handsewed j process shoes 4- if t- t - library of...

T- B I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 13 1909 w I ntay A remedy for soiled cuffs- on a clean shirt Our prescription Wear Shirts with detached cuffs Colors White whites t rounds with neat figur- esf stripes and dark tones r Values 150 and 2 Now 1 In buying a suit Price is Popular that buys rnost for the money I We find that it is from 20 to 2750 At these figures anyone may be sure of VERY satis ¬ factory fabrics and linings- and thoroughly good tailor ¬ ing at our store Of course the lower priced suits from 15 to 18 are just- as well cut and wholly ser- viceable ¬ But from 20 to 35 the luxury oflinings and trim- mings enter into considera- tion ¬ The John White StoreT- he Store With the Reputation 205207 S Palafox S- tOldsIDobiles 1 Oaklands- Brush Escambia Motor Car Co East Garden Street t NOT A BITo- f Trouble to Call U- pPhone 322 I and say Come for our I wash while the oldfashion led washerwoman way is a source of constant trouble the whole wee- kEmpire Laundry Whore Linen Lasts W C MACKEY Mgr Phone 322 l oS f 1 t REMOVAL NOTICE- I have moved my jewelry store and repair shop from 23 South Palafox to- RO 4 E GARDEN STREET Special prices will be made- on all goods till October 1st J F DAVIS Jewele- rWOWLING I- eL ALLEYSO- pen from 9 a m till midnight- For ladles and gentlemen 3 WEST ROMANA STREET d= W 1 CANDY BY THE BARREL- The trade of The Crystal Pharmacy on Horehound Candy has grown so great that it is n shipped here in barrel lots ic = = = = = = AMUSEMENTS IU- c > = = = The Gingerbread Man I The Gingerbread Man an elabo ¬ rate production of a sprightly tuneful clever musical fantasy drew a large audience at the Darling Theatre last night which seemed to enjoy every minute of the performance judging from the liberal applause numerous encores and constant laughs from be ¬ ginning to end of the offering says the Gloversville N Y Leader of Aug 31- The performance was the first given this season by the company which appeared here but in spite of this all went smoothly There is not- a slow moment during the play and very few of the jokes are old That is saying a great deal for the piece for if anything in the world is not new it is the comic opera jokelet Most- of the feminine members of the com- pany ¬ were pretty which suggested- the idea that possibly some of the au ¬ dience were there not so much to see the Gingerbread Man as to see the Gingerbread Girls Of course everything from start to finishscenes actors talk and Ideas were entirely unlike anything any- one ever saw anywhereand therein- no doubt lay the charm of it all We all like to get away from the com- monplace ¬ The only realistic scene for those who thirst for realism was the cloud scene during the chorus of the song Moon Moon Moon One might have vowed that clouds were somehow transported thither by the property man and used in some mys- terious ¬ manner so like the real thing were they At the opera house tonight Barnum Baileys Circus Probably the most difficult of all wild animal trapping is the capturing- alive of a welldeveloped Bengal tiger There Is with the Barnum and Bailey show a trapper recently returned from Calcutta with a consignment of Asiat- ic ¬ animals who is a walking library- of animal stories His experiences in capturing tigers alive makes an inter ¬ esting story Of course hunting the tiger while mounted upon elephants with an ex- press rifle is exciting spot but in our business we neevr k unless fatally cornered The Chinese some ¬ times catch the tiger in a box trap baited simply with a lookingglass The tiger seeing his reflection mis ¬ takes it for a rival rushes into the trap frees the trigger and is caught- I recall capturing an unusually fine specimen of the Royal Bengal with the the use of bird lime With my shikar- ree assistants we hung a quarter of fresh venison from the limb of a tree just high enough to make it impossible- of reach The ground underneath we covered with leaves and bird lime Then we concealed ourselves in a ban ¬ yan tree After several hours waiting- we heard the loud purrrr booming through the jungle and all at once saw a tiger coming out of the under ¬ brush his broad whitish throat and beautiful coat shining in the sunlight- He was croughing just after the man ¬ ner of a house cat making her ap ¬ proach to some unwary bird His eyes appeared to flash fire as he bent them upon the tempting venison hang Ing just above his reach He seemed nonplussed that he could not get at the meat After a moments pause he gathered up his long back and sprang high into the air but without success Uttering an angry growl of disappoint- ment ¬ he made another attempt All at once the great brute realized that something unusual had happened- to his feet and legs He raised his paws and asw a number of leaves sticking to them Showing signs of paws and saw a number of leaves away by passing his paws over his head and against his cheeks He suc- ceeded ¬ in getting most of the leaves off his foot but they adhered to his head ears and jaws These he at ¬ tempted to remove by using his paws but he only added moro by this time coveringhis eyes Then he tried rub ¬ bing his head along the ground tem- porarily ¬ blinding himself By this time he had lost all pa ¬ tience and thought only of freeing himself Springing into the air dash ¬ ing himself against the trees scraping with his huge paws growling howling- and screaming he finally exhausted himself and sank upon the round- In this condition he was covered with the meshes of a strong netting and rolled Into a heavy ironbound tem- porary ¬ cage where In the course of a fortnight after continual use of his paws very much after the manner in which our house cats wash their face his coat shone as brightly as before and he was taken to the city where by the use of a refrigerating system- he was acclimatized that is habituat- ed ¬ to the colder atmosphere of our American climate When the Barnum and Bailey great ¬ est show on earth makes its free street parade Monday morning you wIll see this mighty specimen of the royal Bengal tiger now named Maha- rajah ¬ in his gilded cape- YalePrinceton Game The Orpheum theatre will receive reports this afternoon of the Yale and Princeton game The reports will come by wire and