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Graduate School Technical English S department)

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Graduate SchoolTechnical English�S department)

Overview1) Writing (Alexandra Terashima)Learn to write abstracts using your undergraduate dissertation topic.����������!� "� � ��������

2) Presentation (Suwako Uehara)Learn academic presentation skill using your undergraduate dissertation topic.


English taught through English.

A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2

2 4/19 Terashima 樫森 Sandhu 上原

3 4/26 Terashima 樫森 Sandhu 上原

4 5/10 Terashima 樫森 Sandhu 上原

5 5/17 上原 樫森 Sandhu Terashima

6 5/24 上原 樫森 Sandhu Terashima

7 5/31 上原 樫森 Sandhu Terashima

8 6/7 上原 Terashima Sandhu 米田

9 6/14 斎藤 Terashima 上原 休講 米田

10 6/21 斎藤 Terashima 上原 米田

11 6/28 斎藤 樫森 上原 Terashima

12 7/5 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

13 7/12 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

14 7/19 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

15 7/26 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

補講 8/2 上原 補講

1) Writing (with Alexandra Terashima� ���C− ���2) Presentation (with Uehara) ���C− ���


Writing Preparation\QVP_T`X\YW(��'E\QVP_TA#�=KJE7�2%������3�+*.Academic Writing8VRUWM�$<5 IEEE formatD��<>OZUW\SWM300^aX5d�eRa^aX�;L>JEM� �?@9K�6�)"I0�AFC95��E/4&D�>D�9:B6

H>5[a]A1K:B6[a]�� GYNQ]�DS\UB�M*.A,-=K:B6b*��EI,�E!D�c��5YNQ]��f “A1 Taro Denki”, “B2 Hakako Tsushin”Writing DraftPrint and bring your abstract of 300 words, 4-5 keywords following IEEE format to the first writing class. Write the draft by referencing 7�2%������3�+*. Academic Writing8. Do not submit a published abstract. Prepare a new one specifically for this assignment.Send by email with title heading as your class and name in English. First name followed by last name and do not use Japanese scriptFile names should also follow the same format.E.g. email heading, file name: “A1 Taro Denki”, “B2 Hakako Tsushin”

Writing�� Points to take care of

p 3 Overview P 11 CitationP 13 Paraphrasing, summarizingP 15 Written English p 20 – 29 Title and abstractp 31-33 Sample abstracts

�������������� Academic Writing�� �

Presentation Preparation�#%��$���!��������"�$�%� $��� ���PowerPoint�%���� (USB��%���&(max 14 slides)

– Class and student information– Title and name– Introduction or Background– RQ– Experimental design– Results– Discussion & conclusion– Future directions– References

Presentation��� Points to take care of


+$� �)�� �-$,��/61)<−=��)�*<��472839058)��'��#-�"$ %&��/61)<�9=��)�*�<��)��+'(��)��.#-��• 2.5 minute speaking time: ��;• Structure• Originality (no plagiarizing, cite and reference where necessary)• Language fluency (tempo, intonation, stress, pronunciation,

CVC)• Interaction (interaction, eye contact, engage the audience)• Confidence

Presentation� � Points to take care of�$B%HK;.J8D)Z��<�;AQVNT@:.;!6�B-IC7M*+NXSWROPUX,@Z��<E+NXSWY (�',)+�'Y��,93<EOK<6*���A��A��B�;L��6J4=<B?2)�1�0��5F6.G/@!6)�1�L�1:3J)�1�0��L�.8��)���=��1?#@�<1J4=?>��<-I)��&�A�"<E-IC6*Speaking time is limited to 2.5 minutes, so you don’t need to talk about every slide. You could take 2.5 minutes for the introduction, or “Intro + experimental design”, “experiment design + results” or other. The evaluation criteria includes being able to speak so the listeners can understand, to engage the audience, and to demonstrate some positive development between the audience and presenter even after the presentation is complete. The aim is not run through your whole presentation in 2.5 minutes.


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A1 Graduate school Technical EnglishName: Taro DentsuStudent No.:Version: DraftDate: 1st May 2018


The abstract should be 300 words.

