health and social care integration · 2015-08-31 · dumfries and galloway health and social care...

Health and Social Care Integration Involvement, Communication and Engagement Action Plan Catherine Withington August 11, 2015

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Health and Social Care Integration Involvement, Communication and Engagement Action Plan

Catherine Withington August 11, 2015

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Action Plan First Quarter

(Activity to 31st March 2015)

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Stakeholder Activity to 31st March 2015

Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Stakeholders (see Appendix 1)

Public Magazine Distribution of the Council performance magazine, ‘Broadcast’, to all 76,000 households across the region. The magazine featured an article on Health & Social Care Integration.

Claire Aitken, Communications Manager.

Nov 2014

Public Meeting with St Georges Church Guild, Dumfries

A presentation by Julie White to the members of the St George’s Church Guild about the Integration Programme

Julie White 27th January 2015

Public Consultation using Survey Monkey.

Consultation, via Survey Monkey, giving people the opportunity to comment on Dumfries & Galloway’s draft Integration Scheme

Sheila Davies and Julie White.

6th February – 6

th March 2015

Stakeholders (See Appendix One)

Draft terms of reference & working agreement for Dumfries & Galloway Public Involvement Panel (PIP) and steering group.

Transition from Public Partnership Forum to Public Involvement Panel (PIP). Framework supporting the working relationship between the joint partners involved in community engagement in order to develop a working collaborative to provide an effective two way community engagement structure with the people living and using services within Dumfries & Galloway.

Scottish Health Council. In progress

Staff Briefing/Email First in a series of briefing papers to keep staff up to date on the progress of Health & Social Care Integration within Dumfries & Galloway.

Chief Officer, Julie White and Programme Manager, Catherine Withington.

20th January 2015

All stakeholders Initial website development

Initial meetings to decide layout, content etc. Catherine Withington, Stephanie Mottram, Kirsten Moffat and Nigel Gammage

Development meetings throughout 1

st quarter and on-


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Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Third Sector Forum Forums held for Third Sector colleagues in Annan and Stranraer

Peter Ross Eileen Usher

Wigtownshire, Burns House, Stranraer Friday 20

th February

2015. Annandale and Eskdale, Annan Town Hall Chambers, Friday 27


March 2015.

Health & Social Care Staff

Community Roadshows

Series of information sessions; informing staff about the new hospital build, Clinical and Services Change Programme and Health & Social Care Integration.

Julie White, Catherine Withington, Stephanie Mottram.

Moffat Hospital 26th


Kirkcudbright Hospital 28

th January

Castle Douglas Hospital 28

th January

Thornhill Hospital 30th


Langholm Hospital 5th


Annan Hospital 5th of


Galloway Community Hospital 6

th February

Newton Stewart Hospital 6

th February

Lochmaben Hospital 11th


Staff – Members of the GP Sub

Meeting Meeting with members of the GP Sub to discuss Integration and the Strategic Plan.

Vicky Freeman & Mark Sindall

18th February 2015

Health & Social Care Staff

Community Roadshow (Nithbank Boardroom)

Series of information sessions; informing staff about the new hospital build, Clinical and Services Change Programme and Health & Social Care Integration.

Julie White, Catherine Withington, Stephanie Mottram.

11th March 2015

Nurse Managers from the Community, Senior Charge Nurses and Community Charge Nurses.

Community Nurse Development Programme (the Murray Arms, Gatehouse)

Presentation to provide an update to community nurses on the new hospital build, Clinical Services Change Programme and Health & Social Care Integration.

Catherine Withington, Robyn Langton, Hazel Walker.

12th March 2015

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Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Strategic Planning Group

Stakeholders (See Appendix One)

Strategic Planning Group Meeting

Establishment of the Strategic Planning Group, who will direct and oversee the preparation and development of the Strategic Plan. Presentations from Christina Naismith (Joint Improvement Team), Julie White (Chief Officer) and Dr Andrew Carnon (Interim Joint Director of Public Health) followed by small group discussions around the 9 National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes.

Jim Parker (Presentations from Julie White, Christina Naismith and Dr Andrew Carnon).

Complete - 3rd

February 2015

All stakeholders Public consultation

To allow all stakeholders to view and comment on Dumfries and Galloway’s Draft Integration Scheme.

Julie White, Catherine Withington and Integration Team.

Commenced 6th February and

concluded 6th March 2015

NHS Board Workshop Chief Officer 9th February 2015

Stakeholders Impact Assessment

To establish impact and effects of the Integration Scheme.

Liz Manson and Sheila Davies

26th February 2015

NHS Board Performance Committee

Meeting To discuss the Draft Integration Scheme Chief Officer 2nd

March 2015

Stakeholders (See Appendix One)

Email Email sent out to all attendees of the Strategic Planning Group workshop on the 3

rd February 2015.

The email included as attachments:

A report on the event

The two presentations from the day and

A letter from Julie White outlining ‘next steps’

Vicky Freeman Complete – 6th March 2015

Housing Sector Stakeholders

Meeting To brief and consult on the Draft Integration Scheme, and to agree future housing sector involvement with Integration going forward.

