getting bored of staying home? here s a list of 100 things

June 2020 Vol. 19, Issue #6 Reno - Sparks - Carson City - Dayton - Minden - Gardnerville Fernley & Lake Tahoe Getting bored of staying home? Heres a list of 100 things you can try (in no particular order) 1. Complete a puzzle. 2. Start a journal or blog. 3. Dust off that old instrument and practice, the heck with the neighbors. 4. Text all your exes, get a thing or two or three off your mind. 5. Write poetry, dont forget the iambic pentameter. 6. Watch really long movies. 7. Teach yourself a foreign language or two. 8. Finally read Ulyssesand War and Peace”. 9. Meditate. 10. Try different face masks and moisturizers. 11. Look at pictures of puppies. 12. Put together a charcuterie board, use all the veggies in your fridge. 13. Take note from "Tangled" star Rapunzel. 14. Write actual letters to family and friends. 15. Learn calligraphy. 16. Finally read the rules to those long and intense board games. 17. Put on a soap opera. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue. 18. Have a space in your home where all of the tupperware goes? Organize it and ac- tually match lids to containers. 19. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they spark joyá la Marie Kondo. 20. Better yet, go through this process with your junk drawer and supply shelves. 21. Have a meeting about how to be more considerate of one other. Bring baked goods. 22. Bake those goods. 23. Watch all the films that won an Oscar for best picture. 24. Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture. 25. Watch films that critics say should have won those aforementioned awards. 26. Read all the New Yorker issues piled on your desk. 27. Will Tom Hanks into recovery from coronavirus by watching every Tom Hanks movie chronologically. 28. Knit or crochet, or learn how to. 29. Video chat with your long-distance friends. (continued on page 2)

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June 2020 Vol. 19, Issue #6

Reno - Sparks - Carson City - Dayton - Minden - Gardnerville Fernley & Lake Tahoe

Getting bored of staying home? Here’s a list of 100 things you can try (in no particular order)

1. Complete a puzzle. 2. Start a journal or blog. 3. Dust off that old instrument and practice, the heck with the neighbors. 4. Text all your exes, get a thing or two or three off your mind. 5. Write poetry, don’t forget the iambic pentameter. 6. Watch really long movies. 7. Teach yourself a foreign language or two. 8. Finally read “Ulysses” and “War and Peace”. 9. Meditate. 10. Try different face masks and moisturizers. 11. Look at pictures of puppies. 12. Put together a charcuterie board, use all the veggies in your fridge. 13. Take note from "Tangled" star Rapunzel. 14. Write actual letters to family and friends. 15. Learn calligraphy. 16. Finally read the rules to those long and intense board games. 17. Put on a soap opera. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue. 18. Have a space in your home where all of the tupperware goes? Organize it and ac-tually match lids to containers. 19. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la Marie Kondo. 20. Better yet, go through this process with your junk drawer and supply shelves. 21. Have a meeting about how to be more considerate of one other. Bring baked goods. 22. Bake those goods. 23. Watch all the films that won an Oscar for best picture. 24. Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture. 25. Watch films that critics say should have won those aforementioned awards. 26. Read all the New Yorker issues piled on your desk. 27. Will Tom Hanks into recovery from coronavirus by watching every Tom Hanks movie chronologically. 28. Knit or crochet, or learn how to. 29. Video chat with your long-distance friends. (continued on page 2)

