gwrra january 2021 chapter chatter.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · bonnie vanart, editor po box 513...

Its a new year! 2021! We are still trying to figure out where 1990 went. A very wise friend once said When you look through the windshield it seems to take forever to get there. But when you look through the rearview mirror, It is amazing how fast time has flown by. Something all of us can relate too. This year marks our 24 th year as GWRRA members (yes, we were babies when we joined). We have spent a lot of time this past year reflecting on some of the friends we made, the adventures we have had, and how we have grown since we joined. Our life has been richer- thanks to all of you. Thats why we decided to step up to become Chapter Directors, again, when Gerry and Bonnie announced 2020 was their last year. We want to try to make sure our current Chapter members and those we havent met yet are afforded the same opportunities we have had the last 24 years. Like we said in December, we will be asking a few of you to help out in various positions- please say yes. The more involved you are, the more fun you will have. It is now 2021. That means the Firehouse Challenge has begun. The pins arrived. They are really nice. Wonder how many of us will be sporting new pins at the end of the year??? We will be taking some rides to a few Firehouses as a Chapter. When well go will be determined soon. You are welcome to start anytime you want. The information will be reviewed again at our January gathering. We still have a few hot dog and ice cream pins left. If you had started either of those challenges and didnt finish- its not too late. During these long Winter months, take a drive to one of the Ice Cream places you still need and take a picture. Send us the picture and you are done! EASY! Once again, we would like to thank Gerry & Bonnie and Bill & Charlene Knecht for the leadership roles they have held over the last few years. We hope to see you all on the 16 th . Renee and Tom GWRRA Chapter PA-H, Mifflinville January 2021 ATTENTION!!! Our gatherings are held at Toms Kitchen in Conyngham (along Rte. 93) on the 3rd Saturday of the month with breakfast at 10:00am followed by our Gathering. . Table of Contents Page 1: Director Page 2: Past Directors Page 3: Health Issues Page 4: Cooks Corner Page 5: For Sale Page 6-8: PA District Page 9: National Page 10: Calendar January 2021 7-9:MD Winterthing- Posponed 16: Gathering February 2021 14: Valentines Day 20: Gathering March 2021 20: Gathering April 2021 22-24: Winter Thing

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Page 1: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter

It’s a new year! 2021! We are still trying to figure out where 1990 went. A very wise friend once said “ When you look through the windshield it seems to take forever to get there. But when you look through the rearview mirror, It is amazing how fast time has flown by. Something all of us can relate too.

This year marks our 24th year as GWRRA members (yes, we were babies when we joined). We have spent a lot of time this past year reflecting on some of the friends we made, the adventures we have had, and how we have grown since we joined. Our life has been richer- thanks to all of you.

That’s why we decided to step up to become Chapter Directors, again, when Gerry and Bonnie announced 2020 was their last year. We want to try to make sure our current Chapter members and those we haven’t met yet are afforded the same opportunities we have had the last 24 years.

Like we said in December, we will be asking a few of you to help out in various positions- please say yes. The more involved you are, the more fun you will have.

It is now 2021. That means the Firehouse Challenge has begun. The pins arrived. They are really nice. Wonder how many of us will be sporting new pins at the end of the year??? We will be taking some rides to a few Firehouses as a Chapter. When we’ll go will be determined soon. You

are welcome to start anytime you want. The information will be reviewed again at our January gathering. We still have a few hot dog and ice cream pins left. If you had started either of those challenges and didn’t finish- it’s not too late. During these long Winter months, take a drive to one of the Ice Cream places you still need and take a picture. Send us the picture and you are done! EASY!

Once again, we would like to thank Gerry & Bonnie and Bill & Charlene Knecht for the leadership roles they have held over the last few years.

We hope to see you all on the 16th.

Renee and Tom

GWRRA Chapter PA-H, Mifflinville January 2021

ATTENTION!!! Our gatherings are held at Tom’s Kitchen in Conyngham (along Rte. 93) on the 3rd Saturday of the month with breakfast at 10:00am followed by our Gathering. .

Table of Contents

Page 1: Director Page 2: Past Directors Page 3: Health Issues Page 4: Cook’s Corner Page 5: For Sale Page 6-8: PA District Page 9: National Page 10: Calendar

January 2021

7-9:MD Winterthing-


16: Gathering

February 2021

14: Valentines Day

20: Gathering

March 2021

20: Gathering

April 2021

22-24: Winter Thing

Page 2: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

Hi Friends! Welcome to our new Directors, Renee and Tom! They will make a refreshing change for our Chapter. Please support them as you sup-ported us. Thank you for all of the support you gave us throughout our time as your Chapter Directors. You’ve heard that many hands make light work. Well, you made our job so much easier, and all of us working together also made it FUN. Thanks for the great times we’ve had! Though we’re not CD’s anymore, you’ll still be seeing a lot of us in the future as friends sharing the FUN with all of you. Happy New Year everyone. We’ll see you at the gathering!

