health care, transformed


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2012 Donor report

HealtH Care, transformeD.

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In 2012, Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation celebrated 25 years of philanthropic support to our six hospitals and cancer centre. It was truly a privilege to mark this milestone and pay tribute to the thousands of donors and volunteers who laid the foundation upon which we continue to build. Each year we find it difficult to select, from amongst our many supporters, those to be featured in our Donor Report. We also find it challenging to select, from the many programs, equipment purchases and research initiatives, those stories that highlight the true impact of your gifts. Those we have chosen, in this year’s Donor Report and its accompanying Impact Report, are representative of the wide variety of support that we are privileged to receive. The programs and equipment that are profiled also serve as representative examples of the many ways in which we have invested your contributions to enable our partners at Hamilton Health Sciences to provide excellence in care to the complete and complex range of patients that come through their doors every single day of the year. We are truly grateful to all of our donors who contributed to the $17.8-million we raised in 2012, which enabled us to transfer $8.4-million to support the development of new patient units and programs, purchase essential equipment, fund critical education for medical and allied professional staff, and enable the life-altering medical research that takes place across Hamilton Health Sciences.

As the regional role of Hamilton Health Sciences continues to expand, the leadership they play in providing the expertise and knowledge to smaller communities through the region continues to grow. This transfer of skills and talent throughout the region is setting a new foundation upon which we look to build for the future.We would like to pay special tribute to Michael Schwenger for his tremendous contributions as Board Chair. Michael has been a strong advocate for

Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation and has guided us through a very challenging economic climate. His personal and professional commitment to our work and our team is truly appreciated. We are grateful that Michael will continue to serve on the Board. We look forward to welcoming George McCarter into his role as Board Chair as we continue to build for the future and execute our strategic plan.

message from pearl Veenema, presiDent anD Ceo Hamilton HealtH sCienCes founDation

*Photography by Carole & Roy Timm: pages 6,7,10,11,14,15,18,19

and the front cover.

Pearl F. Veenema, FAHPPresident & CEO

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message from miCHael sCHwenger, BoarD CHair Hamilton HealtH sCienCes founDation

It is hard to believe that my three-year term as Board Chair for Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation has come to an end. It has been a very exciting and rewarding time in the history of The Foundation. I am pleased that, despite a very challenging economic climate, The Foundation has repeatedly achieved its goals. This fact alone speaks to the tireless dedication and commitment of Pearl, her entire staff, and the generosity of donors throughout the region. In addition to this success, a five-year strategic plan has been developed and is being actively followed. I feel privileged to have represented The Foundation at a wide variety of events in the community where I have had the opportunity to meet so many individuals who have been touched by the tremendous care provided at Hamilton Health Sciences; care that has been enhanced through The Foundation’s investments into equipment, research, education and redevelopment. I have had the ability to see first-hand, the impact of donor dollars at work – and it is truly rewarding.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Board Members with whom I have been honoured to serve. In particular, I would like to thank Keith McIntyre, Andy Skrypniak and Mark Hunter who have left the Board this year. As I complete my term and hand the reigns over to George McCarter, President, Pearson Dunn Insurance, I am confident in his ability to provide strong leadership to the Board as we strive to achieve our goal of health care, transformed. In addition, I would like to thank our partner Boards including

Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association and Bay Area Health Trust.To all the donors, volunteers and dedicated staff who support the essential work of The Foundation, I extend my heartfelt thank you.

Michael SchwengerBoard Chair

our mission To raise funds and manage donor gifts for the purpose of supporting outstanding clinical care and research for the communities served by Hamilton Health Sciences.


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our CreeD Each dawn brings into our world a new mosaic of people, patients, staff, and critical needs. Needs for funding to support patient care, medical equipment, specialized programs, education and research. It is a unique blend of needs that inspires us to do our very best.While we are a mosaic, each one of us unique in our skills and talents, we are united in our desire to make a difference as we bring our own passion and commitment to our roles. It is our desire to inspire those we encounter on our daily journey to join with us, as we raise funds to support our region’s health and well-being. We seek to inspire by telling the stories of our patients and our staff. They are the friends, families and loved ones of people who rely on the care we support. It is their stories that have the power to influence and transform an idea or thought into a gift.Gifts come in many forms, each has its own unique value and role in supporting our Foundation. We remain focused on inspiring the confidence of the community as their charity of choice. A charity that welcomes all contributions great and small that will provide for the needs of our hospitals. A contribution that enables each hospital in our family to have the equipment and environment that enables caring and compassionate health care. An environment, where through funding for world-leading research, the next treatment, cause or cure can be found. Each day we remain focused on those who can help us to transform a life. The life of today’s patient or tomorrow’s.Together, we are united as we commit to our goal of achieving Health Care, Transformed.

our Vision A community fully embracing the importance of health, while enabling excellence in philanthropy and the achievement of our goal of Health Care, Transformed.


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a quarter Century of pHilantHropyHamilton Health Sciences Foundation celebrated 25 years of philanthropic support at our annual donor appreciation event in November. The evening included tributes to our history, recognition of our present supporters and the launch of a crucial initiative essential to our future. We also paid tribute to both TD Bank Group and Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association for their long-standing, continuous support of our work.TD Bank has supported McMaster Children’s Hospital and indeed Hamilton Health Sciences for over 20 years. At the event, we recognized more than $2.8-million in cumulative giving by both TD Bank and their customers.Our second honouree was Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association, a diverse organization, and wonderful partner to The Foundation throughout our mutual history. The Volunteer Association has provided support in so many ways, including weekend long Telethons, and early morning broadcasts. While events are one way they have supported us behind the scenes, their support goes much deeper. We collaborate on the “Family Grants” program where we pool funds to support the purchase of essential patient equipment that ranges from blood pressure machines to commodes, vital sign monitors, wheelchairs and walkers, as of course the government does not fund the equipment needs of our hospitals.Recognized as the largest and most successful Volunteer Association in Canada, we are truly honoured to thank our partners for their tremendous support, having contributed nearly $18-million

through Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation to support patient care, education and research across Hamilton Health Sciences.Throughout the evening, collages of historic photos decorated the walls. Some of those photos can be found in the pages of this report. Today’s supporters were recognized through the virtual unveiling of our new donor walls and accompanying electronic kiosks. Our future was touched upon as we announced the launch of our new endowment campaign. With currently $10-million in endowed funds under management, we are embarking on an initiative to grow that crucial base of long-term support to $20-million by 2020.

partnering for reDeVelopmentAmongst our many partner organizations, we are honoured to include Bay Area Health Trust. With the ongoing redevelopment at McMaster University Medical Centre, Bay Area Health Trust has supported the purchase of

bedside patient monitors and an X-ray unit for the Diagnostic Imaging department. Both of these gifts, totalling $1-million help to meet the essential needs of adult and pediatric patients who share this site.

Michael Schwenger; Fred Hussey, Board Chair, Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association (HHSVA); Tina Cooper, President and CEO, HHSVA; Pearl F. Veenema; and Murray T. Martin.


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We are very fortunate to have such a broad base of donors who have embraced our cause, and made the act of giving an art that is unique and ever-evolving in our community. We are grateful for each and every one of you. It is through your generous gifts that we are able to support the continuous transformation of health care across Hamilton Health Sciences.

The art of giving takes many forms: we see individuals drop coins into our “Pennies for Patients” coin wells and boxes; our Care4 partners contribute a portion of their sales proceeds; annual donors subscribe to monthly withdrawals; and some have left a lasting legacy through an estate gift. There are many event sponsors; grateful patients of dedicated hospital employees; and families and friends of patients who organize their own third party events like The Aidan Teague Softball Classic organized by Neil and Melanie Teague in honour of their son, a premature infant cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital. In seven years, they have raised nearly $100,000.To our many tireless donors, volunteers, and advocates: THANK YOU.

a wiDe range of giVing

inVesting in staff eDuCationHamilton Health Sciences is a leading teaching hospital committed to evidence-based and patient-centred care, as such, ongoing education is essential. The Foundation is committed to investing in continuing education and professional development. As the result of several endowments and gifts, Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation disbursed $377,000 to support a range of education initiatives for staff and medical professionals across the sites, bringing our five-year contributions to nearly $2.1-million. The scholarships, prizes and bursaries that we award span the range of clinical practice, and each represents a long-term commitment from a donor to Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation. Just some of the awards that were celebrated in 2012 include: The Health Professional Bursaries in conjunction with the Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association, The Richard and Mary Pelling Bursary and Scholarship, The Dr. Henry Chaim Witelson Memorial Prize in Ophthalmology, SPACELABS Health Care Education Fund, and The Grant I. Budden Scholarship Award.

Hamilton HealtH sCienCes founDation

The recipients of the 2012 Hamilton Health Sciences Health Professional Bursary Awards: back row, from left - RaeAnne Pollard, Advanced Practice Nurse Intern; Laura Farrelly, Chief of Nursing; Daisy Sun, Registered Practical Nurse. Front row, from left - AnneMarie Vansickle, Manager, Clinical Practice & Education; Esther Coker, Clinical Nurse Specialist; Stephanie Carlin, Pharmacist.


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We are extremely proud to support the medical research program that spans Hamilton Health Sciences; a program whose impact has been recognized as number one in Canada and number seven in the world. In 2012, The Foundation contributed almost $1.75-million to the life-altering research that takes place across our sites, bringing our five-year contributions to nearly $13.2-million. This support takes many forms including the development of Academic Research Chairs, such as the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Experimental Cancer Therapeutics, whose inauguration with Dr. Paola Muti we celebrated in 2012.Proceeds from the Festival of Lights at St. Peter’s Hospital are designated to support McMaster University Medical Sciences PhD candidate, Janet Pritchard’s work on improving care for seniors by increasing osteoporosis awareness and fracture prevention among family physicians and patients. The annual Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation Research Gala, which honoured Dr. Michael H. Boyle, PhD, supported the New Investigators Fund and Early Career Awards programs essential to the development of the next generation of medical researchers. In addition, the well-established Grant Distribution Program at the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre funded a broad range of cancer-related research and education programs.

fostering worlD-Class researCH

enDowment supports stuDent researCH Following the sudden death of their son Stuart, in 2001 from a gastrointestinal hemorrhage thought to have been secondary to cancer of the liver, Drs. Gerald and May Cohen established an endowed fund to honour his memory. In the subsequent years, the couple, both retired physicians who worked and taught at Hamilton Health Sciences, continued to contribute to the Stuart Jay Cohen Memorial Fund. “As educators, we thought it important to support an educational and research initiative that would impact patient care by inspiring excellence in the next generation of physicians and caregivers,” they say.The fund, having reached maturity, provides annual support for the Students’ Research Day in Oncology at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre. This June, students from across all disciplines were invited to showcase their innovative cancer research projects. Presentations were divided into two groups, Clinical Research and Basic Science Research, with awards presented to first and second place winners in each category.

Dr. Mark Levine, Director of the Clinical Trial Methodology Group, congratulates medical oncology resident Dr. Humaid Al-shamsi, whose work earned him first and second place awards in the clinical research poster presentation and clinical research oral presentation categories respectively.

Salim Yusuf, Vice President, Research with New Investigators Natasha Brownrigg, Dr. Elyanne M. Ratcliffe, Dr. Roberto Sassi, and Dr. John You.


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After a workplace accident sent him tumbling two stories to the ground, Gino was airlifted to the Level I Trauma Centre at Hamilton General Hospital. The Welland area contractor suffered massive injuries in the fall, including a fractured pelvis and shoulder, nine broken ribs and a punctured lung, and needed urgent medical attention. “This was an incredibly scary and stressful time for me and my family,” says Gino, “but knowing I was in the hands of experts was very reassuring.”6

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DeVeloping worlD-Class talent in VasCular surgeryWith the help of the WB Family Foundation, Hamilton General Hospital has cemented its reputation for having one of the country’s premier vascular surgery programs.In 2005, the private foundation made a $1-million endowed gift to The Foundation establishing the Beamish Family Chair in Peripheral Vascular Surgery. The major investment was further accented by a commitment to make an annual $40,000 gift to fund a Traveling Fellowship in Vascular Surgery.The Traveling Fellowship has allowed our surgical staff to access specialized educational and training opportunities. This year, fellowship funds allowed Hamilton General Hospital clinician Dr. John Harlock to pursue advanced training in

vascular surgery as part of an exchange program with Stanford University Hospital in California. The exchange program, unique in North America, was enabled thanks to the relationships forged by another Hamilton General surgeon during a visit also supported by fellowship funds.Dr. Jacques Tittley, who has held the Beamish Family Chair in Peripheral Vascular Surgery since its inception, has been very vocal about the impact the fellowship has had on the program.“The opportunities made possible by the fellowship have enhanced patient care by keeping our clinicians and surgeons informed on the latest surgical techniques and technology,” he says. “It has also enabled the wealth of knowledge and expertise developed at Hamilton Health Sciences to be shared at a global level.”


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On November 13, representatives from Dufferin Construction Company made a visit to Hamilton General Hospital to announce a major funding commitment. A long-standing supporter of Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation, Dufferin Construction made a $100,000 donation in support of patient care at The General to commemorate the company’s 100th Anniversary.

“Given our history in the region, we felt the best way to honour this milestone was by giving back to the communities in which we all work and live,” said Wayne Lazzarato, Senior Vice-President, Dufferin Construction Company.The gift will be used to purchase priority medical equipment throughout the hospital and will also fund two key renovation projects: the conversion of the eighth floor sunroom into a patient lounge and dining room and the creation of a “transition room” to provide additional comfort and privacy for patients and their families nearing the end of their lives.

