global positioning system policy and constellation udtupdate · global positioning system policy...

Global Positioning System Global Positioning System Global Positioning System Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation Policy and Constellation Udt Udt Update Update Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National Space-Based PNT Coordination Office

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Page 1: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

Global Positioning SystemGlobal Positioning SystemGlobal Positioning SystemGlobal Positioning SystemPolicy and ConstellationPolicy and Constellation

U d tU d tUpdateUpdate

Col Robert Hessin

APEC 6/21/10

Deputy DirectorNational Space-Based PNT Coordination Office

Page 2: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National


•U.S. Space-Based PNT Policyp y

•GPS Program & Modernization Status

•International Objectives

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Page 3: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National


• During the past decade, GPS has grown into a global utility providing space-based positioning, global utility providing space based positioning, navigation and timing (PNT)– Consistent, predictable, dependable policy and performance

– Augmentations improve performance

• Like the internet, GPS is a critical component of the global information infrastructurethe global information infrastructure– Scalable applications enabling broad new capabilities

– Innovations in efficiency, safety, environmental protection,

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public security and science


Page 4: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

GPS is Essential to Our Economy and National Critical Infrastructures



Power Power Surveying & MappingSurveying & Mapping

Precision AgriculturePrecision Agriculture

Power GridsPower Grids




Trucking & ShippingTrucking & Shipping

Precision AgriculturePrecision Agriculturee tGee tGe


Personal NavigationPersonal


Disease ControlDisease Control

APEC 6/21/10Fishing & BoatingFishing & BoatingOil ExplorationOil Exploration


Page 5: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy History

• 1978 – First GPS satellite launched

• 1983 President offered free civilian • 1983 – President offered free civilian access to GPS

• 1996 – President established joint i il/ ili GPS civil/military GPS management

• 1997 – Congress passed law providingcivil GPS access free of direct user fees

• 2000 – President set Selective Availability to “Zero”

• 2004 – President issued U.S. Policy on Space-Based PNTy p

• 2007 – President announced elimination of Selective Availability capability from future GPS III satellites

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Page 6: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy

• Recognizes the changing international sceneOther nations are implementing space based systems – Other nations are implementing space-based systems that provide PNT services

• Established National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee (EXCOM)– Chaired by Deputy Secretaries of Defense and


– Membership includes: State, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and NASAand NASA

• Established National Coordination Office (NCO) with staff from each member department/agency

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p / g y


Page 7: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

National Space-Based PNT Organization Structure






I t iSponsor: NASAExecutive Steering Group

Co-Chairs: Defense, Transportation





Host: Commerce

Homeland Security

Joint Chiefs of Staff

GPS International W ki G

Engineering Forum Ad Hoc


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Working Group

Chair: StateCo-Chairs: Defense,


Ad HocWorking Groups


Page 8: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy

GOAL: Ensure the U.S. maintains space-based PNT services, augmentation, back-up, and service denial capabilities that…

ASSURE SERVICE Provide uninterrupted availability of PNT services

MEET DEMANDSMeet growing national, homeland, economic security, and civil requirements, and scientific and commercial demandscivil requirements, and scientific and commercial demands

LEAD MILITARILY Remain the pre-eminent military space-based PNT service

Continue to provide civil services that exceed or are STAY COMPETITIVE

Continue to provide civil services that exceed or are competitive with foreign civil space-based PNT services and augmentation systems

Remain essential components of internationally accepted INTEGRATE GLOBALLY Remain essential components of internationally accepted PNT services

LEAD TECHNICALLYPromote U.S. technological leadership in applications involving space-based PNT services

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involving space based PNT services


Page 9: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

U.S. Policy Promotes Global Use of GPS Technology

• No direct user fees for civil GPS servicesP id d ti ld id b i– Provided on a continuous, worldwide basis

• Open, public signal structures for all civil servicesPromotes equal access for user equipment manufacturing – Promotes equal access for user equipment manufacturing, applications development, and value-added services

– Encourages open, market-driven competition

• Global compatibility and interoperability with GPS

• Service improvements for civil, commercial, and scientific users worldwide

• Protection of radionavigation spectrum from disruption and interference

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disruption and interference


Page 10: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

GPS Constellation Status

30 Operational Satellites(Baseline Constellation: 24)

• 11 Block IIA

• 12 Block IIR

• 7 Block IIR-M

– Transmitting new second civil signal1 GPS IIR M i bi i – 1 GPS IIR-M in on-orbit testing

• 3 additional satellites in residual status

• IIF-1 launched May 27th 2010IIF 1 launched May 27th, 2010– First of 12 Boeing satellites

