grade 7 term 3

BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION 151 Inba and Valli are going to their uncle’s house in their village. Their uncle takes them around his farm. They see number of animals neatly kept in coops and paddocks. They asked their uncle how he had arranged them. Uncle replied that he classified them according to their kind, the food they eat etc. There are many varieties of living things in the world. Are they also arranged in a similar way?. Yes, we call the arrangement as classification. Fig 4.1 All animals

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physics textbook for grade 7 term 3 for reading and practice


Page 1: grade 7 term 3

basis of classification


Inba and Valli are going to their uncle’s house in their village. Their uncle takes them around his farm. They see number of animals neatly kept in coops and paddocks. They asked their uncle how he had arranged them. Uncle replied that he classified them according to their kind, the food they eat etc. There are many varieties of living things in the world. Are they also arranged in a similar way?.

Yes, we call the arrangement as classification.

Fig 4.1 All animals

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R.H.Whittaker (1920–1980) was an American plant ecologist. He was the first to propose the five kingdom classification of the world’s biota, based on their evolutionary relationships. In 1969 he classified the organisms into five kingdoms. This classification has been accepted by all scientists.

There is great diversity among living organisms found on the planet earth. They differ in their size, shape, habitat, mode of nutrition and other ways of life. The biodiversity of the earth is enormous.

We call such a variety among living organisms as biodiversity. Even though there is such a variety and diversity among them, the living organisms show a lot of similarities and common features so that they can be arranged into many groups. In order to understand and study them systematically, these living organisms mainly the plants and animals are grouped under different categories.

The system of sorting living organisms into various groups based on similarities and dissimilarities is called classification.


It is not possible for anyone to study all the organisms. But if they are grouped in some convenient way, the study would become easier. Classification allows us to understand diversity better.

Necessity for classification1. Classification helps us to identify

the living organisms easily.2. It helps us to learn about different

kinds of plants and animals, their features, similarities and differences.

3. It enables us to understand how complex organisms evolve from simple ones.

Robert Hard-ing Whittaker (1920–1980)


About 9,000 species are identified under Kingdom Monera. The number of species in Kingdom Protista is about 59,950. The number of species under Fungi is about 100,000. The number of species identified under the Kingdom Plantae is about 289,640. The total number of species identified under Animalia is about 1,170,000.


Shall we name some common vegetables and find out if they have any other name...

S. No.

Common name

Other name

1. Brinjal Egg plant2.3.4.

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basis of classification


The Five Kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

This classification takes into account the following important criteria.

Important criteria of five kingdom classification

Body organization (unicellular or multi-cellular) Phylogenetic or

evolutionary relationship

Mode of nutrition (autotrophs and heterotrophs)

Complexity of Cell structure (prokaryote

to Eukaryote)


Monera Protista fungi Plantae Animalia

1. Bacteria2.Cyanobacteria(Blue green algae)

1.Unicellular algae.2.Protozoa


1. Multicellular


2. Bryophytes

3. Pteridophytes

4. Gymnosperms

5. Angiosperms










Page 4: grade 7 term 3



Tanning of


Processing of Tea and Tobacco.


of wasTe


UsefUl in

indUsTriesUsefUl in


UsefUl in


beneficial bacTeria

General features(( (The kingdom Monera comprises

all bacteria and the cyanobacteria. ( They are Primitive unicellular.

(single cell organisms). ( They do not have a true nucleus

(prokaryotic). ( Their mode of nutrition is

autotrophic or heterotrophic. ( They cause diseases like

diphtheria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, leprosy etc.

( They are also used in manufacture of antibiotics to cure many diseases.


Children, shall we find out what converts milk into curd, ferments idli batter, causes disease like cholera, and produces medicines

Yes, the organism is bacteria.


Children, shall we keep a drop of curd on clean glass slide and observe under microscope. We can see rod shaped Lacto bacillus.

Discovery of Bacteria

In 1675 Anton Von Leewvenhoek, a Dutch scientist, discovered bacteria. He called the bacteria as ‘animalcules’. Anton Von Leewvenhoek is called as the father of bacteriology. Bacteria are considered as the first formed organisms in the world.

Shape of BacteriaThe shape of bacteria varies in

different species.The important shapes are

(A) rod (B) spherical (C) comma(D) spiral.

Harmful Bacteria

Bacteria cause many diseases in plants and human beings.


The average human gut contains about 1kg of bacteria. Their presence is essential for normal health.

Beneficial bacteria

Fig 4.2 Bacteria shapes

4.2.1. KINGDoM of MoNERA


Comma Spiral

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General features ( The kingdom Protista includes

unicellular eukaryotes.

( Animals and plants of Protista live in sea as well as in fresh water.

( Some are parasites. Though they are single celled they have the capacity of performing all the body activities.

( They have nucleus enclosed by a nuclear membrane (eukaryotic).

( Some of them posses chloroplast and make their food by photosynthesis. e.g.Euglena

Diseases in Plant

Canker disease (Lemon)

Ring rot disease (Potato)

Fire blight disease (Apple)

Wilt disease (Tomato)











There are two main groups of protista.

1. Plant like protista which are photosynthetic are commonly called microalgae. They can seen only under a microscope. They occur as single cells or filaments or colonies. eg. Chlamydomonas, Volvox etc. Algae are autotrophs.

2. Animal like Protista are often called Protozoans. Protozoans include Amoeba and Paramoecium like animals. The Paramoecium, which consists of cilia, belongs to class Ciliata. Amoeba which consists of pseudopodia belongs to class Sarcodina. All unicellular plants are collectively called phytoplanktons and unicellular animals as zooplanktons.

Fig 4.3 Euglena

Euglena, a protozoan possesses chloroplast and make their food by photosynthesis.It has two modes of nutrition. In the presence of sunlight it is autotrophic and in the absence of sunlight it is heterotrophic. This mode of nutrition is known as myxotrophic and hence they form a border line between plants and animals.




