gracevine - grace presbyterian church of arlington,...

February 2011 Volume 28, No. 2 GraceVine GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ARLINGTON, TX We are called by the Holy Spirit into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, glorifying God, growing in faith, serving others and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. 5500 Mansfield Road Arlington, TX 76017 817-468-0868 Help Grace dream BIG ... Attend a Cottage Meeting! We want YOU to help us celebrate 25 years of dreams realized and begin planning for the next 25! What will Grace look like in 2036? As part of our 25th Anniversary Celebration, we are having coage meetings to begin mapping out what the next 25 years at Grace will look like. It will be so exciting to start the process of dreaming, praying and visioning for the future of Grace. We still have plenty of different meeting times through the end of March to give everyone a chance to participate. Below is a list of the meeting times, sign up in the Narthex now! Bring a dessert to share and join us at one of the following meetings: Sunday, January 30 — 7 p.m. Thursday, February 17 — 7 p.m. Sunday, February 27 — 2 p.m. Monday, March 7 — 7 p.m. Sunday, March 27 — 7 p.m. What in the world are these ORDAINED ELDERS doing? They were caught in the act ... see page 5

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February 2011 Volume 28, No. 2



We are called by the Holy Spiritinto a loving relationship with Jesus Christ,

glorifying God, growing in faith, serving othersand sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

5500 Mansfield Road • Arlington, TX 76017 • 817-468-0868 •

Help Grace dream BIG ...Attend a Cottage Meeting!

We want YOU to help us celebrate 25 years of dreams realized and begin planning for the next 25! What will Grace look like in 2036? As part of our 25th Anniversary Celebration, we are having cottage meetings to begin mapping out what the next 25 years at Grace will look like. It will be so exciting to start the process of dreaming, praying and visioning for the future of Grace.

We still have plenty of different meeting times through the end of March to give everyone a chance to participate. Below is a list of the meeting times, sign up in the Narthex now!

Bring a dessert to share and join us at one of the following meetings:

Sunday, January 30 — 7 p.m.Thursday, February 17 — 7 p.m.Sunday, February 27 — 2 p.m.Monday, March 7 — 7 p.m.Sunday, March 27 — 7 p.m.

What in the world are these ORDAINED ELDERS doing?

They were caught in the act ... see page 5

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Grace Presbyterian Church Staff:Rev. Craig Sanders, [email protected]

Dianne Priest, Administrative [email protected]

Gehlin Menti, Director of [email protected]

Julie Bayless, Praise Team Music [email protected]

Sheryl Machen, Youth [email protected]

GraceVine Information:Becky Couch, [email protected]

• deadline for submission of articles and photos is the 15th of each month

• all photos should be digital in either .tif or .jpg format(s)

• articles/information may be submitted through e-mail and/or MS Word documents 2

From the Pastor ...

Something to Think About


As we approach the the celebration of our 25th anniversary, I think about the witness and legacy of our church. We are part of a greater witness and legacy as part of the Presbyterian Church USA; its legacy as part of Christ’s body in North America and as a member of Christ’s Church worldwide. For most of us it is the only organization that has international ties and impacts. That is huge, not only in size but ininfluence and scope.

As I thought about this, I wondered about what the most important legacy of the body of Christ might be to the world. With that in mind, I was reading scripture and came across this passage from the book of 1 Corinthians:

Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose. - 1 Corinthians 1:10

Corinth was the most ethnically and religiously diverse of the cities where Paul preached. The earlychurch there included people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Paul knew this; he wrote asking them not only to get along, but to agree on their understanding of their mission and purpose!

“That there be no divisions among you,” is the auda-cious goal Paul set for this young church. The miracle of fellowship is the standard of excellence for believ-ers who gather regularly in the name of Jesus Christ. As we toil together as part of Christ’s body to do the ministry set before us, we must always struggle to hear and respond to the call of Christ. To find our unity in Christ we must strive to know him more deeply and clearly and to make him known to those in our midst by our lives through word and deed. Please pray for our session as we take on the first task gleaned from the survey results in 2010. We will be meeting in February over a weekend to clarify our understanding and unity in Christ and the mission and purpose He calls us to for the next 25 years of our journey together.

