gurudev ramlal ji siyag and sidh yog india

RELIGIOUS REVOLUTION IN THE WORLD Kundalini awakening by Guru Siyag

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Sidh Yoga Path By Gurudev Ramlal Ji Siyag.


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Kundalini awakening by Guru Siyag

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Guru naman

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Ten such avatars (descents or incarnations) are commonly recognized, of which Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are the most important.

Nine descents are thought to have already occurred; the tenth and last is yet to come.

Scholars believe that Vishnu's role as preserver (or redeemer) arose from the characteristic practice of assimilating local legendary heroes and gods into the Hindu pantheon by attributing their deeds to one of the major Hindu deities.

Lord Vishnu

10 incarnations

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In this form Vishnu saved Vaivaswata, the Hindu variety of the biblical Noah (or vice versa).

Vaivaswata (Sanskrit). The forefather of the post-diluvian race, or our own fifth humankind.

A reputed son of Surya (the Sun), he became, after having been saved in an ark (built by the order of Vishnu) from the Deluge, the father of Ikshwaku, the founder of the solar race of kings.

Ikshwaku (Sanskrit) is the progenitor of the Solar tribe (the Suryavansas) in India, and the Son of Vaivaswata Manu, the progenitor of the present human Race.

Matsya 1st incarnation of Vishnu

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Second incarnation of Vishnu : Kurma or the Turtle incarnation : when the Devas lost their strength and prowess due to a curse and, after losing their immortality and kingdom, they approached Lord Vishnu for help.

Vishnu suggested that they needed to drink the nectar of immortality to regain their lost glory. However, they needed to strive hard to acquire the nectar since it was hidden in the ocean of milk.

When they began churning, the mountain began sinking into the ocean. Taking the form of a turtle (Kurma), Vishnu bears the entire weight of the mountain and the churning continues and various objects are thrown out including the deadly poison which the Lord Shiva then comes to drink.

Kurma2nd incarnation of Vishnu

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Third incarnation of Vishnu : Varaha or the Boar incarnation of Vishnu : he killed the demon Hiranyaksha, recovered the stolen Veda's and released the Earth from the bottom of the ocean.

He was slain by Lord Vishnu after he (Hiranyaksha) took the Earth to the bottom of what has been described as the "Cosmic Ocean".

Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a white boar (Sri Varaha) and dove into the ocean to lift the Earth, in the process slaying Hiranyaksha who was obstructing Him. The battle lasted one thousand years.

Varaha3rd incarnation of Vishnu

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Fourth incarnation of Vishnu : Narasimha or the Lion incarnation : as a creature who was half-lion and half-man, Vishnu killed the demon Hiranyashasipu, brother of Niranyaksha, who had gained the boon of immunity from attacks by man, beast or god.


4th incarnation of Vishnu

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Fifth incarnation of Vishnu : Vamana or the Dwarf incarnation : he killed the demon Bali, who had gained dominion over the Earth and had chased the gods from the heavens.

The legend of Bhagavata has it that the Vamana avatar was taken by Vishnu to restore Indra's authority over the heavens, which was taken away by force by the demon king Bali in Dravida.

Vamana 5th incarnation of Vishnu

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Sixth incarnation of Vishnu : Parasurama : he killed the King Kartavirya, who had stolen the holy cow Kamadhenu, which could grant all desires.

Parasurama 6th incarnation of Vishnu

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Seventh incarnation of Vishnu : Ram took birth to free the earth from the cruelty and sins of the demon King Ravana (Ravan).

Ravana had practiced austerities in order to propitiate Shiva and Brahma, who had granted him immunity from being killed by gods, gandharvas or demons.

One of the gods had to take on a human form in order to be able to defeat Ravana.

Ram 7th incarnation of Vishnu

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Krishna is the supreme being. Krishna is often depicted as an infant, as a young

boy playing a flute as in the Bhagavata Purana or as a youthful prince giving direction and guidance as in the Bhagavad Gita.

They portray him in various roles: a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero and the Supreme Being.