ConstruCtion firm marks milestone witH $100,000 gift

Kelly Drake, Clinical Manager; David Simpson, Chair Hamilton General Hospital Foundation; Wayne Lazzarato, Senior VP Dufferin Construction; Jake Sudac, Manager- Operational Services; Peter Gamble, General Manager, Operations; Ryan Farrish, District Manager- West; Kelly O’Halloran, Clinical Manager; Heather Vandeweerd, Clinical Manager.

top CarDiologist retires

Dr. Doug Holder, Interventional Cardiologist and friend of The Foundation, retired from clinical practice at Hamilton General Hospital in 2012. Dr. Holder joined the Hospital in 1976, after being recruited by McMaster University to help establish its Department of Cardiology. He started the Hospital’s coronary angioplasty program, performing the first such procedure in the city in 1982, and played a key role in building its leadership in the field of minimally invasive cardiac interventions.During his more than 35 years at the Hospital,

Dr. Holder held multiple leadership positions including Heart Investigation Unit Director and, most recently, Director of the Cardiac and Vascular Program. He has also been the recipient of numerous awards including a Cornerstone Award and the Dr. Stephen Garnett Award for Lifetime Achievement. Dr. Holder is an avid supporter of Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation, having served terms as a member of both our Board of Directors and the Hamilton General Hospital Foundation Council. Over the years, he has demonstrated a deep commitment to patient care and the work of the Foundation, making several significant gifts and acting as a founding member of the Adrian Yaffe Leadership Giving Society for which we are extremely grateful.


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surgeon’s gift pays triBute to fatHer

In tribute to his father Anthony, who passed away in 2012, vascular surgeon Dr. David Szalay and family made a significant donation to The Foundation. The gift, made in appreciation for the outstanding care his father received at Hamilton General Hospital, will establish a named fund in his dad’s honour. Anthony (Tony) was born in Hungary but left shortly after the Second World War. After residing for short periods in Rome, Brazil, and Montreal, he eventually settled near Caledonia. He spent the rest of his life living and working in the Hamilton area and developed a lifelong bond and affection for a city that was a world away from where he was born. Anthony and his brother Emery (who predeceased him in 2005) were both affected by heart disease in their later years and became well known to the Cardiac Program at The General. The brothers were always very appreciative of the exemplary care, and access to the latest technology, which provided them both with many years of quality time with their family and friends.The benefits of access to contemporary care and medical advances were not lost to the Szalay family, who recognize the importance of giving back to the hospital and community. Dr. Szalay hopes the fund will help support the creation of a hybrid vascular interventional suite equipped with the latest in imaging technology. Hybrid procedures combine the best of open surgical methods with endovascular techniques to provide optimal treatment for a wide range of conditions including aneurysms and blockages of the aorta and peripheral arteries.“There is a high prevalence of cardiac and vascular disease here in the local community and across

the region, so the impact of a suite like this would be huge” says Dr. Szalay. “Bringing the latest technology to Hamilton would continue our nationally recognized leadership in minimally invasive

procedures for the treatment of these life-threatening disorders.”

David Simpson (Chair) Investment Advisor, BMO Nesbitt BurnsRosemary Coons (until Sept.) Senior Insurance Advisor Loyalist Insurance BrokersDr. John Eikelboom Hematologist Hamilton General Hospital

Donna Gardener (until Sept.) Publisher, TownMediaRobert Harrison Community VolunteerDr. Doug Holder (until June) Interventional CardiologistStephanie McManus (as of Nov.) Compliance Support Services

Tim Rayner President, Gateway Marketing Inc.Teresa Smith President, Hamilton General HospitalDave Velanoff President, Velanoff Group Inc.Dr. James Velianou (as of June) Cardiologist, Hamilton General Hospital

Anthony Szalay (1934-2012) with son David.


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Kathy is thankful for the outstanding care provided in the chemotherapy suite at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre. The 41-year-old mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last fall and will undergo surgery, radiation and chemotherapy as part of her aggressive treatment plan.“All the staff here are great,” she says, “but the chemo nurses really stand out. They are so understanding and go above and beyond to make you comfortable.”10

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“i CoulDn’t Be more grateful for tHe Care i reCeiVeD”In 2011, poultry farmer Ron Clark was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a potentially fatal cancer of the blood. Following aggressive treatment, that included surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, Ron is now in remission, a reality he credits to the expert care at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre. What stood out most for Ron was the responsiveness of his hematologist Dr. Graeme Fraser and the entire staff at Juravinski, and how rapidly they moved him to treatment following diagnosis.“At my first appointment, he told me I would need a bone marrow biopsy to make sure the cancer hadn’t spread to my bones,” says Ron. “I told him I wanted to do it as soon as possible, so he performed the procedure that same day.”

Ron was so impressed with the high-level of care he received, that he and wife Nancy decided to make a significant donation to fund the purchase of three urgently needed Apheresis machines for the Hospital. These machines, which allow for the collection of stem-cells from the blood, are essential to the treatment of patients with blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.“Though I didn’t require a stem-cell transplant as part of my care, in talking with Dr. Fraser I came to understand just how important these machines are in the treatment of other hematology patients,” he says. “I couldn’t be more grateful for the care I received and this seemed like the perfect way to show my appreciation.”

Nurse Bernice Leblanc assists Enrico Magnotta (in bed) as he donates stem cells that will be transplanted to his brother Guiseppe (centre), who is being treated for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.


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Powered by the strength of more than 800 participants, 3,000 plus donors and 80 teams, the 5th annual BRIGHT Run was once again an overwhelming success. This fundraiser, held on September 8 at the Dundas Valley Conservation Area, raised approximately $275,000, driving the event’s five-year tally to well over $1.5-million.Proceeds from the BRIGHT Run, which stands for Breast Cancer Research In Greater Hamilton Today, fund research projects at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre focused on improving breast cancer prevention, detection, treatment and care.Since its inception, the event has helped finance several patient trials and studies at Juravinski and has provided funding to support the acquisition of a 3-D ultrasound machine for the planned CIBC Breast Assessment Centre.

still sHining BrigHt after fiVe years

tree Campaign Helps grow knowleDge

Thanks to support from 32 area Shoppers Drug Mart locations, patients visiting the planned CIBC Breast Assessment Centre will have their own resource centre where they can learn about breast cancer and access educational information.Through a partnership with The Foundation, the retailer’s Tree of Life campaign enables customers and employees to contribute directly to this important facility by donating up to $50 at the point of sale. Since 2009, when several local stores began directing funds towards the CIBC Breast Assessment Centre, more than $155,000 has been raised in support of the project, including $56,735 in 2012 alone.The Patient Resource Centre will help breast cancer patients, and those waiting on a diagnosis, to find accurate and reliable information about the disease by providing access to relevant, current and credible sources. It will house a selection of reference materials including videos, books, articles and brochures and will also have two dedicated computer terminals where patients can source information online.

Dr. Paola Muti and Dr. Punam Rana received a thematic funding grant for their study measuring the effects of Vitamin D and Melatonin on the growth of breast tumours.


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supporting exCellenCe in ortHopeDiCs

After the five centimetre tumour in her left leg was diagnosed as sarcoma, a fast-growing cancer, Arlene Manherz began researching to learn all she could about the disease. She did not like what she read.“My particular cancer was very aggressive and had a poor prognosis,” she says. “I also learned though, that I was in the best hands possible – Juravinski was one of just a handful of centres in North America with multiple sarcoma specialists.”When chemotherapy failed to halt the cancer’s growth, Arlene opted to undergo surgery to remove the lower portion of her femur where the tumour was located. During the complex eight-hour procedure, surgeons removed the cancerous section of bone and performed a total knee replacement, maintaining the appearance and function of her leg.In gratitude of the care she received at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre, Arlene and her husband Robert made a significant donation in support of the Orthopedics program. As a result of this funding, the Hospital will be able to purchase several high-priority pieces of surgical equipment.

Andy Skrypniak (Chair) Owner, Turf TamersRalph Olivieri (Vice-Chair) Owner, Queenston Group InsuranceLouis Boiago Investment Advisor, TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.Michael Corrado (as of June) President, MiCor DevelopmentsDr. W.K (Bill) Evans President, Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre

Dr. Sébastien J. Hotte Medical Oncologist, Juravinski Hospital and Cancer CentreRichard Jaques (as of June) District Vice President, BMO South Central OntarioDr. Mark Levine Chair, Department of Oncology, Juravinski Cancer CentreScientific Director, Escarpment Cancer Research Institute

Ruth Liebersbach Director, Finance and Administration, McMaster Innovation ParkNancy McMillan Retired Business LeaderPaul Vaccarello CEO, Tripemco Insurance Brokers

Orthopedic surgeon and sarcoma specialist, Dr. Benjamin Deheshi, performed the surgery that removed the tumour in Arlene’s leg.


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Twins, Genevieve and William were born on December 22, three months premature. Weighing only 1080 and 1000 grams (respectively) at birth, these tiny, vulnerable babies require the specialized, life-saving care provided by the expert staff in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital. “We place a lot of faith in the doctors and nurses here,” says father, Gareth. “We are extremely grateful for the outstanding care our babies have received at McMaster Children’s Hospital.”


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“we knew tHat aVa was in gooD HanDs at maCkiDs”For five-and-a-half year old Ava De Angelis of Kitchener, what started as a “tummy ache” on a cold Wednesday in January quickly progressed to a health crisis. Increasingly concerned about their daughter, parents Hera and Robert brought her to the local hospital, where she was admitted for further assessment. By Friday morning, Ava’s health had deteriorated significantly – she had an extremely high fever and her blood pressure had dropped dangerously low. Doctors made the decision to transfer her by ambulance to the Michael G. DeGroote Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at McMaster Children’s Hospital.Ava was diagnosed with septic shock, a life-threatening condition caused by an infection in the body. Doctors treated her with intravenous antibiotics and other medications to help drain fluid that was building in her lungs. She was also placed on a ventilator to help her breathe.

Hera and Robert were frightened, but felt reassured knowing their daughter was receiving the very best care from pediatric intensive care specialists. “Right from the beginning, we knew that Ava was in good hands at MacKids,” they said. The spacious and comfortable private room, complete with a fold-out couch, meant they could stay overnight with Ava – helping to reduce everyone’s stress. Five days after her admission to the PICU, Ava was breathing on her own and able to speak to her parents. With the potential health crisis averted, her relieved parents can look forward to lots of quality “cuddle time” with their precious daughter, thanks to the life-saving care at McMaster Children’s Hospital.


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Former patients and their families joined with hospital staff to celebrate the official opening of the Michael G. DeGroote Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital on June 14.

The opening of the 12-bed unit is good news for the nearly 600 children each year who require the critical care provided by the specialists in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). McMaster Children’s Hospital is the sole provider of intensive care for the most critically ill and injured children in south-central Ontario. Michael G. DeGroote’s generous $10-million donation enabled the state-of-the-art facility to be built. Each patient room is spacious and private, providing ample room for family at the bedside. There are two family lounges, one overnight family room and one private family room adjoining each patient room. This family-friendly environment helps to reduce stress on both patients and families during an emotionally trying time.

On April 25, Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation and Scotiabank celebrated the launch of the 20th annual Scotiabank Smiles for MacKids in support of McMaster Children’s Hospital. On hand for the launch were a number of Scotiabank “poster children” from the last 20 years along with Megan Cousins, a special MacKid from Brantford. This highly successful fundraising campaign is supported by over 1,000 Scotiabank employees from across the region who volunteer their time and talent to organize fundraisers and participate in the sale of “Smiles for MacKids” lapel buttons and plush toys. Scotiabank, together with its customers have raised more than $5.6-million for important projects across Hamilton Health Sciences. While the majority of the funds have been directed to McMaster Children’s Hospital, these funds have also benefited cardiac and cancer patients.

looking gooD at 20! sCotiaBank smiles for maCkiDs

new peDiatriC intensiVe Care unit transforms Care of CritiCally ill anD injureD CHilDren

Michael G. DeGroote and former patients and their families celebrate the opening of the Michael G. DeGroote Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital.


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generosity from CHilDren’s miraCle network partnersAs a member of Children’s Miracle Network, McMaster Children’s Hospital is supported by a group of community-minded companies, such as Walmart Canada Inc. and TD Bank Group, that engage their employees and customers in a variety of fundraising initiatives throughout the year. Through the generosity and creativity of these corporate partners, Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation received more than $1-million to support priority funding needs.In 2012, TD’s long-standing commitment to Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation was recognized at our

25th anniversary celebration held in November. Over the past twenty years, TD has generously given a cumulative total of $2.8-million. Walmart associates in our region had much to be proud of in 2012. The Walmart Walk for Miracles drew over 600 participants and raised in excess of $55,000. The retailer also raised $133,000 through the sale of Children’s Miracle Network balloon icons.Many thanks to Children’s Miracle Network and all of our corporate partners for their ongoing commitment and dedication to child health at McMaster Children’s Hospital.