As we pray and work as a session and you pray for us, please pray for unity. To make us one “in Christ” as we think and plan and to give us a vision and mission that will lead us to unity in Christ.

Sincerely,Craig Sanders

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“Megan’s Mouth” - a goal worth working for ... for all of us!

In December this is what we provided for ourNEW DAY students: 45 Food bags to Venture H.S. 6 Food bags to Newcomers 4 Food bags to Sam Houston H.S.40 Snacks, juice, milk & fresh fruit to Venture H.S. 2 Boxes of baby biscuits11 Knit baby caps In the spirit of the season, through our generous congregation, Christmas cards, gifts, baby supplies and gift cards were given to all of our students to help bring them a Merry Christmas.

Bless you all and many thanks for those who have given to Megan to help with the extensive labora-tory work for her teeth. We especially thank Dr. Tom Whinery for all he has done for Megan and other needy students in the district. You are all like Energizer bunnies who keep giving and giving and giving. God bless you all for being God's heart and hands in our community!

The Mission Ministry had set January as the time to raise funds for Megan’s Mouth. An arbitrary amount was selected loosely based on an estimate from Dr. Tom Whinery for the lab work needed for her dental care. In roughly four weeks we have exceeded that amount!! As of January 23, there is $2400+ in the fund!

Since then the dental care has increased with two sur-geries needed for implants. So the fund will remain open for several months more. Venture High School employees are developing a fund for February that will supplement our fund. Some of our funds will be dispensed in February and April as planned to date. The GraceVine will supply information on expenses and other news. Sunday, January 23 was an exciting day for Megan. Neither she nor her friend Wayne had been to church in a long time. Having Megan’s family join her at the 11:00 a.m. service was very special. Gift cards were donated to Megan for the new clothes she was wearing, a manicure, the prayer shawl for her was from the Yarn Ministry, a luncheon with members of the Mission Ministry, and prayers for her from Pastor Craig demonstrated our love to her. Megan, no doubt, experienced the meaning of “Love Matters at Grace.”

Ladies — We are excited about studying a new book When the Heart Waits. The author is familiar, Sue Monk Kidd. She also wrote The Mermaid Chair and The Secret Life of Bees. Others have praised When the Heart Waits with words such as “vivid ... alive ... transforma-tional.” Kidd relates the passionate and moving tale of her spiritual crisis, when life seemed to have lost meaning and her longing for a hasty escape from the pain yielded to a discipline of “active waiting.”

We would love for you to join us for this spiritual journey. We meet in Room 109 at 10:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you have questions about our class please contact Ann Pennington [email protected]

Join the Spirituality Class

Dr. Tom Whinery visits with Megan after worship

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Two months and counting!

Starting on Friday night we will have Softball Challenge with the youth playing the adults at 6:00 p.m. At 8:30 on Saturday morning, April 9, we will meet at Cracker Barrel for breakfast to get us ready for a busy day. The Golf Tournament will start at 11:30 with a Women’s Tea at 1:00 p.m. The evening will bring our Celebratory Banquet and program starting at 6:00 p.m. Sunday morning will start off with a fellowship time at 9:00 a.m. with worship starting at 10:00 a.m.

Many of our former members are planning on returning to be with us and it will be a exciting time to share all that God has done for Grace. At this time we know that John Poling, Randy Branson, Terri Matthews and Ken Altfather will be able to lead us in worship.

Some of the deadlines are approaching and we do not want you to miss out! So if you will take a few moments and locate your response card that was sent to you in November. Please take a moment and fill out all of the events that you will be able to attend. We need those byMarch 1 so we know how much food to order and how many chairs we need. You can mail those

to the church, handthem to Linda or Chip,or drop them in the boxin the Narthex. The deadline for you to turn in pictures for the DVD and your “Memories of Grace” are due on February 7! That is just around the corner. The “Memories of Grace” is something that you want to share about Grace that is 300 words or less. Each person can submit one entry that we will put in a booklet form that will be passed out the night of the banquet. You can e-mail those “Memories of Grace” to [email protected]. Don’t forget to turn in your family picture! These pictures can be e-mailed or dropped off in the box in the Narthex. These pictures are due by March 1.

