hartford herald (hartford, ky.). (hartford, ky) 1900-11-07 ... · greatly revived iimrll...

i n v y I = = rS3 r j t I t d J a i I Wish h I Hadnt I t fJ j t 1 1lily l i ia u common expression with people who 1 i allow themselves to ho l induced to purchase ohm where before stock Wo better i ai seeing our arc pre i pared this fitly than over to show fig I Inlucn III- li t li It IMW 7VWW Try us and see1- i 1- i 1- iI 1 I Ladies Furnishings 1 i H- I 1 Good quality 1 Ladies Ribbed Union Suits sizes 1 3 1 1 and fi at 2re Ladies Oneita Union Suits 1 itiJhest made heavy fleeced at 50c Union Suits forr i i- l t ago a i to 12 years 2rC to fiOc Good I to fleecelined Hose toe Ladies fastblack fleece iI1 tiJ- I lined Hose 20c and 2f 6 Ladies silkfinish black i I Icalgray J I I l 1 1flecec1iucI Vest lOe Ladies latest Folding ColJt- il 1 I tats lOc Highgrade Corsets 2fic Hl it G Cor ¬ r 1 setsbest made 85e Infants wool Hose lOc k i I i I J al 1 iiens Furnishings m Good cotton Sucks fie Large fastbordered + < lIJ 11 l latestl I l m- if if styles I ffic or two for Jfic Big line Ties Tecks t1 y Scarfs String Ties Fourinhands Inmcat It2Iil Mens 1 black cotton Hose 101 tens and t I 1 boys heavy fleeced Underwear Jrc to fiOe per gar ¬ Jj ment I Ionle knit yarn socks 2fie Good heavy 1 fJ fJJ i J lined workGloves Ufic ood grade lightweight t Moves 2r > uto per pair Mens nod Boys uieu t Bl1 l I pereal Shirts lioe to fiOe Good Jersey I work ll i lShirts fiOe Beat line of Suitsl TfO lOin J i iOhio county No Overcoats equal ours at 5 1 1 Mens good Suspenders lOe Ire JO lifiu and fiOc i i- t Mens good Canton Drawers Jfio 1 t I iit I l tJtl 11 1 prepalel i I t tin Ohio county The place is di t m HARTFOHI HERALD n O WKUXISIMY XOVKMIIKU I On n Illinois Central Railrond Beaver Dan Time Table Nrwtlmeratil Uklrg effect Sunilny Junex lyw at noon North Iliiiiiiil Niiutli iIund- olyduenyam NoulducIiolr- No I lot due ajui m No 101 duo 150 p I m NO II duo 33 1 m No 111 due 95011 in Local rnIRllla No I9tdueyleam No 9J duo iJnp in H II 1ANNRRRARtn6 AllllOIIIHIIIIHlltH t We ate authoitied to auuounce- tl W TIIFOIU or Rockpoit Ky at a cauilldate rot the office of JMUIin ofOhloounlytubJtctlo the idiot of the Republican party Arizona Stoves at W H GritHnn Good BlankctH 50 eta nt Cursou a 1cow ladies Capes nt 00 cts at Carson Y COH Wp toll goal factory cotton nt So p IMT yard UAHSON 1 Co Silk Velvet in till colors nt Cnnon Cos Orxxl Velvet 5t o per yard at Cnrwii I COH Mens niul LiwUen SliiHU 1 lit Cur sot Cos- Arizona Stovo repairs always kept inI stock at W H Grifllno WANTEDSoo good 3 foot boards f Apply nt TJIK HEBALD ofllce- Fre h roasted hot peanuts constant- ly on head at the ginger Office You MiouM HUH the ladles all chit druua jackets at Carson air Co For tho nicest freshest frnlU of all kinds cull nt the Singer Office II Every Well Man s Hath His HI Day A doctors exmfatlon might show that kidneys truer and stomach are normal but the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these organs depend Hoodi Sarsaparilla purifies vitalize and enriches the blood It cures yoi when a bit off or when seriously afflicted It never disappointi 1 1Dyapepeta Mr husband bid dyiptp t IlIa end Hoods Bariapsrllla cured hint Pur little boy was nervous end the baby had ulcerous icrea It cured boat MRS KMUA nee Portage Pa- IndlBestlon1 could not eat for some months on account of distress and Indlgei tlon Hoods Sartaparllla cured me 10 that I can eat and steep well Mil O A QVKTZ Taylor and Walnut Bts Wilmington Del v- aArn t Woott rich I nonlrrltatlnc ant GurlIrmLtb outa ell le a ausapartlti- S I 1 I JJMI ° 80 Y il Jl J JI I I I Itiiil Veldt MiiNonvilh wan thu guest I if his mother Mrs VIner ytstfrday I Wlilto mina Oak curlniu poles with r VHN fixtun nt 10 clu lit Cnivon Otis For n quick mid cosy ride to or from Ifcaver Dam patronize Field t Sons bus line Dr M T McDowell is quite sick nt his reNidcnco live nilloH northeast of f Hartford Overcools for tho fat tom the lens man old nay kind of a man nt Carson S COH Mears J T stud Pl1 Felix were time guests of Mr F U Felix last t Thurs ¬ day mod Friday Mm Ella D lloono of Louisville IK tho finest of her sister Mrs Jennie Hamilton McHenry For Ito Cream mind Sherbet call at the Singer Office Yom yum it is so tigashcol and refreshing try n saucer Foil SAra 2501MX good brick No Liter made Prices the lowest E L IlKltltlXd tf Hartford J Ky Miss Katiebelle Unneili of irevu villa was tho guest of lice stunt lIttI Jennie Hamilton Mellenry the tirct t ofI tho week Taken up as l Estrnys In Hurtfordon I October SH one pair black horse tunics I Owner apply to C E Morrison mar shil Hartford Ky I j I Ij R f G Corsets No 101 tho t quality at 10 ctn tho No 1 Iii the j1 OOI I quality at 711 eta Century corsets 10 cts nt Carson I I COIIII I II Mr B Howard j orado timid Prof C II Ellis of UnllI1I l ville are the guests of their parents i Mr and Urn A 0 Kills I I IJ J Mr A L Morton who hits been in falling health for some time is now iu i I very critical condition and It I Is feared that his life will last but a few hours longerLosiOn f fI l the day of the Democratic rally at Hartford a white colored dogI with yellow spot on left ear aid rump About n year old Anti answers to nave of Nero IV D BROOKS t McHenry I Ky Tho Arizona Cooking Stove niiulo by tho well known Fisher Leaf Co Louis yule Ky leas stood tho test of years j anti In bettter liked today than ever be- fore It Is reliable In every way For 1 sale by W H Grlflln Hartford Tho Arizona Cooking Stove Is given up to bo tho very best stove on thoI I market It U pimple strong mull due able and renders the must natisfaetory service Cull mind see this and other excellent remakes of cooking stud heating stoves nt WJI artniir I s JInrtford t t- Solmvtcr tho well known Ihoto grapher Is now at tho Hartford wharfs with his Floating Studio Wo are i in making Buttons at SSo each or two fur 40o Kcxluk Photos nt GOo per dozen They are twice tho slzu of Daisy Photos j Como timid see us SCHIKKtCR i I l 1nC J N Tarnagln Pastor of thoI I Bells Run Baptist church closed a very successful 0 days meeting at that place last Sunday The efforts of this able divine unassisted by any minister re ¬ ltlou8I I jlIr Al Holbrook fwd tho church wasi greatly revived I IMrll HettiuThisloy wife of Mr 0 R Tlnsley of near Dell A died Sunday I night mad her remains were interred i i- i In I Itho Alexander burying grounds Monday afternoon at J oclock In the present J of a large circle of friends nud relatives She lenses a husband and four children I I and n host of friends and relatives t to mourn her death In another commit will bo found tho announcement of Mr Get W Tilford I of Hockport Kentucky as n candidate for the nomination for tho ofllce of Jailer of Ohlo county iiubject to tune action of time Republican party Mr Tilford d served In the 1llerulunn stud hits beet n lifelong Republican He Holicites the support of his IIUIIIIrOIlIl friends through out the county Mr Rufiis Balrd unstained very pain- ful If nut serious Injuries yesterday afternoon by his horse falling with him He had started home anti when near the end of tho levee ho started his horse Into a fast gallop nod the horse fell and threw him breaking his collar tome and otherwise bruising him badly At last accounts he was resting as well I as could be expected TIlt Rough River Telephone Co has justcompleted a new through line from Hartford to Owensboro which gives flue t service The Company expects to Issue a new schedule of rules within the next t few days The election returns were announced by the Company lust nightt nt court hall to a large crowd The returns were as completely gathered n- it x WHS possible to do from the whole rnited States Ivan Truman aged about seventeen years