Contractile Vacuole

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Fig 4.4. Mushroom (Kaalaan)

Fig 4.5 Penicillium

4.2.3. KINGDoM of fUNGIGeneral features This kingdom Fungi includes Yeast, Moulds, Mushrooms (Kaalaan), Toadstools, Puffballs and Penicillium

( Fungi are eukaryotic and mostly multicellular. The body is made up of filamentous hyphae.

( Their mode of nutrition is heterotrophic (obtain their nutrients from other organisms) since they lack the green pigment chlorophyll.

( They have cell walls, made of a tough complex sugar called chitin.

( Fungi act either as decomposers (decay-causing organisms) or as parasites(live in other organisms) in nature.

( Mould fungi grows on stale bread, cheese, fruit or other food.

Penicillium is a fungus. It lacks chlorophyll. It lives as saprophyte. The body consists of filamentous structures. The antibiotic penicillin is extracted from it. The

Penicillin is also known as “the queen of drugs”.

Yeast is an unicellular organism and oval in shape. It is a saprophytic fungus. It is useful for the preparation of alcohol by fermentation process. Conversion of sugar solution into alcohol with the release of carbon dioxide by yeast is called fermentation. It is also used in bakery.


Let us mix the yeast powder with the sugar solution. After a few days you can see the formation of whitish layer on the surface of the extract. When it is observed under the microscope, yeasts can be seen.


Children, some fungi are extremely poisonous. Never touch or eat wild fungi without the advice of elders.

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basis of classification


4.2.4. KINGDoM of PlANTAE

( The plant cells have an outside cell wall that contain cellulose.

( They show various modes of nutrition. Most of them are autotrophs since they have chlorophyll.

(( (Some plants are heterotrophs. eg. Cuscuta is a parasite.

( Nepenthes and Drosera are insectivorous plants.


Kingdom Plantae includes

Bryophyta - 24,000 species

Pteridophyta - 10,000 species

Gymnosperms - 640 species

Angiosperms - 255,000 species

General features

Kingdom Plantae includes all multicellular plants of land and water.

1. Algae (Multicellular) eg. laminaria, Spirogyra, Chara2. Bryophytes eg. Riccia, Moss 3. Pteridophytes eg. ferns 4. Gymnosperms eg. Cycas, Pinus 5. Angiosperms eg. Grass, Coconut Mango,

Neem (veppa maram) ( Plantae are multicellular


Fig 4.6.

Moss Ferns (perani) Pinus Sunflower (Suryakanthi)

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4.2.5 KINGDoM of ANIMAlIA General features

( This kingdom includes all multicellular eukaryotic animals.

( All animals show heterotrophic mode of nutrition. They directly or indirectly depend on plants for their basic requirements particularly the food.

( They form the consumers of an ecosystem.

( The cells have plasma membrane.

( They have contractibility of the muscle cells.


1. Porifera Pore bearers eg. Sponges2. Coelenterata Common body cavity

and digestive cavityeg. Hydra, Jelly fish

3. Platyhelminthes Flatworms eg. Tape worm (Taenia)4. Aschelminthes Thread-like worms eg. Round worm (Ascaris)5. Annelida Body is segmented eg. Nereis, Earthworm6. Arthropoda

(insect group)Have jointed legs eg. Centepede, Cockroach,


7. Mollusca Soft bodied with shells

eg. Snail, octopus, Sepia.

8. Echinodermata Spiny skinned eg. Star fish, Sea-cucumber.

9. Chordata Have backbone eg. fish, frog, Man.

( They have well developed, controlled and coordinated mechanisms.

( They can transmit impulses due to the presence of nerve cells

( Some groups of animals are parasites e.g. tapeworms and roundworms. Most members of the animal kingdom can move from place to place. However, some animals, such as adult sponges and corals are permanently attached to a surface.

MoRE To KNoWTamil Nadu ranks first among all states in the country to have endemic animals.

Kingdom Animalia includes the following phyla

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basis of classification



Shall we observe some plants and animals and find their binomials.

Zoological nameCockroach Periplaneta americana(Karapan Poochi)

Housefly Musca domestica(Ee)

Frog Rana hexadactyla(Thavalai)

Pigeon Columba livia(Pura)

Man Homo sapiens(Manithan)

boTanical nameHibiscus Hibiscus rosasinensis(Chemparuthi)

Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum (Thakkali)

Potato Solanum tuberosum(Urulai)

Mango Mangifera indica(Maankai)

Rice Oryza sativa(Nel)

4.3.BINoMIAl NoMENClATUREHistory of classification Aristotle categorized organisms into plants and animals.

(( (Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, listed organisms with medicinal value.

( Aristotle and Theophrastus classified the plants and animals on the basis of their form and habitat.

(( (John Ray introduced the term species.

(( (Carolus Linnaeus organized a simple naming system for plants. So, he is known as Father of Taxonomy. He developed the Binomial System of nomenclature, which is the current scientific system of naming the species.

Necessity for Binomial Nomenclature(((In the earlier period, organisms were referred by their common names. Since common names or vernacular names were in the local languages, they differed at different places resulting in total confusion. They were not universally applicable.

In order to avoid this confusion, a scientific system of naming organism which is universally followed was evolved. So Linnaeus devised a system of naming animals and plants with two names. This is called binomial nomenclature.

Basic Principles of Binomial Nomenclature

1. Scientific names must be either Latin or Latinized.

2. The name of the genus begins with a capital letter.

3. The name of the species begins with a small letter.

4. When printed, the scientific name is given in italics.

5. When written by hand, name should be underlined.

Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

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1. Pick out the correct answer:-

a) The five kingdom system of classification was proposed by ________ (R.H.Whittaker / Carl Linnaeus)

b) Kingdom Monera includes ________ organisms. (multicellular / unicellular)

c) The queen of drugs is ________ (yeast / penicillin)

d) Plant cells have it. Animal cells do not have it. What is it? ________ (Nucleus / cell wall)

e) Oryza sativa is a binomial of ________ (rice / wheat)

2. Place the following animals in their phylum.

tapeworm, sponges, hydra, ascaris, scorpion, human, snail, starfish, earthworm.