John Mathioudakis (Chair) President, Westbrooke of Ancaster Fine Tailored Clothing Inc.David Lumsden (Vice Chair) President and CEO, Waterford GroupRemo Di Fronzo (as of June) Senior Account Manager HSBC Bank CanadaDesmond D’Silva CEO, Assured Automotive

Dr. Peter Fitzgerald President, McMaster Children’s Hospital Executive Lead, MUMC SiteVincent Giardini Paul’s RestorationsJennifer Hartman Medico-Legal ConsultantTim Hogarth President and CEO, Pioneer Energy LP

Peter Krizanac, RIB(Ont.)AIPC Commercial Account Executive Acumen Insurance Group Inc.Basile Papaevangelou Chairman, Kids’ Health Links FoundationHolly Simmons Partner, Marketing & Communications Specialist, Chickle Designs

BunDle of joy arriVes at mCmaster uniVersity meDiCal CentreA special “bundle of joy” was delivered to the Labour and Delivery Department at McMaster University Medical Centre in 2012. A combination of donor dollars and support from Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer Association funded the purchase of priority medical equipment for the Hospital, which serves as regional centre for high-risk births. Nearly 3,000 babies are delivered at McMaster University Medical Centre each year – both low and high-risk births. Among the essential items purchased were a fetal monitor and three Panda® Infant Warmers. The new warmers have several features that enhance a

newborn’s comfort and safety. The new design eliminates the large

overhead heater, making observation of newborns easier for doctors and nurses; a built-in scale simplifies the weighing procedure. Most importantly, the Panda® Infant Warmer integrates both suction and oxygen, enabling staff to transfer vulnerable newborns directly from Labour and Delivery to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, without the need for additional equipment.

*Including support for McMaster University Medical Centre


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At 89, Antonio Cogonotto says that he “can’t do what he used to do.” He has difficulty maintaining his balance and has been losing weight. His family doctor referred him to St. Peter’s Hospital for assessment and treatment by a team of geriatric health care experts at the Centre for Healthy Aging. With their expertise and support, Antonio is getting stronger and soon hopes to get back to his regular daily routine. 18

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“tHey make it DiffiCult for you to giVe up”Enzo Paron is a man on a mission. After suffering a serious stroke in March 2012, he is fighting to regain the use of his left arm and leg and ultimately, his independence. Fortunately, Enzo is supported by a team of experts from the Restorative Care Program including doctors, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, nutritionists and physiotherapists. This multi-disciplinary team is working to help restore his health and well-being. Twice a day, every day, Enzo goes to the gym for physiotherapy. It is grueling and sometimes discouraging, but his hard work and determination are paying off. Enzo can now walk unassisted with the use of a cane and mobility in his arm is improving.

“The staff here are excellent,” says Enzo. “They innately seem to know what you are going through and encourage you to keep on going. They make it difficult for you to give up.” Thanks to the staff of the Restorative Care Program, the support of his two children and extended family, and his own grit and determination, Enzo will eventually be able to move to an assisted living facility in his home town of Burlington. Ever the pragmatist, Enzo accepts that he will continue to face limitations as a result of the stroke. “I want to be able to do simple things that people do every day and take for granted,” he says. “I’m looking forward to walking outside and feeling the sun on my face.”


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The people of Canada lost a great leader on October 19, 2012, with the passing of The Honourable Lincoln Alexander.Mr. Alexander held many positions throughout his stellar career including Member of Parliament, Federal Minister of Labour and Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario.Affectionately known as Hamilton’s “favourite son,” Mr. Alexander was beloved by people from all walks of life. His memory has a special place in the hearts of staff members, physicians and volunteers at Hamilton Health Sciences – especially those at St. Peter’s Hospital – who knew him as a passionate advocate on seniors’ health care issues.Mr. Alexander’s legacy of compassion and generosity lives on at St. Peter’s Hospital. The Alexander Pavilion, which opened in 2009 to provide specialized care to those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, was named in honour of Mr. Alexander, and in memory of his late wife Yvonne.

linColn alexanDer’s lasting legaCy of Care anD Compassion

new funDraising initiatiVe Brings patients Comfort anD joySt. Peter’s Hospital Comfort and Joy Holiday Gift Packages, a new fundraising initiative launched during the 2012 holiday season, offered a unique alternative to traditional holiday giving.Instead of buying a gift for that “someone special” on their list, people could go to The Foundation’s website and purchase one of three symbolic gift packages, valued at $50, $100 or $250. A holiday e-card was automatically sent to the gift recipient to advise that a package had been purchased on his/her behalf. An ornament was hung on the Christmas tree in the hospital lobby for every package that was purchased.The Comfort and Joy Gift Packages, in combination with St. Peter’s annual holiday mailing, raised a total of more than $11,000. This program will be expanded to include Grandparent’s Day and the 2013 Holiday Season.

Former St. Peter’s patient, Jack Walton helped promote the Comfort and Joy Gift Packages during the holiday season.


Page 23: HealtH Care, transformeD

people Helping peopleEmbracing the company’s guiding principle of “people helping people,” staff of the Hamilton Municipal Employees Credit Union (HMECU) raised funds to support enhanced care for seniors at Hamilton Health Sciences family of hospitals and cancer centre. Fifty staff and managers at seven HMECU branches participated in fundraising initiatives held throughout 2012. These included dress down days, sale of special holiday gift icons and the purchase of Comfort and Joy Gift Packages in lieu of holiday gifts. The funds raised will be used to purchase equipment and other items, such as reading magnifiers and hearing amplifiers, to enhance the care and experience for hospitalized seniors across Hamilton Health Sciences.

Keith McIntyre (Chair) Retired Business Leader

Charlie Collura (Co-Chair) Chief Executive Officer Healthcare & Municipal Employees Credit Union Ltd.

Ralph Weekes (Vice-Chair) Sr. Exec. Financial Consultant Investors Group Financial Services

Robert Beres Chair, Hydromantis, Inc.

Rosemary Knechtel Community Volunteer

Gabriella Mercanti Décor Consultant Carmen’s Banquet Centre

Dr. Shanker Nesathurai (as of Sept.) Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St. Peter’s Hospital

Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou (as of Sept.) Director Geriatric and Complex Medicine St. Peter’s Hospital

Rebecca Repa President of St. Peter’s Hospital Executive Lead Specialized Complex Care, Geriatrics and Rehabilitation Program, Hamilton Health Sciences

Dr. Richard Seeley (as of Sept.) Chief of Complex Continuing Care and Aging, St. Peter’s Hospital

Ted Tandon Vice-President JNE Consulting Ltd.

From left to right: Michael Wilson, Member Service Representative, Main West Branch; Deanna Basso, HMECU Marketing Coordinator; Emily Christofferson, Clinical Manager, Centre for Healthy Aging, St. Peter’s Hospital; Mary Metcalfe, Main West Branch Manager.

memorial wall reDeDiCation Brings tears anD joyFriends, families and staff members attended the official rededication of the “Celebration of Life Memorial Wall” at St. Peter’s Hospital on September 30. It was an emotional day, filled with tears and laughter as people remembered loved ones whose names are inscribed on the wall. The rededication started with a short chapel service, followed by a moving memorial celebration in the Garwood-Jones Auditorium. Rebecca Repa, President, St. Peter’s Hospital and Keith McIntyre, Chair of St. Peter’s Hospital Foundation Council, performed the official unveiling.The wall’s simple but elegant design features a single white daisy and a quote from Helen Keller: “What we

have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply, becomes a part of us.” We are grateful to those who chose to honour their loved one by making a gift to help support

the compassionate, hands-on care that is provided by the dedicated staff at St. Peter’s Hospital.

*Including support for Regional Rehabilitation Centre


Page 24: HealtH Care, transformeD

a message from Hamilton HealtH sCienCes

The mission of Hamilton Health Sciences is “to provide excellent health care for the people and communities we serve and to advance health care through education and research.” In 2012, we continued our efforts to bring our mission to life on behalf of the families that live throughout the region.Amongst the celebrations in 2012, we were privileged to: open the Michael G. DeGroote Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital; celebrate the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Experimental Cancer Therapeutics at Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre; unveil the final phase of the new Juravinski Hospital; and expand the number of beds in the RBC Child and Mental Health Unit. All of these programs have been supported through the tremendous efforts of Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation and its community of very committed philanthropic partners. Partnerships for which we are truly grateful.We would also like to acknowledge and thank Michael Schwenger for his leadership as Foundation Board Chair.As we started the year, Accreditation Canada recognized Hamilton Health Sciences for “10 Leading Practices” as noteworthy examples of

innovative, cost effective contributions to quality care. The diversity of these Leading Practices speaks to the commitment that extends across our organization to provide “The Best Care for All”. Two of these practices include our Integrated Model for Stroke Care led by the team at Hamilton General Hospital, and The Rapid Referral Processing and Priority Admissions Strategy for the Palliative Care program at St. Peter’s Hospital. Both of these practices are focused on providing the best patient care at a challenging time. The programs that are home to these practices have also benefited from philanthropic support. Through the financial contributions of donors, our staff are enabled with the equipment, environment, and educational resources they need to focus on providing the quality of care that you would want for a friend or family member who was in need. In short, it has been an exciting and eventful year at Hamilton Health Sciences, and we are truly appreciative for the trust that you have placed in us through your financial support. We will honour that trust as we continue to provide “The Best Care for All”.

Murray T. MartinPresident & CEO

Mark RizzoBoard Chair


Page 25: HealtH Care, transformeD

$10,000 - $24,999Abbott Laboratories Ltd.Aberdeen Asset Management Inc.Acumen Insurance GroupAdvocate Insurance GroupThe Aidan Teague Charity Softball

ClassicDr. Olabode AkintanAndlauer FamilyThe Association of Day Care

Operators of OntarioAssured AutomotiveIn Loving Memory of Barbara

BeaudoinMr. Dennis BeraldoIrene BlacklockBoehringer Ingelheim Ltd.Boobapalooza EventBorden Ladner Gervais LLPEstate of Betty BoultbeeEstate of John Crossley BurnsEmployees of Canada PostEstate of Heng Choon ChanThe CHML/Y108 Children’s FundCogeco CableColumbia International CollegeMs. Elizabeth CumberlandThe Deutschmann FamilyDr. Hisham DokainishMr. and Mrs. James R. DruryDundas Poppy Trust Fund, Branch

No. 36Edgewater Manor RestaurantEFI Technologies Inc.Elekta, Inc.Fengate CapitalFirst Student CanadaDr. Peter and Susan FitzgeraldGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPHoleigh Day FundraiserEstate of Cornelia HornsveldImperial OilThe J. P. Bickell FoundationJanco Steel Inc.Jo Thorman Memorial Golf

TournamentThe John Howard Society - Adult

Diversion ProgramJohnson Controls L.P.Joshua’s Journey Charity Golf

TournamentThe Keg Steakhouse & BarKids’ Health Links FoundationEstate of William Gordon

KitchenerLazar Famous Deli and Bakery, A

Div. of 1343059 Ontario Ltd.Lordly Jones LimitedLynne’s Legacy RunMapleview Shopping CentreLinda and Murray MartinMcCallum Sather Architects Inc.Samuel McCuenMedbuy CorporationMedtronic of Canada Ltd.Estate of Anthony Joseph Moccio

Mountainview Homes - Basciano, Memme and Podrebarac Families

Estate of Evelyn MurdochNorthern Diabetes Health NetworkOCI for OthersOptumInsight - CanReg Inc.Geraldine PhenixPizza Pizza LimitedMr George PloderMr. and Mrs. Reginald PollardThe Prostate Cancer Fight

FoundationIlya Pinassi - Race for GraceRide for Dad - Golden Horseshoe

ChapterRotary Club of Ancaster, A.M.Royal Canadian Legion

Branch 58Samuel W. Stedman FoundationMr. Michael S. and Mrs. Jane

SchwengerEstate of Sylvia ServosShooting for the Stars Gala -

Dawn BlaineySilverhearts AssociationSodexoRachelle Solski, In Memory of

Bill SolskiSpacelabs Healthcare (Canada)

Inc.St. Elizabeth Home SocietyStryker CanadaMrs. Florence SwireDr. David SzalayTony (The Bandito) Valerio

Memorial Car ShowTucker’s TimeMr. and Mrs. Clay UllrichPearl F. VeenemaThe Wilsons, Landane HouseEstate of Robert Albert WilsonWine, Women & SongJudith WoodsMr. Ronald WoodsMs. Madeleine ZeldinZonta Club of Hamilton I$5,000 - $9,999A. Mulji Medicine Professional Inc.Absolute PilatesActiv8 Wellness StudioAddison’s StoryAir Canada FoundationThe Albert Abrum Lager

FoundationAl-Care Disaster Kleen-upAMGEN Canada LtdAnthony Bozzo Inc.Gord Armes & Bill Hamilton

Memorial Golf TournamentArt ‘N The Ground Ltd.Atlantic Roofers Ontario Ltd.b.r.a.i.n.child McMaster Children’s

HospitalEstate of William Amos BarkerBarton Radiologists

Dr. John V. and Mrs. Dora Basmajian

Baxter CorporationBecton Dickinson Canada Inc.Beverly Golf & Country Club,

Charity Pro-Am Golf ClassicBHH BenefitsBoardvantage Inc.Boogie for BoobiesIn Memory of Tanner Mullally from

his friends at Boston PizzaMarnie and Bill BrehmBrooklyn Rose RodrigueThe Cadillac Fairview Corporation

LimitedMr. Lance CalbeckMarc and Cyndy CampbellWilliam and Dorothy CampbellCardi Construction LimitedCarstar Automotive Canada Inc.CCSI Technology SolutionsCelgene CanadaCIBC Wood GundyCiccarelli GroupClairmont ElectricMr. and Mrs. Jason ClarkDr. Gerry & Dr. May Cohen - In

Memory of Stuart J. CohenComstock Canada Ltd.Ralph and Eileen ConnorMr. Michael CostabileCrane Fund for Widows and

ChildrenCreative FundraisersPhilip Davis and Donna DavisMs. Gianfranca De AngelisDeFaveri ConstructionMr. and Mrs. Antonius DeGruntDeloitte & Touche LLPThe Di Tursi FamilyPeter Di Tursi Memorial FundDirty Dog SaloonDistricts A, B & C Masonic Beef

and Corn RoastDr. Lonn Medicine Professional

CorporationMr. Desmond D’SilvaMr. Bob EwenExpress PersonnelEZCORP FoundationE-Zee Forming LimitedFederal Marine Terminals -

Fednav Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd FergusonFerring PharmaceuticalsFUSEGE Capital InformationTechnology

Solutions Inc.Golfi Concrete & Drain LimitedGore Mutual Insurance FoundationGary Graham and Sandra J.