sun of Tank Trnman who Jives near Fordsvlllc wits struck by a freight t car on the Texas railroad and proba lily fatally injured Truman was stand lug on the hark when U car shunted fur the purpose of making n running witch He was struck and knock- down i and his Lend badly crusher He is still alive lint it U thought his lain tics will proved fatal An appeal has beet rent out by the sufferers from tho Gnll toll Hood who f live in Bragaria county Texas asking for help iu their dire distress Their l projKrty loss Wits Immense but they de- sire to stay mind rebuild They Hay theI lone nothing to keep themselves front actual sulTering for the next eight months mind they ask n generoushearted jKople for some assistance in their dis tressfnl circumstances People of Ohio c nnty who desire to help in this mitt ter can leave their contributions with Mr J Co Riley at the Bank of Hartford Death of Mrs FM Allen Jima Rebecca Allen wife of Mr F fM home near Smallhouse Oct S7 at the ago of 47 years 7 months and lj days She leaves it husband and seven cnild ran to mourn her loss besides n host of j friends mind relatives Her remains were laM to rest in the burying ground at Waltons Creek church after ft touching tribute to her b Rev Jg ilex E D Maddox Mrs Allen was n consistent member of the Sinallhonse Baptist church and u good Christian nndcouiuinnf family sadly felt Tho breaved fatally have the sympathy of all In their trouble a T Recommends it to Trainmen t t- Q H Hansan Lima 0 Engineer L 1 Fl tl W R R xvrites I have beer I troubled n LTiint ilonl with backache I was induced to try Foleys Kidney Cure and QUO bottle entirrlZrcllol1l1 me I gladly re I 0110 es iHHilalla my friends time train met who t- aro usually afflicted J H Williams Hartford SL Mitchell lti Bro Beaver Dam M S Ragland Roslne R K Beau Sulphur Springs m Came Near Drowninga Johnson fuur year old son of George hales stepped on a loose plank In n platform over n well Thursday In Mrs Mike Cains yard In Paris Ky Thp board moved and preclpltnted the youth leventeen feet into the water Fortu nately there was only nboiit two feet of water mid a member of tho family saw tho toy disappear from sight The father of time child climbed down the g- pijio of the pump moot rescued his son whose only injuries were n scratched face stud n slight oft on tint head An Old Citizen Ktlledl tier R T Stevens n well known lo 11111 Methodist prenchernged eightyone Jsllleil near Livermore Thursday afternoon by n falling tree It occurr h Ill nblout 4 t oclock Mr Stevens had some men at work in the woods on his farm getting up tho winters supply of woodand Mr Stevens was superintend m ing it They were cutting n small ash tree about eight inches in Whet It slabbed off anti 1Iallleterltl Stevens was struck III tho breast by n Wlth11I1out I I Mr Stevens hAIl hero a local minister g t of the Methodist church for over forty p years and often supplied the pulpits pf j the pastors iu his section Ho was I p now of strong mind and lovable oharao ter mind wits revered stud loved by 1111I He owned a good farm stud was a Of lIber contributor to the church Mr Stevens celebrated his eightyfirst birthday on August 10 last mind it wits made the occasion of a largo demon Btrntiou by his neighbors amid friends I A full account of this affair appeared of Iu TIIK HEKAMJ nt the tlmo His wife died about three years ago at time age of socntulllo He leaves three epos till l well known fllnllerlI I Sir Stevens at intenals was a con trlbutor to the columns of Tim litatALU mod our readers will remember Ills of pioneer life In Kentucky and this sootlon Ills remains wero interred at Pleas- ant Hill cemetery Saturday in the It presence of n large concourse of sorrow lug 11101luI A BANNER DAY FORI OHIO COUNTY i BY FAR THE LARGEST GROW EVER SEEN EREI I The Great Democratic Rally was a Complete Success In I j Every Way i 1VIIUKST 8CI5NKS OF KNTI1USIA8M The youngest ehllil that was In iii parade or who witnessed tho event wi rAlItI I llre it was the biggest day Ohio county ever saw There were two or tires thous ¬ 11II1111110re people hero on that day than were ewer In Hartford bolero at ono time npon may occasion In point of numbers nothing like it was ever be ¬ fore seen in this section of country Thursday dawned wet and gloomy j Rain hAIl fallen all night and was still j falling Democrats looked blue Re ¬ publicans hind the appearance of having spent the night in prayer for n delugo stud were hopeful that theme prayers would bo answered The clouds began to break away however nn flllgsI i by score began go up along B streets and in front of the stores The delegation from Hartford to Beaver 1 Dam left about nine oclock It was n 1 beautiful sight Ladles gayly decorated I In national colors rose alongside their t gallant male escorts A beautifully decorated van with umbrella top con ¬ t tained a large number of little girls dressed in white and singing national airs At the head of tho procession rode I Miss Jessie Smith dressed as Columbia and Dr Z H Shnltz representing Uncle Sam They looked their parts to perfection Interspersed through the procession and composing the mainI crowd of the day were the solid 1I yeonwury of this and surrounding counties fanners and their sons nUll 1 leCtioni I with two spirited young thoroughbreds I attached to a beautifully decorated car riage hind In charge the conveyance that would bring in Kentuckys worthy young Governor AH soon as the procession got out of T j Hartford it was apparent that the day j in point of good weather was going to j bo all that could be desired The pro- cession wine then more than a mile in j length timid was joined by hundreds of t people before Beaver Dam was reached It could then be seen that the occasion i was going to be a glorious success The I Hartford delegation reached Beaver Dam about 1030 A splendid sight there presented itself Tho streets and by- ways of the railroad city were thronged I t with enthusiastic people Verily it t t seemed like there were people there ront everywhere Beaver Damlike Hartford never experienced such n day I before The marshals in charge of the crowd were compelled to deploy mid I march the crowd around for half an i hour before the riders and vehicles could I be gotten in proper line of march Then began the march tq Hartford with quiz Beckhom and Mr Olliei ames each occupying a handsomely decorated carriage at the front with i Miss Columbia and Uncle Sam and the Hertford Cornet Band in the lend b Shortly after the trout end of the procession Ii4t Beaver Dam it was an uounced that there was n delegation of thousand people from the eastern part of the county waiting at the mouth of Ilia lane note the aid RJley place Some pile not believe thisIt sounded too big It proved however to bo the actual truth as they were counted People i wore lined up read in waiting the line extending from the month of the lane to Mr Frank Westerflelds place a mile beyond Before this crows had been reached however four tellers had been appointed to stand at the covered bridge next to Hartford and count the people- s they rode through The result of their work will be told later on Upon the arrival of the procession at Hartford the scene was beyond descrip lion A surging mass of people lined 111from 111 the fair grounds The enthusiasm of i the crowd was beyond restraint I t Cheer uttqu ohoer went up as Kentucky allant young Governor passed along Men walked along by his carriage shak ing hoods with him and cheering themh soiree hoarse Just before reaching thou I speakers stand the Governor was ask carIrlnge Ho said ho was finishing up an outing j slastla campaign that everywhere he ladgouohe had plot great crqwds ofU people but that the reception Hartford hat given hint and the demonstration