y a t

w ith a ‘

M ay police report showed 177 cdlto liiiie tlg ilr d I au to aeddento j a w hich • persona w ere injured, 30 b i­cycle perm its issued w ith fees totaling $7.39, *4 8 *0 in fin e s ' collected o f w hich $13 goes to the county. Fire deportm ent report tor lest m onth

‘ ~ ‘ I t still-alarm s

PRO POSED OSOIRANCCAft ORDINANCE rroildliig for Urn AkquMtkm l i t 'iM d t tot.BtratoFurpoMC. M f| *B« it Orfixlasd by th« TowxAlp Onmmlttw

of the Township of Cranford:~ 1. Tor tho purpoto of opontne

137.A5 feet to a point; tbeacu south 35 _49 minute* east 40 feet to tho point or pine* ofbcclnntoc.

Section X. Tb« followlnjr property, own«d by the Town ah lp, Is hereby dedicated, tn con­Junction with tho property to bo. acquired, for street purpooeo; Vint tract: Beginning at a point tn the westerly lino of* Centennial Avenue distant 986 feet weeterly along the name front lie Intersection with the noutherly line of South A Venue; runnlngvtben£o south 54 degrees 11 minute* west 150 feet to e point; thence north 35 degrees 49 mlnuteaiwest 49 feet to appoint; thence north 64 digroia 11 jitnutet east 159 feet to sold line of Centennial Avenue; thence s ^ e r fy slbhgm 'seihe lg 'f i^ tb Virtidlnt 'oF place of beginning. Beoes d Tract: Beginning at a point distant 31L63 feet westerly at right angles from a point la tho weeterly line of Centennial Avenue, which point Is distant 986 feet southerly along said tine of Centennial Avenue from 1U Intersection with the southerly line of South Avenue; thence south 54 degrees 11 minutes west 35 foot le a point; thence north 35 decrees 49 minutes v td 335.99 feet to a point; Uienco north 54 decrees 11 minutes eeet 35 feet to a point; thence south 35 decrees 49 - minutes west 335.99 feet to tho point or plaew-of - beginning........ ............ > - ■

Section 5. To defray tbt cost of acquiring said lands, tho sum of •599.99 Is hereby appro­priated. ■ .

Section 4. To finance said appropriation, bond anticipation notes of the Tbwnshlp are hereby authorised to be lmued In no amount o<H es- ceedlnc said appropriation, which note* shall bear Interest not exceeding the rets of 9% per annum end shell mature in one (1) year from the date of Issue.

Section 5. It la hereby determined and da- dared: that the supplemental debt statement required by law has been made and filed] that the obligations herds authorised to bt laaued are within all debt Halts fixed by law ; that the period of usefulness of said taprovemeot la 99 yean ; and that the frees debt of the Township win be Increased 9569.99 by issuing said 6bit- gstloaa. - 1 ; •• •

Section 9. This ordinance Shan taka effect as provided by tbe statute in such ease mad# and provided.


Tbs forrsotuf ordlaAMA on , Intrndm-A And PAM,it <o tint ran<HAf ( I s rsn ltr MAUat of e , Township Oo— HtAA At UlA TMrnskl* at Cranford, N. J.. hold AO. I b h 1, 1H J. And «tu bo oom doradTwr tool ■iin e o .^ w t puhOa bAAitat, At AMOtA tonU r boom * *f ■Aid Towoohlp OoarahMw o iT e m le W f BulM- ' Cranford. How I m v , an

TuemiAT. i t n u r n . io n ,

Trinuhtn CUrk. Deled June 1. 1963. , r .

Use DEV0Efor die best job!D KVOK B o n n r A lM T -A a

flm ldm i


; {If U1 6 7 -3 N .

i>9k ‘Uir

. . .teZjr- -


v e m r a tg u nCOMftBQON CStAM Am mApmi M p o m n

I W M li t o •

- YAXtXIY - CtfANSINO CKAM ' TkparficfcliiAiw lArAry AJm .~ ■

' Y *' Compiexion*w{te women (who know ‘'Vanflvy’' b a beauty' |Mewto ceefure wMiQ wlB be oukfc to take advantage of tnie.