Julie White and Catherine Withington

6th March 2015

Medical Staffing Committee (MSC)

Briefing A paper-based briefing document on the progress to date of the Integration Programme with impacts on medical staff.

Julie White and Angus Cameron

9th March 2015

Council Elected Members

Information Session

Provided an opportunity for discussion and questions Chief Executive and Chief Officer

19th March 2015

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Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

NHS Board Meeting Presented Scheme to NHS Board for approval prior to final amendments and submission to Scottish Government by deadline (31

st March 2015)

24th March 2015

Full Council Meeting Presented Scheme to Full Council for approval prior to final amendments and submission to Scottish Government by deadline (31

st March 2015)

25th March 2015

Scottish Government Electronic submission

Final D&G Integration Scheme submitted to Scottish Government

Julie White 31st March 2015

*A comprehensive and detailed Involvement, Communication and Engagement plan relating to the Strategic Plan will be developed and implemented.

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Annandale and Eskdale to 31st March 2015






Workforce across the sectors in Annandale and Eskdale

Consultation and engagement Engagement through Value based Reflective Practice and Story Dialogue

2 large events held April & Sept 2013 to inform people about integration and begin to identify areas of priority action

6 Community Roadshows across the locality to inform, learn from stories and experiences of people who use services as well as the people providing services to inform our Locality Planning process.

HSCI Exec Group Completed between September and December 2014

People in Communities

Newspaper Stories Information booklet developed for use with public and workforce Community surveys – face to face/survey monkey and through third and independent sector partners Survey Feedback sessions & Asset Mapping

People (good news) stories and information about Community surveys and events

Information booklet developed for use with public and workforce

Survey questions focusing on outcomes to inform locality planning

Community sessions to feedback survey results and do some asset mapping to identify (with people in communities) what supports and services/things they use to live/keep well and want to share/develop. with others

This information transferred to ALISS

Elaine Lamont On-going Action Plan developed Between February and April 2015

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Information about integration nationally and locally

Government Leaflet distributed with payslips

FAQs document circulated

Locality postbox / email address

Locally developed booklet distributed to workforce to give information and ask them to promote and become engaged in the survey in their role and personally (if appropriate)

John McGoldrick John McGoldrick/Elaine Lamont

October 2014 March 2015

Social Work, Council, Voluntary and Independent sectors

Talking Points Training x 2

Training to develop outcome focused conversations and person centred care Will support the Resilience / FLC model going forward

Elaine Lamont/FLC Team 25 & 26th March 2015

Managers & Senior staff from the various disciplines within Annandale & Eskdale, maintaining and progressing day to day Locality ‘business’

Locality NHS Management Team

Health & Social Care Minuted and Chaired by John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

Since June 2014, monthly meetings held at Lockerbie Locality Offices and Annan Clinic alternately

Individuals and representatives from communities and organisations across the sectors

Annandale and Eskdale Safe & Healthy Action Partnership (SHAP)

Partners working together to plan and prioritise activity to improve outcomes (health, wellbeing, quality of life and safety) for people in A&E. Best use of resources and assets whilst avoiding duplication. Work within the community planning structures to deliver KPIs and assist towards the SQA for Dumfries and Galloway.

Elaine Lamont Ongoing

Representatives from the Health & Social Care disciplines & groups including Third Sector & Private Providers

Locality Health & Social Care Integration Group

Monitoring the development and progression of Integration matters. Stemming from this group are short life working groups looking at specific issues:

- Staff Engagement - Community and Public Engagement - Integration Roadshows - Locality Plan

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

All ongoing

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John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator), Dr Neil Kelly (Clinical Director), Jimmy Marshall (Senior Social Work Manager), Jamie Ferguson (DGC Framework Manager), Jim Gatherum (Private sector)

Locality Executive Group

Met on two occasions to formally consider Putting You First applications and informally on two occasions to discuss Integration in general

Elaine Lamont (Public Health Practitioner) – formal Advisor to the group

Established June 2014

Consists of; Locality Co-ordinator, Clinical Director, Nurse Manager, supported by Finance and HR Business Partner input

Locality Management Executive Group

Meets as necessary to consider issues affecting the Locality Service deliver

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

Monthly meetings established.

Prescribing Group A&E Prescribing Group

Group of GPs and Pharmacy Advisor Meet quarterly - HSCI on as regular item of discussion/updates

Neil Kelly/Dot Kirkpatrick

Quarterly meetings held.

Social Services Staff Focus Group Social Work Integration Group (SWIG) formed within Locality Social Work Team, looking at Integration, Locality Plan and how to progress

Jimmy Marshall (Social Work Locality Manager)

January 2015 & ongoing

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Nithsdale to 31st March 2015






Integration workshop - Nithsdale

Case Studies To raise awareness and discussion around an integrated outcomes focussed model. Case study presented by Chris Wallace and Martin McGroaty.

Colin Lewis Integration workshop – 25th

November 2014

Practice Managers - Nithsdale

Locality Practice Managers meeting

Discuss and agree with Practice Managers improving engagement and discussion with General Practice around integration.

Alison Solley 27th November 2014

Staff Drop-in sessions and Operational Team Meetings.

