harmonization with biogeometry

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  • 8/19/2019 Harmonization With BioGeometry


  • 8/19/2019 Harmonization With BioGeometry


    Mobile Radiation in Hemberg 

    Harmonization with BioGeometry 

    The Mediation  Authority (OMK)

      Initiates the BioGeometry

    E xperimental Project.

    Reports of Affected R esidents duringthe Period from 2002 till 2004

    Questionnaire R esults of the AffectedR esidents

    Physics of Quality: Dr. Ibrahim Karim,Founder of BioGeometry

    In order to preserve the scientific accuracy the literal translation

    f rom the German original has not undergone further English editing

  • 8/19/2019 Harmonization With BioGeometry



    PublishingChief Editor Bosco Büeler Editor Peter Item

    GIBBInformation Organization for Building BiologySt. Galler Street 28CH-9230 FlawilTel. 071 393 22 52

    Fax. 071 393 32 56E-mail [email protected]/index.html


    © Copyright 2004,

    GIBB Information Organization for Building BiologySt. Gallerstrasse 28, CH-9230 Flawil

    This publication is protected in its entirety and all its partsAny use without written permission from the author is legally prohibited

    ISBN 3-033-00391-5

  • 8/19/2019 Harmonization With BioGeometry


      Table of Contents

     Shortly Introduction 4Phenomena are the Precursors of Science 5

    Initial Situation : Press conference of the Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication&

    Environment (OMK)on August 28, 2003 Hemberg,

    The OMK introduces BioGeometry as an experimental project  6 

    This has been experienced by the affected residents: “On some days we left the flat hastily” 8 “I never would have thought, that the antenna in the tower is affecting me to that extent” 11 “I got back my joy for life” 14

    Exact measurements at the affected residentsThe emissions of the mobile radiation GSM in the village of Hemberg 17

    Questionnaire among the affected Residents - Dr. med Yvonne GilliQuestionnaire revealed: The complaints have been reduced enormously 20

    Interview /discussion with Dr. Ibrahim Karim “It is important to understand the totality of all disturbance sources” 25

    Press Conference on October 22, 2003The Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment (OMK); assessment. 28

    Political Questions – the Green/EVP fraction demands Strictness.Interpellation and motion in the c0anton state advisory committee of St. Gallen 30

    The NIS-Decree of the Federal Authority for Environment, Forest and scenerary /countrysideHow to protect the residents from electro-smog 35

    The mobile antennas-installations in Hemberg SG – Press report 37

    Basic Principles of BioGeometry presented byDr. Ibrahim Karim : The Physics of Quality 39

    Annex 45

    Literature Index   46 

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    Shortly Introduction

    Im Herbst 2002 wurde im Kirch-turm von Hemberg (CH) eineMobilfunkantenne in Betrieb ge-nommen. Eigentlich nichts be-

    sonderes, könnte man meinen. Aber damit nahm eine einzigar-tige Geschichte ihren Anfang.Betroffene Einwohner hatten den

    Mut und die Kraft, sich nicht mitder Antenne abzufinden, obwohlsie rechtens installiert wordenwar. Die Ombudstelle Mobilkom-munikation und Umwelt in Bernkonnte die Swisscom überzeugen,

    im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektesdie Möglichkeiten der BioGeom-etrie für die Harmonisierung inHemberg kennenzulernen. Undfür Dr. Ibrahim Karim, den Be-gründer der biogeometrischenMethode, bot sich eine Möglich-keit, in der Praxis die Tauglichkeitseiner neuen Wissenschaft zudemonstrieren.

      In dieser Broschüre wird dieseganze Geschichte erzählt. AuchDr. Karim kommt zu Wort underläutert Grundsätzliches. DieBioGeometrie kann eine Möglich-keit sein, mit der modernen Mo-bilkommunikation auf gesündereWeise zu leben. Ein Anfang istgemacht. Ein vielversprechendersogar.Trotzdem: Was nicht abgestrahlt

    wird, braucht auch nicht harmon-isiert zu werden.

      En automne 2002, une antenne detéléphonie mobile a été installéedans le clocher de l’église à Hem-

     berg (CH). En principe rien de bien

     particulier, mais avec cette installa-tion commence toute une histoire.Les habitants concernés, malgréla conformité de l’installation del’antenne ont décidé avec cour-age et force de ne pas s’en accom-moder. Le service responsable ausein de la Division de la protec-tion de l’air et RNI de l’Office Fé-déral de l’Environnement a réussi

    à convaincre Swisscom de lancerun projet pilote d’harmonisationavec les moyens de la BioGéomé-trie. Ainsi s’est présenté pour leDr. Ibrahim Karim, le fondateurde la méthode de la Bio Géomét-rie, la possibilité de démontrer sonsavoir-faire et ces connaissances àl’aide d’un cas pratique. Son his-toire est relatée dans cette brochure

    dans laquelle le Dr. Karim exprimeles principes de sa méthode. Cetteexpérience est un début prometteursur l’hamonisation des immissionhautes fréquences. La BioGéomét-rie offre aux personnes concernéesla possibilité de vivre plus saine-ment, malgré la présence accrue desnuisances de la téléphonie mobile.Toutefois s’il n’y a pas d’émissionsde hautes fréquences rien ne doitêtre harmonisé.

      In Autumn 2002, a mobile phoneaerial was put into operation in achurch tower in Hemberg, Switzer-land. This sounds like nothing new,

     but in fact it was the beginning of avery special chronicle.  The local inhabitants had thestrength and courage to opposethe aerial even though it had beencorrectly installed. The mediationoffice for Mobile Communicationand the Environment in Bern wasthen, as part of a pilot project, ableto convince Swisscom to consider

    the possibilities of using BioGeom-etry for harmonization in Hemberg.For Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the founderof the biogeometric method, herewas a practical opportunity to dem-onstrate the efficiency of his newscience. This brochure tells the whole storyand also includes a description byDr. Karim of his basic methods.

      Biogeometry can provide a wayto live more healthily with moderntelecommunications. A promising

     beginning has been made.  However, without telecommuni-cation emissions, there would beno need for this harmonization.


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    Introduction written by Bosco Büeler, member of local parliament St. Gallen


     are the Precursors of Science

     Since ages phenomena accompa-nies humanity. Decades ago thenatural radio-active radiation waschallenging the spirit of research;today the technical emissions, elec-trical currents and fields are thechallenges.Have we reached with that the endof development? I think this is notthe case. The creator of this worldand the universe has thought abouta lot of things, and we discover con-stantly new aspects.Dr. Ibrahim Karim has discoveredwith the BioGeometry an interest-ing new way. Many unfavorableinfluences could be changed to

     biological neutral or favorable in-fluences through harmonization of forms, shapes and mathematicalrelations. The basis of applications

     possibilities are always getting

    wider and more open with his proj-ects in many countries.I first heard about BioGeometrywhen I met Dr. Ibrahim Karim for

    the first time in 1998 in USA.  We organized together a work-shop at the International Institutefor Building-Biology in Clearwa-ter, Florida. It seemed for me, thatKarim’s idea of BioGeometry willhave an enormous future potential.Then each of us went along, and we

     just kept written contacts.A surprising telephone call from Dr.

    Ibrahim Karim in the summer of2003 led to a renewed contact. Hehas been asked, whether he couldcarry out an examination/investiga-tion in Hemberg SG. Some of theresidents were at the end of theirstrength and energy, after a newmobile phone antenna was installedon the tower of the catholic church.In a few weeks time, Dr. IbrahimKarim was able to improve the situ-ation to such an extent, that most ofthe affected persons were able to“live” again, and do till today.The sensitivity of humans variesfrom one person to another. (Elec-tro sensitive persons react stronger.The reaction of animals is alwaysinteresting as well. They hardlysuffer from “imagined” disturbanc-es. Here the BioGeometry effected

    a surprising change:, for example birds and bats returned back to theirgrounds after elimination of the dis-turbance.Based on the mobile phone antenna

    example in Hemberg, the prelimi-nary results are evident enough tosupport the spread of this way ofharmonization. Based on this first

     pilot practical project, the mode ofeffectiveness and influences are to

     be scientifically proved in a further research project.The earth is definitely not com-

     pletely explored. We have to give ita chance, to study these new phe-nomena!We would like to express to all,who assisted and supported us in

    the project of Hemberg our grati-tude and thank. Their engagementwas for the well-being of humans,nature and environment. Furtherresearches should aim now to cureother affected persons. 

    Bosco Büeler,Architect, Building Biologist SIB

    Managing Director GIBB, Flawil SG


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    The Mediation Authority (OMK)Initiates the BioGeometryExperimental Project

     What happened in Hemberg?

