god bless america!€¦ · resume in september. anointing of the sick the next mass with anointing...

Saint Mary Parish Parroquia de Santa María 1835 - 2015 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary time July 5, 2015 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 de julio de 2015 God Bless America!

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Page 1: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

Saint Mary Parish Parroquia de Santa María

1835 - 2015 Fourteenth Sunday

in Ordinary time

July 5, 2015

Decimocuarto Domingo

del Tiempo Ordinario

5 de julio de 2015

God Bless America!

Page 2: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

Santa María de Waltham 5 de Julio de 2015

2 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

RECTORY/Rectoría 781-891-1730 (Fax 781-209-0555) Pastor/Párroco Rev. Michael Nolan Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par. Rev. David Martin Ssentamu Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par. Rev. Agustín Anda In residence/En residencia Rev. Timothy Murphy In residence/En residencia Rev. Daniel Hennessey Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy Sexton/Sacristán Michael Welch Organist/Organista Lila Cleary Choir Coordinators/Coordinadores de Coro Ivan Colon (Español) , Michael Mukisa (Uganda),

Lila Cleary (Gregorian Chant)

IMMIGRATION CTR/Centro de Inmigración 617-817-7544 Director/Director Deacon/Diácono Eduardo Mora Offers assistance to those seeking support for immigration is-

sues - citizenship, housing, ESL classes, and more.

Ofrece ayuda para aquellos que buscan apoyo para asuntos de

inmigración - ciudadanía, vivienda, clases de inglés como se-

gundo idioma, y más.

Office Hours (Rel. Ed. Bldg.)/Horario de Oficina Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. or by appointment/o por cita

CATECHESIS/Catequesis 781-308-4961 Administator/Administradora Nilvia Hernández Catechist/Catequista Adam Redjinski

AFTER SCHOOL PROG./Programa Después de la Escuela Jennifer Acuña, Christine Dufresne, Patsy Gillespie 781-577-2262

ANOINTING OF THE SICK/Unción de los enfermos First Monday of the month - 12:10 p.m. Mass El primer Lunes del mes durante la misa de las 12:10 p.m.


hogares y enfermos Call Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953. Llamar a el Diácono 617-817-7544.

QUINCE AÑOS Call the Deacon to schedule the celebration. The young adult

must be participating in the Confirmation Program.

Llame al Diácono para programar la celebración. La joven

debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.

133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Email: [email protected] Website: stmarywaltham.org

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Español 1:30 p.m. Luganda Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 12:10 p.m. Friday/Viernes 8:00 p.m. Luganda * Holy Days/Dias de Precepto 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Español

MORNING PRAYER/ Oración Matutina Sunday/Domingo 7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.

PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 11:30 a.m. Sunday/Domingo 11:00 a.m. Español

CONFESSIONS/Confesiones Mon.-Thurs./Lunes-Jueves 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Friday/Viernes 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Saturday/Sábado 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

ADORATION/Adoración Wednesday/Miércoles 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.* Friday/Viernes 12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

BAPTISM/Bautismo Third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. for children under age

seven. Parents must call the rectory to arrange for baptism.

Preparation is required.

Español: Padres y padrinos deben asistir a la preparación el

primer domingo del mes en el Edificio de Educación Religi-

osa y el Bautizo se llevara a cabo el primer domingo del mes

siguiente, después de la misa de las 11:30 a.m.

Luganda: First Sunday of the month during the 1:30 p.m.

Mass for children under age seven. Parents must call the rec-

tory to arrange for baptism. Preparation is required.

SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacra-

ments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must

attend preparation classes. Call the rectory for information.

Los adultos y niños (mayores de siete años) que desean reci-

bir los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación o la Pri-

mera Comunión pueden tomar clases de preparación para

los sacramentos. Llamar a la rectoría para información.

MARRIAGE/Matrimonio Call the rectory to arrange a meeting. Llamar a la rectoría para información.

The church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.

* Chapel/Capilla

Page 3: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

St. Mary Parish, Waltham July 5, 2015

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3

MASS INTENTIONS The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week: Saturday, July 4 4:00 p.m. - Phil Cafarella - 16th Anniversary Sunday, July 5 8:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners 10:00 a.m. - Parish & Parishioners Monday, July 6 12:10 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners Tuesday, July 7 12:10 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners Wednesday, July 8 12:10 p.m. - Marie Lyons Thursday, July 9 12:10 p.m. - Charlie Blanchard - Birthday Anniversary Saturday, July 11 4:00 p.m. - Parish & Parishioners Sunday, July 12 8:00 a.m. - Marge Clasby - Birthday Anniversary 10:00 a.m. - Francis “Sonny” and Mark Lundberg

OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. Due to

vacation schedules, the offertory numbers were not available

at the time of publishing this bulletin.