Krishna 8th incarnation of Vishnu

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Ninth incarnation of Vishnu : Buddha was Vishnu incarnated to propogate false ideas, to lead the opponents of the gods into weakness and wickedness, thereby causing them ultimately to be destroyed or to turn back for their salvation to their old faith in the traditional gods.

Buddha 9th incarnation of Vishnu

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Tenth Incarnation of Vishnu : Kalki : The popular image of the Kalkin Avatar is that of a rider upon a white horse, which some sources name as Devadatta (God-given).

The horse itself is interpreted as symbolizing strength, while its color white represents the power of unity, as white unifies all colours in the spectrum.

Commonly, the horse is described as having wings.

Kalki himself will be one with the divine, and is also mysteriously described as being a "yantra-manava," or a machine-man.

He brandishes a flaming comet-like sword, which is sometimes interpreted as a symbol for "discernment," or Wisdom, in that it slices away the bonds of lies and foulness, and liberates souls by sharpening their awareness of truth and beauty.


FINAL or 10th incarnation of Vishnu

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Kalkin will arrive on earth intent on eradicating the reign of evil.

His first action will be to vanquish the demon Kali (not to be confused with the Hindu Goddess Kali), who has taken the earth under his control, thereby freeing its citizens from moral and spiritual devolution.

Kalkin will then reconcile all opposites, and renew the processes of the Dharma (Paths of Virtue) and Creation.

Ultimately, he will establishing a reign of righteousness upon the earth, ushering in a golden age of peace and harmony, and thereby setting in motion the next cycle of the universe.


FINAL or 10th incarnation of Vishnu

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The Comforter, next Prophet or Kalki of Christians, Jews and Hindus has already arrived or not ??? – a method to Prove that whether the Supramental Force, Supreme Power, Comforter, next Prophet or Kalki of Christians, Jews and Hindus has already arrived on Earth or Not.It may sound mind blowing to scientific minded people, surprisingly this method is especially for the Scientist and Intellectual Community of the World, who experiment and scrutinize every new concept before believing it, yes, and we must be able to prove it ourselves before believing or accepting it.

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Yes; it is a complete and more advanced science than the modern science says Guru Siyag, capable of giving on the spot results just like modern science. Of course it was limited to myths, stories, faith and belief till today, because we were not able to prove it as a factual subject, it was regarded as a mere baseless theory. Guru Siyag has proved it to be a Practical Science; he has discovered and disclosed a new formula or Practical experimental Method, using this Method every Positive minded curious Human Being of the World can himself do this experiment to realize and visualize the truth of spiritual science, leading to spiritual evolution and holistic healing.

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Guru Siyag has proved that through Siddha Yoga method of Meditation it is possible to get rid of even the so called incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, Arthritis, Insomnia, and Mental Stress and so on. The Practitioner also gets rid drug and other addictions like alcohol, tobacco, Brown sugar, Morphine, Opium, Heroine etc. These results are nothing but the removal of hurdles in the way to complete development of Human Beings, to attain a Divine Bodily Form, in other words we can call it the journey from man to superman.

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Another surprising Disclosure by Guru Siyag is the Method to prove whether the Comforter, Next Prophet or kalki Avatar of Christians, Jews and Hindus has already arrived on Earth or not, yes we can test the truth about presence of that supramental force on earth. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes to experiment it, right now.

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method of meditation

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The Method ---1. Sit in a comfortable posture on the ground with crossed legs.2. Close the eyes and concentrate on the Forehead between the Eyebrows.3. Make a Mental Prayer to that Supramental Force, saying that if the Comforter, Prophet or Kalki is Present on Earth, then I must get the proof, if the Supramental Force is Present on Earth, then I must go into automatic (Kundalini controlled) Spiritual Meditation for 15 or 20 minutes.4. After this mental prayer start continuous mental repetition(Chanting) of any one sacred word of your choice(God, Jesus, Allah, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, etc.,) in the mind without moving lips or tongue, simultaneously keep concentrating on the forehead between the eyebrows.

