helen's proof

© Paradigm Shift www.paradigmshiftmagazine.com 16 Issue 56. Apr – July 2012 WE RECEIVE A CONSTANT BARRAGE OF MEDIA REPORTS COMPELLING us to do something to make a difference in the world and it is our nature to help wherever and however we can. However, the needs of friends and loved ones alone can feel overwhelming at times so, adding this to our concerns for our global community, it is little wonder that those of us of a caring nature are at risk of burning out at just the time when we are needed more than ever. Christina Maslach who wrote the book Burnout – The Cost of Caring, states “It [burnout] is a response to the chronic emotional strain of dealing extensively with other human beings, particularly when they are troubled or having problems.” Carers, Therapists and Light workers are particularly vulnerable as they can be lonely, often working in isolation with people who are in crisis or pain. In addition, therapists work when most people are off work. Unlike other types of work, their’s is often slow and without tangible results. How then do we find balance between burning brightly and burning out? What puts us at risk and what can we do to prevent it? No one is immune. We are at risk of burnout when there is an imbalance between the realities of life and our expectations, or we are so caught up in the mechanics that we forget why we were doing it in the first place. Burnout happens when we do not make time for rest, regeneration and connection to our Higher Self. We must ensure that we care for and maintain our four vital layers, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. When our life force energy burns brightly our thoughts, emotions and actions flow easily from our alignment to our soul purpose. We feel energised, filled with the positive attitude that leads to achievement, and time flies by with ease. We are in the flow, love life and feel our connection to everything. If this is not the case then you need to step back and assess what you are doing. Why you are so involved? Are you doing whatever it is from a place of guilt or duty, or because others expect you to? Maybe you should clarify what your own core values are so that you can align ourself with them. Being out of alignment with your core values creates friction and stress. Often we intend to take care of our needs when we have met the needs of our significant others, when in truth it can only happen the other way around. Remember, airline safety briefings tell you that you must put your own oxygen mask on first! We must accept that we are not responsible for another’s life choices, or lack of responsibility. We are responsible only for our own life, including the choices we make. We need to know what is feasible for us to contribute and do just those things. By letting go of unrealistic expectations we focus our energy on what we can do and are able to do that well. It is important to stay connected with people who can give support and encouragement. Plan time to reconnect with our inner child and leave adult cares behind for a time of carefree play – go for walks and reconnect with nature. A half-hour walk every day is essential, to exercise our vehicle,boost all systems and attune us to the rising changes of nature’s energy. Develop a routine of exercise, clearing, eating unprocessed foods and drinking clean water. If the body is not cleared and maintained in balance, then our emotional, mental and spiritual progress cannot be grounded into a new way of life. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Make time to nurture your soul through meditation, contemplation or prayer… make friends with that long lost inner child hiding inside and pass on positive affirmations. No more limiting self beliefs dragging our vibration down and dimmings our light. Take time to renew yourself in these areas (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual) and you will be better able to live in, and focus on, every ‘now’ moment. Be aware of your your thoughts. Learning to be in command of your thoughts and emotions will show measurable results. Your light will shine brightly bring hope, laughter and comfort to others. Self-care is not a luxury, not an option; self-care is your first priority. Spend your money on yourself rather than accumulating more ‘stuff’ you don’t really need. This is not selfish, on the contrary, without you; many will not have the support they need. Heaven is a state of mind and ascension is a state of grace reached by clearing and balancing all four of your layers. Along the way, learn to work and play with childlike enthusiasm. The best way of avoiding burnout is through creating a balance in one’s life: balance between giving and receiving; balance between work, relationships, parenthood, community, friends, and solitude. We must all be mindful of taking care of ourselves so that we can continue to care for others. The lamp cannot burn without oil. Helen has firsthand experience of burnout and is passionate about helping others who may be at risk. A very special 12th century monastery in France is the energy centre for all the amazing work she is now doing. Between being a volunteer therapist at a hospice and developing an incredible new therapy, she has made The Monastery available for much needed retreats and seminars. To connect with Helen and find out more about her journey,The Monastery and her work please visit www.liftyourspirit.co.uk Twitter: HelensHealingHub Burn Bright – Don’t Burnout by Helen Grinder

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© Paradigm Shift www.paradigmshiftmagazine.com 16 Issue 56. Apr – July 2012

We receive a constant barrage of media reports compelling us to do something to make a difference in the world and it is our nature to help wherever and however we can. However, the needs of friends and loved ones alone can feel overwhelming at times so, adding this to our concerns for our global community, it is little wonder that those of us of a caring nature are at risk of burning out at just the time when we are needed more than ever.

