google's top 10 r&d projects

Top 10 Google R&D Projects

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Top 10 Google R&D


NUMBER ONE Future Prediction

Google have another Google investment in the form of Recorded Future which is a company that seeks out to parse or browse through the universe of information that’s found online to find some clues of what may possibly happen soon.

NUMBER ONE Future Prediction



Being one of the many do-good themes in Google’s investments, Google Ventures actually funds the Foundation Medicine which fuses the genomic or genetic structure and molecular data. A Google’s step to create new ways to counter cancer and find also new concepts of treating cancer victims. For Google cancer is another so-called engineering problem.

NUMBER TWO Cancer Treatments



NUMBER THREE Smart Thermostats

Google’s future involves making everything smarter. Google is planning to make thermostats where it’s an idea that’s a driving force behind NEST which is the sci-fi climate control system. This thermostat would learn the best ways to keep your home comfortable and also at the same time, would save lots of cash from energy bill expenses.

NUMBER FOUR Climate Change


NUMBER FOUR Climate Change Insurance

Google has a lot of companies under its wing, and one of those is The Climate Corporation. They have plans to sell weather insurance to farmers in order to protect their businesses which is the production of vegetables, fruits and the like from any unpredictable conditions and extreme weather which can be degrading to the fresh produce.


Medical Improvements

Google’s R&D division is very interested in finding ways how to improve the human health. The Google Company, iPierian happens to use technology known as “cellular reprogramming” which allows them to create new drugs and counter diseases through changing or modifying the cells.

NUMBER FIVE Medical Improvements


Clean Energy

NUMBER SIX Clean Energy

Google is very fascinated in exploring more means to make a better environment for living and in this case; they’re looking for Clean Energy. Google is aiming to develop renewable energy sources through the use of renewable resources such as wind, water, solar energy and geothermal energy. Also, the main goal is to find other sources of fuel wherein coal can be replaced with cleaner alternatives.


Space Elevators

NUMBER SEVEN Space Elevators

Google is also interested in establishing infrastructure that would allow people to leave Earth without the use of rocket ships. This is also another project being done by Google X wherein they’ll run a ribbon or a structure in Earth that reaches up to a counterweight deployed in-orbit which can be used by people for easier access to space and the same time would help in various scientific experimentations and ventures.

8. Driverless Cars


Driverless Cars

NUMBER EIGHT Driverless Cars

It may sound farfetched at first but this is what also Google is doing research on. For them, cars aren’t just a media of transportation; they’re also a problem in engineering that is to be solved through lots of data and cash. This idea rooted from the use of Google Maps, perhaps if a car would be just given the details about your destination; maybe the system would just drive its way to there for you.




There’s a research splinter in Google known as “Google X”. This secret research splinter or division is trying to build bots that can perform all sorts of tasks ranging from home duties and office tasks which allow humans to have greater flexibility to prioritize higher-level works or to work remotely.

10. Home Automation via



Home Automation

NUMBER TEN Home Automation

We all know Android is the system that most iPhones use nowadays, but apparently Google wants to expand the use of Android into more convenient uses. That’s right, Google is doing expansive research in order to make Android be usable for automating things at home. So far, Android @Home has the capability to turn on lights or activate coffee machines at home and more features are going to be added which are still in the works.

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