gwadar port pakistan

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  • 7/25/2019 Gwadar Port Pakistan


    Custody of Gwadar 1958

    Posted by:Ali Tariq

    Gwadar is a port city on the Arabian sea in costal Baluchistan Gwadar issituated on the southwestern Arabian sea on a natural ha!!erhead

    shaped peninsula na!ely Gwadar "est Bay and Gwadar #ast BayGwadaris lar$ely fiat baleen land with two hills %oh&e& Batil and %oh&e&!ehdi%oh&e&batil !a'i!u! hei$ht is ((9ft at the head of the ha!!erhead peninsulaand that of %oh&e&)ehdi hei$ht is 1*11+ft to the east of the city Gwadar is aport city on the Arabian ea in costal Baluchistan , or !any centuriesGwadar was under the control of -arious re$ional and colonial states andscience 1958 it has been under the ad!inistration of Pa.istan /trate$ically $wadar is located at the ape' of the Arabian /ea and at the

    !outh of the Gulf of 0!an The city is !er$in$ as a trade hub and a transitChinese oil and ti!ber i!ports and transship!ents The Gwadr is one ofthe few plane cities in Pa.istan li.e ,aisalabad* auharabad nd 2sla!abadThe district was di-ided in to sub 3di-isions for ad!inistrati-e purpose*na!ely Gwadar and PasniThese sub di-isions are further di-ided in totehsil and sub 3tehsilsGwadar /ub&di-ision ha-e two tehsils na!edGwadar and iwani* and other sub tehsil na!ed /untsar Pasni /ub&di-ision is di-ided in to two tehsil Pasni and 0!ara The 4 .ilo!eterslon$ coast line and un&irri$ated trac.s of %ulanch and 6ansht -alleys* hasalways been an i!portant chapter of )a.ran history

    2n pre 2sla!ic era the inhibition of Gawdar and the !ost area of Baluchistanappear to b ancient The area show the inhibition of Bron7e A$e peoplewhere settle!ents e'isted around so!e of the areas oases ater thena!e of area beco!e )a.ran because the people of this area were .nownto )o.a or )a.a so by this way later the na!e beco!e )a.ran Then thePersian #!pire conquered this area The founder of Persian #!pire in thatti!e was Cyrus the Great who conquered this re$ion Then after thecollapse of Ale'anders e!pire the area was ruled by /eleucus icator

    The area co!e under their rule about ;; BC#Then in ntil the Arab )usli!

    Ar!ay of )uh!!ad bin =asi! captured he town of Gwadar in 1

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    -arious powers *includin$ )u$hls ?fro! the east@ and the sfa-ids ?fro! thewest@so this era was considered as 2sla!ic era of 2sla!ic rule in the historyof Gwadar 2n 1581 the Portu$uese captured *sac.ed and burnt Gwadar *Gwadar 2n this era was called the Centuries of local rule in by -ariousBaloch tribes and followed by al!ost two centuries 2n 1515s accordin$ to0tto!an Ad!iral /ayed Ali eas in the inhibition of Gwadar were Blochand their chief was )ali. 6inar 2n 1

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    Importance of Gwadar Port for Pakistan


    e!ection of Gwadar for constr"ction of Deep ea Port#"hile carryin$

    out feasibility study for de-elop!ent of Gwadar port both %arachi and Bin=asi! were also considered for such de-elop!ent but found not attracti-e

    to !aor shippin$ a$encies due to re!oteness fro! !ain shippin$ routes*

    li!itations of draft and co!parati-ely lon$ turn around ti!e 6ue to these

    reasons Gwadar was selected as the site for ; rdco!!ercial port for


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  • 7/25/2019 Gwadar Port Pakistan


    Geo$trate%ic Importance

    Gwadar port is located about +4< ) "est of %arachi Because of its

    ideal location at the !outh of $ulf and opposite strate$ic cho.e points of/trait of Dor!u7 and Gulf of 0!an the port is -isuali7ed to beco!e are$ional hub ser-in$ inco!in$ and out $oin$ co!!ercial traffic of )iddle#ast and Gulf countries The new port of Gwadar will supple!ent %arachiPort and Port =asi! 2t will attract transit and trans&ship!ent trade fro!o-er twenty countries includin$ /rilan.a* Ban$ladesh* 0!an* >A#* /audi

    Arabia* =atar* 2raq and 2ran These countries !ay open their warehousesin Gwadar for e'port of $oods and storin$ of i!ported $oods for latership!ent to their countries

    on =uantifiable Benefits of Port 6etails of indirect non quantifiablebenefits which the people of re$ion will $et and would accrue to thenational econo!y fro! this port

