grammar grips: modifiers

Misplaced & Dangling & Squinting Modifiers

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Misplaced & Dangling & Squinting Modifiers

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A Modifier is . . .

. . . A word or phrase that changes, or modifies, a part of a sentence.(In middle school we called modifiers adjectives and adverbs)

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Misplaced Modifiers

Misplaced modifiers are words/phrases that are not close to what they modify.

I read that there was a big fire in yesterday’s paper.

(implies the paper was on fire)

I read in yesterday’s paper that there was a big fire.

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A Misplaced Modifier is . . .

. . . A word or phrase that is put into a sentence, but modifies the wrong thing.

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Misplaced Modifiers

Misplaced modifiers are words/phrases that are not close to what they modify.

Mark and Judy returned yesterday from their trip to Europe by plane.

(“by plane is modifying “Europe” rather than “returned”)

Mark and Judy returned by plane yesterday from their trip to Europe.

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A Dangling Modifier is . . .

. . . A word or phrase that is put into a sentence, but modifies the wrong thing.

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Dangling Modifiers

Dangling modifiers fail to refer logically to any word in the sentence. (what comes after the comma must modify what comes before the comma)At the age of ten, my parents took me on my first roller coaster ride. (implied the parents are ten)

When I was ten, my parents took me on my first roller coaster ride. .

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Dangling Modifiers

Dangling modifiers fail to refer logically to any word in the sentence. (what comes after the comma must modify what comes before the comma)After eating a Big Mac, my stomach started to hurt. (implied that my stomach ate the Big Mac)

After I ate a Big Mac, my stomach started to hurt. .

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Dangling Modifiers

Dangling modifiers fail to refer logically to any word in the sentence. (what comes after the comma must modify what comes before the comma)After going through the house, it was clear that the robbers were gone. (Does not indicate who went through the house.)

After the police went through the house, it was clear the robbers were gone.

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A Squinting Modifier is . . .

. . . A word or phrase that seems to modify two words at the same time.

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Squinting Modifiers

A word or phrase that seems to modify two words at the same. This can cause confusionStudents who review researching skills often will benefit. (Is it often they review or often benefit?)Students who review researching skills are the ones who often benefit. ORStudents who often review researching skills are the ones who will benefit..

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Misplaced PartsModifiers can be misplaced. These words:

• only• just• even• hardly• merely

Should be placed immediately before the words they modify. My mother only works on Saturdays and Sundays.

This sentence indicates that the mother only WORKS – she does not eat, sleep, or talk.

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Misplaced Parts Correct:My mother works only on Saturdays and Sundays.

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Clothes are worn to modify or to change appearance. But what if they are misplaced or are dangling?

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The results are often ridiculous and inappropriate. Here are a few examples of misplaced modifiers in action:

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Ripped from student essaysThe cops chased the bear in the squad car.

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Ripped from student essaysCovered in whipped cream, I was excited to eat the ice cream sundae.

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Ripped from student essaysCharlotte wore a silver woman’s necklace. (Misplaced adjective)

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Ripped from student essaysI’m looking for a small table for my kid with short legs.

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Ripped from student essaysThe man aimed the gun that he had hidden under the bed quickly. (Modifying adverb)


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The results are often ridiculous and inappropriate. Here are a few examples of misplaced modifiers in action:

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Best Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers of All Time

Oozing slowly across the floor, Marvin watched the salad dressing.Waiting for the Moonpie, the candy machine began to hum loudly.I smelled the oysters coming down the stairs for dinner.

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Best Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers of All Time

I brushed my teeth after eating with Crest toothpaste.Grocery shopping at Big Star, the lettuce was fresh.Holding a bag of groceries, the roach fewl out of the cabinet..

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Best Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers of All Time

I saw the dead dog driving down the interstate.Freshly painted, Jim left the room to dry.After drinking too much, the toilet kept moving.Source: Writing Center Wisconsin University

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Check yourselfCorrect these misplaced, dangling, or squinting modifiers. Click for correct answer:

My sister only has two children.

My sister has only two children.

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Check yourselfCorrect these misplaced, dangling, or squinting modifiers. Click for correct answer:

The little girl screamed at the library at her mother. At the library, the little girl screamed at her mother.

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Check yourselfCorrect these misplaced, dangling, or squinting modifiers. Click for correct answer:

I held the ticket tightly in my hand that my friend gave me. I held the ticket that my friend gave me tightly in my hand.

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Check yourselfCorrect these misplaced, dangling, or squinting modifiers. Click for correct answer:

Driving west, the scenery was beautiful. Driving west, they saw beautiful scenery.

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Check yourselfCorrect these misplaced, dangling, or squinting modifiers. Click for correct answer:

To survive in this heat, you must water your plants daily. To survive in this heat, new plants must be watered daily.

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