he rflf^^^^stynews

The Rflf^^^^STYNEWS VOLUME NUMHRR: Old Series. No. 45; New Series, No. 34. MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY. THTRSDAV, MARCH (i Jesse Johnson Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack R. M. Bagby SenHa Fruit From Florida Hon. R. M. Bagby of Gray son, Kentucky who it at present witiiering in Klurlda. receives the ihiirik.-i of the Ro'van County News this week, for hls-thou^l- ful gift of a basket of oranges NUMBER NINE Boone County Jamboree Here Mrs. Edward Bishop Called By Death Of Grandfather Whf Go To Church h tiermon Subject Grandpappy Doolittle that's ' and grapefruit which arrived last the name U:sed by one of the lat- 'vcfk. Needlt-ss to .say the New.s esi additions to the cast of the Fatber Of Hobcrl John* family u enjoying them to the jcm Edition of the New Boone , limit. Merchants Cluh Asks Two Hour Parking Limit 1 Dropti Dead Monday Btudnl _____ Jes.se Frank Johnson, for many years one of Morehead'.s leading barbers, died at-his homo Monday morning . f ii heart _ia£k--ljL»-steaih-Avae-s«dtk>ft,-aF ittouiih he had been tniubled.for several months past, and had at one time >>ecn considered to be _Jn a serious condition. Funeral services were held Wednesday aflernoon at ihe Church of God of which ht' had long been a liivintH1. wUh Rev. T. E. I/mhis and Rev. Wor of the sc•rv^t■<'^ liar:.! va- nade 'iierate with the C. and O. RajJ- In (he Caudill Cemetery Couni ing radio .stations in Tulsa',Okla homa: Kansas City: and St. l.ou^; among others. literally^ raised upon edVw"hiie7ulphu'r.'wr\4.^ On Sunday morning, at 10;-1.5. the pa.<tor. the Rev, L. Edward Maliingly of the Methodise Graodniotber Hud Died Ohunli win take for hi.- >er- Previous Week At mon ecpU-"Why C>o To Chureh?':- Wliito ^tilnliMP W Va sur.day wlii bl- the second San- White Sulphur, W. Va ^ Mrs. Edward Bishop was call- evety member of the Ciuivch Rd ihoae.wbo «K» noi.aff..k,ted D. B. Cornette Dies After Long Illness Jamboree; the fast mov- ^ theatre stage: and his flr^ ap- Monday of this week by the «'iti make a spet ial aJfort Was Pcouiineut Merchant -Xivic-Lfudw And Mem* her Of Masonic Lodge Daniel Boone Cornette, the son ing to Ahe MoreheaU Slate Teach-of THREE WEEKS, when he re-Henry Humphries. facred .,ea.-on. Those who hear ers College Auditorium Monday placed a saw-dust doll in a stock Mrs. Bishop was notified the the choir, under the d;;eciion of night March lOih at Y30 p. m. company production in Ameril- previous Monday February 2-4 Profe.-.-or anti Mr.--. .M. E, George of u'lti' c Giahdi>appy does comedy; is lo,- Texas. Grandpappy's experi- of the death of her grandmother ate generous in their praise of afd Eliza- an accomplished magician; and cnee has covered everything in but was unable to attend the (Continued On Page Three) CarroH wa.s horn in Law-. m.ici. -I___---1-_____ _____ ___________________o ........ . . - ; fi^ drcufe tt '-fnn^i-because-of -Mr Bishop's--------- Urge Highway Depart* clans in the counuy-today. He elaborate stage presentations; illness. Mr. Bishop has Ju^ X^* Marvin AJlrinx' menl To Build Under- plays an ordinary carpenter's finally culminating in radio ap- turned home fom the hospital in * ® , pass At Hayes Crossinff ® seLof.lutte<l -sleigh- belU; pearan'ce.s over many mtdwes- Lexington where he had under- AnD0UIlC6S For ^ almokt the impossible by [em stations. He worked in his gone an operation for appendi- The Morehead Merchants Club playing iwp saxaphones at one fjrst moving-picture production citis. their meeting Monday night, and the same time; arid also at the age of four years; being Mr. Humphries was the father appointcfl a committee to ask electrifying demonstra- one of the first youngsters ever of Mrs. William Gillespie of Ash .1. ti- h __ '*"R I xylophone playing. m appear before the cameras in land, who formerly lived in WLW and the Boone County .A<lmi.'ion will be 40 cents for --------------------- Comptiny in working nut an j;„ni«ree from Lincoln. Nebras- adults and 20 cenu for ihlldren Iwen with lead- under 12, tax included. Rowan Sheriff Prominent Resident Of Elliottville Asks For Jted in marriage to Susan Emma Ward in 1881, they moved to Rowan (bounty thirty-three years ago and lived at Clear field-for ten years and the last twenty-three years at Morehead. Surviving Mr. Cornette are his Mr. ,lf.hn-on ^va,-; hn;n In Row- uhii- .pa-s at Haye,-= Crossing, ka. He has a! an County on April IB, 1R7.5 apd whl-h U one of the few danger- had spent nis entire life in this on- railway cros-ing.s left In cHiniy. He w.-js nhe of the f6w ,hi> ,-oci.m cf the state. The pre ^rnc!n,„c„H ,tach,,.i„c,,m™ Of fhp city, having lieen in the . ,7 .1 barber busine.ss for many ..c.-.rs ^ in the liK-allon on C.irev Avenue I'Sivks to get to Haldeman, and where he still maile hi- heme at with the conHolidate.i .school timer hi, i„ 1*» he „.3J. lo reach the .school, it uiv- wa< uniiol'ln marriage to Miss &!lie Jones. To this union .six ( hiidrer were born, two of Is Elected Head Of E.K.F.F.A. Junior Girls To Have Charge Of Program ly one of. the mo.t dan- Hobart ami Raymond .Inhn---on. gt-rous crossings in the suite, survive hiin^ Four others. Beat- jj,e city rice. Herbert, Lenoro and Imval- ^ ^ . preceded Wm-in ilealh. -In W9 t-tabIDh a two hour he wa- unliwl In marrUge to lurking limit on Main Street, for I.uta Jones, who suf,-jves him. the accomodaiiun of visitors to To this union three chiidren. me city. Mary Ixmisp, recil and Tommy _ _______ were born, of whom two. Mary IjOul.se and Tommy Mirvive. Mr. John.son was a devout member of the Church of God, and was one of The well restiect- ed citizens of this community throughout his entire life. Rufus Flauner>' Has ForSheriU h;!:'Si /mT' cX' Mrs. J. L. Davis-Fincel Recital Opens Vesper Series RedCroh Elects Haggan As Chaimian' m* I r I ________________________________ and Mre. \tAflf \AlPC l-indsay CaudJlt. all of Morehead. ^IVin JOIvJ Four of _ ■■MB Ashland. of sTAJaM IM WaSIa Huniingion. W. Va..-and Rcnr vOOU In jpliw Hr ^^^H Morehead; two The Junior Girls, untier the brothers; George Cornatte of <l:ieciion of HesterRoberts will A| ll|__jL^^ PorLsmeuth, Ohio and Dave Cor- u.kc charge of the Young Peo- |j| WPSinAf neiie of Ijoul.sa: one sister Mrs. pies Service at the Church of If WtllllVI ^ John Ball. Louisa. Ky. God Sunday evening. They will .....There are nineteen grand present the Bible play. "The Prices On Moreheatl Maf IHWen and five great grand ]lsl,y Mo,,.,." Thei= will al.o tM Kenp L'n And Sale I. he >peciai .ongs. Sunday March ^ member of ______ __________ ____ IB the Trlmao' Clas.«! will have Excellent Second Day Methodist CSiurch and a Mflnv Pruioi-lK''lii Fuiure charge of the ^e^vlee. Their pro in spite of the weather, which member of the Masonic Lodge P p gram will center around two turned out to be mie of tlie w«r>.i •' and Order of the Eastern Star, ranu^a rrugram pictures that have been days of the year, the sale at the For the past ten yeare he was RUTtrs-tCas cho.-on to represent drawn hy them. Come. Morehead Stock yards was more A affilcted. His health did not per- lw™-.i .,.lBlud„.„„T, inilmUi^ ---------- ---------- . „tl,(,„ors-to the manage- m.t nim to be away trom hime. ;.;ySfv,ri', "Terafo™' Breck RWi mem, with conawemniy more ^?nSl.l,'l He tv ,rr.nr?n.prrn7r Grade PupHs ^enr.'.rs nT:;- - none a suceeial.J lob In hi, Present PUt Olculons to say that the .tale wa, »"<1-*g»-™-e of Jlie Eowan Fit. Fam Pmetlcc I'logtam. a, large as or, the prevlotia «urn,'. proetit Farm Prac Slorj Of Our Ha* !■ Thursday when the yards open-"'b'«' ,7'm t'«o- - ™.»"h?ri^nTrr,.is t cjpsc.aiions of the management. ®. 7*-all, a good companion and 1 acres of Mm. Wilford Waite Sn-rclaryj Chapter Adopte New By-Lawt soy beans his swine project one *«"« 'l>e''elopinent eapscl^iions^ the ml^agement' ® _____ __ __________ _______ cenUy oloUd' a veal calfjjrjieci. The fifth grade presented U>e_ The fact that th* quantity as father much loved by his child- acre of sweet com, and has Story of our ^'lag' in the well aa the quality of the slock' ** people of the jon. During bU alfUctian, be wa» - In looking over Rufuss re- Breckinridge auditoriam on Feb- maintained at the hirti level was a candidate in courageous and always readji^ta cords ono -oan see that h>- is ruary 20 and on Thursday, re- P*"* « r.rking on a bustness like plan, peaied the program in the col- opening, is an inoica- jost i„ rate for Jailer by the ende who were discoureged. Ali of the Morehead Future lege chapel f^ct that the stock cIo.se margin of iwcniy-sixivotes The funeral was held at the- P,.„ T„ Hoi., Soho. Of A.iopU New By.U.w. ----r P-» -^gL r^h^rmr^^^dW Mr."A.rS,';s.T»g,g.d Jr^-' uj'i.srsiorsssi 2 the .-imfi lean Red Cro.ss appoint ^ m^irict mbeiing of Bluebells of Scotland' .. Billy Pl«sM with tne manner in ing and selling of livestock. From l-andolt and Rev, B. H. Kazee. •al weeks ago met on Agriculture teachers of Eastern Vaughan which the sales are conducted, his long residence here and hU The Masons had charge of the- night of this week and Painisville, Satur- Scotch Dance Nell Fair, Ele- and with the prices being tecelv- association with the people Ije is burial in Lee Cemetery with J. . a f u«»vnn nhalr- ^ moming ses- anor Jane Gulletf, Minnie Grace ed. wel! acquainted with the needs Basford acting as Master, - ..................jj expected that the of the county and his candidacy The following grand children crowd attending the sgle last is receiving a great amount of were pall bearer.®: .•* Billy week would be a$ large as on the attention and consideration by Oscar Cornette, Platpfi, PYed A numerous and appreciative audience attended the-first- Bun- 2'jZ:;.iS5*'sI.»'-rSS5!: i-v.-Ma^'l-Tn; morning anor Jang Guile,1, Mmule Grace «l ollleTe lSS7ll7g ,hl Kre^^^ rnr2a'7''or!r''Dl'»P'?" !" A""S","hrSS7ar. „rV;i.u;-^mir"wS™--S .h^ He„uhl.