every play will be called off a few seconds after it is made on the field Official Seal 10cent Ci ¬ gars 3 for 25c today at The Crystal Pharmacy only 5 cents straight OLD GLORY AT MANY MASTHEADSD- uring the four days of the Tri County Fair the stars and stripes have I been flying from many mastheads in the city The banks office buildings- and a number business houses all I hoisted flags while official recognition j was given the notable event by the county of Escambia which flew a great Old Glory from the county court house No flags flew from any of the city buildings but this was not requested There was a generous display of bunt ¬ ing but as no colors had been desig- nated ¬ for the fair week people were in doubt as to what to use in their decorations Subscribe for The Journal ECZEMA VICTIM- GAVE UP HOPEA- fter Suffering a Year with Raw Watery Humor on Hands and Face Prescriptions Did Not Do a Bit of Good Scratched Till Blood Came and Had to Quit Work COMPLETELY CURED- BY CUTICURA REMEDIES- I I suffered with eczema for one year and had two of the best doctors in town but their medi- cine ¬ did not help me First of all there were small white pimples- on my left band and- I had to scratch until the blood came Then they would puff up and water would run out Wherever this water would run there would be more pim- ples ¬ until my whole hand was a mass of sores Then my other hand became affected and they were like a piece of raw meat Then it came on my face neck and under my right arm so that I was unable to raise my arm for two weeks It became so bad that I was obliged to give up work 4 About four months ago I started to doctor and the doctor told me it was eczema So he told me to get ointment and eoap I used them for a month and they didnt do me one bit of good so I tried another doctor He gave me three different kinds of medi- cines ¬ but I was very much put out when these remedies did not help me I was unable to sieep at and I gave up all hope I decided to try the Cnticura Remedies I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and I am glad- to say I am cured Miss Nora Shultz 243 North Third St Reading Pa Jan 4 and 7 190- 9Hair Promoted by shampoos with Cuticura Soap and Growth light dressings of Cuti oura This treatment al- lays ¬ itching and irritation destroys hair parasites cleanses purifies and beauti- fies ¬ and tends to make the hair grow upon a clean healthy scalp Cntlctirs Remedies are sold ttuonjrtiont the world Potter Drug i Chem Corn Sole Prop Botton Mass rajaJrd tree 32pftes Cutlrura Book g1yth description and cure of diseases of tbe stlTi PIES AFTER A- SHORTILLNESS MISS PEARLEYETTE V BROWN PASSES AWAY AT THE HOME- OF HER PARENTS ON EAST BRAINARD STREET Miss Pearleyotte V Brown daugh- ter ¬ of Mr and Mrs W C Brown died last night at 630 oclock at the home- of her parents on East Brainard street death coming after an illness- of only a few weeks of gastro enter ¬ itisThe deceased had reached the age of 21 years and is survived by her parents and several brothers and sis ¬ tersThe hour of the funeral will be an- nounced ¬ today SAVE A DOLLAR- Get a box of Official Seal Cigars today at The Crystal Pharmacy for 250 Regu- lar ¬ price 350 ALL FREEFISHS HAS BEEN STOPPED For some time it has been a cus- tom ¬ when fishing smacks reached t1e docks for acquaintances of crews ot vessels to gather and provide them- selves ¬ with a red snapper or two lor personal use This habit grew alarm- ingly ¬ It was stated until a stop was put to it the other day by the posting- of a notice at Saunders 8 Companys- fish house giving notice that the company had interests In all fish un ¬ loaded at Palafox wharf and that no employe had any legal right to give them away The violation of this rule It was stated would result in the discharge of the guilty person from the companys employ THE SWEEPING MACHINES EXPECTED City officials are daily looking for the two street sweepers which were purchased two weeks ago from an agent who came to the city to show his goods The agent promised the machines would be here inside of ten days and as the time is about up the machines may arrive at any date now although no bill of lading has been received as yet Once here they are to be put into service in as short a time as possible of course on paved streets Members of the hoard of works are looking forward to an op- eration ¬ of the machines with inter ¬ est MtYfcR CERTAIN TAFT WILL FAVOR HIS PLANS- By Associated Press Washington Nov 12Assured of presidential approval of his general plan for the reorganization of the navy yards and the bureaus of the navy department Secretary Meyer began today the details of the plans These he will make public in a Jew days COTTON MILL TO RESUME Huntsville Ala Nov 12The Huntsville cotton mills which shut down or curtailed production a few months ago are to resume next Mon ¬ da The West Huatsville mill re- sumed ¬ operations with a full force last Wednesday ic 1i TORPEDO BOATS ARRIVE AFTER A ROUGH TRIP WILKES THORNTON AND TINGEY- OF FLOTILLA WHICH FORMED ESCORT FOR PRESIDENTS FLO ¬ TILLA DOWN MISSISSIPPI AT NAVY ARD FOR SEVERAL DAYS After an exceedingly rough passage from New Orleans the torpedoboats Wilkes Thornton and Tingey arrived- at the Pensacola navy yard yesterday- for a stay until next Wednesday and possibly until Friday Last night It became known that four days would be required to make necessary re- pairs ¬ to the Wilkes It may require longer hence the probability of the boats remaining in port for a week Coal will be taken here and the Charleston navy yard rendezvousing headquarters for the Atlantic Torpe- do ¬ Fleet will be their destination af- ter ¬ leaving Pensacola The Thornton- will probably come up to the city to ¬ day for mail and orders The MacDonough the only destroy- er ¬ in this the second division of the flotilla sustained an accident near New Orleans necessitating repairs or- an extensive nature and that vessel will be docked at the Crescent City for about 90 days With the MacDonough the Tingey I Thornton and Wilkes were sent up the Mississippi river to be the escort for a flotilla which bore President Taft and hundreds of statesmen southward to New Orleans The flo- tilla ¬ proceeded up the great river as far as St Louis and all the way down kept at the head of the great line