gmr infrastructure limited. statement of holding of securities and... · shareholding pattern of...

GMR Infrastructure limited October 15, 2019 BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 Dear Sir/Madam, Corporate Office: New Udaan Bhawan, Opp. Terminal·3 Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi - 110 037 CIN L45203MH1996PLC281138 T +9111 42532600 F +9111 47197181 w National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza Plot no. C/1, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 Sub: Statement of holding of securities and shareholding pattern as on September 30, 2019 Ref.: Regulation 31(1)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 31(1)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Statement of holding of securities and shareholding pattern of GMR Infrastructure Limited as on September 30, 2019 is enclosed. Please take the same on record. Thanking you, Encl: as above Airports 1 Energy 1 Transportation 1 Urban Infrastructure 1 Foundation Registered Office: Plot No. 301 , G Block 7th Floor, Naman Centre Sandra Kurla Complex (Opp. Dena Bank) Sandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051

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GMR Infrastructure limited

October 15, 2019

BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001

Dear Sir/Madam,

Corporate Office: New Udaan Bhawan, Opp. Terminal·3 Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi - 110 037 CIN L45203MH1996PLC281138 T +9111 42532600 F +9111 47197181 w

National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza Plot no. C/1, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051

Sub: Statement of holding of securities and shareholding pattern as on September 30, 2019

Ref.: Regulation 31(1)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Pursuant to Regulation 31(1)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Statement of holding of securities and shareholding pattern of GMR Infrastructure Limited as on September 30, 2019 is enclosed.

Please take the same on record.

Thanking you,

Encl: as above

Airports 1 Energy 1 Transportation 1 Urban Infrastructure 1 Foundation

Registered Office: Plot No. 301, G Block 7th Floor, Naman Centre Sandra Kurla Complex (Opp. Dena Bank) Sandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051

Holding of Specified securities

1. Name of Listed Entity

2. Scrip Code/Name of Scrip/Class of Security

3. Share Holding Pattern Filed under

a. if under 31 (1 )(b) then indicate the report for quarter ending

b if under 31 (1 )(c) then indicate date of allotmenUextinguishment

4. Declaration : The Listed entity is required to submit the following declaration to the extent of submission of information:


a Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares

b Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities or Warrants?

c Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued?

d Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in?

e Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered?

f Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner?

:GMR Infrastructure Limited

: 532754/ GMRINFRA I Equity Shares

:Regulation 31(1)(b)

: September 30, 2019









*if the Listed Entity selectes the option 'NO' for the questions above, the columns for the partly paid up shares, Outstanding Convertible Securities/Warrants, depository receipts, locked-in shares, No of shares pledged or otherwise encumbered by promoters, as applicable, shall not be displayed at the time of dissemination on the Stock Exchange website. Also wherever there is 'No' declared by Listed entity in above table the values will be considered as 'Zero' by default on submission of the format of holding of specified securities.

5 The tabular format for disclosure of holding of specified securities is as follows:

GMR Infrastructure Ltd -As on 30.09.2019 Table 1- Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Cate Category of Share No of No of fully paid up No of No of Total No of Shares Shareholdi Numba.r or Voting Rfghts hald ln o.ach c lau of 5oeuriliu No of Shares Shareholding Number of Locked in Shares Number of Shares pledged or Number of equity gory Shareholders equity shares held p artly paid Shares Held (VII)= ng as a '~• Underlying as a% otherwise encumbered shares held in

up equity Underlying (IV)+(V)+(VI) of total no Outstanding assuming full dematerialized form !S hares IOepository of shar&S convertible conversion of held Receipts ~As a •k of securities (Including convertible

~A+B+C2)) Warrants) Securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital)

No of Voting Rights Total as a •t. No. As a ~.of No. Asa~aof

of (A+B+C) total total Class X ClassY Total


lA) Promoter & 20 3838692751 0 0 3838692751 63.60 3838692751 0 3838692751 63.60 0 52.49 0 0,00 73 81 3838692751 Promoler Group

2833393554 (B) l~ublic 386840 2197252524 0 0 2197252524 36 40 2197252524 0 2197252524 36.40 1 27'7.455.887 47. 51 0 0,00 NA NA 2196539443 (C) Non Promoter-Non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0

Public (C1) Shares underlying 0 0 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 00 0 NA 0 0.00 NA NA 0


(C2) Shares held by 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 NA NA 0 Employes Trusls

Total.: 386860 6035945275 0 0 6035945275 100.00 6035945275 0 6035945275 100.00 1277455887 100.00 0 0.00 2833:193554 73.81 60jS2J2194