StephensonGrant Thornton LLPGreat-West Life, London Life and

Canada LifeMrs. Dorothy J. GreenHadrian Manufacturing Inc.Hagersville Elementary SchoolHalton Regional Police Association

Hamilton Tiger-CatsHarbridge & Cross LimitedThe Harold E. Ballard FoundationThe Herjavec Group Inc.Highland Secondary SchoolMr. and Mrs. Larry HowarthHull & Hull Barristers and

SolicitorsIntact Financial CorporationIron Workers Local 736 Annual

Golfing Fore Kids InvitationalMs. Betty JanssensJim and Marlene JohnstonJuravinski Engineering

Department FundraiserFriends of Keltie’sMr. and Mrs. Nadir Shan KhojaL.J. Barton Mechanical Inc.Legacy of Love CookbooksThe Lensmakers OpticalLife Management Group LimitedDr. Barry J. LumbMackesy Smye LLPMac’s Convenience Stores Inc.The Mandy FamilyJohn Mathioudakis/Westbrooke of

Ancaster Fine Tailored Clothing Inc.

Mr. John McGraghMedical MartMGI Financial Inc.MHPM Project Managers Inc.Michael Berlin’s Hair Cut for Mac

KidsMidia Medicine Professional

CorporationMSCM LLPDr. Amin MuljiMr. Michael MurphyNaylor GroupNestle Canada Inc.New Alliance LimitedThe Optimist Club of Puslinch Inc.Order Sons of Italy of Canada

Trieste Lodge No. 4Paul’s RestorationsMr. and Mrs. Paul PhoenixPink Night Dream TeamPink Passion Golf TournamentEstate of Elsie Mary PiovesanMr. Edmund PowersPricewaterhouseCoopers PWC

Management ServicesPro Concrete & Paving LimitedProvincial Health Ethics NetworkQC Construction Products of

Canada LimitedRay Lewis Elementary SchoolRBC Royal BankRicoh Canada Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Reginald J.

RobertsonThe Rocca Sisters TeamRoss & McBride LLP Law FirmRoyal Canadian Legion

Ontario Command Charitable Foundation

Dr. Kourosh Sabri and Mrs. Samira Hesami

The Samuel Group of CompaniesMr. Theo SeibertSelectpath Benefits & Financial

Inc.SimplexGrinnellSlate Properties & FriendsMr. John SlotegraafMs. Teresa SmithSoroptimist International of

Hamilton-BurlingtonMr. and Mrs. Philip Sottile and

FamilySpaenaur Inc.Standard Parking of Canada Ltd.Stephen Smith and Dorothy Woltz

FoundationStressCrete Group EmployeesDr. Brian SullivanSwing Fore Dreams Charity Golf

TournamentT. Lloyd Electric Ontario Ltd.Mr. Awny TahaTD Group Financial ServicesThe Teresa Cascioli Charitable

FoundationTri-Star FormingMr. and Mrs. Terry TykolisUltramar Canada Inc.Varcon Construction CorporationDr. James L. VelianouVineyard Holdings Inc.W. R. B. Sales & Marketing Inc.Walker IndustriesWhitearn FoundationWinchester ArmsXerox Canada Inc.$1,000 - $4,9991804250 Ontario LimitedA Novel Idea - Women Supporting

WomenAbcott Construction LtdMr. Grant AbrielMr. Scott AdamsAdena Springs NorthAdvanced Orthodynamics Inc.Mr. Joe Aiello and Ms. R. Ann

McLaughlinMr. Adetayo AkinyemiMr. Sam AlaimoMr. Andrew AlexanianMr. Roger AliMrs. Patti-Ann AllenMr. Tim AllenAllergan Inc.Ms. Kim AlvaradoAMA Roofing SuppliesArc Accounts Recovery Corp.ArcelorMittal DofascoBeezer ArmstrongMr. Atul AroraAssociated Combustion Inc.Austin Healey Club of Southern

OntarioDr. Ronen AvramAyerswood Development

CorporationMr. and Mrs. Gordon BaileyMr. and Mrs. Charles Barone

Mrs. Phyllis BarrowsBarry’s JewellersMrs. Leighan BasadurMs. Ann-Elizabeth BeattieMr. Paul BeauchesneMrs. M.C. Kathy BeigieBennett Mechanical Installations

Ltd.Mrs. Miranda BeraldoAnne BerminghamBig Bee Food MartMr. and Mrs. James BirdMs. Therese BirdBishop Tonnos Catholic

Secondary SchoolBlack & White Affair - Gasbarrino

FamilyBlack’s Equine CentreBlakely & Associates Inc.B’Nai Brith Sports Celebrity DinnerMr. and Mrs. Robertson BoakDr. Allyson BourkeMr. Nicholas BradleyMr. Leo R. BrammallMr. Joseph BrazierBrendan’s BlastMr. Paul BresnahanBronte Outer Harbour MarinaDr. Melissa BrouwersMr. D. Jeffrey BrownBrownlow Partners Management

Inc.Estate of Michael BrubacherMr. Edward J. BryjaDiane and Norm BuckleyBudds’ BMW of OakvilleMr. Leslie BullockMr. Donald BurnsC.F.F. Stainless Steels Inc.Mr. Mario CairoCake Crumbs & Pie CrustsCalifornia SandwichesMr. William CalverleyMs. Winifred CameronCanadian Celiac Association

HamiltonCanadian Hospital Specialties Ltd.Canadian TireCanadian Tire Financial ServicesMrs. Alice A. CannonJacqueline and Doreen CareyCarlisle Medical CentreCathedral High SchoolMr. Douglas CattranCAW Local 707Central Group Administrators Inc.Drs. Mel Cescon and Donna Ward,

In Honour of their son PaulMs. Marilyn ChaissonIn Loving Memory of Hadley H.

ChamberlainMr. Carlos ChanMr. Michael ChaoMr. Paul ChapinCharles and Florence Martin


$1,000,000 and upBay Area Health Trust$500,000 - $999,999Estate of Richard D. BuchananHamilton Health Sciences

Volunteer Association$100,000 - $499,999Astral Radio HamiltonBayer Inc. - Healthcare DivisionBRIGHT RunCIBCRon and Nancy ClarkConam Charitable FoundationCostco Canada Inc.Dufferin Construction CompanyEllisDon

The Hogarth Family & Pioneer Energy LP

Janssen Inc.Mr. Doug and Mrs. Maryella

LeggatLiquor Control Board of OntarioRobert and Arlene ManherzMicrosoft Canada Inc.Neil and Leanne PetroffEstate of Marie RandleRBC Royal Bank Financial GroupEstate of Albert and Hella SchmidtScotiabank and ScotiabankersTD Bank GroupEstate of Mary Rose Eileen

TurcotteWalmart Canada Inc.

$50,000 - $99,999Acura of HamiltonThe Amethyst for ALSBayshore Home HealthBMO Financial GroupCarmen’sEstate of Stanley Gordon

CarpenterChris Wade Memorial Golf

TournamentEstate of Vera ClarkeClimb for CancerCoast to Coast Against Cancer

FoundationDufferin Concrete (Holcim Canada

Inc.)The Hamilton Community


The Hamilton SpectatorHenderson Structured

Settlements LPEstate of Barbara Joyce

HigginbottomInside Ride for Mac KidsJoelle’s and Jeff’s Guyshop

Fashion ShowJohn Deere Foundation of CanadaLosani Homes LimitedMr. Bill MoirIn honour of Dr. William A. Morgan

- Nigel Morgan and FamilyPfizer Canada Inc.RE/MAXS. C. Johnson and Son, LimitedShoppers Drug MartSun Life Financial

United Association Local 67 Plumbing, Steamfitting and Welding

$25,000 - $49,999In Memory of Dr. David B.

Aitchison & Hilda L. AitchisonEstate of Irene Ann BrabbsMr. Paul BurroughsEstate of Dorothy Margaret

CooneyDairy Queen Canada Inc. and

FranchiseesDianne Baboth Memorial Golf

TournamentEvans, Philp LLPFebruary Fever EventG4S Security Services (Canada)

Ltd.General Electric Canada Inc.

Henderson Radiology AssociatesEstate of Elizabeth Hilling LawsThe Lawson FoundationDr. Nicholas LeylandMr. David M. LumsdenGeorge and Bernie McCarter/

Pearson Dunn Insurance Inc.Mechanical Contractors

Association of HamiltonMerck Frosst Canada Ltd.Estate of Vera May MurphyEstate of Gudrun L. PerinThe Peters-Simmons FamilyRoche CanadaRoszell Charity Golf TournamentEstate of Pauline Frances SmithSteve and Elizabeth Stipsits

tHank you to our ValueD Donors

We sincerely thank all donors who contributed to Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation in 2012. Listed are donors who made new gifts (or payments on current pledges) of $500 or more from January 1 through December 31, 2012.


Page 26: HealtH Care, transformeD

Charles Tomlinson Medicine Professional Corporation

Mr. Stanley CherekCherrywood Acres Public SchoolMr. Amar ChoksiChristopher & Filipe Cadete

Memorial Golf TournamentDr. Jerzy CiokMr. and Mrs. Tony CiprianiMrs. Ruth ClaytonClyde Robertson Insurance

LimitedCollege of Nurses of OntarioAllan and Jane CollinsMr. and Mrs. Charlie ColluraConmed Linvatec CanadaHeather and William CopelandCops, Cats and Caring StudentsCraig Matthew Persia FoundationMr. David CraigMrs. M. Dianne CrawleyMr. Gary CroxonMr. Clare Crozier and Mrs. Shirley

CrozierCruzaders Classic Car ClubMrs. Kathleen CumboEstate of Gordon CunninghamDana Hospitality Inc.Danielle Iampietro Professional

CorporationMr. David R. DavidsonMrs. Margaret DavidsonMr. Lorne DaviesDr. and Mrs. Clive DavisMrs. June DavisMs. Dorothy DaynardMr. Jan de GrijsMr. and Mrs. Donald DeightonMr. Kyle DenvirMrs. Gwendolyn DerbyMr. Derek DermottDetroit Red WingsMrs. Nadia DharseeDr. Bindi Dhesy-ThindMs. Kathy Di SilvestroMr. Kevin-Ross DiamondMs. Nancy DiCosimoMs. Charlotte DiPietroMr. John DixonDJB Chartered AccountantsSteve DobrusDonnici Social ClubMr. Fred DoolittleDorothy Misener Investments Inc.Mr. Bob DorranceMrs. Carol DouglasMs. Tina DoyleDr. “C” Stack Sampling Invitational

Golf TournamentDr. George R. Stallwood

Professional CorporationDr. Janice Elder Medicine

Professional CorporationDr. Katherine Parlee Medicine

Professional CorporaDr. S. Dhesy-Thind Medicine

Professional CorporationDraeger Medical Canada Inc.Mr. Kenneth DrummondDuck Sports Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Brian DuncombeMr. and Mrs. Michael DuschenesEarly Morning Productions Inc.Mr. John EassonMr. Roy T. EismontElizabeth Law Interiors Ltd.Ellamony ClassicMrs. Jean M. EllisDr. Peter EllisElvis Through the Years BenefitEndzone Bar and GrillEnterprise Holdings FoundationMs. Paula EstevesEthan’s Birthday CelebrationMrs. Ingeborg EvansEva’s Voice of AngelsMs. Sue EvelEveline Day Nursery SchoolsExactech Inc.F & M Caulking LimitedFarm Mutual Reinsurance Plan

Inc.Mr. Paul Farrell

Ms. Laura FarrellyPat and Judy FauxMr. Brian W. FearnleyMrs. Deborah FedericoMr. Gerald Fee and Mrs. Beatrice

FeeMs. Lynn FeeFellFab ProductsM. Kathleen FernsMr. Mario Ferrara and Ms. Annabel

KennedyMr. William FerrierFestitalia CorporationFidelity InvestmentsMs. Katharine FinoraMs. Michelle FinucaneMr. Floyd FitzgeraldMr. Paul Fitzpatrick and Ms.

