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Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~

\11"-- ('br"l11'l' "'ood,;: has been'1:111,' ill

)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the~ ,1--i \\ vl'li.. •

\, 1-:. Stl'plwm; of \V< yne, was;\,< q' ~,Ililhy..

\',jJ, l'ad'«·n i:-:, havin hi~ resi­Li,,,,·f JI:lI11tt'l1.

h", r"n P:lVIS had his llllSils r-e­~Ll", I,d I,'riclar.

,Ste h ns, jr. ~eoeive t~e, pn~e" L I' N . I,i,for t e best calling f al squa I es Ie ews I

..,..t.. -i_-+-__"'*+__+*"''"'1r....H-,.........f,.....-+!*-1'7''=~,__li..j.L~+i£II'dan e I I Rl~hard : I . ,( y Mr,s. Gra.. Buskirkj) ,.._ ze 'r- n a,nd so • ! -'-- ,Alb J Qf M 'und' City Md;, &to' -1 Mr. and ·M~. Jolin Kai ~isited\p~.d t:e Fri flY to' visit thb. fa ~ t.Au ust Me[~~, Sunday. I,er s s ters. . r~. IvaI', MOrrIS i, d . Mr. and Mrs A. W. Dolph wereMrs. • V. Zl mer. . . I ,~lhoux City visi o'rs August ~;J..I: ~ Lawr

jnee Jen InS amy, d 1MI'. rnd Mrs L. J. Bressle~Were

ih-o~ W ~dnel ay of last we k S.~nda vistors at Dan BQr&'tJfro . inneaijolis whe e she to k , Mr: and M . Gus Volstedt are.rer ughter.,ilThe latt r' is havi g ~way ,0 an ex end~d motor trip. ow-wow a Win eba~o Sun({ay.llew b aces ~Ide for er I~mbs.. Mis: Vera J Sackerson was ,a I Mrs. He ry Hennenichs, jr., as­',' C. • Eve ett and famIly V1 - <;aller at Char~ie Killion's !August ~sted Mrs. Herbert ihnnerichs inited 0 er Sun ay with Mrs. Eve _ 15." polPng for thresheI'\iISaturdayett's, aren~, Mr. and Mrs. Zi ~ . ~ld r RingJwas an over night Mr. and

lrs. W. L~TaYIor ;nd

mer ? ~am home w th them 0 VISitor of Myr n 'Gustafson Satur-' amlly wer Sunday uests in thetD:er n m B, ncroft. iss. Mart day. I I ' p\lrgeon T ylor hom at PIlger.,ZIm i rmaD c me hom With. the Mrs Eric Albers and $Ott Iwere Mr. and 1"81. Aug t Ruser ofIto s :el d a :t;et week!$. Mond vlisitors at Chester IHan- maha, sp nt last onday and

0'1 • Dav~*p~rt left ~unday f r ~on's.. I. uesday in h.e Fred Ruser hpme.A!ao a ~O~ISlt aho t ten cIa s I ~eo. BuskIrk accompanied a Mr. a!"d rs. Frabk KIoppingWIth: r ! and. to accompa y ~hlPm nt of hogs to Omaha last nd fam:-1Y! ere Su·ndtt.y afternoonhOJ?1 15 Wlf and son who we t fek., nests m t eo Henryl Hinnerichsther ,few eks ago. Mr. Mars, Vir'l Andersob was an over r., home. . .1. 'relie gentl·s taking charge f. ight 'Bitar at 1ettef Rails !Sat- I Joe CorUi drove tolOmaha Sun-Mr. venport's work a the depo.· rday. I I ay to visit Herbert Pefl'Y who is

Y u g peottle :who wen,t fro . Mr. nd -Mrs. C as. Killion t ere nrolled i~ the training camp atthe 0 gregatlopal chu ch to No .- urs ay <linner isltors at AI W. ort. Croold. J I (folk I st wee~ Monda to atte d ~olph" I· I, MISS CI~ a and l:¥iss Lorettathe ristian Endeavo progra,' . ~IO~ Dolph anti. Ted Thompsen- Bartling-sp nt a fe~ j dkys thisretu d Fn4ay. Mem ers of t e went 0 South Dakota last week week with t eir gra\J-dmother, Mrs.

