grand marshal ernst. ·...

•'-rm T*SS r/*, «r" -' J : i 'i ~\ f .— open at __ , m&eraptecE. m. HD ^ Sh j Catholic Chautauqua 1Kr ~~| Yqfk tins? week. i»t|ial0i B|eiKlfegr0ireIesQf ike feea&&fcii*> ttsoatl t i m e a n d p l a e e n e x t weefe[f * s - ; SiferM^BiaB^ a f&rmer teacher in S k F a&xefcji* a c a d e m y , d i e d recently in Wtasslteaj - . , €h trlea Ji* Dbnoghue and Adeline ML TiF<jfiowleet w e r ^ m a r r i e d May 11 fey mv* Fitfaer; Hernia. Brst 0oiBmtmioii will be given to a ©lass, a t tfcfe Cathedral. M*y 26, and €<ffifitDaiatite\|tiii0 L9. BL P. Mulligan read 1 a paper on. the r *Kmstocipiiitionpf Labeir/'before C.BJL CQtmcsil Tnjkd&y evening. Majy de^lotioiij* continue to attract ttiim^eraof the faithfnl to the Oatfat dral ^eary evening. Th*pupils, of St. Bridget's school gave an exhibition and entertainment at thn aefaaidi h^IHast Friday evening. A aay fcorf e, t buggy and harness were stole^ Wjednesday night from th& barn jof dhristopher Kohn, as- sessor of tike to^wn; of Ghreeee fhs library of the Rochester Cath- olics Keadiftg Circles is being cata- logued. One hundred and fifty books were received at the recent "book At a meeting, of Branch 2T, L.C. B.A., Nellie jSendrean. of the French church, Elizabeth O'Neill and Mary Bnphpaan,[o| F^irport, and Margaret S^ihoney,,jolScott&ville, were elected to QHtmheifship. Tfy 3- ladles of Corpo® Christ! parish have" organized a Tabernacle society with these oniceras Mra.T A. O'EEare, president^! Mrs. Joseph T. Cnnning- haoi r vice-president; Mrs. Appel, sec- retary and trea$urer. Bishop McQuaid dcernupanied the new" aisnajpof Ogdensburg to that' city ihia wejek. He retnrned to this city l^hnradky. An- entertaiument will be given by Bran&h iSt: CM BJL, at St Francis Xavier hall, Bay street, Sunday at 8 p. D if Mar^ pns (Ihristi church, Wednesday after- noon,! by Bev. Ji J. Leary, assisted by K a t h i r G'CcTrinor," of S e n e c a F a l l s . Fa ;riekt Eling, the flagman who was injured witiiie attempting to rescue a little girl from danger at the Brown street, railroad crossing, was robbed of $i{j> while he 4 lay unconscious on the tracks after the accident. The money was pinned in his vest pocket. Thk diocese of Rochester was re- presejntedl at the consecration of Bishop Grabriels - by the following. Very Rev. J. F. 0'Hare^ V.G., Revs. J. Dougherty, S. Fiizsimona, D. Laur- enzis, A. Ilvaas, . D. Kavaaaugh, J. Hiekfy, J- Nelli^an, W. McDonald, EL R^genbogen, J. Hiokey, ML H a r - gather, J Leary,i T. Murphy, J, flen- drickl Thomas ifendricfe, P. Clune, J. Kiernan. Police Justice Keeler' Monday motn Bg received a dispatch announc- ing the death Sunday evening of his father, Patrick Ceelerj, at the resi- dence of his. daughter,, near Little Fall*J * He leaves three 1 sons, Dennis B , of Syracuse, Patrick J., of Mary- viile,|Mo.„ and Justice Keelex*, of this oitj-j one daughter, 4ulia, of Little Fallal and a, sister, Mrs. Ellen De- Ianey, who lives ih Ireland and is 103 years okL iel Moore, of Geneva, and Miss ret,Howe were married at Gor- Deatha and Funerals. Thomas Yost, aged 54 years, at Fenheld Monday. Hie lete mif& and five children. Daniel A. Sullivan, aged $8 y died Monday/ nighit at the family denee t 8 Marietta!street, Daniel S. Lane died Sat night at 22. Magne atre«t,, ag years. The ftwieral'took place Tues- day from the Cathedral John, son of Richard, and Mary liar- coran, died Monday at the palreital r e s i d e n c e ' s Clarfe "street^ a g e d 119 years. One brother and two aisljera survive him. Funeral took, pi ice Thursday morning from the Oathedl 'al. The funeral of James S3ammon t v f ho died at Sherman y Texa^ took. pliice ^Wednesday morning ^t 8:30 o^clock from the residence' of his sister,! BjErs. Richard Wbalen, T3 Frank str<fet, and at 9 o'clock from the* Oathedj-al. Josephine, wife of,Anton Klul^died 'Wednesday afternoon at 365 West Maple street, aged 40 ye*rs. Besides her husband she leaves air children. The funeral was held Fri&ky morning iat 8:30 o'cloc.k from the ifioly Fanjily cijurch. The funeral of Ellen Biahnan t<|»ok plach Wednesday moifning atil 9 o r clockr from St. Mary's church, services were - conducted! by Angelo Lugero, assisted, by Rejvs. Felix O^Hanlon and Frank O'Dauoug- hue. Tjie floral tributes were nun|er- ous and beautiful. The beacers wfere John EEickey, Andrew Hjyde, Frajnk Jennings, John fleveron^ * J o h n j C King and Victor Etnapp. ] The funeral of Dennis A. t Crow] ey took place Saturday morning fn>m the Immaculate Conception churcbj at 9 o'clock, solemn requiem mascs being celebrated by Very Revt*JJF. Q*Hare, assisted by Rev. Fathers GHeasdn gud Uurran as deacon and sub-deacon. The services were very largely at- tended by the friends of the* deceased. The active bearers were Chares Maloy, James Gragen, Patrick Cn in- field, Edward Curtin, JosHtyh McD^r- mott, and Florence McCarthy. 1ihe Qonorary bearers were delegated ,by Branch 93, C.M.B. A,and were Messrs. McSamara, L >gan, Soll<ty, Howe, Dissett and Barnett. The interment was at the Holy Sepnlcfier cemetery Fathers O'Hare and! Curra'n) read 1he prayers for the dead at the - grave. \ ' v. (jjathedral School Indebtedness. The coiagregati0n of Bt. Fatrick's catheiiral is taking steps to raise |&,00) to pay off the debt on the pa- rochial school btailding. John C. Hughles,, Richard -Wbalen, William Hartijjan and William $. Barry- have been appointed as, c o m m i t t e e to co- opera ;e with the rectof, Rev. J. P. BLieraian, in receivjng^ subscriptions lit. Morris. | Patrick] McCarthy, an old resident of" this village, died at his home oa Hopkins Street, Sunday. He had l|8en in failing health for some yearly Besides MB wife, two sons, Michael a|id William, *&& fcnree daughters, MoUy, Jennie and Maggie, survive him. The) funeral was held from St. Ijatrick's cjhurch. i i Geneatto. | Ed Qui rk, who has been engaged as teacher at West Henrietta, is home alter closihg a succeflsfai term. j During tjhis month May devotions atfe held at) St. Mary's church, Sun- day, Tuesday and Friday evenings of. each week| iRev. Father Gleorge Osborne, of O o s t a RiisiEtj, C e n t r a l America, was in tofwn laait (Thursday, and his many friends were glad to see him. Bos cBngregatipn is composed of Span- i^ds and ihe' preaches to them in tneir own ^ongue. He says he has n | use for JUnglish there. Mfcmoiiai Day. Oelteel H. K. Sehlicht is endeavor- ing to hate a [large turn-out of Cath- olic catizsens ajt the^ Membrial Day ser- mces, and.; ha4 sent a; dirculat to all the Cathe$ie Societies 0f JKochester, asfem^ th^i mtobers toi be in line on that occasion. The parochial schools