...Continued from the other page 30. Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos. Check YouTube. 31. Look at yourself in the mirror. Attempt a self-portrait with pencil and paper. 32. Take a bubble bath (bonus: Add a glass of wine). 33. Make a classic cocktail, from negronis to Manhattans and aperol spritzes. Don't forget the garnish. 34. Coloring books: They’re not just for kids anymore. 35. Take time to reflect: What have you accomplished in the last year? What goals are you setting for the next year? 36. Write a short story or get started on that novel. 37. Actually try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest. Probably fail. Try again. 38. Clear out the family room and camp indoors with all blankets, popcorn and scary movies. 39. Finally get around to fixing that broken door knob and loose tile or cleaning scuffed up walls. 40. Acquire a foam roller and treat yourself to some physical therapy. 41. Pretend you're 13 years old, fold a square piece of paper into a fortune teller, put your thumbs and pointer fingers into it. Proceed to tell fortunes. 42. Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.). 43. Throw out all your too-old beauty products and other outdated stuff in your medi-cine cabinet. 44. Interview your parents (over the phone, of course), save the audio. Create a story or a book with that file. 45. Go through your camera roll, pick your favorite pics from the past year and make a photo book. 46. Go on a health kick, learn how to cook new recipes with ingredients you may not be using already, from miso to tahini. 47. Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends. 48. Make a list of things for which you are grateful. 49. Have your own wine tasting of whatever bottles you have at home. Then make up stories about the journey of the grapes from the vineyards to your lips. 50. Work on your financial planning, such as exploring whether to refinance your loan or ways to save more money. 51. Perfect grandma’s bolognese recipe. 52. Make coffee, record how many beans you use, which types, how hot the water is, how long it brews, and whether any of that really makes a difference. 53. Buy gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help keep them in business while we quarantine. 54. Watch “Frozen 2,’ which went up early on Disney Plus. Another new movie on the streaming service: "Stargirl ". 55. Write a book with your family. Pick a character, and each member writes a chap-ter about their adventures. Read it aloud. 56. No March Madness? Have a Scrabble tournament. Or Bananagrams Pictionary, anyone? 57. Get into baking. 58. Indoor scavenger hunt. 59. Read the Harry Potter series, in sequence. 60. Dye your hair a new color. (continued on next page)

Things to do cont’d

61. Read Robert Jordan’s 14-book “Wheel of Time” series. 62. Write a play starring your loved ones. 63. Go viral in the good way by making a quarantine-themed TikTok. 64. Rearrange your sock drawer, really. 65. Stop procrastinating and do your income taxes. 66. Make lists of all the museums, sporting events and concerts you want to visit. 67. Get into comics with digital subscriptions on your tablet. 68. Rearrange your furniture to make it seem like your home is a totally different space. 69. Practice shuffling playing cards like a Poker dealer. 70. Organize your spice rack alphabetically. 71. Teach your dog to shake. 72. Memorize the periodic table. 73. Order and put together some IKEA furniture. Time yourself. 74. Get a free trial of a streaming service and binge-watch as much as you can before it expires. 75. Apply for a new job. You now have remote work experience. 76. Learn a new style of dance via YouTube, from belly-dancing to breakdancing. 77. Update or write your will and organize your affairs. It sounds melodramatic, and morbid, but let’s face it: This is a task many of us avoid because we never have had the time. Now we do. 78. The parades have been canceled but you can still make corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day. 79. Bring out the Legos. Then build your house inside of your house. 80. Watch the "Star Wars" movies in this and only this order: Rogue One-IV-V-II-III-Solo-VI-VII-VIII-IX. 81. Two words: Coronavirus beard! Grow it, moisturize it, comb it, love it. 82. Learn the words to "Tung Twista" Get them so ingrained in your brain that you can rap them as fast as Twista can. 83. Been meaning to get some new glasses? Try on new frames virtually on sites like 84. Attempt things with your non-dominant hand, from writing to brushing your teeth. Be prepared to be frustrated. 85. How many words per minute can you type? See if you can get speedier by taking a typing course. 86. Prepare to verbally duel a bully who wants to discuss the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies, by memorizing Matt Damon's "Good Will Hunt-ing" speech. 87. Learn origami. Then make cranes for your loved ones. 88. Stretch. Work on your flexibility. It's possible to get the splits back, right? 89. Try to speak in pig Latin. Or; "ig-pay, atin-Lay ". 90. Talk to your plants. Ask how they are doing. Are they getting the right amount of sunlight? Check their soil. Water if need be.

(finally continued on the next page)

Things to keep you from going crazy, finally finished. 91. Deep condition your hair and put paraffin wax on your hands. Enjoy your soft hair and nails. 92. Consider donating money to food banks to help families struggling to get meals. 93. Write a song. Perhaps you want to make it about your time inside, and put it to the tune of "My Sharona", and replace "Sharona" with "Corona," do what you have to do. 94. Study the art of beatboxing. 95. Try moving in super-slow motion. It's OK to laugh at regular speed. 96. You know how there are dozens of ways to wear a scarf, but you only wear it the one way? Learn the other ways. 97. Learn Old English words. Then pepper them into your conversation. Wherefore not? 98. Try on a new shade of lipstick. Then wait and see how long it takes your partner to notice it. This works for anybody. 99. Take deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth. 100. Sleep; Get lots of it.

Julia Tachihara isn’t just sitting home counting shavings, she is hard at work makin’ shavings as these pictures show.