I attending it was the largest and most thagnificent I i j seemed to be deeply touched by the enI and the hearty shake ho gave outstretched hand plainly showed his appreciation After arriving at the stand it was suggested that I Beckham stand down upon the I mholrocession s1he ways glad to come in touch with tIle t people For half an hour the crowd men women and children surged pattingIlm h admiration of him both in words and acts It was an hour after t the head the procession arrived at the Fair grounds before time speaking I began Tho speaking was delayed hop ipg that all would get there in time to 1 hear tho distinguished orators of mho day bnt when it was finally decided to al begin people wore still pouring over re the Hartford bridge in a constant and unbroken stream The speakers were compelled to reach Louisville oi the evening train and oould not watt longer could then be seen that those who would estimate the crows would prob oily have to guess thorn oft by the mien Mr I Happily the stand had been erected In the grovo inside time race track so that tho people could surround It on all sides For a hundred feet In every dl 1 rection i people were sitting and stand 1 ¬ Ding as close together as they could pos ilblyget I Gov Beckham was introduced l by Mr B D Ringo who started tho crow d of tocLeeriugbysnyingthnthowmnsglmidt1lo v tenor to a lawabiding people mind from n stand not decorated with it picture of a fugitive from justice Amid deafen ¬ lag cheers Kentuckys handsome young Governor faced the sea of faces Ho apologized for any fault timid might bo lmn1l open an was almost worn out that he had jut expcrlI 1 cote tys citizens but that ho would much rather have his hauls shaken off by the good people than to have his hen d shot off by Republican assassins The tremendous cheers that followed this showed that tho crowd wan with him both in sympathy mid action On ac count of the limited time ho luul t to speak the Governor touched lightly mil i on national issues and entered at once upon the principal topics of tho camei pnign He said that tho issue or the plea with his opponent Mr Yerkesi hiea d Governorship now it was his Yerkes time to steal an office The speaker pall n beautiful tribute to the martyred Goebel whom he pictured a s one of the greatest statesmen of his time A vivid picture of Mr Goebels high character and lifes work touch ugly reminded the audience of Ken i tucks murdered Governor got Beckham drew a splendid l comparison between the limo and character of Mr Goebel and those of his predecessors in office Messrs Bradley and Taylor whose lawless and military careers Lie d j mode them more infamous than famous i The quiet lawabiding character of Goebel stands out in bold relief com- pared with Kentuckys Republican Governors stud their careers of force and intimidation Gov Beckham then gave a clone and correct review of time contest 11which he came in possession of his office and I the events leading up to mina following j it He plainly showed tho painstaking peaceful lawful course of the Demo crats mina the defiant intimidating and j lawless course of the Republican con testnnts He said the Republicans cer tainly showed a deal of brass iu ac cuslng anybody of stealing nn office when the great Republican steal of 1870 by which the Democrats were robbed of a President was remembered Reverting to time Inception of the trou- ble at Frankfort when the mountain eers were brought to the capital city t to petition but really to intimidate thy Legislature tho speaker said that tim o I Democrats did not object to being de oently petitioned but that they were much averse to being petitioned at t the muzzle of Winchesters and Colts j revolvers Gov Beckham declared and there was not a soul in thelllllllellco who did not believe him that if he bad 1 been Governor when that fatal shot was fired from the Secretary of States office t he would have thrown open the doors to the officers of thqlnty for search for the Assassin no matter what political party tho murderer might have belong 1 ed to Ho plainly showed how the Re 1 publican leaders had proven their guilt t of the conspiracy to murder Mr Goebel I 1 by their actions In protecting nnd up holding time assassins in their das featly work Gov Beckham reminded I t his auditors of what they already knew that the Republican ringleaders of Kentucky had sanctioned mill that nnnr chy area bloodshed at Frankfort by en doreing in their State platfojrui with- out reserve the lawless min incendiary course of V S Taylor which morpi than anything else produced the nssas slnatlon of Kentuckys worthy Govern- or Gov Beckhnm sale ho believed the great body of the Republican party to be decent men It is the leaders who write its platforms and nominate its = candidates and the editors who deceive the people who aro rogues Tho name ° of Kentucky lias l been dragged in the I inire on account of Republican lawless I t jjof I jj of official assassins 1heroes Beckham said tint great office of hetlOII fij I any all clrciun S stances to uphold the law and preserve p time honor of the State Ho reminded is audience that ho did not stand u platform that pledged him pardon fugitives and assassins tot Gov Beckham closed his splendid cheerprovoking address with n licaull g fill tribute to tho fair ladies of Ken J j jtucky whom iio siiid lit would even 4 his followinan and cling to kllowtj ug that tho male population would al g ways be found tumbling over to the JI tide of tho ladles Tho Governor spoke t- irtyfive minutes and both B and at the conclusion of his 11nllIJI I overwhelmed with lowers Ouo largo and beautiful basket of llowevx was lit I Gift of tIe Democratic Indie of HArtc ISthll i i married two weeks from today I I At the conclusion of goy Hfcklmms Intro1tlll11It tyH riiilng young DemocrntH who pro t yoked much cheering by the sendoll hlJI ave flit Tom Tliumb of tho I 11DlstrlJt I t I high and weighs 2TS us Tho crowd had lost none of In enthusiasm stud cheered Mr JnniDS to the wtiont nliuoHt every remark ho mido Mr Tnniw sold the size of that orated plainly i Hluiwiil timid murder mid aKwiyHlnntlon dome not find nilvocacy among time good lawabiding peopln of Ohio itounty Out Iu the crowd n man was holding otnrmtNlpresenting j another with n Winchester Abovo the picture wan written Cleft Liberty Pointing to thin picture Mr Turned said it was tho host rvprwuntiitlou of civil liberty an practiced by tho Ito J publican leaders that ho had user seen James gave a splendid exposition e State issues Referring to the matter of contests Mr James addressed him self to tho Republican lenders fwdI I liceholders saying Ohou emir contested anythlngdtd Oluu sweet t1l l hrollKhtforth crowd beforo Limn In point of numbers and compared with tho assemblage which Messrs Bradley and Yost spa only live days before was something like the difference between n silver dol 1 Inc and n pewter quarter with n hole in 1 it AH justifying tho belief fluff should Yvrkeri be elected lawlessness and nn nrchy would continue Mr James call 1 ed tho attention of his midlencu to II news Item printed a few days ngo which guava nn Interview with the comuvictc- t Republican murderer Powers in whichI l j ho bragged fief if Yerkw was 1 tinyUnder TA might become n free titan hilt freedom does not nhvnyn mean innocence rem i1 he will never be free in the minds tho lawabiding chrlstlun l people c jf Kentucky nor III the estimation of thc great God who rends the hearts of non Mr Jamie said that every action of Republican lenders showed Umt th were overjoyed nt the milliner mind tau of Mr Goibds taking off As n 10I I trust to this hardhearted amid murder ous feeling the speaker reverted to the t assassination of President Uarfield I when Democrats joined