great ways to systemise your business, making the most of your team & finding your why


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Post on 15-May-2015




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Online business systemisation is a great means of creating and building a tidy, well-organized online business. Discover the best platforms for business management, and at the same time see what are the best practices for working and staying in touch with a virtual team


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0:14 – Business systemisation – archaic process or genuine gold? 1:57 – Why your outsource staff is more valuable than you think 3:11 – What’s your WHY? 4:55 – What do Ultimate Web Blueprint, Melbourne and the 29th of

November have in common?

Hi, Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this week’s business news update.

0:14 – Business systemisation – archaic process or genuine gold?

One of the things that I have been working closely with my Mastermind clients is the whole process of systemizing your business.

A lot of businesses think of systems as being archaic folders that sit on shelves and go dusty, but these days it really doesn’t have to be that way at all. You can create an online and interactive system, an organic document that is changed as your business grows, not going old and out of date.

So when we were speaking about this last week in our mastermind call in the Savvy

Mastermind program, I went through the process that I use personally in my business. So just to give you a few tips:

1. One of the things I go through with each process within my business is first stating:

What the process is

Why we do it

When we do it


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Great Ways to Systemise Your Business, Making the Most of Your

Team & Finding your ‘WHY’

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Who is responsible for doing it

2. This is then followed by a series of sequential steps or a checklist which shows exactly the process of how the system is done. And then, if applicable, what you can do is add training videos using simple free products like Jing which is made by TechSmith, or TechSmith’s paid product if you want to make more professional looking videos, which is called Camtasia.

3. Of course, you can add checklists, pdf documents, proformas, screenshots, anything at all which is going to help explain the process.

This is what we do at Super Savvy Business and it’s also what I’m training and mentoring my

personal clients to do in their businesses.

1:57 – Why your outsource staff is more valuable than you think

Next question I want to pose to you is: If you are using outsource staff, are you really utilizing them to their full potential?

When I have team meetings with my team – and they are international team spread in a couple of different countries – I have made it very clear to them that I really value their expertise and their input. So if they see something that we are doing within our business that they think could be done better, faster, more streamlined, more leveraged, I actually ask them at each team meeting to give me any of their suggestions.

This way we are constantly improving what we are doing, because at the end of the day only the person who works within a particular role or a process within your business really knows what is working or not working. And especially if it’s something technical or something that you don’t personally have expertise in – it’s really hard for you to know whether or not things are being done the best way.

So don’t be afraid to speak to your outsource staff in this manner and ask them for their opinion. Let them know that you value their input and the way that you can help your business to grow. That way they are feeling that they are part of the team, that they are all in the same bus, going in the same direction.

3:11 – What’s your WHY?

The next thing I’d like to touch on is: Do you know what your big WHY is? The reason why I ask that is because we all go through bumpy times in life; things that might throw us off course; the sort of things that make us feel that it’s all a bit too hard, or maybe “this is not just the right time”, or “I’m just going to give it away because it’s just not working” or “maybe my idea is just not so great”.

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If you have a really strong WHY that anchors you, it’s going to make it a lot easier to get through those times.

For me, my big WHY is my three beautiful boys. Whenever I have those times when I’m feeling like the day is really horrible and I just want to throw the towel in, I just look at a picture of my three little boys and I remember exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing. I’m trying to develop a business which is going to provide me the flexibility and freedom to not only be a businesswoman but also a mother.

And having that WHY really keeps me anchored…

So if you are not clear on what your WHY is, take some time out. Strategize, think about the sort of business you want to build around this big WHY of yours. It might even be a good idea to have some sort of a visual representation of your WHY, some people use a vision board, you might have a picture by your computer or around the house, it might be an affirmations, a written vision statement – whatever it is that works for you, but try and make sure that you don’t lose sight of what your why is and anchor yourself to it because trust me, it really does help to get you through those bumpy times.

4:55 – What do Ultimate Web Blueprint, Melbourne and the 29th of November have in common?

Now it amazes me that it’s nearly December! I cannot believe where this year has gone, it’s been a massive year for me and my business. We have seen a complete rebranding

intoSuper Savvy Business and the last three months in particular have been the most incredible ride.

I’d like to thank everybody who’s been to any of my Ultimate Web Blueprint events; they have been hugely successful and I know from the feedback people have giving me that they are getting enormous value and that they are learning a lot.

I do have one more event in Melbourne on the 29th of November. So if you are in Melbourne and you’d like to come along to my last event of the year – it’s the Ultimate Web Blueprint – where I go through my 16 point blueprint that has taken me 5 years to develop. This is where I share the whole insight to what it takes to run a successful online business.

So whether you are a business who already has an online presence and you want to take it to the next level or perhaps you have a business and you haven’t really got online and you don’t really know what you are doing and you are looking for some direction, this day will really give you a clear insight as to what it takes to develop that strong online presence and to truly become a market leader within your niche.

So that’s the 29th of November, in Melbourne, go

to where you can find all the details.

My name is Fiona Lewis, this is the end of the business news update for Super Savvy Business and we’ll see you next week!