great tips for players and coaches facing a pk shoot copy

Great Tips for P PK Shoot-out by rwiegs on June 28, 2012 from-euro-2012/ Game Analysis ,Great Free Kicks Here are some Great Tips for C view of Portugal’s recent defeat v defeat vs Italy, and Bayern Muni To access the Top PK Shooters should take penalty kicks for you You can c Spain taking PKs vs Portugal at the Euro 2012 PK shoot-outs are nerve-rackin to put the game away during regu better team during regulation and nothing to lose by taking PKs. Th was the better team during the ga players is something like this: “T team, and we will win this becau PKs many times and we will win has to do with getting your playe Players and Coaches Fa Lessons from Euro 20 t-tips-for-coaches-and-players-who-face-a-pk-sh s and Set Plays Coaches and players who facing a PK shoot-ou vs Spain in the Euro 2012 championship semi-fi ich’s loss to Chelsea in the UEFA Champions Le Checklist, a great coach’s tool to help determin ur team, please click on the BUY NOW button b check out the YouTube video by clicking on thi the Euro 2012 ng experiences. But keep in mind that both team ulation time and failed to do that. If your team d extra time then look on bright side, your team his can take alot of pressure off the “weaker” tea ame, however, then the message you should be t This is the time that we get to prove that we are i use we worked hard, we deserve it, and we practi n this by taking a series of the best PKs that we c ers on stable mental footing for the show-down. acing a 012 hoot-out-lessons- ut – especially in inal, England’s eague 2012. ne which players below: is link as well . ms had a chance m was not the m really has am. If your team telling your indeed the better iced shooting can take.” This

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Here are some Great Tips for Coaches and players who facing a PK shoot-out – especially in view of Portugal’s recent defeat vs Spain in the Euro 2012 championship semi-final, England’s defeat vs Italy, and Bayern Munich’s loss to Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League 2012. DON'T PANIC! Follow these steps and you'll do GREAT!


Page 1: Great tips for players and coaches facing a pk shoot copy

Great Tips for Players and Coaches Facing a PK Shoot-out –by rwiegs on June 28, 2012

Game Analysis,Great Free Kicks and Set Plays

Here are some Great Tips for Coaches and players who facing a PK shootview of Portugal’s recent defeat vs Spain in the Euro 2012 championship semidefeat vs Italy, and Bayern Munich’s l

To access the Top PK Shooters Checklist,should take penalty kicks for your team

You can check out the

Spain taking PKs vs Portugal at the Euro 2012

PK shoot-outs are nerve-racking exper iencesto put the game away during regulation time better team during regulation and extra time nothing to lose by taking PKs. This can take alot of pressure off the “weaker” team. If your team was the better team during the game, however, then thplayers is something like this: “This is the time that we get to prove that we are indeed the better team, and we will win this because we worked hard, we deserve it, and we practiced shooting PKs many times and we will win this by taking a series of the best PKs that we can take.” This has to do with getting your players on stable mental footing for the show

Great Tips for Players and Coaches Facing a – Lessons from Euro 2012

Great Free Kicks and Set Plays

Great Tips for Coaches and players who facing a PK shoot-outview of Portugal’s recent defeat vs Spain in the Euro 2012 championship semi-final, England’s defeat vs Italy, and Bayern Munich’s loss to Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League 2012.

Top PK Shooters Checklist, a great coach’s tool to help determine should take penalty kicks for your team, please click on the BUY NOW button below:

You can check out the YouTube video by clicking on this link as well

Spain taking PKs vs Portugal at the Euro 2012

racking exper iences. But keep in mind that both teams had a chance to put the game away during regulation time – and failed to do that. If your team wbetter team during regulation and extra time – then look on bright side, your team really has nothing to lose by taking PKs. This can take alot of pressure off the “weaker” team. If your team was the better team during the game, however, then the message you should be telling your players is something like this: “This is the time that we get to prove that we are indeed the better team, and we will win this because we worked hard, we deserve it, and we practiced shooting

win this by taking a series of the best PKs that we can take.” This has to do with getting your players on stable mental footing for the show-down.

Great Tips for Players and Coaches Facing a Lessons from Euro 2012


out – especially in final, England’s

oss to Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League 2012.

a great coach’s tool to help determine which players button below:

this link as well.