„.. m me eeuaiy a„g CMe.l.y a.h Far, .ah Neville Fmrel, piano, Inauguurat „|,anin,ou,iy adopteti. ed the .series last Sunday after- wiifnrH w noon al four. Mr. DavU. who is * teacher of violin and tlirector of Executive soert-tWy. Robert gram. the college orchestra, gave a Bi>h->i> .-c.Tciary iq the board -------------- very arllstic reading of this Reuiah Williams as Franr» great ma.ster work, while Mr. Uvasurer. W. H, Rice was elect- *. ii p-incel, who like John .Ersklne a- t^ajnnan of the militaiy UieS, At Home specializes in an academic field. an«l naval committee, and Mrs. gave him' splehaid'^uppbrl aV-LYace Ford'w^s askenYo retain oie kefbM'i^"" -----------cTraTffnan6rthe' This scries of redials comes produdlon committee, into being through the person- Within the next few days ihe. al initiative-of Mr. Davis and chapter expects to be ready to will continue with conceru of publish the plan.-: being evolved ■tUow schools should benefit Cross of St. George Carl Fair yards were first opened, anti and the people at large, fi-om the .National Defense Pro- .lack Kiser when one of the largest crowds Union Jack Billy Vaughan, ever a.-^sembled ' in Morehead John Will Holbrook gathered. The first day. natur- Meteor P'lag Betty Rae Bach. ally, hundreds of those attending Pauline McBrayer the sales were spectators, many Dutch Flag .Mary Helen FuulU of whom had never before seen Agne,s ^ith a .stockyards in operation. The _ _ Taumon-Flag Janet Mynhier."tmporiani' thing 'was.' to the ' ' ■BeTTr'Ahn~wood............. ..... miDSfemenr of thf yards.- that Hariy BoK.ess- In l^orehead WOB Bom And Spent Hie Moultrie Flag Entire Life In Moreht And Rowan County Joan Wilson, both the buyers and sellers were Elizabeth Roberta there, and that the prices, paid Bedford Flag Ann Dickerson, were In line with prices paid in Janet Mynhier other markets throughout the Bunkerjtill F^ag James Flan^terrimrj;. Eagles Off For S.I.A.A.^ Tournament Out Of Town Friends Atlfind Cornette Funertd Those who were from out of town for the funeral of D. B. Cornette were: Mr. and Mrs. B. Cornetle. Oscar Cornette, Mr. Charlie city eounril. ttM '•Continued On Page Three) ".''uf-ir-i inualo »Hd aolo per. 10 tlevelop'the aims and handlin* Lewis Andrew PYai..- . ~o j ------------ ,- ... fiirtni^eiui hv ein,■■»!,» and of the Red "Cro-ss program in born in Morehead. Ky., Rowan co, Kenneth Hamm The sale will be a weekly Xultvnf ih;' Dcnarlmenl of the county. County. April, 20, 1877. He .wa.s. .Spirjt, of, 76_.,Charl.e.s Goff,_,Ml.f€ature,..each .Thur.sday.xain.o Muelc; supiilcm.mcd Imor by Siuee Ihe BubUeaUoh o- the -be »" !-•« _ -Inc. soml weelher chorsl and other Inslramental roll call, ihe ,„||o.,.i„g „,me.~m-ber ol a lamilj-ol lanhco D^e _ Boys and Cb^^ enscti^les. The UniversUy .of .have been added. Clyde Baum- Kentucky has had an annual gardner, Sharkey, Anna Brown. Atihe age of 20 hemarried program of Suntlay ve>per con- .Sharkey Lizzie Brown. Sharky. LizzieWilliamis ofRowan Coun- certs for many years; and the H. E-. Catee Haldeman. Mrs. ,y born lOomlnned On P.M Three, Jame, Middle,on, Huldemon. 3,,^ four girls, two of whom have preceded him in death. He de parted this life PYibruary 27. 1911, almo.si G-l years of age. Surviving him are his wife, . three daughters. Helen and Lena of Ashland, and Hazel of Day- . Ohio: three sons, Orville Tnd-Mw:-Walter MaiTnDfeiMr-s Otarles Cornette, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.-Ward and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ethelben Barber, M>ss Dora*Mesde and Mr. Hany Cor- nette all of .•tshlanil, Ky. Mr. _ and ,Mt> Frank Ward and fam- , jfy_of_Kpnova,,W_Va., Mrs. Ab______ Mattheads Eagles who reach- bert Ciiiberlson. Ironton, Ohio, The mahagemem of. the vards eti the sevond round of the K. I. Ward Cornette and chiltjren, ■^-arrangememB wUmhe-A, - " -------' - - v,-r-.-.u Wifi One Game, Place Oine Man On Tooma* ment Team At'KIAG - News Advertising Pays Dividends It does pay to advertise in the and Freddie of Dayton. Ohio and Emergency crop . ............... ... ....................... ............................................... Rowan County News. That has ^ew6. By way of learning just Ashland. besid« several loans for IWl are now available the home of his parents Mr. and teams in the SIAA are rated to farmers in Rowan County, Mrs. Charie.s Puckett on P'ri4ay .the outstanding teams in the en- Emergency Crop ^ And Feed Loans Now Available Farmers May Apply For Loans To Mrs. Mabiel Alfrey At Any Time and feed toumamentat Richmond Ihck-and Aiiiia,Vhd Jaek^V -defeWing -L-owTBvfHe-eoeli.-of-Hotington; W-. Va., Mf. (Continued From Page Thi:ee) CO-M but failing befo:'e Union and Mr-=. Paul Combs of Char- -10-50. will take another shot at lesion, W. Va.. Ear! Lee Roggess, the crown when they enter the of Chennult Field, Illinois and SIAA tournament at Bowling Harrj- Boggess of Ft. Thomas. Green on Friday of this week. ------------------- - The-Eagles are not concerned WUsOD Tony Puckett Dies At Home On Christy Creek Was Son Of Charles nave not omy Murray, wmnerh _ ... Puckett; Burial Made In he KIAC crown to beat, but fOT Jailer w n___Western and other chosen teams mettrayer cemetery , southwest- Resident Of Haldeman Tony Puckett, aged 25. died al ern dfstrist, NoturaHy the eight much of a chance to ctip any- thing at Bowling Green, as they jg (^nnidate have not only Murray, winners . been deflniicly proven in the how effective this advertising grandchildren and other Announces For Office On Democratic Ticket two vieeks since the opening of was. a News reporter checked atives. the newMorehead ApplUnee-up^on the customeK ana vittTOi^ and applications for these loans of Iasi week,, of tuberculosis, .tire south, and the Elagics i Tn thisi jg.siir iht» an ____________________________ -'Spenrfns"^«Hff#^fRI5m are now being TSIRHI ByMrs. r\ineral "services were held on' hardly expect to be tops in that ment of Joe Wilson of Halde- Shop In the GeorgeCaudillBuUd to learn where they had seen 'Morehead. In his last da^-s he Mabel Alfrey. at .the county Monday afternoon at the home company. , man for the office of Jailer of' ing. the advertLsing. * gave ardent testimony that he superinieridenfs office, tor A. of his brother. Louie Puckett, During the entire season, the Rowan county appears. Mr. Wit- The Morehead Appliance Shop Without exception, every cus- was prepared to meet'God. ' V. Allison, Field Supervisor conducted by Rev. Russell Smith, Etogle's have made a much bet- ,<on is well known in this coun- dpened formally on Thursday-, tomer of the store since its open- , of the Emergency Crop and of ihe Church of God. Burial was ter showing than any of the fans ty. having resided here a num- February 20. On ^lurday they ing has been a subscriber to the /. H. Potcers Added To Section of the Farm, made in the, McBrayer Cemetery expected, winning the KIAC her of years. He was bom in the gave away three big prizes, and Rowdn. County News, and has rfcrf.#/«» GYedii Administration, '..at Eliiottvilje. regular season championship, a neighboring counoof Carter, but the store was packed, in the seen the advertising in the News. ^ ^ **"** ounaay ocnoot Pudkett .was born on fact which put them in position moved here with his pacn^a- , three days previously we{l over- That seems like an unheard of Mr. Harlan Powers, local in the past, only lo farmers Auguh 12, 1917 at Christy, Ken- lo guarantee a bid to the SIAA. bout 30 years ago and five hundred visited the store, return, but it is actually the lawyer, has assumed the leader- whose cash requiremenu are lucky. He wasthe son of Mr. The Eagles to paraphrase a hi? life since th«t.tim(e m-'thf- In the two weeks since the open- truth. ship -bf the Men's aa.-:s of the small .and who cannot obtain a anti Mrs. Cbarlgs Puckett of that liiUe havent much put "punch Haldeman and Christy commun ing the management has sold Of the over five hundredvisit- Morehead Christian Church Sun- loan from any other source, in- place. He is survived by his par- and a prayer". They show up like itie.« in this county, an exceptionally large amountors ta the new store, 90 per cent daySchool. Mr. Powers teach-eluding production credit as-ents, and by the following broth-plgniies against some of theMr! Wilson. Is regarded as one of merchandise, to such an gx- were there becau.se they had ing abilities are remembered sodatlons, banks, or other prl- ers and ilsiers, Mrs. Jane Grimm, towering giants thattheywill ©f ,be ^st citizens of his corn- ten! that Mr. Bob Ernest and read the advertising in the News, mainly fcr^is Boys' class of vale concerns or" individuals, Ironlon, Ohio; Miss Pearl Puckett meet in the; loumameni. and munity. He is employed by'Ihc Virgil Sparks, owners of the to which they were subscribers, some years ago. which wa.s the As In fomer years, the money- Irondale Ohio; Mrs. Elizabeth they have won their way strict- Kentucky Fire Brick Company. . "store, have expressed surprise The News Is proud of this largest Sunday School Classloaned will be limited to the ap-Johnson. New Castle, Indiana, ly by fight. •• Before the election he plans on and delight over thesuccess of record and is glad to obtain such ever held in Morehead. ••plicants nwssary cash needs Louie Puckett, Haldeman andJack Duncan, Morehead center. vUiting the voters and laying the new store. conclusive proof that adverfis- The teaching staff of the in preparing'and cultivating his Robert Puckett. Irondale, Ohio, placed ^ the all-KIAC teagi at his case before them personally. Most of the advertising for the ing in the Rowan Oouniy News Christian Sunday School Is one 1941 crops.- or in purchasing- or The Ferguson Funeral Home the touhiament in Richmond He will appreciate your corstdr Morehead Appliance Store was pays, arid pays and pays. (OooMiMiad OX Pag* Tfiraa) : (Oontinued On Page Three) was in charge of arrangemeou. last week. ' eratlon and suppo>u

