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GPATS 2013: where & whyOne of the premier events sponsored by World Information Technology and

Services Alliance (WITSA)

São Paulo, Brazil

November 12th and 13th

Objective: underscore the importance for every country to have a Policy

Framework in place that ensures their governments, businesses and citizens can not only participate but maximize

the economic, social and cultural benefits of the Digital Age.

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Invitation from the ChairmanYou are cordially invited to attend WITSA’s Global Action Policy & Trade Summit (GPATS) to be held in SÃO PAULO, BRASIL on November 12 and 13th, 2013, which will focus on Public Policies regarding Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).

Particular focus will be put both on effective government policies from around the globe, as well as the free trade agreements regarding ICT goods and services.

Gathering at the Summit there will be senior officials and executives from governments, industry, global institutions, academic institutions and civil society.

As ICTs are having a dramatic impact on governments, industries, education, health care, the environment and nearly every other aspect of human life, the role of public policy in this area is critical both to the advancement of the ICT industries as well as for the advancement of countries and society all over the world.

Roberto C. MayerGPATS 2013 Chairman

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What you will find at GPATS

• Global Business Meetings

– Brazilian Anchor Companies and ICT companies working worldwide

• A world class Summit covering:

– Policy Frameworks that Deliver the Promise of the Digital Age

– Internet Governance at a Crossroads

– Free Trade Policies in ICT Goods and Services

– And many more!

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Schedule Overview

Nov, 11th Nov, 12th Nov, 13th

Welcome SessionFree Trade Policies in ICT Goods

and Services

Why ICT Matters Measuring the IT Industry Globally

Policy Frameworks that Deliver the Promise of the Digital Age

Innovative applications of technology by youth

Internet Governance at a Crossroads

GPATS Wrap-up

Creating a Global Cyber Immune System

GPATS 2015 Handoff

Business Meetings

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Centro de Convenções Rebouças - Rebouças Convention Center

Avenida Rebouças, 600 - São Paulo – SP – Brazil – ZIP 05402-000

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São Paulo: a Global Hub

• Two International Airports

– Guarulhos

– Congonhas

• 400+ hotels

– Over 40 thousand rooms

• 12.500 restaurants

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Hotels at Special Rates for GPATS 2013

Renaissance Hotel - MarriottGPATS 2013 Flagship

Mercure - Accor Ibis São Paulo Paulista

Reservation Service free together with your registration at GPATS 2013

Quality Suites Imperial Hall

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GPATS Opening Session

Mrs. Dilma Vana RousseffPresident of Brazil (invited)

Mr. Geraldo AlckminGovernor of São Paulo (invited)

Mr. Marco Antonio Raupp Science and Technology Minister of Brazil (invited)

Mr. Santiago GutierrezChairman - WITSA

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Keynote: Why ICT Matters

Mr. Alan MarcusICT DirectorWorld Economic Forum

This session will set the stage for GPATS 2013 by examining the positive impacts of ICTs around the globe. Annually, the World Economic Forum publishes comparative studies that address in detail key factors affecting the competitiveness and network readiness of nations. Mr. Marcus will explain why ICT capabilities are critical to the future of nations and economies in the 21st Century.

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Panel: Policy Frameworks that Deliver the Promise of the Digital Age

Mr. Ivo IvanovskiMinister of Information Society - Republic of Macedonia

Mr. Eduardo CamposFormer Science & Techonoly Minister - Brazil and Governor of Pernambuco State (invited)

Mr. Félix de Vicente MingoEconomy Minister - Chile (invited)

Mr. Jose Lino Salvador BaranaoScience & Technology Minister - Argentina (invited)

Mr. Marco Antônio RauppScience & Technology Minister - Brazil (invited)

Mr. Jeong Won Yoon, Ph.D. NIA (National Information Society Agency) - South Korea

Mr. André RichierPrincipal Administrator - European Comission (invited)

This session draws together diverse examples of national policy agendas, frameworks and priority actions that are promoting the development and use of ICTs to achieve economic and social development. These include education and skills development, building the information infrastructure and developing ICT national industries.

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Panel: Internet Governance at a CrossroadsMrs. Sally Wentworth Senior Manager of Public Policy - ISOC

Mr. Bruno RamosHead of ITU's Latin America Office (invited)

Mr. Everton LuceroStakeholder Engagement - ICANN

Mr. Jerry BritoProfessor of Law

George Mason University School of Law

Mr. Nizar ZakkaSecretary General - IJMA3

The Internet is now a critical part of business, cultural, political and social activity, enabling information to be shared and voices to be heard globally. Equally, the increasing ubiquity of the Internet has been accompanied by cybercrime, spam and breaches of privacy. Many national governments together with some international institutions believe the Internet needs greater government regulation and oversight to supplant current multi stakeholder structures. This session will assess the various positions about how global Internet governance should evolve.