. But keep in mind that both teams had a chance and failed to do that. If your team was not the then look on bright side, your team really has

nothing to lose by taking PKs. This can take alot of pressure off the “weaker” team. If your team e message you should be telling your

players is something like this: “This is the time that we get to prove that we are indeed the better team, and we will win this because we worked hard, we deserve it, and we practiced shooting

win this by taking a series of the best PKs that we can take.” This

Page 2: Great tips for players and coaches facing a pk shoot copy

Here are some practical steps that coaches and captains should keep in mind

I f you win the coin toss for which end of the fielddryest, where the field is most evenor chewed up part of the pitch.

I f you win the coin toss for which team shoots firststudies show that 60% of teams that shoot first end up winning the PK shoot

Choosing your first 5 shooters – (not like Portugal’s Christiano Ronaldo who was last of ta single penalty). Imagine, one of Europe’s best footballers didn’ t even get to take a PK for his country in the end because the coach placed him as Portugal’s 5th shooter! mistake on the part of the Portugal’s coach Paolo Bento.

Should you ask your players if they want to volunteer to shoot, or should the coach make the selections? I don’ t believe a coach should let the players decide who shoots based on their feelings at that given moment. This is because very different things.

My advice is that the coach should make the selections and should have already created a list of his top 5-7 shooters, based on PK practice dr ills as well as previous game exper ience with his players. There is no better data to base your decision than actual game experience (track record). But since not everyone gets to take PKs in matches or even in PK shootouts, coaches should run PK shootout simulations with his players per iodically once per month. Also, a good idea is tousually one of your most skilled players and has the most experience. leaders, and take it upon themselves to lead their squad during challenging timesouts.

As a coach I typically want my strongest (i.e. hardest) shooters to take PKsthe most accurate shooters. I prefer pace and accuracy to just accuracy alone. I look for in PK shooters are: confidenceand placement (in that order).

The coach should never change the order of his shooterscase of Alves and Nani) and make sure that his players clearly understand the shby lining them up in order at the center circle. My guess is that Alves may have missed his PK vs Spain because he was distracted by the change in the shooting order, when Nani stepped in before him after having already walked to PK spot froon who should shoot next for Portugal or the coach botched the shooting order and changed his

some practical steps that coaches and captains should keep in mind

hich end of the field – choose the side with the least divots, dryest, where the field is most even etc. You don’ t want to take penalties on an un

I f you win the coin toss for which team shoots first – you should choose to shoot firstof teams that shoot first end up winning the PK shoot-out

make sure your best shooters shoot first, and in that order (not like Portugal’s Christiano Ronaldo who was last of the 5 to shoot and didn’ t end up shooting

one of Europe’s best footballers didn’ t even get to take a PK for his country in the end because the coach placed him as Portugal’s 5th shooter! That’s a huge

ortugal’s coach Paolo Bento.

Click Here!

Should you ask your players if they want to volunteer to shoot, or should the coach make I don’ t believe a coach should let the players decide who shoots based on their

feelings at that given moment. This is because shooting ability and confidence levels are 2

the coach should make the selections and should have already created a 7 shooters, based on PK practice dr ills as well as previous game exper ience

better data to base your decision than actual game experience ). But since not everyone gets to take PKs in matches or even in PK shootouts,

coaches should run PK shootout simulations with his players per iodically – Also, a good idea is to have your captain shoot first – because that player is

usually one of your most skilled players and has the most experience. Captains are also team , and take it upon themselves to lead their squad during challenging times

I typically want my strongest (i.e. hardest) shooters to take PKs –the most accurate shooters. I prefer pace and accuracy to just accuracy alone. The ultimate traits I look for in PK shooters are: confidence (low anxiety), the ability to mentally focus, power,

coach should never change the order of his shooters mid-stream (as Portugal did in the case of Alves and Nani) and make sure that his players clearly understand the shby lining them up in order at the center circle. My guess is that Alves may have missed his PK vs Spain because he was distracted by the change in the shooting order, when Nani stepped in before him after having already walked to PK spot from the center circle. Either he was not clear on who should shoot next for Portugal or the coach botched the shooting order and changed his

some practical steps that coaches and captains should keep in mind:

least divots, etc. You don’ t want to take penalties on an un-even, soggy,

d choose to shoot first – out

, and in that order he 5 to shoot and didn’ t end up shooting

one of Europe’s best footballers didn’ t even get to take a PK for his That’s a huge

Should you ask your players if they want to volunteer to shoot, or should the coach make I don’ t believe a coach should let the players decide who shoots based on their

fidence levels are 2

the coach should make the selections and should have already created a 7 shooters, based on PK practice dr ills as well as previous game exper ience

better data to base your decision than actual game experience ). But since not everyone gets to take PKs in matches or even in PK shootouts,

say at least because that player is

Captains are also team , and take it upon themselves to lead their squad during challenging times like PK shoot-