in sympathy with Republicans over the terrible nf fair A million prayers went up dally from Democrats nil over the laud for tho recovery of tho wounded nn President Slime of the jury while t convicted tho murderer Gnitemi were Democrats This incident plainly show ed tho difference between Democratic i two Republican sentiment in the mat t l 1 ter of political murder Mr James spoke half nn hour nu was cheered from start to finish At time close of his speech lie iuutrotluc- eJtulge Warner I II Settle who arrived i nt Benvor Dom otter time procession had I gone omit came on to Hartford to fill hi i spanking nppointment Jndgo Seth said he loin heard it reported that Ohio county wan n Republican county hilt after arriving nt Hartford and viewing time immense throng it seemed to him that the whole face of the earth was covered with Democrats Judge Settle touched t span national issues nt sow 1 length stud then entered upon a slot of State n ITII Irs Tho spenker 1 handled these mutters in nn admirable I manner While he die not provoke n much cheering ns tho other speakers 1 he revealed some very important facts concerning past nnd recent politics 1 history in Kentucky omit slowed Re- publican 1 methods tip in their true light The legal lupects of the ease were plainly stated from the viewpoint of one of tit most lenmeJ ntid profound jurists of the State Judge Settle spoko a little over nn hour mind ended his ml dress with nn appeal to every maim who had strayed from tho Democratic party to return to his political home His peroration was n splendid tribute to J C W Beckhnm KcntuckyB worth young Governor After tho speaking gut well nude- way tutu size of tin crowd could bt quite I nouurntely estimated Several 1I men wero present who lord seen and 1 I sized up big crowds before stud their estimate of the nssemblugo can bo r lied on It was the concensus of opium Ion that there were more than six thousand people standing within hear ing distance of tho speakers and who came to Hartford to hear Gov Deck hnni and the other speakers The feu r tellers who stood nt the Muddy creek bridge beyond Hartford counted two thousand six hundred nnd fifty people who passed between then two on each slug of tho bridge in tho procession This was before tho procession was joined by tho ono thousand counted poo plo standing at tho end of tho lane Adding tho two crowds together made exactly three thousand six hundred and fifty people who were in time procession that camo into Hartford Just after Got Beckhnms carriage n This picture is the trade inntU of SCOTTS FMUISION and is on bottle of SCOTTS EMUL ¬ in the World which now to ninny millions yearly This great business has grown to such vast proportions Flrst Because the proprietors have always been most careful in ingrcUcntsi in its composition namely the finest Cod Liver Oil I and the purest Hypophosphites Secondt Because they have so I skillfully combined the various j Ingredients that the best possibleI I results lire obtained by its 77 rt >Bccausc it has made so many sickly delicate children strong and healthy given health cull rosy cheeks to so many pale anaemic girls mud healed the lungs nnd restored to full health so many thousands in the first stages ofr Consumption ullllleI SCOTT BOWNE CktmUli 4W4I3 read btrcet Volt tad amid IWi In drugiua I erMONEY j TO BET That you will not be able to find goods of the quality at prices orto EvO eryone who has spent money with us will tell you that Note these prices IICIcJ aks andti Cloth Capes Misses and Childrens Coats andJackets that Des partment The variety is extensive and we can show the very newest cuts that mire most stylish which cannot ho seen beef fore buying elsewhere for we have THE Cloaks and are of faring them at prices which competition cannot touch througheout form Blackr mind Castor a regular 800 Cloak for only 650 500 rOOtS S51aoes The best f footwear that ourt petitors ask for them Every one who is acquaintedwith our way of selling will substantiate that we carry the best Shoes in Hartford Ladies Shoes good wearersjust the kind for country wear looks neat and wears extra wellin- llace200 ought to ho the pricewe want only 175 i1Misses and Boys Shoes Good School Shoes which give satisfaction in Heel and Spring Heel Lace and Button sizes X125e AVo are offering a Special Lot of Ladies FINE SHOES all the new Toes which were made to sell for 300 for < only 250 Ladles do not fail to ask for this Shoe madea Gents Dress Shoes good wearing good looking Shoes in- s a variety of styles for 200 and 250 Heavy Shoes for Gents in Low or High Cut for everyday wear in largo variety stud at lowest pries Gentlemen dont forget that we carry the best BOOTS Every pair of Shoes we sell are sold under a guarantee or another pair free Respectfully R T COLLINS yr 1had passed tho Hartford House n tale phone message was received from Beav processioe had at that moment left there Most everybody who Is familiar with this sec ¬ tion of country knows that the distance between Beaver Dam and Hartford i Is Mrr d I from Butler county The most con servntlvo estimate of the crowd that l samoI grounds flvo days previous was three thousand which wits the truest limit Of course the Republicans claim ninny more than tint number but the aver ¬ age Republican windjammer will claim almost anything oven an ofllco t to which ho matt not been elected But l any unpredjudtoed person cannot help but admit that the Democrats had s twice as many people In their crowd a a were in the BradleyYost crowd with n few hundred thrown in for good measure Aud there can bo no daub- Hurt t but for tho liad weather outloo in tine morning there would have Lea thousand more people here A nota ble feature of time assemblage WAS that there wets nut half u dozen colored pee ¬ pie in it Time people of Hartford mid Beaver Dam deserve much credit for time work they did for the occasion Some of the ladies of Hartford spout ft week in mak ¬ ings flowers and trimmings and other ¬ wise preparing for tutu event The brass nud string bands which graced tho occasion also deserve especial men ¬ tion There wire half n dozer of them and they mill nindu splendid music It seemed that everybody considered it his or her job to help the affair along and tho consequence was n grand suc ¬ cons It wad n day when everybody felt proud thnt ho was a Democrat and from tho evidences of enthusiasm it was plain that nobody wits hiding his feelings See CARSON BROS Stock of Now H H Go TNS s ShotGuns Rillos Target Guns Ammunition for All FIFTH AVBMtJK nOTJtt LOUISVILLE KY neat Jl Hotel In the World Klectrlc Uevalor- 11IBCurIlZLto Msua e- rif you fitatin > THE HERALD it will be worth rending It costs only 100 year HUGHES TONIC Palatable CALOMELAND The Old Reliable EXCEL ¬ LENT GENERAL TON ¬ IC as well as a Sure Cure for CHILLS and FEVER It Never Fails Just what you need at this season Mild Laxative SedativeSplondid ¬ GUARANTEED Dontk any substitute 500 and 1 Bottles Nasal CATARRH theroCshould EllS Cream Balm deanxt soothes and hcali the dlieueil membrane 1 It cure catarrh sail drive away a cold In the head quickly Cream Balm Is placed iota tho nostrils spread over the membrane and la absorbed Relief U to inedlato and a cnn Main It I la not drjln jdoei nolprodncaantulnj Large SID 60 eentaU Drug IjliU or by mall i Trial Blzo 10 ceaU bj malk ELY BHOinEIlS M Warren Street New York u SlioidiiiiKliiiitlTsiiMvrifing I f MARVIN MILLER Hartford Kentucky Oflioo with Glenn tC Riu- goTirn Hartford House KCortford Xy Solicits Your Patronage A firstclass Hotel 1 in ercry respect Tho immiigomont uses its best oilorts for tho ac ¬ commodation of gueslH lintcs reasonable by tho dayWeek or month Transient trade u specialty H S MIDKIFF Propr Subscribe for TH- EHEUALDSlOOyr