Gerry & Bonnie

Chapter PA-H Directors: Renee Wasluck e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-239-2354 Asst. Directors: TBA Treasurer Tony Cameron e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-788-5655 MEC: Charlene Knecht e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-759-2186 Couple of the Year Lee & Susan Hopewell e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-850-8178 Newsletter Editor Bonnie VanArt e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 570-764-1280

Courtesy: Renee Wasluck ….. Thanks Renee for the pic!!!

Page 3: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

January 20 Tony & Ann


February 26 Charlie & Dee


January 10

Tony Cameron

January 17

Gerry VanArt

Janet Brady

February 16

Dee Milbrand

Rosemary Zanolini

February 21

Bonnie VanArt

February 25

Buzz Skilton

February 28

Bill Cleaver

Let’s keep Charlie & Dee Millbrand and Donna Strouse in our thoughts and prayers Following is an e-mail sent from Char concerning Donna: Hi Bill and Charlene, I was in the hospital for a week in November. I fell at home. No broken bones etc. They discovered I had A-fib. I have been living with my son and daughter-in-law at Montoursville, PA since then. With therapy and the help of a cane when needed, I am doing fine and hope and pray to get back in my home in January some time. Thank you for all the prayers from GWRRA people. Love ya all, Donna Strouse Buzz Skilton is still on the mend, and feeling a little better now. Keep him and Maureen in your thoughts and prayers. They all would probably appreciate a call, visit, or card.

If you wish to send cards or sentiments please contact me using the following information...

Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: [email protected]

Page 4: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

I’d like to

remind everyone to

please submit your

articles for the

newsletter by the end

of the month for next

month’s newsletter.

Remember, this is

your newsletter, and

it’s only as good as

you make it. Please

contribute information

to it.

Also, I’m open for

any comments,

suggestions, or

questions. I’m truly

grateful to all of you

who submit articles.

Without your input

there would be no


Bonnie VanArt

[email protected]



Please!! We need your recipes for cook’s corner, so put on your thinking caps and see what you can come up with. What are some of your favorite recipes? Perhaps you could share them with us! If so, submit them to me at:

Bonnie VanArt PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 e-mail: [email protected]

1. Combine brine ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once sugar and

salt are dissolved, remove from heat and cool completely.

2. Pour cooled brine over pork chops and refrigerate at least 30 minutes or up

to 2 hours.

3. Preheat oven to 400°F.

4. Remove pork chops from brine and dab dry with a paper towel.

5. If the pork has a fat cap on one side, cut slits into the fat.

6. Combine rub ingredients and rub over pork chops.

7. Bake 16 minutes. Turn oven to broil and broil the pork chops 2-4 minutes or

until they reach 140°F.

8. Remove from the oven and let chops rest 5 minutes before serving (the tem-

perature will continue to rise to 145°F).


If you do not brine the pork chops, add 1 teaspoon kosher salt to the rub mix-


Thicker chops will need extra time while thinner chops will cook faster. Use a

meat thermometer to test for doneness. Pork chops should be baked to an inter-

nal temp of 145°F.

• 4 boneless pork chops 3/4" thick


• 2 tablespoons brown sugar

• ½ teaspoon garlic powder

• ½ teaspoon mustard powder

• ½ teaspoon paprika


• 4 cups water

• ¼ cup kosher salt

• 2 tablespoons brown sugar

• 1 teaspoon peppercorns

Submitted by Renee Wasluck

Thanks Renee!

Page 5: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

Note: “For Sale”

items will be

displayed in this

newsletter for three

consecutive months

unless I am

informed otherwise.

If the item is sold,

please let me know,

so I can remove the

ad. Send “For

Sale” Information

to me at:

[email protected]

Page 6: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

We hope everyone enjoyed festivities over the holidays with their families and

friends. Happy New Year everyone, may it be a prosperous, happy, and healthy one for you

and yours. As you are reading this, Crystal and I are only a week or two into our tenure as

your new District Directors for the Pennsylvania District. We would like to thank Harold and

Diane Jackson for all their hard work and dedication to our Pennsylvania District. It is

always a pleasure to work with someone who has a friendly and inspiring nature. It was fun

working under their guidance because problems became much easier. Harold and Diane left

us a great District to work with and we want to make it even better.