SUNDAY COLLECTIONS Many thanks to all of you who send in your weekly

contributions to the parish even when you are away on

vacation. We depend greatly on your steady stewardship at

this time of year. While people go away for periods of time,

the bills keep showing up each week. Thank you.

PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . Helen, Maureen, Patricia, Libby, Marie, Pat, Nicholas, Joan,

Debbie, Chris, Bill W; all the sick & suffering

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel the people ask : “How is it such

miraculous deeds are accomplished by his hands?” Because

of your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul many

“miraculous deeds” are accomplished for the poor.

Please consider answering the call to help serve the poor by

joining the St. Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. Each

month we need help on the first and third Wednesday

mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 when we disburse donated

clothing, pantry items, and food vouchers to those who come

to us for assistance. Stop by and see us in the Religious

Education Building or call the rectory!

Jesus, give us the grace to find you in the ordinary

circumstances of life, as we learn to trust in you. Teach us to

find all the ways that you surprise us by joy, as we learn to

have faith in you. Teach us to be grateful for being called to

serve the poor, as we learn to love unselfishly with you.


My brothers and sisters in Christ, As you know, the parish is periodically trying to help

couples avail themselves to the sacrament of marriage. Over

the next few weeks we will be including some information

in the bulletin that might be helpful to those preparing or

thinking about receiving the sacrament and help from God.

Frequently Asked Questions by Engaged Couples begins on

the next page. May we all, single or married, invite the Lord

to bless our families, homes and lives. - Father Michael

INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND Christians are being martyred just because they are

Christian. As we celebrate our freedom, we pray for God’s

protection on all who follow His Son. When we spread the

good news of the saving power of Jesus we may be ridiculed

or ignored; on the other hand, we may be the vehicle that,

with God’s grace, helps another get to know Jesus. The

people in the synagogue asked: “Where did this man get all

this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What

mighty deeds are wrought by his hands?” We can – and

should – answer these questions, especially for those seeking

to know the Lord.

NO 7PM SPANISH MASS DURING SUMMER Please note that there will be no Mass at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)

during the summer months. Evening Masses in Spanish will

resume in September.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for

Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

healing is encouraged to come forward for the anointing.

Anyone who is physically healthy is encouraged to come

and pray for the sick.

WARM WEATHER ATTIRE We ask everyone to remember in the warm weather months

to dress for Mass in a way that corresponds to worshipping

and honoring the Lord. Beach attire is for the beach, not the

Church. We are honored that the Lord has invited us to his

banquet table – let us remember to show our gratitude in

every way we can, including in our dress.

REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration for religious education classes is taking place

in the Religious Education building on Monday and Tuesday

from 1:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., and Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-1:00

p.m. Call Nilvia Hernandez at 781-308-4961 to set up an

appointment. If the student was not baptized at Saint Mary’s

or Saint Charles, please obtain a Baptismal Certificate from

the church of baptism.

Page 4: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

Santa María de Waltham 5 de Julio de 2015

4 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

FREE SUMMER MEALS FOR KIDS IN WALTHAM The Summer Food Service Program, funded by the USDA

and sponsored by the Waltham Boys & Girls Club, provides

free nutritious meals to children age 18 and under from

Monday-Friday at these locations. No registration necessary.

YMCA - FREE SUMMER MEMBERSHIPS The Waltham YMCA, 725 Lexington Street, is offering free

summer memberships for teens ages 13 - 17 (up to 19 if in

high school). The membership is from June 21 - September

7. Programs at the YMCA include sports and fitness, teen

dances and events, volunteer and leadership opportunities,

and academic support. Stop by the YMCA or call 781-894-5295 for more information. A valid ID is required to sign


CATHOLIC GATHERING FOR YOUNG ADULTS All Young Adults and College Students are invited to join

with others on Friday, July 31 and/or August 28 at 7:30 p.m.

for the monthly “Jesus in Boston” event sponsored by the

Archdiocese of Boston. We will be at St. Leonard’s Parish

in the North End for Eucharistic Adoration followed by Ho-

ly Mass and then a social gathering afterwards. It’s a great

way to meet new people and strengthen your interior life.

For more information please email Mike Drahos at

[email protected].