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5. Continue this process and within a few minutes you will be induced by automatic spiritual meditation, might even hear and see visualizations during this state of meditation.6. Don’t panic if your body starts moving automatically during this process, these are the Yogic body movements (Real Yoga is induced automatically by inner spiritual power Kundalini), required to free the body from physical, mental and spiritual diseases of all kinds, these will stop automatically after 15 or 20 minutes, and you will come out of spiritual meditation into normal state.7. To get complete results and benefits, it has to be practiced regularly in the morning and evening at any convenient time, empty stomach, before having food.8. The time taken to get the results is totally dependent on our Positive approach and curiosity to realize the truth.9. No barriers of Race, Religion, Cast, Country or Gender, no rules and no regulations.More info and Free Download of Method of Meditation from Another way to get into automatic spiritual meditation is by listening to Guru Siyag's voice with closed eyes.

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Hindu/Buddhist Salvation

Salvation: “The ultimate goal of Hinduism and Buddhism is to liberate ourselves from this “physical personal existence” and become One with the “Impersonal All.” (Carlson and Decker, Fast Facts on False Teaching, 92).

Suffering: People suffer because they have not liberated themselves from their personal world. The physical world is just and illusion, called maya.

This enlightenment is called:

Buddhism- Nirvana

Hinduism- Moksha, Samadhi, or Kaivalya

Zen- Satori

Western World- Cosmic Consciousness, One with Self

Sin: There is no such thing. It too, is an illusion!

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Hindu Salvation

Means of Enlightenment:

1. Path of knowledge = makes one realize Brahman= Atman

2. Path of good works = works off karma

3. Path of Yoga = allows one to transcend the world of illusion.

Yoga: 8 steps• Hatha Yoga- The first five steps prepare body for

transcendence into Moksha (Nirvana). Comprised of isometrics and breathing exercises.

• Raja Yoga- The last three steps where a person silences the mind by repeating mantras, achieves oneness with god (yet still with a sense of personal existence) and then diffusion into the impersonal universe (god).

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Everybody should know something about kundalini as it represents the coming consciousness of mankind. Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column.

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Although kundalini is said to reside in mooladhara chakra, we are all at different stages of evolution, and in some of us kundalini may have already reached swadhisthana, manipura or anahata chakra. If this is so, whatever sadhana you do now might start an awakening in anahata or some other chakra. However, awakening of kundalini in mooladhara chakra is one thing, and awakening in sahasrara, the highest center of the brain, is another. Once the multipetalled lotus of sahasrara blossoms, a new consciousness dawns.

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The word kundalini refers to the shakti or power when it is in its dormant potential state, but when it is manifesting, you can call it Devi, Kali, Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi or any other name according to the manifestation it is exhibiting before you.

In the Christian tradition, the terms "the Path of the Initiates" and "the Stairway to Heaven" used in the Bible, refer to kundalini's ascent through sushumna nadi. The ascent of kundalini and ultimately, the descent of spiritual grace, are symbolized by the cross. This is why Christians make the sign of the cross at ajna, anahata and vishuddhi chakras, for ajna is the center where the ascending consciousness is transcended and anahata is where the descending grace is made manifest to the world.

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The meaning of the 3 1/2 coils of the serpent is as follows: The 3 coils represent the 3 matras of Om, which relate to past, present and future; to the 3 gunas: tamas, rajas and sattva; to the 3 states of consciousness: waking, sleeping and dreaming; and to the 3 types of experience: subjective experience, sensual experience and absence of experience. The 1/2 coil represents the state of transcendence, where there is neither waking, sleeping nor dreaming. So, the 3 1/2 coils signify the total experience of the universe and the experience of transcendence.

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Who can awaken kundalini?

Kundalini is the creative energy; it is the energy of self-expression. Just as in reproduction a new life is created, in the same way, someone like Einstein uses that same energy in a different, more subtle realm, to create a theory like relativity. It is the same energy that is expressed when someone composes or plays beautiful music. It is the same energy which is expressed in all parts of life, whether it is building up a business, fulfilling the family duties or reaching whatever goal you aspire for. These are all expressions of the same creative energy.