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The Rflf^^^^STYNEWSVOLUME NUMHRR: Old Series. No. 45; New Series, No. 34. MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY. THTRSDAV, MARC’H (i

Jesse Johnson Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack

R. M. Bagby SenHa Fruit From Florida

Hon. R. M. Bagby of Gray­son, Kentucky who it at present witiiering in Klurlda. receives the ihiirik.-i of the Ro'van County News this week, for hls-thou^l- ful gift of a basket of oranges


Boone County Jamboree Here

Mrs. Edward Bishop Called By Death Of Grandfather

Whf Go To Church h tiermon Subject

Grandpappy Doolittle — that's ' and grapefruit which arrived last the name U:sed by one of the lat-

'vcfk. Needlt-ss to .say the New.s esi additions to the cast of the Fatber Of Hobcrl John* family u enjoying them to the jcm Edition of the New Boone

, limit.

Merchants Cluh Asks Two Hour Parking Limit

1 Dropti Dead Monday“Btudnl _____

Jes.se Frank Johnson, for many years one of Morehead'.s leading barbers, died at-his homo Monday morning . f ii heart

—_ia£k--ljL»-steaih-Avae-s«dtk>ft,-aF ittouiih he had been tniubled.for several months past, and had at one time >>ecn considered to be

_Jn a serious condition. Funeral services were held Wednesday aflernoon at ihe Church of God of which ht' had long been a liivintH‘1. wUh Rev. T. E. I/mhis and Rev. Worof the sc•rv^t■<'^ liar:.! va- nade '‘iierate with the C. and O. RajJ- In (he Caudill Cemetery


ing radio .stations in Tulsa',Okla­homa: Kansas City: and St.l.ou^; among others.

literally^ raised upon edVw"hiie7ulphu'r.'wr\4.^

On Sunday morning, at 10;-1.5. the pa.<tor. the Rev, L. Edward Maliingly of the Methodise

Graodniotber Hud Died Ohunli win take for hi.- >er- Previous Week At mon ecpU-"Why C>o To Chureh?':-Wliito ^tilnliMP W Va sur.day wlii bl- the second San-White Sulphur, W. Va ^

Mrs. Edward Bishop was call- evety member of the Ciuivch “Rd ihoae.wbo «K» noi.aff..k,ted

D. B. Cornette Dies After Long Illness

Jamboree; the fast mov- ^ theatre stage: and his flr^ ap- Monday of this week by ’the «'iti make a spet ial aJfort Was Pcouiineut Merchant -Xivic-Lfudw And Mem*

her Of Masonic Lodge

Daniel Boone Cornette, the son

ing to Ahe MoreheaU Slate Teach-of THREE WEEKS, when he re-Henry Humphries. facred .,ea.-on. Those who hearers College Auditorium Monday placed a saw-dust doll in a stock Mrs. Bishop was notified the the choir, under the d;;eciion of night March lOih at Y30 p. m. company production in Ameril- previous Monday February 2-4 Profe.-.-or anti Mr.--. .M. E, George of u'lti' c

Giahdi>appy does comedy; is lo,- Texas. Grandpappy's experi- of the death of her grandmother ate generous in their praise of afd Eliza-an accomplished magician; and cnee has covered everything in but was unable to attend the (Continued On Page Three) CarroH wa.s horn in Law-.

m.ici. -I___---1-_____ _____ ___________________o ........ . . - —; fi^ drcufe tt '-fnn^i-because-of -Mr Bishop's---------Urge Highway Depart* clans in the counuy-today. He elaborate stage presentations; illness. Mr. Bishop has Ju^ X^* Marvin AJlrinx'menl To Build Under- plays an ordinary carpenter's finally culminating in radio ap- turned home fom the hospital in * ® ,pass At Hayes Crossinff ® seLof.lutte<l -sleigh- belU; pearan'ce.s over many mtdwes- Lexington where he had under- AnD0UIlC6S For

^ almokt the impossible by [em stations. He worked in his gone an operation for appendi-The Morehead Merchant’s Club playing iwp saxaphones at one fjrst moving-picture production citis.their meeting Monday night, and the same time; arid also at the age of four years; being Mr. Humphries was the father

appointcfl a committee to ask electrifying demonstra- one of the first youngsters ever of Mrs. William Gillespie of Ash“ .1. ti- h __ '*"R “I xylophone playing. m appear before the cameras in land, who formerly lived in

WLW and the Boone County .A<lmi.“'ion will be 40 cents for ---------------------Comptiny in working nut an j;„ni«ree from Lincoln. Nebras- adults and 20 cenu for ihlldren

Iwen with lead- under 12, tax included.

Rowan SheriffProminent Resident Of Elliottville Asks For

Jted in marriage to Susan Emma Ward in 1881, they moved to Rowan (bounty thirty-three years ago and lived at Clear­field-for ten years and the last twenty-three years at Morehead. Surviving Mr. Cornette are his

Mr. ,lf.hn-on ^va,-; hn;n In Row- uhii- .pa-s at Haye,-= Crossing, ka. He has a! an County on April IB, 1R7.5 apd whl-h U one of the few danger- had spent nis entire life in this on- railway cros-ing.s left In cHiniy. He w.-js nhe of the f6w ,hi> ,-oci.m cf the state. The pre ^rnc!n,„c„H ,tach,,.i„c,,m™Of fhp city, having lieen in the . ,7 .1barber busine.ss for many ..c.-.rs ^in the liK-allon on C.irev Avenue ’I'Sivks to get to Haldeman, and where he still maile hi- heme at with the conHolidate.i .school

timer hi, i„ 1*» he„.3J.

lo reach the .school, it uiv-wa< uniiol'ln marriage to Miss &!lie Jones. To this union .six ( hiidrer were born, two of

Is Elected Head Of E.K.F.F.A.

Junior Girls To Have Charge Of Program

ly one of. the mo.“t dan- Hobart ami Raymond .Inhn---on. gt-rous crossings in the suite, survive hiin^ Four others. Beat- jj,e cityrice. Herbert, Lenoro and Imval- ^ ^ .preceded Wm-in ilealh. -In W9 t-tabIDh a two hourhe wa- unliwl In marrUge to lurking limit on Main Street, for I.uta Jones, who suf,-jves him. the accomodaiiun of visitors to To this union three chiidren. me city.Mary Ixmisp, recil and Tommy ’ _ _______were born, of whom two. Mary IjOul.se and Tommy Mirvive.

Mr. John.son was a devout member of the Church of God, and was one of The well restiect- ed citizens of this community throughout his entire life.

Rufus Flauner>' Has

ForSheriU h;!:'Si /“mT'cX'Mrs. J. L.

Davis-Fincel Recital Opens Vesper Series

RedCroh Elects Haggan As Chaimian'

m* I r I ________________________________ and Mre.\tAflf \AlPC l-indsay CaudJlt. all of Morehead.^IVin JOIvJ Four of_ ■■MB Ashland. of

sTAJaM IM WaSIa Huniingion. W. Va..-and RcnrvOOU In jpliw Hr ^^^H Morehead; two

The Junior Girls, untier the ” brothers; George Cornatte of<l:ieciion of Hester Roberts will A| ll|__jL^^ PorLsmeuth, Ohio and Dave Cor-u.kc charge of the Young Peo- |j| WPSinAf neiie of Ijoul.sa: one sister Mrs.pies Service at the Church of If WtllllVI ^ John Ball. Louisa. Ky.God Sunday evening. They will .....There are nineteen grandpresent the Bible play. "The Prices On Moreheatl Maf ‘IHWen and five great grand]lsl,y Mo,,.,." Thei= will al.o tM Kenp L'n And Sale I.he >peciai .“ongs. Sunday March „ ^ member of

______ __________ ____ IB the Trlmao' Clas.«! will have Excellent Second Day Methodist CSiurch and aMflnv Pruioi-lK''lii Fuiure charge of the ^e^vlee. Their pro in spite of the weather, which member of the Masonic LodgeP p gram will center around two turned out to be mie of tlie w«r>.i •' and Order of the Eastern Star,ranu^a rrugram pictures that have been days of the year, the sale at the For the past ten yeare he wasRUTtrs-tCas cho.-on to represent drawn hy them. Come. Morehead Stock yards was more A affilcted. His health did not per-

lw™-.i .,.lBlud„.„„T, inilmUi^ ---------- ---------- . „tl,(,„ors-to the manage- m.t nim to be away trom hime.