of excursion and government boats Nothing out of the ordinary occurred during the trip outside of a continuous ovation to the president- At Natchez the Wilkes stuck in the mud but was pulled off by the other vessels Leaving New Orleans the vessels made a trip to Port Arthur Texas and from that port went up a river in the direction of Beaumont Texas this inland trip affording much pleasure to the sailors some or them in the city last night telling or many humorous occurrences on the journey Returning to New Orleans- the vessels were ordered to Pensacola- for coal and any necessary repairs There are the first and second di- vision ¬ of the Atlantic Torpedo Flo- tilla ¬ the second being in command or i Lieutenant Willis G Mitchell who Is aiboard the MacDonough The Wilkes Is in command of Ensign George C Pegram the Thornton Lieut Charles B Blakely who has been transferred- to the Charleston navy yard for duty the Tingey by Ensign Warren C Nixon JUST RECEIVED 1000 boxes of Whitmans Candy to be given away Saturday with every cash purchose of 25 cents or more THE CRYSTAL PHARMACY CURBING WORK IS REGULATEDBU- ILDING INSPECTOR REGARDED- AS DANGEROUS MANNER OF EXCAVATIONS AND ORDERED THAT CARE BE EXERCISED IN WORK Building Inspector Jas ML Johnson yesterday threatened with arrest con ¬ tractors who were making excava ¬ tions on the sides of Intendencia street in which to place granite slabs which will serve the purpose of a curbing The excavations were being made in a manner according to tne building inspector that menaced the pedestrian for overhead sheds were likely to come down from the weak ¬ ened foundation Once this was point- ed ¬ out the contractors readily com- plied ¬ with the ideas of the building inspector and the work proceeded- The inspector had not received from the contractors the required fiveda notice tout such notice had been given- to other city officials it was stated- At any rate the inspector made in- quiry ¬ and found that there had been no notification sent his office that the contemplated work was to start Any- thing ¬ affecting the safety removal repair or construction of buildings should pass the inspector and his in- quiry ¬ followed his discovery that the work had started Columns support- ing ¬ sheds of buildings near which the cut is made from the sidewalk are resting on the outer edge of the walk The inspector desired that more care ¬ ful attention be given these supports and gave official orders accordingly SAPHOS WRIST NABBED BY A PUP Swearing all sorts of punishment to a dog if he caught the Sapho colored reported to the police station at 9 oclock last night that while passing the corner of Tarra ¬ gona and Garden streets he was at ¬ tacked by a big dog his wrist having been badly torn by the animals teeth- In the absence of the city physician Desk Sergeant Yniestra applied remedies in stock at the station to the wound and bound it up giving Sapho much relief but the negro would evidently been more satisfied- had he have gotten hold of the dog He was told to find the name of the dogs owner and make report to the station Subscribe for The Journal Zr 1 IA SMAll GROVD SAW fiNE GAME PENSACOLA CLASSICAL SCHOOL AND BREWTON COLLEGIATE IN ¬ STITUTE PLAY TIE GAME AT PALMETTO BEACH i Once again the people of Pensacola had a chance yesterday to see a good game of foot ball but they did not accept it There were less than thirty people on the stand when the referee blew his whistle to start the struggle- for the honors of the foot ball field between the Pensacola Classical School and Brewton Collegiate Insti ¬ tuteBefore the contest began every ¬ thing looked favorable for a victory- for Brcwton At all pomts the feather of fortune pointed toward them Four I weeks ago today they defeated the Classicals by the score of 10 to 5 in the meantime their team has been shifted around and materially strength ¬ ened On the other hand the team from the Classical School was thougnt to have weakened Three men had been lost from the regular lineup and their places had to be filled by sub ¬ stitutes Even at the beginning of tho first half things looked bad Brewton after receiving the kickoff on the very first play tore off fifteen yards by- a forward pass After this however Pensacolas prospects brightened up considerably Brewton was held for I downs and It was then that Pensa ¬ cola showed that she too held some of the trumps In three downs they made twentytwo yards through the visitors line but was a few minutes afterwards held for downs and the ball exchanged hands again Time af ¬ ter time each team would make its nistance only to be held on the next three tries for failing to do so The half ended with the ball in the mid- dle ¬ of the field in Pensacolas posses- sion ¬ first down and ten to go The second part of the battle was almost a rep tition of the first except that kicking was resorted to on the third down with distance to go in ¬ stead of line plunges or end runs In the latter part of this half Brewton came very near scoring They were on the fifteen yard line and firs down The team failed however in making the required ten yards Pen ¬ sacola kicked out of danger Witn this kick the Brewtonltes hope of vic- tory ¬ ended All in all it was the best game played here this season For the Col legintes OBannon Rabb and Lowell played the best ball Capt Vinson Boyett Brent and Roberts for the Classicals showed up well The line up Classicals Finch rIght end Rob ¬ erts right tackle Goulding right guard Motta center Olsen left guard Harveymanager left tackle McLain end Lannon quarter back Boyett right half Brent left half Vinson captain full back BrewtonPenn right end Durden right tackle Hodges right guard Holliday center Cobb left guard Holland left tackle Boland left end Miller manager quarterback OBan non right half Rabb captain left half Lowell full back Linesmen Brewton McCaw Pen ¬ sacola Lamar Umpire Mr White referee Mr Blount head linesman Mr Woodrow Final score P C S 0 B C L 0 Time of halves 2020 Nursing Mothers and Malaria The Old Standard GROVES TASTE- LESS CHILL TONIC drives out ma- laria ¬ and builds up the system For grown people and children 50c ART THIEF TAKEN AGAIN Columbus 0 Nov 12Clarendon Henri the museum thief was rear ¬ rested today as he left the peniten- tiary ¬ after serving four years for