    6uty ,ree Port F ,ree #cono!ic oneH2ncenti-es %eepin$ in -iewthe si$nificance of Gwadar port* the $o-ern!ent has declared Gwadar as a6uty ,ree Port and ,ree #cono!ic one A separate allocation of onebillion rupees was !ade in the bud$et for the fiscal year +(&+5 for theconstruction of the e'port 7one and Gwadar industrial city This has $reatlyaccelerated the pace of de-elop!ent in the area The other incenti-esannounced by Go-t are su!!ari7ed as under:

    o Positi-e approach towards pri-ate sector in-ol-e!ent

    o 2nfrastructure de-elop!ent on B0THB00 basis

    o 1 profit repatriation

    o Ta' holidays for ten years fro! date of co!!ence!ent ofco!!ercial operations

    o 1 profit repatriation

    o 0wnership ri$hts

    o ,le'ible labour re$ulations

    o /ubsidy on utilities

    o Co!plete e'e!ption fro! duty F sales ta' on i!ported plants F!achinery for 1 years

    o Capital $ains will be e'e!pted fro! ta' for 5 years

    o o local octroi or e'port ta' le-iable by local Go-t

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    Access to CARs.Gwadar Port located in pro'i!ity of Arabian Gulf and

    Central Asian epublics pro-ide it unique opportunity to ser-e both

    Pa.istan needs to capitali7e on the! throu$h better diplo!atic ties with

    Arab states and CAs 2t is therefore anticipated that oil reser-es and

    other resources of CAs would $radually beco!e the focus of worldattention in co!in$ years Dowe-er* in case of Ie'ports to and fro! CAsJ

    a peaceful and stable Af$hanistan is !ust The port will also help in

    pro!otin$ trade with Gulf /tates possessin$ 4; of worlds oil reser-es

    and will pro-e instru!ental in pro!otin$ trans&ship!ent essentially of

    containeri7ed car$o besides$ the de-elop!ent potential for

    hinterland The !ost i!portant factor that ! Gwadar Port strate$ically

    unique is the location with respect to other !aor ports in the re$ion* which

    are all located on the other side of

    the sea Gwadar port bein$ towardsnorth can easily pro-ide ser-ices and facilities to CAs* Af$hanistan and


    &pcomin% Fis'in% (ar)o"r*Ind"str+# Planned fishin$ harbourHindustry

    lin.ed with this port will facilitate efficient e'ploitation of our 94 %) of lon$


    which would $i-e boost to fish and crab e'ports and would pro!ote food

    processin$ industries as well Gwadar could also be a potential source of

    $as and oil e'ploitationK1L These areas clearly indicate the -ast potential

    which should be e'ploited and will help contribute towards national


    Insta)i!it+ in G"!f#Gulf re$ion and CAs contain one of the lar$est oil and

    $as resources of the world respecti-ely Gulf countries in particular* ha-e

    capitali7ed on it by constructin$ !aor co!!ercial centers with bul. port

    facilities Pa.istan* could not cash on this opportunity earlier due li!ited

    resources which Gulf countries did and so ha-e well established ports

    these days Gulf presently is badly e'posed to world due instability in

    re$ion and in case of bloc.ade of

    Gulf due to any reason* the Gwadar port

    would beco!e !ore i!portant due to only choice left Beside this* sour

    relations of 2ran with western countries and her territorial disputes with 2raq

    are enou$h reasons for international co!!unity to opt for Gwadar rather

    than any 2ranian port in future Gwadar Port is therefore e'pected to act as

    a -ital lin. to China* Af$hanistan and Central Asian epublics throu$hout

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    the year 6ue to these factors Gwadar is $oin$ to bethe necessity of !aor

    shippin$ co!petitors as it is the !ost efficient route to 2ndian 0cean for

    world !ar.ets Gwadar Port can therefore beco!e a -iable option for

    world co!!unity due to the followin$ reasons:

    2t is not within Gulf* thereby reducin$ chances of bein$ bloc.ed

    2t pro-ides shortest access to the land loc.ed Af$hanistan and CAs

    2t is located in close pro'i!ity of other re$ional ports of the Gulf

    Trans&ship!ent of Bul. Car$o

    0il /tora$e* efinery and Petroche!ical relatedindustriesHinstallations

    #'port processin$ and 2ndustrial one

    #'port of !inerals and li-e stoc. /er-ices ie hotel acco!!odation* touris! etc

    ,ishin$ industry

    /hip repairs and /hip buildin$

    Construction of "arehouses and /tora$es

    Beach 2ndustries

    Port Re!ated Faci!ities Construction of under !entioned

    facilitiesHindustries is directly lin.ed with the construction of Gwadar Port

    and will pro-ide e!ploy!ent opportunities for its locals and the re$ionTrade pact wit' Tas'kent#Considerin$ i!portance of trade fro! CAs -is