;.’;‘“ y“Sfv,ri', "Terafo™' Breck RWi mem, with conawemniy more ^?n“‘Sl.l,'l He “tv,rr.nr?n.‘prrn7r Grade PupHs ^en’r.'.rs nT:;- -none a suceeial.J lob In hi, Present PUt Olculons to say that the .tale wa, »"<1-”*g»-™-e of Jlie Eowan Fit.Fam Pmetlcc I'logtam. a, large as or, the prevlotia

«urn,'. proetit Farm Prac Slorj Of Our Ha* !■ Thursday when the yards open-“ “"‘“'b'’ «' ,7'“’m

t'“ ™ •“ «o- - ™.»"h?ri^nTrr,.is tcjpsc’.aiions of the management. “ ®. 7*-all, a good companion and

1 acres of

Mm. Wilford Waite Sn-rclaryj Chapter Adopte New By-Lawt

soy beans his swine project one *«"“« 'l>e''elopinent eapscl^iions”^ the ml^agement' ® _____ __ __________ _______cenUy oloUd' a veal calf jjrjieci. The fifth grade presented U>e_ The fact that th* quantity as father much loved by his child-acre of sweet com, and has “Story of our ^'lag”' in the well aa the quality of the slock' ** people of the jon. During bU alfUctian, be wa» -

In looking over Rufus’s re- Breckinridge auditoriam on Feb- maintained at the hirti level was a candidate in courageous and always readji^tacords ono -oan see that h>- is ruary 20 and on Thursday, re- P*"* «

• r.rking on a bustness like plan, peaied the program in the col- opening, is an inoica- jost i„ rate for Jailer by the ende who were discoureged.Ali of the • Morehead Future lege chapel f^ct that the stock cIo.se margin of iwcniy-sixivotes The funeral was held at the-

P,.„ T„ Hoi., Soho. Of A.iopU New By.U.w. ----r P-» -^gL r^h^rmr^^^dW ‘”Mr."A.rS,‘';s.T»g,g.d Jr^-'uj'i.srsiorsssi 2the .-imfi lean Red Cro.ss appoint ^ m^irict mbeiing of Bluebells of Scotland' .. Billy Pl«sM with tne manner in ing and selling of livestock. From l-andolt and Rev, B. H. Kazee.

•al weeks ago met on Agriculture teachers of Eastern Vaughan which the sales are conducted, his long residence here and hU The Masons had charge of the-night of this week and Painisville, Satur- Scotch Dance Nell Fair, Ele- and with the prices being tecelv- association with the people Ije is burial in Lee Cemetery with J. .a f u«»vnn nhalr- ^ moming ses- anor Jane Gulletf, Minnie Grace ed. wel! acquainted with the needs Basford acting as Master,

- ..................jj expected that the of the county and his candidacy The following grand childrencrowd attending the sgle last is receiving a great amount of were pall bearer.®: .•*

Billy week would be a$ large as on the attention and consideration by Oscar Cornette, Platpfi, PYed

A numerous and appreciative audience attended the-first- Bun-

2’'jZ:;.iS5*'sI.»‘'-rSS5!: i-v.-Ma '̂l-Tn; morning anor Jang Guile,1, Mmule Grace «lollleTe lSS7ll7g ,hl Kre^^^ rn“r2a'7''or!r''D“l'»“ “““ P'?" !" A"”

"S","hrSS7ar. „rV;i.u;-^mir"wS™--S .h^ He„uhl.„.. m me eeuaiy a„g CMe.l.y a.h Far, .ahNeville Fmrel, piano, Inauguurat „|,anin,ou,iy adopteti. ed the .series last Sunday after- wiifnrH wnoon al four. Mr. DavU. who is *teacher of violin and tlirector of Executive soert-tWy. Robert gram.the college orchestra, gave a Bi>h->i> .-c.Tciary iq the board —--------------very arllstic reading of this Reuiah Williams as Franr»great ma.ster work, while Mr. Uvasurer. W. H, Rice was elect- *. iip-incel, who like John .Ersklne a- t^ajnnan of the militaiy UieS, At Homespecializes in an academic field. an«l naval committee, and Mrs. gave him' splehaid'^uppbrl aV-LYace Ford'w^s askenYo retain

■ ‘oie kefbM'i^"" -----------cTraTffnan‘6rthe'This scries of redials comes produdlon committee,

into being through the person- Within the next few days ihe. al initiative-of Mr. Davis and chapter expects to be ready to will continue with conceru of publish the plan.-: being evolved

■tUow schools should benefit Cross of St. George Carl Fair yards were first opened, anti and the people at large, fi-om the .National Defense Pro- .lack Kiser when one of the largest crowds

Union Jack Billy Vaughan, ever a.-^sembled ' in Morehead John Will Holbrook gathered. The first day. natur-

Meteor P'lag Betty Rae Bach. ally, hundreds of those attending Pauline McBrayer the sales were spectators, many

Dutch Flag .Mary Helen FuulU of whom had never before seen Agne,s ^ith a .stockyards in operation. The _ _

Taumon-Flag — Janet Mynhier."tmporiani' thing 'was.' to the ' '■BeTTr'Ahn~wood............. .....miDSfemenr of thf yards.- that

Hariy BoK.ess-

In l^oreheadWOB Bom And Spent Hie Moultrie Flag Entire Life In Moreht And Rowan County

Joan Wilson, both the buyers and sellers were Elizabeth Roberta there, and that the prices, paid

Bedford Flag Ann Dickerson, were In line with prices paid in Janet Mynhier other markets throughout the

Bunkerjtill F^ag James Flan^terrimrj;.

Eagles Off For S.I.A.A.^ Tournament

Out Of Town Friends Atlfind Cornette Funertd

Those who were from out of town for the funeral of D. B. Cornette were: Mr. and Mrs. B.

Cornetle. Oscar Cornette, Mr.

Charlie city eounril. ttM '•Continued On Page Three)

".''uf-ir-i inualo »Hd aolo per. 10 tlevelop'the aims and handlin* Lewis Andrew PYai..- . ~o j ------------ ,— - ...fiirtni^eiui hv ein,■■»!,» and of the Red "Cro-ss program in born in Morehead. Ky., Rowan co’, Kenneth Hamm The sale will be a weekly

’Xultvnf ih;' Dcnarlmenl of the county. County. April, 20, 1877. He .wa.s. .Spirjt, of, 76_.,Charl.e.s Goff,_,Ml.f€ature,..each .Thur.sday.xain.oMuelc; supiilcm.mcd Imor by Siuee Ihe BubUeaUoh o- the -be »" !-•« „ _ -Inc. soml weelherchorsl and other Inslramental roll call, ihe ,„||o.,.i„g „,me.■ ~m-ber ol a lamilj-ol lanhco D^e _ Boys and Cb^^ enscti^les. The UniversUy .of .have been added. Clyde Baum-J®Kentucky has had an annual gardner, Sharkey, Anna Brown. At ihe age of 20 he marriedprogram of Suntlay ve>per con- .Sharkey Lizzie Brown. Sharky. Lizzie Williamis of Rowan Coun-certs for many years; and the H. E-. Catee Haldeman. Mrs. ,y born

lOomlnned On P.M Three, Jame, Middle,on, Huldemon. 3,,^

four girls, two of whom have preceded him in death. He de­parted this life PYibruary 27.1911, almo.si G-l years of age.

Surviving him are his wife,. three daughters. Helen and Lena

of Ashland, and Hazel of Day- . Ohio: three sons, Orville

Tnd-Mw:-Walter MaiTnDfeiMr-s Otarles Cornette, Mr. and Mrs.R. B.-Ward and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ethelben Barber, M>ss Dora*Mesde and Mr. Hany Cor- nette all of .•tshlanil, Ky. Mr.

_ and ,Mt> Frank Ward and fam-, jfy_of_Kpnova,,W_Va., Mrs. Ab______

Matthead’s Eagles who reach- bert Ciiiberlson. Ironton, Ohio,The mahagemem of. the vards eti the sevond round of the K. I. Ward Cornette and chiltjren,

■^-arrangememB wUmhe-A, - " -------' • - ■ - • v,-r-.-.u

Wifi One Game, Place Oine Man On Tooma* ment Team At'KIAG -

News Advertising Pays DividendsIt does pay to advertise in the and Freddie of Dayton. Ohio and Emergency crop . ............... ... ....................... .................... ...........................

Rowan County • News. That has ^ew6. By way of learning just Ashland. besid« several loans for IWl are now available the home of his parents Mr. and teams in the SIAA are ratedto farmers in Rowan County, Mrs. Charie.s Puckett on P'ri4ay .the outstanding teams in the en-

Emergency Crop ^ And Feed Loans Now AvailableFarmers May Apply For Loans To Mrs. Mabiel Alfrey At Any Time

and feed

toumament“at Richmond Ihck-and Aiiiia,Vhd Jaek^V -defeWing -L-owTBvfHe-eoeli.-of-Hotington; W-. Va., Mf. •

(Continued From Page Thi:ee) CO-M but failing befo:'e Union and Mr-=. Paul Combs of Char- -10-50. will take another shot at lesion, W. Va.. Ear! Lee Roggess, the crown when they enter the of Chennult Field, Illinois and SIAA tournament at Bowling Harrj- Boggess of Ft. Thomas.Green on Friday of this week. ------------------- -

The-Eagles are not concerned WUsOD

Tony Puckett Dies At Home On Christy CreekWas Son Of Charles nave not omy Murray, wmnerh _ ...Puckett; Burial Made In ‘he KIAC crown to beat, but fOT Jailer w n___Western and other chosen teamsmettrayer cemetery , southwest- Resident Of HaldemanTony Puckett, aged 25. died al ern dfstrist, NoturaHy the eight

much of a chance to ctip any- thing at Bowling Green, as they jg (^nnidate have not only Murray, winners .

been deflniicly proven in the how effective this advertising grandchildren and other

Announces For Office On Democratic Ticket

two vieeks since the opening of was. a News reporter checked atives. the new—Morehead ApplUnee-up^on the customeK ana vittTOi^

and applications for these loans of Iasi week,, of tuberculosis, .tire south, and the Elagics i Tn thisi jg.siir iht» an____________________________ -'Spenrfns"^«Hff#^fRI5—m are now being TSIRHI By’ Mrs. r\ineral "services were held on' hardly expect to be tops in that ment of Joe Wilson of Halde-