con 'e ation i W"ent thef'e Frid y fbr a isit. ! 'I Henry ,LesS· an. I;Ft~:~;;~~~~~~~~;;;;~*~~~~~~~~ILi\II~':1for i nic dinner with, them lad I Mrs. 1 Geo,. Buskirk and A 1ene Henry Le Sman find Rev. R. L.l'etu d af'tef,'''Wards- lThe gro p ~ere ednesday ~allers at C i W. Hi~debrand of Concord, atterldedwho nt Frid y includ d: Mr. a d cGui e's. " I thfj meeting· f the Lutheran SynodMrs. ill Re1" Mr. and! Mrs. Da e' Miss Vena Kai I was amon Ithe at Norfolk 1 at Wednesday. ~.JTho a, Mli.tand Mrs}. John . pow-w w visitors on Sunday ,!near Mr. and rs.. C. K. Corbit at-MOlT s, Mr. i nd Mr. Spenc ~inne ago.' ' I' tended a pa y at G. W. Fortner's'Jone j, Mr. IR d Mrs. ill Jone, Mr. nd Mrs. Louis Ring ,and last wednefday evening, given 'inMr: n Mrs: W. H. M nis, C. . Idol" ere

lSunday visitors' at honor of of., and Mrs. L. F.

M,or s Mr. ~nld Mrs. Bbnner Mo _ enus' ing's.: I Beery.ris, i s. M~~an Jones, Mr. I Mr. nd Mrs. john N. ·JohPson Mrs. pe~r Miller. entertainedHo"f II Rees; ~iss Elizabeth Jone, ate en oying a visit from rel~i1;ives m~rnbers o-f the Lutheran Ladies'Lila' d HeICl?- Jones,,'¥rs. Har from inneapoIis., AId last T, ursday. Twenty-fiveEvan nd c . dren, ~rs. Oa e~ In t e ball game Sunday: be- members a?ld twelve guests wereRees, rs.. !Ii rry, Hu hes. I ·n tween Leslie antI a team com present. ~Jo;ne, iota. a d Rodn y Thoma, BilgerJLeSlie won', 7 ',to 4. Mr. and !'S. cl K.. Corbit andDona d Oberl n and ~ed Morn, Mr: nd Mrs. Fred Jahde .ere daughter, ,n. Ed. Randall, andand . and !'S. Ivor Morris. Sunda visitors at the Wm. ji;u~ M:. and MlTS

t·H. A. Degrrar of

d~rs h me near Thurston. r-I WIsner, spe t Sunday in the J. M.Miss Margaret Patterson I' ~nd Soden home

father f Wakefield were SU~day Sunday e ening callers at Ottoguests t George Leuder's. ! I Hinnerichs' ere: Miss Ida Over-

Mr. nd Mrs. Seth Andersd'n of man of Wirliside, Ed. Kirchner of

Wakefi Id were Saturday ~jght Concord, anp. Mr. and Mrs. Jack I;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~~~;;~~~~~visitor. at L ..r: Bressler's. I~ Denbeck an~, family.

Arle e BUSki~C' attended a Mrs. RaYJRobins.on and daugh-party riclay even'lllg at the h me tel'. ,Jewell. jnd Mr. andl Mrs. R. C.of Ele or Ware i wakcfiel1t

Hahlbeck rfturned WednesdayMrs. Po-wet'R 0 South Da ota from a :-raea ion trip to Big StoIJ-e

Came f 1" a visit w

t·h Mr. and I rs. l~ke, MI.nn. They had beenIgone

Joe Cr s.<:>,ey and ot er rel~tiv€jS'. sme~ FndaY1Mr. nd Mrs. L. .J. Bressle~aii?l MISS Gertrude Taylor and Miss

Mr. an Mrs. Fran! Bressler 'eI\e F$.ye Winegar. we,nt to Loe's Lake,Friday visitors at ave Nels ,i'So' Stanton, sunr:ay to join the Way:ne

Mr. nd Mrs. He ry Tarno1~nd ~ou? w.ho a tended Epworth Lea­Mr. an Mrs. Geo. Oinklage ~ent gue instItute I ther-p last week. Theya few ays in Om ha last week. I;'eturned

Mr. nd Mrs. H~rvey Frey ~nd Mr..and lrs. B.' F. Carr ofMr. an Mrs. Wil~ie Korth ~ere WakefIeld, h d as Sunday guests:Sunday visitors at~Henry Korth's. Mr.. and M . Carl Benson and

Mr. and Mrs. IOrval Puckett famIly, Mr. and Mrs. Tuline andand 01 rrell rnotIred to ~ck fa:mily, Mrs. Hulda Danielson andcounty last week for a few d~ys' MISS Ethel S ow, all of Craig, Mr.VJSIt. _:..I I and Mrs. Ch~·S. DameLo;.on and fam­