The COVID-19 virus has changed our lifestyles; how we work, how we shop, how

we learn, how we socialize and how we communicate. Socializing is critical for mental and

emotional health. We have developed friendships and an extended family due to this

Association. We have ridden, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company by being part of

GWRRA. How we socialize is changing, but we will get through this together. All of us are

learning to adjust to the varied restrictions. During the next couple of months, instead of

social distancing, we should try distant socializing. Our cell phones, FaceTime, Zoom and

other tools like these are our friends right now. And when the weather gets warmer, we look

forward to joining in on the Events Chapters are planning and spending time with all of you -

our extended family.

We would like to give a big WELCOME to the new Chapter Officers that have

agreed to step up and take a leadership position. Thank you again for offering your time and

services to your Chapters. We are looking forward to working with you. Just learn and have

fun. If you ever need help or have any questions, Crystal and I, along with the rest of the

District Team, are available to help. Give us a call or email us, anytime.

Along with welcoming the new Officers coming on board, we would like to thank the

current Officers who are staying on as leaders of their Chapters. Your dedication and

contributions to your Chapters are deeply appreciated by both your Chapter participants and

your District Team. We also would like to thank all the Chapter Officers who have stepped

aside. You all did a great job for your Chapters, which makes our job easier.

The PA District Team deserves many thanks. They volunteered their time to

organize, promote, instruct GWU, Medic First Aide and rider classes, and host great Rallies

for the members of the PA District. Let’s add Zoom calls and GroupWorks to the list of

accomplishments. Thank you to a wonderful District Team. Your effort is truly appreciated.

We want to mention there are several Officers needed to complete the 2021 District

Team. If you are interested in stepping up to a District leadership position, please consider

volunteering. Crystal and I cannot manage the District without filling these key positions.

The Officer position descriptions are included in the last few pages of the newsletter. After

reading the descriptions, please let us know if you are ready to be part of the District Team.

Additionally, we are hoping to find a District Newsletter Editor, Photographer, and Rally

Book Editor.

As 2020 ends and 2021 begins, let us remember loved ones who have gone before us,

and our fallen military, police, fire fighters and other first responders who made the ultimate

sacrifice so we may enjoy the freedoms we have in this great country.

All our best,

Tim & Crystal

Your PA District Directors

PA District

District Directors: Tim & Crystal Brakebill [email protected] Phone: 724-816-9934 Asst. District Director (B,K,V,Y) Mike & Shirley Prince [email protected] Phone:: 717-495-5400 Asst. District Director (C,E,S,T,W) TBA (D,I,N,P,Q) TBA (H,M,R,X) TBA District Educator: (TEMP) Tim & Crystal Brakebill [email protected] Phone: 724-816-9934 Ride Coordinator TBA District MEC TBA District COY Coordinators John & Glenda Leib [email protected] Phone: 717-766-547 District COY Ray & Doreen Snyder [email protected] Phone: 814-583-5619 Senior District Univ.Coor. Gerry & Bonnie VanArt [email protected] Phone: 570-764-1279 RFTD Coordinator Bonnie & Gerry VanArt [email protected] Phone: 570-764-1280 District Newsletter Editor (TEMP) Crystal Brakebill [email protected] Phone: 724-816-9934 District Webmaster Mike & Darlene Ammerman [email protected] Phone: 412-795-6685

Page 7: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

“The GWRRA Rider Education Program (REP) is intended to

make the motorcycle environment safer by reducing injuries and

fatalities and increasing motorcyclist skills and awareness.” Through

Commitment, Education and Application, we can reduce our accident

rate significantly (Gold Wing Road Riders Association Rider


Level I: Safety by Commitment - The first big step to success.

Level I of the Rider Education Program is also referred to as

Safe Miles. It represents the commitment of the Rider and/or the Co-

Rider to practice safe motorcycle operation whenever they operate their


Safety is a state of mind which can only be attained through

total commitment. Every successful accomplishment begins with a

commitment to reach the intended objective. This is true of the Rider

Education Program and includes a promise to learn for the sake of

Rider, Co-Rider, friends and family, and others on the road.

Though there is no mileage requirement to enter Level I, the

commitment to safe riding is tracked by the number of accident-free

miles since joining GWRRA. Accident-free miles are accumulated in

5,000-mile increments and may be updated at yearly intervals.