To expand staff engagement. Alison Solley 27th November and 15



Two small cohorts of Health & Social Care staff, Third and Independent sectors

Leadership Development Programme

The programme is aimed at those who have been identified as crucial to driving forward the integration agenda through enhanced management and leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours. Representation from different agencies, disciplines and bands, an approach to promote networking, sharing good practise, and building a collaborative approach to team working.

Alison Solley / Wendy Copeland

Cohort one

25th – 27

th March

30th April – 5

th May

10th – 11

th June

Cohort Two

19th – 21

st May


– 3rd


17th June

26th June

Locality Co-ordinator, Acting Senior Social Work Manager, Clinical Lead

Executive Team To agree how to prepare the 2 organisations for integration. Discuss workshop topics, communications etc. To agree priorities for the locality over the period since July 2014 and ongoing.

Alison Solley Meetings as required

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Managers from Health & Social Care in Nithsdale, Mental Health and Acute Directorate representatives, a commissioner and a Practice Manager representative

Interim Joint Management Group (Between NHS and Social Services)

Focus to: - Develop our understanding of one another’s

services and professions and develop our relationships and networks

- Understand and value the differences in the two organisations

- Understand our common vision - Understand the totality of our collective

resources - Plan together in order to take forward

integration within the locality - Scope the tasks and issues that we need to

address jointly - Develop a model of working that works best

within Nithsdale - Develop a locality plan

Alison Solley / Rebecca Aldridge

September 2014 – Ongoing

Representatives from Health & Social care, Third Sector, Independent Sector and members of the public

Locality Partnership Group (previously reference group)

The group was formed in order to begin to develop a locality-based forum to link into the integration process and has continued to meet bimonthly. The ongoing aim is to enable effective engagement with a wide range of partners and service users. This can be achieved through the Locality Partnership Group and two other sub-groups of the Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Partnership – Homelessness and Risk Management (HARM) and Healthy Eating Physical Activity (HEAL).

Tina Gibson Established June 2013

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Open to all partners within the statutory, community, voluntary and independent sectors within Nithsdale

Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Partnership

The partnership aims to: - Work together to make the best use of local

resources, avoiding duplication whilst meeting local targets, priorities and needs

- Work with communities to identify local needs and opportunities in relation to issues around safety, health and wellbeing

- Work together to develop projects and initiatives which will improve safety, health and wellbeing

Tina Gibson Long standing well established group running since the time of LHCCs and LHPs

Locality – Nithsdale Community Consultation – Survey Monkey, focus groups and face to face interviews

Consultation with individuals and groups to inform the development of health & social care services within the current integration agenda, looking at needs, assets and how we can actively involve people in developing and support and services that meet their needs. Around 1500 people consulted. Results being analysed.

Tina Gibson Consultation ran from Sept 14 – January 15

NHS Staff (Nithsdale) Staff Engagement Providing staff with information and involving them in shaping integration within the locality.

- Creation of a locality mailbox - Distribution of Scottish Government

Integration Booklets - Advertising staff ‘drop in sessions’ - Distribution of a FAQ document - Circulation of Sam’s Story - Circulation of Mrs Andrews story - Link to all Hands on Deck advertised to staff

Alison Solley (Locality Co-ordinator, Nithsdale)

28 July 2014

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All stakeholders Workshops Three workshops held in Nithsdale with the aim that participants would gain a better understanding of each other’s roles, identify commonalities and better understand and value differences. Topics introduced at these include:

- Managing change - Creating a culture for the future - Exploring the vision for Health & Social Care

Integration - Understanding the basic requirements for a

Locality Plan - Outcomes focussed case study - National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

Summer 2014

Third Sector Engagement Work with Locality Convenor to establish communication link from the Third Sector forum to the locality management team.

Alison Solley / Tina Gibson /Locality Convenor

Initial discussion held 26 February 2015

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Stewartry to 31st March 2015






Locality integration workshop participants

Case studies To feedback on whether outcomes could be met in a different way. Raise awareness and discussion around an integrated outcome focussed model.

Barbara Aitken Integration workshop – August 2014

One small cohort of Health & Social Care staff, Third and Independent sectors

Leadership Development Programme

The programme is aimed at those who have been identified as crucial to driving forward the integration agenda through enhanced management and leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours. Representation from different agencies, disciplines and bands, an approach to promote networking, sharing good practise, and building a collaborative approach to team working.

Sharon Walker / Barbara Aitken


6th , 7

th & 10

th November



&4th November 2014


January 2015

12 March 2015

Locality Co-ordinator, Locality Social Work Manager, Clinical Lead / Nurse Manager, Public Health Practitioner, Commissioner

Executive Team To agree how to prepare the 2 organisations for integration. Discuss workshop topics, communications etc. To agree priorities for the locality over the period February 2015 and ongoing.

Alison Solley / Barbara Aitken


Staff (Stewartry) Staff Engagement Providing staff with information and involving them in shaping integration within the locality.