Mr nd Mn> j:~dward Kal and i)y of Oakla d, and Mr. and Mrs.Mr an Mrs. O~~ Sorenson were Emil Ba~kst (Om of Wakefield. I'Sundayl evening' vi1sltors at DetIef Mr. a~d ~rs. Peter Miller en-Kal'S.~ ~ I I t~rtartJ.e.d thet followmg at jSunday

Mr nd Mrs :w C Ring and dmner In hfnor of Mr. 'Miller'ssons an La'l(lnus Pack~r and MrS.1 Sixty-fifth bIrthday which \Vas theEtta D wes spent Sunday at Geo I next day: Mrj.and Mrs. Emil MLlIer:QuRklrk s. I and Marion. IMrs. Fred Bauri'neis­I MI&S eorgta S~lers and I\(Iiss tel", MT. and :r'frs. Herbert Kurl of

Mary eGUIre ar home from the SIOUX City, IMI". and Ml"R. PaulWayne onnal. iss Mary will Lessman aJ1d family, Mr. andteach t i!\ fall. Mrs. Otto, Suhs and family and

Mr and Mrs hester Hnnson .John Rahs ofl Wayne.and KllJ Hanf';on nrd IA,,,tf'r Korth ----.---:----- ivisolod :uL Mr. und Mrs. EvaIU North,vest Wayn""HOlmeS'~SUndaY.~ \ • . '-

Mrs. Albert illion and Mrs. (By Staff I Correspondent.)A. W. olph ,att,nd('d a Sunday

~~.~;;~r.t~~~IS{l\2~lsOn'~park' at FI:;~i~~n~~~~ spent Monday withI~';;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$Mr. ~nd Mrs. fiIarry An'derson, Mrs. Ray lerdue called at the

Mr. andi Mrs. Alb~rt Sundell, and W. E. Back OOle Sunday.Mrs. Jopnson of \Vakcficld \\;cre James Per ue wap. aSunda:!( din-Sunday :visitors at Ray Worth's. net guest at ~he Ray Perdue home. H

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Bre,:.slC!r of ~lr:;:;. Charles Lang' and children U~fr~:~'B~:~r~~ ~~dW~~~ff{~~ \~~r;~ ~i~~~;:. Friday with }lrs. .J. D. n"'isitors rruf>&lay. AUg'u"t 1H, at 1.. V('lma Bomar ~nl'nt the pa~t il

Can regational and Baptist J. Breg,<:,]er's. \\· ..-,{'k at tlw Gt'or~p· Linn home in -::Ch h 1 Mr. af'd Mrs. Emil Kai and Mrs. CalToll. i:

(Re' M GurJc ea. . ) *Detlef Kai accompanied Miss Mr. and Ml"!'. G~org'c Po,.t called I· . . ones, pastor E

Se~ e" next SundaYI mornin bi~~rSn :; ~~i;s ~;:hdeirIh~ld :~e~~~~:John ~wi~ home Suudar I

:~u;~t ~ in the. Cong'Tes:ntion? ~p('nt h l' \,~'('ntion with n'h1t1\"('~ :\Hhlrefl ntHl Bud Grh'r called

sllni1h ~chool llft0rwnrd~. ~ 11('rf·. ~lll1dJlY l1lornillj!' a~ thl' Hay P('1"- UThe Conk-re~ationalIAid n\ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Lcb Keenan ~n'd due home. II

WN~n g ay in thl!' church p.l1rlo . fnmily fjz:om Stanton vicinit:!o\ Mrs. Mr. nnd MI1l. Gus Tl'st of Wnkc-Pot--Iuck lunch('on was ·sl'I....ed. RoM ::::'riN\th. Mi~<I, Annp YOUOil.', field spent Saturday in the Frank.

~LloYll. D~lDi ....nt1, Ander~(Jn nl"Il!'-~lcr Lntll.!l' hnnw. I

el.Hodi.t Chureh. ! and 5ltit~r of Wa)·nc were Sunda:>· )fr. and ~Ir.g. Adolph KipI?cr ds-·('(te . G. H..Johnson, pBstor) I visitors at J, M. Bre~ler's. I ited Sunday ~fternorn in the Will IReg 1 r sbrvices \!.jill be he1<l Mrs. J eo. Buskirk and Atlene Kieper home.I' .

nextJdaYI ( , hnd 1'1:r Etta, Dawcf' enjoyhd a Mr. and ~{rs. Ra)~ Perdue andThe . C. T. U. meets Frida~ birthda;l:L supper at W. C. Riqg's \soo called Thprsday e"'ening at the

with . Griffith Garwood. Mrs. Friday rvening. it being Merle's Bert Fleming horne.M. S. i n Will lead thb lesson. first bit:thday. A beautifully dec- Mrs. Monta Bomar and children

• Iii orated ~ake with one candle was ?fere Wednesday supper guests'lAstSt. ~ul Lutheran Church. the centerpiece. . week at the Monta Bomar home.