Note: 1) The Company issued and allotted USD 300,000,000 principal amount or 7 5 per cent foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs), convertible into fully paid up equily shares or the Company having face value of Re 1 each (the ·conversion Shares1 at a price or Rs. 18 per equily share to "Kuwait Investment Authority· on December 10 2015 The Bonds may be converted into the shares in accordance wilh the terms of the Bonds after 18 months The optional conversion price in respect of FCCB is Rs 18 per share After considering into the optional conversion price is as Rs 18 per shares. FCCSs are converted into 1112341611 Equity shares (Approximately)

2) The Company currenlly has 1 outstanding OCD or Face value of Rs 430802315 and 4 outstanding OCDs of Face valueRs 574197685 Total 5 OCDs may optionally be converted into equity shares Re 1 each As per respective pricing formula the OCDs may be converted to 165114276 equity shares (Approximalely)

Table II. Statement showing shareho/ding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Cal Ca1egory & Nama of the Shareholder PAN No of No of fully paid up No of No of Total No of Shares 'Sha rehojdin Number of Voting Rights hek1 in each cfass of securiti&s No of Shareholding 'as Numbrr of l.ocUd in Nombar o f Sh11 ru pl~ge~ or 'Number of equity

ogo Shareh equity shares held Partly paid· Sharn HekJ (IV+V+Vl) gas a'/. of Shares a 'I. assuming Shares otherwise encumbered shares held in

'Y o lders up equity Underlying t otal no of Underlyin full ~onversion of dematerialized shares Depository shares g convertible form

held Receipts (calculated Outstandi Securities (as a .as per ng per~entage of S CRR, 1957 converttib diluted share ~Vtll) As a •;. ,. capitai)(VII)+(X) o f(A+B+C2 ·securities As a'/, of

(Including {A+B+C2) Warrants}

No of Voting Ri ghts Total as a No. As a •1. of total No. As a 'I• of 'A~ of Shares held total Shares {A+B+C) held

Class X ClassY Total

I un "' OV lVI VI IVln (VUI) (ll() rx XI XII XDIJ (XIV)

I du n . lmf'JldU3o'!:IHlndu wtdMdad Family 12 9654170 0 0 9654170 016 Q6.S...t l 10 Q 15541 70 0 .16. Q O,l l 0 O,M 0 0 .00 ~. ,.

JM•IlltCAIJUll"' IOAD (illl ol"-10~1 (HUFI '-AAH65S.37l l 1ll7IODO D 0 J.C11000 0.01 l 4itno0 0 1411CCXD 0 .02 0 D.O~ 0 0.00 0 0.00 1478000

GRAND HI BUT CHI SANY.O.SI RAJU /HUF\ AADHG7636M l 292500 0 0 292500 000 292500 0 l!!>SOD 0.00 D 0.00 0 O.OD 0 0.00 El!Al!l

k"iR"APIII\Jt.tAA GM..tmllll lkVFJ li}.;:H!OI:Hl6$ 1 lOOOOO 0 0 lllODOO 0.00 """""" 0 """""' 0.00 D 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 200000

5RINIVAS BOMMIDALA {HUF\ AANHS8762G l 200000 0 0 1DDOOD o.!ll """""' 0 >00000 O.OD 0 0 00 0 0 .00 0 0 .00 '""""' M,\t liiC'~IU!J.\ lfM)(i.A-Ht:IHI AAUI~IIC 1 llllJO 0 0 lS3D D 0..00 253330 0 253330 0 00 0 0 DO 0 0 00 0 D.<i> n'WO a\rM.\lJ\x:;H~\ 1 I'.C1PEI!IOYo. 1 ~iiUD 0 a ~16&0 0.01 So$UGO 0 ... ,... 0.02 0 0 .0 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 ~if.60 SmNIV;1 I!OM~JQ.u;. A~~'!lBSl .l """"' 0 0 4!tl f!i0 0.00 :lS1 1'l,i0 0 251660 0 00 0 ODD D 0 .00 0 0.00 :2.51660

~ ~Ul~KUMAI Glr-MIOttj JOOUPGJG.Ii1G 1 57ll iiD D a lm.!Ul .DOl mu.o 0 •m iO 0.0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0,00 D ""' omr.o Gf!iA~lDhllf.AGIN I MOF'R:)-.).:13., l iS. lJl'DO 0 0 2Sll100 0.04 2SJ3700 0 2913700 0,04 0 0.03 0 D.OD a 0 00 B U700