Shop In the George Caudill BuUd to learn where they had seen 'Morehead. In his last da^-s he Mabel Alfrey. at .the county Monday afternoon at the home company. , man for the office of Jailer of'ing. the advertLsing. * gave ardent testimony that he superinieridenfs office, tor A. of his brother. Louie Puckett, During the entire season, the Rowan county appears. Mr. Wit-

The Morehead Appliance Shop Without exception, every cus- was prepared to meet'God. ' V. ‘Allison, Field Supervisor conducted by Rev. Russell Smith, Etogle's have made a much bet- ,<on is well known in this coun- dpened formally on Thursday-, tomer of the store since its open- , of the Emergency Crop and of ihe Church of God. Burial was ter showing than any of the fans ty. having resided here a num-February 20. On ^lurday they ing has been a subscriber to the /. H. Potcers Added To Section of the Farm, made in the, McBrayer Cemetery expected, winning the KIAC her of years. He was bom in thegave away three big prizes, and Rowdn. County News, and has rfcrf.#/«» GYedii Administration, '..at Eliiottvilje. regular season championship, a neighboring couno’of Carter, butthe store was packed, in the seen the advertising in the News. ^ ’^ **"** ounaay ocnoot Pudkett .was born on fact which put them in position moved here with his pacn^a- ,three days previously we{l over- That seems like an unheard of Mr. Harlan Powers, local in the past, only lo farmers Auguh 12, 1917 at Christy, Ken- lo guarantee a bid to the SIAA. bout 30 years ago andfive hundred visited the store, return, but it is actually the lawyer, has assumed the leader- whose cash requiremenu are lucky. He was the son of Mr. The Eagles to paraphrase a hi? life since th«t.tim(e m-'thf-In the two weeks since the open- truth. ship -bf the Men's aa.-:s of the small .and who cannot obtain a anti Mrs. Cbarlgs Puckett of that liiUe haven’t much put "punch Haldeman and Christy communing the management has sold Of the over five hundred visit- Morehead Christian Church Sun- loan from any other source, in- place. He is survived by his par- and a prayer". They show up like itie.« in this county,an exceptionally large amount ors ta the new store, 90 per cent day School. Mr. Power’s teach-eluding production credit as-ents, and by the following broth-plgniies against some of the Mr! Wilson. Is regarded as oneof merchandise, to such an gx- were there becau.se they had ing abilities are remembered sodatlons, banks, or other prl- ers and ilsiers, Mrs. Jane Grimm, towering giants that‘they—will ©f ,be ^st citizens of his corn-ten! that Mr. Bob Ernest and read the advertising in the News, mainly fcr^is Boys' class of vale concerns or" individuals, Ironlon, Ohio; Miss Pearl Puckett meet in the; loumameni. and munity. He is employed by'IhcVirgil Sparks, owners of the to which they were subscribers, some years ago. which wa.s the As In fomer years, the money- Irondale Ohio; Mrs. Elizabeth they have won their way strict- Kentucky Fire Brick Company. .

"store, have expressed surprise The News Is proud of this largest Sunday School Class loaned will be limited to the ap-Johnson. New Castle, Indiana, ly by fight. •• Before the election he plans onand delight over the success of record and is glad to obtain such ever held in Morehead. •• plicant’s nwssary cash needs Louie Puckett, Haldeman and Jack Duncan, Morehead center. vUiting the voters and layingthe new store. conclusive proof that adverfis- The teaching staff of the in preparing'and cultivating his Robert Puckett. Irondale, Ohio, placed ^ the all-KIAC teagi at his case before them personally.

Most of the advertising for the ing in the Rowan Oouniy News Christian Sunday School Is one 1941 crops.- or in purchasing- or The Ferguson Funeral Home the touhiament in Richmond He will appreciate your corstdr Morehead Appliance Store was pays, arid pays and pays. (OooMiMiad OX Pag* Tfiraa) : (Oontinued On Page Three) was in charge of arrangemeou. last week. ' eratlon and suppo>u

^ejwoThe Rotran Coiinfy Vwa, Morehead, Kenluchy

je Two, - --------------- _ --*iga


Kxery Thui>.l..j At

MtUlKIlKVU. Rowau Coiintv. KENTUCKY .

. editor ;«ntl MANAGER

w.-*UlUihank 'a« who'' Twelfy on. twiad ofin ihU unUfriaking: and lun-a;* and 4,iu!es wore offered

you have I’ol >een it. ccmr „„ n,i. M„roluad Market last ^

.and p ■ ■ * ‘

and .-.;e i


HAHTIST CHI R( H Kev n«H, Kawe. r.Lstor

JACK vni-SON-------


------^ “isEr"'-T_____ _____ ■'» Er^mr wiShfr «'''V->w,d.Anmouncements

« Be P«t4 In AOvane*

a^~^utbotlzed to annonne* Candidate for Rhcrift


I was born in Carter county, ui hav'


RfT. Z. T. TBKfiey. Pastor Rrery Kind an Third Banda

y Worsht

,n.„ „el*M«.rh»<. ,« .h. p.« th^nj- year., ____loun, Peoplss Guild

_________ — I am and have always oeen ___- - " . a Democrat, and have given my CHRISTIAN CHURCH

For County Court Clerk or Rowan CMnly Subjrrt to ^ jiuppon of.ivhich - -WILLIAM “BIB" ■HUBCIK* '^on it the BepuMloa* P^ j eapable it alVtlmeJ. I have

--------- at the Primary. Angnat S, 1»« before asked for an office

I paid for. The P. A..M.L- .... ilriJi for a'liyihwg.'Wc . IV 1 ii'iv iiiJinecUite the effori.s of all patrons and officers, jasl ■nd |iu--cni who ir.ive taken

P;^5•p:u•l in this iH-ogre.^sive pro- 10:45 pram. We invite you to come to <i:20 our regular monthly meeting 7:15 and participate in our friendly 7:15 dtscus-slon and our social re-

freshtnen s: Meeting time is the second Thursday night in each school mroth.

Dr A. F. EllingtonDKNTIBT

HOURS;’8:3«—»*0 Ofllrr Aero*. From t'hrUrtlan

Chnrrb On F- Main PHONR M

_.'Thur8day, March 6»-1941

Wake Uiy Insi^ All-Vcselable Way

k laxative that generally

Rowan . Bath Dlatricl CLAUDE CLAVTON

Candidate for Sheriff MARVIN ADKINS


ironghly. but is a gmUt ftr-.......... J used by simple directicai.T-ake BLACK-DRAUGHT at bed-ncirr il U

time. Thcre'a Bsually time for a geed night's rest Morning general­ly bring* a thereugfa evacaation;


m uiorvugo cavun.iuii.coa.sUpaUon'a beadaebet, Try vley, aromatic, a11- BI.ACK-DRAUGHT. It’i ' St tt teA».deM% g*

Candidate for Hb'eriR MORT MAY

Candidate For Jailu BOOXKL JtOWABD!.

^ ■- “SS..th.«,».vp.r.y.«**S•<t?““•'■“1.?“"

Candidate For Jailer IL B. TOLLIVER

Candidate-For Jailer JOLLY R.AMEY

Candidate For Jailer H. F. GREGORY

Candidjitc For Jailer JOE WILSON

Price at ihe Morehead Stock A'ards on Thursday. February

7.QO 27. 1341 were fair to good con­sidering the tiuality of stock of-

' iAan-nr-n nv con for sale. The Hogs and

,1,; »un.y;:i, EU.";;:-S^ho'c,*'’*"'’ Sl.JThT'iu'.roif.rS"''"'imponom. ami

g-45 ...... .... ...V ---------.-

-------------------- Freacning IDMr the mo-n care y^ung Peoples Meet .... 6:00 ton of S7.40 per hundred. Med- In the county Christian End. 5'«> dim hroughf7.2r.

offlee In till, eoun.y. having f,' i'’' ?^iin7p»pTe"'GulW:,r----------JBrtty -of only 20 votes. In this j f^g, ,j,g, of^ce of Jailer

race 1 have been premised and although rgarded as one of the feel sure Jhat 1 will receive the lUiiior ofl.ces of the count support of quite a number of (,,,e of the mo-t important.

—. .. persons who were not in a posi- ,5,ou’ld h..ve one of the mo.n reopies .«eei ... —■ - ------ •-..........Candidate For J^'« non to help me four years ago .eiec-.ed men In the county Christian End. 5'00 ium hroughl-7.25 while shoals

ALLIE Y. (HObS) SORRELL, j.gggo^ prior commitimenl- jo carry out Its duties, for the ___ ranged from 54.00 per hundred toIf nominated and elected. ' office of Jailer comes in closer slbaN'S EPISCOPAL fi’O per hundrtsi

shall be mv purpe-e •-o '5-'-e the contact with many of the elti- ' t'UUUCH The "market for cattle wascounty an efficient, bu.slness4ike „{ county. If. 1 am j, ^ ughUjourn S. T. B. steady with heafiers selling foradministration.of. the duties of „„n,irau-d and elected 1 pledge sterling Sumiav March Ith F«0<' r hut-d ed. with a high the sheriffs office and i.ean a.^ „yge,f tp carr>- out the duties • • ^ ^^ion and Sermon of S9.00. Cows brought fromsure you that no chiren shall ,he host possible ’• ^ March Tih: $21.00 h. $53.50 per head, whilehave any cause whatsoever for ,„^nnor. 10 look after the sani- Address iWO p. m. s-.ock cattle sold for frof $20 00

■ regret for having given me their conditions of the court ° ____________ • per head, lluli- rangedsupport. The busine-ss of the of- house, and the Jail to the fullest Wardens and Forc.st Of- sv.oo to SIG.OO per head

. . . fice w'lll be administererl wHh- gxieni. and U> give any prison- ficers 1 to toe ^ ,„,i .ier-__ ________ ...,1 ... mi-o ir.i» . _... fice w'lU be administereu wen- exieni. and ... -

of Rowan Cooniy. subjeci to we ,5,5 ,pr- entrusted to myaction of the Democratic P^T office will be avail- attention to whichat the Primarj. Augurt L W» ^ any hour pni^ied.

of the day'or night. lUfore the prlmiiry.^I trtlSl thTff-yoo'wiH B''*'''*’’-'’ visit each voter pet

__.1.1......* iwn t/. TTIV .

Jail to the fullest B^ih Wardens and Forc.st Oi- sv.OO to SIG.OO per head give any prison- ficers hope lliat 1941 will be a — ..TToi. veals brimcht... MI-O lt.l» . _ ......._ fi^l. ;.nil '...'J • l_. ,.......

ij piksuii- ficers hope mat lusi win ov a care the year for limber, fish ami

I they ace game, since all three can cmly i-.ich cfgame, since all three can only urn cilu-ive in places free from for- i-'o-i

Announces For Sheriff

- e.si fires,tsonBlly.

serious ' consideration to my jf , unable to see them p „ P T A■candidacy and your support win ^ appreciate their ..up- uariB.erS S . •• n. be sincerely appreciated ,^,-t and influence in the com- Dgyje^j WotK

MARVIS ADKINS eleciion 1 invite you all t‘> ix . V 'investigate m.v rt-erd carefully- JJone TaSt ICar

Ven' ivulv vours..1 ~ —' *1*.--- -RunsForJaiferI hereby- .-mnounce my candi­

dacy for the office of Sheriff of RowMt County, subject to the —rTT^.-,,,- v-nrT.iii of the Republican Parly at TO COVN^I^the August 2nd Primary. I feel OF ^^.Vvot-that the dtlzens and voters of 1 wish to ’J' ^

SSovi,".S.cln" SJy

fpre been a candidate for public 1341.