will he represented by, rarge delega- tions of ptlpila, nnmberi^ig am high as fifty e a c h . The children, are now be- ill^ drilled fan the occasion. , c. M. A: ji At the meeting of the gfrahtl trus- tees of the C. M. B. A. held fn tpis city, Wednesday, there ^w'a^i mtteh im- portant business transacted!, but lit tie that can be published. T h e eajjse of Brother McGowau, a member! of Branch T, who died while under a pension, was referred to the grajod council. * The contest for representative Ito grand council from Branch 28, Sen- eca Falls was decided iu favor jof Brother Curran. } Edward J. Hrnst was installed as grand marshal; Secretary Camerjon was chosen to act with the local com- mittee in securing rooms for the dele- gates to the convent! n nemt fall. An application for a loan was received from Olean. The officers present weijt.; Presi- dent Hynesy, 1st Vice-President Kin- ney, Secretary Cameron, Grand Mjid- ical Examiner McNamara, a! ad Trnstees Fisher, Lynch, MqDpnou^b, and Kelly. Secretary Cameron went to Jfoijth Java, Thursday night, s to! institute Branch 165. Branch 166,,h of New- burgh, is to be instituted this w^ek also. j GRAND MARSHAL ERNST. We are pleased to announce 1 he 4 promotion of o,ur zealous grand de- puty, Brother'E. J. Ernst,,to the posi- tion left vacant by the death of Grand Marshal Dunn. Brother Ernst 're- ceived the appointment from Presi- dent Hynes on Tuesday Hast. The one of the best that could have been made. No member takes a greater interest in' or works more faithfully for the welfare of the asso- ciation than does the newly-appointed grand marshal. Stricken with Paralysis. Charles J. Burke, senior memoer of the firm of Burke,F4tzSimon:a, Heme & Co., suffered a paralytic strike Wednesday evening while driving Jon Lake avenue, and now lies in an conscious condition at his residence. At thia hour, Friday nac|n> no change is reported, in his condition. \ It is to be hoped that this honor! ed citizen will be spared to the; commlm- ity fox many years to come. ; j Auburn, .Mrs.John McTaggart, of Rochester, spjent tne past week visiting her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shields, of Pl|rk avenge. .;(Flags indicating the condition of the weathef are displayed each morn- ink from theflagpole on the Cayuga county saiHngs bank. ^Thomas ^oyle, Republican, has been appointed to succeed James K. Baldwin, democrat, who was re- moved from the position of superiu- tehdent of dharitiea. i|The larg^ number of handsome de* livery wagd>ns which are seen on our streets daily are attracting much at tehda», anq: evince the fact that our merchants Are Htill alive and keeping pace with tbe times. »;IThe special election for an alder- rnan in the* j Eighth ward to succeed thb late Ad^m O'Ne'il, wae held Tues- d|y and rea|ulted in the election of Jf|hn White! Republican, over John JjjO'Neil, Democrat, i:|"The Old; Homestead" played at tifp Burtia, : Thursday night, to a cfpwded hocjse. The sale of seats opened Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and the rueli at the box office.was n<|t over' untal after eleven o'clock. Elery seat waa sold. [A stock company has been formed this city, fin which D. M Osborne fpo. will b£ the priocipal stock- era, for tp.e manafacture of bind- ing twine, etb. The buildings now •bem£ erected on Cottage street wtil be used ' by the new concern. This new industry will employ be- tween 3t0 and 400 hands and will rajl the year round Last Saturday evening an alarm of ffire from box 43 brought the de- paltment to tjhe residence of Joseph C. jJByrne, 210 iWright avenue, where they found tiie house enveloped in flaines which! were beyond control The house i^as entirely consumed wftb most of (its contents. The fire is supposed tb have originated in a chimney in the kitchen. The insur- $11,000, but the loss was ^fr* s % Jf-Sn McCarthy-will appear in edy drama, "^neroftfes Brav- estJwritteir by E3L Pricft. The play haa been produced heire befcre by the same company, and gave good satis- faction. The fire scene is the most realistic ever presented It intro- duces a magnificeat steam fire engine and nose carriage drawn by pure Arapian horses. Matinees are given danyj. J Il0BlN8ON ? 3 MU3K. TKeidea. introduced at Mnsee thea- ter last week of having a continuous show; from 2:30 to 5:30 in the after- noon and 8 to 10:45 in the evening was one of the brightest and most commjendable departures from the or- dinary and atereotyped method* of giving a show that have ever been made'at this favorite amusement re- sort. Begun as an experiment it haa proved a popular success from the start and gave so much general sat- isfaction tu the crowding visitors that it will hereafter be a permanent ar- rangement. It afibrds everybody ample time and opportunity in which to conveniently see the manifold at- tractions from earth, sea and air with which the various departments out- side the theater are filled, a visitor being privileged to go to the theater first, o r to the other parts of the house, as they may elect. Among the host of specialties an- nounced for next week, are the three delineatora of Ethiopian eccentrici- ties, Symonds, Hughes and Rastus, late of Haverly's minstrels; Luciano, who does a remarkable contortion act upon the flying rings; Lottie Fre- mont, in clever specialties; Murphy and Mack, the popular comedians, in a comedy skit; the Fremonts, in a funng sketch entitled "A Chinese Ser- vant," whfch ia brim full and running over with fun. In this Miss Fremont w 11 introduce her famous parasol song and dance. Sam Dearan, the American.; traveller, late of Tony Pas- tor's own compnay; Emma Berger, balladist, and John L. Simonds, char- acter vocalist. The Curio Hall attractions will be of especial interest. Bitter, the pot- tery king. The latest European nov- elty, "The Sacred Family," of Ac- quintania, and consiats of mother, daughter and son, and are said to be lineal des^endents of the celebrated Dukes of Guinea. They are entirely destitute of hair from head to foot, and hav6 neither finger .nor toe nails. Valentine's popular Italian Band will furh'sh music. iSend in your Printing. If yooj have any printing at your disposal;send it to us. We can and will aenta you with neatness and dis- patch. iPricea low consistent with good wojrk and full count.—CATHOLIC JOURNAL CO., corner East Main St. and E. Avenge. ~^~ - J air fbt the Fltencfai UBrary. The kee«knd^fair jin?. the benefit of the. FBEpeji B&ia%^wlHcJ|^t is intend- ik was held Wednesday afJe£no|m.