gd topics actually asked

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  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked



    IIM-A Case Study & Interviews on 4th March'2001


    Case study was similar to the "y E!ou!ters" ase study #o $% &ut o!ly di''ere!eis it is a so'tware om(a!y a!d !ot a e!)i!eeri!) om(a!y*C+ECO,%


    I!ter-iewers did !ot start with "Tell me a.out yoursel'" % They strai)ht away

    as/ed 0uestio!s .ased o! what eah a!didate has writte! i! hisher .iodata'orm%

    E-ery a!didate was as/ed some 0uestio!s o! mathematis li/e statistis or

    deri-atio!s o' well /!ow! mathematial 'ormula%

    Some a!didates were as/ed o! areas totally di''ere!t 'rom their areas o's(eialisatio!% This is to he/ whether the a!didate is a.le to ha!dle stress%

    IIFT ! To"ics on 1#$02$2001 % 0-( )ins*

    1. Ca! (olitis .e deli!eated 'rom s(orts2

    2. Ca! I!ter!atio!al .ou!dary .e dissol-ed2

    3% &hu4 disaster

    IIFT ! To"ics on 20$2$2001

    Time duratio! 5 67866 mi!s

    Grou( si9e 5 1:81;

    Pa!el si9e 5 ole o' mo!ey i! eletio!s

    ?ast ha!)es i! I!'ormatio! Teh!olo)y@ eiteme!t or a)o!y2

    Grou(s were )i-e! a.out 6 mi!s to thi!/= :7 mi!s 'or disussio! a!d 17 mi!s towrite their -iews o! the to(i a!d the summary o' the disussio!

    FMS ! To"ics

    &usi!ess Ethis%

    I!'rastruture a!d I!dia%

    E''eti-e!ess o' eo!omi o! Ira0%

    FMS Interview duration 2(-0 )in+*

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    Ge!eral I!ter-iew%

    Some a!didates were as/ed (urely teh!ial a!d some others (urely


    FMS "rocess- Su))ary ,ro) FMS !e.hi

    /vera..-ItBs a!other day 'or the sta'' a!d stude!ts at ?S% &ut 'or the a!didates waiti!)ea)erly outside= itBs the mome!t o' truth%&ei!) su.4eted to a trio o' seletio! (roess a! .e i!timidati!) %?S has a (erso!ali!ter-iew= a GD a!d a! etem(ore s(eeh as (art o' its (roess%

    Sur(risi!)ly= 'or most a!didates= the (roess o! hi!dsi)ht was (leasa!t a!di!teresti!)% ost were om'orta.le with the stress le-els a!d some atually alledthe (a!el= 'rie!dly%?or most stude!ts= the 'low o' e-e!ts was li/e this8GDBs= 'ollowed .y etem(ore='ollowed .y i!ter-iew%

    !-averae duration811816 mi!utes= sometimes as/ed to summari9e i! a mi!ute

    ane. sie83 or :

    Sie o, rou"8.etwee! 17 a!d 1e)ulatio!s = li/e demoray is a systemi (he!ome!o! N orru(tio! is a (erso!ale0uatio! a!d holds )ood or .ad de(e!di!) o! a! i!di-idualBs a!d or)a!i9atio!Bs(erso!al -alue systems% The two should there'ore !ot .e o!strued read as a ause8e''et relatio!shi(

    ;+ For the "oorer sections o, society a state contro..ed econo)y is Better

    than a .iBera.ied econo)y+ IIMC*

    ?or5M A o!trolled eo!omy will result i! (ro(er 'low o' .e!e'its towards the ruralmasses%M The state has o!trol o-er the (rodutio! a!d the mar/ets hel(i!) the (oorer

    setio!s to a-ail .e!e'its whih they otherwise would ha-e .ee! de(ri-ed o'%A)ai!st5M The ommu!ist ou!tries are a .ri)ht eam(le that state o!trolled eo!omies do!ot result i! u(li'ti!) the (oor%M As history sta!ds a (roo' state o!trolled eo!omies ha-e hi)her rates o'orru(tio! a!d misma!a)ed eo!omies%M A li.erali9ed eo!omy with sou!d re)ulatory 'ramewor/ will e!sure em(loyme!ta!d a healthy eo!omy%