      On November 3rd, 2002, themediation Authority for mobilecommunication and environment(OMK) was informed by a residentof Hemberg, that he suffers fromsleeping disorders, headache andconcentration deficiencies since themobile phone antenna was put intooperation. Furthermore all brood-ing song-birds have left. An ap-

     pointment on site on December 18,2002, was agreed upon with thisresident. Ten other persons, who

    suffered from similar complaints, participated at this meeting.Following this meeting, the OMKmade inquiries, collecting informa-tion from the municipality of Hem-

     berg, Swisscom, the parish of Hem- berg and from the state physicianof St. Gallen, who has dealt as wellwith this problem. The investigationrevealed that the process of antenna

    instillation was correctly performedand that the values were clearly be-low the limits for non-ionising ra-diation. Furthermore, Swisscomhas only installed antennas of 900-frequency, whereby it would have

     been allowed to put into operationa 1800 frequency, according to theconstruction license and the normsof the permissible set values.Despite that OMK carried out dif-ferent investigations and evaluated

     possibilities for solutions, the situ-ation was very tense between theaffected sick persons in the districtand the Mediation Authority for

    Mobile Communication. The situ-ation was in every aspect very dif-ficult.

    At this point the contact with Dr.Ibrahim Karim was established,through a recommendation from aresponsible in the Swiss Economysector. Karim explained, that he isable to eliminate the people's prob-lems through his personally devel-oped BioGeometry.During the first long session withOMK, Dr. Ibrahim Karim explainedBioGeometry and the successes he

    achieved in the different universi-ties and state authorities. He agreedto demonstrate his method preciselyand without charge during his vaca-tion in Switzerland.At the request of OMK, Swisscomannounced its participation in thisresearch project, as they are insupports to all that could releasethe tense situation in Hemberg. On

    August 6, 2003, the affected per-sons and the district were directlyinformed through Dr. Karim abouthis plans. The residents explainedtheir willingness to participate atthe project as well. On the sameday Dr. Karim started his work inHemberg.Here the OMK carried out a pilot

     project in agreement with all par-

    ticipants. The OMK solely holdingthe responsibility. We decided tostart this project, after we have rec-ognized, that it was very dif ficult tofind a solution for this case.

    We had to realize on one hand thatthe life quality was very bad forseveral persons. On the other handit was clear that the construction ofthe antenna was carried out com-

     pletely legally and the set value lim-its were kept. At this point we cameto the conclusion, that we will notachieve anything without venturinganything.At the same time the risk was notthat high, as we were convinced,that we will benefit in any case.We are of the opinion that the main

    objective of OMK is, to offer trans- parency. Accordingly we are of theopinion, to inform the residents aswell, if the method, which was of-fered for the influence of non-ioniz-ing emissions, was not successful. What is BioGeometry ?

      BioGeometry is a relatively newscience, which had been developed

    through Dr. Ibrahim during the last30 years. Aim of BioGeometry is tocreate a harmonic energy quality inthe surroundings of human beings,animals and plants.Because the natural energy fieldsare more and more disturbedthrough the many new construc-tions and installations on earth, anincreased negative influence on hu-man beings, animals and plants isthe result, according to Dr. Karim’sstatement.

    Initial situation–Press conference of OMK on August 28, 2003 in Hemberg6

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    Special designed geometric formsand beams, which spread energyquality, producing a balance of en-ergy function were used. Accord-ing to Dr. Karim, this will lead tothe strengthening of the immunesystem and at the same time willreduce the disturbances. The appli-

    cation possibilities of BioGeometryare many. The Mobile Communi-cation Network, electrical cables,high tension installations, all kindsof electro-magnetic waves and wa-ter could be used as transmitters forthe harmonization of energies in thesurroundings.

    What is gained through this

    method?The findings and knowledge of BioGeometry were applied in dif-ferent projects, as stated by Dr.Karim. This was done in coopera-tion with Universities of the MiddleEast, USA and in the Netherlands.Thus, and for example, the BioGeo-metric treatment of agricultural ar-eas – as apple trees and potato fields

     – led to a reduction of parasites, a

     better harvest and a longer shelf lifeof products in comparison to those

     products of non-treated parcels.Architecture is an important fieldfor the application of BioGeom-etry. According to the statementsof Dr. Karim, constructions whichhave been built under considerationof the BioGeometry findings fromthe very beginning, do have already

    harmonized energy-fields inside the building.Dr. Karim emphasized, that BioGe-ometry should not be understoodas Alternative Medicine, even ifthe resulting balance of biologicalfunctions and strengthening of theimmune system lead to an improve-ment of well being and for instance

     positive achieved results in Hepa-

    titis C researches. BioGeometry asa mean for the qualitative energyexchange with the surrounding canonly support a medical treatment,

     but could never replace it.

      Who is the Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment (OMK)?


    The Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment intermediates between the

     population and the mobile communication enterprises. Every person may ask for assistance free of

    charge. In principal, The OMK can do the following:•Providing information material or

    web-addresses concerning the topic of electro-smog

      • providing documents about protection of rooms against mobile communication emissions

      • Presentation of legal situation in regard to processes and estimation of chances

      • Presentation of the situation in regard to emission affection in general and for concrete cases

    • Mediation on site between authority, mobile communication suppliers and private persons, if

     planed locations of mobile communication antennas are met with resistance

      • Assistance in explaining authority decisions

      • Investigation of situation on site, if problems arise after taking a mobile communication antenna

    into operation

      • Collection of information about problem cases aiming conclusions for improvement

      • Creation of an increased transparency

      How can you reach OMK?

      Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment, Monbijou street 22, Postal box ,

      3001 Bern

      Tel.: 031 380 85 94, Fax: 031 380 85 86, e-mail info@ omk.ch, internet www.omk.ch

    What has been done inHemberg?

    Quiet obviously a lot of environ-mental problems existed in Hem-

     berg. A lot of earth emissions,many electrical installations in thelow-frequency level were found.According to Dr. Karim’s opinion,with this multitude of stress affec-tion, it is not possible to find thereason for disturbances of the well

     being.Through the different stress affec-tions, qualitative resonance featuresare developed between the differenttypes of electro-magnetic waves.According to Dr. Karim, the triggerof such phenomena is not necessar-ily the last stress, which had beenadded. Thus, the project aim wasnot to find the reason. Main empha-

    sis was put to help the people.After situation analysis and discus-sions with the affected residents,Dr. Karim installed on the electricalcables of the antenna as well as atthe houses of the affected persons,geometrical forms. The antenna has

     been chosen as the main bearer ofthe BioGeometric energy, as a greateffect could be achieved with it. The

    works accomplished in the housesunder consideration of the individ-ual situation improved the result ofthe antenna furthermore. The worksrequired an effort of about 6 days.

    First results were according to theaffected persons positive: they sleep better, have less headache, are lessaggressive and have more energyagain. The affected residents foundthe birds and bats coming backagain, after their disappearance forover a year.These are first results. Now wehave to observe the effectivity overa longer period of time. Dr. IbrahimKarim will follow up the projectwithin the next 3 months, to guar-antee the efficiency during differ-ent climate situations through finetuning. He will later install spe-cially designed figures as well for Hemberg, hoping to improve thesituation furthermore, or at leastto achieve a simplification of the

     present installations. The Media-

    tion Authority for Mobile Commu-nication will in future report againabout the results.

    Mediation Authority for Mobile Com-munication and Environment, August 28,2003

    More information about BioGeometry anda CV of Dr. Karim are found underwww.biogeometry.com .


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      We are a family of five memberswith 3 children in the age of 14, 12and 9 years. Since 14 and half years

    we live in Hemberg – a little villagein Toggenburg with approximately900 residents-. My husband andmyself, together with 2 employeesand a trainee, lead a workshop forthe repair of agricultural machinesand cars. During our time off we en-

     joy the nature with walking duringthe summer time and skiing duringthe winter. For the children and for

    us this living in the countryside issomething very beautiful. We can-not imagine ourselves to live in acity.But late summer 2002 our peacewas massively disturbed.

    “We almost had forgotten about

    the Natel-antenna”

      At this time we accidentlly learnedabout the Natel-antenna of Swiss-com, which was going to be in-stalled on the tower of the catholicchurch – which was in distance of100 meter to our house. This led usto give it pensive thoughts becauseof the emissions. We consultedthe electro-biologist Urs Hafnerfrom Degersheim SG and wantedto know from him, to what extendsuch an antenna could be harmful

    for us. Urs Hafner informed us im-mediately, that the location couldnot have been better for us. The an-gel position of the antenna is harm-less for us. Nevertheless, Swisscom

    could change the angel position insuch a way, that the electro-mag-netic fields would be directed over 

    our house roofs and thus being ab-solutely problem-free for us.

    We discussed this issue togeth-er with the district president, theSwisscom and Urs Hafner. Afterseveral weeks, we were informed,that the angel position could not bechanged and that the constructionlicense has been given through the

    municipality.What could we do? “We have to livewith it” we told ourselves. “Perhapseverything is going fine and our fear and concern about health problemswere in vain”. And we were ok and

    almost forgot the whole subject.

    Suddenly my husband got pneu-


      After 3 months my husband feltexhausted, as if he would get a cold.He was hardly getting through dailywork. At the same time I had fre-quent headache, dizziness and se-vere neck muscle pain down to theshoulders.

    “On some days weleft the flat hastily” 

    This sleeping area of the Keller-Frei family in Hemberg SG is protected effectively with a shield-ing cloth from electro-smog

    Experience report by Regula Keller-Frei 8

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    As we had a lot to do in the work-shop, we thought, that our com-

     plaints are the result of this work-stress.