• Global GPS civil service performance

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commitment met continuously since December 1993


Page 11: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

GPS Modernization Program

Block IIA/IIR Block IIIBlock IIR-M, IIF

Increasing System Capabilities Increasing Defense / Civil Benefit

• Backward compatibility• 4th civil signal (L1C)• Increased accuracy• Increased anti-jam power

IIR-M: IIA/IIR capabilities plus

• 2nd civil signal (L2C)

•M-Code (L1M & L2M)

Basic GPS

• Standard Service

– Single frequency (L1)

Coarse acquisition (C/A) Increased anti jam power• Assured availability• Navigation surety• Controlled integrity• Increased security

IIF: IIR-M capability plus

• 3rd civil signal (L5)

• Anti-jam flex power

– Coarse acquisition (C/A) code navigation

• Precise Service

– Y-Code (L1Y & L2Y)

Y C d i i

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• Increased security• System survivability

– Y-Code navigation


Page 12: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

GPS Modernization – New Civil Signals

• Second civil signal “L2C”– Designed to meet commercial needs

– Higher accuracy through ionospheric correction

– Available since 2005 without data message• Currently, 7 IIR-Ms transmitting L2CCurrently, 7 IIR Ms transmitting L2C

– Full capability: 24 satellites ~2016

• Third civil signal “L5”Third civil signal L5– Designed to meet demanding requirements

for transportation safety-of-life

– Uses highly protected Aeronautical Radio Uses highly protected Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service (ARNS) band

– On orbit broadcast 10 APR 2009 on IIR-20(M) secured ITU frequency filing

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• Included on all IIF satellites

– Full capability: 24 satellites ~201812

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GPS Modernization –Fourth Civil Signal (L1C)

• Fourth civil signal “L1C”– Designed with international partners

for interoperability

– Modernized civil signal at L1 frequency

M b t ig ti b d g• More robust navigation across a broad range

of user applications

• Improved performance in challengedUnder Trees

tracking environments

• Original signal retained for backward compatibility

– Specification developed in cooperationp p p

with industry recently completed

– Launches with GPS III in 2014

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– On 24 satellites by ~2021Urban Canyons


Page 14: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

SPS Signal in Space Performance



2001 SPS P f St d d

N/A N/A N/AN/ASignal-in-Space User Range Error is the difference between a GPS satellite’s navigation data (position and




ge E


(UR 2001 SPS Performance Standard

(RMS over all SPS SIS URE)

navigation data (position and clock) and the truth, projected on the line-of-sight to the user






E ce


r Ran

g 2008 SPS Performance Standard(Worst of any SPS SIS URE)

1.61.2 1.1















Selective Availability (SA)

1990 1992 1994 1996 1997 2001 2004 2006 20092008

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System accuracy exceeds published standard


Page 15: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

U.S. Objectives with Other GNSS Service ProvidersProviders

• Ensure compatibility – ability of U.S. and non-U.S. space-based PNT services to be used separately or together without interfering with each individual service or signal– Radio frequency compatibility

– Spectral separation between M-code and other signalsSpectral separation between M code and other signals

• Achieve interoperability – ability of civil U.S. and non-U.S. space-based PNT services to be used together to provide the

b tt biliti th ld b hi d b same user better capabilities than would be achieved by relying solely on one service or signal– Primary focus on the common L1C and L5 signals

• Transparency in “signal and service provision information”

Pursue through Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation

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Pursue through Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation


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•Stable, predictable national policy–No direct user fees; open market-driven competition

•New modernized signals and servicesNew, modernized signals and services

•International cooperation is a priorityC ibili I bili d T– Compatibility, Interoperability and Transparency

GPS Modernization program is enhancing capabilities

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GPS Modernization program is enhancing capabilities for tomorrow


Page 17: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

Web Resources

• established to provide a source of information about U.S. Space-Based PNT Program information about U.S. Space Based PNT Program including:– U.S. Policy; EXCOM membership; Advisory Board; FAQs

– Announcements about Selective Availability and offer letter to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

– Recent public presentationsRecent public presentations

• established for public information about GPS applications– Available in English, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

– Brochures also available in hardcopy upon request

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– Links to various other Web sites


Page 18: Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate · Global Positioning System Policy and Constellation UdtUpdate Col Robert Hessin APEC 6/21/10 Deputy Director National

Contact Information

C l R b M H iCol Robert M. Hessin

National Coordination Office for Space-Based PNT 1401 Constitution Ave, NW

Room 6822Washington, DC 20230

Phone: (202) 482-5812 (202) 482-5809

[email protected]

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