    #+ The )oney Bein "ut into cric7et is har)in the deve.o")ent o, others"orts+ SCM?@!*


    M Getti!) s(o!sored to other s(orts is di''iult= a!d the (layers ould !ot ha-e thelatest e0ui(me!t *s(ort )ears,%M Ca!!ot !ot om(ete with other ou!triesA)ai!st5M De(artme!t o' s(orts or the S(orts mi!istry has a 'ied .ud)et a!d has to alloatethe same to (roduti-e use% I' the dema!ds 'rom ri/et are hi)h the de(t% has !oother o(tio! .ut to 'u!d them%M The ! o' as(iri!) ri/eters s(ea/s 'or itsel' how (o(ular a )ame it is i! the!atio!%

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    M A lot o' 'u!di!) also omes 'rom s(o!sors who will 'u!d the )ame that )i-es themmaimum (u.liity a!d i! I!dia ri/et is !o dou.t the )ame%

    10+ Hou want to Be one o, the E "ersons in the shi" out o, 9* who are to

    survive+ State your case+ TAMI*

    O!e has to ta/e u( a (artiular (ro'essio! a!d ar)ue why a!d how it is im(orta!t to

    the soiety a!d states that as the reaso! 'or sur-i-al%

    11+ !e)ocracy has ha)"ered India's "roress IIM8*

    Please re'er to similar to(is a.o-e% The to(i re0uires you to tal/ o! thede-elo(me!t that the !atio! has ahie-ed o-er the (ast 67 odd years%

    12+ The ,or)ation o, 3uro"ean Dnion has a drastic e,,ect on India's trade+

    IIM>*?or5M This may .e read i! li)ht o' tradi!) e0uatio!s with our .i))est (art!ers USA= UKa!d Germa!y where we had 'ailed to .ar)ai! )i-e! that most o' our tradeo!suma.les ha-e im(ort e(osures 'rom these !atio!s N the Euro(ea! U!io! will

    'urther au)me!t this situatio!%A)ai!st5M The EU would mea! more e(osure to a more sta.le urre!y -is88-is the(rese!tly -olatile dollar tra!he N this would mea! healthier ear!i!)s a!d re(atriatio!%

    1+ Indians .ac7 a sense o, socia. res"onsiBi.ity M!I uraon*

    This to(i does !ot re0uire a!y eluidatio!= all o' you /!ow what to s(ea/ a.out thisto(i%

    14+ /"en Boo7 ea)ination syste) wou.d e.i)inate a.. the i..s o, "resent

    syste)+ !e"t+ o, Fin+ Studies !D*

    ?or5M The ad-a!ta)e deri-ed .y stude!ts o(yi!) 'rom -arious soures will .e wi(ed out%

    M The teahers will .e 'ored to as/ 0uestio!s that dema!d more a!alytial s/ills a!d!ot 4ust test the memory (ower o' stude!ts%A)ai!st5M It will e''et the memory (owerM #ew ideas may !ot .e )e!erated

    1(+ Go)en's e)"ower)ent wi.. .ead to socia. deve.o")ent IIM =ohi7ode*

    ?or5M he! you em(ower a wome!= you em(ower a 'amily%

    M a4or i!'lue!e o! the hildre! a!d thus the soiety%A)ai!st5M #o diret o!!etio!%M ill lead to !ulear 'amilies a!d s(lit homes%

    1E+ Co)"uters resu.t in une)".oy)ent FMS !e.hi*

    ?or5M Com(uters re(lae a lot o' 4o.s%M A de-elo(i!) ou!try li/e I!dia a!!ot a''ord to ha-e om(uteri9atio! at the ost o'