Tapeworm - Platyhelminthes

a) ________- _______________ e) ________- _______________

b) ________- _______________ f) ________- _______________

c) ________- _______________ g) ________- _______________

d) ________- _______________ h) ________- _______________

3. Some beneficial and harmful effects of bacteria are given below. Write (B) for BENEFICIAL and (H) for HARMFUL.

a) Leprosy - Beneficial / Harmful

b) Ring rot of potato - Beneficial / Harmful

c) Recyciling of waste - Beneficial / Harmful

d) Tuberculosis in man - Beneficial / Harmful

e) Tanning of leather - Beneficial / Harmful

f) Wilt of tomato - Beneficial / Harmful

g) Processing of tea - Beneficial / Harmful


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basis of classification


4. Draw different shapes of bacteria.

5. Euglena possesses chloroplast. In the absence of sunlight it is heterotro-phic. In which kingdom will you place it? Animal or plant?

6. Find out the names of the following in as many languages as you can with help of your teachers and parents.

1. Lion 2. Mango 3. Dog 4. Potato 5. Hibiscus 6. Groundnut



Life and Living - John Sears and Sue Taylor. British Library Cataloguing, London.Frame Work of Science - Paddy Gannon Oxford University Press, New Delhi


Sl.No English Name Tamil Name Binomial Name1. Lion Singam Panthera leo2. Mango3. Dog4. Potato5. Hibiscus6. Groundnut

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ACTIVITY 5.1Look at your surroundings, observe and write the objects around you.

We are surrounded by a number of objects. eg : iron, wood, water, air etc. We do not see air but we feel its presence. All these things occupy space and have mass. In the World of Science, matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. There are different kinds of matter. Here, we learn about matter based on its physical properties.


Let us perform an activity to learn about the nature of matter.


Let us take a small piece of chalk and powder it. We can see that the chalk powder consists of small particles. These particles are responsible for the formation of matter (chalk). Matter is made up of tiny particles known as atoms and molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms. Molecules and atoms are the building blocks of matter.

Fig.5.1-Chalk piece Fig.5.2-Chalk powder

In your house

In the playground

In your classroom











The size of the atoms and molecules of matter is very small, almost beyond our imagination. It is measured in nanometres (1nm = 10-9m).

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( Take some water in a beaker.

( Mark the level of water. Add some sugar to the water and stir well.

( Do you observe any change in the water level?

( What does the solution taste like?

( What happened to the sugar?

( How did it disappear?


( Take some water in a beaker.

( Add a drop of blue ink slowly and carefully into the beaker.

( Leave it undisturbed in your classroom.

( Record your observation.

Fig.5.4-Diffusion of ink in water




particlesAdd Sugar Stir

Fig.5.3-Particles of water and sugar are magnified million times.

From the above activity you can notice that there is no change in the water level but the taste is sweet. It indicates that the sugar is completely dissolved in water. When you dissolve sugar in water, the molecules of sugar occupy the space between molecules of water and get uniformly distributed in water. It is understood that there exists a space between the molecules in matter.

From the above activity you can understand that the molecules of matter continuously move and mix with each other.

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( Open a water tap.

( Try to break the stream of water with your fingers.

( Are you able to break the stream of water?

( What could be the reason behind the stream of water remaining together?


Matter can exist in three physical states, i.e., solid, liquid and gas.

States of matter










oxygen gas in thecylinder

air in the Balloon

wind from fan

Liquid Gas

Fig.5.6-States of matter

The above activity shows that molecules of matter have force of attraction between them. This force binds the molecules together. Force of attraction between the molecules (Inter molecular forces) varies from one kind of matter to another. The structure and properties of matter – whether they are hard or soft, coloured or transparent, liquid or gas- depends on the way in which the atoms and molecules are arranged.

Fig.5.5-Stream of water remains together

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SolidSolids are characterized by definite shape, size and volume. In solids, the

molecules are very closely arranged because the force of attraction between the molecules is very strong. They are incompressible. The following figures 5.7(a & b) are a few examples to show that matter exists in the solid state. Fig (5.8) shows how molecules are closely arranged in solids.

Fig. 5.7- Examples of matter in solid state

Fig. 5.9. Sponge

5.7.(a) 5.7.(b)

Sponge is also a solid. Yet we are able to

compress it. Why? Sponge has minute holes in which air is trapped. When we press it, the air is expelled

and we are able to compress it.Solids may break under force. It is difficult

to change their shape as they are highly incompressible.

Fig.5.10 Plasma State

Fig.5.8 Close arrangement of

molecules in solid



Matter exists in two more states.

Fourth State of Matter -Plasma- super heated gaseous State.

Fifth State of Matter - ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ – super cooled Solids.

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liquidLiquids occupy definite volume

but have no definite shape. It takes the shape of the container as shown in fig 5.11. Do you know why? The inter molecular force of attraction between the molecules in a liquid is less when compared to solids and these

molecules are loosely packed. This allows the liquid to change its shape easily. They are negligibly compressible. A few examples for matter that exist in liquid state are water, oil, juice etc. From the fig 5.12 you can also see how the molecules are loosely arranged in liquids.

GasThe atoms or molecules of matter that

always occupies the whole of the space in which they are contained is called a gas, as shown in Fig 5.13 . It neither occupies a definite volume nor possesses a definite shape. The inter molecular force of attraction between the molecules of a gas is negligibly small, because the molecules are very loosely packed as in Fig 5.14 . The molecules are distributed at random throughout the whole volume of the container. Gases are highly compressible when compared to solids and liquids. Gases will expand to fill the space of the container. The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder that we get in our home for cooking and the oxygen supplied to hospitals in cylinders are compressed gases. These days Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) too, is used as fuel in vehicles. In Delhi, CNG gas is used as a fuel in buses.

gas molecule Container

Fig. 5.11. Liquid takes the shape of the container Fig 5.12. Loose arrangement of molecules in liquid

Fig 5.13.Gas filled balloon

Fig5.14. Very loose arrangement of molecules in gas

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Why does the smell of hot cooked food spread out easily? Here the particles of the aroma of food mix with the particles of air in the kitchen and spread out from the kitchen very easily. This is due to

(i) The free particles or molecules of gas in aroma and air.(ii) The high speed of the gaseous particles or molecules.(iii) The large space between them.

