george adamson - baba ya simpa (father of lions)


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Emailed document on George Adamson and his Lions.


Page 1: George Adamson - Baba Ya Simpa (Father of Lions)

Read about this unique gentleman....

George Alexander Graham Adamson

In a message written in 2005 Virginia McKenna(Starred in movie Born Free) made this comment regarding her dear friend George Adamson  "....No-one who met George could fail to have been inspired and touched by this remarkable man." The Christian Science Monitor wrote "NO one better knew the language and lives of lions  -  or loved them more - than George Adamson."

George Alexander Graham Adamson was born in Etawah, India (then British India) on the 3rd of February  1906. His mother Katherine was English and his father Harry, who helped to train an army for the Rajah of Dholpur, was Irish. As a youth George attended a boarding school in England. He and his brother Terrance enjoyed hiking in Scotland and the two were very close.

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At the age of 18 George came to Kenya, East Africa in 1924 to work on his father's coffee plantation. Working on a plantation was not suited to his adventurous spirit and in the following years he tried various things and worked at many different jobs. Years later in 1968 he vividly described these adventures in his fascinating biography titled 'Bwana Game'(European title) and in the USA titled 'A Lifetime With Lions'.  His 2nd book published in 1986 is an equally fascinating autobiography titled 'My Pride and Joy'.

In 1938 at age 32 this tan and handsome young man with sandy blond hair and striking blue eyes joined Kenya's Game Department as a warden. Being a game warden was an occupation that suited him extremely well and one at which he thrived. He met and married Joy four years later. Joy had three miscarriages and they were never able to have children.

In February of 1956 the Adamsons acquired three lion cubs. Sadly two of the cubs, Lustica and the Big One went to a zoo but George and Joy kept the smallest cub which they had named Elsa.  Elsa the lioness was intelligent and trusting. She would not only change George and Joy's lives but through subsequent books, movies and films, Elsa promoted an enormous interest in conservation with the general public. When Elsa was about three, the Adamsons decided to teach her to hunt and introduce her back into the wild. This type project had never before been attempted. Elsa was encouraged to develop her instincts to hunt and hard as it was for Elsa to survive in the wild, Elsa succeeded and remarkably continued her bond of trust and affection with the Adamsons. She remained their beloved friend until her unfortunate death from what was believed to be a tick disease. She died with her head in George's lap, bringing much grief to a gentle man who would suffer many more painful losses. After George buried her, George and his scouts fired 20 volleys of shots over her grave in the hopes that her mate may have heard them and paused. Elsa is buried in Meru National Park near the river and to this day many visitors to Meru still go to visit her grave and pay their respect. (See the 'Elsa Tribute' page for photos.)

In April 1961 George retired from his position as Senior Game Warden of the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya(Meru National Park area), to devote himself to working with lions. Joy Adamson's book "BORN FREE" about their experiences with Elsa,  rapidly became a best seller in many languages. Much of the book was written using George's extensive notes. The best-selling book was made into a movie which was to become an award winning classic. Born Free starred Bill Travers and his wife Virginia McKenna who became close friends with George Adamson. The movie Born Free won two Academy Awards and was nominated for a third. It also was nominated for 3 Golden Globe Awards. The movie is available for purchase on DVD. (NOTE: The vast majority of the proceeds from the book Born Free and subsequent books was generously donated by the Adamsons to help wildlife.)

How did George view animals?.... A close acquaintance of his wrote, "Most of us look at an animal, prejudiced by our ignorance of it and convinced that because it lacks a language like ours, and therefore a culture, it is our inferior. Most of us are only concerned for its survival if its whole species is endangered. George on the other hand, with the clearer eyes of experience recognized an animal's capacities(including trust and affection) for that which they actually were, and regarded it as an equal. He wanted save each one, as an individual, from unnecessary captivity, suffering or death. This was the foundation of his moral concern for the animals. He knew that they constituted no threat to the human race." Of course the human race constitues a serious threat to all animals and even our planet earth.

The Christian Science Monitior wrote, "NO one better knew the language and lives of lions - or loved them more - than George Adamson.....Few scientists took him seriously. But friends say many scientists would have been humbled by sitting at the table of a man who sensed nature as a living whole, rather than only a subject to study."  Further comment on the subject of scientific contributions by the Adamsons, came from George Schaler, himself a scientist. In an introduction to the 1987 edition of Born Free Schaler wrote, "The Adamsons gave us truths about the species that

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cannot be found in a biologist's notebook.... Their efforts at reintroduction and rehabilitation taught the scientific community invaluable lessons and the conservation community will forever be indebted to them..."  Elsa and the other Adamson lions had shown the world that if given love and respect, a lion is capable of a far wider range of behavior than had previously been believed. She and the other lions were NOT programmed eating 'machines' with only conditioned reflexes but instead an 'individual' capable of a continuing trust, affection and lasting friendship with humans. The LOVE combined with respect that George had shown these animals had brought out qualities that most persons would have said did not exit. But George and his lions proved that these admirable qualities do exist and that lions have feelings and are individuals.