- Distribution of Scottish Government Integration Booklets

- Distribution of link to Sam’s Story

Linda Owen September 2014

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Managers from Health & Social Care in Stewartry, Mental Health and Acute Directorate representatives, a commissioner and a Practice Manager representative

Interim Joint Management Group (Between NHS and Social Services)

Focus to: - Develop our understanding of one another’s

services and professions and develop our relationships and networks

- Understand and value the differences in the two organisations

- Understand our common vision - Understand the totality of our collective

resources - Plan together in order to take forward

integration within the locality - Scope the tasks and issues that we need to

address jointly - Develop a model of working that works best

within Stewartry - Develop a locality plan

Barbara Aitken / Sharon Walker & Christine Lyon

September 2014 – to date

Open to all partners within the statutory, community, voluntary and independent sectors within Stewartry

Stewartry Health and Wellbeing Partnership

The partnership aims to: - Work together to make the best use of local

resources, avoiding duplication whilst meeting local targets, priorities and needs

- Work with communities to identify local needs and opportunities in relation to issues around health and wellbeing

- Work together to develop projects and initiatives which will improve health and wellbeing

Sharon Walker Long standing well established group running since the time of LHCCs and LHPs; now constituted

Staff Dumfries & Galloway wide

Information Update

Staff briefing by Julie White, Health & Social Care integration, Chief Officer

Julie White 20 January 2015

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Locality – Stewartry Community Consultation; face to face and Survey Monkey Community Capacity Building Pilot (Dalbeattie)

Community engagement carried out with individuals from PYF, NHS, Social Work, Community Learning and Development and Third Sector. Through the People Powered Health Programme a practical assessment and planning tool; Building Stronger Communities is being piloted in Dalbeattie.

Sharon Walker Survey/engagement undertaken July and August 2014 as part of PYF initiative. 268 people from Kirkcudbright, Dalbeattie, Gatehouse, Castle Douglas Glenkens and surrounding areas. Community Capacity pilot will be completed in June; roll out to other areas across Stewartry

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Wigtownshire to 31st March 2015






Staff (Wigtownshire) Operational

Management Team

Service operational team managing and delivering NHS business across the Locality

GM – Alison Burns In place, meeting monthly or earlier as required.

Locality H&SCI Executive Group

Executive/Steering Group

To co-ordinate and drive forward H&SCI in the Locality. Provide formal Executive and Governance & Financial decisions, all within formal Board Governance arrangements.

Locality Co-Ordinator (John McGoldrick)

In place. Meeting every 4 weeks.

Stakeholders (Wigtownshire)

Health & Social Care activity and reference group

H&SCI Stakeholders - Practitioners and members.

Discuss and agree Locality Actions to support HSCI in


Locality Co-Ordinator (John McGoldrick)

In place. Has been meeting every 4 weeks in 2015.

Stakeholders & community (Wigtownshire)

Locality Plan Preparation of Locality Plan Locality Co-ordinator (John McGoldrick)

Group formulated and have had initial meeting. Scoping/Planning approach event being progressed for 31 March 2015. ToR re Locality Plan agreed 17 March 2015

All staff in Wigtownshire locality

Communications 1. FAQ Paper 2. Distributed Scottish Government Leaflets 3. H&SCI Newsletter (Julie White) 4. Locality Newsletter

Locality Co-ordinator/Health Promotion – Julie Currie

1&2 Distributed to all NHS and Social Services staff – attached to individual pay slips & circulated to 3

rd & Independent

Sector staff. 3 & 4 –initial publications circulated across Stakeholder groups/staff.

Circulated Communication Network

Easy transfer of information Developed with HR and other organisations

Work in progress. Mailing lists drawn together and managed at Locality Level, through Health Improvement in early stages.

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Scoping process Scoping process to map current assets in order to get

an overview of what services are out there, chart duplication, omission and delivery of these resources against the nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

Julie Currie and Jen McDonald (Public Health Improvement Team), Third Sector and Independent Sector partners

Work in progress. Some material drawn together also by Integration Support Officers through PYF programme.

Group of key managers in NHS Health and Social Care

‘Action Learning Set’ Programmes

Programmes on Leadership, Change Management, Improvement and Team Building

Supported by Wendy Copeland (NHS Organisational Development)

Social Work, Council, Voluntary and Independent sectors

Leadership Training (Burns House, Stranraer)

This programme of 7 working days is set to develop keen Leadership skills, and build these in a foundation of the Health and Social Integrated Care Framework. It will help with networking, sharing good practise, and build a collaborative approach to team working.

Hazel Walker (Health & Social Care Integration Workforce Development Partner)

Ongoing – 11 places taken up and being delivered to a range of Partner Group staff on17

th, 18


19th March; 7

th & 8

th April; 13th &

14th May 2015.

All partners Awareness and Communication

Wigtown Locality H&SC Integration awareness and information presentation event provided at Castle Kennedy on 8 January 2015.

Allister Kelly; Julie Currie; Gerry McCabe

96 Delegates from across the Stakeholder interest groups attended. Full programme delivered with follow up circulation of information and lead-on correspondence seeking identification of potential ‘Champions’ or other interested parties. Consideration now to further localised ‘roadshow’ events across the Locality.

GP Practices GP issues PYF funded piece of work undertaken by Dr Sue Newberry to scope issues affecting Locality GP service and provision

Dr Sue Newberry Finalised PYF report awaited.