.. -’.alien any two $1 fan o f Hma tamota Yardlmy cream* for fiat J g SiawaAw, iM* dhr b Bmitod-youll want tolaica u*

Op aa V* right away! Wa carry ifaa compiata line of Yardloy, ■'’ tflvwlifandtamyp"*- - ^


i H Y «

M S N a V N IO N AVKNtJK rB O N K 8 O L (-6 7 6 6 — *7*1

; ;J>SHjHwg! A ty u aiaz— w w g -


8m m er,194S ! Yce,hVSlM dtffe>«*n«lil»yearlM tdwM m

and e n remain the seme. So, a ik g dM BOrt o f yoer p eeele* « A

_ daty_hoare! Our bathing enit beeodee-ere fat ■ a a n l ,

- they’re real Vitamin-D catchers! But, when lheyVe gone

kvowi when another group will arrive? Better make a dire for

.Beachwear, tomorrow. Yow’ll find Jnet the anil for year

^________^ shorter, sweeter stmenctcwim houre! 52-40,2nd FL

' • 1 - - i /

* 4 V5! 'W'Wr" v‘ ^ iXr&

V, tr i -* * ?*** +? ^ V S t * *

HglHaab b VehaCmi. Omt, nd

5. SO

(BJ “Serf Tm$T ta b * « * . tmM ,‘. b WRawrf w ta d ihe


(CJ Cum cttjm ImUmm md tMH m irm frm B n md JmU+kut k m b fw trm f l p e i g e ta y .

4 M

s i a n s & t f s a■ i* b iW jU lw JM «r 9b*.

........ 0.9S

(B J I M j M . d t a a t i i essaifs.tst.’zsi. B M



V ’d

No Toll Chargi if You Phono Front Cranford.. Operator for WX5Z5Z

F A S H W N C E N T K E ...E U Z A B E IH ...»p «-llm tjI«t 'A 9

VoL L . N o. 1

M rs.VcHeadsj Socc daM 7 AaPkeaiden

GranfionlWMrs. C . S . V ooi

president o f tbe. ( Club at the annual Tuesday afternoon taurant. E lm ora. I James A . K now les, office for several te

Other offlere* or Mrs. John Sjbreu; president. B in . H . I ing secretary . M rs., responding seer d o r Gregory; and tree Delier. The latte Sarah K lein w h o 1 years, m em bers ex tion to the retizing many year* o f serv

The organization 1 posal o t the Lien ,~ ~iora Tccreation p -i

people of'th eeom m i in every w ay poazfl zuch a program .

' The outstanding year, as reported 1 was the start o f tb e

— a -m obile- kitchen corps o f the G ranfix ilworth Ctiapter, A n The m obile k itch en ' months ago and fa t

Contributions w e Amreican S d w laiab berculosis fun d, the sis fund and the A n war fund! M ore f were sent to ,th e V I and two C hristm as

- and sent to C am p K Two m em bers <

Club, M rs. K le in s i made 182 service M Improvement A sso d Cranford’* draftees, by the blind w ere a and April u - p gave a card party a t Delier in A pril fo r 4 Camp K ilm er fun d i to the fund as a set More than 6 5 pound were saved and g iw fort by m em bers o f

M rs. f . J . D ener, sale of war bonds s i that $8,195 In bond, stamps was sold to the year.

The clutr'* w rote i Committee urging ti ratiopipg board foi urgta the retention < Trade A ct in letters

.senators and cooffres The name- o f M r*,

was added to tb e h State Federation o f

' Under the sponsors! group. She w as a fi president.•-Following the bus

social hour w as held ular meeting o f-th eOctober. .... . ”

Troop 78 Mol Reelects Mrs.

. Mrs. George Gl pifcsidont .o f the Boy Scout .Tl

' Meeting last Wed • home of Mrs. E * Brookside place. ] man was reelet Mrs. John Murra; retary and Mrs. J rejected treasurerwas-appointed ch ■ were « k

>-fludlTSttnlcuf ■file held June 21inNi rangements were Party to be held Mrs. Kuntzman w of ticket arrpngei ^-Thenextregu] hold September : Mrs. Robert Tbon

WilliarPenalized for speec

- tioning I«» the..:

. . Hie b t kanomn * *Hh a ’i

tbps. ;E.

» » la sttember

. « r Clare • Aairmar

'T he-''fte-C ra; ?ap tei

-zu i*rfeidayP lerT

ofrp1 J, -0 .