^ndVveiwgrafc Muef Bon* w»heH SCSfl PftllteS*' succes ^elfcitttendjed and very Branch Postoffice. IS5S5 "lis--. n • waa a|>ut $l,20O.j IIThe marriage of Miss Mary Dorsey aim Frank Biteeher took place at St. Mlry's churcb, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Revi Father McG-rath per- faymed the ceremony and ceiobrated apuptial mass. Miss Mary McGin- \&f and Eugene Forgnes supported tlffe happy young couple at the altar. After the ceremony a breakfast was served at the'home of the groom, on Case avenue. Congratulations and best wishes are numerous. j Penn Yan. I Gen. S.S. Bllsworth, after whom the famous Ellsworth hose company w;as named „ d5ed at his residence here t Saturday! morning. A large number of people from this village attendjed the laying of the corner stone oif St. Mary's church at Bath last Sunday afternoon. The dead body of a man was found ating\in the outlet of the lakeTues* ky morning, which proved to be tiat of Tboma& Donley, of Kentucky, *lho had visited here in the earlypart ol the winter, iand was supposed to hive returned home about Chrisitmaa. A| thorough investigation will be e by ttie qaroner's jury. . Dress Trimmings. New novelties in trimmings just arrived, ^also dress buttons. Give us a call before purchasing as we know our assortment ia much larger and prices Tower than can be found else- where, i Call for the new Russian band trimmings. We have them in all colors colora. Main entrance, west aisle. Bur&e, FitzSimona, Hone & Co. GENESEE BREWING CO. '8 Stock Lager Will be cn tap at all their customers from Satjurday, May 14 .Carpetinga. u ' Wskm furnishers will find it great- to their eonvenieiice t o | c o m e ab>, to ourr storey where? tihley m ill find* as they a&ray® have fori ihttli at: twenty-five years, very much, me largest and moat completeai wortment e l GarpelaDp^ of all toda^ m g ^ mi st* tingai. linoleuma, art squares i^ t carp it- sweeperafj, oil clotha, etc., to bei- foulhdi m western He* Ibrfe. ^ J% at the lowest tionw Howe AKogera, n-.^ Our) Lady Reader* ill be interested hi learning; that » B^eny^on | H a t & Fur company hgre deeided 0E & grand maifcdown. ofiiE their apting wraps and jjackets* ^^^ST te *&» ^M» receipt of a large* ljerof garjmenitt whick wem not up in time tor the early trade r their stock; too aaoii. Jhe oppoactun* which, tfermdVi hiiKaffiflrdhita bu^, an elegant afeab-^ejcg^ l a w p r i c e im with- WBK&O&I m the Wfttor^of to inTitatioBS/ at ; Decoration Day i Is near at hand and you will want fresh ana delicious cakes, pies, crack- era, brejad, etc., which, will be found at j the Culross bakeries 30 and 4-99 State street. ^ Notional Notions! Notions! In calling at our notion department you will jfind the wonderful bargains *e are oJFering in periomes, soaps, hair brushes, tooth brashes, nail brushes, j coarse and fine combs, hair curlers^ Ja large assortment of hair* pins in bone, celluloid and real shell; also a full line of writing paper in box, pad^ qnire. Main entrance,,west aisle. Burke, FitzSimona, Hone &Co H.» *» C ^ A ^™ m&t Frio*, 10, Mt, & <**- Noffi|k«r. m if W««fcOf M«yi<5tit Chas. McCarthy, u *ff: Great Ci«r f including: Next aittactiottf-e&anfioux* i s "Ktt^ tiie ArktutMa Traveler. jry^. H^.^ f/iEELER £>(^/l( : 50Ai / t.^^r-IN 3'TKttr <1» ~>'AIH?s. Wliy Is It? That so many Take and Bead "THE GATHOLIG JOTJBNAL " ? same good reason they buy the Boldm Bate Port Wine," When lick!, conValescent, or fatigued ani worn oct by orertasratxott of work. The- former con- tains .certain cardinal doctrinea of th.eok%y which purify the soul and the latter containa certain medical virtues and qualitiea which atrsngthen and build up the physical nature. Prica, only $2.50 per' gallon. To be had of Mmttnwwa & Sarvla, oniji Coz. Mada aoad: gltahwarn Sta. For the Special Oflferingfor Week of May i«t. - Tailor, - Will majce yon a suit of genu- ine Scotch Tweed or London Suiting for $25,00. Made and trimmed in Ai style. 153 .East Mais street. 6, KUEBLAR'S Wl|ite Ully. Ak Al S Cast Clgmr. ' Bald by \i%m\un 23 South Avenue. Beawly-Mavd*rJ They are just the thine the- ladies hare been looking- for. We have a. large assortment in all shades, the latest styles, and perfect fitting-. See our elegant assortment of Spring Jackets, Capes, Newmarkets. Mackintoshes, Millinery, Dress Goods, Silk Waists, etc, etc. Big assortment of Boys* and Youths' Clothing. Payments $1.00 week. Hogan Brothers, & Co., over 335 Bast Main SI., opposite Mnsee.. Louis W. Maier, Undertaker, 5 N Clinton Street, Residence, 50 Buchan Park. In the Latcit and Finest Bindinfs, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Holy-Water Fonts, CoBRHnioB looks in 6era» & English, Statnes, Pictures, Candlesticks, Wax Candles, Yon win always find a. Large Assortment at the Lowest Prices. Wholesale and Retail. Qw Kino utd East Maple Sts. OP P. ST. PETER AND PAUL'S CSftiRCH TxiJCFHX»cK iz7 HxsznxRcav r»8 BKOADWAT Op«n Ail Night. THOMAS a HOOKEY, UNDERTAKER AMD MANAGER OF JOYCE UNDERTAKING ROOMS, 196 West Main Street, ROCHESTER* - HF. X . J. M. REDDtNGTON COAL. 179 West Mail Street. Tetepten 390- John H. Ashton. Jas. Mallej-. ASHTON 4 MALLEY, Old, Tried and Sellable Companies. UNITED STATES! Incorporated 1834. JEB8EY C3TY, Incorporated 1847. OFFICE—210 Ellwanger & Barry Bmldins;, Entrance 3odState St. Bocbeater. N.Y. GE1* E3EE BREWING CO/3 Stock Laser Will be &n tap at all their customers from Sat irda^ t May 14 i^^SflPay|Y|[pff^^^' 3d and! 4: Jft Sbtise atreet,are headquar- tera for abperior lines of paatry/ A 8t0csk w fopfe oorat»n% om (Talrosa Bakerie*. %R* B». A* Notice* on Cardfl, (feniin^%^ ftmdmm on tUtM waifct J. A. fliPTK Ing-en, 91 Smith St Telephone, 245D. Late with E. A. Hbffinan A. Coy Open all nicht. J€mm M^ MMTVLM* UMBEWTAKEm 92N. GlintoiLand69FraiikliiLSts. Telephone 680. .wiHii-f. B- T&eRodiestef Vauitt, Cettpitli and Ciikrs, And remora all Offenairfc Blatter -with; Neatnescaiid Qieapalcfav PtOm&Mcricena&TtmmoBaJi&mxatm, looking through it. MSbeM tb«m&g§_ to—*- - 2 — ^_««**^— -.._ pareo|w^hor^wit&th»*in^ ; e ^ # . w j f e j g a n m . feuCu^halllifc ]] please^.ta'h»rejaifea¥aSyi|Mr«eJK^ w&d^sma^ be ob^- "* ' tmin^hrpaninfgthixmgiiii: KCHOKS FBOIT **^hat. ax sniif wa&. ,eoadpha: roonwi have; ." Amy persem <&£glx£ kee^B^nam» n --Zadji» Ptstfqr..^ "W&r dM yatt It liketajspend an entirej daM ia ^ »oB|££ii«fe£aap3qieinii« Bev able ^commence hoiwte- so nearixj|HrtiDniejl^ Iwould> tme^^-^^w^0^3mm lady /a Eve^rj TeMele Qxsb Owm .»*««—, Take Park Avenue Gar TefepHene, 8§T Qi Sheet Music and «ersfttfa^;B3: tym Musical l& : 4- .STONE MftNOS ! J&Sm? I#Ap-if C^EHi^R KJ_NJ)S. Ejtiy Orpu, Bipire State Organs, Rie Violins, Guitars, A. Hr^ E ^ ' o f Tuniiltim siLowwt Price*. fif* a tf. a A and C B. L.