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Everybody, whether householder or sannyasin, must remember that awakening of kundalini is the prime purpose of human incarnation. All the pleasures of sensual life which

we are enjoying now are intended only to enhance the awakening of kundalini amidst the adverse circumstances of man's life.

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With the awakening of kundalini, a transformation takes place in life. It has little to do with one's moral, religious or ethical life. It has more to do with the quality of our experiences and perceptions. When kundalini wakes up your mind changes and your priorities and attachments also change. All your karmas undergo a process of integration. It is very simple to understand. When you were a child you loved toys, but why don't you love them now? Because your mind has changed and consequently, your attachments have also changed. So, with the awakening of kundalini, a metamorphosis takes place. There is even the possibility of restructuring the entire physical body.

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When kundalini awakens, the physical body actually undergoes many changes. Generally they are positive, but if your guru is not cautious, they can be negative also. When the shakti wakes up, the cells in the body are completely charged and a process of rejuvenation also starts. The voice changes, the smell of the body changes and the hormonal secretions also change. In fact, the transformation of cells in the body and brain takes place at a much higher rate than normal. These are just a few observations. However, scientific researchers are still taking their first steps into this field.

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By means of kundalini awakening, you are compensating with the laws of nature and speeding up the pace of your physical, mental and spiritual evolution. Once the great shakti

awakens, man is no longer a gross physical body operating with a lower mind and low voltage prana. Instead, every cell of his body is charged with the high voltage prana of kundalini. And when total awakening occurs, man becomes a junior god, an embodiment of divinity.

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By means of kundalini awakening, you are compensating with the laws of nature and speeding up the pace of your physical, mental and spiritual evolution. Once the great shakti

awakens, man is no longer a gross physical body operating with a lower mind and low voltage prana. Instead, every cell of his body is charged with the high voltage prana of kundalini. And when total awakening occurs, man becomes a junior god, an embodiment of divinity.

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Kundalini Physiology

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Kundalini or the serpent power does not belong to the physical body, though it is connected to it. Nor can it be discovered in the mental body or even the astral body. Its abode is actually in the causal body, where the concepts of time, space and object are completely lost.

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How and where is the concept of kundalini related to the supreme consciousness? The serpent power is considered to arise from the unconscious state in mooladhara. This unconscious awareness of man then has to pass through different phases and becomes one with the cosmic awareness in the highest realm of existence. The supreme awareness or Shiva is considered to be seated in sahasrara, the superconscious or transcendental body at the crown of the head. In the Vedas, as well as the Tantras, this supreme seat is called hiranyagarbha, the womb of consciousness. It corresponds to the pituitary body, the master gland situated within the brain.

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Immediately below this center of supreme consciousness, there is another psychic center - "the third eye" or ajna chakra, which corresponds to the pineal gland. This is the seat of intuitive knowledge. This center lies on top of the spinal column, at the level of bhrumadhya, the eyebrow center. Ajna chakra is important because it is simultaneously connected with the seat of supreme consciousness in sahasrara and with mooladhara, the seat of the unconscious, at the base of the spine, via sushumna, the psychic passage within the spinal column. Therefore, it is the connecting link between the lowest unconscious seat of power and the highest center of illumination within the individual.

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Kundalini yoga is not abstract. It considers this very physical body as the basis. For a kundalini yogi, the supreme consciousness represents the highest possible manifestation of physical matter in this body. The matter of this physical body is being transformed into subtle forces - such as feeling, thinking, reasoning, remembering, postulating and doubting, in the gradual process of evolution. This psychic, suprasensory or transcendental power in man is the ultimate point of human evolution.

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The chakras

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What is a Chakra?

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What is a Chakra?Means wheel, energy wheel.

Energy vortex exists and one can learn to channel the divine energy of the universe to heal the body and the mind. It is a holistic method of cleansing.

Location of the Main energy points within the body.

Kundalini energy is partially supplying energy to these chakras.