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    u!em(loyme!t%A)ai!st5M I! a K!owled)e a!d ser-ie eo!omy om(uters are a !eessity a!d a must 'orde-elo(me!t%M They reate more 4o.s a!d ty(es o' 4o.s a!d also ha-e multi(lier e''et%

    19+ Gith IT re".acin )idd.e .eve. )anae)ent so,t-ware oBs are )ore.ucrative than M8As S+ ain*

    IT is !ot re(lai!) middle le-el ma!a)eme!t= .ut it is re(lai!) the i!8e''iie!y i! a!or)a!i9atio!% It also results i! tra!s(are!y a!d (ro-ides i!'ormatio! o! time as a!dwhe! re0uired% O!e a!Bt om(are the two stated a.o-e= its li/e om(ari!) a((les toora!)es%

    1;+ !o you thin7 accent ho.ds you Bac7 Gou.d you "re,er everyone

    s"ea7in uni,or).y IM 8huBaneswar*?orM Commu!iatio! .etwee! (eo(le o' di''ere!t la!)ua)es will .e 'aster a!d easier%M #o (olitii9atio! o' la!)ua)e .ase issues%

    A)ai!stM ith di''ere!t la!)ua)es i! I!dia= it is di''iult to ha-e same ae!t%M It is a (erso!al issue= e-ery.ody has a ri)ht to s(ea/ his mother to!)ue%M +i!di a!d E!)lish are ser-i!) as the .rid)e 'or the -ariety o' la!)ua)es we ha-ea!d there is !o !eed to 'ore a ommo! la!)ua)e%

    1#+ Men resent wo)en "ower at wor7 ".ace JMIMS*

    ?or5M +ard to sha/e o'' the a)e old male e)oM e! 'i!d it hard to o.ey wome! .ossesM Dou.t whether wome! a! ma/e )ood ma!a)ersA)ai!stM It is wome! who a-oid (ower a!d res(o!si.ility at wor/

    20+ Houth in India are Beco)in reedy By the day MICA*

    ?or5M a!t to ear! a 'ast .u/M a!t to imitate the suess'ul you!) ahie-ersA)ai!st5M Am.itio! is .ei!) misu!derstood 'or )reedi!ess%

    21+ M8As shou.d Be taed at hiher rates in the country IIM8*?or5M U!dersta! so i! the areas o' i!ome a!d wealth taes = )i-e! their (ro(e!sityto ear! hi)her throu)h these routes%

    A)ai!st5M Taatio! is a (oliy a!d (oliies are deided 'or the masses at lar)e% I! order toa-oid a!y disre(a!y a!d .ias rates are 'ied o! i!ome a!d !ot o! the .asis o'(ro'essio!%M &As a!d other suh (ro'essio!al (eo(le are taed "(ro'essio!al ta"% So har)i!)them a)ai! a hi)her rate is !ot re0uired%


  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    Amit Chaudhary *&E I!strume!tatio!,

    1% hat is a measureme!t 2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% I!trodue yoursel' .rie'ly

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    6% ?issio! a!d ?ussio! J (ratial eam(les;% iew o! Po/hra!$% >eadi!) ha.its J !ews(a(ers= ma)s= !o-elsH% I!dia! Physiists% hy &A17% +ow did you (re(are 'or CAT

    Sahil ai! *&S &oto!y,

    1% Career o.4eti-es J li!/ to .oto!y

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% hat do you mea! .y homema/eroha! #a) *&&S,

    1% S0uare root o' %= 1%:

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    :% Cu.e root o' H J how would you alulate6% Cu.e root o'

    Karthi/ Khare *&A + Eo,

    1% I' eo already why &A

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    >ohit >a4a! *&A + Eo,

    1% >easo!s 'or the (oor state o' the eo!omyahul oshi *&%Com,

    1% Career )oals

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    :% hat is a s/ew symmetri matri6% Pro.a.ility o' )etti!) a head i! 3 tosses o' a oi!