Christina Maslach who wrote the book Burnout – The Cost of Caring, states “It [burnout] is a response to the chronic emotional strain of dealing extensively with other human beings, particularly when they are troubled or having problems.”

Carers, Therapists and Light workers are particularly vulnerable as they can be lonely, often working in isolation with people who are in crisis or pain. In addition, therapists work when most people are off work. Unlike other types of work, their’s is often slow and without tangible results.

How then do we find balance between burning brightly and burning out? What puts us at risk and what can we do to prevent it? No one is immune.

We are at risk of burnout when there is an imbalance between the realities of life and our expectations, or we are so caught up in the mechanics that we forget why we were doing it in the first place. Burnout happens when we do not make time for rest, regeneration and connection to our Higher Self. We must ensure that we care for and maintain our four vital layers, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.

When our life force energy burns brightly our thoughts, emotions and actions flow easily from our alignment to our soul purpose. We feel energised, filled with the positive attitude that leads to achievement, and time flies by with ease. We are in the flow, love life and feel our connection to everything.

If this is not the case then you need to step back and assess what you are doing. Why you are so involved? Are you doing whatever it is from a place of guilt or duty, or because others expect you to? Maybe you should clarify what your own core values are so that you can align ourself with them. Being out of alignment with your core values creates friction and stress.

Often we intend to take care of our needs when we have met the needs of our significant others, when in truth it can only happen the other way around. Remember, airline safety briefings tell you that you must put your own oxygen mask on first!

We must accept that we are not responsible for another’s life choices, or lack of responsibility. We are responsible only for our own life, including the choices we make. We need to

know what is feasible for us to contribute and do just those things. By letting go of unrealistic expectations we focus our energy on what we can do and are able to do that well.

It is important to stay connected with people who can give support and encouragement. Plan time to reconnect with our inner child and leave adult cares behind for a time of carefree play – go for walks and reconnect with nature. A half-hour walk every day is essential, to exercise our vehicle,boost all systems and attune us to the rising changes of nature’s energy.

Develop a routine of exercise, clearing, eating unprocessed foods and drinking clean water. If the body is not cleared and maintained in balance, then our emotional, mental and spiritual progress cannot be grounded into a new way of life. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Make time to nurture your soul through meditation, contemplation or prayer… make friends with that long lost inner child hiding inside and pass on positive affirmations. No more limiting self beliefs dragging our vibration down and dimmings our light.

Take time to renew yourself in these areas (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual) and you will be better able to live in, and focus on, every ‘now’ moment. Be aware of your your thoughts. Learning to be in command of your thoughts and emotions will show measurable results. Your light will shine brightly bring hope, laughter and comfort to others.

Self-care is not a luxury, not an option; self-care is your first priority. Spend your money on yourself rather than accumulating more ‘stuff ’ you don’t really need. This is not selfish, on the contrary, without you; many will not have the support they need.

Heaven is a state of mind and ascension is a state of grace reached by clearing and balancing all four of your layers. Along the way, learn to work and play with childlike enthusiasm.

The best way of avoiding burnout is through creating a balance in one’s life: balance between giving and receiving; balance between work, relationships, parenthood, community, friends, and solitude. We must all be mindful of taking care of ourselves so that we can continue to care for others.

The lamp cannot burn without oil.

Helen has firsthand experience of burnout and is passionate about helping others who may be at risk. A very special 12th century monastery in France is the energy centre for all the amazing work she is now doing. Between being a volunteer therapist at a hospice and developing an incredible new therapy, she has made The Monastery available for much needed retreats and seminars. To connect with Helen and find out more about her journey, The Monastery and her work please visit

www.liftyourspirit.co.uk Twitter: HelensHealingHub

Burn Bright –


by Helen Grinder