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Action Plan Second Quarter

(April 1st to June 30th 2015)

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Stakeholder Activity 2nd Quarter (April 1st to June 30th 2015)

Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Stakeholders (see Appendix 1)

Public/Staff Website/Intranet The three significant change programmes have agreed to collaborate on a website to further engage stakeholders and the general public with these programmes. The website will be externally hosted to ensure access and maintenance is readily available for both the Health Board & the Council. The theme of the website will be “Engaging for your future – Inform, Engage and Learn”. The overriding commission for the design is one of simplicity and clarity – unlike a more traditional corporate approach. This work will commence next period.

Catherine Withington, Stephanie Mottram, Kirsten Moffat and Nigel Gammage.

To be developed in this quarter.

Stakeholders (See Appendix One)

Draft terms of reference & working agreement for Dumfries & Galloway Public Involvement Panel (PIP) and steering group.

Transition from Public Partnership Forum to Public Involvement Panel (PIP). Framework supporting the working relationship between the joint partners involved in community engagement in order to develop a working collaborative to provide an effective two way community engagement structure with the people living and using services within Dumfries & Galloway.

Scottish Health Council. In progress

All stakeholders Press Release. To advise and inform about the Integration Scheme

All stakeholders Logo and strapline launch

The use of integration logo and strapline will commence after final approval from Board.

Integration and Communications colleagues

April 2015

Locality stakeholders Locality Workshop Interactive Planning Event – to facilitate locality planning.

Ann Stephenson and John Paterson (JIT) and Locality Co-ordinators.

Held 21st April 2015, Cocoa

Bean Factory.

Stakeholders Briefings April – Staff May – Strategic and Locality Plans June - IT

Integration Team On-going monthly

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Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Third and Independent Sector

Webinar Julie White, Catherine Withington, Stephanie Mottram and Sue Newberry


May 2015

All stakeholders FAQ’s to be compiled on an on-going basis

OD Workstream On-going


Stakeholders Meetings Poster design to be developed Integration and Communication Colleagues

To be designed and developed in this quarter

Third Sector Forum Forum held for Third Sector colleagues in Thornhill Thornhill, Thursday 23rd


Summary and response to Public Consultation

Online media In line with National Standards of Community Engagement, all respondents will be advised that the outcome of consideration of their comment and any action taken will be available online on the Council, NHS D&G and Community Planning websites and also posted on VOICE

Friday 17th April.

Various Stakeholder Groups

Consultation within Forums

Consultation activities around the Professional Assurance Document are to be undertaken with a number of Forums. The first of these has been arranged and others are to be identified and undertaken during the current quarter.

Hazel Borland and Lillian Cringles

NHS Area Clinical Forum – 22nd April 2015. Others to be identified and arranged.


Practitioners, Managers and Leaders in Health and Social Care

Interactive learning event at Easterbrook Hall.

Interactive learning event offering the opportunity to showcase some of the innovative work being done (in terms of partnership working), aspire to share, learn from, improve and embed it.

Ewan Kelly, Spiritual Care Lead.

21st of May 2015

Stakeholders (see Appendix 1)

Community Planning e-newsletter

Health & Social Care Integration article to be included in Community Planning e-newsletter.

Sheila Davies (Local Authority).


Staff Staff Engagement Sessions

June 2015

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Audience Approach Action/Aim Responsible Status

Strategic Planning Group

Stakeholders (See Appendix One)

Strategic Planning Group Meeting

Second meeting of the Strategic Planning Group who will direct and oversee the preparation and development of the Strategic Plan.

Jim Parker and Vicky Freeman.

14th May 2015

*A comprehensive and detailed Involvement, Communication and Engagement plan relating to the Strategic Plan will be developed and implemented.

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Annandale and Eskdale 2nd Quarter (April 1st to June 30th 2015)






People in Communities

Innovation Workshops

Innovation Workshops will work with people in communities to develop their ideas into action (co-production of supports and services)

Elaine Lamont April – March 2015

GP Practices

GP events Two Events to actively encourage ‘buy-in’ of the Community Link /FLC/Person Centred approach

Elaine Lamont/FLC Team April/May 2015

GP Practice Managers Practice activity/business

Discussion regarding H&SCI and business development

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

Face to face visits; Seminar being arranged for April 2015

Area Committee Seminar

Seminar/ workshop session involving SW, NHS & Council

Seminar to Area Committee regarding integration process and learning/showcase of successful work to date.

Discussion regarding challenges and identifying big issues

Jimmy Marshall April 15th 2015

Social Work, Council, Voluntary and Independent sectors

Leadership Training

This programme is set to develop keen Leadership skills, and build these in a foundation of the Health and Social Integrated Care Framework. It will help with networking, sharing good practise, and build a collaborative approach to team working

Hazel Walker (Health & Social Care Integration Workforce Development Partner)

7 working days – 23/24/27 April; 27/28 May; 24/25 June 2015. 12 delegates

Managers & Senior staff from the various disciplines within Annandale & Eskdale, maintaining and progressing day to day Locality ‘business’

Locality Management Team

Health & Social Care Minuted and Chaired by John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

Since June 2014, monthly meetings held at Lockerbie Locality Offices and Annan Clinic alternately

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Individuals and representatives from communities and organisations across the sectors

Annandale and Eskdale Safe & Healthy Action Partnership (SHAP)

Partners working together to plan and prioritise activity to improve outcomes (health, wellbeing, quality of life and safety) for people in A&E. Best use of resources and assets whilst avoiding duplication. Work within the community planning structures to deliver KPIs and assist towards the SQA for Dumfries and Galloway.

