go guard youth program newsletter 2013

By the end of the event, most kids will have bonded with new friends that they will stay in touch for years to come . We want all military kids to know that it’s these connections that make a difference we can support each other through friend- ship lets be here for each other. State Youth Council 2013 Lets Connect”. Most Kids today wouldn't choose to spend their weekend in a hotel at a Yellow Ribbon event. They would rather be with their friends . What many kids don't know is that Yellow Ribbon Events are a great way to make new friends! Yellow Ribbon events typi- cally begin with icebreakers and games to get to know everyone, but that can only happen if kids are willing to attend and participate The Georgia National Guard State Youth Council usually has members of all ages in attendance . MESSAGE FROM YOUR STATE YOUTH COUNCIL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Kara’s Corner “Laugh Out Loud “ Manage Money 1 2 Tori Says 3 Blog Corner 3 Scholarship Op- portunities 3 Kiddie Corner 4 Mark’s Remarks 5 Upcoming Events 6 GO GUARD JOURNAL FALL 2013 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Message From State Youth Council Money Management Scholarships for Military Youth Blog Corner Upcoming Events We are EXCITED!!!!!! Our Youth Programs are ever expanding, our community partnerships are growing stronger and our youth leadership has never been better. Put them all together and you have Georgia National Guard’s greatest youth program ever! We are determined to pull out all the stops in connecting our youth to resources and each other. Please continue to take advantage of the opportunity to build on these connections by utilizing “Go Guard Journal” to take advantage of resources that can make those connections stronger. Remember “Kids Serve Too!” Kara B. Coleman, Child & Youth Services Director

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Georgia National Guard State Youth Program Newsletter.


Page 1: Go Guard Youth Program Newsletter 2013

By the end of the event, most

kids will have bonded with new

friends that they will

stay in touch for

years to come .

We want all military

kids to know that it’s

these connections

that make a difference

we can support each

other through friend-

ship lets be here for

each other.

State Youth Council


“Lets Connect”. Most Kids

today wouldn't choose to spend

their weekend in a hotel at a

Yellow Ribbon event. They

would rather be with their

friends . What many kids

don't know is that Yellow

Ribbon Events are a great

way to make new friends!

Yellow Ribbon events typi-

cally begin with icebreakers

and games to get to know

everyone, but that can only

happen if kids are willing to

attend and participate The

Georgia National Guard

State Youth Council usually has

members of all ages in attendance .



T H I S I S S U E :

Kara’s Corner

“Laugh Out

Loud “

Manage Money



Tori Says 3

Blog Corner 3

Scholarship Op-



Kiddie Corner 4

Mark’s Remarks 5




GO GUARD JOURNAL F A L L 2 0 1 3 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1


O F I N T E R E S T :

Message From State

Youth Council

Money Management

Scholarships for Military


Blog Corner

Upcoming Events

We are EXCITED!!!!!!

Our Youth Programs are ever expanding, our community partnerships are growing

stronger and our youth leadership has never been better. Put them all together and

you have Georgia National Guard’s greatest youth program ever!

We are determined to pull out all the stops in connecting our youth to resources

and each other.

Please continue to take advantage of the opportunity to build on these connections

by utilizing “Go Guard Journal” to take advantage of resources that can make those

connections stronger.

Remember “Kids Serve Too!”

Kara B. Coleman, Child & Youth Services Director

Page 2: Go Guard Youth Program Newsletter 2013

P A G E 2

Manage your Money


L.O.L...laugh out loud For each issue of the GO

GUARD Journal we will have a

section dedicated to laughing.

It is up to you, as readers, to

keep this section going. You

can submit your own personal

jokes at each yellow ribbon

event or submit them at

[email protected] .

For each issue four jokes will

be selected and published into

the next issue of the GO

Guard Journal.


Knock Knock. Whose There?

Cereal Cereal Who?

Cereal Pleasure to Meet You!

How many eggs does it take to make a stink bomb?

A Phew!!!

What is full of holes but can still hold water? A sponge

1. Ask your parents about their bank. Most likely your parents al-

ready have a relationship with a bank. Ask them to talk to their

bank about savings accounts for kids.

2. Do some research with your parents. At your age when you put

your money in the bank it most likely will be a savings account .

You and your parents should see what banks offer in terms of

interest rates , minimum balances and the number of withdrawals

you can make.

3. Think about location and hours. You will want to choose a bank

whose hours work for you and your parents.

4. Talk to your parents about banking. Choosing a bank is a great

start to managing money. Talk to them about ways to making ex-

tra money and tips on how you should spend and save.

For more information visit the website Military Youth on the Move

Right now, where do you keep

your money? Is it hidden in the

bottom of your drawer ? Or

scattered throughout your

room. Where ever it is learning

where to keep your money is a

good start to managing it .

Keeping your money in the

bank can be a really good start

because it’s safe and makes it

easier to keep track of it . If

you don't have a bank account

yet, here are some tips


To all our military

youth, thank you for

your sacrifice. “Kids

Serve Too!”

Page 3: Go Guard Youth Program Newsletter 2013


P A G E 3 V O L U M E 2 I S S U E 1

The Georgia National Guard State Youth Council is back and stronger than ever with many new members and officers! As the newly elected President, I have high hopes that this Council will be the most influential group of youth yet! We had a great

kickoff weekend where we set many goals for the State Youth Council to accomplish. Our first major goal is to assist in every way possible with the Christmas Assis-tance Program Toy Drive. Other goals set by members include in-creasing the number of youth in attendance at Yellow Ribbon events and consistently updating the Council blog and other social me-

dias. Make sure to keep an eye out for Georgia National Guard State Youth Council members to be ac-tively involved in your community! Rock on!! Tori Socia

GANG SYC President

Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship



Jack Kent Cooke



Military Family

Support Trusts



Being a part of military’s youth has been

a wonderful life changing experience. I

don't believe I would be who I am now if

I hadn't gone through deployment or

the absence of a parent . My Mother is a

Captain in the GA National Guard and

even though she has been deployed

once, that one deployment made ME,

who I am today.

Having a sibling to support me really

helped me to cope with my mom not

being present.

I am now a “newby” to the GA National

Guard Youth Council and I am thrilled to

hear other peoples stories on how their

life as a military child has affected them!

Arial SYC

It was hard when my dad deployed, but I

learned to cope in many ways. The

biggest way of coping was staying active.

I was involved in the student band at

church, participated in 4H events and

swam on the swim team. Doing fun ac-

tivities for me was a stress reliever and

when I got back from them I was ener-

gized to go back to my daily life.

Having a parent deployed is hard but

staying active is very important .

Anna SYC


Scholarship Opportunities

Page 4: Go Guard Youth Program Newsletter 2013

Child & Youth Services Director Georgia National Guard Family Program Office CNGC 1000 Halsey Avenue, BLDG 447 Marietta, GA 30060 Office: 678-569-5860

*Kiddie Korner*

“It takes a village” is one of my favorite quotes. It means that

we need each other. Together we can meet each other’s needs.

Our youth program connects youth throughout our Guard fam-

ily so that they can support each other. Peer Support is an im-

portant ingredient to resiliency. We are super excited about

Youth Programs this year as we will develop more partnerships

within and outside of our Guard family that will provide the

growth our Guard Children need.

-Mark Richards




Page 5: Go Guard Youth Program Newsletter 2013


7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens Workshop Series 1/14



Please check out our website for information on upcoming events!

http://www.georgiaguardfamilyprogram.org Youth Link

Upcoming Events

Photo Gallery