    &a&-is up co!in$ Gwadar port Go-t of Pa.istan ?G0P@ has -ery ri$htly

    concluded a trade pact with Tash.ent 2n this Pa.istan and >7be.istan

    ha-e a$reed to enter into a trilateral transit trade a$ree!ent with

    Af$hanistan to benefit fro! the Gwadar port facility and land routes As per

    the oint co!!uniquM issued after !eetin$ of reps of both sides on +9&;

    6ec +5* a Noint )inisterial Co!!ission has been for!ed to for!ulate

    detailsHtrade quantu! and the !odus operandiDe,e!opment P!ans*In,estment Opport"nities For -a!oc'istan

    By !$ Gwadar the pi-ot of re$ional trade* Pa.istan will alsoattract considerable in-est!ent into its !ost under de-eloped pro-inceThese funds will allow construction of roads and railways*$ thecoastal re$ion with rest of the Pa.istan* 2ran and Af$hanistan and will also*

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    facilitate culti-ation of -ast re$ions and e'ploration of natural resourcesThis would ulti!ately help socio&econo!ic uplift of locals throu$h -ariousde-elop!ent proects

    The $o-ern!ent on ; 0ctober* +( has also announced s ;

    Bn $rant for speedin$ up de-elop!ent acti-ities for o-erall uplift ofBalochistan Beside these the de-elop!ent of Gwadar port would alsobenefit the o-erall econo!y of pro-inceHcountry and will unloc. itspotentials 2t is anticipated that around +5 !illion people will $et obs withstart of this proect The $o-ern!ent is settin$ technical trainin$ centres inarea to train people Althou$h Gwadar is co!parati-ely free fro! tribalinfluence* howe-er people of area ha-e two !aor concerns in their !inds,irstly* influ' of people fro! rest of the country !ay throw the! in !inority/econdly* local population lac.s in education and other s.ills* which !ayaffect their career prospects They ha-e a fear that people co!in$ fro!other areas !ay $rab the !aor share of econo!ic opportunities Generalpublic therefore show a resent!ent a$ainst $o-ern!ent policies in for! ofbo!b blasts and de!onstrationsHdestruction of sui $as installation etc*howe-er once econo!ic lifts beco!e -isible then people would certainlyrealise their short si$htedness

    Oi! Factor and t'e A!ternate Port# Pa.istans present population is

    arround14 )illion "ith the present $rowth rate of population* the

    countrys oil needs are increasin$ continuously as well The fact that our

    dependence on P0 $ets further co!pounded as !ost of our defense

    needs are also !et throu$h it ational oil reser-es are also dependent on

    the continuous P0 fro! abroad The war sta!ina depends on the

    a-ailability of P0 to ar!ed forces for effecti-e fi$htin$ Therefore* .eepin$

    in !ind the i!portance of /0Cs for pro-ision of uninterrupted oil supply*

    Gwadar port would pro-ide !uch&needed alternate for %arachiH =asi!



    C'inese Interest and In,estmentGWADAR T(E DREAM CIT.W'at is C'inese Interest in Gwadar/

    Gwadar Cit+ is t'e Dream Pro0ect of Pakistan

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    Ke+ Note on Gwadar Pro%ress and De,e!opment1

    Gwadar proect has a -ery si$nificant role not only for Pa.istan but also forthe whole re$ion Pa.istans unique $eo$raphy and $eo political factors inthe re$ion ha-e !ade it one of .ind opportunity for Pa.istan /olidco!!it!ents by Chinese and Pa.istani $o-ern!ent with concrete steps on$round* $rowin$ interest by Gulf countries and 2n-estors around the $lobeare indicators of the bri$ht future of Gwadar

    2n-est!ent in any Proect in #Pone Gwadar is an in-est!ent with a +years Ta' Doliday facilities and trustworthy* reputed co!pany co!!itted toe'cellence and confidence and in a location which is already focus of theworld