Elaine Lamont Ongoing

Representatives from the Health & Social Care disciplines & groups including Third Sector & Private Providers

Locality Health & Social Care Integration Group

Monitoring the development and progression of Integration matters. Stemming from this group are short life working groups looking at specific issues:

- Staff Engagement - Community and Public Engagement - Integration Roadshows - Locality Plan

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

All ongoing

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator), Dr Neil Kelly (Clinical Director), Jimmy Marhsall (Senior Social Work Manager), Jamie Ferguson (DGC Framework Manager), Jim Gutherum (Private sector)

Locality Executive Group

Met on two occasions to formally consider Putting You First applications and informally on two occasions to discuss Integration in general

Elaine Lamont (Public Health Practitioner) – formal Advisor to the group

Established June 2014

Consists of; Locality Co-ordinator, Clinical Director, Nurse Manager, supported by Finance and HR Business Partner input

Locality Management Executive Group

Meets as necessary to consider issues affecting the Locality Service deliver

John McGoldrick (Locality Co-ordinator)

Monthly meetings established.

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Prescribing Group A&E Prescribing Group

Group of GPs and Pharmacy Advisor Meet quarterly - HSCI on as regular item of discussion/updates

Neil Kelly/Dot Kirkpatrick

Quarterly meetings held.

Social Services Staff Focus Group Social Work Integration Group (SWIG) formed within Locality Social Work Team, looking at Integration, Locality Plan and how to progress

Jimmy Marshall (Social Work Locality Manager)

January 2015 & ongoing

Annandale & Eskdale Locality

Community Consultation

To gain the views on what matters to people living in the locality to inform the locality plan and actions taken forward through Integration in order to meet the 9 National Outcomes

Elaine Lamont To date, 600 responses have been received. Analysis will be conducted on the responses received to identify key themes and challenges

HSCI Project Steering Group members

Fortnightly Meeting

To move forward projects already agreed through ICF and agree actions for linking in to the community and enhancing each project


A&E SLWG Workforce Public and Community Engagement members, Staff, Public

Monthly staff meeting, Locality Newsletter, Staff briefings

To actively engage with the workforce and public to ensure messages are consistent and to ensure what we are communicating is right and actively involving. The group will be:

producing recurring staff and public newsletters

attending team meetings to inform staff of any Integration updates and to involve them in engaging with the programme

feeding into the Locality Plan using responses from the community consultation

discussing any staff development needs within the locality (HR Development Workforce Partners are included in this group to take anything back to the Organisational Development work stream)

Elaine Lamont Ongoing

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All 10 GP Practices in A&E


This project is designed to support GP's plan for

Health and Social Care Integration along with the

challenges currently facing General Practice. Funding

supports practices to take time out from clinical roles

to spend time planning, as well as a part time

facilitator to support these discussions

Lydia Burnett Ongoing

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Nithsdale 2nd Quarter (April 1st to June 30th 2015)






Two small cohorts of Health & Social Care staff, Third and Independent sectors

Leadership Development Programme

The programme is aimed at those who have been identified as crucial to driving forward the integration agenda through enhanced management and leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours. Representation from different agencies, disciplines and bands, an approach to promote networking, sharing good practise, and building a collaborative approach to team working.

Alison Solley / Wendy Copeland

Cohort one

25th – 27

th March

30th April – 5

th May

10th – 11

th June

Cohort Two

19th – 21

st May


– 3rd


17th June

26th June

Locality Co-ordinator, Acting Senior Social Work Manager, Clinical Lead

Executive Team To agree how to prepare the 2 organisations for integration. Discuss workshop topics, communications etc. To agree priorities for the locality over the period since July 2014 and ongoing.

Alison Solley Meetings as required

Managers from Health & Social Care in Nithsdale, Mental Health and Acute Directorate representatives, a commissioner and a Practice Manager representative

Interim Joint Management Group (Between NHS and Social Services)

Focus to: - Develop our understanding of one another’s

services and professions and develop our relationships and networks

- Understand and value the differences in the two organisations

- Understand our common vision - Understand the totality of our collective

resources - Plan together in order to take forward

integration within the locality - Scope the tasks and issues that we need to

address jointly - Develop a model of working that works best

within Nithsdale - Develop a locality plan

Alison Solley / Rebecca Aldridge

September 2014 – Ongoing

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Representatives from Health & Social care, Third Sector, Independent Sector and members of the public

Locality Partnership Group (previously reference group)

The group was formed in order to begin to develop a locality-based forum to link into the integration process and has continued to meet bimonthly. The ongoing aim is to enable effective engagement with a wide range of partners and service users. This can be achieved through the Locality Partnership Group and two other sub-groups of the Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Partnership – Homelessness and Risk Management (HARM) and Healthy Eating Physical Activity (HEAL).