    But the condition of my husbandgot worse. He became hoarse andfinally his voice failed completely.

    He got an appointment at the phy-sician, who immediately examinedhis lungs. Further investigationsand moments of fear were follow-ing this first visit. Finally we gotthe results. He was suffering from ahidden pneumonia. Only after sev-eral weeks of medication with anti-

    The family escaped to the basement, because this part of the house was less exposed to emissions.Here the basement, which was almost cozy.

     biotics he started to feel better.Meanwhile I felt more and moresick. The muscles became tenser.At some days I had to interruptthe office work, had to lay downand massaged my neck. I neededalways a longer time to be able to

    get back to work. In the evening Iwas so exhausted that I was happywhen the children were in bed, andI was able to go to bed too. Moreand more we had the suspicion, thatthe reason for our complaints is the

     Natel-antenna on the church tower.We discussed the issue with my

     parents in law, who live opposite tous. I was informed by my motherin law, that she was suffering atthis time from health problems, butthought, that this was due to herage. We went together to the district

     president and talked to him about

    our health problems. We expressedour wish to transfer the antenna toanother location. I mean, an antennadoes not belong to a church tower inthe middle of a village. He listenedto us, and promised us to discuss thematter with the municipality.

    Our Kids could not sleep any more

      After a while our second daugh-

    ter could not sleep as well, she hadnever before suffered from sleeping problems, she used to stand up in theroom crying at 22:30 because shecould simply not sleep, and the nextmorning she had to skip school.  In the beginning I used to suggestthat she reads a few pages so that shecan get tired but that did not help,we were also wondering whethershe had problems in school or elsewhere but that proved not to be thecase. Then she switched sleeping

     places with my husband and Sarafound sleep in his bad within a fewminutes, on the other hand my hus-

     band could never found sleep inSara’s bed and next morning he saidI will never sleep in that bed again.It was amazing what a bad nightthat was for him, his eye lids where

    swollen and his eyes tired.  Next night I tried my luck in Sara’s

     bed. I was as well restless. All nightI was cold, then it was too hot and Iwoke up every few minutes.It was obvious that we had to findanother solution. We have noticed,that we do not feel unwell to thesame degree in all places of thehouse. It was extremely bad in the

    kitchen. We were only able to staythere for a short period of time.


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      We felt head pressure, tense mus-culature and our energy was reallydrifting away.  In the ground floor, where our workshop is positioned, we feltsometimes better. And in the base-

    ment our complaints were reducedobviously. So my husband movedto the basement for several months.Sarah slept with me in the parents

     bedroom. Thus our sleeping con-dition had improved finally a little

     bit.But then my eldest daughter and

    my son started to have sleeping problems too. My daughter wokeup every night and sat in the mid-dle of her room on the floor. Myson woke up sweated every night.We found a sleeping place for mydaughter in the bathroom. She slepton a mattress a mostly was able tosleep through all night.

    With expensive foils we tried to pro-

    tect ourselves against the electro-


      After a certain while we heardabout an enterprise, which producesconstruction foils for shielding pur-

     poses and who deals with shield-ing material. We covered the ceilswith construction foils in differentrooms, and with special shieldingmaterial we made a kind of tentaround each bed, in order to be pro-tected against the emissions.

    This was costing us a lot. But atleast we were able to sleep againin our usual beds- with the excep-tion of my husband. During sum-mer time it was too hot for himunder this tent. But the aggressionsamong each other, initiated throughthe massive loss of life-quality andthe energy loss during the day, theyall remained and we needed a lot ofstrength and nerves.

    We often asked ourselves the ques-tion, whether to search for anotherliving place. But due to businessand financial reasons it was not

     possible. So we just had the chance

    to avoid our house as often as pos-

    sible. Some days we felt better. Onother days, especially on weekendswe left our house hastily, becausewe couldn’t stand it anymore.  Especially bad was Christmas.We hoped for good snowy weatherconditions, so that we could ski alot. Unfortunately this was not thecase. We will never forget Christ-mas 2002. Our family life was very

    disturbed and difficult. Everybodytried to keep by himself, and to actthe best way possible under the giv-en circumstances. All day we werein a bad mood, rarely that some-

     body laughed. We all were tortured by the fear, how everything will goon.  Additionally we were suffering,

     because only very few persons

    understood our problems. We be-came outsiders. The issue of Mo- bile Communication antenna wasnot appreciated by our community.The sum of all stresses and burdenswere hardly to be beard. And we

     just wanted one thing: to get our previous life back.

    A scientist from Egypt helped

      During the summer vacation we

    traveled for 2 weeks to the Carib- bean. There we had no complaintsand were able to gain back some ofour strength. Back home we sleptthe first night well, and were all

    very happy about it. But already the

    next day complaints and problemsstarted all over again.Then – a few days later – we were

    informed that the OMK would inter-fere. Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyp-tian scientist, would try to bring oursuffering through BioGeometricelements to an end. We were await-ing this day desperately, on whichhe will start in this village with his

     pilot project.  About 4 months have passed sincethat time. Dr. Ibrahim Karim hashelped us through his work andthrough the use of BioGeometryto get back a worthwhile life. Ourfamily is intact again. For this wewould like to express our deepestgratitude.

    Hemberg, November 2003Regula Keller-Frei

    Only here in the basement the husband was finding some sleep. To move to another place was not possible due to the business situation.

    Experience reported by Regula Keller -Frei 10

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    The experiences of the affected person: Ruth Schaad

    “I never would have thought,that the antenna on the tower

    would affect me to that extent”

      My living room window gives a beautiful view out on Hemberg.Hemberg is an idyllic village in themountains. It lies between Toggen-

     burg and Neckertal. In a distance ofabout 1 kilometer I can see the cath-olic church with its onion dome.The building was built on an oldsacral place, and is under protec-tion of historical monuments. This

     place of peace invites you literallyto visit it and stay inside for medi-tation. But this “holy” place is con-nected to a story of our present time

     – and the following report of ex- perience is dealing with that story.

    I was able to sleep all night through

    for the first time in Hemberg

      I lived for almost 40 years in Toess-tal – in a chalet 30 m away from arailway pathway. As I am one of thesensitive persons , I had all my lifesleeping problems, which were dueto the electrical network of the train.

      Fifteen years ago, I found inBaechli, next to Hemberg a flat,and was able for the first time of my life to sleep all night through. Ihave not to tell you, that I was notvery pleased when in June 2002 a

     Natel-antenna was installed on thecatholic church tower. I loved andneeded to stay there in the church,

     but after the installation of the an-

    tenna I couldn’t fulfill my need.“I almost fell under the high tensioncables”

      I live on the other side of the val-ley, and quite a distance away from

    The health damagingantenna is installed

    one km away fromRuth Schads’ flat.That her complaintscould be in relationto the installation onthe church tower wasonly realized, when shefound and exchangedinformation with otheraffected residents.

    the mobile communication anten-na. At this time my 75 years oldmother was sleeping once a week

    in my flat. But mid of 2002 wewere not considering this anymore.

    In the living room she complainedregularly of massive drowsiness.I myself was walking like a sailoron see. I was taking at this timea study course, which I couldn’tcomplete, as I was not able to learnand to memorize the subjects.

    On my way from Baechli to Hem- berg a high tension cable is crossingthe street. Each time when I passedthis street with my bicycle I feltmassive consciousness disturbanc-es. Only under absolute concen-

    tration I was able to avoid falling.

     No way to think of work, and this

    went on for months. I just was notable to recover. The worst symp-toms were in my living room. Mygeneral health was so reduced, thatI had to stay by myself alone.

     Normally I do have a very good balance and almost a phenomenalmemory and a very good abil-ity for concentration. Exactly thosestrengths were clearly reduced. The

    worst and most dangerous aspectsduring daily routine life were theconsciousness disturbances and thevertigo attacks. June 2003 I had adiscussion with Rosemarie Keller


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    from Hemberg.This was the first time I heard aboutthe tremendous and multiple com-

     plaints of the inhabitants in Hem- berg. The complaints of this familywere similar to those of my mother

    and mine. All complained aboutdisturbances in the head, the sen-sory functions and the nervous sys-tem. Only then I thought about theconnection between our complaintsand the antenna on the church tower.Is it possible, that the electro-mag-netic fields of a mobile communica-tion antenna do cause - even over adistance of 1 km - such health prob-lems for electro-sensible persons? I

    was alarmed and started to observemyself and what was happening tome.  In my weakened and over-sen-sitive  situation I realized imme-diately any change of the energyfield.I noticed clearly, that duringwalking over a hill in nearer or farerdistance to the antenna was causingconsciousness disturbances for me.

    It was not the same strength every-where, but generally spoken I felt

     better in the valley than on hills.

    As the mobile communication an-tenna is installed for area coverage,I was able to understood, why mycomplaints were not restricted to thelocation of Hemberg and Baechli.For me BioGeometry is “Holy

    Geometry”  During a whole year, RosemarieKeller, another affected person inHemberg, fought tireless, wroteuncountable letters and made tele-

     phone calls. All this was withoutany success till July 2003.

    The method was applied as well in RuthSchaad’s bedroom.