stealing a valuable painting from the Cincinnati Art Gallery He was re arrested charged with the theft of rare coins from the National Museum- at Washington LAMB IN JAil CHARGED WITH- EMBEZZLEMENT WELL KNOWN SEWING MACHINE SALESMAN WAS ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE PREFERRED- BY HIS FIRM OF EMPLOYERS L C Lamb a well known sewing machine salesman was arrested late yesterday afternoon on a charge or embezzlement a warrant having been taken out before County Judge Bel ¬ linger Lamb was found by Deput Sheriff Johnson at his boarding house and accompanied the deputy to the county jail without protest Last night he remained in that place hav ¬ ing ibeen unable to furnish a bond for his appearance for preliminary trial The specific charge against him Is that he embezzled two sewing ma ¬ chines or that he disposed of them illegally It was stated that he had asked for a settlement with his em- ployers ¬ intimating that he was to leave the city N Berlin a furniture dealer on East Intendencia street was his employer and it was he who made the affidavit When Lamb re ¬ quested a settlement it was alleged- the two machines said to have keen unaccounted for were asked about When no satisfaction came from him the affidavit was decided upon and his arrest soon followed- L C Lara is a man of pleasing appearance and bad worked hero for some time It was said his home is at Mon omCI7 5- 5E T I ff W L Douglas Is the largest r manufacturer and retailer I of Mens FIne HandSewed J Process Shoes In the world 4- if ¼ 4 For comfort style fit and f t- g t long service W L Douglas t shoes cannot be equalled Theynromadouponhonor 12 f of the best leathers by the t i most skilled workmen in all 4 i- 1j the latest fashions shoes In f every style and shape to suit 1 I men In all walks of life ij If LI i Douglas namo and price 1 stamped on which guarantees s full and protects the wearer U J 3 against high prices shoes TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I I i- I S I i S FOR SALE BV Porters Bazaar Pensacola Fla I 5 S If I Lived in Pensacola I Cer- tainly ¬ Would Live Out HereT- his is the expression constantly heard at the Fair about EAST PENSACOLA HEIGHTS c Lots now selling at 100 andupward I Pensacola Investment Co i- k jj V r II I F = = i4- I DETAIL REPORTI t Yale and Princeton Foot Ball Game At The Orpheum Theatre TodayG- ame I starts 1 pm Admission 50 cents- I I n U H < U- I BAD WHISKEY OR DRUGS YJHlCH PECULIAR ACTIONS OF BARBER CAUSED APPREHENSION FOR HIM LAST NIGHT AFTER REACHING BOARDING HOUSE AND MAKING CONFESSION- Peculiar actions early last night on the part of a barber named Cole af- ter ¬ he reached his room on East In tendencla street caused a report of his condition to be sent to the police station Officer Roach went to the house and made an Investigation and In his rather incoherent talk Cole was reported to have stated that he wouldnt tell what he had taken and you cant find out for I Wont tell you He had the consciousness to beg pardon of the proprietor of the house for his condition when he went into the place at S oclock Shortly afterward he lapsed into an unconsci ¬ ous state and complained of sharp pains in his stomach His breath would appear to leave him but he would gasp and begin breathing ir ¬ regularly at jntervals Such action coupled with statements made to the officer caused the impression to spread that ho had taken poison A doctor was sent for and by midnight- Cole was himself again Investigat- ing ¬ his case the boarding house pro ¬ prietor and the police found out that he had been out with a party of young men earlier in the evening and at some place had evidently drank bad whiskey Cole later acknowledg- ed ¬ that he believed someone had tried- to drug him Ordinarily he is not a drinking man and he told his host later In the night that It he had known his companions intended to indulge he would not have accom ¬ panied them For a long time he re- clined ¬ on a lounge in the front room and appeared to suffer severe pain Soon after It became known gen- erally ¬ that he was suffering the re- port ¬ circulated broadly and rapidly that there had been another suicidal attempt For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 ANTITRUST SUITS ARE HOLDING UP THE CHECKS S By Associated Press Winchester Ky Nov 12Three local banks the Clark County Nation- al ¬ Citizens National and Peoples have served notice that Tor the time being they will honor no checks of the Burley Tobacco and Insurance Asso- ciation ¬ If you desire a clear complexion- take Foleys Orino Laxative for con- stipation ¬ and liver troubles as it will stimulate these organs and thoroughly cleanse your system which is what everyone needs In order to feel well W A DIAlemberte druggist and aothEcarr7 121South Palafox Street I 555S raaae = a COMING WEDDING IN A- TALLAHASSEE CHURCH Special to the Journal Tallahasee Nov 12Cards arc out for the marriage of Mr C O An ¬ drews of DeFuniak Springs Margaret Lee Spears of this andlI1j- J r ceremony will be Johns Episcopal church on Nov 24 The bridetobe will be the recipient of an expression of the goodwill In which she Is held iby her former classmates at the College for vVomei in the form of a linen shower which will be given her tomorrow evening This will be followed by another shower on Nov 17 at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred T My- ersOPERA J hOUSe ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY NOV 13th RICE VARLEYS- ERVE THE MERRIEST OF THE MUSICAL FANCIES THE- GINGERBREAD MAN Music by A Baldwin Sloane Book by Frederick Ran < en B9 IN THE MATCHLESS COMPANY Show Glrla and Bewitching Choristers Scenery CoStumes and Electrical Effects of the Utmost Splendor A multitude of emphatic eons hits whistled and hifmnvi everywhere Did you ever hear John Doe Mazie Btautlful Land of tao BT Bon Moon Moss Moon Queen of My Dieam ce V ney will linger iir jour met47 r medley of mirth melody d- manlttcee Prices 2c to 150 Seat sale Thurs dav 3 a r V- IA OE t NEW Sale Extraordinary 250 Pairs Ladies fine Shoes in Lace wiV 4 t k Button and Blucher Plain Kid Gun Metal and Patent sizes iyz to 7 widths A to- E Elegant styles Shoes3 350 and 4r f Shoes Saturday and Monda 19f L- One dollar and ninety I eight cents per pair Watson Parker Reese Co 1- Eerythipg to War

