hamp nong sein come package

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  • 7/28/2019 Hamp Nong Sein Come Package


    Dear Valued Borrower(s):

    As your mortgage servicer, we want to help you stay in your home. We want you to know there is a program available that may helpyou. If you qualify under the federal governments Home Affordable Modification Program and comply with the terms of the Home

    Affordable Modification Program Trial Period Plan, we will modify your mortgage loan and you can avoid foreclosure.

    How can you find out if you qualify? Just follow the steps below and let us know that you need help, TODAY!

    Detailed instructions on what you need to do to take advantage of this program are set forth on the enclosed document entitledComplete Your Checklist. Generally, you will need to:

    Explain the financial hardship that makes it difficult for you to pay your mortgage loan using the Request for MortgageAssistance (RMA, enclosed).

    Submit the required documentation of your income.

    Make timely monthly trial period payments.

    If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will be offered a Trial Period Plan. The monthly trial period payments will be based on theincome documentation that you provide. They will be an estimate of what your payment will be if we are able to modify your loanunder the terms of the program.

    If you do not qualify for a loan modification, we will work with you to explore other options available to help you keep your home orease your transition to a new home.

    Be sure you continue making your regular mortgage payments until you hear from us about your eligibility for this program. Whenwe receive your completed documents and verify your information, well determine if you qualify for a Home Affordable Modificationof your loan. During this review period, your home will not be referred to foreclosure or sold at a foreclosure sale.

    Please complete the enclosed forms and submit all the required income documentation. Now is the time to act. We are ready tohelp you. Please take the steps outlined on the enclosed document Complete Your Checklist. If you have any questions, pleasecontact us at 1.888.565.1422.


    Sharon ZunigaSenior Vice PresidentWells Fargo Home Mortgage

    Attachments: Complete Your Checklist, Next Steps, Important Program Info, RMA, IRS Form 4506-T, Non-Borrower Occupant Certification Form, and EscrowRequirement

    Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

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  • 7/28/2019 Hamp Nong Sein Come Package


    Other Earned Income such as bonuses, commissions, housing allowance, tips, or overtime: Reliablethird-party documentation describing the amount and nature of the income (e.g., employment contract orprintouts documenting tip income).

    B.Self-employed/ business income

    Borrowers complete personal and business tax return for the most recent year with all schedules OR Most recent quarterly or year-to-date profit and loss statement that reflects activity for the most recent three

    months; AND

    Copies of bank statement for the business account for the last two months evidencing continuation ofbusiness activity.

    Note: If the federal tax return has not been filed and it is past the filing deadline, please send a copy of thefiling extension request along with the profit and loss statement for the year not filed.

    C. Retirement, pension, unemployment and disability

    IRA/401K/investment income:Most recent two months account statement AND at least ONE of the following:Borrowers most recent year of tax returns (1040) including all schedules or most recent 1099 forms

    Retirement or pension:Award letter for current year unless it states lifetime and three months bank statements

    Unemployment income and short-term disability income:Award letter within 60 days AND three months recent bank statements or cancelled checks.

    Social Security, disability or death benefits, pension, public assistance, or adoption assistance:Documentation showing the amount and frequency of the benefits, such as letters, exhibits, disability policyor benefits statement from the provider, ANDDocumentation showing the receipt of payment, such as copies of the two most recent bank statementsshowing deposit amounts.

    D. Income from tenants

    Rental/boarder income:

    Copy of the most recent filed federal tax return with all schedules; including Schedule E SupplementalIncome and Loss. Rental income for qualifying purposes will be 75% of the gross rent reduced by themonthly debt service on the property if applicable; ORIf rental income is not reported on Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss, provide a copy of thecurrent lease agreement with either bank statements (demonstrating receipt of rent) or evidence of damagedeposits.If boarder income is also included:Proof of occupancy (i.e.cell phone or utility bill, bank statements or other evidence of occupancy fromboarder).

    E. Other Income

    Alimony, child support, or separation maintenance payments as qualifying income:*Copy of divorce decree, separation agreement, or other written legal agreement filed with a court, or courtdecree that states the amount of the alimony, child support, or separation maintenance payments and theperiod of time over which the payments will be received, ANDCopies of your two most recent bank statements or other third-party documents showing receipt ofpayment.

    *Notice: Alimony, child support, or separation maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not

    choose to have it considered for repaying this loan.

    Welfare:If welfare is listed as income, need a letter from the County.

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    Please read this section carefully to understand what you can expect from this process.

    A. Once we receive all of your documentation and verify your information, we will determine whether you qualify for aHome Affordable Modification of your loan. If you do, we will send you a Home Affordable Modification Trial PeriodPlan Notice which will outline your next steps and obligations for the trial.

    B. Under the Trial Period Plan, you will be required to make trial period payments, instead of your regular mortgageloan payments. The trial period payments should be close to the amount you would pay under a modification. Neathe end of the trial period, we will be able to calculate the final amount and the final terms of your modified loan.Then we will send you two copies of the Home Affordable Modification Agreement for your signature.