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Page 1: Hartford herald (Hartford, Ky.). (Hartford, KY) 1900-11-07 ... · greatly revived IIMrll HettiuThisloy wife of Mr 0 R Tlnsley of near Dell A died Sunday I night mad her remains were


nv y I= = rS3rjtIt

d Jai I Wishh I Hadnt

It fJ


t11lilyl iia u common expression with people who 1i

allow themselves to ho linduced to purchase ohmwhere before stock Wo betteri


seeing our arc prei

pared this fitly than over to show fig IInlucn III- lit li

It IMW 7VWW Try us and see1-i




Ladies Furnishings 1




Good quality1 Ladies Ribbed Union Suits sizes1 3 11 and fi at 2re Ladies Oneita Union Suits 1

itiJhestmade heavy fleeced at 50c Union Suits forr ii-

llt ago ai to 12 years 2rC to fiOc Good I

to fleecelined Hose toe Ladies fastblack fleeceiI1 tiJ-

I lined Hose 20c and 2f 6 Ladies silkfinish blacki IIcalgrayJ


l 11flecec1iucI Vest lOe Ladies latest Folding ColJt-il


Itats lOc Highgrade Corsets 2fic Hlit G Cor ¬ r1

setsbest made 85e Infants wool Hose lOc ki

I iIJ al1

iiens Furnishings m

Good cotton Sucks fie Large fastbordered + <

lIJ11llatestlI l


ifif styles Iffic or two for Jfic Big line Ties Tecks t1


Scarfs String Ties Fourinhands InmcatIt2Iil Mens 1black cotton Hose 101 tens and t

I 1

boys heavy fleeced Underwear Jrc to fiOe per gar ¬

Jj ment IIonle knit yarn socks 2fie Good heavy 1

fJfJJi Jlined workGloves Ufic ood grade lightweightt Moves 2r> uto per pair Mens nod Boys uieu t


I pereal Shirts lioe to fiOe Good JerseyI work llilShirts fiOe Beat line of Suitsl TfO lOinJ iiOhio county No Overcoats equal ours at 5 1

1 Mens good Suspenders lOe Ire JO lifiu and fiOc ii-

t Mens good Canton Drawers Jfio 1


iit I l tJtl 111prepaleliI

ttin Ohio county The place is di

t m



On n

Illinois Central Railrond Beaver DanTime Table

Nrwtlmeratil Uklrg effect Sunilny Junexlyw at noon

North Iliiiiiiil Niiutli iIund-olyduenyam NoulducIiolr-


lot due ajui m No 101 duo 150 pI mNO II duo 33 1 m No 111 due 95011 in

Local rnIRlllaNo I9tdueyleam No 9J duo iJnp in



We ate authoitied to auuounce-tl W TIIFOIU

or Rockpoit Ky at a cauilldate rot the office

of JMUIin ofOhloounlytubJtctlo the idiotof the Republican party

Arizona Stoves at W H GritHnn

Good BlankctH 50 eta nt Cursou a

1cowladies Capes nt 00 cts at Carson


Wp toll goal factory cotton nt So pIMT

yard UAHSON 1 Co

Silk Velvet in till colors nt CnnonCos

Orxxl Velvet 5t o per yard at Cnrwii I


Mens niul LiwUen SliiHU 1 lit Cursot Cos-

Arizona Stovo repairs always kept inI

stock at W H Grifllno

WANTEDSoo good 3 foot boardsf Apply nt TJIK HEBALD ofllce-

Fre h roasted hot peanuts constant-ly on head at the ginger Office

You MiouM HUH the ladles all chitdruua jackets at Carson air Co

For tho nicest freshest frnlU of allkinds cull nt the Singer Office

II Every Well Man

s Hath His HI DayA doctors exmfatlon

might show that kidneystruer andstomach are normalbut the doctor cannot analyzethe blood upon which theseorgans depend

Hoodi Sarsaparilla purifies vitalizeand enriches the blood It cures yoiwhen a bit off or when seriouslyafflicted It never disappointi

11Dyapepeta Mr husband bid dyiptptIlIa end Hoods Bariapsrllla cured hintPur little boy was nervous end the babyhad ulcerous icrea It cured boat MRSKMUA nee Portage Pa-

IndlBestlon1 could not eat for somemonths on account of distress and Indlgeitlon Hoods Sartaparllla cured me 10 thatI can eat and steep well Mil O A QVKTZ

Taylor and Walnut Bts Wilmington Delv-

aArntWoott rich I nonlrrltatlnc antGurlIrmLtboutaell le a ausapartlti-







Y il




Itiiil Veldt MiiNonvilh wan thu guest I

if his mother Mrs VIner ytstfrday I

Wlilto mina Oak curlniu poles with rVHN fixtun nt 10 clu lit Cnivon

OtisFor n quick mid cosy ride to or from

Ifcaver Dam patronize Field t Sonsbus line

Dr M T McDowellis quite sick nthis reNidcnco live nilloH northeast offHartford

Overcools for tho fat tom the lensman old nay kind of a man ntCarson S COH

Mears J T stud Pl1 Felix weretime guests of Mr F U Felix lastt Thurs ¬

day mod Friday

Mm Ella D lloono of Louisville IK

tho finest of her sister Mrs JennieHamilton McHenry

For Ito Cream mind Sherbet call atthe Singer Office Yom yum it is so

tigashcol and refreshing try n saucer

Foil SAra 2501MX good brick NoLiter made Prices the lowest

E L IlKltltlXdtf Hartford JKy

Miss Katiebelle Unneili of irevuvilla was tho guest of lice stunt lIttIJennie Hamilton Mellenry the tirctt ofItho week

Taken up as lEstrnys In Hurtfordon I

October SH one pair black horse tunics I

Owner apply to C E Morrison marshil Hartford Ky I


R f G Corsets No 101 tho t

quality at 10 ctn tho No 1 Iii the j1 OOII

quality at 711 eta Century corsets10 cts nt Carson IICOIIIII

IIMr B Howard j

orado timid Prof C II Ellis of UnllI1Ilville are the guests of their parents i

Mr and Urn A 0 Kills I


Mr A L Morton who hits been infalling health for some time is now iu iI

very critical condition and It IIs fearedthat his life will last but a few hours


lthe day of the Democratic

rally at Hartford a white colored dogIwith yellow spot on left ear aid rumpAbout n year old Anti answers to naveof Nero IV D BROOKS

tMcHenry IKy

Tho Arizona Cooking Stove niiulo bytho well known Fisher Leaf Co Louisyule Ky leas stood tho test of years janti In bettter liked today than ever be-

fore It Is reliable In every way For 1

sale by W H Grlflln Hartford

Tho Arizona Cooking Stove Is givenup to bo tho very best stove on thoIImarket It U pimple strong mull dueable and renders the must natisfaetoryservice Cull mind see this and otherexcellent remakes of cooking stud heatingstoves nt WJI artniirI s JInrtford tt-

Solmvtcr tho well known Ihotographer Is now at tho Hartford wharfswith his Floating Studio Wo are iinmaking Buttons at SSo each or two fur40o Kcxluk Photos nt GOo per dozenThey are twice tho slzu of Daisy Photos jComo timid see us SCHIKKtCR i


l1nC J N Tarnagln Pastor of thoII

Bells Run Baptist church closed a verysuccessful 0 days meeting at that placelast Sunday The efforts of this abledivine unassisted by any minister re ¬

ltlou8IIjlIr Al Holbrook fwd tho church wasi

greatly revivedIIMrll HettiuThisloy wife of Mr 0R Tlnsley of near Dell A died Sunday