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Page 1: GRAND MARSHAL ERNST. · Angelo Lugero, assisted, by Rejvs. Felix O^Hanlon and Frank O'Dauoug-hue. Tjie floral





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~\ f .—

o p e n a t

__ , m&eraptecE. m. HD Sh j Cathol ic C h a u t a u q u a

1Kr~~| Y q f k tins? week .

i » t | i a l 0 i B|eiKlfegr0ireIesQf ike feea&&fcii*> ttsoatl t i m e a n d p l aee

n e x t weefe[f * s - ;

Si f e rM^BiaB^ a f&rmer t e a c h e r in S k F a&xefcji* academy, d i e d recen t ly in Wtasslteaj - . , • € h t r l ea J i * Dbnoghue a n d Ade l ine ML TiF<jfiowleet wer^ m a r r i e d M a y 11 fey mv* Fitfaer; Hernia.

B r s t 0oiBmtmioii will b e g i v e n t o a ©lass, a t tfcfe Cathedra l . M*y 26, and €<ffifitDaiatite\|tiii0 L9 .

BL P . Mul l igan read1 a p a p e r on. t h e r*Kmstocipiiitionpf Labeir/ 'before C.BJL CQtmcsil Tnjkd&y e v e n i n g .

Majy de^lotioiij* c o n t i n u e to a t t r a c t ttiim^eraof t h e faithfnl t o t he

Oatfat d r a l ^eary even ing .

T h * p u p i l s , of S t . B r i d g e t ' s school g a v e a n exhib i t ion a n d en t e r t a inmen t a t thn aefaaidi h^ IHas t F r i d a y even ing .

A aay fcorf e, t b u g g y and h a r n e s s w e r e s t o l e ^ Wjednesday n i g h t from th& b a r n jof d h r i s t o p h e r K o h n , as­s e s s o r of tike to^wn; of Ghreeee

f h s l i b r a ry of the Roches te r Cath­olics Keadif tg Circ les is being ca ta ­l o g u e d . O n e hundred and fifty books w e r e received a t the recen t "book

A t a meeting, of Branch 2T, L.C. B.A., Nel l ie jSendrean . of the F rench church , E l izabe th O'Neill and Mary Bnphpaan, [o | F^ i rpor t , a n d M a r g a r e t S^ihoney, , jolScott&ville, were elected t o QHtmheifship.

Tfy 3- l ad les o f Corpo® Chris t ! par ish have" o rgan ized a T a b e r n a c l e socie ty w i t h t h e s e oniceras M r a . T A. O'EEare, president^! Mrs . J o s e p h T. Cnnning-haoi r v i ce -p res iden t ; Mrs . Appel , sec­r e t a r y a n d t rea$urer .

Bishop McQuaid dcernupanied the new" aisnajpof O g d e n s b u r g to that ' c i ty ih ia wejek. H e r e tn rned to this c i t y l^hnradky.

An- e n t e r t a i u m e n t will be g iven by Bran&h i S t : C M B J L , a t S t F r a n c i s X a v i e r hal l , Bay s t ree t , S u n d a y at 8 p.

