heat stress presentation - haad

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  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Management of Work inHot Environments

    Safety in the HeatTrainers Presentation

    With thanks to Dr Graham Bates, Dr John Schneider and DrVeronica Miller Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    This presentation is for training OHSprofessionals and supervisors responsiblefor employees working in hot conditions.

    It can be adapted and shortened for on-site use and translated into otherlanguages as required.

    It should not be used for commercialpurposes and remains the property ofHAAD.

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    1) Whats the effect of heat stress on workperformance

    2) The importance of hydration3) Heat stress related health issues4) How can we measure heat stress and

    what can we do to manage it?

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    The body is required to get rid of excess heat tomaintain a constant internal temperature (37C)

    The bodys best mechanism for removing any excessheat is through the evaporation of sweat

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    How does heat alter this?

    High humidity stops/decreases the evaporation of sweatand therefore no heat is lost

    Muscular strength declines due to increased bloodcirculation to the skin, resulting in decreased flow tomuscles

    Overheating decreases alertness and mental capacity

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Blood - the key component

    Blood has the essential functions of providing oxygenand nutrients to vital organs and working muscles

    However it also carries heat from working muscles andthe bodys core to the skin so heat can be dissipated

    The blood volume is about 5 L for males and about 4 Lfor females

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    7/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    So what happens when I work inthe heat?

    Thermal stress results in sweating: sweat evaporates producing cooling

    all sweat comes from blood supply initially, soincreased sweat results in decreased blood volume

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    Dehydration: the impact

    If blood volume decreases you become dehydrated: there is less blood available to go to the skin and

    to ability to dissipate heat is lost

    heart rate increases because of this smallervolume, resulting in excessive fatigue

    blood supply to the gut is reduced resulting indecreased fluid absorption

    less blood is available to supply working muscles mental capacity is compromised due to

    decreased blood flow to the brain

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    9/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Dehydration facts

    Single biggest cause of heat illness Thirst only starts at 2% dehydration of body weightStart drinking fluid immediately, dont wait untilthirsty

    Sweat rate can reach up to 1 litre per hourDrink small amounts and often (program drinking)

    Typically 40% of workers come to work dehydratedDrink plenty of water before coming to work

    Aim for clear to straw coloured urine when at work Drink so as to urinate frequently (~ 4 times a day)

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    10/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Dehydration: the impact

    1 to 2% dehydration6 to 7%reduction in physical work rate

    3 to 4% dehydration22% to 50% reduction in workrate, for moderate and hot environments

    Mental performance begins to decrease at 2%dehydration and beyond that decrease proportionally tothe level of dehydration

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    11/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    The best way to maintain blood volume and thereforeyour capacity to stay cool is to prevent dehydration bymaintaining fluid intake

    This is the same as ensuring a radiator is topped up withcoolant before going on a trip. If the radiator is full theengine wont overheat, if its only half full its performancewill be limited and it will overheat

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    12/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    So what exactly is in sweat?

    Water Sodium (salt) larger amount

    Potassium small amount Magnesium, Calcium Virtually none

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    13/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Fine, but how much fluid do youlose?

    Sweat Rate











    Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6


    Sweat Rate



    Average sweat rate ~ 600 mls/hrWorking for 10 hrs : 6 L lost in a day

    Hourly SweatRate over 6Hours at35C and50% RH

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    14/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    What about salt?Sweat Sodium Concentration per Hour










    Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6




    Arms Legs

    Average sodium loss: ~ 40 mmol/L/hr

    Working for 10 hrs at a rate of 600ml/hr = 240mmol240 mmol = 5.52 g lost in a day

    About 13 grams of salt which is about 3 teaspoons!

    SodiumConcentrationchanges in

    Arms and Legsover 6 hours

    (Mean+/- SD)

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD

    15/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Whats wrong with caffeine andalcohol?

    Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics (i.e. they causeincreased rate of urination)

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    16/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Alcohol : an example

    If you are dehydrated by 3 Kg (3 L):

    -And you drink 3litres of full-

    strength beer-you produce 3.5kg urine

    Net LOSS = 0.5 kg

    -End up 3.5 kgdehydrated

    -And you drink 3litres of pure

    water-you produce 0.0kg urine.

    Net GAIN = 3 kg

    -End uphydrated

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    17/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    Coffee (per 250 ml mug) Percolated 100-200 mg caffeine Instant 70-180 mg caffeine

    Tea (per 250 ml mug) 1 minute brew 15-55 mg caffeine 5 minute brew 30-80 mg caffeine

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    18/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Caffeine (cont.)

    Caffeinated drinks (per 375 ml can) Coke 75 mg caffeine

    Pepsi 60 mg caffeine Energy drinks (per 250ml can)

    Red Bull 80 mg caffeine

    V 78 mg caffeine

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    19/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    What you can do to limit theseeffects

    Drink tea in preference to coffee

    Drink weaker coffee or tea

    Reduce or eliminate intake of cola and energy drinks

    Drink a cup of water every time you drink a cup of tea orcoffee

    When drinking alcohol make sure you are hydrated whenyou start

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    20/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Can hydration status be tested?

    Simple test ; Urine Specific Gravity using a refractometer Takes less than one minute

    Measures concentration of urine compared to water

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    21/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Specific Gravity : what it means

    1.000 1.010 Excellent 1.010 1.015 Okay 1.015 1.020 Need fluid 1.020 1.025 Hypo-hydrated 1.025 1.030 Dehydrated

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    22/54 Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    So what are the health problemsassociated with heat stress?

    Heat Stroke bodys system of temperature regulation fails

    body temperature rises to critical levels deep bodytemp. exceeds 40C

    primary signs: confusion, irrational behaviour, loss ofconsciousness, convulsions, lack of sweating, hot dryskin

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Heat stroke first aid call medical attention immediately

    move person to shade

    remove clothing and wet skin

    increase local air velocity

    increase fluid intake if possible

    can lead to permanent brain damage and death

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Heat Exhaustion symptoms resemble heat stroke and include headache,

    nausea, weakness, thirst and giddiness caused by loss of large amounts of fluids as sweat

    skin is clammy and moist

    complexion is red with rapid pulse

    body temperature is normal or slightly elevated

    Heat exhaustion first aid rest in cool place

    drink plenty of fluids severe cases could take one or two days to recover

    no known permanent side effects

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Heat Cramps painful muscle spasm that occurs when sweating

    profusely in heat

    electrolyte imbalance caused by sweating

    water may be drunk but person must

    replace lost electrolytes

    Avoidance of heat cramps thirst cannot be used as a guide for the

    need to drink fluid

    water must be taken every 15-20 min in hotenvironments

    drink electrolyte replacement fluids

    muscles being used are most susceptible

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Heat Collapse (fainting) workers not accustomed to hot environments who

    stand upright and immobile for long periods of time blood pools

    inadequate venous return resulting in decreasedblood pumped to brain

    prevented by keeping workers moving and anacclimatisation program

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Heat Rash (prickly heat) occurs most commonly in hot, humid environments

    sweat is not easily removed from skin sweat ducts become blocked, causing rash

    prevent by cool breaks and regular bathing anddrying of skin

    Heat Fatigue temporary state of mental or psychological strain

    resulting from prolonged heat exposure

    decline in task performance, coordination, alertness

    reduced by heat acclimatisation

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Long term health effects of heatstress

    Kidney stones is the most common

    Cancer of the bladder has recently been reported

    Possibly other effects in certain individuals from toomuch sugar i.e. when sweat replaced with full strengthsoft drinks and caffeinated drinks

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    What about safety issues?

