give a gift that changes lives€¦ · transforming lives 5 lizzie is an inspiring and courageous...

GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES A guide to leaving a bequest

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Page 1: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the

GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVESA guide to leaving a bequest

Page 2: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the


When we look back over our lives, for many of us the moments we value most are those when we have overcome challenges or connected with others in a common goal and come out the other side smiling and supporting each other all the way.

By partnering with Outward Bound you will touch the lives of young New Zealanders who face difficulties and challenges every day.

You will help them to set a new path for their future that is filled with promise and give them an experience they will look back on with pride.

A bequest may be the most transformational gift you are ever able to make, giving you the ability to change young people’s lives, well beyond your lifetime.


“Each of us has more courage, more strength, and more compassion than we know.”

Kurt Hahn


Page 3: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the


Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.Care for the land, care for the people, go forward.


Outward Bound is:

• New Zealand’s most enduring organisation transforming lives through outdoor challenge and adventure.

• Guided by the principals of our founder Kurt Hahn of compassion, greatness, and respect for our natural environment.

• Proud to be in operation since 1962. Over 60,000 Kiwis from all backgrounds have visited Anakiwa and been guided by our world class instructors.

• Focused on building transferable skills and attitudes that remain far beyond a students time with us. Lessons learnt are applicable to work, study, home – and they last a lifetime.

• A careful steward of your generosity. Your bequest will be managed by the Outward Bound Foundation of New Zealand.


Page 4: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the

As a bequest donor you can help change the lives of young people throughout New Zealand. Your bequest can help to create future leaders.

From Northland to Southland our Schools Programme partners with 107 secondary schools to provide Year 12 students with a life changing experience.

Students are selected because they show leadership potential and commitment at school but need support to fully believe in themselves.

They are young people who experience financial difficultyand would not be able to attend an Outward Bound course without financial support.




Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the security of regular routines and family


Living with autism meant Lizzie faced significant learning challenges and subsequent bullying throughout her schooling. At the age of 19 she became the main caregiver for her late mother who had chronic lung disease.

Lizzie joined us for the Horizons course early in 2018 and has not looked back. She has completed a first aid course, is a volunteer with Civil Defence, and helps at her local soup kitchen.

“The course showed me that I have good leadership skills. I was able to support other people at times, and I enjoy helping people if I can.”


Lizzie - Scott 641

MEET JOURNEYSix years ago, Journey was a 16-year-old who had dropped out of school, was in and out of court and had a very difficult

home life with two alcoholic parents.

Linda Pye, Deputy Head, Taita College Lower Hutt, did not see a young man without

hope, she saw a young man with untapped potential. Linda encouraged Journey to return to school and to consider going to Outward Bound as part of Poneke, our Wellington schools programme.

Journey is now 22, has a full-time job, and shares a com-fortable flat with his partner. He is active in his community, volunteering as a youth leader. As a mentor for young people he often shares what he learnt on his course:

“You can’t change the world if you can’t change yourself, Outward Bound taught me to care for myself and more importantly to care for others.”

Journey - Shackleton 591

One of the guiding principles of Outward Boundis ‘there is more in you’. Our Adapted course programme extends this belief further to ‘there is more in everyone’.

We work hard to ensure Anakiwa is a place for as many young people as possible to enjoy regardless of the challenges they face.

Our Adapted programme provides opportunities for young people living with physical and intellectual disabilities to reach beyond what they thought they were capable of.



Page 5: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the


“Over 21 days my view on life slowly changed in ways I had never thought possible. I came home completely empowered.”


We partner with New Zealand community groups and charitable organisations such as:

Ka Mahi means ‘great work’ and that is what we want to reward with our Ka Mahi Scholarship programme.

Full and partially funded scholarships are offered to these organisations to enable them to continue to develop their staff and/or volunteers and support the clients they work with.

• Surf Life Saving NZ• Foundation for the Blind• Oranga Tamariki


• Red Cross• Rainbow Youth• Women’s Refuge


Monica, a committed volunteer, shares how a Ka Mahi Scholarship changed her outlook on life.


As the Team Leader for the Red Cross Disaster Welfare Service team in Hamilton and a volunteer

firefighter at Waikato Volunteer Operational Support, Outward Bound is exactly what I needed.

I have a team of 40 that rely on me and every day I am trying to be the very best person I can possibly be for them.

I was quite unhappy when I arrived in Anakiwa. I didn’t believe that one experience could change my life. Working in the disaster response industry since I was 16, I never gave myself the opportunity to be my age.

Outward Bound gave me this time back and helped heal a few of the scars I have collected from my life of call-outs and disaster deployments. I now feel I can continue doing what I was doing but stronger and better than ever.