Local Forest Fire Wardens Hold Meeting

V ‘vuidtvd,

wir'c m.ii.ii:!' "• ' ''• *''•'1tv. per hiiu.it'tK!, Common .nml

eval- bromrlr from $. ••3 to $3.10.per hun.lrcd. ,____

borrow $100

Pun-hasP Fixllirrs. Heal- iSrii^l Intentvz



me B/0 KAD/o dfews oemeYeAR«nesL^

MODEL 13 AE-A5-Wb.,ii- eluding lecliTier, AC-DC super­heterodyne with 2 bands — Broad­cast and International Sh.


...-- -*‘Gotd-Glow“ dial, in tnoUUd brown bakalitocabiML

Caudal Bldg..


Morehead^ Ky>

Oldest, Largest and Most Complete

NURSERY_ Heodquor'e" For—

Fruit Trees Shade Trees

Evergreens Shrubs

Roses Berrying

PlantsWrite lor Catalog

HilfenmeYer Hurseries,Lexington, Kentucky

- - . KOfI RKPAY ass WEEKWc believe the Farmers I’TA REPAY *l-7» WEEK

has one of the most active ret- oT » MONTHS PLANloin meeuna “"*• an,v«l.orc t«r Brtilr. BlmpB. '"OT

® such an ocganiaaiion. During the i^awfal B««» 0®*Y-ni.v.... Wav. ami Mean* last Ihsee sclool tanai, laclud- ^ p.ralmr,....» »v

Si.Pro^uW K.n...cL, -- - -'r."; """

fill* ^Zar-'^Kan sL,^^Morefiesd Apptfance Shopsmile,, met 7,1. Urn local The lla».. m ,he gymnasium '.'X.2;:7S. > ■'"''rForest wardens near French- are now In use, and that finish- ® No-Main, .s,_.x _jburg on FeUruary 12 to discuss ds Uie Job. The- PTA insulied, Neat To Leeda Toea^ the problems connected with the but did not bujr. the healing protection of Kentucky's wood- equipment in tXe gymnasium, lands from burning. The glaring sun Ls kept out of

The r:eu Rl^er District in'- the children'.s eyes m the front duUe. tusesi land in sev.n eoim- ,oom, by shades tousht by ihe ,.e-. and In U ajiood psopo,- ITA. A sheet »»•! IdlW cab.nc, tion of Ihe Umbe, and pme In In the office, which holds ah tm.,1,1. .ecilon of the stale. The portent tetonfs. was boupht m Waniens, |■nte,es^c^ In p,ese,v. the same way. A^en map. tnv the woodlands from buim- adorn the walls. Ml-w IGna'h - ml m t ,0 discuss the vanuu. first and .ecotri smdc eh.l.Iren

Bowman.'Citfarfleld: •men is §imii.=A»H -be possible, wert it.not for

a^r'ai.'id'NalianrMvnnic-. .ho n™ mlm™™'"have theCaudill. Waite............. ...........

Two guests alno attended, paper, but

wort local wa_r- procured the,gorgeous new cdenc;:^^ . tain that now hange on

FineQualilybaby IHICIi

vigor, h^lth a«J P , j,i^a (rtain-Kle.ahg .gfnt

,0nr Hatching Days are Tuesdays and Fn- ;days. Come in and book your order now.


Two good mixeis

are better Hian oneT!‘HF.ttEyousil.waich-

ing the IrmR road ahead as it dips and rises.

Under your feet there’s a quiet whisperioi, to let you know that all >5^-eight able Quick cylinders are happily on the job.

You’re giving not a single thought to what's happening under that long bonnet nosing out in front, but here’s wRat’s ^fng on:............. ........................

Instead of the single, compromise-siM carburetor you find on most cars, this BuickFiREBALL eight with Compound Carburciion* haS two good mixers on the job.

A single one of them—the front one— kee^ you rolling smoothly, easily

■ quietly, on th© very minimum ing of gasoline.

more fuel and more power for any emer­gency purpose I.

It's almost like having two engines—one to handle normal require­

ments thriftily, another to team up with the firs! for extra oomph and wallop when you want it.That kind of teamwork pays. -

And owners by the thousand will icU you it’a more economical too—aa much—as 10% ID 15% more economical. .....

If-you haven’t experienced what it feels like to have that under the bonnet of your automobile, better go have that Buick dcmonslraliim now.

But the other carburetor is ale ready for any sudden need. Just down on that accelerator pedal- •gSeYthWlnSTanT letloF, givilTry

■pBest I.'W: -BUICK PRICES BEGSiTs] ATdiliverei at Fllut,Mick. Statetaje,’^ii)naJ tguipcnenlandacctsiorus —extra. Prices suhject le — — —ckange uitkoul neticc. forHioBusioessCewpe

UC’ClL'v MtmAt CoUegeT


/Th6^M^i^y* MMiOl 6, , W4I^

Morehead Host To Christian Missionaries

■ hu.iulrijtl;

■ i

hav« lurich in tb« prU-ai« din- ICi^lith DiHlricl Women inff rcr»m «f the CtHfecp CiiMciiu To Moel Here On Tlinrii. prr.gram hp.sday Of Nex< Week. " ^ Among

M-hi'tv'll leatl it arc the

nmich will ht' hiisi Kt 11,e 8th avlhor 1^ s v..,!!,' ’r.iKtrlrt ,.f (Tirt.tian M.^.-lonary sio M ^-'.r

.Thu^hy, March h,,h. wher,’^ M,”

S'"""!’ Mhclon.-

rqhcSnrfff who.wlir'Sia ]a5"l,ii, V,rE*‘miciing, they <•;-(.VT..r;:i:y i,ic. xfi-v, Arthur

wUi s-'-emhif in (he Chureti for. liliiir.iiml .M;>, A. K., ;,a the all Hay meeting

The fi,<>teap,^unty iy«c»t Morehead, Kentucky^

RysseirSfe'_Pag€ Three

ywrs-ago Mr. DaVisltaa Impress work. Morehead may be Jiatly eti the school amt community proud of one who is s'

Lholar- a teacher, .«o accompli-

Churches ...................fliining. Hath, and ICIlloti coun-

It Is expected that more than of local

ary' Secretary.Mrs, C. O, Peratt is in charge

arrangements. Others


Better Fcne 71

Horehead Ice andtoal Co.

TRAIL THEATREMorehead, Kentucky.

Thursday & Friday, March 6-7Dick Powcii. Kllcn Drew In

“CHRISTMAS IN JULY”Ncwsi and Hiwlory Rcpcula Ilwlf


Saturday, March 8Gone .Viiipy. Jimms' Diiranic, Marv Lee In

“MELODY RANCH”No. Seven—JHyaicriouB Dr. Satan ami Cartoon

Sunday & Monday, March 9-10 ‘ TIN PAN ALLEY”

_______________ News and Short

Tuesday, March 11Ann Sothem and Lew Ayres In

“MAISIE,WAS A LADY”No. Four Dead End Kids, Serial and Short

Continued Showing — Ten cenis to all

Wednesday, March 12Gloria Je^in and Robert Stack In



M.iVBviri.r:. ktcxtickt

Thursday £: Friday March 6-7Juckic Cooper, Ix-lia luiniost In

“LIFE WITH HENRY” Saturday, Sunday, Monday March 8-9-10

Robert Yoiiiic. Brenda jovre In“WESTERN UNION” ,

Tuesday & Wednesday, March 11-12Georse Brent, Ann Sheridan In“HONEYMOON FOR 3”

Joan Leslie, John Litel In- “GREAJ MR. NOBODr____Thursday - Friday, March 13-14Jeffry Lynn, .Geraldine Fitzgerald In

FUGHT OF DESTINY"- Hugh Herbert, Anna. Nagel Jn_______

“MEET THE CHUMP”Bill Elliott, Evelyn Young In

WashingtonSaturday, March 8

“PRAIRIE SCHOONERSLlo«'d Nolan, Doris Davenport 1“BEHIND THE NEWS”

Sunday, March 9Errol iynn, Brenda Marshall In

“FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK”Blanton, of Hay has been held outside the

dty limits. Hue to the Inability 10 find a iuilable place in .town.

r-,1.r-uiii ,u M, ....... ••vlty The holding of ihis day at theCrl|ip]cd ChiWrcn and ihe Na- he received new, of -toekyarde in the future will

fire from Di.paieher J<» Maok. hol„ l.cili The ,nerch.nl, and ,her in'; , T"'’’ ?' '"■' »■“ '"“"f

tupplcd cnndrcn toimniasion. Dlsirlet on ihe Crnnlojpcnct. . . fhimieland .National Fnreat. and tmergeUCy tCOpinu.i noi be contueed «-lth the to ' prceni Intorma. IContinued Krom Page One)January' campaign of the Na- jj p,.oi,ai,iv ,,ei by some pi'oJuciing food for his livestock, ilonol, P'oundatlon commemorat- ikmc.vci.w who obtain loansir.g the binhday of President jy members of the Wilkiins for production of cash crops are Koo.-eveli. Kamily. required to give security, a first

Further announcement of the investiBation determines on the crop financed, or,, in™,ni„g drive will appear later. ” SeCe; li S ca-e oMo.n. to'; ,he purchase or' _ Show that there is truth in the production of feed for live-stock,

rox Hunters supersUtlon that the 13th is an ■» livestock tounlucky day. It may also bear l^® out the' new supertuiiion tliat.'•It's bad luck '.0 sis

Prompl Action By Krc ot‘«iTt~M "ihrW.H.O Peeveou Speed

Annual Drive For Crippled Children StartRowan County Fbs Re­ceived Much Benefit From Work DoneFor fifteen years the Ken- t

■ tucky Society for Crippled Child I ren has held an annual drive

■'Tor nmas^WTsoiKT 'new'iep;''.....-arms, bodies, for more than 8,006 children. The IMI drive comes off soon—from April 2 to April 13—It's the Easter Seal

jSai^and Membership Campaign,If yoii remember “ .........