I night mad her remains were interred ii-


InIItho Alexander burying grounds Mondayafternoon at J oclock In the present

J of a large circle of friends nud relativesShe lenses a husband and four children


and n host of friends and relatives ttomourn her death

In another commit will bo found thoannouncement of Mr Get W Tilford I

of Hockport Kentucky as n candidatefor the nomination for tho ofllce of Jailerof Ohlo county iiubject to tune action oftime Republican party Mr Tilfordd

served In the 1llerulunn stud hits beetn lifelong Republican He Holicites thesupport of his IIUIIIIrOIlIl friends throughout the county

Mr Rufiis Balrd unstained very pain-ful If nut serious Injuries yesterdayafternoon by his horse falling withhim He had started home anti whennear the end of tho levee ho started hishorse Into a fast gallop nod the horsefell and threw him breaking his collartome and otherwise bruising him badlyAt last accounts he was resting as wellIas could be expected

TIlt Rough River Telephone Co hasjustcompleted a new through line fromHartford to Owensboro which gives fluetservice The Company expects to Issuea new schedule of rules within the nexttfew days The election returns wereannounced by the Company lust nighttnt court hall to a large crowd Thereturns were as completely gathered n-


WHS possible to do from the wholernited States

Ivan Truman aged about seventeenyears sun of Tank Trnman who Jivesnear Fordsvlllc wits struck by a freighttcar on the Texas railroad and probalily fatally injured Truman was standlug on the hark when U car shunted furthe purpose of making n runningwitch He was struck and knock-down


and his Lend badly crusher Heis still alive lint it U thought his laintics will proved fatal

An appeal has beet rent out by thesufferers from tho Gnll toll Hood whof

live in Bragaria county Texas askingfor help iu their dire distress TheirlprojKrty loss Wits Immense but they de-

sire to stay mind rebuild They Hay theIlone nothing to keep themselves frontactual sulTering for the next eightmonths mind they ask n generousheartedjKople for some assistance in their distressfnl circumstances People of Ohioc nnty who desire to help in this mittter can leave their contributions withMr J Co Riley at the Bank of Hartford

Death of Mrs FM AllenJima Rebecca Allen wife of Mr FfMhome near Smallhouse Oct S7 at the

ago of 47 years 7 months and lj daysShe leaves it husband and seven cnildran to mourn her loss besides n host of jfriends mind relatives Her remainswere laM to rest in the burying groundat Waltons Creek church after fttouching tribute to her b RevJgilex E D Maddox Mrs Allen wasn consistent member of the SinallhonseBaptist church and u good Christian

nndcouiuinnffamily sadlyfelt Tho breaved fatally have thesympathy of all In their trouble a


Recommends it to Trainmen tt-

Q H Hansan Lima 0 Engineer L 1

Fl tl W R R xvrites I have beer Itroubled n LTiint ilonl with backache Iwas induced to try Foleys Kidney Cureand QUO bottle entirrlZrcllol1l1 me Igladly re I 0110 esiHHilalla my friends time train met who t-

aro usually afflicted J H WilliamsHartford S L Mitchell lti Bro BeaverDam M S Ragland Roslne R KBeau Sulphur Springs m

Came Near DrowningaJohnson fuur year old son of George

hales stepped on a loose plank In nplatform over n well Thursday In MrsMike Cains yard In Paris Ky Thpboard moved and preclpltnted the youthleventeen feet into the water Fortunately there was only nboiit two feet ofwater mid a member of tho family sawtho toy disappear from sight Thefather of time child climbed down the g-

pijio of the pump moot rescued his sonwhose only injuries were n scratchedface stud n slight oft on tint head

An Old Citizen Ktlledltier R T Stevens n well known lo

11111Methodist prenchernged eightyoneJsllleil near Livermore Thursday

afternoon by n falling tree It occurr hIll nblout 4t oclock Mr Stevens hadsome men at work in the woods on hisfarm getting up tho winters supply ofwoodand Mr Stevens was superintend ming it They were cutting n small ashtree about eight inches inWhet It slabbed off anti 1IallleterltlStevens was struck III tho breast by n



Mr Stevens hAIl hero a local minister gt

of the Methodist church for over forty pyears and often supplied the pulpits pf jthe pastors iu his section Ho was Ipnow of strong mind and lovable oharaoter mind wits revered stud loved by 1111I

He owned a good farm stud was a Of

lIber contributor to the church MrStevens celebrated his eightyfirstbirthday on August 10 last mind it witsmade the occasion of a largo demonBtrntiou by his neighbors amid friends I

A full account of this affair appeared ofIu TIIK HEKAMJ nt the tlmo His wifedied about three years ago at time age ofsocntulllo He leaves three epos till lwell known fllnllerlII

Sir Stevens at intenals was a contrlbutor to the columns of Tim litatALUmod our readers will remember Ills

of pioneer life In Kentucky andthis sootlon

Ills remains wero interred at Pleas-ant Hill cemetery Saturday in the Itpresence of n large concourse of sorrowlug 11101luI





The Great Democratic Rally was

a Complete Success In Ij

Every Way i


The youngest ehllil that was In iiiparade or who witnessed tho event wi


llreit was the biggest day Ohio county eversaw There were two or tires thous ¬

11II1111110re people hero on that day thanwere ewer In Hartford bolero at onotime npon may occasion In point ofnumbers nothing like it was ever be ¬

fore seen in this section of countryThursday dawned wet and gloomy

jRain hAIl fallen all night and was stilljfalling Democrats looked blue Re ¬

publicans hind the appearance of havingspent the night in prayer for n delugostud were hopeful that theme prayerswould bo answered The cloudsbegan to break away however nnflllgsIiby score began go up along B

streets and in front of the stores Thedelegation from Hartford to Beaver1Dam left about nine oclock It was n1beautiful sight Ladles gayly decoratedIIn national colors rose alongside theirtgallant male escorts A beautifullydecorated van with umbrella top con ¬

ttained a large number of little girlsdressed in white and singing nationalairs At the head of tho procession rodeIMiss Jessie Smith dressed as Columbiaand Dr Z H Shnltz representingUncle Sam They looked their parts toperfection Interspersed through theprocession and composing the mainI

crowd of the day were the solid1I

yeonwury of this and surroundingcounties fanners and their sons nUll1

leCtioni I

with two spirited young thoroughbreds I

attached to a beautifully decorated carriage hind In charge the conveyancethat would bring in Kentuckys worthyyoung Governor

AH soon as the procession got out ofTjHartford it was apparent that the dayjin point of good weather was going tojbo all that could be desired The pro-

cession wine then more than a mile injlength timid was joined by hundreds oftpeople before Beaver Dam was reachedIt could then be seen that the occasioni

was going to be a glorious success The I

Hartford delegation reached BeaverDam about 1030 A splendid sight therepresented itself Tho streets and by-ways of the railroad city were thronged I t

with enthusiastic people Verily itttseemed like there were people thereront everywhere Beaver Damlike