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There are six chakras in the human body which are directly connected with the higher unillumined centers of the brain. The first chakra is mooladhara. It is situated in the pelvic floor and corresponds to the coccygeal plexus of nerves Mooladhara is the first chakra in the spiritual evolution of man, where

one goes beyond animal consciousness and starts to be a real human being. It is also the last chakra in the completion of animal evolution. It is said that from mooladhara chakra right down to the heels there are other lower chakras which are responsible for the development of the animal and human qualities of instinct and intellect. From mooladhara chakra upwards lie the chakras which are concerned with illumination and evolution of the higher man or super man. Mooladhara chakra has control over the entire range of excretory and sexual functions in man.

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The second chakra is swadhisthana, located at the lowest point or termination of the spinal cord. It corresponds to the sacral plexus of nerves and controls the unconscious in man.

The third chakra is manipura, situated in the spinal column exactly at the level of the navel. It corresponds to the solar plexus and controls the entire processes of digestion, assimilation and temperature regulation in the body. The fourth chakra is anahata, and it lies in the vertebral column behind the base of the heart, at the level of the depression in the sternum. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus of nerves, and controls the functions of the heart, the lungs, the diaphragm and other organs in this region of the body.

The fifth chakra is vishuddhi, which lies at the level of the throat pit in the vertebral column. This chakra corresponds to the cervical plexus of nerves and controls the thyroid complex and also some systems of articulation, the upper palate and the epiglottis.

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Ajna, the sixth and most important chakra, corresponds to the pineal gland, lying in the midline of the brain directly above the spinal column. This chakra controls the muscles and the onset of sexual activity in man. Tantra and yoga maintain that ajna chakra, the command center, has complete control over all the functions of the disciple's life.

There are also two higher centers in the brain which are commonly referred to in kundalini yoga: bindu and sahasrara. Bindu is located at the top back of the head, where Hindu brahmins keep a tuft of hair. This is the point where oneness first divides itself into many. Bindu feeds the whole optic system and is also the seat of nectar or amrit.

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Sahasrara is supreme; it is the final culmination of kundalini shakti. It is the seat of higher awareness. Sahasrara is situated at the top of the head and is physically correlated to the pituitary gland, which controls each and every gland and system of the body.

When kundalini shakti awakens it passes through sushumna nadi. The moment awakening kes place in mooladhara chakra, the energy makes headway through sushumna up to ajna chakra.

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he second method of awakening kundalini is through steady regular practice of mantra. This is a very powerful, smooth and risk-free method, but of course it is a sadhana which requires time and a lot of patience. First you need to get a suitable mantra from a guru who knows yoga and tantra, and who can guide you through your sadhana. When you practise the mantra incessantly, it develops in you the vision of a higher force and enables you to liveamidst the sensualities of life with indifference to them.

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Kundalini awakening is performed by the guru. It is called shaktipat.

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Guru Siyag & his guru Shri Gangainath ji

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awakening is instant, but it is only a glimpse, not a permanent event. When the guru creates this awakening you experience samadhi. You can practise all forms of pranayama and all asanas, mudras and bandhas without having learned them or prepared for them. All the mantras are revealed to you and you know the scriptures from within. Changes take place in the physical body in an instant. The skin becomes very soft, the eyes glow and the body emits a particular aroma which is neither agreeable nor disagreeable.

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This shaktipat is conducted in the physical presence or from a distance. It can be transmitted by touch, by a handkerchief, a mala, a flower, a fruit or anything edible, depending on the system the guru has mastered. It can even be transmitted by letter, telegram or telephone.

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Shaktipat Diksha programme by AVSSK

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Practice Meditation

Practice Meditation, and

by your mind will be so calm and fixed that you will find it hard to keep away from Meditation

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Realize Divinity in Man

Seek thou God ? Then see him in man; His

Divinity is manifest more in man than in

any other object. Man is the greatest

manifestation of God.

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Surrender everything to him

Give up everything to Him, resign

yourself to him, and there will be no more trouble

for you. Then you will come to know that everything is done by his will,

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Who is the Supreme Spirit

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Deva Maheshwara. Guru Sakshath Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha. (tr: Guru is the creator Brahma, Guru is the preserver Vishnu, Guru is the destroyer Siva. Guru is directly the supreme spirit — I offer my salutations to this Guru.)

