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GROW STUDY Life of Jesus The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus

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    Life of Jesus

    The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus

  • Pictures and maps are by Dr. Terry Hulbert and

    used with permission.

    Scriptures are from the New International Version

    and the New American Standard Version.

    Historical background from Alfred Edersheim.

  • 44

    The Wilderness

    of Judea

    “Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, ‘Repent, for the

    kingdom of heaven is at hand’” (Matt 3:1,2).


  • John appeared “out of nowhere” in the same manner Elijah had long ago

    and he was dressed in prophet’s garb.

    The Davidic Kingdom was in such a low state of disarray that any

    announcement that “the Kingdom” had come would cause a stir.

    The Jews viewed themselves as “in” the Kingdom of God because of their

    relationship to Abraham and all Gentiles were considered “outside” of

    God’s Kingdom.

    John the Baptist’s Ministry “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

    24, 25



    All Gentiles:


    All Gentiles:


  • Edersheim p. 188:

    “No principle was more fully established in the popular

    conviction than that all Israel had part in the world to come,

    and this, specifically, because of their connection with

    Abraham. Abraham was represented as sitting at the gate

    of Gehenna, to deliver any Israelite who otherwise might

    have been consigned to its terrors. In fact, by their descent

    from Abraham, all the children of Israel were nobles,

    infinitely higher than any proselytes.” Never before had it

    been proposed that Israel should undergo a ‘baptism of


    By coming to be baptized, they were admitting they were as unclean as

    Gentiles and strangers to God’s kingdom. There was ONE WAY to

    prepare for entry into this Holy Kingdom for the Jew and for the Gentile: to

    be cleansed, as demonstrated in the waters of the Jordan, as Namaan, the

    leper, had illustrated over 800 years earlier. (note: this isn’t the same as

    believer’s baptism)

  • Matthew 3:7-12

    But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his

    baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee

    from the wrath to come? 8 Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. 9 And do

    not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I

    tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.

    10 Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that

    does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

    11 “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me

    is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize

    you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and

    he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the

    chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

  • John the Baptist’s Message

    "You are sinners and are not ready for Christ's


    "Repent”* of your sins and your dependence on your

    Abrahamic heritage and religious rituals."

    "Produce evidence of a real change of heart."

    "Submit to baptism" (as though a Gentile converting to

    Judaism) to demonstrate your changed citizenship.


    (Matt 3:7-12; Mark 1:7-8; Luke 3:7-18)

    *“Repent Gk. metanoeo = “change of mind,” (not “penance”)

  • The eastern part of the Roman road

    from Jerusalem where it emerges

    from Wadi Qilt near Jericho

  • Jericho


    Mt. Nebo

    Lower Jordan Valley





    Priests, Levites and Pharisees

    descend from Jerusalem to

    investigate John the Baptist.





    Jordan Dead Sea




  • Priests and Levites investigate!

    “All Jerusalem was going out”! (News of John’s

    preaching and baptizing had reached Jerusalem.)

    “The kingdom is here”! (Had Messiah appeared down

    there at the Jordan?)

    “John is immersing Jews like converting Gentiles!”

    “Is he ‘cleansing’ people in the Jordan River as Elisha

    did with Naaman the leper?” (2 Kngs 5)


    Excitement! Expectation!

  • Who knew who Jesus of Nazareth was

    when He came to John’s baptizing?

    Mary (Joseph had died.)

    Zacharias and Elizabeth? (They had died.)

    Simeon and Anna? (They had died.)

    The Magi? (They had returned to Mesopotamia.)

    The teachers when Jesus 12? (Not aware of His identity)

    Nazareth? (No known awareness of His Messiahship)

    He learned and worked at Joseph’s trade.

    He was just the eldest of His “brothers and sisters.”

    He gave no indication of His supernatural person and powers.

    They knew Him only as a toddler and a teenager.

    Area people (e.g. Nathanael) appeared to be unaware of Him.


