global organisations 2013

Global Organisations: Making a Difference Year 8 Quest

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Post on 22-May-2015




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  • 1. Global Organisations: Making a Difference Year 8 Quest

2. Our World Our world is a big place (just over 7 billion people) Resources are not fairly distributed (the richest 10% of the worlds population owns 85% of the worlds resources with the top 1% owning 40%) Governments will only look after their own people. We are in the wealthiest 10% - some of us in the 1% 3. What are NGOs? Non-Government Organisations These work to make a difference and influence the decision making of governments and large organisations. They typically address areas of development, poverty, inequality or environmental concern. 4. How does aid work? 5. What are some examples? a world in which every person enjoys all the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights positive change through environmental action a global movement of dedicated people working hard to fight poverty and injustice Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so 6. How do NGOs operate? Fundraising Petitions Letter writing campaigns Direct appeals Advertising Legal action Protests and demonstrations 7. e.g. The Sea Shepherd This group protests against whaling in the Southern Ocean through interfering with Japanese whaling vessels 8. Greenpeace Greenpeace campaigns for significant environmental concerns 9. World Vision