    C. In addition, to successfully completing the Trial Period Plan, you will need to sign and return both copies of theModification Agreement to us promptly. The Modification Agreement will only become effective after we sign it andreturn it to you with all signatures. Once the Modification Agreement becomes effective, we will modify your loan.

    D. Please note that it may take up to 30 days for us to review your documents, after we receive all requireddocumentation. During this review period, your home will not be referred to foreclosure or sold at a foreclosure saleHowever, if you fail to comply with the terms of the Trial Period Plan and do not make other arrangements with us,your loan will be enforced according to its original terms. This could include foreclosure.

    E. Please contact us at 1.888.565.1422 if you have any questions about the process.

    What you need to know about foreclosure

    I will contact you if you do not qualify for this program. If you do not qualify, I will want to discuss other alternativeswith you that may help you keep your home or ease your transition to another home.

    We will continue to work with you to help you avoid a foreclosure sale. However, please understand that if you havenot yet been referred to foreclosure, that process could begin at any time. If your mortgage has been referred toforeclosure, as part of the foreclosure process, you may receive notices from a third-party attorney delivered by mail,or see steps being taken to proceed with a foreclosure sale of your home. During the HAMP trial period, a foreclosuresale will not be held as long as you comply with the terms of the trial period plan and make all your payments on time

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    pursue any workout options discussed with us. At your request, we will immediately terminate any such discussions should you nolonger wish to pursue these options.

    How many single family properties other than your principal residence do you and/or any co-borrower(s) ownindividually, jointly, or with others? _____________

    Has the mortgage on your principal residence ever had a Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) trialperiod plan or permanent modification?

    Yes No

    Has the mortgage on any other property that you or any co-borrower own had a permanent HAMP modification?

    Yes No If yes, how many? _____________

    Are you or any co-borrower currently in or being considered for a HAMP trial period plan on a property otherthan your principal residence?

    Yes No

    Principal residence information

    Note: If you are requesting mortgage assistance, you must complete this section even if you are not seekingmortgage assistance on your principal residence.

    Principal residence loan number Principal residence servicer name

    Property address (if same as mailing address, write same)

    Number of people who live in the home

    Is this property listed for sale? Yes No

    If yes, what was property listing date? _______________________

    Have you received an offer on the property? Yes No

    Date of offer: ___________________ Amount of offer: $______________________ Closing date: _______________

    Agent/Agency name: _______________________________ Agent/Agency phone number ( )


    For sale by owner? Yes No

    Who pays the real estate tax bill on your property? I do Servicer does

    Are the taxes current? Yes No

    Monthly condominium or homeowners association fee? Yes $ __________________________

    Are fees paid current? Yes No

    Paid to (Name and Address) ______________________________

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    Information about your other properties

    Other properties ownedYou must provide information about all properties that you or the co-borrower own, other than your principal residence and theproperty that you are requesting assistance for. (See below.) Use additional sheets if necessary.

    Other Property #1

    Property address: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Loan number: ______________________________________ Servicer name: ______________________________

    Mortgage balance: $__________________________________ Current value: $_____________________________

    Property is: Vacant Second or seasonal home Rented

    Gross monthly rent: $_________________________________ Monthly mortgage payment*: $___________________

    Other Property #2

    Property address:_______________________________________________________________________________

    Loan number:______________________________________ Servicer name: ______________________________

    Mortgage balance: $__________________________________ Current value: $_____________________________

    Property is: Vacant Second or seasonal home Rented

    Gross monthly rent: $_________________________________ Monthly mortgage payment*: $___________________

    Other Property #3

    Property address:_______________________________________________________________________________

    Loan number: ______________________________________ Servicer name: ______________________________

    Mortgage balance: $__________________________________ Current value: $_____________________________

    Property is: Vacant Second or seasonal home Rented

    Gross monthly rent: $_________________________________ Monthly mortgage payment*: $___________________

    * The amount of the monthly payment made to your Servicer including, if applicable, monthly principal, interest, real propertytaxes and insurance premiums.

    Other property for which assistance is requested

    Complete this section ONLY if you are requesting mortgage assistance with a property that is not your principal residence.

    I am requesting mortgage assistance with a rental property. Yes No

    I am requesting mortgage assistance with a second or seasonal home. Yes No

    If yes to either, I want to: Keep the property Sell the property

    Property address: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Loan number: _______________________________________

    Do you have a second mortgage on the property? Yes No

    If yes, Servicer name: ________________________________ Loan Number: _______________________________

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    Do you have condominium or homeowner association (HOA) fees? Yes No

    If yes, monthly fee: $________________________________

    Are HOA fees paid current? Yes No

    Name and address that fees are paid to: _______________________________________________________________

    Does your mortgage payment include taxes and insurance? Yes No

    If no, are the taxes and insurance paid current? Yes No

    If insurance is paid by you or HOA, name of insurance company: ______________________________________________

    Insurance company phone number: (____) ________________________

    Annual homeowners insurance: $________________________ Annual property taxes: $________________________

    If requesting assistance with a rental property, property is currently:

    Vacant and available for rent Occupied without rent by your legal dependent, parent or grandparent as their principalresidence

    Occupied by a tenant as their principal residence Other ______________________________________________

    If rental property is occupied by a tenant:

    Term of lease /occupancy: ____ / ____/________ ____ / ____/________MM / DD / YYYY MM / DD / YYYY

    Gross monthly rent: $________________________________

    If rental property is vacant, describe efforts to rent property:



    If applicable, describe relationship of and duration of non-rent paying occupant of rental property: _______________________


    Is the property for sale? Yes No

    If yes, listing agent's name: ______________________________ Phone number: (___) _______________________

    List date: ___________________________________________

    Have you received a purchase offer? Yes No

    Amount of offer: $____________________________________ Closing Date______________________________

    Rental Property Certification

    You must complete this certification if you are requesting a mortgage modification with respect to a rental property.

    By checking this box and initialing below, I am requesting a mortgage modification under MHA with respect to the rentalproperty as previously described and I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that each of the following statements is true andcorrect with respect to that property:

    1. I intend to rent the property to a tenant or tenants for at least five years following the effective date of my mortgagemodification. I understand that the servicer, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, or their respective agents may ask me toprovide evidence of my intention to rent the property during such time. I further understand that such evidence must show that Iused reasonable efforts to rent the property to a tenant or tenants on a year-round basis, if the property is or becomes vacantduring such five-year period. Note: The term reasonable efforts includes, without limitation, advertising the property for rent

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    in local newspapers, websites or other commonly used forms of written or electronic media, and/or engaging a real estate orother professional to assist in renting the property, in either case, at or below market rent.

    2. The property is not my secondary residence and I do not intend to use the property as a secondary residence for at least fiveyears following the effective date of my mortgage modification. I understand that if I do use the property as a secondaryresidence during such five-year period, my use of the property may be considered to be inconsistent with the certifications I havemade herein. Note: The term secondary residence includes, without limitation, a second home, vacation home or other type ofresidence that I personally use or occupy on a part-time, seasonal or other basis.

    3. I do not own more than five (5) single-family homes (i.e., one-to-four unit properties) (exclusive of my principal residence).

    Notwithstanding the foregoing certifications, I may at any time sell the property, occupy it as my principalresidence, or permit my legal dependent, parent or grandparent to occupy it as their principal residence with norent charged or collected, none of which will be considered to be inconsistent with the certifications made herein.

    This certification is effective on the date I signed this form or the date the RMA is received by your Servicer.

    Initials: Borrower: ________ Co-borrower: _______

    Dodd-Frank CertificationThe following information is requested by the federal government in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act (Pub. L.111-203). You are required to furnish this information. The law provides that no personshall be eligible to begin receiving assistance from the Making Home Affordable Program, authorized under the EmergencyEconomic Stabilization Act of 2008 (12 U.S.C. 5201 et seq.), or any other mortgage assistance program authorized or funded by thatAct, if such person, in connection with a mortgage or real estate transaction, has been convicted, within the last 10 years, of any oneof the following: (A) felony larceny, theft, fraud, or forgery, (B) money laundering or (C) tax evasion.

    I certify under penalty of perjury that I have not been convicted within the last 10 years of any one of the following in connection witha mortgage or real estate transaction:

    (a) felony larceny, theft, fraud, or forgery,(b) money laundering or(c) tax evasion.

    I understand that the servicer, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, or their respective agents may investigate the accuracy of mystatements by performing routine background checks, including automated searches of federal, state and county databases, toconfirm that I have not been convicted of such crimes. I also understand that knowingly submitting false information may violateFederal law. This certification is effective on the date I signed this form or the date this RMA is received by your servicer.

    Borrower and Co-Borrower Acknowledgment and Agreement1. I certify that all of the information in this RMA is truthful and the hardship(s) identified above has contributed to submission ofthis request for mortgage relief.

    2. I understand and acknowledge that the Servicer, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the owner or guarantor of my mortgageloan, or their respective agents may investigate the accuracy of my statements, may require me to provide additional supportingdocumentation and that knowingly submitting false information may violate Federal and other applicable law.

    3. I authorize and give permission to the Servicer, the U.S. Department of Treasury, and their respective agents, to assemble and usea current consumer report on all borrowers obligated on the loan to investigate each borrowers eligibility for MHA and the accuracyof my statements and any documentation that I provide in connection with my request for assistance. I understand that theseconsumer reports may include, without limitation, a credit report, and be assembled and used at any point during the application

    process to assess each borrowers eligibility thereafter.

    4. I understand that if I have intentionally defaulted on my existing mortgage, engaged in fraud or if it is determined that any of mystatements or any information contained in the documentation that I provide are materially false and that I was ineligible forassistance under MHA, the Servicer, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, or their respective agents may terminate my participationin MHA, including any right to future benefits and incentives that otherwise would have been available under the program, and alsomay seek other remedies available at law and in equity, such as recouping any benefits or incentives previously received.

    5. I certify that any property for which I am requesting assistance is a habitable residential property that is not subject to acondemnation notice.

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