George Adamson continued his work with Lions and helped many to have a free life. He always remained their trustworthy friend. He was "Baba ya Simba" (Father of Lions). George showed us what man could do with Love even when dealing with what some would call, ferocious wild animals. George lived and interacted with his lions friends who were living their life in the wild. Some persons worried for the safely of George and Joy living with animals that could pose a danger. But what killed both George and Joy is the most ruthless and dangerous predator of any in existence, humans.

Sadly on August 20, 1989 George Adamson was murdered in Kenya, East Africa by Somalian bandits when he went to the rescue of his assistant and a young European tourist in the Kora National Park. He is buried in the Kora National Park near to his brother Terrance, Super Cub and his beloved lion friend Boy. (Photos of his final resting place are included on this website.)

There will never be another person like George Adamson. His was a rugged life style, in a bush camp with only a few modern conveniences. He lived in harmony with nature and he shared a truly beautiful and almost unbelievable friendship with his beloved lion friends.  He was truly a unique and wonderful gentleman who devoted his life to helping wildlife and to protecting the unique environment in which they lived.

He was a Hero to the end .... giving his life to save another!

George Adamson wrote in his book:

"Who will now care for the animals, for they cannot look after themselves? Are there young men and women who are willing to take on this charge? Who will raise their voices, when mine is carried away on the

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wind, to plead their case?"

George Adamson1906-1989

Trust....Affection....Friendship...George Adamson and Boy the Lion taking a nap in the shade of a tree.

NO other human has ever established the loyalty, friendship and trust of lionsthat are living wild and still retained this absolutely remarkable, intimate relationship.

Sadly we shall ever see this kind of person again.  George was a one-of-a-kind.He was man not only at peace with free living lions, but also their friend.

George showed the world what man could do with Loveeven when dealing with what some would call, ferocious wild animals.And the lions showed us they are not just eating machines as portrayed

in most tv nature programs, but 'individuals' with a wide range of qualities,capable of varied emotions, deep trust and lasting friendship.

Veterinarian and author Sue Hart wrote that before she had met George Adamson she had heard and read MUCH about him and she wrote that she, "often wondered how he could have retained his reason and equanimity in the face of constant hardship and danger.  He was said to be gentle, patient beyond endurance and non-eccentric; a simple soul, not ambitious, not worldly, quite

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unaffected by fame.   By the time I met him on a short flying visit to his isolated camp in 1965, the whole world was at his feet, though he seemed hardly aware of the fact..... On that first day, as the Land Rover which had carried us from the nearby airstrip brought us to the simple, immaculate, tented camp,  I felt deeply moved to see the fabled lion-man just as he had been described to me, smiling a welcome as he stood amid his Lion pride, sprawled in all directions in the long grass.Calm, self-possessed, white-bearded, well-build, he looked uncannily like one of his Lions.  As he shook my hand I noticed the radiant sweetness in his face, contrasting with the alertness in his probing, keen, deep-blue eyes.There was no doubt that he was inextricably linked with Nature for all time and that Nature, in her turn, accepted him unconditionally into her fold."

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Young and Handsome George Adamson

Harry (George's Dad) Katherine (George's Mom)

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George (left) and his brother Terrance - The two brothers were extremely close. 

George Adamson – 1972 - You may notice that George has on his East African Wildlife Society tie!

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In a message written in February 2005 Virginia McKenna(Star of the movie Born Free) made this comment regarding her dear friend George Adamson  "....No-one who met George could fail to have been inspired and touched by this remarkable man."

The Christian Science Monitor wrote,NO one better knew the language and lives of lions  -  or loved them more - than George Adamson.....Few scientists took him seriously. But friends say many scientists would have been humbled by sitting at the table of a man who sensed nature as a living whole, rather than only a subject to study.

TRUST, Affection and Friendship .... Elsa and George Resting Together

George with all his experience with animals recognized an animal's capacitiesincluding trust, affection and friendship and regarded the animals as an equal.

LETTERS from George Adamson

George Adamson BLOG article....Read ThisVery Interesting.

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Signature Photos.... George Adamson....Signature Photos

George Adamson's "Kampi ya Simba" 1978 Newsletter

ARTICLE about George - June 1986 - Article-1986

News Article about the tragedy....Article

George's final resting place.... PhotosVirginia McKenna visits George's final resting placein Kora National Park in Kenya, East Africa in 2005.

Tribute to Elsa

KORA REVISITED - In late 1997, Gareth Patterson the man who rescued George's three lion cubs after George was murdered, revisited Kora Reserve(Now a National Park) after eight years having not been there. This is his touching account of his visit.  Kora Revisited


Read both of George's books, A LIFETIME WITH LIONS(US title)BWANA GAME(UK title)  and  his book,  MY PRIDE AND JOY.

George Adamson can be seen in an AMAZING one hour documentary film titled THE LIONS ARE FREE and also in the two hour movie CHRISTIAN THE LION.BOTH are fascinating and should Not be missed!

George Adamson wrote in his book:"Who will now care for the animals, for they cannot look after themselves? Are there young men and women who are willing to take on this charge? Who will raise their voices, when mine is carried away on the wind, to plead their case?"George Adamson 1906-1989