D if

M a r ^ p n s (Ihrist i c h u r c h , W e d n e s d a y after­noon,! b y Bev . Ji J . Leary , ass i s ted by K a t h i r G'CcTrinor," of Seneca Fa l l s .

F a ;riekt Eling, t h e flagman who w a s in jured witiiie a t t e m p t i n g to rescue a l i t t le g i r l from d a n g e r a t the Brown street, ra i l road c ross ing , w a s robbed

of $i{j> while he 4 lay unconscious on t h e t r a c k s af ter t h e a c c i d e n t . T h e money w a s p inned in his ves t pocket .

Thk diocese of Roches te r w a s re-presejntedl a t t h e consecra t ion of Bishop Grabriels - by the fol lowing. Very Rev. J . F . 0 'Hare^ V.G., Revs. J . Dougher ty , S. Fi izs imona, D. Laur-enzis, A. I l v a a s , . D. K a v a a a u g h , J . Hiekfy , J - Ne l l i ^an , W. McDonald, EL R^genbogen , J . Hiokey, ML Har-g a t h e r , J Leary,i T. Murphy, J , flen-drickl T h o m a s ifendricfe, P . Clune, J . K i e r n a n .

Po l ice J u s t i c e Keeler ' Monday m o t n B g received a d i spa tch announc­i n g t h e d e a t h S u n d a y e v e n i n g of his fa ther , P a t r i c k Ceelerj, a t t h e resi­d e n c e of his . daughter , , nea r Li t t le Fall*J * H e leaves three1 sons , Dennis B , of S y r a c u s e , P a t r i c k J . , of Mary-viile,|Mo.„ and J u s t i c e Keelex*, of th is oitj-j one d a u g h t e r , 4ul ia , of Li t t le Fal la l and a , s is ter , Mrs . El len De-Ianey, who l ives ih I re land and is 103 y e a r s okL

iel Moore, of Geneva , a n d Miss ret,Howe were marr ied a t Gor-

Deatha and Funerals.

Thomas Yost , a g e d 54 y e a r s , a t Fenhe ld Monday. Hie lete mif& a n d five chi ldren .

Daniel A. Sul l ivan, a g e d $8 y died Monday/ nighit a t t h e family denee t 8 Mar ie t t a ! s t ree t ,

Danie l S . L a n e d i e d Sa t n i g h t a t 22 . M a g n e at re«t , , a g y e a r s . T h e ftwieral'took place Tues­d a y from t h e C a t h e d r a l

J o h n , son of Richard, a n d M a r y liar-coran , d ied Monday a t the palrei ta l r e s i d e n c e ' s Clarfe "street^ a g e d 119 y e a r s . One bro ther a n d t w o aisljera s u r v i v e him. F u n e r a l took, pi ice T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g from t h e Oathedl 'a l .

T h e funeral of J a m e s S3ammon tvfho

died a t Sherman y T e x a ^ took . pliice ^Wednesday morn ing ^ t 8 :30 o^clock from t h e res idence ' of his sister,! BjErs. Richard Wba len , T3 F r a n k str<fet, and a t 9 o'clock from the* Oathedj-al.

Joseph ine , wife of,Anton Klul^died ' W e d n e s d a y afternoon a t 365 W e s t Maple s t r ee t , a g e d 40 ye*r s . Besides h e r h u s b a n d s h e leaves a i r ch i ldren . T h e funeral w a s held Fri&ky morn ing iat 8:30 o'cloc.k from the ifioly Fanjily ci jurch.

T h e funeral of Ellen Biahnan t<|»ok p l a c h W e d n e s d a y moifning atil 9 orclockr from St. Mary ' s church , se rv ices were - conducted! by Ange lo Lugero , assisted, by Rejvs. F e l i x O^Hanlon and F r a n k O'Dauoug-hue . Tjie floral t r i bu t e s were nun|er-ous and beautiful. The beacers wfere John EEickey, Andrew Hjyde, Frajnk J e n n i n g s , J o h n fleveron^ * J o h n j C K i n g and Victor Etnapp. ]

The funeral of Dennis A. t Crow] ey took place S a t u r d a y morn ing fn>m the Immacu la te Conception churcbj a t 9 o'clock, solemn requiem mascs be ing ce lebra ted by Very Revt*JJF. Q*Hare, ass is ted by Rev. Fa the r s GHeasdn gud Uurran as deacon and sub-deacon. The services were ve ry l a rge ly at­tended by the friends of the* deceased. The ac t ive bearers were C h a r e s Maloy, J a m e s Gragen , Pa t r i ck Cn in­field, E d w a r d Curt in , JosHtyh McD^r-mott , and Florence McCarthy. 1ihe Qonorary bea re r s were d e l e g a t e d ,by Branch 93 , C.M.B. A , a n d were Messrs . M c S a m a r a , L >gan, Soll<ty, Howe, Disset t and Barnet t . The in te rment was a t the Holy Sepnlcfier cemete ry F a t h e r s O 'Hare and! Curra'n) read 1he p r a y e r s for the dead a t the - g r a v e . \

' v .

(jjathedral School Indebtedness. The coiagregat i0n of Bt . F a t r i c k ' s

ca the i i ra l i s t a k i n g s t e p s to r a i se | & , 0 0 ) to p a y off the d e b t on t he pa­rochia l school btailding. J o h n C. Hughles,, R ichard -Wbalen , Wi l l i am Har t i j j an a n d Wil l iam $ . Barry- h a v e been appo in ted as, commi t t ee to co-o p e r a ;e wi th t h e rectof, Rev. J . P . BLieraian, in receivjng^ subscr ip t ions

l i t . Morris. | Pat r ick] McCar thy, a n old r e s iden t

of" t h i s v i l lage , died a t h i s home o a Hopkins S t ree t , Sunday . He h a d l|8en in fai l ing hea l th for some year ly Besides M B wife, t w o sons , Michael

a | id Wil l iam, *&& fcnree d a u g h t e r s , MoUy, J e n n i e and Maggie , s u r v i v e him. The) funeral w a s held from St . I jatr ick 's cjhurch.

i i Geneatto.

| Ed Qui rk, who h a s been e n g a g e d a s t e ache r a t W e s t Henr ie t t a , i s home a l t e r c los ihg a succeflsfai t e rm.

j Dur ing tjhis month May devot ions atfe held at) S t . Mary ' s church , Sun­day , T u e s d a y and F r i d a y even ings of. each week |

iRev . F a t h e r Gleorge Osborne , of Oos ta RiisiEtj, C e n t r a l America , w a s in tofwn laait (Thursday, and his many friends were g l a d to see him. Bos cBngregat ipn is composed of Span-i ^ d s and ihe ' p reaches to them in tneir own ^ongue. He s a y s he has n | u se for JUnglish there .