GBSRAJU o\G"AP{ili~ l !5.1&00 0 0 ZDfo6iJ 0.00 251600 0 1Sl..., 0 .00 0 0 .00 0 D.OD 0 IUD ruooa Is IU.Mid lEVI Miu=I50:n&N 1 7>0ttlO 0 0 l!i«m Q.QiJ '""""' 0 250000 0,00 0 0 00 0 0 00 D ...., l:><lm GHANOHII '~Hfl'iAi U IU' o).Qy;s,"/ J:r:l!l 1 'UU!.-00 0 Q )S;:J~QJ ""'

,,.. ... D n•ssoo 00< 0 O.Dl D O.tlll 0 0.00 ~;,.;~s.oo

Central GovernmenUSlate lbl Gonrnmenlls) 0 0 0 D 0 0 .00 D 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 .00 0 1100 0

I c) Financ:iallnslilulions/Bantcs 0 0 D 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 ,00 0 D.OO 0 0 .00 D 0.00 0

d) IAny Otn~ e l e2'JOl8581 0 D 3829038581 63.44 3829038581 0 3829038581 63.44 0 52 36 0 0 .00 0 0.00 JB290lll5! 1

GMJI ENTERP;II!!l-i PIUVATE UMJT~O AA::C~13E l 29fi.SlllG25 0 D .MISJ.n m A!JAli 2!!m)J2Q!i 0 2S!S"lrd:2S .. fl-45 D 40.82 0 0 .00 2411378579 80.97 2985372625

\"IIR,J.f.t\nHhll Ulfli:RPiliLES ll,fl AAIFV2358Q 1 6704975 0 0 6704975 0.11 67G:I~S 0 """tiS a.u 0 0.09 0 0 .00 0704975 ] 1>1.(1) 11?04:17S

GMR UiFJ!A \1EfHlJ~E5llP IUJFG~SOOD 1 31.!21115 D D n:lllalS O.Sl l l JJlru 0 3U2l51 '5" 0.52 0 0.43 0 0.00 0 0.00 3U2ll15

GMR BUSINESS AND CONSULTANCY LLP AANFG458SF 1 805635166 0 0 IC6il~l66 u_,-,; .J[iS(;]'Slfi4 D ~~Hi" 13.35 0 11.02 D 0 .00 409l!OOOO SO.&l I!I:JSS5l~

QdtnCJ: •cUI If flrrutl \Jn)ollrd ~DCClliUL 0 0 D 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRANO HI BUCHI SANYASI RAJU AND


Ra·u Trust~! ~ABTG62l2D 1 1000 0 0 1000 0 QO 1000 0 l ODO 0.00 D 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 00 1000


li\USt · Mr. Xurnar,TrLrl.le-!' AI\BTc;Hi2BC 1 l ODO 0 0 1000 0,00 1000 D 1000 0.00 0 0,00 0 0 ,00 0 0 00 1000


RAO TRUST· Mr G. Malllkarjuna Rao, Trustee AABTG6214F 1 1000 0 0 1000 0~00 1000 0 1000 0.00 D 0.00 0 0.00 D 000 1000


TRUST· Mr Srinivas Bommldala, Trustee AAKT56l06.K 1 j OQO 0 D 1000 0.00 1000 0 1000 0 00 0 0.00 0 0 .00 0 0 00 1000

Sub-Total {A) 1) ZD l&l8692751 D 0 38.386!275 1 63_-60 31386927!11 0 313!691751 &3.60 0 52.49 D 0 .01) 283139355' 73.81 383!682751

~ ForeiQn lmtMdu>la (llon·fl ooJdC!IIl

•) lndil.! D 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 D D 000 0 0.00 0 0 00 0 o_oo 0

II> I Go.veuvnrnt 0 D 0 0 D 0.00 0 0 D 0.00 0 0 .00 0 0.00 0 n.oo • ' l~li!Uholl1 D 0 0 D 0 0 .00 D 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00" 0 0.00 0


d Ftmmm Portioio lrNelfC4 0 0 ~ 0 0 DOD 0 D 0 O.OD 0 0 .00 0 0 .00 0 0 .00 0 . AI/rfOlt.N D D 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 o_oiJ 0 0 .00 0 0 .00 0 o.oo D

1Sub.Total fA)(2) 0 D D 0 D 0 .00 0 0 D 0.00 D O.DD D o:oo 0 0.00 0

Tolal Shareholding of Promoter and 20 3838692751 D D 3838C92751 63,60 3838692751 0 3838692751 63.60 D 52.49 D o.oo 28:1.339) 55 4: 73.81 3838692751

IPromoter Group fAJ=(A)(1}+(A}(2}

~ ·

~ ~ .. ·i :(

Table 111 . Sl,llemrnl showing shareholding pallern oil he Public shareholder

I~;' [tealegory IL NameollheShareholder :I'AN r~~;~.}IJl~e 'Noo_rr,lly p•ld ~p [No_o1Par11y