– not necessarily The ultimate traits

(low anxiety), the ability to mentally focus, power,

stream (as Portugal did in the case of Alves and Nani) and make sure that his players clearly understand the shooting order – by lining them up in order at the center circle. My guess is that Alves may have missed his PK vs Spain because he was distracted by the change in the shooting order, when Nani stepped in

m the center circle. Either he was not clear on who should shoot next for Portugal or the coach botched the shooting order and changed his

Page 3: Great tips for players and coaches facing a pk shoot copy

mind at the last minute. Either way, this is a significant coaching error because your players should be clear about the shooting order from the start of the PK shoot-out.

Portugal's Alves misses a PK vs Spain in Euro 2012 semi-final

Some Great Tips for PK Shooting/Execution (for players elected to shoot penalties)

Encourage your players to take at least 4-5 steps behind the ball. Short run-ups typically mean soft shots, which are much easier for GKs to save.

Discourage your players from taking stutter steps, as Schweinsteiger did against Chelsea when he missed.

I also personally don’t care for cheeky PKs, like chipping the ball softly toward the center of the goal (making the GK look like a fool). I encourage my players to go with a controlled (accurate) power shot. Up the middle is fine, if you have noticed by the 3rd shot or so that the GK is guessing directions (as opposed to waiting to react to the shooter). Since most great PK killing GKs react to the shooter, against these types I would strongly discourage shooting up the middle.

While some shooters like shooting high, the priority should be first corner placement, then height, not the other way around. I tend to favor PK shooters who can shoot the ball hard and low.

Finally, when your players take a PK, tell them to:

- be confident as you walk up to the penalty spot. Know that you worked hard to get to this point, and that you’ve practiced shooting these things many, many times. It’s simply another opportunity to execute the plan to the best of your ability. No one can ask for more than that.

- set the ball themselves (out of divots, preferably on flat or a tuft of grass)

- take at least 4-5 steps of a run-up (for power and momentum), as we said earlier

Page 4: Great tips for players and coaches facing a pk shoot copy

- pick your corner and never change this decision mid

- visualize repeatedly yourself executing your PK flawlessjust before taking your shot , striking an exact part of the ball, following through, picturing the ball entering the net, and then celebrating!

- try to clear out as much external noise and distraction as possiblefocus only on the job at hand –part of the ball that should be struck). This was against Holland in 1974, to tie the game 1where he wants to place the ball, he focuses on the part of the ball that he needs to strike and that he simply follows through. Concentration is paramount.

Paul Breitner PK vs Holland World Cup 1974

I hope that you enjoyed this lesson and hope to bring you more in the future. If you have special requests on other topics or would like some your football friends about the web site YouTube channelFacebook.

Thank you for your interest,

Rich Wiegand

Remember, to access the Top PK which players should take penalty kicks for your teambelow:

Remember, you can check out the link as well.

pick your corner and never change this decision mid-kick

visualize repeatedly yourself executing your PK flawlessly in the few minutes prior to and just before taking your shot , striking an exact part of the ball, following through, picturing the ball entering the net, and then celebrating!

clear out as much external noise and distraction as possible – clear your mind and – this means actually looking at the ball (focusing on the exact

part of the ball that should be struck). This was Paul Breitner ’s secret when he took the PK against Holland in 1974, to tie the game 1-1 in the first half. He once said that after deciding on where he wants to place the ball, he focuses on the part of the ball that he needs to strike and that

Concentration is paramount.

Paul Breitner PK vs Holland World Cup 1974

I hope that you enjoyed this lesson and hope to bring you more in the future. If you have on other topics or would like some more tips, please let me know. Please tell web site , visit the YouTube channel, and please Like and/or share this article on

Top PK Shooters Checklist, a great coach’s tool to help which players should take penalty kicks for your team, please click on the BUY NOW

Remember, you can check out the YouTube video by clicking on

in the few minutes prior to and just before taking your shot , striking an exact part of the ball, following through, picturing the

r your mind and this means actually looking at the ball (focusing on the exact

when he took the PK first half. He once said that after deciding on

where he wants to place the ball, he focuses on the part of the ball that he needs to strike and that

I hope that you enjoyed this lesson and hope to bring you more in the future. If you have any , please let me know. Please tell

, and please Like and/or share this article on

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