Mfcmoiiai Day.

Oe l t ee l H. K. Sehlicht i s endeavor ­i n g to h a t e a [large turn-out of Cath­ol ic catizsens ajt the^ Membrial D a y ser-mces, and.; ha4 sent a; dirculat to all t h e Cathe$ie Societies 0f JKochester, a s fem^ th^i m t o b e r s toi b e in l ine on t h a t occas ion. T h e parochia l schools wil l he r e p r e s e n t e d b y , r a r g e de lega ­t i o n s of ptlpila, nnmber i^ ig am h i g h a s fifty e a c h . T h e children, a r e n o w be-i l l ^ dr i l led fan t h e occasion.

, c . M . B» A : ji At t h e mee t ing of the gfrahtl t r u s ­

t e e s of the C. M. B. A. held fn tpis ci ty , Wednesday , there ^w'a i mtteh im­por t an t bus iness transacted!, bu t lit t i e t ha t can be publ ished. The eajjse of Brother McGowau, a member! of Branch T, who died while under a pension, w a s referred to t he grajod council . *

The contes t for r ep re sen ta t ive Ito g r a n d council from Branch 28, Sen­e c a Fa l l s w a s decided iu favor jof Brother Curran . }

E d w a r d J . Hrns t was insta l led a s g r a n d m a r s h a l ; S e c r e t a r y Camerjon w a s chosen to ac t w i t h t he local com­mit tee in s ecu r ing rooms for the dele­g a t e s to t he convent! n nemt fall. An appl ica t ion for a loan w a s received from Olean.

The officers p resen t weijt.; P re s i ­den t Hynesy, 1s t Vice-President Kin­ney, Secre ta ry Cameron, Grand Mjid-ical Examiner McNamara , a! ad

Trnstees Fisher, Lynch, MqDpnou^b, and Kel ly .

Sec re t a ry Cameron w e n t to Jfoijth J a v a , T h u r s d a y n igh t , s t o ! i n s t i t u t e Branch 165. Branch 166,,h of New-burgh , is to be ins t i tu ted th i s w^ek also. j

G R A N D M A R S H A L E R N S T .

W e are pleased to announce 1 he4

promotion of o,ur zealous g r a n d de­pu ty , Bro the r 'E . J . Erns t , , to the posi­tion left vacan t by the dea th of Grand Marshal Dunn. Brother E r n s t 're­ceived t he appo in tmen t from Pres i ­den t Hynes on Tuesday Hast. The se lect ion. is one of the bes t t ha t could have been made . No member t a k e s a g r e a t e r in te res t i n ' or works more faithfully for the welfare of the asso­cia t ion than does the newly-appointed g r a n d marsha l .

Stricken with Paralysis. Char les J . Burke, sen ior memoer

of t he firm of Burke,F4tzSimon:a, Heme & Co., suffered a pa ra ly t i c s t r i k e W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g whi le d r i v i n g Jon L a k e avenue , and now lies i n a n conscious condit ion a t h is residence. A t thia hour , F r i d a y nac|n> n o c h a n g e i s reported, i n his condi t ion . \ I t i s to be hoped t h a t th is honor! ed ci t izen will b e spa red to the; commlm-ity fox many years to come.; j


.Mrs.John M c T a g g a r t , of Rochester , spjent t ne p a s t week v i s i t ing her pa­ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shields, of Pl | rk avenge .

.;(Flags i nd i ca t i ng the condi t ion of the wea thef a r e d isp layed each morn-ink from the flag pole on the C a y u g a coun ty saiHngs bank.

^Thomas ^ o y l e , Republ ican , has been appointed to succeed J a m e s K. Baldwin, democra t , who w a s re­moved from the position of super iu-t ehden t of dhari t iea.

i|The l a rg^ number of handsome de* l ivery wagd>ns which a r e seen on our s t r e e t s dai ly a re a t t r a c t i n g much a t t e h d a » , anq: ev ince the fact t h a t our merchan ts Are Htill a l ive and keep ing pace with tbe t imes.

»;IThe special election for an alder-rnan in the* j E i g h t h wa rd to succeed thb la te Ad^m O'Ne'il, w a e held Tues-d | y and rea|ulted in the elect ion of Jf |hn Whi te ! Republ ican , over J o h n JjjO'Neil , Democrat,

i:|"The Old; Homes tead" p layed a t tifp Burtia, : T h u r s d a y n ight , to a cfpwded hocjse. The sa le of s e a t s opened Tuesday morn ing a t 9 o'clock and the rueli a t the box office.was n<|t over' untal after e leven o'clock. E l e r y sea t w a a sold.

[A s tock company has been formed this ci ty, fin which D. M Osborne

fpo. will b£ the priocipal stock-era, for tp.e mana fac tu re of bind­

ing twine, etb. The bu i ld ings now •bem£ e rec ted on Cot t age s t r e e t wtil be used ' by t he n e w concern. This n e w indus t ry will employ be­tween 3 t 0 and 400 h a n d s and will rajl the y e a r r o u n d

L a s t S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g an a l a rm of ffire from box 43 b r o u g h t the de-p a l t m e n t to tjhe res idence of J o s e p h C. jJByrne, 210 iWright avenue , where they found tiie house enveloped in flaines which! were beyond control The house i^as ent i re ly consumed wftb most of (its contents . The fire is supposed tb have or ig ina ted in a chimney in the ki tchen. The insur-

$11,000, bu t t he loss w a s

^fr* s %


McCar thy -wi l l a p p e a r i n e d y d r a m a , " ^ n e r o f t f e s B r a v -

e s t J w r i t t e i r b y E3L Pricft. T h e p l a y haa been produced heire befcre b y t h e s a m e company , a n d g a v e good s a t i s ­faction. T h e fire scene is the most rea l i s t ic e v e r p r e s e n t e d I t in t ro­duces a magnif iceat s t e a m fire eng ine a n d nose c a r r i a g e d r a w n by p u r e Arap i an horses . Mat inees a r e g iven danyj.

J Il0BlN8ON?3 MU3K.