    Sudi(to Kr >oy *S Geo(hysis, wor/e

    1% I!terests J last .oo/ read

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    :% Cultural di''ere!e .etwee! Cal a!d Delhi6% Cirle= Ta!)e!t;% Di''ere!tiatio!$% Gra(h 'or y Q at Q7

    >oo(a!/ Chaudhary *&A Eo,

    1% Tell us a.out yoursel'

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% +o..ies a!d etraurriulars

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    3% what are the o!sideratio!s whe! mo-i!) to OO systems:% Im(liatio! o' om(uterisatio! i! I!dia6% +ardware re0uired 'or !etwor/i!);% hy &A a'ter Com(uters

    i4ay Sarathi *&E Ele,

    1% A.out yoursel'amya ishwa!atha! *&A +% Eo,

    1% ?eatures o' the &ud)et

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% De(reiatio! o' mahi!ery -s a((reiatio! o' la!d a!d .uildi!)s

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% Cau-ery Dam issue J tal/

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    a!ish Kumar Saraswat *&E eh, wor/e 3 years

    1% Is your wor/e rele-a!t to mehis/s J how ma!y ty(es a!d how would you )o a.out i! eah ase

    Saura.h *&E Elet, wor/e < years S

    1% Coahi!) i!stitutes J draw )ra(hs Stude!ts s E(e!diture= Stude!ts s >e-e!ueele-e!e o' eletrial i! so'tware:% So'tware (ro4ets you are wor/i!) o! J what= howPrasha!t Saree! *&E Ci-il,

    1% ould you li/e your i!ter-iew to .e )e!eral or s(ei'i 8 )e!eral

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    IIM8 Ad)issions '## - !e.hi+ 3nineerin - II

    i.has &hawa! *&teh eh, wor/e

    1% hat does your 4o. e!tail

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    % Ca! you lear! thi!)s you are !ot i!terested i! 217% II& is maths orie!ted= what will you do 2

    Dharme!der * &&A C&S ,

    1% hy &A a'ter &&A C&S 2

    a4at Gu(ta o' Ki!sey i! the 'orm J 0ui99ed o! o!sulta!y6% hy were your mar/s !ot )ood 2 hy a 'alli!) tre!d 2;% here did you do your summer trai!i!) 2 * I! a! ad a)e!y a!d STC ,$% hat is &ra!di!) 2V?urther (ro.i!) o! tea e(orts doume!tatio! at STCH% A!y 0uestio!s you would li/e to as/ 2 why wor/e 'ull reside!tial (re'erred

    Amit Gairela *&&A,

    1% hy &A a'ter &&A

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% hy &A 2 E(lai! how you are more i!terested 2uhi/a >ishi * &%A% Eo J I&= DSE ,

    1% You are a D o' a Co% J Selli!) (e!ils 'or last 16 yrs J Pe!s !ow 2 what wouldyou do 2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% ar)i!al osts

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    Ashish *&S ath,

    1% A.out the )a( i! studieseadi!) J Ay! >a!d= +oward >oar/= Aru!dhati >oy% Draw (ara.ola= hy(er.ola

    A/it Soma!i *&S Ge!, wor/e

    1% uestio!s o! hemistry a!d aths

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    6% &rie' history o' time .y Ste-e! haw/i!)s J disussio!;% ua!tum theory a!d )ra-ity= (artiles$% hat is sta!dard de-iatio! J what i' it is 7H% ei)ht o' a s0uash ra0uet% Do you wath mo-ies17% A/shay Kumars (hoto show! J tal/

    Garima Gar) *&A aths,

    1% >eal A!alysis a!d uses o' real a!alysisa.ri De-i J O(i!io!% iews a.out the GD

    17% Other alls J +ow was DI i!ter-iew

    Ar-i!d >amaha!dra! *&A ath,

    1% usi J -ioli!