    W'ic' are t'e co"ntries direct!+ )enefited )+ Gwadar/

    Because of unique $eo$raphy* Gwadar -irtually benefits all countries in there$ion 2n todays increasin$ly interdependent world it would not be wron$that indirectly it benefits the whole world Dowe-er* so!e of the i!portantcountries directly benefited by Gwadar beside Pa.istan and China are asfollowin$:

    a Tai.istan A land loc.ed country that will $et access to internationalwaters for its 0il and Gas e'ports and other i!ports

    b >7be.istan A$ain a land loc.ed country* $reatly benefited byGwadar

    c Tur.!enistan /a!e as abo-e

    d Af$hanistan Af$hanistan has been historically dependent uponPa.istan for its sea routes Present reconstruction efforts need !ore and!ore !aterials* but the e'istin$ port facilities already under pressures fro!Pa.istans needs find it difficult to !ana$e Besides* throu$h Gwadar the

    access to international waters would be further reduced to $reat ad-anta$eof Af$han reconstruction

    What is Chinese Interest in Gwadar?

    China has a $reat strate$ic interest in Gwadar ,ollowin$ are the i!portantones:&
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    a China is hea-ily dependent upon the oil fro! the $ulf* at present thisoil passes -ia a -ery lon$ route* throu$h the strai$ht of )alacca under >/influence After this oil has reached the /han$hai or the Chinese #ast Cost*it has to be transported thousands of !iles in land to "est of China Byusin$ Gwadar port and than %ara.ora! Di$hway ?%%D@ its !uch safer*cheaper and shorter route to west of china

    b )iddle #ast is -ery i!portant re$ion in the world because of its 0ileser-es and lar$e !ar.ets China has a natural dependence on this butdoes not ha-e !eans to influence it Go-ern!ent of Pa.istan has alreadyco!!itted to pro-idin$ a a-el Base to China in Gwadar This will not onlyhelp secure the Gwadar but also ta.e the Pa.istan China ,riendship to newhei$hts

    c Chinese Goods will find an easier* shorter and secure route to )iddle#ast increasin$ profitability and increasin$ trade

    d China will $reatly benefit fro! the industrial 7one by settin$ upindustries close to the !ar.ets

    C'inese Commitments1

    2t is i!portant to understand the Chinese co!!it!ents which are indicati-eof i!portance that china attaches to Gwadar China has -ery stron$ly

    co!!itted to Gwadar proect* because of her interests ,ollowin$ are the!aor inputs fro! the China:&

    a China has been instru!ental in desi$n of the proect

    b China is pro-idin$ appro'i!ately 8 of the cost of Port in shape of$rants and soft loans

    c 0-er 5 Chinese wor.ers ha-e wor.ed on the proect on +( hourbasis to co!plete the port setup There are still a lar$e nu!ber of Chinese

    wor.ers and en$ineers$ on the proect

    d China has further co!!itted to pro-ide !oney and resources as andwhen needed

    e China is settin$ up a 6ry Port at the Pa. China border to ta.ead-anta$e of shorter route to sea throu$h Gwadar

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    f China has paid >/O ;4 !illion to Pa.istan for e'pansion and up$radation to all weather traficability of %ara.ora! Di$hway$ Pa.istanwith China The contract has been awarded to ,rontier "or.s 0r$ani7ation*who has also started the proect

    $ ,easibility and en$ineerin$ studies to connect China with Gwadarthrou$h pipeline and railway trac. has already be$un This railway trac.also has the si$nificance of bein$ an en$ineerin$ !ar-el of the world

    W'at is Internationa! i%nificance of Gwadar/

    Another an$le to loo. at Gwadar is its si$nificance and effect to rest of theworld ,ollowin$ are the !aor de-elop!ents in this re$ard

    a 2ndia is threatened by Gwadar as this new port and associatedde-elop!ents will help increase the influence and si$nificance of Pa.istanThis de-elop!ent also brin$s Pa.istan and China !ore close A stron$erPa.istan with hi$her stature in the international world is not welco!e to2ndia 2ndia is also weary of increased dependence of CAs* Af$hanistanand China on Pa.istan* with ob-ious benefits to Pa.istan Pa.istan willbeco!e an i!portant player in the re$ion throu$h Gwadar and 2ndia istroubled by the -ery thou$ht

    b This is the best and !ost ad-anced port in the whole re$ion* it is

    therefore $ettin$ heat fro! !any corners 2n reality this is $oin$ to be to thebenefit of e-ery one /horter and !ore econo!ical route to CAs and

    Af$hanistan is especially $oin$ to be beneficial to 2ndia who ea$erly loo.sto increasin$ trade with the!