Hartford never experienced such n day I

before The marshals in charge of thecrowd were compelled to deploy midI

march the crowd around for half ani

hour before the riders and vehicles couldI

be gotten in proper line of marchThen began the march tq Hartfordwith quiz Beckhom and Mr Olliei

ames each occupying a handsomelydecorated carriage at the front withi

Miss Columbia and Uncle Sam and theHertford Cornet Band in the lend b

Shortly after the trout end of theprocession Ii4t Beaver Dam it was anuounced that there was n delegation of

thousand people from the eastern partof the county waiting at the mouth ofIlia lane note the aid RJley place Somepile not believe thisIt sounded too bigIt proved however to bo the actualtruth as they were counted People i

wore lined up read in waiting the lineextending from the month of the laneto Mr Frank Westerflelds place a milebeyond Before this crows had beenreached however four tellers had beenappointed to stand at the covered bridgenext to Hartford and count the people-

s they rode through The result oftheir work will be told later on

Upon the arrival of the procession atHartford the scene was beyond descriplion A surging mass of people lined


the fair grounds The enthusiasm of i

the crowd was beyond restraint I t

Cheer uttqu ohoer went up as Kentuckyallant young Governor passed along

Men walked along by his carriage shaking hoods with him and cheering themhsoiree hoarse Just before reaching thou


speakers stand the Governor was askcarIrlngeHo said ho was finishing up an outing j

slastla campaign that everywhere heladgouohe had plot great crqwds ofU

people but that the reception Hartfordhat given hint and the demonstration I

attending it was the largest and mostthagnificentIijseemed to be deeply touched by the enI

and the hearty shake ho gaveoutstretched hand plainly showed

his appreciation After arriving at thestand it was suggested that


Beckham stand down upon theI

mholrocessions1heways glad to come in touch with tIle tpeople For half an hour the crowd

men women and children surged

pattingIlm h

admiration of him both in words andacts

It was an hour after tthe headthe procession arrived at the

Fair grounds before time speaking I

began Tho speaking was delayed hopipg that all would get there in time to 1

hear tho distinguished orators of mho

day bnt when it was finally decided to al

begin people wore still pouring over re

the Hartford bridge in a constant andunbroken stream The speakers werecompelled to reach Louisville oi theevening train and oould not watt longer

could then be seen that those whowould estimate the crows would proboily have to guess thorn oft by the mien Mr

I Happily the stand had been erected Inthe grovo inside time race track so thattho people could surround It on allsides For a hundred feet In every dl1rection ipeople were sitting and stand1 ¬

Ding as close together as they could posilblyget

I Gov Beckham was introduced l byMr B D Ringo who started tho crow d


tenor to a lawabiding people mind fromn stand not decorated with it picture ofa fugitive from justice Amid deafen ¬

lag cheers Kentuckys handsome youngGovernor faced the sea of faces Hoapologized for any fault timid might bolmn1lopen anwas almost worn out that he had jutexpcrlI1

cotetys citizens but that ho would muchrather have his hauls shaken off by thegood people than to have his hendshot off by Republican assassins Thetremendous cheers that followed thisshowed that tho crowd wan with himboth in sympathy mid action On account of the limited time ho luul ttospeak the Governor touched lightly milion national issues and entered at onceupon the principal topics of tho camei

pnign He said that tho issue or theplea with his opponent Mr Yerkesihiea d

Governorship now it washis Yerkes time to steal an office Thespeaker pall n beautiful tribute to themartyred Goebel whom he pictured asone of the greatest statesmen of histime A vivid picture of Mr Goebelshigh character and lifes work touchugly reminded the audience of Keni

tucks murdered Governor gotBeckham drew a splendidl comparisonbetween the limo and character of MrGoebel and those of his predecessors inoffice Messrs Bradley and Taylorwhose lawless and military careers Lie d

jmode them more infamous than famous i

The quiet lawabiding character ofGoebel stands out in bold relief com-

pared with Kentuckys RepublicanGovernors stud their careers of forceand intimidation

Gov Beckham then gave a clone andcorrect review of time contest 11whichhe came in possession of his office andI

the events leading up to mina followingjit He plainly showed tho painstakingpeaceful lawful course of the Democrats mina the defiant intimidating andjlawless course of the Republican contestnnts He said the Republicans certainly showed a deal of brass iu accuslng anybody of stealing nn officewhen the great Republican steal of1870 by which the Democrats wererobbed of a President was rememberedReverting to time Inception of the trou-ble at Frankfort when the mountaineers were brought to the capital city tto

petition but really to intimidate thyLegislature tho speaker said that tim o I

Democrats did not object to being deoently petitioned but that they weremuch averse to being petitioned attthe muzzle of Winchesters and Colts jrevolvers Gov Beckham declaredand there was not a soul in thelllllllellcowho did not believe him that if he bad1

been Governor when that fatal shot wasfired from the Secretary of States office t

he would have thrown open the doorsto the officers of thqlnty for search forthe Assassin no matter what politicalparty tho murderer might have belong 1

ed to Ho plainly showed how the Re 1

publican leaders had proven their guilttof the conspiracy to murder Mr GoebelI 1

by their actions In protecting nnd upholding time assassins in their dasfeatly work Gov Beckham reminded I this auditors of what they already knew

that the Republican ringleaders ofKentucky had sanctioned mill that nnnrchy area bloodshed at Frankfort by endoreing in their State platfojrui with-out reserve the lawless min incendiarycourse of V S Taylor which morpi

than anything else produced the nssasslnatlon of Kentuckys worthy Govern-or Gov Beckhnm sale ho believed thegreat body of the Republican party tobe decent men It is the leaders whowrite its platforms and nominate its =

candidates and the editors who deceivethe people who aro rogues Tho name °of Kentucky lias lbeen dragged in the I

inire on account of Republican lawless ItjjofI


of official assassins1heroes Beckham said tint great office of

hetlOII fij


any all clrciun S

stances to uphold the law and preserve ptime honor of the State Ho reminded

is audience that ho did not standu platform that pledged him

pardon fugitives and assassins tottGov Beckham closed his splendid

cheerprovoking address with n licaull gfill tribute to tho fair ladies of Ken J j

jtucky whom iio siiid lit would even 4his followinan and cling to kllowtj

ug that tho male population would al gways be found tumbling over to the JItide of tho ladles Tho Governor spoke t-

irtyfive minutes and both B

and at the conclusion of his 11nllIJI I

overwhelmed with lowers Ouo largoand beautiful basket of llowevx was lit I

Gift of tIe Democratic Indie of HArtcISthllii

married two weeks from today II

At the conclusion of goy Hfcklmms

Intro1tlll11IttyH riiilng young DemocrntH who pro

tyoked much cheering by the sendoll hlJI

ave flit Tom Tliumb of thoI

11DlstrlJtI t I

high and weighs 2TS us Tho crowdhad lost none of In enthusiasm studcheered Mr JnniDS to the wtiont nliuoHtevery remark ho mido Mr Tnniwsold the size of that orated plainly iHluiwiil timid murder mid aKwiyHlnntlondome not find nilvocacy among time goodlawabiding peopln of Ohio itountyOut Iu the crowd n man was holding

otnrmtNlpresenting j

another with n Winchester Abovo thepicture wan written Cleft LibertyPointing to thin picture Mr Turnedsaid it was tho host rvprwuntiitlou ofcivil liberty an practiced by tho Ito J

publican leaders that ho had user seenJames gave a splendid exposition


State issues Referring to the matterof contests Mr James addressed him

self to tho Republican lenders fwdIIliceholders saying Ohou emircontested anythlngdtd Oluu sweett1l

lhrollKhtforthcrowd beforo Limn In point of numbersand compared with tho assemblagewhich Messrs Bradley and Yost spaonly live days before was somethinglike the difference between n silver dol1Inc and n pewter quarter with n hole in


it AH justifying tho belief fluff shouldYvrkeri be elected lawlessness and nnnrchy would continue Mr James call1

ed tho attention of his midlencu toII

news Item printed a few days ngo whichguava nn Interview with the comuvictc-

t Republican murderer Powers in whichIlj

ho bragged fief if Yerkw was 1

tinyUnder TA

might become n free titan hilt freedomdoes not nhvnyn mean innocence rem i1he will never be free in the mindstho lawabiding chrlstlun lpeople c