Tina Gibson Established June 2013

Open to all partners within the statutory, community, voluntary and independent sectors within Nithsdale

Nithsdale Health and Wellbeing Partnership

The partnership aims to: - Work together to make the best use of local

resources, avoiding duplication whilst meeting local targets, priorities and needs

- Work with communities to identify local needs and opportunities in relation to issues around safety, health and wellbeing

- Work together to develop projects and initiatives which will improve safety, health and wellbeing

Tina Gibson Long standing well established group running since the time of LHCCs and LHPs

Third Sector Engagement Work with Locality Convenor to establish communication link from the Third Sector forum to the locality management team.

Alison Solley / Tina Gibson /Locality Convenor

Initial discussion held 26 February 2015

Staff (Nithsdale) Appreciative Enquiry

Following an initial meeting on 9 February 2015 SSSC and NESS are working together offering three half day sessions over a 6 – 8 week period for one locality to trial AI as a means of engaging practitioners in the integration agenda as a strand of workforce development. In summary the model focuses on the core strengths of the locality and looks to engage practitioners in building upon this generating possibilities and momentum to move forward. Looking to drive this forward as a pilot in mid / Upper Nithsdale.

Alison Solley / Hazel Walker

Autumn 2015

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Staff (Nithsdale) Talking Points Engage managers and champions in considering the principles of a personal outcomes approach and the organisational and cultural changes required. Think through practical requirements for embedding the approach, including the three components of outcomes focused conversations, recording outcomes and using information about outcomes. Given the context of integration, consider the importance of a common language for collaboration.

Review success of initiative in Annandale and look to fund from OD resources

Staff (Nithsdale) Workshops Engagement with staff through a series of workshops; programme to be determined.

Executive Group Needs thought and planning – summer 2015

General Public Social Media Work between Health & Wellbeing Partnership and 3rd Locality to investigate the use of social media (Twitter/Facebook) in relation to promotion of wellbeing, disease prevention and social prescribing opportunities.

Tina Gibson / Sam Johnston

Discussions, future possibility

General Public Roadshows Focus on locality planning and social prescribing through engagement with the general public, building relations with community councils, local interest groups etc.

Rebecca Aldridge / Alison Solley

Needs thought and planning

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Stewartry 2nd Quarter (April 1st to June 30th 2015)






GP practices To establish a two way communication mechanism between locality group and GP practices.

Barbara Aitken / Alison Solley

April / May 2015

GP practices Visits to practice To inform and involve all practices in the locality of integration and understand where GPs sit in the locality teams and driving forward the Integration agenda

Sharon Walker May onwards

Locality Co-ordinator, Locality Social Work Manager, Clinical Lead / Nurse Manager, Public Health Practitioner, Commissioner

Executive Team To agree how to prepare the 2 organisations for integration. Discuss workshop topics, communications etc. To agree priorities for the locality over the period February 2015 and ongoing.

Alison Solley / Barbara Aitken


Managers from Health & Social Care in Stewartry, Mental Health and Acute Directorate representatives, a commissioner and a Practice Manager representative

Interim Joint Management Group (Between NHS and Social Services)

Focus to: - Develop our understanding of one another’s

services and professions and develop our relationships and networks

- Understand and value the differences in the two organisations

- Understand our common vision - Understand the totality of our collective

resources - Plan together in order to take forward

integration within the locality - Scope the tasks and issues that we need to

address jointly - Develop a model of working that works best

within Stewartry - Develop a locality plan

Barbara Aitken / Sharon Walker & Christine Lyon

September 2014 – ongoing

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Open to all partners within the statutory, community, voluntary and independent sectors within Stewartry

Stewartry Health and Wellbeing Partnership

The partnership aims to: - Work together to make the best use of local

resources, avoiding duplication whilst meeting local targets, priorities and needs

- Work with communities to identify local needs and opportunities in relation to issues around health and wellbeing

- Work together to develop projects and initiatives which will improve health and wellbeing

Sharon Walker Long standing well established group running since the time of LHCCs and LHPs; now constituted

Locality – Stewartry Community Consultation; face to face and Survey Monkey Community Capacity Building Pilot (Dalbeattie)

Community engagement carried out with individuals from PYF, NHS, Social Work, Community Learning and Development and Third Sector. Through the People Powered Health Programme a practical assessment and planning tool; Building Stronger Communities is being piloted in Dalbeattie.

Sharon Walker Survey/engagement undertaken July and August 2014 as part of PYF initiative. 268 people from Kirkcudbright, Dalbeattie, Gatehouse, Castle Douglas Glenkens and surrounding areas. Community Capacity pilot will be completed in June; roll out to other areas across Stewartry

Representatives from Health & Social Care, Third Sector, Independent Sector and members of the public

Locality Partnership Group

The group will begin to develop a locality-based forum to link into the integration process and will meet bimonthly. The ongoing aim is to enable effective engagement with a wide range of partners and service users. This can be achieved through the Locality Partnership Group and Stewartry Health and Wellbeing Partnership.