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Keynote: Creating a Global Cyber Immune System

Mr. Alan MarcusICT Director - World Economic Forum

Mr. Howard SchmidtPartner - Schmidt Ridge Cyber

Just as people, communities, governments and nations have collaborated globally to share knowledge and practices that have eliminated or reduced public health risks, information about cyber risks, threats and vulnerabilities need to be shared globally to encourage all IT stakeaholders to adopt good practices. This session examines how greater openness, transparency and collaboration can reduce cyber threats, highlighting best practices as well as sound policies and regulations -when needed- that ensure the Internet remains healthy and trustworthy. Panelists will also address how cyber security will need to become like the human immune system—isolating and attacking intruders even before knowing their identity or source.

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Panel: Free Trade Policies in ICT Goods and ServicesMr. John WilsonLead Economist, Development Research Group World Bank

Mr. Roberto AzevedoGeneral Director - World Trade Organization (invited)

Mr. Luis SteinVice-President - ALETI & President - GECHS

Mrs. Dorothy Dwoskin Senior Director, Trade Policy and Strategy- Microsoft Corporation (invited)

Professor L. Alan WintersUniversity of Sussex - United Kingdom (invited)

Mr. Craig EmersonFormer Minister - Australia (invited)

Mr. Ernesto ZedilloFormer President - Mexico (invited)

Global trade is at a crossroads. Either it advances or we will face a retreat from multilateralism, at our own peril. Without global cooperation on finance, security, trade, the environment and poverty reduction, the risks of division, strife and war will remain dangerously real. Waiting for better times will simply not suffice. Collectively, we must be bolder to cope with growing risks. ICT goods and services underpin modern economic activity and development. This session addresses how open markets provide the most effective means of ensuring everyone gains access to world’s best technology and services, at global prices.

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Panel: Measuring the IT Industry GloballyMr.Roberto MayerPresident - ALETI & Vice-President - Assespro

Mr. Bernd Friedrich Head of "Information and Communication

Technologies for Development" at German Society for International Cooperation

Mr. Torbjörn FredrikssonChief, ICT Analysis SectionScience, Technology and ICT Branch UNCTAD

Many countries have implemented policies to strengthen their local ICT sectors. However, few in-depths studies on how best to develop comprehensive methodologies on the measurement of this sector have been developed. This session will explore the best strategies not only to fill this gap on the national level, but explore the process of harmonizing various initiatives, so that comprehensive data can be compared globally in the future.

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Keynote: Innovative applications of technology by youth

Mr. Peter A. Bruck Chairman World Summit Youth Award (WSYA)

Over one billion youth live in the world today. This means that approximately one person in five is between the age of 15 to 24 years. The number of youth living in developing countries will grow by 89.5% until 2025. Therefore, it is a must to take youth issues into considerations in the ICT development agenda and ICT policies of each country. This session will show how they are engaging with, and applying ICTs – locally, nationally and globally – to change the world through innovative applications of technology.

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Panel: GPATS Wrap-up

Mr. John HigginsDirector - Digital Europe

Mr. Alan MarcusICT Director - World Economic Forum

Mr. Ivo IvanovskiMinister of Information Society - Republic of Macedonia

Mr. John WilsonLead Economist - World Bank

Mr.Roberto MayerPresident - ALETI & Vice-President - Assespro

Mrs. Sally Wentworth Senior Manager of Public Policy - ISOC

This session will engage all the Summit moderators to highlight the critical public policy actions to ensure we fulfil the promise of the Digital Age. These will be encapsulated in the the “Declaration of São Paulo”, which will be read and signed by WITSA leaders.

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Closing Ceremony: GPATS 2015 HandoffMr. Santiago GutierrezChairman - WITSA

Mr. Roberto MayerChairman - GPATS 2013

Mr. Amado EspinosaChairman - WCIT 2014

To be announcedChairman - GPATS 2015

During this closing session, the host of GPATS 2015 will be announced and showcased. WITSA's board will define the host country during the General Assembly to be held during the GPATS 2013.


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Registration SchedulePeriod Discount (%) Amount (USD)

Until Sep, 8th 80 118,00

From Set, 9th to Set, 29th 60 236,00

From Set, 30th to Oct, 20th 40 354,00

From Oct, 21th to Nov, 3rd 20 472,00

From Nov, 4th onwards* Full Price 590,00

Undergraduate Students Additional 50% at all times(compulsory by Brazilian law)

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An unique experience!

• Take part in a world class program with renowned speakers from government, industry, institutions and academia

• Engage in the discussion regarding international trade issues and policies

• Take part in discussions on keeping the Internet Governance balanced

• Learn of ICT related best practices in government policies and practices

• Learn about how different countries view and implement their Digital Agendas

• Be part of a global network of professionals

• Experience sessions on ICT development with developed and developing country executives and officials

• Gain or reinforce your understanding of key policies affecting ICT development

• Have the opportunity to participate in debates and discussions

• Learn about Brasil as a global power

• Enjoy the gracious hospitality of world famous São Paulo’s cultural and gastronomical attractions

12 reasons to attend GPATS 2013

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Welcome to GPATS 2013!

Register NOW at