So gases diffuse much faster than solids and liquids.

Take a cork ball and press it. Do you find any change in the size or shape. No,it cannot be compressed. You know well that solids are incompressible.

Let us compare the compressibility of liquids and gases using an activity.

Take two hypodermic syringes and label them 1 and 2.

1. Plaster the nozzle and seal it with a cork.

2. Remove the piston (Plunger) from the syringes.

3. Fill syringe-1 with water.

4. Do not add anything in syringe 2 (still it contains air).

5. Insert the piston back into the syringes. You may apply some Vaseline on the piston before inserting them into the syringes for smooth movement.

Now try to compress by pushing the piston in each syringe. In the case of water (liquid) in syringe1 the piston moves just a little. But in the case of air in syringe2, the piston can be pushed completely.

This shows liquids can be compressed slightly, while gases can be compressed easily.

Fig. 5.15. Effect of pressure on liquid and air




Liquids are hardly compressible Gases are


1 2

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Properties of Solid, liquid and Gas :Table 5.1


1 Have definite shape and volume

Have definite volume but no definite shape

Have neither definite shape nor definite volume

2Cannot flow Can flow from higher

level to lower levelCan flow very easily and quickly in all directions

3 Intermolecular space is minimum

Intermolecular space is moderate

Intermolecular space is maximum

4Intermolecular forces are maximum

Intermolecular forces are less than solid

Intermolecular forces are negligible

5 They are incompressible

They are compressible to an extent

They are easily compressible


Can you change the state of matter? i.e., from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas.Let us perform an activity to understand the effect of temperature on matter.


Take some ice cubes in a container, heat the container and observe the changes.

Ice (Solid) Water (Liquid)

Fig. 5.16. Effect of temperature on matter.

Vapour (Gas)

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Solid State(Ice)

Heat Heat

Cool Cool

Liquid State (Water)

Gaseous State ( Vapour)

Addition of heat

Removal of heat

Effect of temperature on matter

On varying the temperature, you can notice that matter will change from one state to another. For example ice (solid) in the container, on heating, becomes water (liquid) and on further heating, it changes into water vapour(gas).

Water can exist as three states of matter.

• Solid, as ice.• Liquid, as water • Gas, as water vapour. What happens to the particles of

matter during the change of states? How does this change of state take place? Don’t we need answers to these questions?

On increasing the temperature of solids, the kinetic energy of the particles (molecules/atoms) increases. Due to the increase in kinetic energy, the particles start vibrating with greater speed. The energy supplied by heat overcomes the forces of attraction between the particles. The particles leave their fixed positions and start moving more freely. A stage is reached when the solid melts and is converted into a liquid. The temperature

at which a solid melts to become a liquid is called its melting point. The melting point of ice is 0o C

When we supply heat energy to water, the particles (molecules or atoms) start moving even faster. At a certain temperature, a point is reached when the particles have enough energy to break free from the forces of attraction between each other. At this temperature the liquid starts changing into gas. The temperature at which a liquid starts boiling is known as its boiling point. The boiling point of water is 100o C

Particles from the bulk of the liquid gain enough energy to change to the vapour state. So, we infer that one state of matter can be changed into another state by varying the temperature.

Does coconut oil solidify during the

winter season?


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ACTIVITY 5.9 To check whether all solids change their state at the same temperature.

( Take ice, butter and wax. ( Put the ice into the pan. Heat it until the ice changes into water. Use the

thermometer to measure the temperature at which it changes the state ( Continue this process for butter and wax. ( Note down the temperature at which the solid state is converted into liquid

state in the following table.


Magesh is interested in classifying the different states of matter shown in the box below. Shall we help Magesh to classify the objects below, depending on its state. Put the appropriate objects in the given table (Table 5.2).

Solid liquid Gas

Table 5.2

Table 5.3S.No. Solids Temperature (0C)

1. Ice2. Butter3. Wax


Iron Rod

Smoke from incense sticks



Ice Cubes



Oxygen inside the Cylinder


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1. Materials which are very familiar to Raveena are given below. Help her to classify them into solids, liquids and gas.

bricks, kerosene, milk, coconut oil, air, book, table, oxygen, carbon dioxide

2. Give reason for the following observation.

a) We can smell the jasmine flower while we are sitting several metres away.

b) The level of water remains the same when a pinch of salt is dissolved in it.

3. Gas can be compressed into a smaller volume but a solid cannot be. Could you explain. Why?

4. Match the following:

5. Choose the correct one from the answers given in bracket:

a) The only substance which exists in all the three states of matter is __________ (water, stone, glass)

b) The matter which has a negligible intermolecular space is__________ (solid, liquid, gas)

c) 1 Nanometer is equal to __________

(10-10m, 10-9m, 10-12m)

6. Fill in the blanks:

a) The force of attraction between the particles in gas is __________ (less / more) than that of a solid.

b) ___________ (Solid / Liquid) state has definite volume, but no definite shape.

7. Mohan went to a shop to buy milk. He took his bicycle to go to the shop. He saw that the air in the cycle tube was a very little. He took it to the cycle shop. The cycle mechanic used a compressor pump to inflate the cycle tube. Mohan had a doubt. “How does the compressor works?”. Help Mohan to find the answer.


a) Liquid on heating - liquidb) Solid - easily compressiblec) Atoms and molecules - becomes vapourd) Milk - cannot flowe) Gas - building blocks of matter

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1. Chemistry matters – Richard Hari, Oxford University press, New Delhi

2. Introductory Chemistry - M Katyal, Oxford University press, New Delhi


http://chemistry . htm

Places of scientific importance for visit:

Birla Planetorium, Guindy, Chennai.