Requirement: Verbal commitment to ride safely at all times. No cost to

sign up.

Level II: Safety by Education

Level II of the REP is also referred to as Tour Rider. It

represents the commitment of the Rider and/or Co-Rider to be safer

motorcycle riders by taking approved motorcycle riding courses at

regular intervals.

GWRRA has chosen several educational training programs for

the Riders and Co-Riders such as the MSF (Motorcycle Safety

Foundation) programs, the United Sidecar Association course, the CSC

(Canadian Safety Council) programs, and the GWRRA's Advanced

Riding courses.

Completing these courses provides the foundation and skills for

your quest to be a safe motorcycle rider. All recognized programs are

taught by qualified and Nationally certified instructors.

For the Co-Rider, we have provided an excellent seminar and

"Two Up" programs to assist in their role in the safety aspect of

motorcycle riding.

Motorcycle education goes "hand in hand" with commitment. The "on

bike" education by MSF, USCA, CSC and GWRRA for the Rider and

Co-Rider and the "off bike" education designed specifically for the Co-

Rider, provide a very effective approach to motorcycle safety. This is

when a REP participant truly begins to understand what the Level I

commitment means and sees the value in the program.

Requirement: Rider - a Certified Rider Course with 5,000 safe miles. Co-Rider -

certified Co-rider Seminar or 2-up Rider Course. No cost to sign up.

Crystal and I encourage everyone to get involved in the Rider Education program to

improve your riding skills and knowledge so everyone enjoys the ride and returns home


Tim & Crystal Brakebill,

Your PA District Educator “Ride safe & participate”

Patches available at

$6.00 per participant.

"Safe Miles" patch,

Rider (or Co-rider) Rock-

er, and mileage pin.

Patches available at

$5.00 per participant.

"Red Triangle" patch

for either Rider or Co-

rider signifying Level II


Page 8: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a safe and healthy Holiday Season. Hopeful-ly, Santa left plenty of Safety Chrome and Safety Lights under your Christmas Tree. He must not have had enough time to peek over in the shop and check out my bike. If he had, he would have noticed that a few areas on the bike are still crying out for some more lights. For-tunately, it’s not as many as last year and I have a birthday coming very soon, so there is still a chance for a few more Safety Lights to show up. One should never lose hope!!! Next year will be here in less than a week and hopefully that means we’ll start getting back to some sort of normal. While the COVID-19 State “EDICK’s” are still putting a damper on many of our activities, let’s hope 2021 will start the turn back to normal and be a year to remember instead of one we would like to forget. To me that means getting back to a year of Dining Out, Traveling, Site Seeing, Riding, Visiting, and Socializing with our GWRRA Family of Friends. While we are shut-in, during the cold Winter months, we are provided a Great opportunity to think about and maybe take some “online” training as soon as it becomes avail-able. Keep an eye on GroupWorks for the latest “online training schedule” re-lease. This is also an opportunity to identify the Training you would like to have presented at the PA District Rally which is only a few months away, early next year in May. For a complete list of available training visit the Pa District Web-site home page and click on the Training Button. With the help and support of our GWRRA University Instructors, we’ll do our best to fulfill your requests. Please, Promote and Support the various Training opportunities within your Chap-ters. With Your cooperation and Chapter participation, we’ll do our best to make the training Available, Informative, and FUN!!! We look forward to hearing from you soon. All requests are welcome by e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (570-764-1279). Your Friends for FUN, Safety, and Knowledge

GWRRA Mission



Skilled Riders





Gerry & Bonnie VanArt Pa District University Coordinators ITCP Certified Instructors Master Tour Riders [email protected] 570-764-1279

Page 9: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

GWRRA National

21423 North 11th


Phoenix, AZ 85027

Phone: 800-843-9460


Jere & Sherry Goodman


Director’s Assistant:

Tom & Renee Wasluck

[email protected]


Rider Education

Susan & George Huttman

[email protected]


Dan & Mary Costello



GWRRA University:

Lorrie Thomas/Dan Clarke

(interim Dir)

[email protected]

Mororist Awareness

Jim & Freda Clayson

[email protected]


Randall & Janet Drake

[email protected]


USA NE Territory


Chris & Christy Hull

(PA District)

This was the message sent out by Abel Gallardo from the home office con-cerning the pandemic:

"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to encourage you to postpone all Chapter and District gatherings for the time being. We are aware that many of you have already done so, but felt it was important to reiterate the message for any of you that have yet to do so. Unfortunately, due to the fluidity of the situation, we cannot begin to estimate the length of time this request will remain in effect."