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Page 1: HandSewed J Process Shoes 4- if t- t - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1909-11-13/ed...the use of bird lime With my shikar-ree assistants we hung a quarter





I ntay

A remedy for soiled cuffs-on a clean shirt

Our prescription WearShirts with detached cuffs

Colors White whitestrounds with neat figur-

esf stripes and dark tonesr Values 150 and 2Now 1

In buying a suit Price isPopular that buys rnost forthe money I

We find that it is from 20to 2750

At these figures anyonemay be sure of VERY satis ¬

factory fabrics and linings-and thoroughly good tailor¬

ing at our storeOf course the lower priced

suits from 15 to 18 are just-as well cut and wholly ser-viceable


But from 20 to 35 theluxury oflinings and trim-mings enter into considera-tion


TheJohn White StoreT-

he Store With the Reputation205207 S Palafox S-



BrushEscambia Motor

Car CoEast Garden Street



f Trouble toCall U-

pPhone 322I and say Come for ourI wash while the oldfashionled washerwoman way is asource of constant troublethe whole wee-

kEmpire LaundryWhore Linen Lasts

W C MACKEY MgrPhone 322

l oSf 1 t

REMOVAL NOTICE-I have moved my jewelry

store and repair shop from23 South Palafox to-

RO 4 E GARDEN STREETSpecial prices will be made-

on all goods till October 1stJ F DAVIS





ALLEYSO-pen from 9 a m till midnight-

For ladles and gentlemen3 WEST ROMANA STREET

d= W


CANDY BY THE BARREL-The trade of The Crystal

Pharmacy on HorehoundCandy has grown so greatthat it is n shipped here inbarrel lots


= = = = = =


c> = ==

The Gingerbread ManI The Gingerbread Man an elabo ¬

rate production of a sprightly tunefulclever musical fantasy drew a largeaudience at the Darling Theatre lastnight which seemed to enjoy everyminute of the performance judgingfrom the liberal applause numerousencores and constant laughs from be¬

ginning to end of the offering saysthe Gloversville N Y Leader ofAug 31-

The performance was the firstgiven this season by the companywhich appeared here but in spite ofthis all went smoothly There is not-a slow moment during the play andvery few of the jokes are old That issaying a great deal for the piece forif anything in the world is not newit is the comic opera jokelet Most-of the feminine members of the com-pany


were pretty which suggested-the idea that possibly some of the au ¬

dience were there not so much to seethe Gingerbread Man as to see theGingerbread Girls

Of course everything from start tofinishscenes actors talk and Ideas

were entirely unlike anything any-one ever saw anywhereand therein-no doubt lay the charm of it all Weall like to get away from the com-monplace


The only realistic scenefor those who thirst for realism wasthe cloud scene during the chorus ofthe song Moon Moon Moon Onemight have vowed that clouds weresomehow transported thither by theproperty man and used in some mys-terious


manner so like the real thingwere they

At the opera house tonight

Barnum Baileys CircusProbably the most difficult of all

wild animal trapping is the capturing-alive of a welldeveloped Bengal tigerThere Is with the Barnum and Baileyshow a trapper recently returned fromCalcutta with a consignment of Asiat-ic


animals who is a walking library-of animal stories His experiences incapturing tigers alive makes an inter ¬

esting storyOf course hunting the tiger while

mounted upon elephants with an ex-press rifle is exciting spot but inour business we neevr k unlessfatally cornered The Chinese some ¬

times catch the tiger in a box trapbaited simply with a lookingglassThe tiger seeing his reflection mis ¬

takes it for a rival rushes into thetrap frees the trigger and is caught-

I recall capturing an unusually finespecimen of the Royal Bengal with thethe use of bird lime With my shikar-ree assistants we hung a quarter offresh venison from the limb of a treejust high enough to make it impossible-of reach The ground underneath wecovered with leaves and bird limeThen we concealed ourselves in a ban¬

yan tree After several hours waiting-we heard the loud purrrr boomingthrough the jungle and all at oncesaw a tiger coming out of the under ¬

brush his broad whitish throat andbeautiful coat shining in the sunlight-He was croughing just after the man ¬

ner of a house cat making her ap ¬

proach to some unwary bird Hiseyes appeared to flash fire as he bentthem upon the tempting venison hangIng just above his reach He seemednonplussed that he could not get atthe meat After a moments pause hegathered up his long back and spranghigh into the air but without successUttering an angry growl of disappoint-ment


he made another attemptAll at once the great brute realized

that something unusual had happened-to his feet and legs He raised hispaws and asw a number of leavessticking to them Showing signs ofpaws and saw a number of leavesaway by passing his paws over hishead and against his cheeks He suc-ceeded


in getting most of the leavesoff his foot but they adhered to hishead ears and jaws These he at¬

tempted to remove by using his pawsbut he only added moro by this timecoveringhis eyes Then he tried rub ¬