    c Tur.!enistan is a country blessed with natural $as and oil But bein$land loc.ed* it cant benefit fro! the! Trans Af$han Gas Pipeline ?TAP@fro! Tur.!enistan to Gwadar* the lon$ dor!ant proect that hopes to pu!pTur.!en natural $as to !ar.ets in south Asia is finally ready to step off thedrawin$ board This proect is bein$ de-eloped by C#TGA/

    d %a7a.hstan is also a country with lot of 0il but no !eans to access theinternational ! A pipeline is also planned to transport this oil toGwadar and than rest of the world

    e )any !ore co!panies in the world fro! -arious countries would besettin$ up their businesses to ta.e the ad-anta$e of /tate of the art world

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    class port the best in the re$ion* with cheap labor and close pro'i!ity to thehu$e )iddle #ast !

    f 6ue to $ood $eo$raphy and unscathed sand beaches* touris! andrecreation resorts ha-e $ood potential and lar$e !ultinational co!paniesare$ up locations for the purpose

    $ ,ar fro! ust an acade!ic point of -iew* recent interest of -ariousinternational co!panies to include /hell for settin$ up !e$a oil refinery inthe area* and deep interest of >A# business $roups in Gwadar arei!portant land!ar.s in this li$ht >A# alone is co!!itted to in-estin$ O;Bn* with further understandin$ of O4 Bn !ore They ha-e plans to buildDotels esorts and ecreation centers in Gwadar 2ts not lon$ when other

    Arab Countries* o-erloaded with hi$h returns fro! the record oil prices also

    e'pose their plans in the area

    T'e -a!"c' Nationa!ism T'reat M+t'#

    As !entioned before* a proect of such hu$e international si$nificance andad-anta$e to Pa.istan ust could not $o without its ene!ies playin$ a roleto downplay this !e$a proect and pessi!ists airin$ their -oices A stron$prosperous and i!portant Pa.istan is a hope for all well wishers and)usli!s ali.e* and e'actly this is what is dreaded by those who dont wanta )usli! country so stron$ They in order to under!ine Pa.istan are

    creatin$* supportin$ and propa$atin$ disinfor!ation about the so calledBaluch ationalis! ,ollowin$ are so!e of the facts to be considered inthis re$ard

    a Go-t of Pa.istan has launched a de-elop!ent bud$et of s 1+5 Bnfor Baluchistan* other than Gwadar This unprecedented co!!it!ent fro!$o-ern!ent has spurred the de-elop!ent in pro-ince to new hei$ht

    b There are total of +< 6istricts in Baluchistan of which there is only onedistrict where there is so!e trouble o other district has any si$n

    c #-en in this district there are 1( tribes and only one tribe has aproble! This tribe further has !ore than two factions of which only onehas trouble

    d This district is closer to ahore than Gwadar Dow can it affectGwadar !ore than ahore

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    e A Baluch in the area who once tended sheep and had hard ti!e!$ two ends !eet* is now dri-in$ a four wheel dri-e ocal feuds ha-estron$er econo!ic interests with the in-estors and are therefore quiteopposed to any disturbance

    f )ost recently people of Gwadar rallied to de!onstrate their supportand $ratitude to $o-ern!ent of Pa.istan for !e$a proects in BaluchistanThey also too. an opportunity to air their disappro-al of the !iscreantsplayin$ in 2ndian hands "ide co-era$e of this in local press and lar$eturnout spea. -olu!es about this

    $ Co!!on people in Baluchistan are $reatly benefited by this proect*pro-idin$ the! with new e!ploy!ent and business opportunities

    h A !ilitary canton!ent is bein$ set up in Gwadar to safe$uardcountries interests A Battalion of Pa.istan Ar!y has already beenstationed with !ore troops in follow up

    Major Developments at Gwadar

    1 Govt. has pledged Rs 63 Bn to connect Gwadar with thenational Railway Network through 963KMs track this is the!iggest ever pro"ect #or Railway. $ track is also !eing workedon #ro% Gwadar through &ur!at 'an"gore and Rato (ero to

    link up )$Rs.

    + *+, KMs Makran )oastal -ighway linking Gwadar withKarachi has !een co%pleted.

    ; &he new nternational $irport has received a grant o# /01*,%illions #ro% 2%an and Rs ,63.3, %illion #ro% 'akistangovern%ent. &he work is to start shortly as soon as the portstarts its operations.

    ( 'ri%e %inister has allocated Rs. + Billions to speedup thedevelop%ent.

    5 'resident has announced the esta!lish%ent o# an 2ilRe#inery British 'etroleu% and 0hell along with others havee4pressed their interests in the pro"ect. &he Re#inery is to !e

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    constructed on ,55 $cres and would help Gwadar !eco%ethe hu! o# 2il #or 'akistan as said !y the pri%e %inister.