Sharon Walker Regular bi monthly meetings commencing May 2015

Stewartry Health and Social Care Reference Group

Meetings The Stewartry Health and Social Care Reference Group will meet for the first time on 9

th April 2015.

This group will include key operational staff from across the sectors. The purpose of the meetings will be to link operational staff into the locality planning process and drive forward locality planning from an operational perspective.

Alison Solley Initial meeting 9th April 2015 with

future dates to be determined.

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Third Sector Engagement Work with Locality Convenor when appointed to establish communication link from the Third Sector forum to the locality management team.

Sharon Walker / Locality Convenor

Summer 2015

Staff (Stewartry) Talking Points Engage managers and champions in considering the principles of a personal outcomes approach and the organisational and cultural changes required. Think through practical requirements for embedding the approach, including the three components of outcomes focused conversations, recording outcomes and using information about outcomes. Given the context of integration, consider the importance of a common language for collaboration.

Review success of initiative in Annandale and look to fund from OD resources.

Staff (Stewartry) Workshops Multi-agency workshops are being planned for summer 2015, involving operational staff. These sessions will link staff into the integration agenda. Focussing on the 9 National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and will link in the day-to-day activities of care and support services to the locality planning process.

Executive Group Needs thought and planning – summer 2015

General Public Social Media Work between Health & Wellbeing Partnership and Third sector forum to investigate the use of social media (Twitter/Facebook) in relation to promotion of wellbeing, disease prevention and social prescribing opportunities.

Sharon Walker Discussions, future possibility

General Public Roadshows Focus on locality planning and social prescribing through engagement with the general public, building relations with community councils, local interest groups etc.

Barbara Aitken / Alison Solley

Needs thought and planning

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Wigtownshire - April 1st to June 30th 2015






Staff (Wigtownshire) Operational

Management Team

Service operational team managing and delivering NHS business across the Locality

GM – Alison Burns In place, meeting monthly or earlier as required.

Locality H&SCI Executive Group

Executive/Steering Group

To co-ordinate and drive forward H&SCI in the Locality. Provide formal Executive and Governance & Financial decisions, all within formal Board Governance arrangements.

Locality Co-Ordinator (John McGoldrick)

In place. Meeting every 4 weeks.

Stakeholders (Wigtownshire)

Health & Social Care activity and reference group

H&SCI Stakeholders - Practitioners and members.

Discuss and agree Locality Actions to support HSCI in


Locality Co-Ordinator (John McGoldrick)

In place. Has been meeting every 4 weeks in 2015.

Stakeholders & community (Wigtownshire)

Locality Plan Preparation of Locality Plan Locality Co-ordinator (John McGoldrick)

Group formulated and have had initial meeting. Scoping/Planning approach event being progressed for 31 March 2015. ToR re Locality Plan agreed 17 March 2015

Circulated Communication Network

Easy transfer of information Developed with HR and other organisations

Work in progress. Mailing lists drawn together and managed at Locality Level, through Health Improvement in early stages.

Scoping process Scoping process to map current assets in order to get an overview of what services are out there, chart duplication, omission and delivery of these resources against the nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

Julie Currie and Jen McDonald (Public Health Improvement Team), Third Sector and Independent Sector partners

Work in progress. Some material drawn together also by Integration Support Officers through PYF programme.

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Group of key managers in NHS Health and Social Care

‘Action Learning Set’ Programmes

Programmes on Leadership, Change Management, Improvement and Team Building

Supported by Wendy Copeland (NHS Organisational Development)

Social Work, Council, Voluntary and Independent sectors

Leadership Training (Burns House, Stranraer)

This programme of 7 working days is set to develop keen Leadership skills, and build these in a foundation of the Health and Social Integrated Care Framework. It will help with networking, sharing good practise, and build a collaborative approach to team working.

Hazel Walker (Health & Social Care Integration Workforce Development Partner)

Ongoing – 11 places taken up and being delivered to a range of Partner Group staff on17

th, 18


19th March; 7

th & 8

th April; 13th &

14th May 2015.

GP Practices GP issues PYF funded piece of work undertaken by Dr Sue Newberry, Funding Ideas Ltd., to scope issues affecting Locality GP service and provision

Dr Sue Newberry Finalised PYF report awaited.

Scottish Care Team Members

Management Team Meetings & Project Leads Meetings

Team is fully briefed and involved in forthcoming team activity quarter 3 to support ICE Action Plan for Independent Sector

Dr Sue Newberry Monthly meetings on-going

Third Sector Integration Website and e-Bulletin

An information flow has been created to allow the Third Sector to fully understand the impact of Integration on the delivery of Health and Social Care both regionally and in each Locality. provides relevant documents, news and events for the Third Sector surrounding Health and Social Care. This is captured in a monthly e-Bulletin which is open to all across sectors.

Ewan Marshall and Jill Osborne


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Appendix 1

Stakeholders Health professionals

Users of health care

Carers of users of health care

Commercial providers of health care

Non-commercial providers of health care

Social care professionals

Users of social care

Carers of users of social care

Commercial providers of social care

Non-commercial providers of social care

Staff of the Health Board and Local Authority who are not health professionals or social care professionals

Non-commercial providers of social housing

Third sector bodies carrying out activities related to health or social care