Kentucky nor III the estimation of thcgreat God who rends the hearts of nonMr Jamie said that every action ofRepublican lenders showed Umt thwere overjoyed nt the milliner mind tauof Mr Goibds taking off As n



trust to this hardhearted amid murderous feeling the speaker reverted to thetassassination of President UarfieldI

when Democrats joined in sympathywith Republicans over the terrible nffair A million prayers went up dallyfrom Democrats nil over the laud fortho recovery of tho woundednn President Slime of the jury whiletconvicted tho murderer Gnitemi wereDemocrats This incident plainly showed tho difference between Democraticitwo Republican sentiment in the mattl1ter of political murder

Mr James spoke half nn hour nuwas cheered from start to finish Attime close of his speech lie iuutrotluc-eJtulge Warner III Settle who arrivedint Benvor Dom otter time procession hadIgone omit came on to Hartford to fill hiispanking nppointment Jndgo Sethsaid he loin heard it reported that Ohiocounty wan n Republican county hiltafter arriving nt Hartford and viewingtime immense throng it seemed to himthat the whole face of the earth wascovered with Democrats Judge Settletouchedt span national issues nt sow1length stud then entered upon aslot of State n ITII Irs Tho spenker1handled these mutters in nn admirable I

manner While he die not provoke nmuch cheering ns tho other speakers1he revealed some very important factsconcerning past nnd recent politics1history in Kentucky omit slowed Re-

publican1 methods tip in their true lightThe legal lupects of the ease wereplainly stated from the viewpoint ofone of tit most lenmeJ ntid profoundjjurists of the State Judge Settle spokoa little over nn hour mind ended his mldress with nn appeal to every maim whohad strayed from tho Democratic partyto return to his political home Hisperoration was n splendid tribute to JC W Beckhnm KcntuckyB worthyoung Governor

After tho speaking gut well nude-way tutu size of tin crowd could btquiteI nouurntely estimated Several1I

men wero present who lord seen and1I

sized up big crowds before stud theirestimate of the nssemblugo can bo rlied on It was the concensus of opium

Ion that there were more than sixthousand people standing within hearing distance of tho speakers and whocame to Hartford to hear Gov Deckhnni and the other speakers The feu rtellers who stood nt the Muddy creekbridge beyond Hartford counted twothousand six hundred nnd fifty peoplewho passed between then two on eachslug of tho bridge in tho processionThis was before tho procession wasjoined by tho ono thousand counted pooplo standing at tho end of tho laneAdding tho two crowds together madeexactly three thousand six hundred andfifty people who were in time processionthat camo into Hartford

Just after Got Beckhnms carriage


This picture is the trade inntU of

SCOTTS FMUISION and is onbottle of SCOTTS EMUL ¬

in the World which nowto ninny millions yearly

This great business has grown tosuch vast proportions

Flrst Because the proprietorshave always been most careful in

ingrcUcntsiin its composition namelythe finest Cod Liver Oil I and thepurest Hypophosphites

Secondt Because they have so I

skillfully combined the various j

Ingredients that the best possibleII

results lire obtained by its

77 rt >Bccausc it has made somany sickly delicate childrenstrong and healthy given healthcull rosy cheeks to so many paleanaemic girls mud healed the lungsnnd restored to full health so manythousands in the first stages ofrConsumptionullllleISCOTT BOWNE CktmUli

4W4I3 read btrcet Volttad amid IWi In drugiua



That you will not be able to find goods of thequality at pricesortoEvOeryone who has spent money with us will tellyou that Note these prices

IICIcJaksandtiCloth Capes Misses and Childrens Coats andJackets thatDespartment The variety is extensive and we can show thevery newest cuts that mire most stylish which cannot ho seenbeeffore buying elsewhere for we have THE Cloaks and are offaring them at prices which competition cannot touch

througheoutformBlackrmind Castor a regular 800 Cloak for only


rOOtS S51aoesThe best ffootwear thatourtpetitors ask for them Every one who is acquaintedwith

our way of selling will substantiate that we carry the bestShoes in Hartford Ladies Shoes good wearersjust thekind for country wear looks neat and wears extra wellin-

llace200 ought to ho the pricewe want only 175i1Misses and Boys Shoes Good School Shoes which give

satisfaction in Heel and Spring Heel Lace and Button sizes

X125eAVo are offering a Special Lot of Ladies FINE SHOES all

the new Toes which were made to sell for 300 for <only 250Ladles do not fail to ask for this ShoemadeaGents Dress Shoes good wearing good looking Shoes in-

s a variety of styles for 200 and 250Heavy Shoes for Gents in Low or High Cut for everyday

wear in largo variety stud at lowest priesGentlemen dont forget that we carry the best BOOTSEvery pair of Shoes we sell are sold under a guarantee or

another pair free Respectfully

R T COLLINSyr1had passed tho Hartford House n talephone message was received from Beavprocessioehad at that moment left there Mosteverybody who Is familiar with this sec ¬

tion of country knows that the distancebetween Beaver Dam and Hartford iIsMrrdI

from Butler county The most conservntlvo estimate of the crowd thatlsamoIgrounds flvo days previous was threethousand which wits the truest limitOf course the Republicans claim ninnymore than tint number but the aver¬

age Republican windjammer will claimalmost anything oven an ofllco ttowhich ho matt not been elected Butlany unpredjudtoed person cannot helpbut admit that the Democrats had


twice as many people In their crowd aa

were in the BradleyYost crowd with nfew hundred thrown in for goodmeasure Aud there can bo no daub-Hurt


but for tho liad weather outlooin tine morning there would have Lea

thousand more people here A notable feature of time assemblage WAS thatthere wets nut half u dozen colored pee ¬

pie in itTime people of Hartford mid Beaver

Dam deserve much credit for time workthey did for the occasion Some of theladies of Hartford spout ft week in mak ¬

ings flowers and trimmings and other ¬

wise preparing for tutu event Thebrass nud string bands which gracedtho occasion also deserve especial men ¬

tion There wire half n dozer of themand they mill nindu splendid music

It seemed that everybody consideredit his or her job to help the affair alongand tho consequence was n grand suc ¬

cons It wad n day when everybody feltproud thnt ho was a Democrat andfrom tho evidences of enthusiasm itwas plain that nobody wits hiding hisfeelings

See CARSON BROSStock of Now


H GoTNS sShotGuns Rillos Target Guns

Ammunition for All


neat Jl Hotel In the WorldKlectrlc Uevalor-

11IBCurIlZLto Msua e-

rif you fitatin>

THE HERALD it willbe worth rending Itcosts only 100 year




IC as well as a Sure Curefor CHILLS and FEVER

It Never FailsJust what you need at this

season Mild Laxative

SedativeSplondid ¬


Dontkany substitute 500and 1 Bottles

NasalCATARRHtheroCshouldEllS Cream Balmdeanxt soothes and hcalithe dlieueil membrane1It cure catarrh sail driveaway a cold In the headquickly

Cream Balm Is placed iota tho nostrils spreadover the membrane and la absorbed Relief U toinedlato and a cnn Main It Ila not drjln jdoeinolprodncaantulnj Large SID 60 eentaU DrugIjliU or by mall i Trial Blzo 10 ceaU bj malk

ELY BHOinEIlS M Warren Street New Yorku



Hartford Kentucky Oflioowith Glenn tC Riu-

goTirnHartford House

KCortford XySolicits Your Patronage

A firstclass Hotel1 in ercryrespect Tho immiigomontuses its best oilorts for tho ac¬

commodation of gueslH lintcsreasonable by tho dayWeekor month Transient trade uspecialty


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