Rosanne FalveyMr. Francis FloodMr. and Mrs. Paul FloricaForesters/Unity Life, A Foresters

CompanyDr. and Mrs. Graeme FraserFreddy the 13th Motorcycle Ride

in Memory of Frederick GauldMr. Nair FreitasFresh Start FoodsMs. Michelle Furtney/St. Davids

SchoolEstate of Natalie FylypiwDr. Javier GanameMr. Richard T. Garwood-JonesGascho Trucking Inc.Dr. Michelle GhertGlenn and Marlene GibsonMr. Robert H. GibsonGerald and Anne GillThe Gilmour FundMr. Josiah GirouxMr. and Mrs. Rick GiulianiGlam LimitedGood Fortune Chinese Resturant

IncGovii Inc. (Johnny Kassar & Brock

Pardo)Mr. Lloyd GowerMs. Kris GraciMr. Rav GraverGreen Shield CanadaDr. Karen GulenchynH. Van Spall Medicine CorporationThe H.G. Bertram FoundationHaldimand Huskies Basketball

ClubMs. Jennifer HallDr. and Mrs. John HallCity of HamiltonHamilton Group Autobody Inc.Hamilton Hawks Bantam A Girls

Hockey TeamHamilton Police AssociationHamilton Police ServiceHamilton Radiation Associates

GroupMr. and Mrs. Bruce M. HamiltonMr. Blair L. HarberHarbour West Marina BoatersMr. W. Grant Hardy - In Memory of

Virginia HardyJoan Mary HarrisonRobert J. HarrisonMr. James HarrodJennifer Hartman and David SmithMr. and Mrs. Ivan and Anne

HegedusMr. James HelmMr. Jerry HendriksThe Hensen FoundationHigh Fives 2 Help LivesMr. and Mrs. John HodgsonEstate of Judy HoganHolcim (Canada) Inc.Jack and Joan HollandHoly Spirit SchoolDrs. Sebastien Hotte and Kathryn

WebertMr. and Mrs. Paul Howes-JonesMrs. Jean HrickHrvatsko Drustvo MedimurjeMr. and Mrs. James HughesMr. John Hutton & Dr. Eileen


Mrs. Dorothy HydeHydro One Employee’s &

Pensioner’s Charity TrustIan Martin LimitedMr. Martin IedemaDr. Godwin IfabiyiMr. F. Arthur InchInvestors Group - Hamilton

Financial Planning CentreInvizij Architects Inc.IODE - Princess Margaret Rose

ChapterIroquois Ridge High SchoolMiss Anita L. IsaacItipack Systems Inc.J.D. Barnes LimitedJack Astor’s Bar and Grill Eastgate

SquareThe Jackman FoundationMr. Norman JacksonMrs. Ruth JacquesMs. Lisa JaegerThe James and Patricia Bullock

Family FoundationMrs. Janet JamesJas Professional CorporationJay’s Drive Fore MDJeannette Giammarco Memorial

Charity TournamentJenna Rose Stark Memorial Golf

TournamentMr. Ian JoffeThe John Laing SingersJohnson & JohnsonMr. David JohnsonMr. and Mrs. William JohnstonMiss Cindy M. JohnstoneDr. Sanjit JollyJones, Gable & Company LimitedJudy Marsales Real Estate Ltd.Mr. Steven KanyarKathy Koabel’s 50th Birthday and

FundraiserMr. Fred KellyKeyser Mason Ball, LLPDr. Binh KhongKinderKing Street Medical PharmacyMr. and Mrs. Dennis KlanderDr. and Mrs. John KnechtelMs. Mary Jane KoabelKool Stuff Toys and CollectiblesMr. and Mrs. William KoornstraMs. Nancy KrakarMs. Kirsten KrullMr. and Mrs. Brad Kuhn - The Jay

Kuhn Memorial Research FundMrs. Wai KwanMr. Stephen LambMr. and Mrs. Chris LambeckMrs. Marcelle LambertMr. and Mrs. Matthew LangfreyMr. Paul LaroseMs. Jennifer LaughtonMrs. Maureen LaveryMrs. Keltie LawLeadingEdge Payroll Group Inc.Leanne Howlett DesignMr. Kenneth LeeLeggat Pontiac Buick CadillacMrs. E. Irene LeonhardtLeppert Business Systems Inc.Mark and Hinda LevineMrs. Shirley LezetcLiane Tautrims Independant

Silpada Designs RepresentativeMrs. Ruth E. LiebersbachMs. Karen LiljaMrs. Pat LiljaLIUNA Local 837Dr. & Mrs. Robert LofthouseMs. Cynthia LokkerMr. and Mrs. Rick LomasMrs. Kathleen LomaxLong & McQuade Musical

InstrumentsMr. Norman Long and Mrs. Clara

LongLoopstra Nixon LLPLori Morris Design Inc.The Lorne and Elsie Hankinson

Charitable Trust FoundationMr. and Mrs. Hugh Lorriman

Dr. Peter LovelessMrs. LoweryMs. Alice E. LustedMacDowell InsuranceMr. Terry MacGibbonDr. Robert MacKenzieThe Madge Golf Tournament - In

Memory of Madelyn GreenMs. Cheryl MalcolmsonMrs. Lorraine MalkovichMr. Jay MandarinoDr. Rajinder S. Mander and Dr.

Pali ManderManulife FinancialMarchese HealthcareMarian Council 3881 Charitable

TrustMr. and Dr. Robert and Sharon

MarrMs. Krista MarshallMr. Bruce MartinMr. and Mrs. Albert MasiniMastectomy Lingerie & MoreDr. and Mrs. Thomas MatheMs. Joanne McCallumMr. John McCroryMr. Larry McDonaldMcDonald’s RestaurantsJames and Edna McEdwardsMrs. Lesley McIverMcKeil Marine LimitedMr. Allan McKenzieMrs. Joan E. McLaughlinMr. John McLaughlinDr. Richard McLeanMs. Stephanie McManusMcMaster Italian AssociationMcMaster University - Steel

Research CentreMcMaster Varsity Fencing TeamMr. Robert B. McMasterGary and Joyce McMurrayMr. J. Duncan McNaughtonMr. Scott McPheeMr. John McQuadeDrs. Matthew and Moira McQueenMr. and Mrs. Robert McQuillenMr. and Mrs. Donald McTaggartDr. and Mrs. Ian McWalterDr. Elaine McWhirterMD Management Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon MeadowsMr. and Mrs. Nelson MedeirosMedical College of WisconsinMedigasMeglin Holdings Inc.Mr. Tom MeneokMen’s Club RoctoberfestMr. and Mrs. Samuel MercantiMetro Window Tinting Inc.Mr. John MichaildisDr. Mehran MidiaMiller FarmsDr. Paul MillerMs. Theresa MillerMs. Marjorie MilliganMilli’s Ltd.Dr. and Mrs. Maurice MishkelAudrey and Alan MoffettMohawk Bracelet FundraiserMoney MartMrs. Judith MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. Drummond and

Frances MoonMs. Susan MooreRev. Elwood R. Morden and Mrs.

Olive E. MordenMr. Thomas MoriarityMr. and Mrs. Greg MorrealeMortgage Concepts IncMother’s Day BrunchMountain HyundaiMouse Contracting Inc.MTE Consultants Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Bernard MuiseMrs. Bella MullerMr. Ed MuscatPatrick and Korrie Musitano,

Concession Medical PharmacyDr. Girish Nair

National Steel Car Ltd. Employees Charitable Donation Fund

Dr. Shanker NesathuraiNew-Life MillsElizabeth NewmanMiss Hayley Newton and Mr.

Angelo MusitanoNexen Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ng Jr.Niagara Health System

FoundationMrs. Elizabeth Joan Nixon Mrs. Janet NoonanDr. and Mrs. W. E. NoonanNotre Dame Catholic Secondary

SchoolNovo Nordisk Canada Inc.Oakville Conference & Banquet

CentreMr. Terry O’DonnellOld Republic Insurance Company

of Canada StaffMr. Ralph OlivieriOMERSOne Duke Restaurant and LoungeOntario Power Generation

Employees Charity TrustDr. and Mrs. John A. OpieMs. Zoi OuzasP & H Milling GroupMr. and Mrs. William PalamarMr. George PanagakisMr. Frank PanettaDr. Alexandra PapaioannouParamount Family CenterParkway MotorsPartyLite Gifts, Ltd.Mr. Peter J. PattersonMr. Robert Peak and Ms. Connie

L. UnrauMr. Justin PedroDr. Sumithra A. PeerisPegasus Direct Mail Worx Inc.Peninsula Duty Free Shops LtdDon and Sheila PetherMr. Paul PierrozMrs. Anne PigottPine Hill Machining IncMrs. Sylvia PirieMrs. Anne PizzacallaMrs. Jana PollardTamara and Lance PopeMs. Carol PotvinThe Poultry HutMr. and Mrs. Ludvik PrevecMrs. Kristine PriemsPROCOR LIMITEDProfessional Orthopedic ProductsProject ConcernProject PlaytimeQueenston Group Insurance &

Financial Inc.Mrs. Roxy RaeRalph Mercanti & Maria Succi

Memorial Golf TournamentMs. Carol A. RandRankins Restaurant Ltd.Hella A. RaufeisenTim and Kathy RaynerRed Hat LadiesMr. Robert RedheadMrs. Marie RichardMr. Peter RichardsMr. Ronald RitchellMrs. Barbara RitchieRobert Evans Investment Counsel

Ltd.John and Suzanne RobertsonMs. Margaret RobertsonRock ‘n Blues for Children’s

CausesMs. Eleanor RodneyMr. and Mrs. Michael RodrigueMr. and Mrs. Domenico RomitoRosedale Senior ClubMr. Walter RosinskiRotary Club of Flamborough A.M.Rotary Club of Hamilton A.M.Royal Canadian Legion

Branch 154 Poppy FundRoyal Canadian Legion

Branch 163 Poppy Fund

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 230

Mr. James RuddleMr. and Mrs. Nick RupcichMs. Karen RuttanMarvin RyderEstate of Reino SainioDr. Omid SalehianSalex/Marnik SauderMr. Greg SawatskyDr. Corey SawchukIn Memory of Mary Anna

SchneiderMiss Geraldine SchramScotty’s Refrigeration IncMs. Frances L. SearleDr. and Mrs. Richard SeeleyDr. Sandra SeigelSeven Star SportsSewing Machines EtceteraShademaster Landscaping Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Michael SheaShelterclad Construction Ltd.Ms. Cindy SheridanSian Bradwell Fund for Children

With CancerSimcoe County Children’s Aid

SocietyDavid and Gwynneth SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Richard SiwikSkeates Contracting Inc.Estate of Bernard M. SlavinMarilyn SloaneSmiles in Motion - Dr. Allyson

BourkeDon & Wendy Smith - Smith’s

Funeral HomesMr. Greg Smith and FamilySmyles for MylesMr. and Mrs. Brian SmythMiss Sophie SmythMr. Leif SoderholmDr. Doron SommerMr. John A. SouleSouthern Ontario Model AirshowMr. and Mrs. Frank SpadoniSpecs on Pearl Inc.St. Augustine Catholic School

CouncilMrs. Olive St. JohnMr. Steven St. JohnSt. Therese of Lisieux Catholic

Elementary SchoolSt. Thomas More Catholic

Secondary SchoolThe Staite FamilyStar Riders of OntarioStarlight Children’s Foundation

CanadaDr. W. StephenMrs. Sandra StephensonStone Church Family Health TeamDr. Barbara Strang and Mr. John

McBrienMr. Stan StychMr. Reginald SwamyMr. Edward SwecSweetly Sleeping - A Lillian Beth

Rehan BenefitMr. Mark TammingaMrs. Louise Taylor Green and

Paul GreenMrs. Debra TaylorTeam ChazTeam Heme - book and bake saleTeam Up for TaylorTebulo N.A. Ltd.Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kathryn TekkerTELUSMr. Dave Thomas and Ms. Julie

BuckleThroat Threads Apparel Inc.Mr. Stanley TickTim HortonsTom Rose Sr. Memorial Dart

TournamentLois Topham & Kal KuronenTrail BlazersMrs. Tina TurnerMs. Yvonne Turner-MossMr. and Mrs. Rich Ubbels

tHank you to our ValueD Donors


Page 27: HealtH Care, transformeD

We sincerely thank all donors who contributed to Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation in 2012. Listed are donors who made new gifts (or payments on current pledges) of $500 or more from January 1 through December 31, 2012.

United Brotherhood of America Carpenters & Joiners Local 18

University of GuelphUniversity of TorontoMr. and Mrs. Gerrit VanderDussenMr. Steve Varey and Ms. Paula

EstevesVastardis Capital ServicesMr. Bob VeeversMr. and Mrs. David VelanoffMr. Timothy VerheyMr. and Mrs. Peter VezinaMr. and Mrs. Robert VinsonVitalAire Canada Inc.Mr. Frank VonaDr. Sachi VorugantiJoyce and Bill WallaceMs. Kathie WardMr. Mark WarrickWaterford Lioness ClubCharles and Isabel Waterman &

FamilyMrs. Charlotte WatkinsMr. and Mrs. David WattsMr. Andrew WebsterRalph & Vicki WeekesWeisz Family Foundation/The

Effort Trust CompanyWestdale JewellersWestdale Warriors Football TeamMr. Johan WestenbergE. A. WhethamJim and Erna WhethamWhite Pine Waste Services Inc.Mr. David M. WhiteMs. Sandra WhitelawMr. Allen WhyteM. Claire Wilkinson, LLBMs. Melanie WilkoveskyMr. David WillMr. and Mrs. G. K. WilliamsEstate of Raymond WilsonSandra, Michael, Connor &

Shirley-Ray WilsonWinning Foursome at Canadian

Bearings Golf TourneyDr. Christopher WojcickiEstate of Angela Margaret WoodsMs. Susan WrayMrs. Donna WrightDr. Jim WrightMr. Allen J. WynperleEstate of Elsie A. YoungMr. Keith YoungJustice Bernd E. ZabelMrs. Marita ZaffiroDr. Kevin ZbukZebra Girl JewelleryDr. Katherine ZettleMr. and Mrs. Tim ZimmermanMrs. Stefanie ZugecZumbathon for Mac KidsMr. Richard ZurawskiMs. Ida Zuzurte$500 - $9991432872 Ontario Ltd.1498855 Ontario Inc.A. DiMarco Construction Ltd.Access Driving EducationAdachi Medicine Professional

CorporationAer Rianta International North

America IncMr. and Mrs. Paul AgroAlivia’s RainbowsMrs. Norma AllanMrs. Ruth AlmasMs. Diana AlmonteAluma Systems Canada Inc.Employees of American ExpressMrs. Susan AndersonMr. and Mrs. Guerino AndreattaAngela’s FashionMr. Patrick AngielczykMr. Kevin AnzikMs. Karen ArcherMs. Elizabeth ArissMr. and Mrs. John ArmstrongMrs. Emmy ArnoldMr. H. Anthony ArrellArtcor Investments Inc.