8. On varying the temperature, you can notice the process that matter will change from one state to another. Name the process A, B, C and D.

9. Solids are incompressible. Sponge is also a solid. We are able to compress it. Could you explain. Why?


Collect 5 or 6 different types of used water bottles. Take a bucket of water. Fill the bottles with water fully. Based on your observation, answer the following questions.

a) Does the volume remain the same?

b) Does the shape of the liquid remain same?

1 litre 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre




Water Water Vapour

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Arun and his father went to see a plot of land they wanted to buy. The owner of the land gave the size of the plot in square feet. Arun’s father asked the owner to give the size of the plot in square metre. Arun knew that length is measured in metre. He was confused with the terms square, metre and square feet. Let us help him to understand.

obtain area from the fundamental physical quantity - length.

Volume and density are some other derived quantities.

One square metre is the area enclosed inside a square of side 1m.

Other units of measurement

The measure of a surface is known as area. Area is the extent of plane surface occupied. The area of the plot of land is derived by multiplying the length and breadth.

Area = length x breadthThe unit of area will be metre x metre = (metre) 2 read as

square metre and written as m2.

6.1. DeriveD QuAntities

You have already studied the fundamental quantities (length, mass and time) in the sixth standard. Quantities got by the multiplication or division of fundamental physical quantities are called derived quantities.

Area is a derived quantity as we

1m 1m2

1mThe area of a surface is 10m2 means

that it is equivalent to 10 squares each of side of 1m

Breadth, height, depth, distance, thickness, radius, diameter are all different measures of length.

Fig. 6.1.

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6 physics


Sl.No. Unit of length

Unit of area

1. centimetre (cm)

square centimetre (cm2)

2. millimetre (mm)

square millimetre (mm2)

3. feet (ft)

square feet (ft2)

Area of agricultural fields is measured in acre and hectare

1 Acre = 4047 m2 = 100 cent 1 hectare = 2.47 acre

Activity 6.1

Let us find the area of the given figure.


reMeMBerEven though the area is given in square metre, the surface need not be square in shape.

Activity 6.3

Name the unit convenient to measure the area of these surfaces we see in everyday life [mm2, cm2, m2, ft2, acre].

Sl.No. Surface Unit of


1 Teacher’s table top

2 Black board

3 Science text book

4 Measuring scale

5 Eraser

6 Class room

7 Play ground

8 Agricultural land

Activity 6.2

Let us find the area of the given figure (coloured portion) in cm2 and mm2. The side of each small square is 1cm.

seLF cHecK1cm2 = ------------- mm2

1 m2 = --------------- cm2

MOre tO KnOw

A metre is much longer than a foot. Do you know how many feet make a metre?

1 metre = 3.28 feet

So, 1 m2 = 10.76 ft2

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177 shape Figure Area Formula

Square length x length l2

Rectangle length x breadth l b

Triangle ½ x base x height

Circler x radius x radius




4.r r2

The surfaces need not be a rectangle or square always. We use the following formulae to calculate the area of some regular objects. (i.e.) objects which have definite geometric shape.

Activity 6.4

( Take a graph sheet and draw a square of any size in it and find its area in square millimetre (mm2) and in square centimetre (cm2).

( Repeat the activity by drawing a rectangle.

( Verify your answer by using the formula.

Let us try the method of measuring the area of irregular objects (i.e) objects which do not have regular geometric shape .

We can use a graph sheet to measure their area.







r = or 3.14227


Fig. 6.2.

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6 physics


Activity 6.5

Let us take an object having irregular shape like a broken glass or a broken tile and measure its area. Follow the steps given below:1) Place the object on a graph sheet

and draw the outline (like shown in figure 6.2).

2) Count the number of small squares enclosed within the outline. If more than half a square is inside the boundary, count it as one otherwise neglect it.

3) Each small square of the graph sheet has a side of 1mm or area 1mm2.

4) Area of the irregular object = Number of squares counted X 1 mm2

The area of the irregular object = ------mm2.

= ------ cm2.

volumeKumar’s family lives in a small house.

They have no cupboard to keep their clothes. Kumar asked his father to buy a cupboard. His father refused to buy it as the cupboard would occupy much space in the house.

the space occupied by a body is called its volume.

Activity 6.6

Shall we observe the following figures of the objects and get an idea about their size and volume?

tO tHinK How would you find the surface area of (a) a banana and (b) your palm?






1) Repeat the procedure to find the area of a leaf.

2) Draw squares of the area of one square metre and one square foot. Compare the two areas.

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From your observation, name the objects in increasing order of size and answer the following questions.

1) Which object is the smallest and which is the biggest in size?2) Which object occupies the minimum space and which the maximum space?3) What do you infer from the above?

[ Objects of smaller size occupy less volume and objects of larger size occupy more volume ]




Shall we calculate the volume of regular objects ?Volume of some regular objects is obtained by multiplying the base area by

their height.volume = base area x heightCan you tell the unit with which volume is measured?It is, m2 x m = m3 which is known as cubic metre.The volume may also be expressed with different units depending upon the

unit of measurement.

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Using the concepts discussed so far, try to write the names of the given shapes and the formula for calculating their volume.

Activity 6.7

Let us calculate the volume of the objects shown below:

The side of each small cube is 1 cm in length.

Activity 6.8

1. How many small cubes make the big cube shown in the picture ?

2. If the side of each small cube is 1 cm in length, find the total volume of the big cube.

(a) (b) (c)

One cubic metre is the volume of a cube of side 1m.


Unit of length Unit of volume

milli metre (mm)

cubic millimetre (mm3)

centimetre (cm)

cubic centimetre (cm3)

The volume of an object is 10m3 means that it is equivalent to 10 cubes each of side 1m.