     A letter came from the OMK, whogot permission from Swisscomto harmonize the harmful electro-magnetic fields of the mobile com-munication antenna. Dr. IbrahimKarim would come for this purpose

    to Hemberg during the first week ofAugust 2003, and would try to ap-

     ply his knowledge of BioGeometryto accomplish this work. This wasstated in the letter.Rosemarie Keller asked me, wheth-er I would have heard about thismethod? My answer was, that I donot have the slightest idea aboutthe term BioGeometry, but I could

    imagine a lot under this term. ButI would rather call it “holy Geom-etry”.  Here we are dealing with the an-cient knowledge, of the importanceof the cosmic system. These rulesare the bases of creation, and arefound through to the smallest detailsof the living – the atom - .The useand application of this knowledgeI had already seen in many sacralconstructions of old cultures.I was just able to tell RosemarieKeller, that this method is hopeful-ly a good thing to try. But I did notknow, whether Dr. Karim would beable to harmonize the mobile an-tenna.

    This issue interested me enor-mously and I wanted to be intro-duced to Dr. Karim. That’s why

    I felt sorry, that I would not be inHemberg at this time. I was at mymother’s place in Toesstal. I felt much better there than in

    Hemberg-Baechli, despite the rail-ways. I already thought about toleave my flat in the Neckertal. If I would not be able to feel wellthere, then the reason for this flat is

    obsolete. During the second weekof August I returned to my flat inBaechli.

    It was clear for RuthSchaad , that theknowledge of cosmicrules – the BioGeom-etry- had been appliedalready in churches.Using concrete bio-geometric elements, thenegative affection andinfluence of the mobilecommunication antennawas harmonized.

    The experiences of the affected person: Ruth Schaad 12

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     The vertigo was less after the first

    restructuring changes

      One day I noticed very happily,that I feel much better. The vertigoattacks became less severe, as itwas the case during the last months.When I was taking my bicycle to

    Hemberg, some consciousness dis-turbances appeared at certain loca-tions. But again, less severe. FinallyI was able to continue my studies –after a year of forced interruption.I was informed by Rosmarie Keller,that exactly on the day where mycomplaints started to be less, Dr.Karim has carried out a provisionalsolution at the Natel-antenna.  As the work for the harmonizationof the Natel-antenna at the differenthouses took longer than expected

     by Dr. Karim, I had the chance to beintroduced to him, his wife and toone of his sons. An intensive coop-eration began between Dr. Karim,the residents of Hemberg, whowere participating in the project,and myself.

    Only after the Hemberg’s mobile

    communication antenna was notradiating disturbing electro-mag-netic fields anymore, we were able

    to detect other sources, which wereinfluencing our well-feeling. Theseare the strong antennas of Saentis,Hochhamm and Schoenengrund.The high tension cables were inresonance with the electro-mag-netic fields of the antennas and in-creased their influence furthermore.Finally, geo-pathic disturbance

    zones – which are due to earth char-acteristic features – and stress dueto electro-smog in the house hadto be harmonised as well throughBioGeometry.

    I found Dr. Karim a person, whogoes into depth. If he starts a job,he would work until he find the op-timal solution. As Saentis, Hochalp,

     Neckertal and the upper part of

    Toggenburg are areas of increasedmilitary exercises, disturbing influ-ences were and are caused by themobile communications.

    Today we can help ourselves with

    the method

    The realisation of the work took 3months. Due to our cooperation and

     joint work with Dr. Karim we learnta lot about BioGeometry. Today weare able to help ourselves usingthis method. Dr. Karim has helpedus – the residents of Hemberg and

    Baechli – to a much better life qual-ity.  For his devoted work during thelast three months, we are grateful,and thank him and his family, whosupported him all the time, fromour hearts for the work which wasdone.

    Baechli, end of October 2003,Ruth Schaad

    Ruth and Rosa Schaad are electro-sensitive. After BioGeometric improvements they are able to be

    active again.

    Dr. Karim uses such bio-signatures togetherwith BioGeometric elements


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    The experiences of the affected person: Rosmarie Keller

    “I have back my

     joy for life”

    a construction tender was announ-ced in Hemberg on March 26, 2001for a Natel-antenna on the churchtower of the catholic church. Sixopponents, among them ourselvesraised up, and made an appeal. Ihave to admit, that it was a half-hearted appeal. At this time we had

     barely any knowledge about thedanger of such emissions.  We applied for the appeal after theadvise of a teacher. Obviously sheknew what she was talking about.We were of the opinion, that no

    antennas would be installed in themiddle of a village, if it would bethat dangerous for human beings.My husband had a mobile phone forhis business, but he used it rarely. Iwas the proud owner of a – harm-ful – DECT radio-telephone whichwas so easy to handle. We were avery active couple and we wereinterested in a lot of things on this

    world. We are 70 and 64 years oldand were both in good health. Themobile communication antennawas put into operation in June 2002.This antenna caused us no problemat first.

    “I felt like a tiger in the cage in

    my own house”

      Three months later, it was in Sep-tember, I got each evening a fever-ish head, and a pulsating roaring,which I hardly bared. I was suffer-ing and I was afraid. Something inmy head was not o.k. at all. I didnot feel well in my house anymore.

    The energy she was ableto gain outside, was takenaway immediately againat home. Here Dr. Karimexplains his method toRosmarie Keller. Hisknowledge and the find-ings do convince her.

    I suffered from cardiac rhythm dis-turbances. I complained frequentlyof vertigo attacks all day. I lost myenergy for work, which didn’t fit tomy character at all. My ability ofconcentration was massively dis-turbed. One has to experience thishealth situation to believe it.

    I felt like a tiger in the cage inmy own house and I searched fora place, where I fell better, but invane. During walks or other activi-ties outside I got back the energywhich was taken away from me at

    home. The phases of recovery un-fortunately didn’t last long.My husband enjoyed his retirementand was frequently outside. I washappy for him, as he was not able toconcentrate inside the house, which

    scared me. Tinnitus attacks let himleave the house frequently.

    “We planed the fight with the au-

    thorities in the mountains”

      Beginning of February 2002 I suf-fered from a complete break downand was hospitalized. After 1 dayof observation I felt well again andtold the physician about the expe-riences with the mobile communi-cation antenna. He advised me, tolook for the less emission affectedroom in my house, and stay there in

    case of acute complaints.



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      From this time on, my favorite place was on a chair in the basement.More and more I had to stay in the

    cellar. Our harmful radio- telephonehas been removed from our house.We rented a house in the moun-tains for the summer months, to

     prepare ourselves for the fight withthe authorities. It was not our styleto give up. Thus I was really per-sistent while contacting the Media-tion Authority for Mobile Commu-nication and Environment in Bern.

    After a short while, birds

    were seen in the garden again

      On July 25 we were informed bya letter from the Mediation Author-ity for Mobile Communication thatDr. Karim would interfere with hismethod of BioGeometry. I asked allaffected persons, whether they would

     participate. We didn’t hear any-thing of BioGeometry till this time.

    But who could have helped us? Neither the municipality, nor thechurch or Swisscom or the Media-tion authority for Mobile Commu-nication knew what to do with us.We were all afraid to go through an-other winter like we had the year be-fore. So we didn’t understood, howDr .Karim would help us with hisBioGeometry. But we wanted to takethis chance. We were hoping again.On August 6, 2003, Dr. Karim be-gan his work in Hemberg. Six fami-lies, who lived in the surroundingof the catholic church in Hemberg,and who suffered from massive

    health problems, were foreseenfor the project of Dr. Karim.  First those six houses were ex-amined  by Dr. Karim and his sonin regard to geomantic disturbancezones, electro smog and antenna

    emissions, then they harmonizedthese effects. In the church only theelectrical power supply to the anten-na was allowed to be harmonized.But this didn’t led to a real success.The house of my son is located op-

     posite to the church, so provisionalBioGeometric elements were in-stalled on my son’s balcony. Wewere already so hypersensitive,

    that we immediately left when theelements were correctly placed. Atthis time we felt better but not wellyet. On Monday August 18, I washappy to notice that the birds came

     back to my garden. But our well-feeling was not stable, one time wefelt very well and another time bad.

    Dr. Karim uses for his work the technique of the physical pendulum , not to be mixed up with theknown mental pendulum

    Whether energy is harmful or not – this isdetermined by the from and shape , not by thematerial

    The BioGeometric elements are directed ex-actly toward the disturbance sources

    The House of the Keller Family lies about100m away from the church tower 


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    1. The transmitter

      The only transmitter of major in-fluence is the Swisscom transmitter on the church tower of the catholicchurch.

    GSM 900:Equivalent emission strengthAzimuth 0: 900 WattAzimuth 120: 450 WattAzimuth 240 : 700 Watt(according to the location datasheet)

    GSM 1800:Equivalent emission strength

    Azimuth 0: 1200 WattAzimuth 120: 200 WattAzimuth 240 : 800 Watt(according to the location datasheet)Start of operation for the GSM 900according to the information onsite: July 13, 2002.The antennas for GSM 1800 werenot in operation on the day of mea-

    suring, September 2nd, 2002.