Cottage Meetings have started and we hope that you have looked at your calendar and decided which one you can attend. This will be a time for us to express our dreams of where the church should go in the next 5, 10 or 25 years.

Kathy Wulff and her committee are taking pre-orders for the “25th Anniversary” t-shirt. They only cost $5.00 and you need to pay

when you order your shirt. We will not be ordering any extras so please get your order in. Sheryl Machen is working on the Mission Project for the 25th Anniversary which is collecting funds to help beautify our labyrinth. A special Anniversary Quilt is being made that will be raffled off the night of the banquet.

As you can see, we are going to have a great celebration to remember this special milestone for Grace! We hope that you will take a few moments and fill out both sides of your response card and turn them in so we can plan accordingly. Mark your calendars for this special weekendat Grace!Youwon’twant tomiss it!!

We hope that you were able to participate in our annual meeting on January 23rd to hear all of the plans for the 25th Anniversary of Grace on April 8th, 9th and 10th!

We want to thank Lisa Whinery for writing our skit and for our wonderful committee that did such a great job in performing! In case you were not in attendance, here is what we have planned.





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Did you missour annual

congregationalmeeting and


You missed the skit

presented by the

Celebrate Silver

planning team!

Now we really can’t wait for the 25th Anniversary!

Thanks to our photographer, Chuck Conine for preserving

these memories!

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Our library is OPEN for YOU - Join us February 13th!

You are invited to attend aLibrary Open HouseSunday, February 13

We will be serving hot beverages and pastries.So, save room in your Sunday to visit us and look around.

The library is located in Room 109.What difference do it make?by Ron Hall, Denver Moore and Lynn Vincent

New thoughts and reflections from the authors of the inspirational New York Times bestseller Same Kind of Different as Me.

The more than four hundred thousand readers stirred by the story of Ron Hall and Denver Moore will reso-nate with the all new, stand-alone true stories of hope and healing offered in this intimate, authentic follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Same Kind of Different as Me. With new "Denverisms" and reflections from Denver on his personal dealings with homeless-ness and disrespect from others, additional insights from Ron on what we can learn from people unlike us and from those dealing with a terminal illness, and the stories of readers who have been impacted by the book's central themes, this inspirational reader will generate a host of new fans.

Game Plan for Lifeby Joe Gibbs

Three-time Super Bowl and NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs’s Game Plan for Life is an “average Joe’s” guide to what the Bible has to say about the 11 most-important topics for men. Topics such as:

finances, relationships, living a life of purpose, finding the right vocation, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and overcoming sin and addictions. Game Plan for Life shows readers how to live a balanced, God-centered, purpose-filled life, using examples of Coach Gibbs’ own storied championship careers as a backdrop. A perfect blend of sports and basic theology, Game Plan for Life is designed to bring God’s word home to sports fans of all generations.


Thank you to our wonderful teachers! We would not be able to provide Sunday School to Grace's children without our wonderful teachers: Kate Juengerman, Linda Black, Joy Geppert, Jennifer King and Twylia Dillman have taken turns teaching our K-5 class since the fall. Kathy Wulff, Leslie Seggelink, Karen Ellen Anderson and Kate Juengerman will be teaching from now through the spring. Net Musfeldt serves as our Shepherd each Sunday. Kathy Bayona has been teach-ing our Toddler class. Brian Musfeldt will be teaching that class for a few months this spring. Thank you to all of these dedicated members of Grace for sharing their time and wonderful talents with our children.

Check out these NEW BOOKS in the library:

Compassion International We will be mailing Valentine and spring greetings to Roseangela, the young Brazilian girl who is sponsored by our children through Compassion International.

VBS Plans are already in the works, and VBS 2011 is going to be another terrific experience. We will be hosting this year, so Westminster will be coming to Grace to join us as we experience Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus Was a Kid. VBS will once again be a family event in the evening August 1-5. We will serve a light meal prior to each session. Mark your calendars, and make plans NOW to attend as participants or as staff. See Ron Musfeldt or Brian Musfeldt for more information.