McDonald Spray Park 8 Cutter Street Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Plympton Elementary 20 Farnsworth Street 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Connors Pool 330 River Street Lunch 11:30-1:00 Starts June 30

Boys & Girls Club 20 Exchange Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Charles River Museum 154 Moody Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Chesterbrook Gardens 22 Brookway Road Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Charles River Museum 154 Moody Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Prospect Hill Housing 44 Hansen Road Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Stanley School 250 South Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts July 7

Whittemore School 30 Parmenter Rd. Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts July 7

YMCA 725 Lexington Street Lunch & snack 11:00-1:00 Starts June 21

Salvation Army 33 Myrtle Street Breakfast 9:00-10:00 Lunch 12:00-1:15

Frequently Asked Questions by Engaged Couples

You don’t have to discover all the things that make a mar-

riage work by trial and error.

How do I know if I’m ready to marry?

• Do most people consider you emotionally mature, able

to compromise, communicate well, share your feelings, and

handle anger constructively?

• Do you love this other person so much that you are

willing to put his or her happiness before your own?

• Are you marrying out of strength (I know who I am and

am happy with myself) rather than weakness (I need some-

one to fill the gaps in my personality)?

• Have you developed strong friendships that have lasted

over time?

• Are you able to keep commitments and delay gratifica-


• Do you struggle on a regular basis with harmful habits

or addictions, e.g. to alcohol, drugs, or pornography? That’s

not necessarily a reason not to marry, but it is something

that left untreated can seriously weaken your ability to have

a healthy marriage.

• Is God calling you to marriage? Have you prayed and

discerned about this?

How do I know if this is the right person?

• Do you share similar basic values about respecting hu-

man life, fidelity, commitment, what’s right and wrong,

honesty, life goals, and lifestyle?

• Does your significant other bring out the best in you,

and you in him or her?

• Are you physically attracted to this person?

• Can you imagine growing old together?

• Do your trusted family members and friends support

your relationship and affirm that it’s healthy and respectful?

• Do you experience ongoing conflict or, worse, violence

and abuse in your relationship? That is a red flag to slow

down and seek advice and help, ensuring your safety if nec-


• Is God calling you to marriage with this person? Have

you prayed and discerned about this?

continued next week

Page 5: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

St. Mary Parish, Waltham July 5, 2015

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5

SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK We encourage everyone to continue reading the Acts of the Apostles this week … ACTS OF THE APOSTLES – CHAPTER 22 PART 3 “After I had returned to Jerusalem and while I was praying

in the temple, I fell into a trance and saw the Lord saying to

me, ‘Hurry, leave Jerusalem at once, because they will not

accept your testimony about me.’ But I replied, ‘Lord, they

themselves know that from synagogue to synagogue I used

to imprison and beat those who believed in you. And when

the blood of your witness Stephen was being shed, I myself

stood by giving my approval and keeping guard over the

cloaks of his murderers.’ Then he said to me, ‘Go, I shall

send you far away to the Gentiles.’”

ATTENTION YOUNG MEN AGE 13 - 17 Just as St. Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, where are you going?”

so too might we ask ourselves, “Lord, what are you saying to

me? Where are you leading me? How do I get there?” Join

us JULY 26-29 for the QUO VADIS RETREAT as we seek

to hear Jesus’ voice in our lives and to consider our vocation

and joy – our purpose in life. It will be an awesome time.

Cost: $30. For more information and to register see

VocationsBoston.org or call 617-746-5949.

CATHOLIC APPEAL Thank you to all who have pledged support of the 2015

Catholic Appeal. So far our parish has raised $28,492 from

150 participants, reaching 99% of our parish goal of

$28,815. If you have not yet participated in the Appeal, you

can make your pledge by completing one of the forms

available at the back of the church. You may also pledge

your support at www.BostonCatholicAppeal.org.

ST. MARY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1965 St. Mary High School, Class of 1965 will be holding their

50th reunion on October 3, 2015. If you were a 1965

graduate or know of someone who may not have been

notified, please contact Sheila Robinshaw Bennett at 781-893-0738. An invitation is extended to anyone who would

have graduated with the Class of 1965. Thank you.

MARIAN CONSECRATION Join us for 33 Days to Morning Glory (based on Fr. Michael

Gaitley's small group retreat). We will meet Monday nights

at 7:00 p.m. for 6 weeks in St. Mary’s Religious Education

building. For more info or to register, email Iona Pasqual at

[email protected]. We are ordering books now so

don't delay!! Begins Monday, July 6 at 7:00 p.m.