    2. Measurement results:

      The attached table is revealingthe summary of the measurementresults taken on September 2nd,2002

    3. Evaluation of the measured

    air pollution

      In the house of the Keller GarageAG the emission stress due tothe GSM 900 and due to a DECT- wireless telephone -which wasinstalled in the living room – wasabout in the same range:


    Mobile Communication GSM 900(Measurement results from September 2nd, 2002)  GSM 900 Air pollution value in (V/m) 

    Only steering Values of Relation,

    channels Minimum the moment minimum


    Garage Keller AG Balcony 0,52 0,69 1,33

      Anja, bed 0,36 0,42 1,17

      Sara, bed 0,34 0,42 1,24

      Living room, sofa 0,26 0,31 1,20

      Kitchen, table 0,12 * 1,00Parents,bed 0,059 * 1,00

    Simon, bed 0,042 * 1,00

      Office, floor 0,056 0,068 1,21


    Stable for cows,

    (Building no. 952) 0,18 0,24 1,33

      Ewald Keller, wintergarden 0,065 0,069 1,06


    Bedroom upper floor    0,018 0,021 1,17

    Office under the roof ** 0,42 0,55 1,30

      Mr. Grob, bedroom 0,09 0,10 1,11

      Room under the roof, south 0,19 0,25 1,32  Georg Reich, Mrs. Reich, bed 0,058 * 1,00

      G. Reich, bed 0,042 * 1,00

      Outside the window 0,066 0,082 1,24

      * no channel in operation at the time of measurement

      ** measurement on October 22, 2003

    Independent measurements

    The Emission from GSM MobileCommunication Radiation in the

    Village of Hemberg-stronger emission due to theGSM: bedrooms of the daughtersAnja and Sara in the 2nd floor -stronger emission due to theDECT: the complete 1st floor The limit value of the installationaccording to the regulation of NISis for GSM 900 4V/m, for GSM1800 (here not yet in operation)together with GSM 900 5V/m.In the Keller’s house the air pol-lution due to the GSM 900 (seetable) was about 0,05 up to 0,7

    V/m. Starting from 0,06 V/m andunder longer exposition, it is pos-sible to initiate or promote seriousdiseases. Starting from 0,4 V/macute health problems could appearat persons, who are more sensitive.It has to be put into consideration,that the government of Salzburghas recommended, not to exceed0,02 V/m (!) in the inner area of ahouse. This is about 1/250 of theSwiss limiting value for the instal-lation.


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    As Rosemarie and Ewald Keller didnot possess a DECT telephone, thecomplaints appeared some time af-ter putting the antenna into opera-tion. An additional measurement onOctober 22, 2003 revealed a valueof 0,55 V/m in the roof area, wherethe office is.

    In the house of Georg Reich, thefarmer, which is in greater distanceto the transmitter (270) the air pol-lution is of the same value (directsight to the church tower) as thenearer positioned (100 m) house ofEwald Keller, which is shielded (theliving and sleeping area)by the ad-

     jacent house. This value is 0,06 V/m at the south-east house façade.Here it was recommended to trans-fer the bedrooms to the less exposednorth-west part of the house. Inthe stable we have about the sameemission level. In the sleep-stable itclearly less. After putting the Swiss-com-transmitter into operation,the birds left for the first time the

    farm. This is an observation whichhas been made Europe-wide on allfarms, if a mobile communicationantenna was installed near by.

    In general the air pollution and emis-sions from the Swisscom-transmit-ter are at day and night about thesame, as the use is not that exten-sive yet. During daytime it is some-

    times found, that 20 – 30% moreemissions (in V7m) are presentthan during times of less use, as forexample during the nights beforeworking days.

    4. Recommendation

    For the short-term the bedroomsshould be transferred and eventualemergency shields are indicated. Ashield, especially on the roof floor at

    its southern side, is strongly recom-mended for the house of the KellerFamily. Shields should be installedthrough experts and control mea-surements should be done. Perhaps

    negotiations with Swisscom con-cerning a reduction of the transmis-sion strength and an elevation of theantenna angulation could be held.

     Nevertheless the relief would beonly relatively. The general healthcondition in regard to long-termhealth affection would not be reallychanged.

    A real solution would be only theremoval of the installed Swiss-com-transmitter, to gain back theoriginal situation in Hemberg. Thisremoval will be realized sooner orlater under the pressure of further

    health problems and for maintain-ing the reputation of Hemberg as arecovery area. If the removal is notachievable, we should count withmoves, diseases which will appearof those who will stay, and loss ofreal estate values.

    October 10, 2002These measurements were taken by anindependent specialist. The GIBB co-operative has his name.

    Explanations to the High-frequency emission measurements in Hemberg

    Measuring unit: The strength of electro-magnetic high-frequency emission is determinedin Switzerland as electrical field strength in Volt per meter (V/m). The electrical fieldstrength is reduced reversal proportional to the distance of the emission source.

    Measuring method: At every measuring point the emission intensity is separately mea-sured for each channel.

    Measuring values: Each measured maximum value of the electrical field strength (V/m) isseparately noted in the measurement protocol for all measurable frequency channels at thetime of measurement. In the case of mobile communication services they are either steer-ing channels or talk- channels.

    Steering Channels: Steering channels are called in abbreviation BCCH (Broadcast Con-trol Channel). They localise the switched on mobile telephones and they connect the calls.A limited number of calls could be held on them too. The steering channels transmit 24hours a day, without interruption.

    Talk channels: Talk channels only transmit, when they are used due to a call. In case ofminimal calls, they are “silent”.

    Momentary emission pollution: It is the total emission pollution (electrical field strength)at the relevant measurement point at the moment of measurement. Its value complies onlyto the possible maximum value, if all measured transmitters are fully in operation and aresending with their allowed maximum performance.

    Minimum emission pollution: Total emission pollution at the same measuring point dur-ing times of less frequent use, e.g. at night during working days. It is calculated by the sumof the emission values of all measured steering channels (without the talk channels). It isthe pollution value, which (during the normal operation of the transmission installation) isnever beyond this minimum.

    Official evaluation value of the emission pollution: This is done according to the presenttransmitter intensity of measured emission values in comparison to the calculated emis-

    sion values or to the legally preset given values. This evaluation value is calculated forinstance for official control measurements.

    Wireless DECT-telephone installations at home and at work: The basis station and therepeater wireless DECT telephone send 24 hours a day without interruption, even if no callis done.

    Applied measurement technique: Spectrum analysis ADVANTEST R 3131 A (Rhodeand Schwarz), logarithmic – periodic high frequency measuring antenna Type USPL 9143(Schwarzbeck) Frequency scope 0,3 to 5 Giga -Hertz


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    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe











    Questionnaire Revealed:Complaints Have BeenMassively Reduced

    Conditions for the subsequent


      On October 6 and 12, 2004 a de-tailed questionnaire was distrib-uted among the residents of Hem-

     berg, concerning their complaints.According to a scale, which in-cluded 4 intensity grades, the par-ticipating residents marked the

     present complaints and comparedthem with the condition before

     putting the antenna into opera-tion and after the BioGeometricinstallations done by Dr. Karim.The asked persons were a group,who were positive about Dr.Karim’s pilot project. The num-

     ber of persons who were askedis statistically not significant.The subjectively mentioned com-

     plaints were structured accord-

    ing to a head-feet scheme. Com- plaints, which were not fittinginto to this scheme, were noteddown under a column “other com-

     plaints”. Under this column dis-ease diagnosis were noted, whichwere subjectively influenced by themobile communication antenna.

    Head and Concentration suf-

    fered the mostIn general an increase of complaintswas revealed in regard to numberand intensity after putting the an-tenna into operation. This was fol-lowed with an obvious improvementafter the biogeometric installa-tions through Dr. Karim. Some ofthe persons questioned were not

    Complaints Scale Autumn 2002 (with antenna) Autumn 2004 (with antenna, after biogeometric installations)

    able to remember exactly, whichcomplaints already existed prior to

     putting the antenna into operation.In the head to feet scheme, the headcomplaints were clearly dominant.Under these complaints in turn, the

     psychological status and the cogni-tive performance were of main com-

     plaint. The psychological complaintscould be categorized in a widersense under depressive symptoms.

    The cognitive complaints concernespecially the concentration ability.

    Rheumatic complaints increased

    Organic wise, the affected personsin Hemberg complained mainly ofheadache, next to eye and ear prob-lems.

    Intensity of com plaints

      free mild moderate severe












      u  m   b  e  r  o   f  c  o  m  p   l  a   i  n   t  s


      u  m   b  e  r  o   f  c  o  m  p   l  a   i  n   t  s

    Questionnaire among the affected residents: Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli 20

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    Intensity of com plaints

      free mild moderate severe







    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: mental/psychic  (Autumn 2002, with antenna)

    Complaint group: mental/psychic  (Autumn 2004, with antenna after

     biogeometric installations)







    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group:Head(Autumn 2002, with antenna)







    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: Head (Autumn 2004, withantenna after

     biogeometric installations)

     Next to the head complaints an

    increase of rheumatic complaintsand temperature sensitivity was re-vealed.