Thank you wonderful CE teachers!

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Scout Sunday is February 13The 8:15 and 11:00 worship services will be led by the Boy Scouts of America. We invite all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts, and their leaders to join us in uniform for a joyful worship celebration. Daniel Howland will deliver the message.

Congratulations Trevor Howard!Troop 421’s 61st Eagle ScoutOn December 27, 2010, Trevor Howard successfully completed his Tejas District Board of Review for Eagle Scout. Pending approval at National, Trevor will become Boy Scout Troop 421’s 61st Eagle Scout. Congratulations, Trevor!

Blue and Gold Banquet CateringTroop 421’s major fund raiser for the year is to cater area Cub Scout Pack’s Blue & Gold Banquets each February.

Thank you, Daniel Howland!Daniel Howland completed his Eagle Scout Project by designing and building four new picnic tables for Grace. He also dismantled and disposed of the oldtables built 18 years ago. Fantastic job, Daniel!

We look forward to using these picnic tables for many years!

Trust Stephen Ministers to care!

Sometimes Valentine's Day Isn't Happy

For some people, Valentine's Day is a painful reminder of a broken relationship, the death of a loved one, a recent relocation, a chronic illness, or another life challenge. If you are going through a difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can bring Jesus' love (God's "ultimate Valentine") back into your life.

Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, support and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you for the duration of your struggle.

To find out more about Stephen Ministry and how you, or someone you know, could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with:Louie Nash - Stephen Leaderat 817-538-5755 or e-mail him at [email protected].

Our Stephen Ministersare ready to care for you!

Troop 421 News


02/07 Julie and Jerry Bayless02/22 Beverly and George Young02/25 Charlotte and John Sutton

First Thursday ServiceFebruary 3

Healing Service7:00 p.m.

in the sanctuary

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Day CircleMonday, February 14th9:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Tuesday CircleTuesday, February 15th

11:30 a.m.

Yes, that’s right – a MEN’s RETREAT! The event is March 4-6, 2011 at Sky Ranch. Pastor Craig has been invited to speak at the annual men’s retreat for Hackberry Creek Presbyterian Church. He has secured 20 spaces for men from Grace at this retreat!! Please consider signing up and reserving a space asap! It will be a great time!

The signup sheet is in the Narthex. The cost is $125.00 per person. Checks should be made out to Hackberry Creek Church with Men’s Retreat written in the memo section. For more information visit with Craig or contact Kip Landwehr at (972) 462-8656.

To see videos promoting the retreat, go to:!/pages/Grace-Presbyterian-Church-Arlington-TX/166218123413487

It’s a “guy thing” ...Join the MEN for a RETREAT of their own!

Women of Grace ... Valentine Dinner and Secret Pal time!

Don’t miss one of the most popular WOG events of the year. This year our annual Valentine Dinner is scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 157:00 p.m.

Spring Creek Barbecue1724 Highway 287 North

in Mansfield(Debbie Lane and 287)

Yes ... we know it isthe day AFTERValentine’s Day, butthis party is reallyabout celebrating thefriendships we have inour women’s group.Join us for food and fun!

You still have time tofill out your secret palform and leave it inthe box on the WOG table. A secret pal is someone you think of for a year by dropping them a card or placing a gift on the table for their birthday and the holidays. You will receive your new secret pal at the WOG dinner on February 15 at Spring Creek Barbecue.

Join us forYarn Ministry

Tuesday, February 1 and 227:00 p.m. at church

Tuesday, February 87:00 p.m. at Green Oaks Nursing

and Rehabilitation Center

We are especially enjoying our “field trips” to Green Oaks Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Janet Hammond is our gracious hostess and we find the other residents are curious about what we are creating. Join us!

We give thanks to the Lord for JOHN CONNfor preparing the spaghetti for our

Annual CongregationalDinner! AND ...

For our very special YOUTHwho did an outstanding job of serving!

You all are amazing!

We raised $500 for 30 HR FAMINE!



MARCH 26in preparation for

Celebrate Silver.

We need YOU! Amazing COOK! Amazing KIDS!

