great depression pp

Amber Rusello

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Post on 01-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Great Depression Pp

Amber Rusello

Page 2: Great Depression Pp

October 29, 1929 was the day the Stock Market crashed.

The stock market crashed because Americans were buying on credit. This over flooded the market with paper currency and dropped the American dollar to an all time low.

After the stock market crash, many Americans lost their trust in the banking system.

This was the start of the Great Depression and it would last until the United States entry into World War II in 1941.

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Hoover was the 31st President of the United States.

Hoover believed in a trickle down economy, but with the whole economy run dry there wasn’t anything to trickle drown.

Despite his best efforts, the American people looked for someone to blame and Hoover was it.


President Hoover

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On November 8, 1932, FDR became the 32nd president of the United States.

He was determined to turn the economy around, so in the first hundred days he passed more legislation then any other president.

His plan to get the United States out of the Great Depression was called the New Deal.

Many of the programs created under the New Deal are still in effect today, such as: Public Work Administration and Federal Trade Commission.

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FDR tried to keep the United States out of the conflict with Germany, Italy, and


The United States was practicing neutrality until Japan bombed Pearl

Harbor on December 7, 1941.

On December 8, 1941, FDR declared war on Japan ending United States


The idea that the United States was at war with Japan, was made easier because on December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy declared war officially on the U.S.

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When the United States entered into the war they sided with Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.

The “Big Three” banned together and tried to help the smaller countries in Europe from being over taken by the Axis power.

Their fear was that all the countries would fall to communism. This belief is referred to as the domino theory.

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The Axis Power consisted of Nazi Germany, Imperialist Japan, and Fascist Italy.

Germany’s rein over many countries in Europe and quest to take over all of Europe ended in May of 1945, when Germany surrendered.

Japan surrendered in September of 1945 after the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Hitler was responsible for the genocide of millions of Jewish people, which is referred to as the Holocaust.

Hitler blamed all of Germany’s problems on the Jewish people and had them sent to concentration camps where they were killed in mass numbers.

The United States didn’t know how bad the camps were until they stumbled onto mass graves and liberated the camps.

Americans didn’t want to acknowledge what was going on in the camps because then they would have to help and how does a country that is segregated help people that are being killed because they are different?

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In response to the bombing of Pearl harbor, FDR responded with Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942.

This order called for all Japanese Americans to move to relocation camps. FDR along with many other American feared an attack on the United States from within. They believed if they relocated all the Japanese to camps, it would be hard for spies to send messages back to Japan.

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Throughout the war, the government did all they could to get and keep the Americans at home involved.

World War II pulled America out of the Great Depression because people were put to work in the industries to help the Allies win the war.

World War II was great for African Americans and women because while the men were fighting, women were the ones working in the factories to help with the war effort.

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To get the rest of the Home Front involved posters were circulated that pushed Americans to buy war bonds and get involved.

Many of the posters were made to “hit close to home” this was very helpful in the war effort and keeping the home front involved allowed the soldiers to know that their home is behind them.

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