    Not all react similar to electro-smog

    Despite of the low number of casesand the subjective statements, thequestionnaire is of interest. It re-flects the known symptoms, whichwere already described in otherstudies under the term biological ornon-thermal effect of GSM mobilecommunication emissions. As mostof the felt complaints are medi-cally not objective, it is difficult torecord them scientifically.

    Furthermore it is difficult to recordthe cases, because of the large

    scale of complaints and the obvi-

    ous different individual reaction tothe emission. Not to forget the in-dividual variable exposition, evenfor persons in the same household.It has been noticed in case of afamily, who has been asked, thatthe complaints were intensifiedafter putting the antenna intooperation, despite that the familymembers were exposed to a 10-

    times stronger “house-made” elec-tro-smog (through a microwavedevice, a wireless telephone, aswell as other equipment in stand-

     by-position. One of the familymembers felt especially unwell ina certain room, which was provento be subjected to more electro-magnetic emissions.

    Larger scale examinations would

    be of outmost necessityFor future questionnaires the ques-tions should be adapted to newfindings. To be enabled to arguescientifically, the following criteriashould be considered:• A larger number of persons (100

     persons) should be askedwho live in a quantitative knowngeographic sector, which is ex-

     posed heavily to mobile commu-nication emissions. No selectionshould be carried out. The personsshould be chosen prior to the in-stallation of the antenna.• Measurements of the locationsare to be done first. In flats thedifferent measurements are to becarried out as well in regard to








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    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe







    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: Back/Rheumatology(Autumn 2002, with antenna)

    Complaint group: Back/Rheumatology  (Autumn 2004, with antenna after

     biogeometric installations)







    Intensity of com plaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group:Chest(Autumn 2002, with antenna)







    Intensity of complaints

      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: Chest (Autumn 2004, withantenna after

     biogeometric installations)

    longer stays in the relevant room,e.g. bed room. The additionalelectro-smog must be known andquantified as well.• A minimum of 4 different phas-es of questionnaires should take

     place: before putting the antennainto operation, 4 months after put-ting the antenna into operation,1 month after the installation ofBioGeometric devices and 1 year af-

    ter the installation of these devices.

      Neither the persons who are askednor the persons who put the questionshould know the actual situation of theantenna – whether in operation or not.

    UMTS – supply increases the

    health emergency situation

    It is hoped, that epidemiologicalstudies are financed in future. Dueto the present study situation andthe results of this minimal numberof questioned affected persons, wemay speak of an actual health emer-gency situation, contrary to the socalled installation emergency, given

     by the Federal Advisory Council

     prior to the enactment of the NISV-decree. This is now increased due tothe present provision with UMTS.

    Wil, Autumn 2004Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli









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    Intensity of com plaints

      free mild moderate severe







      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: abdomen (Autumn 2002, with antenna)

    Complaint group: abdomen (Autumn 2004

    with antenna after bioeometric installation)







      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: Others(Autumn 2002, with antenna)







      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: Others (Autumn 2004, with antenna after  biogeometric installation







      free mild moderate severe







      free mild moderate severe

    Complaint group: renal & urinary bladder(Autumn 2002, with antenna)

    Complaint group: renal &urinary bladder(Autumn 2004, with antenna after

     biogeometric installation

    Intensity of complaints





    Intensity of com plaints Intensity of com plaints







    Intensity of  complaintsIntensity of complaints


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    Mental and Psychic Complaints

    1. Nervousness 4 2 4 2 4 4

    2. Memory weakness 1 2 4 4 1 2

    3. Hyperactivity, concentration problems 2 3 2 1 1 1

    4. Depression 1 2 1 3 1

    5. Irritability 3 4 3 2 2

    6. Moodiness, loss of energy 1 3 3 1

    7. Nutritional disturbances, loss of appetite 1 2 2 1

    8. Exhaustion, performance weakness 2 5 5 2

    Total complaints 0 9 14 24 24 11 8 4


    Head 2 2 1 1 3 1

    1. Vision disturbances, eye pain 1 12. Cataract 2 3 2 1 3 3

    3. Headache, migraine 1 3 2 1 1

    4. Ear problems (Tinnitus) 1 2 2 1

    5. Loss of hairs 1 3 3

    6. Vertigo, nausea 1 1

    7. Head browsing 2 5 5 2

    Total complaints 0 6 6 13 11 8 0 5


    Back, Rheumatology

    1. Neck-& shoulder pain, tenseness 1 4 1 2 22. Back pain 3 2 1 3 1

    3. Joint-problems 2 1 2 3 1

    4. Rheumatic complaints 1 2 1 1 1

    Total complaints 1 5 2 10 6 7 1 3

    Autumn 02, with antenna

    Oct 02, antenna &

     biogeomtic. Installa-


    About 60 % (58,6%) of all complaints are distributed

    among the below listed 15 terms:    n   o   n   e

       m    i    l    d

       m   o    d   e   r  -

       a    t   e

       s   e   v   e   r   e

       n   o   n   e

       m    i    l    d

       m   o    d   e   r   a    t   e

       s   e   v   e   r   e

    1. Nervousness 4 2 4 2 4 4

    2. Sleeping disorders 1 4 4 5 2 1 1

    3. Difficulty to get to sleep 1 6 3 4

    4. Exhaustion, Loss of performance 2 5 5 2

    5. Weakness of memory 1 2 4 4 1 2

    6. Irritability 3 4 3 2 2

    7. Headache, migraine, 2 3 2 1 3 3

    8. Allergies (against medications, food, rhinitis) 2 1 2 1 3 1 19.Heat flushing and sensation 1 1 2 2 3 1 2

    10. Skin problems (eczema) 1 1 3 2 1 2

    11. Neck- & shoulder pain, tenseness 1 4 1 2 2

    12. Back pain 3 2 1 3 1

    13. Vision disturbances, eye-pain 2 2 1 1 3 1

    14. Sexual problems 2 1 2 3 2

    15. Hyperactivity, concentration problems 2 3 2 1 1 1

    Total complaints 3 19 25 48 35 35 12 14


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    Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Karim

     “It is important to understand the totalinteraction of all sources of disturbances” 

    GIBB: How did you react, when

    the Mediation Authority for Mo-

    bile Communication addressed

    you, to apply your method of

    BioGeometry in Hemberg?

    Dr. Karim: A friend of minefrom the banking sector , whois well informed about my

     projects in the Middle East,read about the problems ofHemberg in the newspapers.After a discussion with me, hecontacted the Mediation Author-ity for Mobile Communicationand explained to them my pro-

     posal. This included the demon-stration of my method in Hem-

     berg, to show its possibilities– freeof charge – as the BioGeom-etry is still not very much known.Thus a contact was established.Later, I met Mr. Rolf Luethi fromthe Mediation Authority for Mo-

     bile Communication. He contact-ed Swisscom and I was surprised,when they approved to accept mymethod for this project. The at-titude of the Mediation Authorityand Swisscom was very positive.

    GIBB: Were you sure, that the

    BioGeometric method would be

    successful in Hemberg?

    Dr. Karim: I was convinced of my possibilities with BioGeometry.Hemberg was relatively simple forme, from the technical aspect, incomparison to my other projects. Inregard to the method, I was certain

    that I will be able to harmonize quitequickly the environmental stresses.

     Nevertheless if there are stresses,which had been developed since qui-et a time, political interests and oth-

    er intentions could appear. So, youcan never tell whether you would

     be able to do the work smoothly.

    GIBB: Were you able to harmo-

    nize the consequences of electro-

    smog or mobile communication

    antennas in the past?

    Dr. Karim: I already work on Boe-ing-airplanes and have applied mymethod in many projects with ma-

     jor electro-smog. But this was notdue to mobile communication an-

    tennas. In Egypt and in the USA weuse TV- and Radio-broad castsascarrier waves, to achieve a harmo-nizing effect with area coverage.

    GIBB: How have you found out,

    that BioGeometric elements can

    harmonize mobile communica-

    tion emissions too?

    Dr. Karim: Mobile communica-

    tion emissions are electro-mag-netic emissions and thus carryingwaves, which transport informa-tion. These waves have quantita-tive aspects,but they can transport

    qualitative information as well.That’s why all electromagneticwaves are suitable to spread theharmonizing effect. The electro-magnetic waves produce electro-smog, which is harmonized too.But the point is not to search for ev-ery single disturbance source. It is

    of importance to understand the in-teraction of all disturbance sourcesand the resulting resonance. Thismeans, that not the single cause isof damaging effect, but we have toimprove the situation in general.With BioGeometry this resonancecould be influenced qualitatively.Thus we have a very good methodto spread harmonizing energies.

    GIBB: Which concrete works

    were necessary to be done in


    Dr. Karim: First we examined sixhouses, which were chosen forthe pilot project, in regard to earthemissions and electro-magneticdisturbance sources. We noteddown the complaints of the affected

     persons. Then we installed BioGeo-metric shapes at electrical cablesand water pipes in the houses.We installed some shapes at thewindows in a direction toward theouter disturbance sources. Someother shapes were put on earthradiation gridlines.The house of the Keller Familysenior we fixed BioGeometric

    transmitter with a special carrier,which had been prepared by EwaldKeller. These were directed towardthe remote distanced and differentantennas.