ATTACKS ON GOD Arson attack on historic church in Israel The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish,

built on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, suffered extensive

damage in a June 18 arson attack. An elderly Benedictine

monk and a young volunteer suffered severe injuries from

smoke inhalation. “Hebrew words were spray painted on the

walls – drawn from the text of praise recited three times a

day by observant Jews ‘Aleinou LeShabeah,’ a request for

God to destroy the idols and pagans.

Q & A – LITURGY & SACRAMENTS We continue with our “Question & Answer” series about

Liturgy and the Sacraments. The text is taken from the

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. • What names are given to the first sacrament of

initiation? This sacrament is primarily called Baptism because of the

central rite with which it is celebrated. To baptize means to

“immerse” in water. The one who is baptized is immersed

into the death of Christ and rises with him as a “new

creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This sacrament is also called

the “bath of regeneration and renewal in the Holy

Spirit” (Titus 3:5); and it is called “enlightenment” because

the baptized becomes “a son of light” (Ephesians 5:8).

CHARLESTOWN TOUR WITH FR. DIPERRI Join Fr. DiPerri and others from Our Lady Comforter of the

Afflicted Parish on Friday, July 17 for a historic tour of

Charlestown, MA. The bus will depart from Our Lady’s

parking lot at 8:45 a.m. Stops will include St. Francis

Church, the Bunker Hill Monument and Museum, St. Mary’s

Church, lunch at the Navy Yard Bistro and the USS

Constitution Ship and Museum. Cost of the trip is $60 per

person and includes the cost of the motor coach, buffet lunch

at the Navy Yard Bistro and fee to USS Constitution. The

bus will return to Our Lady’s around 5:30 p.m. Please know

that there is some walking involved. If you would like to

join this tour, please contact Sharon at 781-894-3481

x2. Payment is due at the time the reservation is made

payable to Our Lady’s Parish. We can take up to 55 people

so don’t delay!

MUSIC AND CULTURAL GALA The children of the Uganda Catholic Community (UCCB)

will be performing their music and dance at the Arthur J.

Clark Government Centre, 119 School Street in Waltham on

July 26 at 5:00 p.m. Please come and support these young

people. For more information, contact 781-864-8858 or

[email protected].

Page 6: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

Santa María de Waltham 5 de Julio de 2015

6 Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

ALIMENTOS DE VERANO DEL PROGRAMA El programa de alimentos en el verano, patrocinado por el

USDA y por Waltham Boys and Girls Club, ofertas comidas

nutricionales gratuitas a niños menores de 18 años, de lunes

a viernes.

EDUCACION RELIGIOSA INSCRIPCIÓNES La inscripción para las clases de Educación Religiosa tendrá

lugar en el Edificio de Educación Religiosa los lunes y

martes de 1:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., y los miércoles de 9:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. Puede llamar a Nilvia Hernandez al 781-308-4961

para hacer una cita. Si el estudiante no fue bautizado en

Santa María o en San Carlos, por favor obtenga el

certificado de bautizo de la iglesia donde fue bautizado.

FORMA DE VESTIR EN EL VERANO Recordemos que, en los meses de clima más cálido, tenemos

que vestir para ir a Misa en forma que corresponda a la

adoración y honra del Señor. Ropa de playa es para la playa,

no para la iglesia. Es un honor que el Señor nos invite a su

banquete, recordemos mostrar nuestra gratitud en todo

sentido incluyendo en nuestra forma de vestir.

McDonald Spray Park 8 Cutter Street Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Plympton Elementary 20 Farnsworth Street 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Connors Pool 330 River Street Lunch 11:30-1:00 Starts June 30

Boys & Girls Club 20 Exchange Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Charles River Museum 154 Moody Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Chesterbrook Gardens 22 Brookway Road Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Charles River Museum 154 Moody Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts June 30

Prospect Hill Housing 44 Hansen Road Lunch 1:00-1:45 Starts June 30

Stanley School 250 South Street Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts July 7

Whittemore School 30 Parmenter Rd. Lunch 12:00-12:45 Starts July 7

YMCA 725 Lexington Street Lunch & snack 11:00-1:00 Starts June 21

Salvation Army 33 Myrtle Street Breakfast 9:00-10:00 Lunch 12:00-1:15


Hijas de Maria

Grupo de niñas y jovencitas de entre 5 y 18 años de edad

que se consagran a la Santisima Virgen Maria y buscan

honrarla imitando sus virtudes. Realizan actividades

divertidas propias de su edad. Leiri 857-417-1124.