    4 &he work on #ourteen %a"or Roads inside Gwadar is in #ull

    swing i.e. Baluchistan Boulevard innah $venue and )ostal-ighway #or onward linking with $#ghanistan ran and)$Rs.

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    2n fact* Gwadar en0o+s t'e stat"s of a t'ird Deep ea Port of Pakistanw'ic' 'as a specia! si%nificance wit' reference to trade !inks wit'Centra! Asian Co"ntries6 Persian G"!f6 East Africa6 &nited Ara)Emirates and Nort' Western India#

    Gwadar )+ ,irt"eof its finest location* de-elop!ent proects* recreationpro$ra!!es and Go-ern!ents special attention* wi!! soon t"rn into acit+which will be co!parable with cities li.e /in$apore* (on% Kon%and6ubai

    2n -iew of the pro!isin$ future of Gwadar* people fro! Pa.istan andabroad who belie-e in safe and sound in-est!ent* are$ .een interestin Gwadar

    (istorica! Info

    ocated at the entrance of the Persian Gulf and about (4 .!s fro!%arachi* Gwadar has had i!!ense Geostrate$ic si$nificance on !anyaccounts The continued unstable re$ional en-iron!ent in the Persian Gulfin particular as a result of the 2ranH2raq war* the Gulf war and thee!er$ence of the new Central Asian /tates has added to this i!portanceConsiderin$ the Geo&econo!ic i!perati-e of the re$ional chan$es* the

    A6Bs Ports )aster Plan studies considered an alternate to the PersianGulf Ports to capture the transit trade of the Central Asian epublic ?CA@

    as well as the trans&ship!ent trade of the re$ion Both %arachi and P=Awere considered for such de-elop!ent but were found unattracti-e to !aorshippin$ lines due to the re!oteness fro! the !ain shippin$ routes* theli!itations of draft for !other ships and lar$e bul. oil carriers and theco!parati-e lon$ turn around ti!es T'e AD- st"dies6 'owe,erconsidered Gwadar to 'a,e t'e most ad,anta%eo"s !ocation for s"c'an a!ternati,e port in t'e re%ion6 w'ic' co"!d 'and!e mot'er s'ips and!ar%e oi! tankers in d"e co"rse# Keepin% t'at aspect in ,iew as we!! ast'e in'erent strate%ic and economic )enefits t'at Gwadar Portoffered* the transport plan of the 8th ,i-e Qear Plan ?199;&9(@ of Pa.istanincluded the de-elop!ent of Gwadar Port as an essential ele!ent of itsai!s and obecti-es Technical and financial feasibilities therefore wereunder ta.en resultin$ in decisions for the de-elop!ent of Gwadar Port bythe Go-t of Pa.istan The Proect started on ++ )arch ++* is on fasttrac. and will 2nshaullah co!plete in schedule ti!e ie )arch +5 2n fact itwould surprise !any that with initiati-e and calculated ris.* we ha-e

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    recei-ed !erchant ships since an +; and ha-e been able to off loadhundreds of tones of car$o i!ported for the Proect* thus sa-in$ preciousti!e and !oney which otherwise is required for transportation of the sa!ecar$o by road fro! %arachiHP=A to Gwadar

    Gawadar is t'e District (ead8"arter of Makran Di,ision in-a!oc'istan* the lar$est pro-ince of 2sla!ic epublic of Pa.istan 2t issituated on the coastal line of )a.ran Alon$ the coastal line *there are fourTehsils includin$ Gawadar* iwani* %ulanch and 0r!ara iwani is the onlyone on the western part of Gawadar* oinin$ 2ranian border on Pa.istaniside %ulanch and 0r!ara* on its eastern side are connectin$ 6istrictasbela and to %arachi finally The distance between Gawadar and %arachiin this way* is around

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    e'pected to pro-ide the! the ser-ices throu$h Af$hanistan ,or thepurpose* a hi$hway fro! Peshawar to %arachi was constructed but due to

    Af$han crisis* this line couldnt be established The Af$han situation is tillnot clear* so* Gawadar bein$ near to 2ranian border will pro-ide portfacilities to Central Asia as well

    Geo$Economic Importance Of Gawadar

    "ith a population of 14* the Gawadar Town on )a.ran Coast is nowset to )ecome a '") of s'ippin%6 commercia! and ind"stria! acti,itiesPa.istan and China had si$ned a co!prehensi-e a$ree!ent on )arch 14*++ at Beiin$$ the tas. of construction of Gawadar deepseaport of uni-ersal standards The wor. on the first phase of this !e$aproect* which is bein$ constructed by Chinese Darbor #n$ineerin$