bing his head along the ground tem-porarily


blinding himselfBy this time he had lost all pa¬

tience and thought only of freeinghimself Springing into the air dash¬

ing himself against the trees scrapingwith his huge paws growling howling-and screaming he finally exhaustedhimself and sank upon the round-In this condition he was covered withthe meshes of a strong netting androlled Into a heavy ironbound tem-porary


cage where In the course ofa fortnight after continual use of hispaws very much after the manner inwhich our house cats wash their facehis coat shone as brightly as beforeand he was taken to the city whereby the use of a refrigerating system-he was acclimatized that is habituat-ed


to the colder atmosphere of ourAmerican climate

When the Barnum and Bailey great ¬

est show on earth makes its freestreet parade Monday morning youwIll see this mighty specimen of theroyal Bengal tiger now named Maha-rajah


in his gilded cape-

YalePrinceton GameThe Orpheum theatre will receive

reports this afternoon of the Yale andPrinceton game The reports willcome by wire and every play will becalled off a few seconds after it ismade on the field

Official Seal 10cent Ci¬

gars 3 for 25c today at TheCrystal Pharmacy only 5cents straightOLD GLORY AT

MANY MASTHEADSD-uring the four days of the Tri

County Fair the stars and stripes haveI been flying from many mastheads inthe city The banks office buildings-and a number business houses all

I hoisted flags while official recognitionj was given the notable event by thecounty of Escambia which flew agreat Old Glory from the countycourt house

No flags flew from any of the citybuildings but this was not requestedThere was a generous display of bunt ¬

ing but as no colors had been desig-nated


for the fair week people werein doubt as to what to use in theirdecorations

Subscribe for The Journal



fter Suffering a Year with RawWatery Humor on Hands and Face

Prescriptions Did Not Do aBit of Good Scratched Till BloodCame and Had to Quit Work


II suffered with eczema for one yearand had two of the best doctors in

town but their medi-cine


did not help meFirst of all there weresmall white pimples-on my left band and-I had to scratch untilthe blood came Thenthey would puff upand water would runout Wherever thiswater would run therewould be more pim-ples


until my wholehand was a mass

of sores Then myother hand became affected and theywere like a piece of raw meat Then itcame on my face neck and under myright arm so that I was unable to raisemy arm for two weeks It became sobad that I was obliged to give up work

4 About four months ago I started todoctor and the doctor told me it waseczema So he told me to getointment and eoap I used them for amonth and they didnt do me one bitof good so I tried another doctor Hegave me three different kinds of medi-cines


but I was very much put outwhen these remedies did not help meI was unable to sieep at and Igave up all hope I decided to trythe Cnticura Remedies I used twocakes of Cuticura Soap two boxes ofCuticura Ointment and three bottlesof Cuticura Resolvent and I am glad-to say I am cured Miss Nora Shultz243 North Third St Reading Pa Jan 4and 7 190-

9Hair Promoted by shampooswith Cuticura Soap and

Growth light dressings of Cutioura This treatment al-


itching and irritation destroys hairparasites cleanses purifies and beauti-fies


and tends to make the hair growupon a clean healthy scalp

Cntlctirs Remedies are sold ttuonjrtiont the worldPotter Drug i Chem Corn Sole Prop BottonMass rajaJrd tree 32pftes Cutlrura Bookg1yth description and cure of diseases of tbe stlTi







Miss Pearleyotte V Brown daugh-ter


of Mr and Mrs W C Brown diedlast night at 630 oclock at the home-of her parents on East Brainardstreet death coming after an illness-of only a few weeks of gastro enter¬

itisThe deceased had reached the ageof 21 years and is survived by herparents and several brothers and sis ¬

tersThe hour of the funeral will be an-nounced



SAVE A DOLLAR-Get a box of Official Seal

Cigars today at The CrystalPharmacy for 250 Regu-lar



HAS BEEN STOPPEDFor some time it has been a cus-


when fishing smacks reached t1edocks for acquaintances of crews otvessels to gather and provide them-selves


with a red snapper or two lorpersonal use This habit grew alarm-ingly


It was stated until a stop wasput to it the other day by the posting-of a notice at Saunders 8 Companys-fish house giving notice that thecompany had interests In all fish un¬

loaded at Palafox wharf and that noemploye had any legal right to givethem away The violation of thisrule It was stated would result inthe discharge of the guilty personfrom the companys employ


City officials are daily looking forthe two street sweepers which werepurchased two weeks ago from anagent who came to the city to showhis goods The agent promised themachines would be here inside of tendays and as the time is about up themachines may arrive at any date nowalthough no bill of lading has beenreceived as yet Once here they areto be put into service in as short atime as possible of course on pavedstreets Members of the hoard ofworks are looking forward to an op-eration


of the machines with inter¬



By Associated PressWashington Nov 12Assured of

presidential approval of his generalplan for the reorganization of thenavy yards and the bureaus of thenavy department Secretary Meyerbegan today the details of the plansThese he will make public in a Jewdays

COTTON MILL TO RESUMEHuntsville Ala Nov 12The

Huntsville cotton mills which shutdown or curtailed production a fewmonths ago are to resume next Mon¬

da The West Huatsville mill re-sumed


operations with a full forcelast Wednesday










After an exceedingly rough passagefrom New Orleans the torpedoboatsWilkes Thornton and Tingey arrived-at the Pensacola navy yard yesterday-for a stay until next Wednesday andpossibly until Friday Last night Itbecame known that four days wouldbe required to make necessary re-pairs


to the Wilkes It may requirelonger hence the probability of theboats remaining in port for a weekCoal will be taken here and theCharleston navy yard rendezvousingheadquarters for the Atlantic Torpe-do