    Heat promotes accidents: slipperiness of sweaty palms


    fogging of safety glasses hot surfaces/steamburns

    lower mental alertness and individual physicalperformance

    physical discomfort promotes irritability, anger andother emotions

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    Within limits, the human body adapts to working in heat

    In one medically-controlled study: Blood volume increased by up to 30% (ave. 21%)

    Sweated more profusely, up by 50%

    Sweat started 15% earlier

    Sodium (salt) concentration in sweat down by 29% Heart rate fell from 153 to 127 beats per min

    Core temperature fell from 38.80C to 38.10C

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    The 3 phases of acclimatisation

    Initial phase- occurs during early consecutive days ofexposure to heat - usually 33% of optimum by day 4

    Intermediate phase- when cardiovascular stability hasbeen assured and surface and internal body temperatures

    are lowered. Usually 44% optimum by day 8

    Third phase -decrease in sweat and urine composition,and other compensations to conserve body fluids andrestore electrolyte balances.

    Day 10 - 65% of optimum Day 18 - 93% of optimum Day 21 - 99% of optimum

    Requires elevated metabolic rate for over 2 hours/day

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Acclimatisation, how long does ittake to gain and lose?

    G a i n ing acc l im a t isa t i on :

    A = Ta nh (0 .124*D )


    0 .2

    0 .4

    0 .6

    0 .8


    0 5 10 15 20 25 30Day (D )



    Los i ng ac c l im a t isa t i on :

    A = 0 .9663 - (T anh(0 .06054 (D -0 .55626 )) )


    0 .2

    0 .4

    0 .6

    0 .8


    0 5 10 15 20 25 30Day (D )



  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Acclimatisation benefits

    More finely tuned sweating reflexes with increased sweatproduction rate at lower electrolyte concentrations

    Lower rectal and skin temperatures than at the beginningof exposure

    More stable and better regulated blood pressure with

    lower pulse rates

    Improved productivity and safety

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Other benefits

    Thermal Comfort Improved

    Exercise Performance Improved

    Core Temperature Reduced

    Sweating Earlier & GreaterSkin Blood Flow Earlier

    Body Heat Production Lower

    Heart Rate Lowered

    Thirst ImprovedSalt Losses (sweat & urine) Reduced

    Organ Protection Improved

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    Alternating hot and cold conditions: Does not cause colds

    Can result in chill to kidney area: thermal shock

    Will not cause any permanent problems

    Do not set air-conditioning temperature too low

    Aim for about 25C inside

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    What factors will affect our abilityto remove excess heat?

    Physical factors age


    physical fitness



    use of alcohol or drugs hypertension

    general health

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Why does my weight matter?

    The best measure of your weight status is Body MassIndex or BMI

    BMI= weight (kg)/ height (m)

    A guide to risk of chronic health problems, lifeexpectancy, and likelihood of poor

    quality of life in old age

    BMI : 31 OBESE

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    BMIthe impact

    7690 workers injury reports examined 29% where injured over 3 yrs 85% of these were overweight (25-30) or obese (>30)

    28% were overweight and 64% obese Those with BMI >40 were twice as likely to sustain an


    (am j epidemiol 2007 pollock et al)

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    The importance of physical fitness Heat stress places additional cardiovascular strain, hence

    superior aerobic capacity is a big advantage

    Workers who are selected for hot jobs that are in goodgeneral health and physical condition have less chanceof getting heat stroke and other heat related illnesses

    Short term and minor illnesses shouldalso be considered - flu, diarrhoea,vomiting, hangover

    Workers on medication should seekmedical clearance

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    What else can you do outside theworkplace?

    Drink water outside of work not just caffeine (tea,coffee, Coke) or alcohol (beer, spirits, wine)

    Good diet

    Good quality sleep

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    So what factors are we talkingabout in relation to heat stress?