Each State will be different in how it considers to re-open for business. It will be up to that State's Governor on how they proceed.

As for GWRRA members to start to attend gatherings, the Home Of-fice from what we have been told, most likely will not put out communica-tion concerning this topic, since each State may be different.

From the beginning we have been directed by the Federal, State and Local governments on social distancing. It would be best if each District follows the guidelines set forth by their State and the CDC on how to pro-ceed with "gathering" as a group.

Please consider what restrictions may be put on the Chapter gathering locations. It would be best to check with the "gathering" location on whether they will be able to accommodate the members as a group.

Tom & Renee Wasluck

Team GWRRA Director's Assistants

570-239-2353 (Tom) 570-239-2354 (Renee) Ride Safe & Have Fun

WING DING 42 June 29-July 3, 2021

Springfield, Missouri. Let’s hope for a great Rally this year.

We hope to see you!

Page 10: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

February 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

(B) Birthday (A) Anniversary Event

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(B) Dee Milbrand

(B) Rosie Zanolini


21 22 23 24 25 26 27

(B) Bonnie VanArt (B) Buzz Skilton (A) C&D Milbrand


(B) Bill Cleaver

January 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

(B) Birthday (A) Anniversary Event

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

(B) Tony Cameron


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

(B) Gerry VanArt (A) T&A Cameron

(B) Janet Brady

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Page 11: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter

ASST. DIRECTOR Mike & Shirley Prince Phone: 717-495-5400 e-mail: [email protected] COY COORDINATORS John & Glenda Leib Phone: 717-766-5467 e-mail: [email protected] ROLL FOR THE DOUGH COOR. Bonnie & Gerry VanArt Phone: 570-764-1280 e-mail: [email protected] ASST. UNIVERSITY COOR. Tim & Crystal Brakebill Phone: 724-816-9934 e-mail: [email protected] COORDINATOR TBA



CHAPTER DIRECTOR Renee Wasluck 570-239-2354 [email protected] ASST. CHAPTER DIRECTOR TBA TREASURER Tony Cameron 570-788-5655 [email protected] RIDE COORDINATOR TBA MEMBER ENHANCEMENT Charlene Knecht 570-759-2186 [email protected] SECRETARY Charlene Knecht 570-759-2186 [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Bonnie VanArt 570-759-9304 [email protected] COUPLE OF THE YEAR Lee & Susan Hopewell 570-850-8178 [email protected] GREETING CARDS TBA PINS & PATCHES Ann Cameron 570-788-5655 [email protected] SCRAP BOOK Ann Cameron 570-788-5655 [email protected]

NORMAL GATHERINGS: Third Saturday of the month …Breakfast at 10:00am; Gathering to follow

Gathering days and times are subject to change throughout the year. Call Chapter Director to verify!

Tom’s Kitchen, Market Street (Route 93), Sugarloaf, PA I-80 Exit 256 toward Hazleton, proceed on Route 93 to Conyngham.

Look for Tom’s Kitchen on the right.


DIRECTOR Tim & Crystal Brakebill Phone: 724-816-9934 e-mail: [email protected] TREASURER Sharon (& Ed) Golanka Phone: 724-938-7876 e-mail: [email protected] EDUCATOR—temp Tim & Crystal Brakebill Phone: 724-816-9934 e-mail: [email protected] UNIVERSITY COORDINATOR Gerry & Bonnie VanArt Phone: 570-764-1279 e-mail: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER EDITOR—temp Tim & Crystal Brakebill Phone: 724-816-9934 e-mail: [email protected] WEBMASTER Mike & Darlene Ammerman Phone: 412-795-6685 e-mail: [email protected] GOODIES COORDINATOR Dave & Cindy Marconi Phone: 814-781-6383 e-mail: [email protected] COUPLE OF THE YEAR Ray & Doreen Snyder Phone: 814-583-5619 e-mail: [email protected]


21423 North 11th Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85027

Phone: 800-843-9460 Director:

Jere & Sherry Goodman


Director’s Assistant:

Tom & Renee Wasluck

[email protected]

Page 12: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter


GWRRA Chapter PA-H Berwick, PA January 2021

Page 13: GWRRA January 2021 CHAPTER CHATTER.pdf · 2021. 1. 11. · Bonnie VanArt, Editor PO Box 513 Mifflinville, PA 18631 Phone: (570) 764-1280 e-mail: 4 GWRRA Chapter

Renee & Tom Wasluck PA Chapter H Directors 279 Church Road Mountain Top, PA 18707