~f~~~:t !o~·I ·No ol Shar•• :Sh•,._holdlog" [ N~ ol Volin_g Right,; Jtnilf in n<"P d.l.p o f liecurrlin

l ~i:~~~: l'"'"holdlog '" ·5lP"n :~~~:~;.:[~ eraalOO~ of equuy.~h·~~s

equilysharesheld paid.up H<ld ~V•V•\111 ia ~ ol lolal no

I ::~~;:;,::"!', held in dematerialized form •. , ~ r-quily lor shares

rsharesheld !«~I pi. {A+B+C2) I'""""""' ~ ~-~curilie~ !Including ~ ~~::;,~~;· .. lw'"'""' I ::~:~::~:.:·

Na o f Va <log Rlgto• IX~.-;~·%·· No. ~~:~%·~.:;."' I"" 1~:,~::.. cr ... [GlmY ,, .. 1


1•1 "'"I""'- ~

' ·~"1)'1

1-_ET_Kr:BROSSEA~F~RGING ""-IU168' BS(lllllllll( IISilllllOOil " ll5lm>X IISilllllOOil IAI "'"' I"-' INA 05000000

"'" """" "'-""" AACCN14..'AE 7<=J!D7 '""""""' ,,. 71C!.=o> '"'-= I "' '·"' 000 INA I "'A 76J221la<

~~~i'; ECO VENTURES PRIVATE UUCSll76S'-' ,,...,. .. ,,...,,. ,_,. ,,...,., ,,...,., >15 "' ""' INA IHA U900Z>JO

' -I

I=:"'.!.!!;?"N--~·· "'"I"" ~00 "'" ,, ..... , 17.0


lrn I, I., 000 o.oc !!.00 ~00 NA NA

' · 1- 1 '

"""'" J6801S651 36BI)166SJ .. ,. J!i8!116!i51 368016651 '" >-03 ""' ,.,,.,.,. ,,., l•lu.. " ""I"" loR» '" " ••• '"'

~ ~""' . ..-.•! ~N'd""":,".~ --"' 7J!l4EII1 7»45111 1.30 7Bl4>111 '""'"" '-"' 101 ~00 NA ... "'"''"

I I~ I g~~.:~:;.;,., ,., , .. nco 000 noo NA NA


~~~A~;.:;.N'TlNOIAN NON

'"" S4(11 ... .., .... ,,. .. ,, ... ...,, ... ""' ~oz '-"'1/JA IIA

i! "'"'"'" '"'g' -""" ,..,,., .. .,.,., .. "~' """"' I '~'7' ··~~- '.'!~~~"~"'"' '"'. ,..,. mnnm ,,.,.,, ,. ... 21JU2>2.02.< 21072lll2< -""" "'"""' "·" NA NA "'"""'

Deta1ls of shareholders ar;ling as per5-0n rn Concert rnclud,ng lhe1r Shareholdlll!l (No And%) Deta1ls of Shares whiCh rema~~1 unclaimed mav be gr,~n !\.car along wrlh derails such as number or SharehOlders Oulstandmg shares held rn dt!maL'unr;la~rned suspense accoonl, Volrng Righls whiCh are lorezenlelc NooiCases: 13 NooiShares: 17924

Table V- Statement showing details of significant beneficial owners (SBOs)

Sr. Details of the SBO Details of the registered owner Details of holding/ exercise of right of Date of

No (I) (II) the SBO in the reporting company, creation I whether direct or indirect*: acquisition of

(III) significant beneficial

Name PAN/ Nationality Name PAN I Nationality Whether by virtue of: interest# (IV)

Passport Passport Sha res J j % No. in No. in Voting rights l J% case of a case of a foreign foreign Rights on distributable 0/o

national national dividend or any othe distribution

Exercise of cont rol

Exercise of significant influence

None of the shareholders of the Company hold more than 10% shares/voting rights in the Company, except the holding company viz. 'GMR Enterprises Private Limited (GEPL) through other subsidiary companies, which holds 62 .81% of the paid-up equity share capital of the Company . Accordingly, the provisions of the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules, 2018 does not apply to the Company, except for intimation of Corporate Identification Number of GEPL in e-form BEN-2 with Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Thus, the declaration 'Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner? is marked as 'No'.

* In case the nature of the holding/ exercise of the right of a SBO falls under multiple categories specified under (a) to (e) under Column III, multiple rows for the same SBO shall be inserted accordingly for each of the categories. # This column shall have the details as specified by the listed entity under Form No. BEN-2 as submitted to the Registrar.