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Measuring liquids

Your mother asks you to get milk from the milkman. When you buy milk from the milkman, he will give it to you in litres (i.e) volume of liquid is measured in litres.

what is the meaning of 1 litre?1 litre = 1000 cm3. One cubic centimetre is otherwise

known as 1 millilitre written as ml.What are the different instruments

used to measure the volume of liquids?

Measuring cylinder


Used to measure and transfer a definite volume of liquid. Used to measure the

volume of liquid.

Fig. 6.3

Fig 6.4

Fig 6.5

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Measuring flask

MOre tO KnOw

How will you express volume of water stored in a dam or reservoir?

In thousand million cubic feet (tMc).

Activity 6.9

Let us find the volume of a stone using a measuring cylinder.

Follow the steps given below.

1) Pour water in the measuring cylinder up to a certain level.

2) Note the initial level of water.

3) Tie the stone by means of a thread.

4) Lower the stone into the water so that it is completely immersed without touching the sides.

5) Note the final level of water.

6) The difference between the final and initial levels gives the volume of the stone.

Used to make a small fixed volume of liquid to flow.

Designed to hold a fixed volume.

Fig 6.6

Fig 6.7


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sponge sheet iron ball


Have a look at the pictures. who is happier ? radha or seetha ?

Definitely Seetha will not be happy as her load ( iron ball ) is heavier, while Radha will be happy as her load (sponge sheet) is lighter.

The lightness or heaviness of a body is due to density. If more mass is packed into the same volume, it has greater density. So, the iron ball will have more mass than the sponge of same size. Therefore iron has more density.

Density is the mass of unit volume of the substance. mass Density = volume the si unit of density is kg /m3.

Activity 6.10

Let us take three balls (spheres) of the same size but made of different materials like cork (cricket ball), iron (shot put) and rubber (bouncing ball) Hold them separately in your hand. Arrange them according to the descending order of their mass.




We see that the iron ball has more mass when compared to cork and rubber. It shows that iron has greater density.

Fig. 6.8

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Why does this hot air balloon fly?Hot air balloon

tO tHinKA balloon filled with air does not fly whereas a balloon filled with helium gas can fly. Why?

seLF cHecK1) Density of steel is 7800 kg/m3.

Will it float or sink in mercury?

2) Give the mass of water contained in a tank of length 5m, breadth 3m and height 2m.

6.2. MeAsureMent OF tiMe

Why do we need to measure time?

We need to measure time for many reasons –to know when to go to school, when to take food, when to watch TV and when to sleep . The earlier clocks like the sundial , water clock and hour glass were not very accurate. There was the need to have more accurate and precise instruments . The earliest pendulum clocks which had weights and a swinging pendulum satisfied this need.

MOre tO KnOw

Collected density of water is 1000 kg/m3. This means that water filled in a tank of length 1m, breadth 1m and height 1m, has a mass of 1000kg.

If the same tank is filled with mercury it will have a mass of 13,600 kg. So mercury is 13.6 times denser than water.

if a substance is lighter than water, it will float; but if it is heavier than water, it will sink.

Activity 6.11

Let us identify the following :

(i) The liquid denser than water is ________

(ii) The liquid lighter than water is ________




Observe the diagram

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simple pendulum

A story is told of Galileo. He went to a church in Pisa (in Italy). He noticed that a lamp suspended from the roof by a long chain was swinging periodically. Using his pulse beats he found that the time of swing of the lamp remained constant even as the swinging decreased. His keen observation made him understand the importance of the constant time of the swing.

Galileo (1564-1642)

Have you been on a swing? The back and forth motion of the swing is an example of oscillatory motion. You can observe the same in pendulum clocks, which work on the principle of the simple pendulum.

Fig 6.9. swing

Fig 6.10. Simple pendulum

A simple pendulum is a small metallic ball (bob) suspended from a rigid stand by an inelastic thread. When the bob is pulled gently to one side and released, it moves to and fro. One complete to and fro motion is called one oscillation. i.e. from one end (extreme) to the other end and back. The time taken to complete one oscillation is called time period.

The distance between the point of suspension and the centre of the bob is called length of the pendulum.

Amplitude is the distance upto which the bob is pulled from the position of rest.

Before his death in 1642. He made plans for the construction of a pendulum clock; but the first successful pendulum clock was constructed by the Dutch scientist Christian Huygens only in 1657.


point of suspension


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experiMentRepeat the above experiment using (i) bobs of different sizes without changing length of the pendulum.(ii) threads of length of 80 cm and 100cm.(iii) various amplitudes.Do you notice any change in the time period?In the first and third cases you will find no change in the time periodBut in the second case the time period increases with increase in length. So we infer that time period of a simple pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and is independent of mass of the bob and the amplitude.

Activity 6.12

1. Set up a simple pendulum in your class room with a thread of length 60cm.

2. Set the bob into oscillations

3. Note the time taken for 20 oscillations in seconds, using a stop clock.

4. Time period = Time for one oscillation = time taken for 20 oscillations-------------------------------------------------------------------------


6.3. AstrOnOMicAL DistAnces

Meera and Sundar were very excited as their uncle had joined ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). They were eagerly anticipating a visit to his new work place to see rockets and satellites. Let us listen to a conversation between Meera, Sundar and their uncle.

Meera : Uncle, will you become an astronaut?

Uncle : No, Meera, I will be joining a team responsible for the launch of rockets.

Sundar : Rockets shoot up many thousands of kilometre in the sky, don’t they?

Uncle : Yes, indeed they do. These rockets send satellites into orbits and spacecraft on their journey into outer space. A spacecraft travels lakhs and lakhs of kilometres in space. Don’t you feel that to measure such long distances unique units of measurement are required?

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Imagine this boy is travelling at the speed of light . He can travel around the world seven and a half times in one second. He would take eight minute, and twenty seconds to reach the earth from the sun . A racing car travelling at 1,000 kilometres per hour would take 17 years to complete the same journey.

MOre tO KnOw

Light travels distance of 3 lakh km in one second.

Meera &Sundar : What are these units? Do tell us!