I need to say thanks to Rod Proctor for this piece of Pin Oak branch. I'm also proud of myself for getting the shape right on this little bud vase. Not sure where my hus-band got the little vile I used, but it worked perfectly and I didn't drill through the bot-tom of the vase, though it was a little scary when I was finishing the bottom

Just finished this 2 layer jewelry box of African Ma-hogany on the lathe. The top is scroll sawed with Afri-

can Mahogany and Poplar and the gaps filled with epoxy.

Here is a picture of my toy painting station in my craft room.

Julia continued: Here are some trucks and a "quilt square" that Randy made, and the race cars the lathe group turned for Toys. Thanks to all who contributed.

Raffle Prize Donation List for 2020

Please check the Raffle Prize List for your name. The donation of a Raffle Prize helps to generate in-

come for the club a little each month. It is a small part everyone is asked to do.

Thanks to everyone for your support! June (Depending) July August Jim Annis Normally Maggie Blackburn Gene Choquette July is our Annual Von Clemence Kirk Jeffery Picnic/Dues Gala. Skip Hansen Terry Plys Currently there is Gary Kasden Mary Sedgwick nothing “normal” Rod Procter Mike Wargo except hibernation. Jan Shines IF the situation changes Gene Welch watch for an email

On-line Shop Safety Test:

All our new members must complete the on-line Shop Safety Test. In order to take any classes or participate in any of the Woodchuck SIG’s, this Shop Safety

Test is a requirement.

After completing the Application Form and paying your membership dues, you will re-ceive an acknowledgement e-mail that includes the password. You can then take the test.

To take the test, go to the members only section of the webpage and click on the link to the safety test. It will ask you for an e-mail and your name. Take the test and it will e-mail the re-sults and the correct answers (if you missed any) back to you.

Example: go to select Members Only, enter password, select Safety Test

Woodchuck Logo Wear Items Prices include one small ‘Woodchuck’ embroidered logo.

Items Baseball Cap $ 9.00 Baseball Cap name on back) $11.00 T-shirt (gray or tan) 13.00 T-shirt with pocket (gray or tan) 14.00 Bibbed Apron 17.00 Wood Turner Smock 65.00 Hoodies with zipper 50.00 Pullover Sweatshirt 28.00 Winter Jacket 60.00 Light-weight Jacket 65.00

Add-on’s: Add your ‘name’ on item = $6.00 Larger logo on back of jackets & sweatshirts = $30.00 Sizes 2X and larger are $1.00 per ‘X’

Contact Terry Plys @ 775.219.4381

Shop Safety Keep Your Tools Sharp Because:

• It takes much less pressure to cut with a sharp tool than a dull one • It will cut cleaner and usually won’t tear the grain • You are much less likely to get a catch • Some of your cuts can only be made with a sharp tool • Sharp tools are much better for spindle work and turning thin-walled vessels • A sharp tool will produce delicate shavings whereas dull tools usually produce saw dust • Sharp tools cut much faster • Delicate finials are easier to cut vs. a dull tool which will usually break the finial • You will sand a whole lot less with a sharp tool than with a dull one • When (not IF) you cut yourself, a clean cut is preferable to a nasty tearing jagged blood gushing cut

“This program/project was sup-ported, in part, by the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.”

Thank You for the Items and Time you Donate to our Club

• Sparks Tribune: Paper rolls New Faces Cabinetry Wood

• Victory Woodworks Wood Desert Brushes Painted Cradles

• Sierra Nevada Decorative Artists Painted Cradles

Thank You to these Businessess who Support the Nevada Woodchucks

• Reno Paint Mart: 201 E Moana Ln. Reno 826-2900

• Master Craft: 1460 Linda Way Sparks 356-1772

• Apex Saw 570 Kietzke Ln. Reno 329-3076

• Woodworking Source 9736 S. Virginia Reno 624-9174

Lathe Sig We’ll pass the word when we can meet again.

Until then we will schedule Zoom meetings where

we can get together, share what we have done,

and remain in touch with one another. The Zoom

meeting we held in May was a success, and if

you missed it, you missed Tom’s new look.

“Look Ma, I’m savin’ the

‘lectricity so we can have

lights on at night.”

An old fashioned pole lathe

Scroll Saw SIG Meeting

The word will be passed when we can meet again With all the forthcoming events being cancelled we sort of expect that the balloon races might be also. When we are able to meet again to make saw-dust, most likely toys will be our focus. If you have any other ideas or sug-gestions, contact me at the below phone number or email.