Preguntas frecuentes por pareja que se van a casar

No tienen que no tienes que descubrir todas las cosas para

que un matrimonio funcione por ensayo y error Cómo sé si estoy listo para casarme? • Mas de las personas te consideran emocionalmente madu-

ro, capaz de comprometerte, comunicarte bien, compartir tus

sentimientos y manejar la ira constructivamente? • Te quieres a la otra persona tanto que estás dispuesto a

poner tu felicidad antes de tu propia persona? •Te casas por tu voluntad (ya sé que soy y estoy feliz con-

migo mismo) en lugar de debilidad (necesito alguien para

llenar los vacíos de mi personalidad)? • Han desarrollado fuertes amistades que han perdurado en

el tiempo? •Son capaces de mantener los compromisos y demorar la

gratificación? • No lucha sobre una base regular con hábitos perjudiciales

o adicciones, por ejemplo por alcohol, drogas o pornografía?

Que no es necesariamente una razón para no casarse, pero es

algo que puede debilitar seriamente su capacidad para tener

un matrimonio saludable. •Dios te está llamando al matrimonio? ¿Has orado y discer-

nir sobre esto? continuará

Querido hermanos en Cristo: Hace unos años, se trabajó en un programa que se llamó

“Levántate” inspirado en el evangelio de ésta semana. Su

finalidad era la de avivar y despertar en los católicos la fé,

muerta en muchos… Se creía que a través de reuniones, cursos, pláticas, etc. la

gente volvería a las iglesias… los resultados no fueron los

esperados… Pienso que estamos cansados de palabras, necesitamos

ver ejemplos. Cuentan que cuando San Francisco envió a

sus frailes a predicar les dijo: “Prediquen el evangelio en

todo tiempo y de ser necesario usen palabras,”esto confirma

la sabiduría popular de que las palabras pueden convencer,

pero el ejemplo arrastra… Estamos llamados a ser evangeli-

os vivos, oremos para que el Señor nos ayude a despertar y a

través del buen ejemplo, los cristianos llenemos de esperan-

za y amor la cultura de la muerte como la llamó San Juan

Pablo II. – P. Agustín

SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Como ustedes saben, la parroquia esta periódicamente tra-

tando de ayudar a las parejas a acogerse al Sacramento del

matrimonio. Estamos poniendo en el boletín información

que podría ser útil para aquellos que están preparando o pen-

sando en recibir el Sacramento y ayuda de Dios. Todos po-

dríamos solteros o casados, todos, invitar al Señor que ben-

diga nuestra familia, hogares y la vida.

Page 7: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

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Many folding options available

PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER45 Wingate St. Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555www.thepeddlersdaughter.comAuthentically prepared Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-Sat 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m.

BISTRO 4545 Wingate Street, Haverhill, MATel. 978-469-9700www.bistro-45.comWednesday to Saturday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m.Cuisine: Tapas & European influence

Relax, rejuvenate in a Massage or Spa treatment.

Pop into the pub for a pint or treat yourself to a Tapas Bar.

CARING HANDS Center for Massage and Wellbeing55 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel. 978-994-3188www.caringhandsmt.com

Massage, Energy Work & Opportunities to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit

AVEDA CONCEPT SALON62 Wingate StreetHaverhill, MATel. 978-556-9131www.mizansalon.com

Studio @ 13 Salon and Spa13 Railroad SquareTel. 978-373-1433www.studioat13salon.com

Maria’s Family Restaurant8 Locust Street Tel. 978-521-1472www.mariasfamilyrestaurant.com

Project Sound Recording Studio45 Wingate StreetTel. 978-374-4339www.projectsoundrecording.comEssex Street Grille25 Essex StreetTel. 978-372-4477www.essexstreetgrille.net

Additional Places to Wander:

Design: Jim Fonseca • www.compuart.net



Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District

80 - Angles and Art63 - Second Thoughts62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon61 - Positive Images Gallery 6157 - Wei Chi

55 - Caring Hands45 - Peddler’s Daughter &

Bistro 45 Restaurant21 - North Star Yoga19 - Wicked Big Cafe

Wander on Wingate!We invite you to explore the Wingate Street Arts District, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centrally located yet slightly tucked away.

Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’s Washington Street, adventure awaits you!What ties it all together is our love of the Arts. Keep an eye out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city.Check out the exhibits in the various businesses; the Arts District supports local artists by inviting them to show and sell their work in a variety of venues. And watch for upcoming events... There is always something in the works on Wingate !



45 1961




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Page 8: God Bless America!€¦ · resume in September. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The next Mass with anointing of the sick is scheduled for Monday, July 6 at 12:10 p.m. Anyone in need of physical

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