grammar translation method

Grammar Translation Method ( A Traditional Approach)

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Method( A Traditional Approach)

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Presented to:

Prof. Dr. Mamuna Ghani

Presented by:

Zahida Parveen

Saima Asghar

Shazia Faiz

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Outline of the Presentation:


GTM in Applied Linguistics

Principles of GTM

Teaching through GTM

General discussion on GTM

Recent Studies on GTM


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Grammar Translation Method:

Sometimes also known as the Classical

Method, this is a traditional teaching

technique that was used to teach Latin

and Greek and was particularly in vogue

during the 16th Century.

In the 19th century it began to be used to

teach “modern” languages such as

French, German, and English, and it is still

used in some countries today.

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Definition: A method of foreign or second language

teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.

Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2002). Longman Dictionary of Language

Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Pearson Education Limited. pp.231

a traditional technique of foreign-language teaching based on explicit instruction in the grammatical analysis of the target language and translation of sentences from the native language into the target language and vice versa.

Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.

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GTM in Applied Linguistics

In applied Linguistics, the grammar translation method is a foreign language teaching method derived from the classical (traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin.

The method requires students to translate whole texts word for word and memorizenumerous grammatical rules and exceptions as well as enormous vocabulary lists.

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Goals of GTM:

Ability to communicate in a language is

not the goal in GTM.

The goal is to be able to read and

translate literary masterpieces and


Reading and writing are the major focus;

little or no systematic attention is paid to

speaking and listening.

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GTM Characteristics:

Grammatical Rules

Target Language


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Principle characteristics

Grammar Translation is a way of studying

a language that approaches the

language first through detailed analysis of

its grammar rules, followed by application

of this knowledge to the task of translating

sentences and texts into and out of the

target language...

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Teaching through GTM:

In this method,

students are taught in their mother tongue, with little

active use of the target language.

Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists.

Elaborate explanations of grammar are always


Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words

together; instruction focuses on the form and inflection

of words.

Little attention is paid to the content of texts.

Drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences

from the target language into the mother tongue, and

vice versa.

Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.

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Translation is the easiest and shortest way of explaining meaning of words and phrases.

Learners have no difficulties to understand the lesson as it is carried out in the mother tongue.

It is a labor-saving method as the teacher carries out everything in the mother tongue.

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Easiest for teachers to use

Does not require teachers to speak good English

or make good lesson preparations.

Only uses the textbook

Least stressful for students-teaching occurs in the

first language

Students learn the new language without contact

with native speakers.

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Criticism: limited scope of objectives

an unnatural method

Neglect of speaking and listening.

Exact translation is not possible.

no pattern practice

Little/no attention given to pronunciation.

Focus is on accuracy not fluency.

Does not foster the students’ communicative ability in the target language.

Very little student/teacher and student/ student interaction.

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Recent Studies on:

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Recent Studies on GTM:#1 “Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Versus

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); A Review of Literature” by Muhammad Natsir & Dedi Sanjaya (Malaysia, 2014)

A comparison has been made b/w GTM & CLT.

The more beneficial method nowadays is CLT but GTM also still has some positive things offer.

In GTM the skills that are emphasized are reading and writing. In CLT, the four skills are taught to the students.

In GTM, accuracy is considered to be a necessity while CLT permits the students’ error but the teacher will guide the students to analyze and revise their errors

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Conclusion of the Study:

Teachers familiar with both GTM & CLT.

The teacher has to know the suitable

method for their teaching learning

process as the condition, context and

social culture in each of the countries is


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Studies on GTM:#2“The Grammar-Translation Method and the Use of

Translation to Facilitate Learning in ESL Classes” by Cagri

Tugrul Mart (Iraq, 2013)

Translation is an aid to enhance foreign language


and allows students to notice the differences and

similarities between L1 and L2

Through focusing on the rules of the grammar of the

target language students would recognize the features

of two languages that would make language learning


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Conclusion of the Study:

The use of translation will contribute to the

use of the target language effectively.

Learning gets meaningful via translation,

and better comprehension promotes

foreign language proficiency.

GTM is useful because learning process is

clearer, thus accuracy will be acquired by


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Studies on GTM:#3 “Teaching of English in Indian Schools through Grammar

Translation Method―Low Performance―A Field Study” by

Preeti Grover (India,2014)

GTM is not the natural way of learning language.

It leads to the low performance on the part of the


The child first thinks in his mother tongue and then

translates his ideas into English.

The grammar is taught deductively in our schools.

Word to word translation is required which altogether is

not possible in learning any language.

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Conclusion of the Study: An advantage to the method is its appeal to the logical

part of the brain. Students taught using GTM are at

advantage with translation skills, as there is much

emphasis placed on direct translation of written work.

Disadvantages to the method include a general lack of

communicability in the language, as communicative

production is generally ignored.

Teachers need to be innovative, resourceful and must

have the readiness to impart quality education.

The children should be encouraged to speak in the

English language.

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Studies on GTM:#4



Ishraq M. Aqel (Jordan, 2013)

to investigate the effect of using Grammar-Translation

method on acquiring English as a foreign language.

This is an experimental research.

It is a pedagogic method that facilitates learning of four

language skills and make a foreign language more

comprehended to English language learners

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Conclusion of the Study:

Using Grammar-translation method made

the grammatical rules easier , the learning

process was faster, and increased the

students' capability to answer correctly in

both oral and written exams, and

effected on their confidence positively.

The students expressed themselves

correctly in English language not in their

first language.

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Studies on GTM:#5 “A Contrastive Study of Grammar Translation Method

and Communicative Approach in Teaching English

Grammar” by Shih-Chuan Chang (Taiwan,2011)

This paper aims to compare the controllability and

feasibility of these two approaches and find out which

one is more suitable for grammar teaching.

This is an experimental research.

Although the traditional grammar teaching method

helps improve the students’ mastery of the grammatical

rules, the students cannot use these rules flexibly and

appropriately in communication.

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Conclusion of the study: The learners made a significant progress in

grammar learning after experiencing a experimental semester.

Learners with GTM made more progress in grammar learning than those who used the Communicative Approach.

The students’ confidence in learning English was improved. Even those who lacked confidence in English in the past became very active in the classroom activities.

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Innovations:Time: mid-nineteenth century

Factors that lead to the rejection of Grammar-Translation Method:

Increased opportunities for communication among Europeans created a demand for oral proficiency in foreign languages.

Language teaching specialists also turned their attention to the way modern languages were being taught in secondary schools.

New approaches to language teaching were developed by individual language teaching specialists.

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