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    Ka(il *&A e!)lish,

    1% Poetry= (oets J roma!e et

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% A!swer a!y three 0uestio!s disussed outside the i!ter-iew room%a% #ame a!y 'emale Chie' i!isters2.% hat is remote se!si!) used 'or2O wor/2,:% #ow a!swer the 0uestio!%6% hat is the di''ere!e .etwee! re'letio! a!d re'ratio!2 he! does re'letio!ta/e (lae a!d whe! re'ratio!2 *This0uestio! was as/ed as a 'ollow8u( o' the a!swer )i-e! .y the a!didate to the a.o-e0uestio!,;% hat is the s(eed o' rotatio! o' a CD8>O2$% hat are tra/s i! the CD2H% hat do you thi!/ o' the iss orld &eauty Pa)ea!t2 hat was the o!tro-ersya.out ha-i!) it i! I!dia2% hat is DIS217% +ow muh was delared a!d how muh mo!ey was made211% hat are your etra8urriular ati-ities2


  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    IIMAI!ter-iew lasted 'or a((roimately ailways at the time o' this i!ter-iew,% De'i!e -aria.le ost i! Aou!ts a!d Eo!omis%


    1% hih u)hal atta/ed +ydera.ad2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    3% S(ei'i eam(les2:% E(lai! the (roedure o' desi)!i!) a heat eha!)er usi!) CADCA% hat arethe I!(ut (arameters a!d out(ut ( Parameters26% I! weldi!)= )i-e s(ei'i eam(le where om(uters are used2;% I! ?O>T>A#= how are !ested DO loo(s wor/2$% hih area i! mathematis do you li/e2 O>2

    H% rite a! LP (ro.lem2 Produe a )ra(hial solutio!% hy is it alled a! LP2% rite dow! &ayeBs theorem% Di''ere!e .etwee! o!ditio!al a!d 4oi!t (ro.a.ility217% You ha-e !ot me!tio!ed ho..iesetraurriular ati-ities i! your a((liatio!'orm% hat do you do i! your 'ree time211% Gi-e two stre!)ths a!d two wea/!esses%


    1% You do!Bt ha-e wor/ e(erie!e% Do you2I= would you .e -ery disa((oi!ted2 A'ter L>I= will you wor/2+ow lo!)26% hat is the aim o' your .usi!ess2 I' it is !ot "o!ly mo!ey"= what else2 +ow .i) idit2;% Is there a 'orum 'or redressal la.our dis(utes i! your .usi!ess2$% &usi!essme! are !ot ethial% hat do you thi!/% +ow would you deal with it2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    H% Go-er!me!t sheme o' )i-i!) .o!ds 'or delari!) .la/ mo!ey% Do you thi!/ itwor/s2% I' you were the ?i!a!e i!ister= what would you do2 Ta laws217% hat do you wa!t i! li'e2


    1% +ow do you (ro!ou!e your !ame2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    11% Your -iews o! >S21ailways2

    E!)i!eer *I!dustrial Produtio! E!)i!eeri!), at IIM-Ah)edaBad i!ter-iew%

    1% hat do you thi!/ o' the GD2 +ow did the )rou( (er'orm2

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    :% Do you thi!/ leaders are .or! a!d !ot made26% Do you thi!/ + > a!a)eme!t a! .e tau)ht i! a lassroom2 et%

