grammar menu

Grammar menu Escolha um tópico gramatical abaixo: Idioma principal da página português inglês

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Post on 26-Oct-2014




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Page 2: Grammar Menu

Plural dos substantivos

Plural de palavras de origem estrangeira

Noun gender

Lista de substantivos incontáveis

Countable & uncountable nouns

Exercício: substantivo contável ou incontável?

Exercício: plural dos substantivos

Exercício: masculino e feminino




Adjetivos seguidos de preposição

Predicative adjectives

Comparisons with adjetives

Adjectives (introduction)

All & Whole

Order of adjectives

Exercício: comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos



Page 3: Grammar Menu

Uso do artigo the

Tabela de emprego do artigo the com nomes próprios

Introdução aos artigos indefinidos a e an

Uso dos artigos indefinidos a e an

Exercício: uso do artigo definido the

Exercício: artigo indefinido a ou an ?



Subject pronouns

Object pronouns

Possessive pronouns   & possessive adjectives

Quantifiers - many, much, a few, a little, more, less, fewer

Many & Much - contáveis e incontáveis

Relative pronouns

Reflexive & reciprocal pronouns

This & That

Some / Any / No

Some compounds

Any compounds

No compounds

Every compounds

Pronome thou e correlatos

Page 4: Grammar Menu

Pronoun chart

Indefinite pronoun chart



Quadro geral de tempos verbais

Passive voice chart

Future tenses

Help with verbs

List of irregular verbs

Use of verb tenses

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

Prepositional verbs

Lista de prepositional verbs

Verb to be

Verb to have

  There to be

There to be (tabela de flexões)

Verb patterns 1

Page 5: Grammar Menu

Verb patterns 2

Verbos auxiliares

Introdução aos verbos modais

Past modals

Present perfect ou past simple?

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs com verb to get

50 useful phrasal verbs

Infinitivo ou gerúndio?

Used to & Would

Used to, be used to & get used to

Imperative mood

Subjunctive mood

Have & Have got

Tempos verbais (nível avançado)

English verb tenses (advanced level)

Present simple (conjugação)

Past simple (conjugação)

Verb tenses

Page 7: Grammar Menu

Future continuous

Future perfect

Future perfect continuous

Conditional continuous

Conditional perfect

Future be going to

Causative have

Passive voice

Make & Do

Can & Could

May & Might

Should & Ought to

Had better

Must & Have to

Be able to

Be allowed to

Be supposed to

Managed to

Would rather

Verbs with two objects

Page 8: Grammar Menu


Go to, go on, go for

Verbs go, play & do

Verbs of senses

Future in the past

Have somebody do something

Exercício: ortografia de verbos na forma ing



To ou for ?

Prepositions of place and time (at, in & on)

Preposições de tempo e lugar (at, in & on)

Preposições de lugar (resumo)

Preposition practice

Como dizer de

Prepositions of location

Tabela de preposições de movimento

Prepositions of movement

Above & over

Page 12: Grammar Menu

Perguntas pessoais

Possessive case

Erros comuns de gramática

So do I / Neither do   I

How compounds Exercise 1


Comparisons with nouns (Overview)





Tag questions




Short answers

Spelling tips

Determiner and quantifier chart

Noun clauses

Page 13: Grammar Menu

Adjective clauses

Adverb clauses (chart)

Adverb clauses (tutorial)


Clauses & sentences (tutorial)

Pronúncia do passado de verbos regulares (ed)

Future time clauses

American English & British English

Partitive expressions



Introductory there

Subject-verb agreement (concordância verbal)

Reported speech Exercise

Reported speech (extended version)

Glossary of Grammatical Terms

Punctuation marks

Syllabification (word division)