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Grace Presbyterian Youth Connection


is BACK!!Wednesday evenings

6:30-7:30 p.m.Grace Youth Room

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10

Is God calling you to be aSPONSOR of YOUTH?

WE NEED YOUin order to make GPYC successful!

Contact Rick Brunson at (817) 925-9467, to become certified in our

Child Protection Policy!

*If you are in need of Renewal on Child Protection Policy, it is not necessary to go through the class. Simply fill out the written portion of the CPP document. The document can be accessed on our website, it to Rick Brunson or Sheryl Machen.However, if you are being certified to become a sponsor of Youth for the first time, please call Rick Brunson for an orientation appointment.

Put these SPECIAL EVENTSon your calendar NOW:

• Sunday, February 6SOUPER BOWL OF CARING COLLECTIONboth worship servicesYouth volunteers are needed to stand at the doors with Soup Pots for both services!Please call Sheryl if you will be in town. SAVE YOUR CHANGE ... SAVE A LIFE!

• February 25-26 30-HOUR FAMINE at Grace Presbyterian ChurchMANY sponsors/drivers will be needed!!!Be sure to sign up on the bulletin board across from the Youth Room.

• March 4-6SPRING RETREAT at BROOKHAVENCost is $90 per person and that includes meals and travel. Sign up on the Youth Board! Scholarships are available if needed.

• June 18-25COLORADO MISSION TRIPThis year we will be going to Snow Mountain Ranch. If you missed the mission trip last year, here is your chance to make memories for a lifetime and help others in the process.More details available at Parent/Sponsor Meeting on February 13.

Parent/Sponsor Meeting(Rescheduled)

February 13, 20116:00-7:30 p.m.

ALL YOUTH: please be there by

5:00 p.m. to prepare, and bring a dessert to share.

ADULTS: Bring your calendarsand CHECKBOOKS for all the

events sign-up!

SOUPER BOWL PARTYSunday, February 6 ~ 5:00-8:00 pm

At the McAllister’s home!John Conn will grill burgers, guys bring chips,

girls bring drinks!Mrs. McAllister will make her famous brownies!


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Session BriefsJanuary 11, 2011 Stated Meeting



At its last stated meeting, the Grace Session:• reviewed and approved minutes from both the Stated Session Meeting of Session, December 14, 2010 and the Called Session Meeting, January 4, 2011.• reviewed the December 2010 financial statements. December was an outstanding month. Thanks to all those who fulfilled or exceeded their pledges in 2010.• approved Rev. Sanders as the moderator of a men’s retreat hosted by Hackberry Creek Presbyterian Church and held at Sky Ranch on March 6, 2011. • elected Elder Betty Sicks as Assistant Clerk of Session.

Dick Townsend — For his untiring and unending work to manage the church’s financials. It’s not uncommon to see Dick in the church office during the day, at night, over the weekend – working on balancing the books, etc.

Outgoing Elder Class of 2010 - Kent Couch, Bill Irwin, Valerie Knox, Mike McCoy and Lauren Black — Being on Session is a huge commitment. You’ve served with smiles and dedication. Thank you for your service.

Members of Grace and friends who helped with Hanging of the Greens — Thanks to all who helped with the Hanging (and un-hanging) of the Greens. Many hands make short work. We’ve all heard that expression. Sometimes we don’t appreciate it until we see it in action. It was incredible to watch the church be transformed to a festive state in preparation for the Christmas holiday.

• approved the following motions on the Consent Agenda: Approve the date of April 21, 2011 for the Seder meal - For the annual Seder meal as part of Easter seasonSeeking approval from Session for Famine Valentine - For the Youth Fundraiser for 30-Hour Famine

Cake sale. Congregation can order cakes by wayof donation, to be delivered on Feb. 13th to recipient.Youth will bake cakes. Proceeds and donations willgo to Famine.

• elected Elder Kate Juengerman as a member and moderator of the Office Nominating Ministry. This satisfies the Book of Order requirement to have one currently serving elder. Another elder – potentially drawn from the congregation is needed. • approved Elder as the second Commissioner to the Presbytery meeting to be held in March. Elder Valerie Knox is the second Commissioner from Grace – and will be attending all Presbytery meetings in 2011.