Aviva CanadaMr. and Mrs. David BaffaMr. and Mrs. Alan BaileyDr. Karen BaileyMrs. Milana BalcoMr. Bruce BarchBard Canada Inc.Ms. Carolyn BarnesMr. Ronald BarnettMr. James BaumanMr. Richard BayardsBayer CropScienceDr. and Mrs. Stanley T. BayleyBC & C Professional CorporationMr. and Mrs. Paul BeattyMs. Chelsey BeckMr. Harold BeerMrs. Dorothy BeesleyMr. Barry C. BellmanMs. Amy BenderDr. Ann M. BengerMr. Guiliano BerardiMr. Lloyd BergMrs. Marlene BergshoeffMr. and Mrs. Reno BerlingieriMs. D. Joan BertaMr. Gary D. BeveridgeMr. and Mrs. Balbir BhogalMr. Philip BilanBilly Green SchoolMr. E. Roy BirkettBishop Ryan Secondary SchoolMr. and Mrs. Milton BlackMr. Kevin BlaineyMr. John BlakeMr. Doran BlanchfieldMr. Anthony BlankenMrs. Susan BlatzBlessed Trinity Catholic Secondary

SchoolMr. Michael BlonskiMs. Tina BoardmanMs. Karen BockMr. and Mrs. Harry BogleMr. and Mrs. Denis BoiteauBOMImed Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John BosomworthDr. Helene Boutin & Dr. Mark

WaltonMr. and Mrs. Walter BoydMr. Anthony BozzoDr. Christine A. BradleyMr. Kenneth BradwellMr. Don BrandMr. Gordon BrandesMr. Jay BrandesMrs. Marsha BrandesBrant Naval Veterans AssociationMr. and Mrs. Douglas BrignallMr. and Mrs. Paul BrindleMrs. J. E. BrodieMrs. Merle BrogdenMs. Chantel BrotenMs. Lianne BroughtonMs. Cynthia BrownMrs. Deborah BrownMrs. Linda BrownMr. and Mrs. Ernest BruntonMrs. Ann BuckeBucsa Dentistry Professional

CorporationMrs. Hanne BuitenhuisMr. and Mrs. Robert BurnsideMr. and Mrs. Wayne BurdonBurlington Orthotic CentreMs. Ava BurtisThe Buttrum FamilyMr. Joshua ByerMr. Brian ByersC. Sawchuk Medicine Professional

CorporationMrs. Shirley CadeIn Memory of Jessie CairnieMr. Frank CalcagniCambridge Highlands Lions ClubMr. Norman M. CameronMrs. Constance CampbellCanadian Police Knowledge

NetworkCAREstream Medical Ltd.Mrs. Nancy CarterMr. and Mrs. John Cavarzan

Cedar Springs Athletic & Racquet Club

Ms. Mary CerneccaDr. Anthony ChanMr. Charlton ChanMs. Laura ChapmanMr. Robert CharleboisCheryl and David Sergeant TrustMr. and Mrs. Paul ChristopherCI InvestmentsMrs. Susan CianconeMr. Emilio CifaniMs. Maddalena CioccioMr. and Mrs. Graham ClarkMrs. Sandy ClarkClassy Girl Magazine - Calendar

4 CureMrs. Jenna ClaussenDr. Jeanne ClintonThe Clorox CompanyMrs. Iris CloseCN Employees’ and Pensioners’

Community FundMr. and Mrs. Marvin CohenMr. Brian Colborne and Dr. Karen

RaymerMs. Antoinette CollinsCOM DEV International Ltd.Complete Communication

Systems Inc.Mr. Dennis R ConcordiaMs. Linda ConroyMr. Angelo ConsoliConvaTec Canada Ltd.Mr. Clare CopelandCopetown Lions ClubMs. W. Shirley CorpMr. Francis CosgroveMrs. Erika CostaCoulter’s Pharmacy & Home

Health CareCreate Cord Blood Bank IncMr. and Mrs. Mike CredicoCross Avenue AutoCulliton Brothers LimitedJustice Tim CulverMs. Margaret CunninghamMs. Arlene Dacol-ManherzMr. Philip DalyMr. Camillo D’AngeloDaniels Sharpsmart Canada

LimitedMr. and Mrs. Lorne DawDr. Ian and Mrs. Tina DayesDealerSocketMr. and Mrs. Brian DeavesMr. and Mrs. Fred DeJongeMr. and Mrs. Liam DelaneyMr. Christopher DenneyMs. Sarah DenommeMiss Martha DicksonMr. William Dikianidis, Sr.Ms. Pamela D’IppolitoMr. Tim DixonDonald Stearns Holdings Inc.Dr. Joseph Y. Chu Medicine

Professional Corp.Duff ClassicDundas Granite MastersMs. Gena DureaultMr. George DyckE. D. Smith & Sons Ltd.Eagles Landing Mobile ParkMr. and Mrs. Bob EastonMs. Nancy Eber and Mr. Kerry

KirbyKimberly EhlerMrs. Dawn Ehler-PrattMs. Linda EmberleyMr. and Mrs. Daniel EmmonsMrs. Louise E. EnglandEquipment Corps Inc.Mrs. Joni ErmetaMr. and Mrs. Graham EvanoffMrs. Irene EvansMrs. Jane E. EvansThe Evers Financial Group Inc.Mr. Gerald FahyMrs. Catherine FarnsworthMr. John K. FarrellMs. Katharine FarrellMrs. Myrtle Fenton

Mr. L. Gordon FergusonFirst Capital FinancialFirst Day of SummerMr. Murray FirthMr. Patrick FischerFisher & Paykel HealthcareMr. and Mrs. Peter FletcherMr. Keith FlisMr. Samuel Floyd and Ms. Joanne

FloydMs. Brenda FluitFlynn Canada Ltd.Mr. Elwood FlynnDr. S. Ronan Foley & Dr.

Catherine A. RossMr. and Mrs. Tony ForgioneMr. and Mrs. William ForrestMr. Serge FortierMr. Ivan FrancisFrank Butty LimitedMr. Bruce FranklinMr. John K. FraserFred Hall & Son Ltd.John Freeborn and Margaret

WhetstoneFreelton Lions Club ActivitiesThe Freeman Family FoundationMr. Norman FreidinMr. and Mrs. George FrenchMs. Joan FrenchMs. Andrea FrolicMrs. Maria FrostMr. Derek FryerMr. and Mrs. Larry FultonMrs. Patricia FultonMr. and Mrs. Joseph GabrielMrs. Jeane I. GageMrs. Kathleen GagliardiMrs. Janette GallagherThe Garda Security Group Inc.Mr. Scott GardinerMr. and Mrs. James GaultonMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. GauthierMr. Robert H. GedyeMr. Vincent and Angela GeerdinckMr. Hank GeldermanMr. and Mrs. Paul GiammariaMrs. Vittoria GiannuzziMr. and Mrs. Kenneth GibsonGilead Sciences Canada Inc.Ms. Sally GilesGlaxoSmithKline Inc.Mr. Stephen GleaveMrs. Maria GlinogaGMB Heavy Industries Inc.Dr. Robert GoldsmithMr. Michael W. GolychMs. Christine GosnekMr. and Mrs. Wayne GowanThe GPS Consulting Group of

Insurance AgenciesMr. Brian GrahamMs. E. Joy GrahekGreat ClipsMr. Ken GreavesMs. Otilia Grec and Mr. Cristian

GasparMr. Matthew GreenMr. Robin GriffinMr. Gunter GroegerMs. Irena GrubisicGruhle Manufacturing LimitedDr. Susan GudelisGuild Electric Charitable

FoundationMrs. Dianne GuyJohn Richard GuyMr. Richard A. HainsworthMr. and Mrs. Doug HallmanHamilton Naval Veteran’s

AssociationMr. Dave HammMr. Paul HammondMr. and Mrs. Maurice HanleyMrs. Margaret HarkinHarm Schilthuis & Sons LimitedHarris RebarDr. Jennifer HarrisMr. Geoffrey HarrisonMr. Bruce C. HartmanHasty Market Corp.Mr. Drew Hauser

Mrs. Sandra HayMr. and Mrs. Murray HayesHBL Home Maintenance SpecialistHealthcare and Municipal

Employees’ Credit UnionMrs. Jennifer HendersonMs. Nancy A. HendersonMr. Ryan HendersonMr. Clayton HesserHHS - Human Resources -

Movember CampaignMr. and Mrs. Robert HickeyMr. and Mrs. Jordan HillDr. Hal HirteDr. Eric HoDr. Nicole HodgsonMr. and Mrs. Wayne HodgsonMr. and Mrs. Ron HoganHome DepotThe Home Spa’s FundraiserMs. Frances HoppaHorizon Employees’ Charity FundHorizon Utilities CorporationHorror HotelMr. and Mrs. Paul HoulachanMr. Alan C. HoustonMrs. Patricia HowardMr. Frank HsuMr. Peter HsuMs. Milagros HuangRobert and Ruth HughesMr. Jack HuizengaMr. Ernest HumphriesMr. Norm HutchinsonMr. Gerald HuttenMrs. Caroline HuttonMrs. Gail HuxleyMr. William D. HuyckeMr. Chester S. HyslopI Love the 80’s ReunionIBEW Senior Member’s Club

Local 105Imperial Coin & Stamp CompanyIndustrial AllianceMr. Jerry IngrassiaIntegrated Market Solutions Inc.Mr. Krisjanis IntenbergsMr. and Mrs. Gerald IsleyMs. Rita ItalianoMrs. Dianne JacksonMs. E. Jean JacksonMr. and Mrs. George JacksonMrs. Jeannette M. JacksonMr. John JacksonMs. Susan JakobsonJames Frizell Dentistry

Professional CorporationMr. and Mrs. George C. JamesMs. Erin JamulaJeffrey D. Root Law OfficeMiss Irene JenkinsJessie Rees FoundationDr. Curtis JohansonMr. Brian JohnsonMr. John R. JohnsonMr. Peter JohnsonMr. Robert JohnsonJohnston Chrysler Dodge JeepMr. Richard W. JohnstonMrs. Marjorie JonesMrs. Rosalie JonesMrs. Rosalyn JuergensMr. and Mrs. Nick JusdanisMs. Jean KadoMr. Michael KampenMs. Julia KamulaKarl Storz Endoscopy Canada Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Brian KarschtiKCI Medical Canada Inc.Mrs. Ursula KehoeMr. Bill A. KennedyKernels for KidsMr. Frederick KetchenMrs. Kerri KilikMr. and Mrs. Peter KingstonMr. Donald KirkwoodMr. William KishchukThe Kitchener and Waterloo

Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. Charles KlagerMs. Jennifer KodisMrs. Eri Koike

Mr. and Mrs. David KompareMr. Tim KoshulDr. Tom KouroukisMr. Peter KozlowskiMs. Antoinette KreamerMrs. Doreen KropfMr. and Mrs. Adam KuligMiss Rose KurchikMrs. Judith LakeLakeshore LivingMr. and Mrs. Michael LambMr. and Mrs. Ted LamontMrs. Sarah LampsonMr. and Mrs. Dave LandsboroughMrs. Janie LappanDr. Mark LarcheMr. Barteli Lasota and Ms. Carla

MartinezMrs. Margaret LawrieCarrie LawsonMr. Herbert LawsonPeggy and Gordon LawsonHonorable Colin Lazier and Mrs.