    Harmonized electro-smog of radio and TV.Dr . Ibrahim Karim


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    In cooperation with SwisscomMobile we installed on the churchtower BioGeometric shapes at thecables, which lead from the elec-trical box to the antenna. Specially

     programmed CDs were installed atthis location too.The BioGeometric transmitterswere fixed in such a way, that theywere directed to the antenna body.The distance between the transmit-ters and the antenna body is 30 cm.The BioGeometric transmitterswere further developed severaltimes, to avoid the problems of hu-midity and the short term influenceof military maneuvres. The solu-tion was refined more and more.Presently some wide area-cover-age transmitters are being tested ina new research.

    GIBB: How has your attention

    be drawn to the possibilities of


    Dr. Karim: The studies of archi-

    tecture at the ETH in Zurich werevery succinct for me. We had totransfer for instance a piano con-cert from Bach to formal aspectsof architecture. Our task was theresonance between musical andformal expression. To harmonize

     by creating a balance: this wasalways the aim of architecture.Already ages ago, mankind felt,

    that there are powerful places,which had harmonizing effectson humans, animals and plants.They recognized and marked these

     places. Humans used these placesfor their connection to the divine.Later they built on these places of

     power their temples and churches.The main issue of sacral placeswas always the resonance with

     proportions, space dimensions, fig-ures and angles. This is the worldof architecture.Later I examined and studied inmore detail the connections of the

     biological energy systems. If a liv-

    ing system reveals a disturbance, itis not in balance. The observationof either hyper-function or hypo-function is made. We all know thesolution for this. Either we try with

    medication and therapy to reducethe hyper-function or increase thehypo-function. The dosage or thequantity is essential for this ap-

     proach. Here we address the pos-sibility of medicine and alternativetherapy, which try to bring theenergy systems into balance again.I was able to develop a physi-cal system, in which the energyquality of sacral places is brought

    into effect. A language of shapes,figures, colours and movementdeveloped – the BioGeometry.I created the term BioGeometry 30years ago and I had it registeredas a term for my newly developedscience. This was necessary aswell for the patent registration. Itis not longer allowed, to use theterm “BioGeometry” in connection

    to the studies of biological formsand shapes as a name for anothermethod.Thus, another possibility exist, to

     bring energy systems into bal-ance again and to centralize them.Herewith it is meant, to recon-struct the balance of an energysystem through time- or spacerelated connections. This is not

    an organic or material task, but aqualitative energetic work. Whenwe understand this method and areable to use it, we can strengthenand increase this energy quality,store and transmit it depending toour needs and benefit. Thus we dohave an energy quality at hand,which is a thousand times strongerthan at a place of power. This qual-ity is centralizing in effect on anyenergy system. This energy systemcould be of human- , animal- or

     plant- source.

    GIBB: During your work you

    use so called BioGeometric sig-

    natures. What is meant by this


    Dr. Karim: The 2-dimensionaldrawings are based on 3-dimen-

    sional equivalents and on theconnection between energy andshape. In Acupuncture the merid-ians reflect the shape of a body.Observing this energy structurewe find, that an organ has differentflow-lines – each line with a dif-ferent frequency. To be exact, theshape adapts itself to the energeticstructures and not vice versa. Thus20 to 30 such energy flows are

    observed in one organ. The sum ofthese energy flows results in theform and shape of the organ in theenergetic sense.

     Now imagine that you shape a wireexactly in the way of such a flowline and bring the wire next to the

     body. Through this same shape aresonance and thus communication

     between the outside and the insideis achieved. This synergy increasesthe flow of power within the organand a first harmonizing effect is theresult.

    GIBB: Which connection ex-

    ists between BioGeometry and


    Dr. Karim: BioGeometry al-

    ways harmoniz

    es or centraliz

    esan energy system. If we use theBioSignature together with theBioGeometry we can induce theresonance of the BioSignature intothe centralizing quality of BioGe-ometry. Thus a clearly strongerharmonization is achieved, thanwould be possiblewith the reso-nance of Bio-Signatures alone.

    GIBB: Why have you put Bio-

    Signatures on the transmitters in


    Dr. Karim: We aimed, that all in-

    Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Karim 26

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    habitants benefit from the positiveeffects of the BioSignatures. Our in-tention was to eliminate the electro-sensibility of the affected persons.That’s why we used BioSignaturesfor the thyroid gland, the heart andthe kidneys. We put all signaturesof those organs, which react elec-

    tro-sensible, on the transmitter. Theaim was to achieve a de-sensibiliza-tion with time.

    GIBB: How could a shape be a

    bio-geometric shape?

    Dr. Karim: BioGeometry is a “de-sign language” and has certain cri-teria. Principally it is about simpleenergy-quality-components, which

    are to be considered. This shapelanguage is in principle applicablefor the design. I organize courses,in which I lecture this science andknowledge.

    GIBB: You have used in Hemberg

    so called transmitters too?

    Dr. Karim: If we would like totransmit an energy quality. We havethe option to get back to known as-

     pects. There are forms, which bringthe quality of BioGeometry into ef-fectiveness, even over distances.Thus it was possible in Hemberg todirect a small transmitter toward theSaentis antenna and to achieve therethe harmonizing effect. BioGeom-etry has always a harmonizing ef-fect and cannot achieve any othereffects. Transmitters serve only as

    transporters.Meanwhile we developed new bio-geometrical shapes, which transmittheir energy quality in area coveragefrom a central point. It is not longernecessary to direct the transmittersindividually toward the disturbancesources. All disturbance sourceswithin the effective radius are thusharmonized. With this method we

    achieved in plane areas an effectiveradius of almost 120 km in diam-eter. Now we continue our researchfor further development, aiming aneffective radius of at least 250 km in

    diameter and to achieve a smoothereffect next to the transmitting bio-geometrical shape. This new devel-opment will save a lot of time andcosts.

    Personal Information about Dr. Ibrahim Karim

    Born on February 1st, 1942, in Cairo, Egyptian Nationality


    Oxford and Cambridge matriculation, Victoria College, Cairo (1958)Dipl.Arch/Eng. (1967) and Doctor of Sciences (1975), Federal Institute Of Technology(ETH)Zurich

    Mentoring activities

    Professor for architecture, Helwan University, Cairo (1972,1978)Professor for PhD studies, Cairo University (2004 -)

    Official Advisory/Consultancy tasks

    Consultant of the Minister of Health, Egypt (1969 – 1980)Consultant of the Minister of Culture, Egypt (1969 – 1980)Consultant of the Minister of Tourism, Egypt (1985 -1988)Consultant of the Minister for Scientific Research, Egypt (1990 -1994)

    Leadership activities

    Chairman of the committee “Impact of geometric shapes on the vital biological functions”, National Research Centre, Cairo, (1993 – 1995)Founder of Imhotep, scientific society, Egypt (1985)President and owner of BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd.Patent holder of BioGeometry ShapesAward of the International Conference for Inventors of the 20th Century, Cairo, December1998BioGeometry-Seminars at the International Building-Biology and Ecology Institute in theUnited States of America (1997)BioGeometry-Seminars in the Netherlands and Egypt (1996-2000)

    BioGeometric architectural Projects

    Old-Vic-Tourist-Project, Hurghada, Red Sea (the first phase includes 22 BioGeometrical flats)(1985)Portrait (Sokna Tourist Project), Gulf of Suez (includes 120 BioGeometrical units) (1992)BioGeometric harmony of energy quality in airplanes, ships and cars etc.

    Research Projects with the use of BioGeometry

    Apple- and other horticulture research project at the institute for parasite research, AgriculturalUniversity of Wageningen, NetherlandsPotato research project, organization in the Netherlands (organic agriculture)Poultry project, Suez Canal University, Suez, EgyptHepatitis C Research Project, Pharmacological department, El Azhar University Cairo, Egypt

    Research Projects with the Egyptian Government and American AidEcology planning of the Mahmoudiya Canal, Alexandria, in cooperation with the ministry of

    Scientific Research and US-AID

    Urban health development projects, 14 Clinics at higher levels in Cairo in cooperation with the

    Ministry of Health and US-AID

    20 clinics in cooperation with the World Bank and the Ministry of Health in Giza and Quena

    Architectural and Planning Objects

    Several major clinics, seismic research and observation centers as well as several tourism vil-lages at the Red Sea

    BioGeometrical products

    Inventor and designer of several BioGeometric products for the harmonization of the environ-ment (electrosmog, EMW, microwaves, radio activity etc)


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    Press Conference from October 22, 2003 in Hemberg – Christoph Zweili

    The Mediation Authority for Mobile

    Communication and Environment

    TagblattThursday, October 23, 2003

    Karim from Wonderland?

    In Hemberg the electro-smogwas tackled in an unconven-tional manner. Critics speakof swindle and hocus-pocus.

    Hemberg: For critics the BioGe-ometry is mere swindle. Electro-sensitive persons call the methodof the Egyptian Ibrahim Karim a

     blessing. The Mediation Author-ity for Mobile Communicationand Environment summed it up

    after a three months field-project.In spring the young birds returnedfrom the warmer south, but mi-grated after three days again. Par-ents of swallows abandoned their

     brood, which starved to deathmiserably. Wagtails did noot likeit either in Hemberg anymore.