    A 6uic7 ana.ysis :Si!e the a!didate was a wor/i!) eeuti-e= the 'la-our o' thei!ter-iew was e!tirely di''ere!t% aturity le-el was .ei!) 4ud)ed a!d the a!didatesu!dersta!di!) o' his role i! om(a!y too was .ei!) eami!ed% The i!ter-iewers were

    tryi!) to assess whether the a!didate has atually .roade!ed his hori9o!s or still ame!tal 'resher Si!e the a!didate was a wor/i!) eeuti-e= the 'la-our o' thei!ter-iew was e!tirely di''ere!t% aturity le-el was .ei!) 4ud)ed a!d the a!didatesu!dersta!di!) o' his role i! om(a!y too was .ei!) eami!ed% The i!ter-iewers weretryi!) to assess whether the a!didate has atually .roade!ed his hori9o!s or still ame!tal 'resher

    +ere is a list o' 0uestio!s as/ed to a!other lady i!ter-iewee *(ursui!) S, atSCM?@! unei!ter-iew%

    1% E(lai! the mea!i!) o' your !ame%

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% >elatio! shi( .etwee! a-era)e ur-es a!d mar)i!al ur-esama!atha! Eo

    1% uestio!ed o! the tie wor! J riteria 'or )i-i!) )i'tse)ulatory Authority o' I!dia J Pho!e rates a!d roll .a/

    >amya iswa!atha! Eo

    1% Draw IC ur-es= &ud)et li!ea!/ o' a atri:% De.ati!) J tal/ o! wome!s .illN are i! 'a-our or a)ai!st J tal/ 'or 3 mi! a)ai!st

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    A/shay Shah Eo

    1% ua!titati-e theory o' o!ey>= why C>> is a ratio= what is i! the !umerator a!d the de!omi!atorH% Show us your tra!sri(ts= why does!t the su.4et !ames eist

    Shweta A))arwal Eo

    1% I!dias (er a(ita GDP> J O.4eti-e o' ha-i!) itH% ua!titati-e theory o' o!ey% >eadi!) i!terests J latest !o-el read

    Karti/ Khare Eo

    1% Total re-e!ue= total ost= total 'ied ost J Di''ere!e 2 Pro'ita.ility 2 &rea/e-e!(oi!t

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    &ha-!a &i!dra= *&A +% Eo,

    1% Di''ere!e .etwee! aria.le osts a!d ?ied osts

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    Su!il Yada- *IITD= with wor/e,

    1% ?u!dame!tal >i)htsP system J tal/ a.out

    3% athematial (ro.lems to sol-e:% A.out the o. J 'u!tio! a!d your o!tri.utio!

    Ashwi!i &haradwa4 *&%Teh J Chem= IITD,

    1% &asis o' heat tra!s'er= a!d 'luid dy!amisa!/ i! the de(artme!t

    Tushar Su.hra Das *&E J eh= DCE,

    1% >e'ri)eratio! a!d air o!ditio!i!) J 'u!dame!talsEC Kuru/shetra, with wor/e

    1% o. related J (i(i!) layout

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    were to .e o! the (a!el% Seleted o!e o' the 0uestio! J o! eduatio! (oliy a!d)rilled% Ahimsa%6% Deri-ati-es

    >ohit Gulati *IITD,

    1% Tal/ o! Euro

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% Com(ute lo) 1 thru 4ust additio!s a!d su.tratio!P *me!tio!ed i! GD,

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    3% Swa( alo)orithm 8 3 di''ere!t a((roahes:% hy should +i!di .e a !atio!al la!)ua)e6% Tal/ 'or a!d a)ai!st= o!e mi!ute eah o! 8 "ahatma Ga!dhiBs (oliy is irrele-a!ttoday"

    #a-ee! Ku/re4a *&E eletrial= DCE,

    1% hat is your 'a-ourite su.4et 8 (ower systemsestruturi!) o' SE&s 8 e''ets6% hih states ha-e restrutured their SE&s;% hy Cri/et is (o(ular o!ly i! H ou!tries

    Sumit Sara!)i *&%Teh eh= IITD,

    1% hat did you o!tri.ute i! ase study

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1:% ?amily16% US 8 (ower i! world= >a!/ i! (o(ulatio!

    i!eet Gu(ta *&%Teh Tetile= IITD,

    1% #A&A>D

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% hat did you thi!/ o' the Case disussio!