Jocelyn LazierMr. and Mrs. Robert LearnMrs. Ann LeaskMr. Donald LeatherdaleMr. and Mrs. Kenneth LeeMr. Christophe LemarieMr. David LentzMr. Harry LeppingtonMr. Jeffrey LeRoyMrs. Pearl LesterMr. Ron LewyckyjMr. and Mrs. Gethyn LeyshonMr. Doug LfolsetterLife Takes TimeLindock Agencies LimitedMr. William H. R. LindseyMr. James R. LittleLoblaws Supermarkets LimitedLocal 273 O.P.S.E.UDr. Mike LococcoMr. Roy LofgrenMr. John A. LongMrs. Joyce LongulMr. Siegfried LookMr. Gordon LounsburyMs. Catherine LovettMs. Kathy LucasMr. James H. LumbMr. Neil J LumsdenMac Fab Manufacturing Inc.Ms. Lori MacCullouchMr. David MacDonaldMs. Pam MacDonaldMr. and Mrs. Allan MacKinnonDr. Harriet MacMillanMr. Danny MaddickMs. Theresa MajdaMr. Jeff MalcolmMr. Harry ManciniMr. Gabriel MandelMs. Debi MansfieldMaple Leaf Sports &

EntertainmentMaquet-DynamedDr. and Mrs. Michael MarcaccioMs. Inissina MarchesanoThe Marie Reid FundMarks Supply Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Santo MarraMr. Clint MarshallMr. and Mrs. Leslie MarshallMr. and Mrs. Greg MartinMrs. Lee MartiniMasimo Canada ULCMrs. Saleem MasoodDr. Julia Masterson and Dr. Jeffrey

WeitzMr. Tommy A. MatherMr. Fred MattioliMs. Susan MawhineyMr. Thomas P. MayneMr. Joel McArterMcArthur Medical Sales Inc.Mrs. Lori McClayMr. and Mrs. David McCrackenMr. Ian McDonaldMs. Dotrice McGlashenMr. John McKay


Page 28: HealtH Care, transformeD

Ms. Jan McKeeMadam Justice Mary Jo McLarenMr. and Mrs. Donald McLeanMrs. Nancy McMillanMr. and Mrs. Dave McMullenMrs. Raymonde McNallyMs. Cheryl R. MegerMs. Mary K. MelnykMs. Deborah MenziesMerlen Kropf FoundationDr. Mary MessiehMs. Marylou MeyersMr. and Mrs. Paul MichaelMr. Vernard A. MileticMr. Darrell MillerMr. Robert J. MillerMr. Paul and Mrs. Carolyn MilneMr. and Mrs. John MitchellMr. and Mrs. Albert MoccioMr. Matthew MoccioMrs. Vivien O. G. MogridgeMohawk MonthMonsignor Clancy Catholic

ElementaryMr. and Mrs. Robert L. MooreMrs. Caroline MoranMr. Carlos MorilloMr. and Mrs. Robert MorrealeMr. and Mrs. Wolfgang MougetMudpies and Daisies Children’s

BoutiqueMr. and Mrs. William MuirheadMr. and Mrs. Doug MuiseMr. Randall MulderMr. Neville R. MulvihillMr. Andrew MuracoMr. Angelo MuracoMr. Paul MurphyMr. Bohdan W. MykolynMr. Robert NadonMs. Meena NandagopalMr. Geoffrey NaserMr. and Mrs. Parker NealeNecklaces of HopeMr. W. Russell NeilsonNella Cutlery & Food Equipment

Inc.Marjorie and Bill NelsonDr. Alan NevilleNew World HoldingsNew York Fries South St. Burger

CompanyMrs. Mary NewellFay and Michael NgMr. Khoi V. NguyenMr. and Mrs. Doug NicholMs. Donna Norton

Ms. Elizabeth J. NowakNutricia North America Inc.Mr. John ObrovacMs. Maureen O’NeilO’Neil’s Farm EquipmentOnondaga Lodge #519Onondaga Volunteer Firefighters

- LotteryOnondaga Volunteer Firefighters

AssociationMr. and Mrs. Jim OrdowichMr. and Mrs. Brian OsborneMr. Jim OsborneMrs. Linda OsborneOutFront Portable SolutionsMr. Lawrence OverbeekeMr. Tomislav PalisakDr. and Mrs. John PalmerMs. Jenny ParisiParty in the ParkMr. and Mrs. Devendra PatelMiss Karen PaulMrs. Jeanne PaulinMs. Lisa PaulinMr. Malcom PayneMrs. Maureen PeacockMr. Arnold PereiraMr. Gill PerminderMr. and Mrs. Raymond PerryPettinelli, Mastroluisi LLP

Chartered AccountantsPhysio-Care Services (Hamilton)Mr. Anthony PiconeMs. Laura PielechatyThe Pioneer Group Inc.Mr. Keith PlanteCustomers of Player’s ParadisePolycon IndustriesMr. Kodeeswaran PonnampalamMr. and Mrs. Scott PooleMr. and Mrs. Greg PorterMr. and Mrs. David PowerPresvac SystemsMr. Ken PritchardMs. Lee Prokaska-CurtisMrs. Veronica PunnettMs. Debbie Ramsay-PettigrewMrs. Lorraine RandallMr. Don RankinMs. Rita RaposoMrs. Carolyn RashfordDr. Karen E. RaymerMrs. Susan RaymondRDCD Enterprises LimitedMr. Corrado RecchiutiRegina Mundi Catholic School

Rehateck Motion Systems Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Carson ReidMs. Diane B. ReidMs. Laurie ReidMr. and Mrs. Peter ReimerMr. and Mrs. Leo C. ReiseRenfro Canada Inc.Mrs. Nancy RenwickMrs. Gertrude ReuklMrs. Angelina ReyesRhona L. Waxman Law OfficesMs. Kelly RichardMr. Douglas RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Paul RichardsonMs. Amber RipaMiss Crystal RipaMr. Cedric RitchieMr. and Mrs. Dana RobbinsMr. John RobertsonMr. Tim RobertsonMr. Shawn P. RocheMr. and Mrs. John RockxDr. and Mrs. J. M. RosloskiMr. Kenneth RoweMr. and Mrs. Brock RoyRoyal LePage Real Estate

ServicesMrs. Catherine RozmanMs. Pat RuddleMr. John RudykMrs. Helen RudzrogaMrs. Catharine RuiterMr. Richard RuschienskyMr. Wolfgang RuschplerMr. Ernest RussellDr. Sharon RussellMr. Frank RuzyckiMs. Valentina SaccoMr. and Mrs. Upinder SainiSaint Anthony’s FeastSaint Paul High SchoolMr. Frank SalvatoreSandvik Canada Inc.Mr. Wayne SchilstraMr. Martin SchmidtMrs. Jane SchniderMs. Deb SchubertMr. and Mrs. Keith Schumacher

and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Gary ScobieMs. Heather Scott & Mr. Glen

GahaganMs. Amanda SeagerMr. John SebastianoMr. Michael SeibertMr. Eric Seidel

Seniors for Youth NiagaraMr. Louis G. Serafini, Sr.Ms. Margaret L. ShaverMrs. Brenda SheehanMr. Paul ShuraMrs. Donna SienkoMr. David SilverMrs. Kim SimmonsMrs. Kyla SimpsonDr. Marko SimunovicMs. Gertrude SinghMs. Diana SipkemaSmart Betty Inc.Mr. Alasdair SmithMr. Derrick SmithMr. Joseph SmithMr. and Mrs. Russell SmithSmiths Medical Canada Ltd.Mr. John SmouterMr. and Mrs. Edward SobkowichMrs. Doris SommerMr. Jeff SommersMrs. Anja SondermeyerSorin Group Canada Inc.Source Cable LimitedMrs. Angela SpanoMr. and Mrs. Michael SpenceMs. Luisa SpetriniMr. and Mrs. Philip SpoonerSpring George Poultry Ltd.St. Catharines CollegiateSt. Elizabeth Seton Student

AmbassadorsSt. Francis Xavier SchoolSt. Joseph Catholic SchoolStackpole InternationalMr. Jacob StamponeStarbucks Coffee/Daily GrindEstate of Walter StechyshynMr. and Mrs. Peter StephaniMr. Paul StephensonSterling HondaMr. and Mrs. Dale StevensMs. Corine StewartMr. Bryan StoppsStrategic Charitable Giving

FoundationStreak for CancerStubbe’s Precast Commercial Inc.Ms. Roberta M. StyranMr. and Mrs. John SummersMr. and Mrs. Robert SwallowMr. and Mrs. Glen M. SwireMrs. Leah SykesSym-Tech Inc.Dr. Peter Szatmari

T.R.L. Investments LimitedMr. David TapajnaMs. Lilly TassoneMr. David TaylorMr. and Mrs. Neil TeagueTeam GraatMr. Andrew TelferMr. Peter TersigniMr. Roland ThibeaultMs. Kim ThompsonMr. Dave ThormanMr. Andy ThorpThree Star PressTimex Group Canada, Inc.Mr. Robert ToddMiss Mary TolosMs. Marita TonkinLaurie, Arley, Russell & Brianna

TownsMr. and Mrs. Michael TraceyMs. Vincenza TravaleJune TrebenskiMs. Nancy TreloarMr. Adrian TrottMr. Ralph TroutenTrudell Medical Marketing Ltd.TruistDr. Michael Trus & Dr. Louise

BordeleauDr. Scott TsaiMs. Katherine TsiantoulasTurf TamersUnica InsuranceUnited Trophy MFGUniversity of OttawaMr. and Mrs. Hugh UrquhartMs. Margaret VailValley Blades LimitedMs. Lisa Van CampMrs. Tracey Van GageldonkDr. Harriette Van SpallMs. Hilda Vander KlippeMr. and Mrs. Catharinus

VandermaarlMs. Lori VanDintherDr. Charmaine vanSchaikMs. Patricia VanwijnenMs. Patti VareyMr. Frank VeenemaMs. Hildegard VerrallMr. Cong VuW.D. Potato LimitedMr. and Mrs. William WadleyMr. and Mrs. James and Susan

WagstaffeDr. Irwin R. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Jim Walton

Mr. Justin WaltonMrs. Marilyn WardenWark ConstructionDr. Susan WasermanMs. Diane WastleThe Waterfront Banquet and

Conference CenterMr. Kevin WattsMs. Betty WeaverMr. and Mrs. Harald WendlandMrs. Pamela WestoverMr. and Mrs. Paul WhatmoreMr. Mark WheatonMr. Daniel WhelanMr. Lloyd WhiteMr. and Mrs. Bruce WhitehouseMrs. Rhonda WhitemanMs. Lynn White-TaylorMr. and Mrs. Rodney WhitfieldMr. and Mrs. Martin WhitlockDr. Anthony WhittonMargaret and John WhyteMrs. Mary WigleWilcox Bodies Ltd.Mrs Kelly WilkMr. John WilkieMrs. Katherine WilsonMs. Vanessa WilsonWilsonBrooksMr. and Mrs. Lewis WingerDr. Sandra F. WitelsonMrs. Lydia WittchenMs. Nancy WongMr. Tom WrightStaff Association WSIB Charity

Trust HamiltonMr. and Mrs. Jack WyattXstrata NickelHonourable Mr. Justice George

YatesMr. and Mrs. Terry E. YatesYolles Partnership Inc.Mr. David YurkiwMr. Anthony Zaccaria and Mrs.

Carm ZaccariaMrs. Arvelle ZachariasMrs. Nay ZaiyounaMr. and Mrs. Derek ZakaibMr. Amr ZakiMr. and Mrs. Angelo ZingaroMr. and Mrs. Peter ZorobMrs. Delia ZukMr. Paolo ZulianThe Zyba Family

tHank you to our ValueD Donors

Air Canada FoundationCostco Canada Inc.Dairy Queen Canada Inc.First Student Canada

Foresters/Unity Life, A Foresters CompanyGreat ClipsKinder

Marriott Hotels & Resorts CanadaMicrosoft Canada Co.The Mike Weir FoundationPartyLite Gifts Ltd.

Pizza Pizza LimitedRE/MAXScholastic Books TD Bank GroupWalmart Canada Inc.

2012 CHilDren’s miraCle network partners

William Amos BarkerBetty BoultbeeIrene Ann BrabbsRichard BuchananJohn Crossley BurnsStanley Gordon CarpenterHeng Choon ChanVera ClarkeDorothy Margaret Cooney

Gordon CunninghamNatalie FylypiwBarbara Joyce HigginbottomJudy HoganCornelia HornsveldWilliam Gordon KitchenerElizabeth Hilling LawsAnthony Joseph MoccioEvelyn Murdoch

Vera May MurphyGudrun L. PerinElsie Mary PiovesanMarie RandleReino SainioHella SchmidtMary Anna SchneiderSylvia Servos

Bernard M. Slavin Pauline Frances SmithWalter StechyshynMary Rose Eileen TurcotteRaymond WilsonRobert WilsonAngela Margaret WoodsElsie A. Young

2012 estate giftsWe are grateful to the individuals listed who designated a legacy gift to Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation as part of their estate. Through their careful planning and consideration we realized these gifts in 2012 and are honoured to acknowledge that their generosity serves to create a lasting impact.


Page 29: HealtH Care, transformeD

We are fortunate to have many community and corporate partners. The following represents a list of the many loyal partners who supported our six hospitals and cancer centre in 2012.