    That was in June 2002, when

    Swisscom put their new 710-Wattmobile communication antennainto operation. All at once, a farmerhad bad luck in the cowshed. Therewere a deformed calf and two abor-tions. Two dozen electro-sensitive

     people complained of headache,vertigo, exhaustion, sleeping disor-ders, fear and depression, down toinexplicable aggressive conditions.They felt that neither the familydoctor nor the community authori-ties took them seriously. A dispute

     between the residents, authori-ties and Swisscom blazed up andstayed on for months the operators

    refused to switch off the legitimateantenna, which broadcasts underthe set maximum limiting value.

    All’s well that ends well

    This was the case until 3 monthsago. “Now we enjoy life again” saysthe 64 years old Rosmarie Keller,spokes-person of the residents, onWednesday in front of the media.She and the President of the com-munity, Walter Fischbacher, couldlook into each others eye again. A

     blessing, that the Mediation Au-thority for Mobile Communicationand Environment, established byMobile communication providers;Swisscom, Orange and Sunrise had

    the Egyptian Ibrahim Karim, grad-uated ETH- architect and Doctorof Sciences flown in by air? Kariminstalled his created BioGeometricshapes and figures made from woodand plexi-glass, which remind oneof well-turned chair legs, at 6 fami-lies as well as inside and outside thechurch. The Egyptian, who super-vises worldwide serious research

     programs, that can be looked upon his homepage, ordered further production of area covering shapecomponents for Hemberg, whichwere to be produced in Egyptand to be sent to Switzerland.Karim transformed twelve differ-ent sources of interferences out-side of Hemberg and seven in thechurch tower into positive energy.Enough to finalize the project. Andhope for a continuation at another

     place – with a budget to mak e it possible for medical accompanying

    examinations and documentationthrough a university or laboratory.

    “Hemberg is no individual case”

    The Swisscom representatives atthe Media-conference seem sat-isfied. “We have an interest that

    our installations are acceptable formankind and environment” saysClaude Georges, Swisscom leaderfor Mobile Communication and En-vironment. Hans Ulrich Jacob ex-

     presses himself extremely criticallyagainst the Mediation Authority ofMobile Communication providers,represented by Erika Forster. Jacobacts in the name of the Mediationmobile Communication and Health

    of the Swiss community of inter-ests of electro-smog affected per-sons who suffer. He speaks of the“plot of Hemberg” and calls Karima charlatan, who works with cheap

     plexi-glass shapes “which areavailable in every oriental bazaar”.

    More articles about this subject in


    July 14, 2004: No miraculous remedy, scientificallyimplausibleJune 24, 2004:Is the project BioGeometry going on?June 11, 2004:Karim contra SwisscomAugust 29, 2004:A village resorts to self-help


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    The ones participating in the exper-iment contested vehemently duringthe press conference of any foul

     play. The transmission power hasnot been lowered during the experi-ment, as it has been claimed” saysClaude Georges. To prove that, thedata provided by Swisscom have

     been scrutinized by the Federal Au-thority for Communication. The su-

     pervising authority saw both, trans-mission power as well as limitingvalues complied with.“Hemberg is no individual case”,Erika Forster says and refers to theantenna at Hirschberg. Here also theMediation Authority searches forsolutions. Is she herself convinced

    of Karim’s method? “When I seethe results, then something has to be behind it” she admits diplomati-cally. “I stand up for further fieldexperiments to be accompanied byscientific research.”

    Catchword Electro-Smog

    Mobile phones and basis-stationstransmit and receive electro-mag-netic radiation in the range of high

    frequency radiation between 900and 1800 MHz. The installation inHemberg has been approved for1800 MHz – transmitted so far wasonly 900 MHz. The spectrum of fre-quencies of the electro-magnetic ra-diation is subdivided in ionizing andnon-ionizing radiation (heat, UVradiation, light and electro-smog).There are only a few scientific se-

    cure perceptions about the impactsand effects of mobile communica-tion installations. According to theFederal Authority for Health, someimpacts have been proved: Thus themobile telephone radiation can dis-turb sensitive appliances, as hear-ing aids, instruments in the inten-sive care in hospitals or electronicdevices in airplanes. Persons who

    frequently telephone with a handy,complaint more of headache, thanthose who uses the telephone less.

    Mrs. Erika Forster had invited the press confer-ence in her position as Mediation Authority rep-resentative. Many residents of Hemberg madeuse of this chance to exchange information.

    Dr. Ibrahim, left, explained the details of theBioGeometric effects of his method.

    Clear up Statement of the Mediation Authority

    The reproaches, according to which before Dr.Karim’s intervention

    the transmission power was increased and afterwards lowered, hascaused the Mediation Authority to check this claim.

    The Federal Authority forCommunication has attested in writing onOctober 16, 2003, that during the experiment in Hemberg the trans-mission power has not been raised first and then afterwards loweredagain.

    Signed by Mr. Philippe Horisberger, Chief of the section “frequency planning”.

    Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment, November 25, 2004, R. Lüthi.


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    Council of St. Gallen Green/EVP demand tight ups

    Interpellation and Motion in the

    Local Parliament of St. Gallen

    Interpellation Buehler-Flawil:

    May the affected persons, living next to

    mobile communication antennas hope

    for explanation soon ?

    In spring 2003 fortunately the gov-ernment intervened at the Federa-tion concerning missing results ofresearch with regard to health harmof the residents due to mobile com-munication antennas.At a pilot project in Hemberg themobile communication operatorsrequested a foreign specialist toanalyze the impacts and influences

    of mobile communication antennasemission.Complaints from the populationwere submitted to the operators,although the actual limiting val-ues comply with the set values as

     proven.The specialist was able to locate thenegative influences and emissions(rather 90 % from the mobile com-munication antenna in Hemberg)and neutralized it with BioGeomet-ric shapes to such an extend, thata considerable number of affected

     persons were able to ascertain atremendous improvement in theirwellbeing. Escaped animals, suchas bats, swallows and martens re-turned to Hemberg as well. Mediaintensively reported about it. Inconnection with their occur rence,

    some facts appear different now.I request the government to replyfollowing questions:1. How were the reactions to theabove mentioned letter to the Fed-

    eral Offices? Have research results been presented or held out a pros- pect of?2. May the Canton, protecting the

     population, take influence on reduc-ing the actual limiting values in ac-cordance with the NIS-regulation?3. Is the compliance with the actuallimiting values supervised and con-trolled by the Canton? If so, howis the experience with possible ex-ceeding?4. How many antennas are planedfor the new UMTS-operation? Howcan cantons respectively communi-ties convince the mobile communi-

    cation providers to coordinate thelocations and use jointly, in order toreduce the “Forest of antennas”?5. How are locations judged out-side of the construction zones of theCanton and under which conditionsare they approved?6. Would the government agree to

     participate in a research project forclarification of health impacts on

     people? In which kind and formwould this happen in regard to aimconcrete aid for people in our Can-ton? 

     November 25, 2003

    Written answer by

    the Government,

    January 20, 2004

    Bosco Bueehler, Flawil asks in aninterpellation, which he submittedin the November session 2003, sev-eral questions in connection with

    the mobile communication.The government replies to the ques-tions as follows:

    1. In November 2002 the FederalOffice for Environment, Forest andurban areas (BUWAL) has sug-gested to enter the long-term effectof radiation into the National Re-search Program(NFP). With a letterfrom March 17, 2003 to the FederalDepartment for Environment, Traf-fic, Energy and Communication,the government has expressed theurge towards this research project.From all together 44 NFP-propos-

    als however, only three intentionscan be realized. The Federal Coun-cil probably will pass the decree inspring 2004. Fast answers towardsthe open questions are not expectedaccording to the complexity of thesubject. Long-term results can’t

     be investigated at short notice. Ifthe BUWAL proposal will be ap-

     proved, the research results won’t

     be in hand before 2010.

    2. The determination of limitingvalues in the Federal decree aboutthe protection against non-ionizingradiation (SR 814.710; abbrevi-ated NISV) is subject of the FederalCouncil.An intensification of the limitingvalues for mobile communication

    installations had been demandedseveral times on federal level.


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    The Federal council has turneddown a reducing of the limiting val-ues under convocation of the situa-tion of the research as well as the

     jurisdiction of the Federal Court, but simultaneously recorded, that

    they would come back to this de-cree if technical progress operationsof the mobile communication net-works with low emission exposurewould allow that. A change can beexpected too, when the position ofresearch about the effects on healthcall for aggravation. Foreign coun-tries also deal with the question ofaggravation of limiting values. The

    government of the Federal Republicof Germany has decided in 2003 tostand away from an aggravation ofthe regulations. In Germany how-ever only the emissions limitingvalues is valid, which is 10-timeshigher than the limiting value of theinstallations according to NISV.

    3. The execution of NISV is the re-sponsibility of the political commu-nities and with it also the supervi-sion of compliance with the limitingvalues (article 12 NISV). Due to thevery sophisticated matter, the com-munities are indeed often overtaxedfrom the technical aspect. This re-fers in particular to the supervisionof the approve