Uncle : Now you see, to measure very long distances like the distance of the sun, other stars and different planets from the earth we use convenient units like astronomical unit and light year.

Astronomical unit is the average distance between the earth and the sun.

1 Astronomical Unit = 149.6 million kilometre (14.96 crore km).

1 AU = 1.496X1011 m

Light year is the distance travelled by light in vacuum in one year.

1 Light year = 9.46 x 1012 km (9,46,000 crore kilometres). (or)

1 Light year = 9.46 x 1015 m

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1. Anand’s father had a rectangular plot of length 60 feet and breadth 40 feet. He built a house in the plot and in the remaining area he planted a garden as shown.

Can you help Anand to find out the area of his garden.

2. ‘ Density is the lightness or heaviness of a substance.

Kamala wanted to know whether water or coconut oil had lesser density. Her sister Mala asked her to bring a cup of water and some coconut oil. How did Mala clear Kamala’s doubt?

3. Observe the given picture and note

(i) Mass of the liquid ---------- gm

(ii) Volume of the liquid ---------- cc

(iii) Density of the liquid ---------- g/cc

4. Kandasamy, a farmer had a fenced square shaped field in which he allowed his cow to graze. He tied his cow to a stake at the centre of the plot by a rope of length 7 m.

Kandasamy’s son, Raju was amused to see that the cow grazed over a large circle of grass but left grass at the cor-ners untouched. How could Raju find out the area of the land not grazed by the cow?

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1. Take a vessel with water and a 25ml graduated beaker. Distribute the water by giving 100ml, 125ml, 175 ml and 200 ml respectively to each of your four friends with the help of the beaker. How many times did you use the beaker for each friend?

2. Use a stop clock and determine how many times the following activities can be repeated in a span of one minute. Activity number of repetitions in one minute.

1. Your friend inhales and exhales2. The heart beat of your friend 3. blinking of eyes by your friend

Record Your observations:

stone volume1.2.3.

FurtHer reFerenceBooks

1. Frame work of Science - Paddy Gannon, Oxford University Press, New Delhi


3. Using an overflow jar and a measuring cylinder find the volume of different stones.

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7.1. SPEED

Two of the most exciting events in any sports meet is the 100m dash and 4x100m relay. Though all athletes run the same distance, the athlete who runs the distance in the shortest time will be the winner. In other words, the athlete who has the highest speed or is the fastest will win.

The most obvious feature of an object in motion is speed. It is a measure of how fast or slow an object is moving.


Let us observe a car, a cycle and a bullock-cart as they move on the road. Which of these takes the shortest time to cover a certain distance?

The car is the fastest as it takes least time. The bullock-cart is the slowest as it takes longest time. The cycle moves at a speed between that of the car and the bullock-cart.

A fast moving object has high speed and a slow moving object has slow speed.

Now, what about an aeroplane?

Usain Bolt won the 100m in 9.6 seconds and 200m in 19.19 second at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. He also won the 4 x 100m relay along with his team mates. His high speed made the media call him ‘lightning Bolt’.

CycleBullock cart


Fig 7.1

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Speed of a body is the distance travelled by the body in one second.



Distance travelled is measured in metre and time in second

Therefore, the unit of speed is metre / second . [m / s].

It can also be expressed in kilometre / hour [ km / h ]

What do you mean by saying the speed of a car is 50 km/h?

It means that the car travels a distance of 50 km in one hour.

If you know the speed of an object, you can find out the distance covered by it in a given time. All you have to do is to multiply the speed and time.

Distance covered = Speed x Time

a) 36 km/h = ____ m/s

b) 72 km/h = ____ m/s

c) 180 km/h = ____ m/s

d) 15m/s = ____ km / h e) 25m/s = ____ km / h f) 35m/s = ____ km/ h



Let us give a cricket ball to a group of four friends and ask each of them to throw the cricket ball from a given point. Mark the point up to which each of them throws the ball.Measure the distance thrown and discuss the speed of the ball.

1 km = 1000m and 1 hour = 60x60 s =3600 s

So, 1 km/h =

1000 m3600 s


518 m/s

Example :a) 2 km/h = 2 x



b) 3 km/h = 3 x




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S.No Group Distance travelled by the car Time taken Speed

1 I2 II3 III4 IV5 V

For such bodies, we can calculate the average speed:

Total distance travelled Average speed = Total time taken

find 1 ) Which group is the fastest? 2 ) Which group is the slowest?

Variable SpeedThe speed of a bus during a journey may vary. When the bus is nearing a bus

stop, its speed decreases. On the highways the bus travels with greater speed. But in a city or town it

travels with less speed due to heavy traffic. The bus has different speeds at different time intervals. So we say that it has variable


Let us organise a toy car race to understand the concept of speed. Divide the class into 5 groups. Draw a line at the starting point .

One from each group should roll the toy car along the ground. Another should note the time taken by the car from the instant the car crosses the line to the instant it stops. Measure the distance. Calculate the speed of each car and record it.

Fig 7.2. Variable speed

20 km

0 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr 5 hr

35 km 15 km 60 km 40 km

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If a body moves with the same speed at all times we say that it has uniform speed.

Science today

Have you noticed a meter fitted in the front of a scooter or a motorcycle?

Such meters can be found on the dashboard of cars, buses etc,. This meter has provision to measure both speed and distance. One of the meters has km/h written. This is a speedometer. It gives the speed of the vehicle every instant in km/h. There is another meter also which measures the total distance covered by the vehicle in metre. This is called an odometer.

Graphical representation

Speedometer with odometer

Have you seen a graph shown on your television screen while watching a cricket match?

It gives you an idea of the runs scored and also compares the performances of two teams.

Why is graphical representa-tion used?

When you are given a set of numbers which are relative to one another, it may not give you a clear idea of the relationship between them.

If the same numbers are represented on a graph, it gives a beautiful visual representation and a clearer idea of the relation.

Hence, change of distance with time may be represented by a distance - time graph.