  • Jesus’ Baptism

    It made Him officially known to Israel. It was public. (John 1:34)

    Jesus was clean already but was willing to be

    identified with and thought of as a sinner. (Heb 2:16-17)

    The Father authenticated Jesus as His Son,

    confirming his deity. It was ‘dramatic.’ (Matt 3:17)

    The Spirit descended like a dove as Jesus was

    praying and identified Him to John as the Messiah. It

    marked His empowering by the Holy Spirit for the

    specific Messianic ministry ahead. (John 1:32,33)

    It “fulfilled all righteousness.” (Matt 3:15)


  • Jericho






    of Moab

    Mt. Nebo

    Lower Jordan Valley


    After His baptism, Jesus ascends

    into the wilderness of Judea

    to be tested by Satan.

    Dead Sea




  • The Wilderness

    of Judea

    “The Spirit led Him into the

    wilderness to be tempted.”

    What is the Wilderness?

    A time of God-initiated trials that brings His people to a point

    of neediness in order to

    • Teach about Himself

    • Develop trust in Him

    • Equip one in their role in God’s kingdom

  • God initiated the testing

    “Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matt 4:1).”

    “And immediately the Spirit impelled Him to go out into the wilderness” (Mark 1:12).

    “And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit . . . was led about by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1).


  • 44The Wilderness

    of Judea

    “And after forty days and forty

    nights, He became hungry.”

  • Jericho



    of Moab

    Mt. Nebo

    Lower Jordan Valley





    Jesus responded to Satan’s three

    tests by quoting scriptures from

    the book of Deuteronomy, spoken

    by Moses on the Plains of Moab

    across the Jordan River.





    Jordan Dead Sea




  • Temptation hooks into something we want and nags at us

    until we give in and sin. Being grievously tempted is not

    the same as grievously sinning. Sin is called deceptive


    It promises something it does not deliver.

    Only God keeps His promises.

  • Temptation Difficulty Action “Another time”

    Stones into


    Test #1: Food Test

    “God isn’t going to

    provide what I need. I

    must take matters into

    my own hands and get

    it myself.”

    Deut. 8:3 “Man does

    not live on bread

    alone, but on every

    word that comes from

    the mouth of the


    Samaritan woman.

    The disciples had

    forgotten to bring


    Feeding 5000.

  • Temptation Difficulty Action “Another time”

    Stones into


    Test #1: Food Test

    “God isn’t going to

    provide what I need. I

    must take matters into

    my own hands and get

    it myself.”

    Deut. 8:3 “Man does

    not live on bread

    alone, but on every

    word that comes from

    the mouth of the


    Samaritan woman.

    The disciples had

    forgotten to bring


    Feeding 5000.

    Jump from

    Temple Mount


    “You are doing

    something great and

    everyone needs to

    know who you are!”

    You are being


    Deut. 6:16 “Do not

    put the Lord your

    God to the test.”

    Pharisees ask for a

    sign. John 7:2-4

    Jesus’ brothers said

    to him, “No one who

    wants to become a

    public figure acts in


  • Temptation Difficulty Action “Another time”

    Stones into


    Test #1 Food Test

    “God isn’t going to

    provide what I need. I

    must take matters into

    my own hands and get

    it myself.”

    Deut. 8:3 “Man does

    not live on bread

    alone, but on every

    word that comes from

    the mouth of the


    Samaritan woman.

    The disciples had

    forgotten to bring


    Feeding 5000.

    Jump from

    Temple Mount


    “You are doing

    something great and

    everyone needs to

    know who you are!”

    You are being


    Deut. 6:16 “Do not

    put the Lord your

    God to the test.”

    John 7:2-4

    Jesus’ brothers said

    to him, “No one who

    wants to become a

    public figure acts in


    All Kingdoms of

    the world

    It was promised to Him

    by rights—Psalm 2.

    Didn’t have to WAIT or

    go to the Cross and

    endure suffering.

    Deut. 6:13 “Worship

    the Lord your God

    and serve Him only.”

    Peter’s rebuke.

    Move to make him


    Triumphal Entry.

    Greeks seek Him.

  • Temptation never finds us when we are strong, but waits

    for that opportunity of weakness: when we are tired,

    hungry, lonely, fearful, discouraged—and then it can

    come through family or even a trusted friend.

    Jesus told us to pray against temptation:

    “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”

    He told His disciples to “watch and pray that you enter not

    into temptation.”

  • Pictures and maps are by Dr. Terry Hulbert and are

    used with permission.

    Scriptures are from the New International Version

    and the New American Standard Version.

    Historical background is also from Life and Times

    of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim.

    Arrangement and teaching is by Leiann Walther.