• reviewed and approved the following mission activities for 2011 Youth and the Mission Ministry:Youth

Provide food for Congregational Meeting - January 23Souper Bowl of Caring - January 30 and February 6Valentine Cakes to benefit 30-Hour Famine - January 30 and February 6Caroling Cards - December Christmas Boxes - November and December

MissionNEW DAY - OngoingMegan’s Mouth - JanuaryOne Great Hour of Sharing - April 24, bulletin inserts for the 3 Sundays precedingPentecost - June 12, bulletin inserts for the 3 Sundays preceding and video on June 5Habitat for Humanity, Sign the Stud Fundraiser - Sundays from July 3-17Peacemaking Offering, World Communion Sunday - October 2Christmas Joy Offering - December 18

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Who’s Serving the Lord in February 8:30 a.m. Service 11:00 a.m. ServiceFebruary 6 ASH WEDNESDAY Greeters Anna Perez Jennifer KingGuardian Angels Louie Nash Ana Waggoner Ushers Net and Brian Musfledt AV Operator Sam McAllister Frank BauerleJoys & Concerns Sam McAllister Communion Bakers Juliette WestphalCommunion Servers Hector and Kathy Bayona and Martha Kinard, Tom and Janet Denny Paula Bauerle and Mike Dilman and Joe and Cherry Hardin Communion Set Up Jennifer King and Jamie CurtisCommunion Clean Up Cathy and John MatsonCounters John McRoberts and Kathy Soukup February 13SCOUT SUNDAYGuardian Angels Net and Brian Musfeldt Dixie ConineAV Operator Bill Wulff Morgan Machen Counters Doug Fabio and Virginia Kendrick

February 20Greeters Becky Couch Charlotte SuttonGuardian Angels Mike Dillman Frank Bauerle Ushers Linda and Chip Black AV Operator Becky Couch Dave KinkelJoys & Concerns Karen Ellen AndersonCounters Dick Townsend and Bill O’Mary

February 27 Greeters Linda Black Faye SandersGuardian Angels Barb or Sam Mcallister Cindy Hutto Ushers Chris and John Conn AV Operator Jack Kean John SuttonJoys & Concerns Paula BauerleCounters Sam McAllister and Dave Kinkel


FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS02/04 Machelle Athon02/04 Julie Bayless02/04 Erma O’Mary02/07 Kathy Bayona02/08 William Johnson02/08 Laura Kean02/08 Cameron Robb02/09 Weston Walker02/10 Jeremy Irwin02/11 Tracy Loftin

02/13 Ryane Askew02/15 Eric Geppert02/15 Joan Smith02/18 Joe Hardin02/19 Joy Geppert02/19 Chelsea Lechelt02/19 Will Loveless02/19 Morgan Machen02/19 Dean Machen02/21 Janice Hook

02/21 Jose Lopez02/23 Bruce Hutto02/24 Dave Kinkel 02/25 Joan Townsend02/28 Marcia WalkerIf your birthdate or anniversary are missing or incorrect, please contact Dianne at the church office to make certain the information is correct in the church database.

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even more severe respiratory problems such as wheezing and/or asthma attacks.

These symptoms are not only inconvenient but uncomfortable to the person having the problems. Let’s all be conscientious and mindful of the needs and the diverse health conditions that afflict so many of us.

Thank you for understanding.The Worship Ministry

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GracePresbyterianChurch5500 Mansfield RoadArlington, TX 76017

It has come to our attention that many of our members have allergies. Many people are sensitive to or allergic to colognes, after shave lotions or other fragrant hygiene products.

When allergy sufferers come into contact with others wearing these products they can be affected with sneezing, coughing and watery eyes, headaches or other allergy symptoms. Some people are affected with

Facebook users!Please visit us on Facebook at this address and "Like" us so we can get the site in front of more people!!!/pages/Grace-Presbyterian-Church-Arlington-TX/166218123413487

Visit the site often and we will communicate through it to your Facebook siteand keep you up to date on what is happening at Grace.

Dear Grace Congregation,