TKeidea . in t roduced a t Mnsee thea ­ter l a s t w e e k of h a v i n g a con t inuous show; from 2:30 to 5 :30 in t he after­noon a n d 8 to 10:45 i n t h e e v e n i n g w a s one of t h e b r igh t e s t and mos t commjendable d e p a r t u r e s from the or­d ina ry and a te reo typed method* of g i v i n g a show t h a t have eve r been m a d e ' a t th i s favori te a m u s e m e n t re­sor t . Begun a s a n exper imen t i t haa p roved a popu la r success from the s t a r t and g a v e so much g e n e r a l s a t ­isfaction tu t he c r o w d i n g v is i to rs t h a t it wil l hereafter be a p e r m a n e n t ar­r a n g e m e n t . I t afibrds everybody ample t ime a n d oppor tun i ty in which to convenient ly see the manifold at­t r ac t ions from ea r th , s ea a n d air wi th which the va r ious d e p a r t m e n t s out­s ide the t hea t e r a r e filled, a visi tor being pr ivi leged to g o to the thea te r first, or to the o the r p a r t s of t h e house, a s they m a y elect .

Among the host of spec ia l t ies an­nounced for nex t week, a r e t he th ree de l inea tora of Ethiopian eccentr ic i­ties, Symonds , H u g h e s and Ras tus , l a t e of Have r ly ' s mins t r e l s ; Luciano, who does a remarkab le contor t ion ac t upon the flying r i n g s ; Lot t ie Fre­mont , in c lever spec ia l t i e s ; Murphy and Mack, the popu la r comedians , in a comedy s k i t ; the F remont s , in a funng ske tch en t i t led " A Chinese Ser­van t , " whfch ia brim full and r u n n i n g over wi th fun. In th is Miss F remon t w 11 in t roduce her famous paraso l s o n g and dance . S a m Dearan, t h e American.; t ravel ler , l a t e of Tony P a s ­tor ' s o w n c o m p n a y ; E m m a Berger , bal ladis t , and J o h n L. Simonds , char­ac t e r vocalist .

The Curio Hall a t t r ac t ions will be of especia l in te res t . Bi t te r , the pot­tery k ing. The l a tes t Eu ropean nov­el ty, " T h e Sacred Fami ly , " of Ac-qu in t an i a , and cons ia ts of mother , d a u g h t e r and son, and a re said to be lineal des^enden t s of t he ce lebra ted Dukes of Guinea . They a r e ent i re ly d e s t i t u t e of ha i r from head to foot, and hav6 nei ther finger .nor toe nai ls .

Va len t ine ' s popu la r I t a l i an Band will furh 'sh mus ic .

iSend in your Printing. If yooj have a n y p r i n t i n g a t y o u r

d i sposa l ; send it to us . W e c a n and will aen ta you wi th n e a t n e s s and dis­pa t ch . iPricea low cons i s t en t wi th good wojrk and full count .—CATHOLIC JOURNAL CO. , corner E a s t Main St . and E. Avenge . ~^~

- J air fbt t he Fltencfai UBrary. T h e kee«knd^fair jin?. t h e benefit of

the. FBEpeji B&ia%^wlHcJ|^t i s in tend-ik • w a s held W e d n e s d a y

a f Je£no |m.^ndVve iwgra fc Muef Bon*

w»heH SCSfl



^elfcit t tendjed a n d v e r y

Branch Postoffice.

IS5S5 "lis--.

n • waa a|>ut $l,20O.j

IIThe mar r i age of Miss Mary Dorsey aim F r a n k Biteeher took p lace a t S t . M l r y ' s churcb , Monday morn ing a t 9 o'clock. Revi F a t h e r McG-rath per-faymed the ceremony and ce iobra ted a p u p t i a l mass . Miss Mary McGin-\&f and E u g e n e F o r g n e s suppor ted tlffe happy y o u n g couple a t the a l tar . After t h e ceremony a breakfas t w a s se rved a t t he ' home of the g room, on Case avenue . Congra tu la t ions and best wishes a r e numerous .

j Penn Yan.

I Gen. S.S. Bl lsworth , after whom the f amous El l swor th hose company w;as named „ d5ed a t his res idence h e r e

t Sa tu rday! morn ing .

A l a r g e number of people from th i s v i l l age attendjed the l ay ing of the corner s t one oif S t . Mary ' s church a t Bath l a s t S u n d a y afternoon.

The dead body of a man w a s found ating\in the outlet of the lakeTues*

ky morn ing , which proved to be t i a t of Tboma& Donley, of Ken tucky , *lho had vis i ted he re in t h e e a r l y p a r t o l t h e winter, iand w a s s u p p o s e d to h i v e r e t u r n e d home a b o u t Chrisitmaa. A | t ho rough inves t iga t ion wil l b e

e by ttie qaroner's jury.

. Dress Trimmings.

N e w novel t ies in t r immings j u s t a r r ived , ^also d r e s s b u t t o n s . Give u s a call before p u r c h a s i n g a s we know our a s so r tmen t ia much l a r g e r and pr ices Tower t h a n c a n be found else­where, i Call for the n e w Russ i an band t r immings . W e h a v e them in all colors colora. Main e n t r a n c e ,

west aisle. Bur&e, Fi tzSimona, Hone & Co.


Stock Lager

Will be cn t a p a t all the i r c u s t o m e r s from Satjurday, May 14

.Carpetinga. u '

Wskm furnishers will find it great-t o t h e i r eonveniei ice t o | come ab>,

t o ourr storey where? tihley m i l l find* as they a&ray® have fori ihttli at: twenty-f ive y e a r s , v e r y much, m e l a r g e s t a n d moat completeai w o r t m e n t e l GarpelaDp^ of all toda^ m g ^ mi st* tingai. l inoleuma, a r t squares i t c a r p i t -sweeperafj, oil c lotha, e t c . , to bei- foulhdi m western H e * Ibrfe. ^ J% a t t h e lowes t tionw

Howe A K o g e r a ,


Our) Lady Reader* ill be i n t e r e s t ed h i l earn ing; t h a t » B^eny^on | H a t & F u r c o m p a n y

hgre deeided 0E & grand maifcdown. o f i i E t he i r a p t i n g w r a p s a n d jjackets* ^ ^ ^ S T te *&» M» r e c e i p t o f a large*

ljerof garjmenitt whick wem not u p i n t ime tor t h e e a r l y t r a d e

r t h e i r stock; too aaoii. Jhe oppoactun*

which, tfermdVi hiiKaffiflrdhita bu^, a n e l e g a n t

afeab-^ejcg^ l a w p r i ce im w i t h -WBK&O&I m the Wfttor^of to

inTitatioBS/ at

; Decoration Day i

Is near a t hand and you will w a n t fresh ana del icious cakes , pies, crack-era, brejad, e tc . , which, will be found a t j the Culross baker ies 30 a n d 4-99 S t a t e s t r ee t .