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• ,7/=A1, A2, B1, B2%�"& >

• �������• ��%�• ���• 3742;���(Draft, Final)• ��

• 0*28• (5/27,2=300>• +<9<3=4~5>Keywords:



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A1 Graduate school Technical EnglishResearch supervisor: Professor Hanako DenkiName: Taro DentsuStudent No. 12345678Version: DraftDate: 1st May 2018

Ors1 gene is a negative regulator in the Zebrafish embryo

Alexandra TerashimaApril 12, 2018


Fertilized egg


Adult zebrafish

Embryo development is complex and must be precisely regulated

Hagos and Dougan, BMC Dev Bio 2007; Kimmel et al, Dev Dyn, 1995; Thisse and Thisse, Dev, 1999Alberts et al. Essential cell biology, 2013

Background: Loss of regulation causes defects

Hagos and Dougan, BMC Dev Bio 2007; Kimmel et al, Dev Dyn, 1995; Thisse and Thisse, Dev, 1999

Loss of tissues Ectopic tissues

Normal embryo

Not enough signal Too much signal

Background: Embryo development

Zebrafish embryo over 18 hrs


Yolk cell

Kimmel et al, Dev Dyn, 1995

Background: Cell fate• Cell fate is determined very early in embryogenesis

• Cell fate is determined by morphogens• Diffusible molecules that

direct cells to become different organs

Kimelman & Martin, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology, 2012

• A morphogen called Nodalcontrols endoderm cell fate

Endoderm:• Digestive tract• Lungs• Liver

Background: Nodal morphogen

Osr1 gene


Yolk cell

Nodal activityregion

• osr1 gene is turned on in Nodal domain

Poulain et al, Development, 2006

Mudumana et al, Dev, 2008

Research Question• Does osr1 play a role in cell fate specification

of endoderm by Nodal?





Experimental Design

• Q: Does Osr1 play a role in the formation of Endoderm?• Experimental Approach: Loss of function– Block function of Osr1 gene in zebrafish embryo– What happens to the endoderm?




Poulain et al, Development, 2006

Kimmel et al, Dev dyn, 1995



No Osr1


No Osr1

• osr1 loss results in expansion of Endoderm genes






Mudumana et al, Dev, 2008

Discussion and Conclusions• Nodal turns on Osr1• Loss of Osr1 expands endoderm genes• Therefore:– Osr1 is a negative feedback regulator– Regulates how much endoderm is produced

An important regulatory step in thepatterning of the Zebrafish embryo




Future directions

• Does Osr1 work with other genes?

• How does Osr1 block Endoderm genes?

• What happens to other tissues if there is too much endoderm?


Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkin, K., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., ... & Walter, P. (2013). Essential cell biology. Garland Science.

Hagos, E. G., & Dougan, S. T. (2007). Time-dependent patterning of the mesoderm and endoderm by Nodal signals in zebrafish. BMC developmental biology, 7(1), 22.

Kimelman, D., & Martin, B. L. (2012). Anterior–posterior patterning in early development: three strategies. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology, 1(2), 253-266.

Kimmel, C. B., Ballard, W. W., Kimmel, S. R., Ullmann, B., & Schilling, T. F. (1995). Stages of embryonic development of the zebrafish. Developmental dynamics, 203(3), 253-310.

Mudumana, S. P., Hentschel, D., Liu, Y., Vasilyev, A., & Drummond, I. A. (2008). odd skipped related1 reveals a novel role for endoderm in regulating kidney versus vascular cell fate. Development, 135(20), 3355-3367.

Poulain, M., Fürthauer, M., Thisse, B., Thisse, C., & Lepage, T. (2006). Zebrafish endoderm formation is regulated by combinatorial Nodal, FGF and BMP signalling. Development, 133(11), 2189-2200.

Schier, A. F., & Talbot, W. S. (2005). Molecular genetics of axis formation in zebrafish. Annu. Rev. Genet., 39, 561-613.

Terashima, A. V., Mudumana, S. P., & Drummond, I. A. (2014). Odd skipped related 1 is a negative feedback regulator of nodal-induced endoderm development. Developmental Dynamics, 243(12), 1571-1580.

Thisse, C., & Thisse, B. (1999). Antivin, a novel and divergent member of the TGFbeta superfamily, negatively regulates mesoderm induction. Development, 126(2), 229-240.


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Slide 13

A4 F�G� (A4��,H5>09�'��E1<C4�,��-��/%+.�

Slide 12Slide 11

W = ライティングPPT =パワーポイント/発表 ����

A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2

2 4/19 Wドラフト 樫森 Sandhu PPTドラフト

3 4/26 Terashima 樫森 Sandhu 上原

4 5/10 Terashima 樫森 Sandhu PPT最終

5 5/17 W最終・PPTドラフト 樫森 Sandhu Wドラフト

6 5/24 上原 樫森 Sandhu Terashima

7 5/31 上原 樫森 Sandhu Terashima

8 6/7 PPT 最終 Wドラフト Sandhu 米田

9 6/14 斎藤 Terashima 休講 米田

10 6/21 斎藤 Terashima PPTドラフト 米田

11 6/28 斎藤 W最終 上原 Terashima

12 7/5 斎藤 PPTドラフト Wドラフト W最終

13 7/12 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

14 7/19 斎藤 上原 Terashima 米田

15 7/26 斎藤 PPT最終 Terashima 米田

16 8/2 補講W最終・上原PPT最終