    Co!pany* is now at full swin$ The proect is bound to be a -ital land! the econo!ic de-elop!ent of the re$ion The port co!es as a !uch&needed national require!ent in the wa.e of the rise in car$o traffic at%ea!ari and Bin =asi!* which are operatin$ at full capacity It is e

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    develop%ent !ut #ound not attractive to %a"or shipping agenciesdue to re%oteness #ro% %ain shipping routes li%itations o# dra#tand co%paratively long turn around ti%e. (ue to these reasonsGwadar was selected as the site #or 3rd co%%ercial port #or


    Geo80trategic %portance

    Gwadar port is located a!out 6* NM est o# Karachi. Because o#its ideal location at the %outh o# gul# and opposite strategic chokepoints o# 0trait o# -or%u; and Gul# o# 2%an the port is visuali;edto !eco%e a regional hu! serving inco%ing and out goingco%%ercial tra##ic o# Middle :ast and Gul# countries. &he new port

    o# Gwadar will supple%ent Karachi 'ort and 'ort 7asi%. t willattract transit and trans8ship%ent trade #ro% over twentycountries including 0rilanka Bangladesh 2%an /$: 0audi$ra!ia 7atar ra< and ran. &hese countries %ay open theirwarehouses in Gwadar #or e4port o# goods and storing o#i%ported goods #or later ship%ent to their countries.Non 7uanti#ia!le Bene#its o# 'ort. (etails o# indirect non

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    0u!sidy on utilities.)o%plete e4e%ption #ro% duty > sales ta4 on i%ported plants >%achinery #or +5 years.)apital gains will !e e4e%pted #ro% ta4 #or , years.

    No local octroi or e4port ta4 levia!le !y local Govt.$ccess to )$Rs. Gwadar 'ort located in pro4i%ity o# $ra!ian Gul#and )entral $sian Repu!lics provide it uni

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    issued a#ter %eeting o# reps o# !oth sides on 9835 (ec 55, aoint Ministerial )o%%ission has !een #or%ed to #or%ulatedetails@trade

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    &he war sta%ina depends on the availa!ility o# '2L to ar%ed#orces #or e##ective #ighting. &here#ore keeping in %ind thei%portance o# 0L2)s #or provision o# uninterrupted oil supplyGwadar port would provide %uch8needed alternate #or Karachi@

    7asi% ports.


    /trate$ic 2!portance of Gwadar Port

    Tariq Kakar

    #ccording to the geography of human mind% ideology andintellectuality of anthropoid nature always changes due to the

    strategy of time and power in international political culture.

    &he government of 'akistan has reali(ed the necessity of a

    seaport at )wadar% a city situated at the *outhwest coast of

    +alochistan% and measures have been taken for the construction

    of this port and allied projects. )wadar is located at the face of

    the ,ranian 'lateau and is a doorway to the oil rich 'ersian )ulf.

    )wadar also gives easy access to the natural resources of entral

    #sian *tates. 'akistan is situated at a geostrategic location from

    where the country can potentially be the regional hub of trading

    and economic activities. )wadar 'ort 'roject is the rst step for

    'akistan to achieve such an important status in the international

    community. &he international players will all be interested in the

    trade owing through )wadar.

    &he features which give )wadar such an advantage are allnatural0 )wadar has a deep and warm water coast% it is situated

    at a junction of dierent regions and it is part of the resourceful

    +alochistan. &he most benecial feature which gives )wadar port

    the utmost political and economic importance is that )wadar is a

    linking region. )wadar 'ort is a link between the ast and the

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    2est. )wadar can change the strategic environment and

    economy of the entire political community. 'akistan government

    began )wadar port project but has not given attention to it in

    these past few years. )wadar is no longer the top priority in the

    agenda of the country. &he construction and developmentalactivities in )wadar have ceased. &he rst phase of )wadar port

    is complete% but the second phase and many other parallel

    projects are incomplete. onstruction for plans such as the

    railway link% industrial and economic (one% international airport

    and other structures is not in nal phase. &he main reason of

    )wadar not being a top priority anymore is that the economic

    policies of 'akistan are not oriented geopolitically and hence do

    not allow )wadar to be reali(ed as a signicant site. &he relationsof 'akistan with the neighboring countries are also unfavorable

    for )wadar because of the security issues in 'akistan% especially

    in +alochistan% and the unwillingness of these countries to

    contribute funds.