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The Supreme Power Guides

Before embarking on important, sit quitely,calm your senses and thoughs, and meditate deeply.You will then be guided by the great creative power of spirit.

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What the wise think

The fool thinks, ‘I am the body’;The Intelligent Man thinks, ‘I am an individual soul united with the body.’

But the Wise Man, in the greatness of his knowledge and spiritual discrimination,Sees the Self as the only reality and thinks, ‘I am Brahman.’"

Sat guru Adi Sankara

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Only Brahman is Real

Brahman (the Absolute) is alone real; this world is unreal; and the Jiva or the individual soul is non-different from Brahman.

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What is Atman

The Atman is self-evident (Svatah-siddha). It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny the Atman, because It is the very essence of the one who denies It.

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Who is I

The True Self is Brahman (Divine Creator). Brahman is the ‘I’ of ‘Who Am I?’ The Advaita doctrine propagated by Shankara views that the bodies are manifold but the separate bodies have the one Divine in them.

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Knowledge purifies

Because samsara (or duality) exists due to ignorance or Avidya, Knowledge (Jnana) alone can make an individual realize his true nature. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga etc., are necessary only to purify the individual and to help remove this Avidya. All other paths culminate in Jnana. 

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The Brihadaranyaka says:

Asato Ma Sat Gamaya

Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya

Mrityor Ma Amritam GamayaOm Shanti Shanti Shanti.

From the unreal lead me to the real!

From darkness lead me to light!

From death lead me to immortality!"

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Jeevatma Unites with Paramatma

Advaita Vedanta considers the consciousness of the Self- Jeevatma - as continuous with and indistinguishable from the consciousness of the Supreme or Brahman- Paramatma.

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Be sincere

Be absolutely sincere with yourself.

If you are sincere with yourself, you are unlikely ever to go wrong, and even if you do you will be able quickly to correct yourself.

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You are close to GOD

The more you feel peace in meditation, the closer you are to GOD.

He moves nearer and nearer to you the deeper you enter into meditation.

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I am the changeless, I am the INFINITE, I am not a little mortal being, with bones to break, a body that will perish, I am the deathless, changeless INFINITE

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God is a Fountain of all Good Achievements

God is the Fountain of health, prosperity, wisdom, and eternal joy. We make our life complete by contact with God. Without Him, life is not complete. Give your attention to the Almighty Power that is giving you life and strength and wisdom. Pray that unceasing truth flow into your mind, unceasing strength flow into your body, and unceasing joy flow into your soul.

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The God is secret Law to prosperity

Those who seek prosperity for themselves alone are in the end bound to become poor, or to suffer from mental inharmony; but those who consider the whole world as their home, and who really care and work for group or world prosperity, activate astral forces that lead them ultimately to the place where they can find the individual prosperity that is legitimately theirs. This is a sure and secret law.

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Do act without any anticipation of fruits

Unless the mind becomes steady there cannot be yoga. It is the wind of worldliness that always disturbs the mind.

Perform your duties in an unselfish spirit. Always try to perform your duties without desiring any result.

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Believe you are only servant of God Those who cannot

give up attachment to worldly things and who find no means to shake off the feeling of 'I', should rather cherish the idea, 'I am God's servant; I am His devotee'. One can also realize God by following the path of devotion.

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Honestly earned money brings Happiness You may try to

increase your income, but in an honest way.

The goal of life is not the earning of money, but the service of God. Money is not harmful if it is devoted to the service of GOD

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Bhakti is the solution to Higher Achievements

One sees God alone everywhere when one loves Him with great intensity. Bhakti, love of God, is the essence of all spiritual discipline.

Through love one acquires renunciation and discrimination naturally

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Sincere love for God make you a Hero If a man has sincere

love for God, then all come under his control - the king, wicked persons, and his wife.