Contact: Jerry Alterman (775)224-5396 [email protected]

Toy SIG Meeting

We’ll pass the word when we can

meet again

Contact: Donnah Wenstrom (775) 473-0256 Julia Tachihara (775)826-0825

Bench Dogs


Tom Doud 233-5585, Edward Campau 345-2549, Bob Dietrich 851-7521, Chris Ziegler 384-1948

Tools N Techniques SIG Meeting

We’ll pass the word when we can

publically meet again, mean-

while look for us on Zoom

Carving SIG Meeting

We’ll pass the word when we can meet again Contact: Paul Volpp 853-3432 or

Digital Workshop SIG Meeting We will be having a DW Zoom meeting this month!

As soon as it is finalized we will get the word out

Since the name of the SIG contains the word “Digital” you might be able to

guess how we will have our meetings. You got it! Online! Via Zoom! Invitations will be sent out about a week prior to the meeting.

SIG Leaders

Lathe SIG Tom Doud 223-5585 TNT SIG Tom Doud 233-5585 Russ Lambert 359-4554 Edward Campau 720-3060 Bob Dietrich 851-7521 Scroll Saw SIG Jerry Alterman 224-5396 TNT/Hand Tools Bob Dietrich 851-7521 Edward Campau 345-2549 Toy SIG Donnah Wenstrom 473-0256 Carving SIG Julia Tachihara 826-0825 Paul Volpp 853-3432

Clubhouse Address 405 Western Rd. #36, Panther Valley

Phone # (775) 241-3872 Board Meetings — 1st Tuesday in the month at 6:30 PM

All interested members are welcome to attend Board Meetings. General Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, 7 pm at the clubhouse.

Newsletter Deadline

Please Email SIG articles,

news items, woodworking tips, For Sale ads, your favorite joke, and/or any good gossip to

the Newsletter Publisher at: [email protected]

Or contact: Jerry Alterman [email protected]

The due date is the 20th of each Month. (If you’re too late I get to improvise)


President: Ron Flint 224-5318 Vice Pres. Jerry Alterman 224-5396 Secretary: Paul Yarmolich (925) 989-0789 Treasurer: John Hasenau 356-9123

Board of Directors Russ Lambert Bob Dietrich Donnah Wenstrom Gene Choquette Edward Campau Tom Doud

Committee Chairs

Newsletter: Jerry Alterman 775-224-5396 Webmaster: Interested? Contact Ron Flint @775-224-5318

FREE, Free Free, Free

Free to a good home: used 8-piece set of lathe tools. These would be good for a beginning turner. The set includes a wood tool rack that I made, and a centering tool for marking the cen-

ter on wood.

If interested, please contact Mary Sedgwick: [email protected]

Woodchucks Board Meeting Minutes Overview From May 5

th, 2020

May’s Board Meeting was held via Zoom, and recorded. If you would like to view the meeting contact Jerry Al-terman at: [email protected] and he will forward a link to the video.

June’s Board Meeting will be held via Zoom.

1st June – Dare Day. 2nd June – Rocky Road Day. 3rd June – Repeat Day. Today is Repeat Day, and because it’s Repeat Day, you have to Repeat things over and over again… Because it’s Repeat Day. 4th June – Cheese Day. 5th June – World Environment Day. 6th June – Yo-Yo Day. 7th June – Chocolate Ice Cream Day. 8th June – Best Friends Day. 9th June – Donald Duck Day. 10th June – Ballpoint Pen Day. 11th June – Corn On The Cob Day. 12th June – Loving Day. 13th June – Sewing Machine Day. 14th June – Pop Goes The

Weasel Day. 15th June – Smile Power Day. 16th June – Fresh Veggies Day. 17th June – Eat Your Veggies Day. 18th June – Splurge Day. 19th June – World Sauntering Day. 20th June – Ice Cream Soda Day. 21st June – Daylight Apprecia-tion Day. 22nd June – Chocolate Eclair Day. 23rd June – Pink Day. 24th June – Pralines Day. 25th June – Catfish Day. 26th June – Chocolate Pudding Day. 27th June – Sunglasses Day. 28th June – Paul Bunyan Day. 29th June – Waffle Iron Day.

What’s so special about June you ask? Well here’s 30 reasons why...