glyn moody - tafta/ttip - trade, internet and democracy

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TAFTA/TTIP: trade, Internet and democracy

glyn moody

trade agreements


are boring

are invisible


most Europeans couldn't even name a trade agreement before 2012

in 2012, millions of Europeans became aware of one in particular

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, & the United States

European protests

EU-wide street protests organised for 11 February


La Quadrature du Net

massive numbers took to the streetsGermany (100,000), Denmark (15,000), Austria (10,000), Bulgaria (7,000), Romania (5,000), Hungary (1,000)

ACTA's problems

civil damages"any legitimate measure of value the right holder submits...which may include suggested retail price"

criminal damages"to be applied at least in cases of ... copyright or related rights piracy on commercial scale"

"for direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage"

digital chapter"promote cooperative efforts within the business community"

defeat for ACTA

4 July: plenary vote on ACTA

European Parliament voted down ACTA by 478 votes to 39, with 165 abstentions

remarkable majority

remarkable rejection of international trade agreement negotiated by European Commission

victory for democracy

David Martin, ACTA Rapporteur:"for the first time the European Parliament has used the powers granted by the Lisbon Treaty to reject an International Trade Agreement."

Martin Schulz, EP President:"demonstrated the existence of European public opinion that transcends national borders."


TAFTA/TTIP is not (just) a trade agreement: mostly about "non-tariff" barriershealth, safety, employment, environmental regulations

119 billion GDP increasedismantling both tariff & non-tariff

24 billion GDP increasedismantling tariff barriers

figures relate to 2027


Karel de Gucht"ACTA, one of the nails in my coffin. Im not going to reopen that discussion. Really, I mean, I am not a masochist. Im not going to do this by the back door"

EU negotiation directives for intellectual monopolies: "shall not include provisions on criminal sanctions"

what about civil ones?

EU-Singapore FTA

initialled 20 September 2013

still to be agreed upon by the European Commission and the Council of Ministers

ratified by the European Parliament

has several sections that are cut and paste from ACTA

ACTA backdoor?

EU-Singapore FTA 11.44.2 Damages: "any legitimate measure of value the right holder submits...which may include suggested retail price"ACTA 9.1 Damages

so if European Parliament ratifies this FTA, easy to put it into TAFTA/TTIP

maybe other ACTA elementsdigital chapter


also included in EU negotiation directives is strong call for "investor-state dispute settlement" (ISDS) measures

increasingly common element of trade agrements

even more obscure and unknown and not just among general public

ISDS facts (1)

basic idea is to protect investors from arbitrary government actions or weak court systems in developing countries

achieved by allowing companies to take action directly against governments

using specialist external tribunals

ISDS facts (2)

tribunal generally 3 lawyers, who also represents companies before similar tribunals

no conflict of interest rules

no limits on amount of award against a governmentlast year saw biggest ever award $1.77 billion to Occidental, against Ecuador

very limited appeal rights

ISDS facts (3)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 2012 ISDS Report:new cases last year 58

total ISDS cases so far 518

countries involved 95

EU countries involved 15

most cases from US companies

70% in favour of companies

ISDS facts (4)

ISDS cases:Australia adding warnings to cigarette packs

Canada banning pesticide; moratorium on fracking

El Salvador refusing mine permit

Germany nuclear power phase-out

Mexico refusing to allow toxic waste plant

Uruguay adding warnings to cigarette packs

Eli Lilly vs Canada (1)

Canadian courts invalidated patents on two Eli Lilly drugs

in November 2012, Eli Lilly sued Canada for $100 millioninvoking ISDS in North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

in July 2013, increased claim to $500 million for the two drugs patents that were denied

Eli Lilly vs Canada (2)

Eli Lilly claims Canada has not met "minimum standards of treatment"patent maximalism in US

as a result, Eli Lilly's "expectation of profit" was "unjustly" upset by courts' decisions

this makes it a victim of "indirect expropriation"

monopolies as investments

ISDS originally applied to tangible items such as buildings, machinery etc., designed to prevent expropriation by foreign governments

Eli Lilly case now seeks to appliy ISDS to intellectual monopolies and tries to define patents as investments, and therefore protected from "expropriation" by withdrawal


German proposal to ban software patents (again)

calls to widen copyright limitations & exceptions in EUtext & data mining

calls for "fair use" provision in UK

"failure" to update 2004 directive on enforcing intellectual monopolies (IPRED)

TAFTA/TTIP:ACTA backdoor 2?

not by the back door *directly*, but *indirectly*

allows companies to challenge laws or court decisions on intellectual monopolies that harm their "expectation of profit"

challenge Internet laws

to avoid that, EU might push for ACTA-like measures

back-door ACTA+

not only could ISDS bring in ACTA's worst ideas

also allows any standards and regulations not levelled down by non-tariff removal to be challenged

so claims that TAFTA/TTIP will not affect EU's regulatory regime are misleading if ISDS is part of it

TAFTA/TTIP's other problem

fight against ACTA was in part a revolt against secret deal-making that threatened ordinary people's use of the Internet

like ACTA, TAFTA/TTIP will be conducted behind closed doors, with minimal information about what is happening

new fight for transparency

new surprising ally (NSA)

NSA is spying on European Union embassies in US

NSA is spying on EU companies thanks to zero-day exploits from Microsoft and others

NSA is spying on vast swathes of the Internet

NSA is doubtless spying on EU officials in many other ways

TAFTA/TTIP is not secret

US will have copies of *all* EU negotiating documents

China and Russia will also have access to *all* EU negotiating documents

most large companies and industry associations have access

only one group doesn'tthe public

negotiating in public

de Gucht says: "you cannot negotiate openly"

simply not true: WIPO treaty for the blind negotiated publiclydraft documents

structured stakeholder input, with reports and summaries

live webcasts of negotiations

model of transparency

transparency = democracy

if people know what is being negotiated in their name, they can analyse and understand the real implications, not the spin

express their views to their representatives

democracy requires transparency

secret negotiations are profoundly anti-democratic

going public, going forward

trade agreements are complex and obscure

TAFTA/TTIP is even more complex and obscure

explaining all the issues to the public impossible task

need to concentrate on a few key issues, and the corresponding demands

ISDS out

unnecessary: ISDS is designed for situations where governments are capricious and legal frameworks are weak

anti-social: allows health and safety regulations to be ignored

anti-democratic: allows national and EU legislation to be overruled by unelected, secret tribunals, in favour of foreign corporations

transparency in

we need *all tabled EU documents* to be made public immediately

need to push for full transparency for TAFTA/TTIP and every trade agreement

before the Internet, that would have been simply impossible

today, it *is* possible, and is thus indispensable for true democracy in the digital age

TAFTA/TTIP: trade, Internet and democracy

[email protected]

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