Fleet will be their destination af-


leaving Pensacola The Thornton-will probably come up to the city to ¬

day for mail and ordersThe MacDonough the only destroy-


in this the second division of theflotilla sustained an accident nearNew Orleans necessitating repairs or-an extensive nature and that vesselwill be docked at the Crescent Cityfor about 90 days

With the MacDonough the TingeyI Thornton and Wilkes were sent upthe Mississippi river to be the escortfor a flotilla which bore PresidentTaft and hundreds of statesmensouthward to New Orleans The flo-


proceeded up the great river asfar as St Louis and all the waydown kept at the head of the greatline of excursion and governmentboats Nothing out of the ordinaryoccurred during the trip outside ofa continuous ovation to the president-At Natchez the Wilkes stuck in themud but was pulled off by the othervessels Leaving New Orleans thevessels made a trip to Port ArthurTexas and from that port went up ariver in the direction of BeaumontTexas this inland trip affordingmuch pleasure to the sailors some orthem in the city last night telling ormany humorous occurrences on thejourney Returning to New Orleans-the vessels were ordered to Pensacola-for coal and any necessary repairs

There are the first and second di-vision


of the Atlantic Torpedo Flo-tilla


the second being in command ori Lieutenant Willis G Mitchell who Isaiboard the MacDonough The WilkesIs in command of Ensign George CPegram the Thornton Lieut CharlesB Blakely who has been transferred-to the Charleston navy yard for dutythe Tingey by Ensign Warren CNixon

JUST RECEIVED1000 boxes of Whitmans Candy to

be given away Saturday with everycash purchose of 25 cents or more









Building Inspector Jas ML Johnsonyesterday threatened with arrest con ¬

tractors who were making excava ¬

tions on the sides of Intendenciastreet in which to place granite slabswhich will serve the purpose of acurbing The excavations were beingmade in a manner according to tnebuilding inspector that menaced thepedestrian for overhead sheds werelikely to come down from the weak ¬

ened foundation Once this was point-ed


out the contractors readily com-plied


with the ideas of the buildinginspector and the work proceeded-

The inspector had not received fromthe contractors the required fivedanotice tout such notice had been given-to other city officials it was stated-At any rate the inspector made in-quiry


and found that there had beenno notification sent his office that thecontemplated work was to start Any-thing


affecting the safety removalrepair or construction of buildingsshould pass the inspector and his in-


followed his discovery that thework had started Columns support-ing


sheds of buildings near which thecut is made from the sidewalk areresting on the outer edge of the walkThe inspector desired that more care ¬

ful attention be given these supportsand gave official orders accordingly


Swearing all sorts of punishmentto a dog if he caught theSapho colored reported to the policestation at 9 oclock last night thatwhile passing the corner of Tarra¬

gona and Garden streets he was at¬

tacked by a big dog his wrist havingbeen badly torn by the animals teeth-In the absence of the city physicianDesk Sergeant Yniestra appliedremedies in stock at the station tothe wound and bound it up givingSapho much relief but the negrowould evidently been more satisfied-had he have gotten hold of the dogHe was told to find the name of thedogs owner and make report to thestation

Subscribe for The Journal

Zr 1







Once again the people of Pensacolahad a chance yesterday to see a goodgame of foot ball but they did notaccept it There were less than thirtypeople on the stand when the refereeblew his whistle to start the struggle-for the honors of the foot ball fieldbetween the Pensacola ClassicalSchool and Brewton Collegiate Insti ¬

tuteBefore the contest began every ¬

thing looked favorable for a victory-for Brcwton At all pomts the featherof fortune pointed toward them Four I

weeks ago today they defeated theClassicals by the score of 10 to 5 inthe meantime their team has beenshifted around and materially strength ¬

ened On the other hand the teamfrom the Classical School was thougntto have weakened Three men hadbeen lost from the regular lineup andtheir places had to be filled by sub ¬

stitutes Even at the beginning of thofirst half things looked bad Brewtonafter receiving the kickoff on thevery first play tore off fifteen yards by-a forward pass After this howeverPensacolas prospects brightened upconsiderably Brewton was held for I

downs and It was then that Pensa ¬

cola showed that she too held someof the trumps In three downs theymade twentytwo yards through thevisitors line but was a few minutesafterwards held for downs and theball exchanged hands again Time af¬

ter time each team would make itsnistance only to be held on the nextthree tries for failing to do so Thehalf ended with the ball in the mid-dle


of the field in Pensacolas posses-sion


first down and ten to goThe second part of the battle was

almost a rep tition of the first exceptthat kicking was resorted to on thethird down with distance to go in ¬

stead of line plunges or end runs Inthe latter part of this half Brewtoncame very near scoring They wereon the fifteen yard line and firsdown The team failed however inmaking the required ten yards Pen ¬

sacola kicked out of danger Witnthis kick the Brewtonltes hope of vic-tory


endedAll in all it was the best game

played here this season For the Collegintes OBannon Rabb and Lowellplayed the best ball Capt VinsonBoyett Brent and Roberts for theClassicals showed up well The lineup

Classicals Finch rIght end Rob ¬

erts right tackle Goulding rightguard Motta center Olsen leftguard Harveymanager left tackleMcLain end Lannon quarterback Boyett right half Brent lefthalf Vinson captain full back

BrewtonPenn right end Durdenright tackle Hodges right guardHolliday center Cobb left guardHolland left tackle Boland left endMiller manager quarterback OBannon right half Rabb captain lefthalf Lowell full back

Linesmen Brewton McCaw Pen ¬

sacola Lamar Umpire Mr Whitereferee Mr Blount head linesmanMr Woodrow Final score P C S0 B C L 0 Time of halves 2020