Corporate anD Community speCial eVents

A Novel Idea - Women Supporting Women

Aberdeen Asset Management Inc.Absolute Pilates and

Meadowlands PhysiotherapyActiv8 Wellness StudioAcumen Insurance Charity Golf

TournamentAddison’s StoryAdvocate Insurance GroupAidan Teague Charity Softball

ClassicAluma Systems Canada Inc.AMA Roofing SuppliesThe Amethyst for ALSAncaster Meadow Elementary

SchoolAngela’s Fashions The Argyle St. GrillThe Association of Day Care

Operators of OntarioAuto 53 - CSNb.r.a.i.n.child McMaster Children’s

HospitalB’Nai Brith Sports Celebrity DinnerBarton RadiologistsBeverly Golf & Country Club,

Charity Pro-Am Golf ClassicMr. Noah BattistaMrs. Shohreh BhattiBishop Ryan Secondary School Black and White AffairBlessed Trinity Catholic Secondary

SchoolBMO Golf TournamentBoobapalooza EventBoogie for BoobiesBoston PizzaBrendan’s BlastBRIGHT RunBrooklyn Rose RodrigueBurl-Oak Theatre GroupC.F.F. Stainless Steels Inc.CAA South Central OntarioCadillac Fairview Corporation

LimitedCalifornia SandwichesEmployees of Canada PostCarleton Public SchoolCaroline Place Retirement

ResidenceCathedral High SchoolCAW Local 707Cayuga Secondary

Cedar Springs Athletic & Racquet Club

Change Makers for Mac KidsCherrywood Acres Public SchoolChris Wade Memorial Golf

TournamentChristopher & Filipe Cadete

Memorial Golf TournamentCIBC Wood Gundy - CIBC

Children’s FoundationCiccarelli Group Invitational Golf

TournamentClassy Girl Magazine - Calendar

4 CureClimb for CancerCoast to Coast Against Cancer

FoundationColumbia International CollegeCraig Matthew Persia FoundationCrane Fund for Widows and

ChildrenThe Crepe HouseCruzaders Classic Car ClubDianne Baboth Memorial Golf

TournamentDirty Dog SaloonDistrict A, B & C Masonic Beef and

Corn RoastDonnici Social ClubDr. John Seaton Public SchoolDuff ClassicDundas Granite MastersDundas Real McCoysEleanor Rodney/Caribbean

PotpourriEllamony ClassicElvis Through the Years BenefitEsso Retailers - Burlington,

Hamilton and Niagara RegionEthan’s Birthday CelebrationEva’s Voice of AngelsFestitalia CorporationFreddy the 13th Motorcycle RideFUSEFuture ShopG4S Security Services (Canada)

Ltd.Gascho Trucking Charity Golf

TournamentGolfi Concrete & Drain LimitedGolfing Fore KidsGord Armes & Bill Hamilton

Memorial Golf TournamentGrimsby Curling Club

Hagersville Elementary SchoolHagersville Hawks Golf for CancerHaldimand Huskies Basketball

ClubHalton Regional Police AssociationHamilton Hornets Rugby Football

ClubHamilton Police AssociationHamilton Police ServiceHamilton Police Service - Cops

and CatsHamilton Tiger-CatsHealthcare and Municipal

Employees Credit UnionHenderson Structured SettlementsHigh Fives 2 Help LivesHighland Secondary SchoolHillfield-Strathallan CollegeHoleigh Day FundraiserHoly Name of Jesus Catholic

SchoolHoly Spirit SchoolThe Home Spa’s FundraiserHorror HotelI Love the 80’s ReunionImperial Coin & Stamp CompanyJack Astor’s Bar and Grill Eastgate

SquareJay’s Drive Fore MDJeannette Giammarco Memorial

Charity TournamentJenna Rose Stark Memorial Golf

TournamentJo Thorman Memorial Golf

TournamentJoelle’s and Jeff’s Guy Shop

Fashion ShowThe John Laing SingersJohnston Chrysler Dodge JeepJoshua’s Journey Charity Golf

TournamentJuravinski Engineering

Department FundraiserKathy Koabel’s 50th Birthday and

FundraiserThe Keg Steakhouse & Bar -

HamiltonThe Keg Steakhouse & Bar -

WaterdownKelley’s AngelsKernels for KidsKool Stuff Toys and CollectiblesKyle DenvirLegacy of Love Cookbooks

Leggat Pontiac Buick CadillacLife Takes TimeLiquor Control Board of OntarioLong & McQuade Musical

InstrumentsLynne’s Legacy RunMac’s Convenience Stores Inc.Mapleview Shopping CentreMargaret Robertson/Rotary Club

of Flamborough AMMcKinnon Park Secondary School

Student CouncilMcMaster Believe 4 KidsMcMaster Italian AssociationMcMaster Kids in MindMcMaster Varsity Fencing TeamMechanical Contractors

Association HamiltonMen’s Club RoctoberfestMetal 4 Breast CancerMichael Berlin’s Hair Cut for Mac

KidsMichelle Furtney/St. Davids

SchoolMillgrove Public SchoolMilli’s Ltd.Mohawk Bracelet FundraiserMohawk MonthMonsignor Clancy Catholic

ElementaryMother’s Day BrunchMountain HyundaiMountain View SchoolMovember - HHS Human

Resources Mudpies and Daisies Children’s

BoutiqueNational Money Mart Co.Necklaces of Hope Notre Dame Catholic Secondary

SchoolO’Neils Farm Equipment One Duke Restaurant and LoungeOur Lady of Fatima Catholic

SchoolThe Optimist Club of Puslinch Inc.OptumInsight - CanReg Inc.Origin and Cause

Pamela D’Ippolito - Independent Arbonne Consultant

Party in the ParkPassion To FitnessPink Night Dream TeamPink Passion Golf TournamentPioneer Energy LP - Give What

you CanPirates of Caring BeingCustomers of Player’s ParadiseThe Poultry HutProject PlaytimeRace for GraceRalph Mercanti & Maria Succi

Memorial Golf TournamentRankins Restaurant Ltd.Ray Lewis Elementary SchoolRBC FoundationRBC Royal Bank - Mac Kids

CampaignREDLINERock ‘n Blues for Children’s

CausesRoszell Charity Golf TournamentRotary Club of Ancaster A.M. -

Cosmopolitan AffairRoyal Canadian Legion

Branch 36Royal Canadian Legion

Branch 230Royal LePage Real EstateRussell Reid SchoolSaint Anthony’s FeastSaint Paul High SchoolSalex/Marnik Inc.Sam and Celia’s Cancer

FundraiserSam’s Toy DriveSamuel, Son & Co., LimitedScotiabank Smiles for MacKidsSerge FortierShooting for the Stars Gala -

Dawn BlaineyShoppers Drug MartSian Bradwell Fund for Children

With CancerSilverhearts AssociationSinging A New Tune: An Evening

with Olivia Newton-JohnSlate Properties Ski DaySmyles for MylesSophie Smyth

Soroptimist International of Stoney Creek-Niagara

Southern Ontario Model AirshowSpringMasters CanadaSt. Augustine Catholic SchoolSt. Catharines CollegiateSt. Elizabeth Seton Student

AmbassadorsSt. Francis Xavier SchoolSt. Joseph Catholic SchoolSt. Mary SchoolSt. Teresa SchoolSt. Therese LisieuxSt. Thomas More Catholic

Secondary SchoolStar Riders of OntarioStarbucks Daily GrindStone Church Family Health TeamStreak for CancerSweet Sixteen in StyleSweetly Sleeping - A Lillian Beth

Rehan BenefitSwing Fore Dreams Charity Golf

TournamentT.R.L. Investments LimitedTeam Chaz Charity Golf

TournamentTeam Up for TaylorTemplemead SchoolTerry & Mario’s Annual Charity

Golf TournamentTherese BirdTim Hortons - Steve and Lorraine

KennishTom Rose Sr. Memorial Dart

TournamentTony (The Bandito) Valerio

Memorial Car ShowTrinity Christian SchoolTucker’s TimeUnited Association of Plumbing

and PipefittingMrs. Jacqueline VilezW. R. B. Sales & Marketing Inc.Westdale Dental CentreWestdale Warriors Football TeamMrs. Elaine WesterhofWilcox Bodies Ltd.The Winchester ArmsWine, Women & SongWinning Foursome at Canadian

Bearings Golf TournamentZebra Girl JewelleryZumbathon for Mac Kids

William and Ruth AlmasClaire AndoffBeezer ArmstrongBill and Helen AyreLucien R. Backers and

Helen H. MackieJean BrookingsDeborah M. BrownAnn K. BuckeCaldarelli FamilyDoreen CareyJacqueline Carey

In Loving Memory of Hadley H. Chamberlain

Helen DeBoer-DaggettThe Di Tursi FamilyJoseph and Louise Di TursiSteve DobrusIngeborg EvansRonald J. GillespieBob GlavesBruce and June HamiltonPat & Orland HarrisonMs. Sharon HowardDon and Cathy Klein

Ron & Brenda Kropf In Memory of son Matthew Kropf

Emilienne (Mimi) and Paul Massuet

Lorne and Donna McCallum

Don & Pat McTaggartElizabeth NewmanAlphonse and

Grace NuxollMr. Daniel Page

Melvina PurdyJohn W. Ridge, M.D.Jeanne ScottSylvia G. ServosAudrey & Harvey SmithOfelia SpycherRick SterneGrace StevensTeena WheelerAlexis WhiteDonald & Lenise WillardRonald J. Zabrok

legaCy CirCle memBersThe Legacy Circle honours people who share a commitment to the future of health care. As such, these generous individuals have notified Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation of a designated gift through their estate plans. Respectfully, many donors wish to remain anonymous. Those who granted permission to be recognized as members are listed below.


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$4.44m 52.4%


2012 ConsoliDateD finanCialsDespite a challenging economic climate, we are pleased to report that Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation raised more than $17.8-million in donations in 2012 through a range of programs and as a result of the commitment from 45,710 donors. We have invested $8.46-million in support of Hamilton Health Sciences in 2012. As a tribute to some of our donors, some of the investments that we have made are featured throughout this report. We have also tried to capture the impact of those investments on the patients and staff who have benefited from the equipment, research, renovations and educational programs that have been funded.

$1.75m 20.6%


$1.14m 13.6%


$1.13m 13.4%

eDuCation/Bursaries /family grants

Highlights:• Raised $17.8-million in donations• Disbursed $8.46-million to Hamilton Health Sciences• Managed nearly $9.8-million in endowed funds• Funded Fluoroscopy Suite at McMaster Children’s Hospital• Funded ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Cancer Therapeutics• Funded Sonsonite Ultrasound Machine at Hamilton General Hospital

• Funded a variety of equipment at St. Peter’s Hospital and the Regional Rehabilitation Centre

$8.46m total

Equipment Research/ Fellowships

Education/ Bursaries/ Family Grants


*Our audited financial statements are available on our website and also by contacting Sandra Wilson, Chief Financial Officer, Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation at 905-521-2100 ext. 44385 or at [email protected].


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2012 Hamilton HealtH sCienCes founDation BoarD of DireCtors*

Pearl F. Veenema, FAHP President & CEOSandra Wilson, CGA CFO, Vice President PhilanthropyTamara D. Pope, MBA Vice President, Marketing and CommunicationsTracey Lamb, CFRE Director, Annual Giving

Roger Ali, MBA, CFRE Vice President, Development Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre Foundation Vice President, Integrated Planned Giving Hamilton Health Sciences FoundationJennifer Laughton Vice President, Development McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation and McMaster University Medical CentreColleen Cowman Director, Development Hamilton General Hospital Foundation

Margaret Jones, CFRE Director, Major Gifts, McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation; Director, Integrated Donor Relations Hamilton Health Sciences FoundationHeather Scott, CFRE Director, Development St. Peter’s Hospital FoundationNancy Sheffield Director, Children’s Miracle Network Programs & Special Projects

HHsf management

Michael Schwenger (Chair) Chairman and CEO, The StressCrete GroupGeorge McCarter (Vice-Chair) President, Pearson Dunn Insurance Inc. David Simpson (Treasurer; Chair, Finance & Investment Comm.) Investment Advisor, BMO Nesbitt BurnsMarnie Brehm MacKay, Brehm & Smith Chartered AccountantsCharlie Collura (as of Dec.) President & CEO, HMECUKathy Davies (Chair, Audit Committee) Senior Financial ExecutiveThomas Gauld Retired Business LeaderNorman Jackson Senior Portfolio Manager, CPP Investment Board

Michael Kray (Chair, Governance Committee) Lawyer David Lumsden President and CEO Waterford Group of CompaniesJohn Mathioudakis President, Westbrooke of Ancaster Fine Tailored Clothing Inc.Keith McIntyre (until Dec.) Retired Business LeaderNancy McMillan (as of Dec.) Retired Business LeaderRalph Olivieri Owner, Queenston Group InsuranceAndy Skrypniak (until Dec.) Owner, Turf Tamers

Reginald Swamy Vice President, Wealth Management TD Bank Financial GroupRalph Weekes Sr. Exec. Financial Consultant Investors Group Financial ServicesEx-OfficioFred Hussey Board Chair, Hamilton Health Sciences Volunteer AssociationMurray T. Martin President & CEO, Hamilton Health SciencesPaul Chapin Vice-Chair, Board of Directors Hamilton Health SciencesPearl F. Veenema (Secretary) President & CEO Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation

From left: Marnie Brehm, Andy Skrypniak, Ralph Weekes, Murray T. Martin, Michael Schwenger, George McCarter, Keith McIntyre, Norman Jackson, Reginald Swamy, David Simpson, Thomas Gauld, Fred Hussey and Pearl F. Veenema.

Not in attendence: Paul Chapin, Charlie Collura, Kathy Davies, Michael Kray, David Lumsden, John Mathioudakis, Nancy McMillan and Ralph Olivieri.

HHsf auDit Committee

HHsf goVernanCe Committee

David Simpson (Chair)Marnie BrehmKathy DaviesRay FreckletonTom GauldNorm Jackson

Tyler MacLeodMichael SchwengerPearl VeenemaBrian Wilson Sandra Wilson

HHsf finanCe & inVestment Committee

Kathy Davies (Chair)Marnie BrehmMichael SchwengerReginald SwamyPearl VeenemaBrian WilsonSandra Wilson

Michael Kray (Co-Chair)George McCarterMichael Schwenger Pearl Veenema

*For the period March 2012 to March 2013.

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Special thanks to Carole & Roy Timm for photography throughout this report.

PO Box 739 LCD 1, Hamilton, ON L8N 3M8(905) 522-3863

Includes:Hamilton General Hospital Foundation

Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre FoundationMcMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation

St. Peter’s Hospital Foundation

Charitable registration # 131159543 RR0001

Accredited as an adherent to Imagine Canada’s Ethical Code Program. To learn more visit

Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation is a registered charitable organization that supports the six hospitals and cancer centre of Hamilton Health Sciences. Serving a region of 2.3 million people in south-central Ontario, the generosity of our donors enables us to fund capital redevelopment projects, purchase medical equipment and technology, and invest in research. Our mission is to support patient care,

research and education; our goal is Health Care, Transformed.