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Going for Gold Brought to you by Rosie Jackson, Amy Menzel and Memes

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Going for GoldBrought to you by Rosie Jackson, Amy Menzel and Memes

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You should already have a good idea how you workThese are some ideas but you have to do whatever works for you

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Revising earlyGood notes from mocks; add to themChapter test notesNo such thing as having “no work”Obviously give yourself breaks.

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Using Study LeaveIf you haven’t worked for your mocks then you’re at a disadvantage

Vary how you work; posters, past papers, flash cards etc.

Phone time use, ‘Moment’ app, tells you how much time you have spent

on your phone

See your phone as the reward of doing a solid half an hour of revision.

When you get to summer you will have plenty of time to scroll through

Instagram continuously.

Aeroplane mode/turn off completely/Leave in a drawer/delete certain


Relaxing music

Exercise. If you’re not a runner or gym lad, try something simple: hula-


Have a bucket list for summer on your wall: this gives you lots to look

forward to

Past papers; if there is a question you seem to always be getting wrong

write it on a flash card and leave it by your bedside

After all, doing past papers is to show you where you need to focus more.

Making the most use of the Study Leave Programme

Don’t overuse

Only use for subjects you are most worried about/have found difficult to

revise for

Shouldn’t be your only method of revision

Use as an opportunity to ask teachers questions

Don’t sign up for sessions and not go to them, because you will usually

get told off and it could put you off an exam.

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Knowing when your exams are…

Cross off exams when they’re doneBefore you go to bed always double check the time and


Tell mum or dad so they can wake you up if alarm

doesn’t go off

Photocopy exam timetable

Have one in blazer pocket (put in phone box) and one

stuck up on wall at home

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Eating and SleepingChewing gum, carrot sticks, things that are

slow to eat.

Drink lots of water, makes you more awake

and refreshed and makes your brain work


Leave phone outside room, on the other

side of your room, turn wifi off.

It shouldn’t be the last thing you look at

before you sleep.

Spend at least 1-2 minutes reading over

something you did in the day before you


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Before the examCheck seat number and exam hall night before, and in the morning.

Go to sleep reasonably early, get up at a sensible time.

Afternoon exam, be up by 9ish. Always give yourself the chance to eat breakfast

Go over the part of the subject you find hardest but

don’t work yourself up. Accept that you know more than you think at this point

and stay calm.

Drink water but not too much so you don’t have to pee. Go to the toilet at home before you leave.

If there’s any time you have to put your phone down

completely, it’s now. You don’t need any last minute distractions just before

walking into an exam.

Eat banana; it is supposed to wake you up and help your memory (I read this somewhere lol)

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Exam Techniques: Answering the QuestionMaths, make sure you copy down the right numbers, +/-signs etc.

Underline and focus on command words such as

describe, comment on, explain etc. Longer answers:

30 second breather to take in the question – don’t rush

into itSciences, Geography, RE:

Jot down anything that comes to your mind when you

first read it, (key words, place names etc.)Plan can be as much as random words scattered across

page so you don’t forget any key points.

History, English, essay subjects:Know your side of the argument before you start.

Always refer back to question

Add a one sentence conclusion, using words in the question to show that you have rounded it all off.

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Exam Techniques: Time Allocation

Sorry no meme :(

Doing past papers under timed

conditions help you practice this.

For new specs (Maths and English), save

specimen paper until last(ish)

Do it under time as if it’s the real thing,

it’s the best representation of the real

thing that you’re going to get.

Teachers to mark papers, so long as you

give them enough time to do so (a

couple of days)

Only do this for essay subjects, Maths,

science etc. you can mark yourself.

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Exam Techniques: Final Check

Sense of achievement/relief walking out of exam if you were able to get yourself a few more marks right at the end.Grammar checks for essay subjects, check key dates and stats.

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After the exam

I walk straight out of the exam and will let all my steam off to mum/dad as they don't really have a clue and can’t make me feel bad about it – Good way to let off the post exam stress.If you come out feeling good you might end up feeling bad. If you come out feeling bad you might end up feeling good. DO NOT look at any unofficial mark schemes on the internet, just move on and focus on the next exam.

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At the end of the day, all of this comes down to you.All of these tips are useless to you unless YOU really want to do well and you pursue it.