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    $% Cri/et a!d &addy related 0uestio!sH% ?i-e 'astest s(orts

    A.hishe/ a))arwal *&S= Kuru/shetra,

    1% Su.4ets i! )raduatio!

    ule *a((ly o! (a(er,= o(timi9atio!= deri-aties:% I!ertia related 0uestio!s *o! (a(er,

    Sa/et #ara!) *&S Physis,

    1% #ormal distri.utio! -s Poisso! distri.utio! J Grilled o! Stats

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    1% >e)ressio! a!d Correlatio! *)ra(hs a!d e0uatio!,

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    H% Di''ere!e .etwee! a! elli(se= hy(er.ola a!d (ara.ola% Ge!eral aware!ess 8 T>AI= Lahore .us tri( o' the P

    IIM-A Case Study and Interview 5uestions as7ed on 2$0$2001

    II8A Case Study *Duratio! 6 R 16 mi!utes,

    ane. sie :3 mem.ersJu)Ber o, artici"antsQ 8 17

    r% Asho/ is the Teh!ial a!a)er o' a 'irm% +e has )i-e! a! order 'or a 'or)i!)(ress to a o!trator% The Co!trator alls u( r% Asho/ a!d tells him that ?or)i!)Press is ready a!d a! .ri!) the he0ue a!d ollet the ?or)i!) Press%r% Asho/Bs .oss= the Se!ior a!a)er direts r% Asho/ to a!el the orderimmediately% hat is r% Asho/ to do2

    Interview 5uestions


  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    4*hy some stude!ts did !ot as/ 'or 'i!a!ial assista!e(*&ud)et

    IIM-A Case Study & Interviews on 4th March'2001


    Case study was similar to the "y E!ou!ters" ase study #o $% &ut o!ly di''ere!eis it is a so'tware om(a!y a!d !ot a e!)i!eeri!) om(a!y*C+ECO,%


    I!ter-iewers did !ot start with "Tell me a.out yoursel'" % They strai)ht away

    as/ed 0uestio!s .ased o! what eah a!didate has writte! i! hisher .iodata'orm%

    E-ery a!didate was as/ed some 0uestio!s o! mathematis li/e statistis orderi-atio!s o' well /!ow! mathematial 'ormula%

    Some a!didates were as/ed o! areas totally di''ere!t 'rom their areas o'

    s(eialisatio!% This is to he/ whether the a!didate is a.le to ha!dle stress%

    IIM - A Case study and Interview on ($$2001 and E$$2001


    The ase study was similar to the ase study #o5 1$ a!d 1H o' "y e!ou!ters"%


    eha!ial E!)i!eers were as/ed o! illi!)= Lathe= C#C mahi!es

    Some a!didates were as/ed a.out GDP= G#P a!d GDP o' -arious ou!tries%

    The urre!ies o' -arious ou!tries

    The (er a(ita i!ome o' -arious ou!tries were as/ed

    em.ers o' ASEA#

    O-erall im(ressio! is the (a!el is tryi!) to see i' the a!didate a! /ee(

    hisher ool whe! 0uestio!ed i! areas totally di''ere!t 'rom their 'ield o's(eiali9atio!

    IIM-A Case Study & Interviews on rd March'2001

  • 8/11/2019 Gd Topics Actually Asked


    ane. Sie : 3

    The ase study i!-ol-ed disussio! o! the relie' wor/ arried out a'ter theearth0ua/e at Gu4arat% A (erso! i!8har)e o' arryi!) li'e8sa-i!) dru)s is sto((ed .ya!other who laims to .e related to the loal P a!d he ta/es the dru)s away%

    hat is the (erso! i!8har)e su((osed to do !ow 22

    #ote5 The time )i-e! 'or readi!) thi!/i!) was 6 mi!s%

    Interview 5uestions+

    !uration :