^ Notional Notions! Notions!

In ca l l ing a t our notion d e p a r t m e n t y o u will jfind t h e wonderful b a r g a i n s *e are oJFering in periomes, soaps, ha i r b rushes , too th b r a s h e s , na i l b rushes , j coa r se a n d fine combs , ha i r curlers^ Ja l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t of hair* p i n s i n bone, celluloid a n d r ea l she l l ; a lso a full l ine of wri t ing p a p e r in box, p a d ^ qn i re . Main entrance, ,west a is le .

Burke , Fi tzSimona, H o n e & C o

H.» *»C^A^™ m&t Frio*, 10, Mt, & <**- Noffi|k«r.



W««fcOf M«yi<5tit

C h a s . M c C a r t h y , u *ff:

Great Ci«rf including:

Next aittactiottf-e&anfioux* i s "Ktt^ tiie ArktutMa Traveler.

j r y ^ . H^.^

f/iEELER £>(^/l(:50Ai / t . ^ ^ r - I N 3 ' T K t t r • <1» ~>'AIH?s.

Wliy Is It? T h a t s o m a n y T a k e a n d B e a d

" T H E G A T H O L I G J O T J B N A L " ?

same good reason they buy the

Boldm Bate Port Wine," When lick!, conValescent, or fatigued a n i worn oct by orertasratxott of work. The- former con­tains .certain cardinal doctrinea of th.eok%y which purify the soul and the latter containa certain medical virtues and qualitiea which atrsngthen and build up the physical nature. Prica, only $2.50 per' gallon. To be had of Mmttnwwa & Sarvla, o n i j i Coz. Mada aoad: gltahwarn Sta.

For the

Special Oflferingfor Week of May i«t.

- Tailor, -Will majce yon a suit of genu­

ine Scotch Tweed or London Suiting for $25,00. Made and trimmed in A i style. 153 .East Mais street.


Wl|ite Ully. Ak A l S Cast Clgmr. ' Bald by \i%m\un

2 3 South Avenue .

Beawly-Mavd*rJ They are just the thine the- ladies hare been

looking- for. We have a. • large assortment in all shades, the latest styles, and perfect fitting-. See our elegant assortment of Spring Jackets, Capes, Newmarkets. Mackintoshes, Millinery, Dress Goods, Silk Waists, e t c , etc. Big assortment of Boys* and Youths' Clothing. Payments $1.00 week. Hogan Brothers, & Co. , over 335 Bast Main SI., opposite Mnsee..

Louis W. Maier, Undertaker,

5 N Clinton S t ree t , Residence, 5 0 Buchan Pa rk .

In the Latcit and Finest Bindinfs,

Rosaries, Crucifixes, Holy-Water Fonts, CoBRHnioB looks in 6era» & English,

Statnes, Pictures, Candlesticks, Wax Candles,

Yon win always find a. Large Assortment at the Lowest Prices. Wholesale and Retail.

Qw Kino utd East Maple Sts. OP P. ST. PETER AND PAUL'S CSftiRCH

TxiJCFHX»cK iz7 HxsznxRcav r»8 BKOADWAT Op«n Ail Night.



JOYCE UNDERTAKING ROOMS, 196 W e s t Main Street,

R O C H E S T E R * - HF. X .


COAL. 179 West Mail Street. Tetepten 390-John H . Ashton. J a s . Mallej-.

ASHTON 4 MALLEY, Old, Tried and Sellable Companies.

U N I T E D STATES! Incorporated 1834. J E B 8 E Y C3TY, Incorporated 1847.

OFFICE—210 Ellwanger & Barry Bmldins;, Entrance 3odState St. Bocbeater. N . Y .


Stock Laser Will b e &n t a p a t a l l t h e i r c u s t o m e r s

from Sat irda^t May 1 4

i ^SflPay|Y|[pff ^ '

3d and! 4: Jft Sbtise a t r ee t , a r e h e a d q u a r -tera for abper io r l ines of p a a t r y / A

8t0csk w fopfe oorat»n% om (Talrosa Baker ie* .

%R* B». A* Notice*

on Cardfl, ( f e n i i n ^ % ^

ftmdmm o n t U t M waifct

J. A. fliPTK

Ing-en, 91 S m i t h S t Telephone, 245D.

Late with E . A . Hbffinan A. Coy Open all n icht .


UMBEWTAKEm 9 2 N . G l i n t o i L a n d 6 9 F r a i i k l i i L S t s .

T e l e p h o n e 6 8 0 .

. w i H i i - f . B-T&eRodiestef

Vauitt, Cettpitli and Ciikrs, And r e m o r a all Offenairfc Blatter -with;

Neatnescaiid Qieapalcfav


looking through it. MSbeM tb«m&g§_ to—*- -2— ^_««**^— -.._

p a r e o | w ^ h o r ^ w i t & t h » * i n ^ ; e ^ # . w j f e j g a n m . feuCu^halllifc ]] please^.ta 'h»rejaifea¥aSyi|Mr«eJK^ w&d^sma^ be ob^- "*' tmin^hrpaninfgthixmgiiii:


**^hat. ax sn i i f wa&. ,eoadpha: roonwi have; ." Amy persem <&£glx£ kee^B^nam»n--Zadji» Ptstfqr..^

" W & r dM yatt It l iketajspend a n entirej daM i a


»oB|££ii«fe£aap3qieinii« Bev able ^ c o m m e n c e hoiwte-

so nearixj|HrtiDniejl^ Iwould> tme^^-^^w^0^3mm lady /a

Eve^rj TeMele Qxsb Owm .»*««—,

Take Park Avenue Gar TefepHene, 8§T Qi

Sheet Music and «ersfttfa^;B3: tym Musical

l&: 4- .STONE MftNOS ! J&Sm? I # A p - i f C ^ E H i ^ R KJ_NJ)S .

Ejtiy Orpu, Bipire State Organs, Rie Violins, Guitars,

A. H r ^ E ^ ' o f Tuniiltim s iLowwt Price*.

f i f*

a tf. a A and C B. L.