    'akistan3s economy is growing and )wadar 'ort 'roject can

    further speed up the growth but )wadar can only give output of

    prots if there is an input of investments. &he port project is at its

    early stages and further developments have been stopped. &he

    construction at the port needs to be back on track and the parallel

    projects should be initiated. 4nly after the completion of )wadar

    port can the vision of )wadar functioning as the trading hub of

    the region be achieved. &he economic% domestic and foreign

    policies should be shaped in favor of )wadar port. 'akistan should

    also work on the law and order situation in the country and

    +alochistan especially in the )wadar region for the 'ort to be a

    secure location. elations with the neighboring countries should

    be favorable for the port and only in such conditions can )wadar

    develop and ourish and enhance 'akistan3s economy and

    strategic importance in the region along with the rest of

    international political system.
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    hina is assisting 'akistan in development of this port. hina is

    also helping in the construction of many other associated projects

    including railroad links and industrial comple6es. &he concerns of

    the 7nited *tates of #merica and ,ndia are growing with regards

    to this hinese involvement in 'akistan3s interests. &hey areconsidering this involvement as a potential threat.

    &he 7nited *tates has created troubled relations with some

    countries in the iddle ast as a result of attempting to install a

    version of democracy in the uslim world. &hese relations have

    been further deteriorated due to the )lobal 2ar on &errorism

    )24&. &he 7nited *tates is keeping its military forces in the

    region in order to protect its own national interests. # militarybase may be established close to the 'ersian )ulf if it seems to be

    necessary to preserve those interests. &hus% it may be taken into

    consideration that the 7nited *tates may desire to install that

    base in )wadar port. *uch a scenario would put 'akistan-hina

    relations in jeopardy as well as the relations of 'akistan with the

    iddle astern countries.

    ,ndia views hina as a threat and is surrounded by hinese

    inuence from three sides0 &ibet% yanmar and 'akistan. ,ran also

    views hina as a threat since )wadar may be depriving ,ran of its

    economic prots by taking away trade from ,ranian ports. ,n

    attempts to counter this scene% ,ran has developed its own port0

    habahar. habahar has been constructed with the help of ,ndia

    and a plan has been made to construct a ;

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    even have actively shown disinterest in the project. &hey see it as

    a threat to their hold on the people.

    2ith so many obstacles and hindrances in the way% such as the

    2ar on &errorism% ,ndo-'ak rivalry and 'akistan3s politicalsituation% 'akistan should be very careful about the steps taken

    towards this project and many other advancement projects. &he

    initial stage of the construction of )wadar port is complete but

    many stages are yet to be completed. &he success of the project

    depends on the policies adopted by the 'akistan government.

    =oreign policies% security concerns% economic planning etc. should

    be ensued strategically and carefully otherwise they may create

    many complications for )wadar port. &his thesis will identify allthe necessary steps re>uired to bring the )wadar 'ort 'roject into

    action. &he )wadar 'ort will bring about economic and political

    gains in the regional and international politics.

    Author is a visiting lecturer in International Islamic

    University, Islamabad.

    Published in The Balochistan Point on Setember !",


    %isclaimer& The vie's e(ressed in this article are those

    o) the author and The Balochistan Point not necessarily

    agrees 'ith them.




    $$GWADAR %!RT

    &istori'al %erspe'tive


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    'ope o) Wor*

    &+man Reso+r'e

    Investment !pport+nities

    %otential %roje'ts

    (istorica! Perspecti,eocated at the entrance of the Persian Gulf and

    about (4 .!s fro! %arachi* Gwadar has hadi!!ense Geostrate$ic si$nificance on !anyaccounts The continued unstable re$ionalen-iron!ent in the Persian Gulf in particular asa result of the 2ranH2raq war* the Gulf war and thee!er$ence of the new Central Asian /tates hasadded to this i!portance Considerin$ the Geo&econo!ic i!perati-e of the re$ional chan$es*the A6Bs Ports )aster Plan studies considered

    an alternate to the Persian Gulf Ports to capturethe transit trade of the Central Asian epublic?CA@ as well as the trans&ship!ent trade of there$ion Both %arachi and P=A were consideredfor such de-elop!ent but were foundunattracti-eto !aor shippin$ lines due to there!oteness fro! the !ain shippin$ routes* theli!itations of draft for !other ships and lar$ebul. oil carriers and the co!parati-e lon$ turnaround ti!es The A6B studies* howe-er

    considered Gwadar to ha-e the !ostad-anta$eous location for such an alternati-eport in the re$ion* which could handle !otherships and lar$e oil tan.ers in due course

    %eepin$ that aspect in -iew as well as theinherent strate$ic and econo!ic benefits that
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