In Rowan 0>uju.y. tne Society is right now ro-maklng 16 young­sters through iu qualified agen- • • cy, thel^eniucky Crippled Child ren Conjmis.sion. In Rowan Coun-

• ty,. 46 children have been help­ed in the past at an approxi­mate co-St of S272 for each child

• Unfortunately, there are still more children in Rowan Coun­ty who have been examined but must wait because of lack of funds.

We want you to campaign for the kids In your county, . *

There are now in the Stale about 4.00a youngsters on a waiting list to be helped. There ar. thnia agenda, Jn Kentucky w.^en. Emmiuw-orkl',g ogeihec lor ihe.e enp „„n,cg|„c „„j)i«i cnmircn. action to put out a .small forest to find a .cuDabl

The, Kentucky Society toe .^Ich ocourreU

> effective-------- - VNV.W..,., .-nj ut-i-umplished a ber-

ship, and his capacity for hard former, anerso tuhure.] a pvt-on.

irl In . __

Buy PioneerBaby ChicksFor their early nialuring cluraclerUlic. that

iiuitre earlier profiu. ^ -

5 Leading Breeds AvailableQUALITY CHICKS UY AND PAY


Flemingsburg HatcheryFlemingsbiirg, Ky.

Ky. S. S. Approved


Aie Said To Have Set Fires J.H. Powers Added

Of Flames

Dr. O.M. Lyons.' tea.101.. .nd the remainderDK»TIBT "If po,.,e„ ample quallllcallolU byult, in the wooded ..clkin. In

In Ceny BniMfng

Crosley ShelvadorVesper Services

■ slop the forest fires •

Breck Fifth Grade„ , ^ ^ tContlnacd From P-ige One)

icom nueil From Page Oncl Memor.El Hall ha.® in "went 'ear. proved too .mallBlack Wlntred Qui-coberry pom„u„ auedonce, .o

iir.i Flag ot ihc umicd Colon- „,ony,arc turned away each hi, rot»”d t"l»n etc™' sond.y,-.nd early arrival Is Im- “ckt fS.o„ ’■ PttfU'-e.ln order ,o be sure d

The Stars and Stripes in 1777 John Everhait. Jack Kiser

The American Piag 1795 to 1818

dry, cold. ciicuUting air.

$189.95To keep cooked meas. left-over vegerahfn feed) and flavorful widiout the bodiei of coven. PHuee SUM powB sTsm

•Built by'precision methods, and

•anwBy! Many other fetmi«

Verian Black. Charles Goff Saluting the Flag Carl Fair ■CaH-to the Oolors Dickq Berog

■ginsPledge of Allegiance - -- Fifth

grade and audience Star Spangled Banner (First

verse) Fifth grade and audi­ence

the American Flagon 1846 .' A Mighty Nation On-Wblrdt Hxe..

Billy Vaughan. Carl Fair Sun Never Seta Dickerson, Pauline McBrsyer. Donna Morreaux

SUrs. Slates Carl Fair, Peggy Kash, Bernard Greer, Virginia Litton

How to Display the Flag .. Patsy Young, John W.. Hol­brook

FWg Song . Ann Dickerson The Flag Speaks .. Janit

leyAmerica Ihe Beautiful • (Verses 1 and 4) Fifth Grade and Audi-

_ ___ Morehead has thisplimenury experience to anli- paie in the possible remote future.

Since coming to Morehead six

HOREHUD APPLIANCE SHOPCandill Bldg, Morehead, Kentacky


Dud- II'.Cl anybeauty and utility. Cabinet dMign. cot Iain toblo lop oorvof oi bandy work ■xciuog DOW odvanlogeo Ihol mako it

Freezorcold - - -Super Cold Compartmeni Extra space for Jreesinf •leafs, poultry, ice cream.

$10.00 down $5.00 month

Patented - - Exclusive SHELVADORFive handy extra sAe/pes-in-ihe door; Food rom^i-r^enf porcelain enameled; Hrmetically sealed Electro^ver unit

MOREHEAD APPLIANCE SHOPCaudill Bldg., Morehead, JCenhicky

Accompanist: Mr. George Young

Why Go To Church(Continued FTo«a Page One)The Ve.upcr - Service at 5:00

its fine service,o’clock continue.s to be a helpful sendee. The-subject of the mes­sage for Sunday afternoon will be “'The Meaning and Purpose of Lem.” Mrs. George* will play meditation music on the organ

.and Mr. Goorge will provide spec lal music. Y’ou may request your favorite hymn. The public is cor dially tnviiwl to all ot these ser vU'e-=. ;

Ual Hsjj301-=3(B2lux6In.

To Hold Jockey DayrContinued Fttxn Page One)

to hold the monthly "lockey day” at the stock yards in the future. For the past few years Jockey

Morehead Appliance Shop^ Morehead, Kentucky

Page Four The Rouizn Coiuttf-Nne$, Mof^ehead, Kentucky Hmraday, Mawh 6, 1941

j Person^^Christian Church Missionary Spend Monday In Huntioglon head Iasi week.Society was held Thursday Dr. und TSirs. A. W. Adkins ' ---------Evening, March eth, at the were lui-^iness visitors in Hun- Culled To WaHhington, 1». C. home of Mrs. Roberta Minish. Unfton Monday. • Mrs. Maggie Hogge was ra!le4-^>» Sojourning In FloridaMias Juaniu Minish awlsted in --------- Washington. D. C. Satarrtav Mrs.^Walter Stvift and, nlecss _entertaining, and was al.-;i) in Mr>*. Arnold Betums

f ter, Miss' Lynn Thompson of Charter last semester, teing theMaysvillc. sixth chapter in the-stal«-------

New mcmlrers arc reccivetl ut the first regular husinc.-s meet­ings »f the First and Second Be

aub Heara Mlsa RlphlnThe Morehead Womens Club

Uie dub property will be'dis-group of women attended.

I>v thA sAri/iii.: iiinA-- ,»f iv„r Katherine and Ellzalicih Blair , ^Arnold retumed\,ic,An.in:iaw xir.- u-~.. and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Blair meeting at which

1 Frankie left Satur

met Tue«lay February 24 for <'am< Hare Guesj.s

Is GoMt Of Unrie ,Mrs. Walter Bach of Exel spent

Sunday from Knoxville. Tenn.„ ______ .,vhirc jhj_ w;u called bj thbiil. r„„ vw> lo W. Va. dac te-a icn dajTiribua"v'llit 'W-4eSttJ" *

Mrs, R. w. Jennlng.s returned at Cfearwater Florida. '**'*•• «no“>l»nt are not so-ness of Mr. Arnold. He suffer-

Monday with he unde o‘ P Sunday from Montgomery, W. ............................ •’ liciietl. Any Mudenis desiring tothei, reBul.r dinner meellng at Sunday dinner guesf. ol Mr. Car and lamlly.' ' ' S"“< R-Inm. Fred, noeclUl berame FTA mcmbrr.a should

J. ('. WdlH lx Betterthe C'hri.stian church. After din- and Mrs, O. P. Carr" were her tier the group went to the church *ister.--Mw. Stella Fannin and *"'“^**^ "•*** ^•"^auditorium for a talk hy Miss ,.;on Hrbert and his wife and seriously ill. is^'showlng some thoiU-

-- the guest of Reinmu From HoupltalMrs. Henry Ct^is and Mr. Coats Edwanl Bishop who under- announcjMheir inlention.s to the

, „ ........ a. . , during the week Prof Coats Who went a .serious appendicitis opera offerers ”f die chapter. These^ Is of the i<..nmcreiaL depart- tion two weeks ago was able to arc: Prc.-UdCni: Catherint^ Well-

ai Montgomery Was for-Sally Elkin, interior decorator rS,-! "L-r .."I Tuesday evening at the improvement.or LalnBon. She lllunra.cd her «' hnme ot Mr.,, c. E. ui.hop. The ---------

- taJJr wlth--drapcries -gnd-wrib J=t^l>LrLv_and,.Mrs,^B^ Laughlin. prpgram carrying out the theme |>«vc FV>r#Wesicm Trip raners. _ _ ..------L.. Of the year. "Kentucky" was in Mr 'rr.-,ni.- r

■nicrly teacher in Morehead col­lege.

return home WedneMlay.

*pers. ronni-u T« Hair. Hit..— ta. ~l Mr. and^Mrs.'Frank Haven.® Mrs. Patton Hiw tiueHtssp«ia, SU..U Of lb. cm wc « -Tb«..y

Future Teachert Hold Regular Meeting

the members of the Rowan Counaomic ChyJi IsoTid-'-'glTv

The Woman's Council of the Mrs. J. W. Holbrook announced pttoenfx^Ar'lz^ wh'ere"*' tstlan Church will hold a talks as tollows: regain 1

Mr.-cc-r Tea"; Wedhe.'^'3ay,‘______rk-kinridge Train- 12 at the home of Mrs, C. U. S, J. Denny

is fJcalth. Jack Patton and a friend from

Vice Pre.-iltlent: . Hayden Carm/chaoUSwrciaryi Jcan Ann

- .lone.s; Treasurer, h'aye ly.vtton:' Librarian: aiady,-; Ratcliff: Par- limenuirlan: Ruth CroWc: Song

of I.eailer: Marlon lAOuiso-Oppcn-

I njeeibusiness ineelhig .at the home ---------of Mr®. W. H. Vaughan. All mem Ch'rixttan Missionary Meeto bers are asked to be present, as The monthly meeting of the


- jjfs.- Oscar Jauic

January, suffering from pneumonia. They expect to be Kvons Have Goesis

The rmurc Teachers America "iFn'Ar'^adtmTrrcguirTTnmiT'-Spnnsorr-Dn--^^ ar inceiing at llie-btinie of l>r. Miller.Frank H; MiHer. Tuesday even- ---------------------------------------------------ing, from 7:1X1 to ii:30 P. M, The tvb » /» Ufa PCI/meeting was a Valentine Parly. l/K’ W. C. IrlAlvuJ t

ehs has secured the services of their daughter Missevening , daughter Miss Gladys ik>na| Etlucailon Association.