Monica - Batten 638OUTWARD BOUND

Page 6: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the

A SPECIAL THANK YOULeaving a gift in your will to Outward Bound is the ultimate expression of your support for young people in New Zealand and with this, creating a better future for all. We wish to honour your commitment to them through membership to the Kurt Hahn Society.

As a member you will receive updates on our work and invitations to special events. Membership is confidential and there are no fees or obligations. The society has been established as a way for us to acknowledge and thank you as a very special bequest donor.

Dedicated to the betterment of humankind

In 1946 renowned educator Kurt Hahn, who had been exiled from Germany for his criticism of the Nazi Party and Hitler Youth, founded

the Outward Bound School at Aberdovey, Wales.

Outward Bound was created to help young people from all walks of life develop the initiative, tenacity, and compassion to face the ordeals of life and

take up the opportunities that life presents them.

Since 1946 over 30 Outward Bound Schools have been established worldwide. Empowering thousands of young people to serve, to strive, and not to yield.

Outward Bound New Zealand, established in 1962, is very proud to be part of this network and honoured to have your support to work with young people to create better people, better communities, and a better world.

“There is more in you.” Kurt Hahn



The Outward Bound Foundation of New Zealand was created by Sir David Levene with the support of the Outward Bound Trust Board to ensure the long term sustainability of the organisation.

All bequests are managed by the experienced and independent trustees of the Outward Bound Foundation.

We pledge to be good stewards of your generosity. We know you entrust your legacy to us, and we take that honour very seriously.

We have strict adherence to all ethical and legal obligations including charity laws and accounting practices. This is verified each year by independent auditors.

“Supporting Outward Bound since 1962 as a donor, Trust Director, Foundation Trustee, and as current Patron, has been very satisfying.

My involvement has provided the unique opportunity to help many young New Zealanders turn their lives around and go on to achieve greatness in our communities.”


Sir David Levene, Patron of the Outward Bound Trust


Page 7: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the


Have you got a will?

Yes – to include a bequest to Outward Bound in your existing will you can simply ask your lawyer to add an attachment (codicil).

No – in order to ensure that your family and the causes you care about are provided for after your death, you need to have a will prepared by a lawyer who ensures it is accurate and legally binding and fulfils your wishes.

If you do not have a lawyer you can find one through the New Zealand Law Society; (04) 472 7837 - or Citizens Advice Bureau; 0800 367 222 -


Assess your assets and liabilities

Refer to the Planning Your Will card at the back of this booklet.


Please see below for options. We recommend that you discuss bequest options with your family, so they are fully aware of your plans.

Decide the type of bequest that is right for you

Go to your lawyerTake with you the Planning Your Will and How to Make a Bequest to Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand cards from the back of this booklet.

We appreciate knowing of your bequest intentions. It gives us the opportunity to thank you for your generous support, communicate with you about young people who attend an Outward Bound course, and invite you to Outward Bound events.

5. Return the Bequest Pledge card in the reply paid envelope supplied



A specific gift of property or other assetsProperty, shares, bonds, or insurance policies.

There are a number of options for leaving a gift in your will to Outward Bound:

A specific sum or percentage of your estateA specific sum is an option, but it is a good idea to think about the effects of inflation over time. What may seem a large amount now may not hold the same value in years to come.

Nominating a percentage of your estate instead of a cash sum means that you do not have to keep adjusting your gift to allow for inflation.

The residue of your estateYou gift what is left from your estate after all other gifts and costs have been deducted.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”

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Page 8: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the



The preparation of a will brings peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order and that the people and causes you care about are provided for as you intend.

Whatever your situation, you can help make a difference and create a better world for young people to realise their full potential. Your support could transform lives well into the future without affecting your current financial needs.

Our funding team are always available to answer your questions. We’d love to hear from you.

You can contact us by phone 0800 688 927 or email us at [email protected].


I feel I owe my life to Outward Bound for supporting me to find myself again. I want to provide that opportunity for others and that is why I have chosen to leave a gift in my will to Outward Bound.

I would be honoured if you too would consider leaving a gift in your will to Outward Bound.

Your support will help uphold the Outward Bound legacy by transforming lives for many years to come.

My Outward Bound course may have saved my life.

I suffered a brain injury in 1986 and it almost destroyed me, both physically and mentally. In 2002 by chance I was offered a place on an Outward Bound course. I thought my life couldn’t get any worse, so what did I have to lose?

Some aspects of the course were tough but ultimately it changed my life. On the last day of my course something in me clicked.

I finally accepted the new me and felt genuine belief in myself.

“Volunteering in my community and helping others has had a profound impact on my life.

Helping someone else find their inner potential keeps me going.”

Michael Barr - Scott 497


Page 9: GIVE A GIFT THAT CHANGES LIVES€¦ · TRANSFORMING LIVES 5 Lizzie is an inspiring and courageous young woman. In foster care since she was six months old, Lizzie did not know the

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