Nursing Mothers and MalariaThe Old Standard GROVES TASTE-LESS CHILL TONIC drives out ma-laria


and builds up the system Forgrown people and children 50c

ART THIEF TAKEN AGAINColumbus 0 Nov 12Clarendon

Henri the museum thief was rear ¬

rested today as he left the peniten-tiary


after serving four years forstealing a valuable painting from theCincinnati Art Gallery He was rearrested charged with the theft ofrare coins from the National Museum-at Washington






L C Lamb a well known sewingmachine salesman was arrested lateyesterday afternoon on a charge orembezzlement a warrant having beentaken out before County Judge Bel ¬

linger Lamb was found by DeputSheriff Johnson at his boarding houseand accompanied the deputy to thecounty jail without protest Lastnight he remained in that place hav ¬

ing ibeen unable to furnish a bond forhis appearance for preliminary trial

The specific charge against him Isthat he embezzled two sewing ma ¬

chines or that he disposed of themillegally It was stated that he hadasked for a settlement with his em-ployers


intimating that he was toleave the city N Berlin a furnituredealer on East Intendencia streetwas his employer and it was he whomade the affidavit When Lamb re ¬

quested a settlement it was alleged-the two machines said to have keenunaccounted for were asked aboutWhen no satisfaction came from himthe affidavit was decided upon andhis arrest soon followed-

L C Lara is a man of pleasingappearance and bad worked hero forsome time It was said his home isat Mon omCI7




Iff W L Douglas Is the largest r

manufacturer and retailerI of Mens FIne HandSewed J

Process Shoes In the world 4-



4 For comfort style fit and f t-

g t long service W L Douglast shoes cannot be equalled

Theynromadouponhonor12 f of the best leathers by the ti most skilled workmen in all 4 i-

1j the latest fashions shoes In fevery style and shape to suit

1 I men In all walks of lifeijIf LI i Douglas namo and price1 stamped on which guaranteess full and protects the wearer U

J 3 against high prices shoesTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE

I I i-


I iS


Porters Bazaar Pensacola Fla I5 S

If I Lived in Pensacola I Cer-



Would Live Out HereT-

his is the expression constantly heard at theFair about EAST PENSACOLA HEIGHTS

cLots now selling at 100 andupward

IPensacola Investment Co i-

k jj V r II I F = = i4-



Yale and Princeton Foot Ball Game

At The Orpheum Theatre TodayG-

ameI starts 1 p m Admission 50 cents-I

I nU H < U-









Peculiar actions early last night onthe part of a barber named Cole af-


he reached his room on East Intendencla street caused a report ofhis condition to be sent to the policestation Officer Roach went to thehouse and made an Investigation andIn his rather incoherent talk Colewas reported to have stated that hewouldnt tell what he had taken and

you cant find out for I Wont tellyou He had the consciousness tobeg pardon of the proprietor of thehouse for his condition when he wentinto the place at S oclock Shortlyafterward he lapsed into an unconsci ¬

ous state and complained of sharppains in his stomach His breathwould appear to leave him but hewould gasp and begin breathing ir¬

regularly at jntervals Such actioncoupled with statements made to theofficer caused the impression tospread that ho had taken poison Adoctor was sent for and by midnight-Cole was himself again Investigat-ing


his case the boarding house pro¬

prietor and the police found out thathe had been out with a party ofyoung men earlier in the evening andat some place had evidently drankbad whiskey Cole later acknowledg-ed


that he believed someone had tried-to drug him Ordinarily he is not adrinking man and he told his hostlater In the night that It he hadknown his companions intended toindulge he would not have accom ¬

panied them For a long time he re-


on a lounge in the front roomand appeared to suffer severe pain

Soon after It became known gen-erally


that he was suffering the re-


circulated broadly and rapidlythat there had been another suicidalattempt

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855


S By Associated PressWinchester Ky Nov 12Three

local banks the Clark County Nation-al


Citizens National and Peopleshave served notice that Tor the timebeing they will honor no checks of theBurley Tobacco and Insurance Asso-ciation


If you desire a clear complexion-take Foleys Orino Laxative for con-stipation


and liver troubles as it willstimulate these organs and thoroughlycleanse your system which is whateveryone needs In order to feel wellW A DIAlemberte druggist andaothEcarr7 121South Palafox Street I


raaae =a


TALLAHASSEE CHURCHSpecial to the Journal

Tallahasee Nov 12Cards arc outfor the marriage of Mr C O An ¬

drews of DeFuniak SpringsMargaret Lee Spears of this andlI1j-

J rceremony will beJohns Episcopal church on Nov 24The bridetobe will be the recipient ofan expression of the goodwill Inwhich she Is held iby her formerclassmates at the College for vVomeiin the form of a linen shower whichwill be given her tomorrow eveningThis will be followed by anothershower on Nov 17 at the home of Mrand Mrs Fred T My-






GINGERBREAD MANMusic by A Baldwin Sloane Book by

Frederick Ran < enB9 IN THE MATCHLESS COMPANYShow Glrla and Bewitching Choristers

Scenery CoStumes and Electrical Effectsof the Utmost Splendor A multitude ofemphatic eons hits whistled and hifmnvieverywhere Did you ever hear JohnDoe Mazie Btautlful Land of tao BTBon Moon Moss Moon Queen of MyDieam ce V ney will linger iir jourmet47 r medley of mirth melody d-

manlttceePrices 2c to 150 Seat sale Thurs

dav 3 a rV-


OE t

NEWSale Extraordinary

250 PairsLadies fine Shoes in Lace




Button and Blucher PlainKid Gun Metal and Patentsizes iyz to 7 widths A to-

E Elegant styles

Shoes3 350 and 4r f

Shoes Saturday and Monda

19f L-

One dollar and ninetyI

eight cents per pair

Watson ParkerReese Co 1-

Eerythipg to War