Mrs. iKjfothy Cales wiio will Evelyn of-PikevlHc and her sis- Morehead received iu Motional"w®' « ,, ». o . look after lift Allie'Jane Beauty- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . .

Mrs. C. E, Bitaop, Mrs, S. J. Ch„nneDennv, Mrs. Mau^o Adams. Mrs. ' ^■•KROGEROscar Patrick. Mrs. E. Hogge. Are .Week-Knd Goesi*Mr.s, Mary Hogge. WiUon Cun Caudill and daiAilend Tournaments „f Louisville spent the

end here visiting relatives and fv;end‘, _



Priced From-

$2.00 and UpShampoo and Finger Ware

We alto give macAine/es« permanents

AllieJane Beauty ShoppeALUE JANE HAVENS, Owner

- Phone 257 - Mrs. Dorothy Cales, Operator

Walter Carr anti J. erty ationdeil the KIAC iiii'iui the State tourney ville. Iasi week.

T, Daiigh- ' C at Rich- f

: I.oui.-

daugh- e week-

Are Ashland Vtelloni' ■ Mr. and .Mrs. Roscoe Hutchin

lleiurn From Florida .lau^mer Dura and son>Dr. and Mrs. A. L, Diair .stop- jtoscoe Jr., ahtl Clifford and

ped over in Moreheati Saturday Mrs. Uarna Hose spent Sunday oil their way home from a six •„ Ashland. ,weeks stay in Clearwater, Fta, ---------

------- Is Garst Of ParentsSpend Week-End In Frankfort 5^^, Olendon Stanley of Man.Mr, ami Mrs. X. E. Kennarrt W. Va.. spent la.st week here j

.-^pent Sunday and Monday. in the guest of her iwrents, Mr. | Frankfort guesu of Mr. and and Mts. Dan Parker.Mi'j. Harrv Jeffers ..

______ Will ITench At KlllottsvllleLexington Vlslfom ' Rev. B. H Kazee will preach

■s. C. O. Perati and .daugh- at Elliuttsville on next Sunday j Francis were Saturday visit- March U. at One thirty p. m.

Im^SfiVlNGS^ i


# S.sv,:,'.. JO^f over rcirtilarf »oon.l r-:n. SY “tWIXti THE WO

3 L«. l!A(i—3U, ucrll, J.S'4,.

2 ANHSAtEMIll.-i. Kiev 111'; I . . !^ imiEii «;;u,-iiNo«N iii;.i.M.-s. 3 lbs. tvotiltl rost 69o.

Always fresh bpr-tise ifs Hof-Dated at - the roaster! GUAKANTEilD-lfs feot

___ to be good Iii in Lexington,

Rowan County Seed

-For —

Rowan County Growers

Epperhart's No. 16

Tobacco SeedCertified by the Agriculture College The Best Seed For A Bumper Crop

On Sale At Standard Prices C^roirH" 7n Eastern ^Kentucky But sold over

-'-the-entire tobacco d«fricl.

DAVE EPPERHART- RonfrOne —................ Worefceod, Ky

AUen Ubiek Is lU Is Gnest Of Parents Allc-n Black of Eiliutlville left |

Le Davis Oppenhelmer, leach- Tuesday morning for Lexington er at Brooksvillc spent the for a complete physica examina- week end with hts parents. tion. Mr, Black has been sufter------------------ ^̂--------------- ing frjjm siatit rheumaiism-and

P'OR SALE jn y serious condition.Twenty-live acre* of land, two He wa- in town .Monday to con-

,, honses on it for $7002» doUars. ,Call at John Tmmbo's and »ee. ___

p J. M. TBOIBO Entertain. 8. 8. CU»

KOTICE OF DI9S0EIT10N „,7h'/M.fS'rS™S'‘sS XoUee is hereby given that the jjrs, Roy Vencill.Evans Lumber Co. Ine.. of More- -j-jjarsday night for business and head. Ky., is dissolving and elos- ^ Refreshment*Ing np Its biksiness as of April 1st Eer\ ed by the hostess.JMl. ____

T. A. K. EVANS, Secy. Mrs, McKinney Leaves For Cary--------- .Mrs John McKinney left Fri-

BABT CHICKS ,jj,y Gary, kid. where she willBaby Chick. $!.£• hundrod up. join her .-on who i.s employed C. O. D, m breed.. Heavy mixed there, ShcL^topped over in Louis •S.70. WRITE: ville for a short visit before go-

D. W. NICHOLS A CO. ' iftg on to Gary ;KINGSTON. GBOBGIA

_____ Society To Meet March ISFOB BENT * March 13 the liVomens Divis-

Hx room dwoUtac with WW, iun uf Christian Service of the OB Mata Street at comer of Methudisl Church will have a Piemlncabmrg Highway. Will "pot luck" dinenr for all church rant reaaoubla. Sea or call. members in.stead of the regular

M. F. BROWN. Phono T4 missionary meeting

BREAD 8( 3 23(DRIED PEACHES —“------- 10cPEANUT BUnER - - 19(SYRUP—^—1 “----------- 10cPEACHES tf. Can Heavy Syrup 2 ” 25cKETCHUPBROOMS

-----------Large Bottle------------- -----------------------.j Q ^__ _ __


W.A. PORTER^EUiolUville, Ky.

A. A. V W Cronp MeetsTrp literary department of the

AACW met last Friday with Mrs W. H. Vaughan. Two bonks

."^•■^llhia and the-Slave Girl" by iAHIIa Cathk' and ‘Troni- Many

FOR RENTFive room apartment on Sec­

ond Street. All modem, bath. Given furnace, heat etc. See Mrs. M<WT Mrs. o. L. Cline was honoredROBERTS Lyons Ave.

-WE HAVE LISTED-One room house One good basinesB place three

miles from Morehead on Route 60. One acre of land, dwelling house, and two cottages. Gas Sta­


If you have money to invest, you wont go wrong on this farm located seventeen miles Hifrotn Portsmouth, Ohio on the Whect ersburg road, Route One. Fifty- si^ acres of land, six room weather boarded and plastered house, el­ectric lights. Also lot Fifty by seventy-two feel.

Price reasonable. Cash lor Terms

Small farm three and one-half miles from Morehead. TTiirty-five acres, five room bouse, -twent)'- SIX acres level land, located* in gas field. Cash or terms.

One huildiiig-lot located on third street, paving paid. Reason­able price. .

One six room, new house with garage, large lot. located two miles east of Morehead. Cash or terms.

One six room house, one acre of land. HiomaB edition. Cash or terms.

One„seveh rodia frame bouse concrete basement and porch, .gar age, smoke house, bam poultry house four and one half acres of land on Route Sixty, ten miles from Morehead. Good place for

.. vcgclahle store. _ .Small farms located four and

one half miles from Morehead, one and one half miles from Flemingsbut^ road, on the new highway to Vanceburg. Good busi ness places. Reasonable price. Cash or terms.

Mrs. Lyda Messer Caudill

with a tniKt-ellaneous shower last w-rek when a. number of friends snrprised-her-at her new home on Hsj*s avenue while-she and Mr-t- Cline were atranging the funiture in,the bou-^e. The party wa.-i planned by Mrs. Arthur itar bar and Mrs. Sue Fugate. .Mrs. Cline was before hec marriage last faU. Miss Edylhe Vencill.

Refreshments were served and 'Mrs. Cline given many nice gifi-s. The Clines plan to move to their new home in the near future.

AttendKIAC TonnieyArthur Barber. Murvill Cau­

l-sons .andElmo Halt attended the KI.-\C tournament at Richmond, Thurs­day and Saturday.

Visit In AsKbtnd Suzanne Chunn and Virginia

Jobasop acwmpanled Rdbecca Patton to Ashland Sunday.

Is Visiting In W. Va Mrs. D. F. Walker who went

to Wayland last week to visit relative? is now visiting in Wil­liamson, W. Val

MwtkeaA RealEdate Kcritaky

Are Lexington VisitorsMr. ami Mrs. Earl May and son

Jack went to Lexington Monday to visit relatives. They returned Wednesday.

Spends Week Here •. Mrs. Susie Henry of Richmond was a business visitor in More-

PRODUCEGrapefruit, Seedless 10 for 29cJuicy Oranges, Doz.---- 14>/2CApples,------8 lbs.------ 25c

M-E-A-T Breakfast Bacon - - Lb. - T/'/zcPork Liver----- Lb.------ 15cBeef Roast, Plate style - 12Vzc

Head Lettuce...........2 for 15c Pork Sausage...........Lb. - - 17cCarrots - - - 2 Lunches - - - 9c Bologna, Sliced, - - Lb. - -13 VzcCelery..........2 bunches - - 15c Frankfurters...........Lb. - - 19cPotatoes 100 Ib. 1.49,10 lb. 15c |0leo Margarine - - - 3 Lbs. - 25c

PUREIARD50:‘‘3.49 20^"“ 1.49OATS "IS”-’-— -2'"25t

----------------------------gUj—----------------FLOUR24 73cNAVY BEANS -10“'-----------=39cPINTO BEANS'^'”'^™'^----- 10“'—45cMEAL -—--------- ^49tCANDY BARS^ —2 "5cWesco Special EGG MASH - - - 100 Lb^Bag - - - - $2.05Starting and Growing------- - MASH lOO Ib. bag $2.1516 p. c Dairy Feed 100 lb. 1.75Scratch Feed, 100 Ib bag $1,79^

IMl-O-N-E 250 - ■ We DelivevBrders Over $3.00