Fig 7.3. Uniform speed

Fig 7.4. Graphical representationOvers





20105 15

0 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr 5 hr

40 km 40 km 40 km 40 km 40 km

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S.No Time in minutes

Distance in km

1 0 02 5 53 10 104 15 155 20 206 25 257 30 30

You can make a graphical representation of his observations:Follow these simple steps. Time is taken on the X-axis

and distance on the Y-axis.Choose scales to represent

distance and time.For example, the scales

could beX-axis : 1 cm = 5 minutesY-axis : 1 cm = 5 km

Plotting the graph :Mark the values on the

axes for time and distance according to the scales you have chosen.

According to the values noted, mark the points on the graph sheet. Join the points. You will get a straight line.

For uniform speed, the distance time graph is always a straight line.

For variable speed, it could be of any shape.

Fig 7.5. Distance Time Graph

Taking axes and scale:Take a graph sheet and draw two linesperpendicular to each other.Mark the horizontal line as OX(x-axis)and the vertical line as OY (y-axis).


Rajesh was travelling with his father in their car from Erode to Coimbatore. He kept himself busy by noting the distance travelled by the car every 5 minutes.

This is what he noted in the first 30 minutes.




0 5








10 15 20 25 30




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Greater the speed, steeper will be the graph.


Three cars, A, B and C travel from Madurai to Salem. The time taken and the distance covered are given in the table below.

Plot the distance-time graph for the three cars in the same graph sheet. a ) What do you infer?b ) Which car had the maximum speed?

S.No Time taken in hours

Distance travelled in kmCar A Car B Car C

1 1 20 50 40

2 2 40 100 80

3 3 60 150 1204 4 80 200 160

5 5 100 250 200

Fig 7.6Time (Hour)

0 1 2 3 4






e (k


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SElf CHECK What do the following graphs represent?

7.4. VEloCITYEvery day when you go to

school from your house,you could take path 1 or path 2 or path 3. Do these paths have the same distance? No, the distance is not the same; it varies with the path taken.

Imagine that you travel from your house to school in a straight line.

This will be the shortest distance among them, called displacement. In the picture, it is represented by a dotted line.

Displacement is the shortest distance between two points in a particular direction.

(a)Time Time Time Time













(b) (c) (d)

(a) and (d) represent variable speed. (b) represents an object at rest.(c) represents uniform speed.


Anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed. It has aluminium cups which turn on a spindle. As the wind speed increases the cups rotate faster.

Fig 7.7.

Fig 7.8 Anemometer

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Velocity is the displacement of a body in one second.

Its unit is m / s.Velocity is nothing but speed in a

definite direction.




Do you ride a bicycle to school? If you are late, what would you do?

Obviously, you would pedal faster to reach school on time. In other words, you would increase your velocity or accelerate.

So, acceleration is the measure of change in velocity.

Acceleration is the change of velocity in one second.

Acceleration = Change in velocity

Time takenIts unit is m / s2.

If a car has an acceleration of 5 m/s2 every second its velocity increases by 5 m/s.

If the velocity of a moving body decreases, we say that it has negative acceleration or retardation or deceleration.

Example : A train slows down to stop at a station.

Acceleration due to gravityLet us see what happens when a

ball is thrown up vertically?

As the ball rises, its velocity gradually decreases till it becomes zero ie., the body is decelarated. When the ball falls down its velocity gradually increases ie., it is accelerated.

The decelaration or acceleration is due to the earth’s gravitational force. It is known as acceleration due to gravity. It has an average value of 9.8 m/s2 on the surface of the earth and is represented as g.


This means that the velocity of a body decreases by 9.8 m/s every second when it is thrown up and the velocity increases by 9.8 m/s every second when it falls down.

To ThinkA marble and a big

stone are dropped simultaneously from a particular height. Which will reach the ground first?





Suresh walks from point A to B and then from B to C.

a ) What is the distance he has travelled?

b) What is the displacement?

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2. Paragliding

Paragliding is the latest aero sport. A paraglider is a non-motorised, foot launched inflatable wing, easy to transport, launch and land. It is basically a parachute made of special nylon or polyester fabric. The pilot is clipped to a harness in a comfortable sitting position. A paraglider is much lighter than a hangglider and easier to operate.


Have you ever dreamed of flying like a bird or gazed up at flying birds and longed to join them.

1. Hang glidingHang-gliding is a sport in which a pilot flies a light un-motorized aircraft called

a hang glider launched by foot.

Yelagiri in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu is a hill station with gentle slopes ideal for paragliding. Tamil Nadu Tourism holds a paragliding festival at Yelagiri in August- September every year.

Most modern hang-gliders are made of aluminium alloy. The pilot is safe when fastened to a harness suspended from the frame of the glider.

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1. Selvi goes for a morning walk in the park near her house. She starts from point ‘A’, walks a circular path of radius 7m and returns to the same point ‘A’.

(i) What is her displacement?(ii) Find the distance she has walked.

2. Mani and Shankar walk from their home to the market in 20 minutes, Mani takes path 1 while Shankar takes path 2.

(i) What are their speed?

(ii) What is their velocity?(iii) What do you infer?

3. Raju is travelling in a train moving at a speed of 72 km/h. In order to stop the train, the driver decreases the speed. The rate of decrease in speed of the moving body is known as deceleration or retardation.

If the deceleration of the train is 10m/s2, how much time will it take to come to a stop?


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PRojECTS1. Take a graph sheet. Draw a distance – time graph with the data given below.

Time (minute) 10 15 20 25 30Distance (km) 10 20 30 40 50

4. The given graph depicts the motion of a bus. Interpret the motion the bus.









2. Conduct a race and find who is the fastest among your friends.Make 4 friends run a distance of 50 m one by one and note the time taken by each. Complete the given table.

S.No. Name of the friend Time taken (second) Speed (m/s)

a) AB represents _________b) BC represents _________c) CD represents _________



1. Physics for higher Tier - Stephen people, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

2. Fundamentals of Physics - Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd.


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