    Wet bulb temperature is the most important and is

    measured using a wet bulb thermometer WB is the temperature at which water evaporates intothe air

    Significant when compared to skin temperaturebecause of the affect it has how much of an

    individuals sweat evaporates

    Dry bulb temperature (ambient temp.) is not asimportant and is measured using a regular


    Air Temperature

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Radiant Heat Heat energy transmitted by electromagnetic

    waves in contrast to heat transmitted byconduction or convection

    Measured using a globe thermometer [a

    150 mm diameter hollow copper ball(painted black) with a standard thermometer

    in it]

    Significant for deep mines, workers on or

    near diesel units and workers in the sun or

    in smelters

    Relative Humidity

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    Relative Humidity Relative Humidity is a percentage of the actual amount of

    moisture in the air, compared to the maximum moisture

    that can be taken up by the air at that temperature

    50% or more of sweat can drop off skin

    Only sweat which evaporates off skin

    produces cooling

    Sweat which drops off just adds to

    dehydration load

    Dry air means more evaporates and

    less drips off keep air dry (low humidity)

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    Wind SpeedThe higher the wind speed the better

    Wind speed increases evaporation of sweat

    Use air-movers where possible

    Ensure ventilation systems are working effectively at

    all times

    Report any leakage or short-circuiting

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Personal Protection Equipment PPE is necessary to protect from hazards

    PPE insulates the body & adds to heat stress

    Use only the PPE required

    Wear T-shirts/short sleeves when safe and appropriate

    Ensure long sleeved shirts are baggy [loose sleevesat elbows]

    Use shirts & trousers in preference to overalls

    Spraying water over you is effective in cooling

    Carry plenty of water with you on the job and makesure there is close access to cool water

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009


    We also have a Duty of Care towards visitors Visitors need to be told of the hazards they need to be

    aware of during their visit, including hazards from heat,and what to do if the unexpected happens

    If applicable, visitors going underground/out in the fieldshould complete a self-assessed medical questionnaire

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    How can we measure theworkplace environment?

    Depends on:

    - how hot it is where you are working wet bulb

    temp./humidity, air temp., wind speed, radiant heat

    - how hard you are working the harder you work themore heat you will generate

    - your clothes and PPE these reduce evaporation ofsweat

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    The equation:

    Heat generated byworker + heat fromthe environment

    Cooling due toevaporation &other means

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Thermal Work Limit

    The work rate that acclimatised workers can safely

    maintain in a particular environment is called the

    Thermal Work Limit

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    So what does it mean?

    A HIGH TWL means betterworking conditions,A LOW TWL means poorerworking conditions

    TWL measures environmental conditions

    TWL is the metabolic limit measured in Watts/m2thatcan be tolerated before heat storage occurs(hyperthermia)

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    TWL (cont.)

    Measures all essential environmental parameters

    Considers clothing

    Can be used for work rest cycling

    Can be used for calculating maximal duration in ameasured environment

    Has been scientifically validated

  • 8/13/2019 HEAT Stress Presentation - HAAD


    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    Calculating TWL

    Can be calculated using instruments (DB, WB, Rad., WS)i.e. the Heat Stress Meter

    Use HAAD Desktop calculator for data input andcalculation of TWL see www.haad.ae

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    Health Authority - Abu Dhabi 2009

    TWL cut-offs

    Field studies have suggested the following guidelines:

    < 115 watts/m2:Withdrawal limit for self-paced, self-supervisedworkers as below this level even light work is not continuouslysustainable even for fully acclimatised workers. Formal permittingsystem with management approval required to work.

    115 - 140 watts/m2:Buffer zone - work is restricted. A systemof written corrective action requests is required to ensure rotationof workers and correction of environmental engineering defects, i.ecan improvements be made.

    140 - 220 watts/m2: Work restricted to acclimatised workers.The acclimatisation period lasts for the first 7 days back at workafter an absence of >14 days.

    > 220 watts/m2:Unrestricted work.

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    Hypo/De-hydration is the major factor causing heatillness

    Fluid replacement is essential

    Sodium is essential to replace Urine SG is a good indicator of hydration status Acclimatisation for workers should be considered TWL is a valid index to assess the environment