There is no hope of salvation for the worldly-minded. But he has nothing to fear if he remains in the world after realizing God

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God comes Running

The searcher of Hearts wants only your sincere love. He is like a little child. Someone may offer him his whole wealth and He doesn’t want it, and another cries to him.

If you say “O Lord, I love you”

and into the devotee’s heart He comes running

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Remember God while Living in the World

Do your duty with one hand and with the other hold to God.

After the duty is over, you will hold to God with both hands.

Bondage and liberation are of the mind alone.

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Worshipping makes you Pure

If a man repeats God's name, his body, mind, and everything become pure

It is extremely difficult to teach others. A man can teach only if God reveals Himself to him and gives the command.

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Real knowledge of God is true all else is Illusionary Teaching But mere lectures?

People will listen to them for a few days and then forget them. They will never act upon mere words.

To teach others, one must have a badge of authority; otherwise teaching becomes a mockery

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God is doing everything we are only Spectators A man verily

becomes liberated in life if he feels: 'God is the Doer. He alone is doing everything. I am doing nothing'. Man's sufferings and worries spring only from his persistent though that he is the doer

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In Kaliyuga Bhakti is best salvation

Karma yoga is very hard indeed. In the Kaliyuga, it is extremely difficult to perform the rites enjoined in the scriptures. In the Kaliyuga, the best way is Bhakti yoga, the path of devotion - singing the praises of the Lord, and prayer.

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Egoism leads to Self destruction The traits of a

worldly man endowed with tamas are sleep, lust, anger, egotism, and the like.

The ego and the universe are both illusory, like a dream.

If one analyses oneself, one doesn't find any such thing as 'I'.

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Hold hand with both hands, You never fall in life Bondage is of the mind,

and freedom is also of the mind.

If a man repeats God's name, his body, mind, and everything become pure.

Do your duty with one hand and with the other hold to God.

After the duty is over, you will hold to God with both hands.

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Belief in God makes you jivanmukta

If by God's grace, a man but once realizes that he is not the doer, then he at once becomes a jivanmukta: though living in the body, he is liberated. He has nothing else to fear.

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Who is a true Teacher

He alone is the true teacher

who is illumined by the light of

true knowledge.

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Truth is God Realization

It is said that truthfulness alone

constitutes the spiritual practice of kali Yuga. If a

man clings tenaciously to

truth, he ultimately realizes


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Best Way to Reach Me

Fix you mind on me

Devote yourself to me

Worship me Do homage to me Discipline yourself You shall come to


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I am Simple to Reach

Whatever you offer with Devotion A Leaf, A flower, A

Fruit, or Water that offering with

Devotion , I accept from pure in Heart

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Spirituality can never be

attained until Materialism is


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I Do Reappear

When ever there is a decline of DHARMA and

Ascendance of ADHRMA, I Manifest in a Body.

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Who Is God

"He is everlasting and omnipresent, infinite in the great and infinite in the small.  He is the Eternal whom the sages see as the source of all creation.

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Ashtavakra Gita 1: 18-20 

As the air is everywhere,

Flowing around a pot

And filling it, So God is

everywhere, Filling all things And flowing

through them forever.

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Rig Veda

“ Ego is the biggest enemy of humans.

People who are soft spoken and truthful are loved by all. ”

A person can achieve everything by being simple and humble.”

Have a child like Innocence

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Hinduism is Spiritual Progress Hinduism has made

marvellous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul. We have no eye for these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the material progress that Western science has made. Ancient India has survived because Hinduism was not developed along material but spiritual lines

Mahatma Gandhi

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Sri Aurobindo

Hinduism.....gave itself no name, because it set itself no sectarian limits; it claimed no universal adhesion, asserted no sole infallible dogma, set up no single narrow path or gate of salvation; it was less a creed or cult than a continuously enlarging tradition of the God ward endeavor of the human spirit. An immense many-sided and many staged provision for a spiritual self-building and self-finding, it had some right to speak of itself by the only name it knew, the eternal religion, Santana Dharma...."

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Dr. Annie Besant

After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophic, and none so spiritual as the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. The more you know it, the more you will love it; the more you try to understand it, the more deeply you will value it”

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