(Rev. H. 1-1opmA'lnn~ nastor) Young' folk~ from thr' Hi'nry Mr. and ~fr.-. Albert Sah~ andGerm n serVlce Sund(li~t 2:30. Korth. AUl!ll~t. ~h'y('r:::. Df'th'{ family \\-NC Augugt 1·1 gur:::t.;e:. atS~nll school Rfterwnrd~ Rai, AUlfust Rai, Geo. Buskirk and lhc.\\·alt{'!r Meyer home at Dixon.Th,J 'd society met W(!dnc'm1n1 J. M. Brf~l.l!'r hom('-s. Mr. and.J-'trs. Mr. and Mrs. Albeort Sahs and

:with M . Guy Pippitt nt the Fred Ed\\'ard Kat and Clnrk, 011~ ~\'en- fomily \w~m Mondllv ('\'enin~, ~ Wagner home. son, Mr'l and M1"5. Austin Br~ler gu~sta at the Ray Perdue home.

. Wa e, bought ohn 'Volk, jr., he 1ottll-r ,I nnd children and Llo)'d Durii\'1In :l\fr. and Mr~. R. A. Dawson and~':.v I~esrno~~- . ' h, wer,e ~ S DUX: City Noti e of Application for . Iwere amon~ the n;Ucndan13 at thc ::ion of Raudolph, were Friday sup-

e . ionsIw Frl y to consult n doc or in r¢- Tax Deed.. Circus at 'West POlnt on Tbudday. per guests at the Johu Grier home.

act rl ga~ Mrs. Volk's he tho They Nqtic i8 hereby given that onI' Mr. and Mrs. Will Roe aad't~logdn a d ret 'n d there again MOl day. the 22n day of Augost, 1925 I Northeast Wayne dsughters were Thrusday evening~h urs ay for t e Can'oll COilmu lity club bought t private sale of the Coun- .. gue~L~ at the John Gettman home.'lln~ ~nst named s a so ed an ?ld-ti e d nee here t)~ treas rer Qf Wayne county, Ne- (By StB!! Corresponde.nt.) :..rf1l:. Mont.a Bomar and Mrs.

c S I'd Y evenm.g. M . an 1\frs. n. brnskn, ot 26, of Tnylor nnd \Va- • -_- R."'lY P~rdue helped Mrs. Elkhardt. W. Black und . *tels recClved be pri2ie fqr chob?ls dltion to Wayne Nebr I :'I{~ Kasper Korn left Sunda}' Pospl<:hil cook for threshers Sat-

ift;;~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~O~~la~e~lt~a~n~d~htil~\the~be~s~t~w;a~Jt~z~e~s~,~d~J~a:m;'1"~I:for th taxt'5 on 5~ld lo'i lor n t\\1l weeks' ,'i...otil at Sterling, urda}".I for the YNll'l'l 1922 :\T1d 1D231 Colo." Elsie Weible relurned to Win-

I nmounti p: to the ~um of $71 70 ~{rs W. Jr. Neel)- and Mrs. W. sidc last week alter ~pending sev­nnnn:s and tha I ha\tc sin~e paid the s~b. A: K. Neel~.. gpent Monday in eral weeks. with her aunt. Mrs. W.

..qu~nt xes th~reon fot the ~..a... SIOUX Clty· E. Back.1924, 1. 5 and 1926 amounting to Mr. and Mm. Adolph Kom were ~Ir. and Mrs. Russell Lindsaythe SUm of $81.51. That said Lot ~ Sunda-,.· !lft('rnoon callen at Kas- and ~rrs. ness Bla.w ..-i.~t('d Sun-was n...c::s ssed in the name of ;?_' per horn's. .. . C::.y nnd )rond:~y .1t the )fc~l!:.."iI Bo·Hefti. ou are further notifie-d I, Frank 7Ruth and famll)4 'nsltc? mar home. fthat the 'me in which ,,"on may 1"e-'1 In the Vim. ~falmberg home Fri- Mrs. Ed. Frcrert and Mis.,,> Arne-deem d property will expire on day ~ye~~. _ . . Jia Frevert were Monda)4 guests of

! the lOt day of September, 1927 MIS-Ii Millie ~ugicr IS sp~ndi~ a btl'S. H. C. BB~l:nan. helping cookI and unl s.~' same is redeemed by few days thiS week WIth !{U18 !9r thresh~!rs., that dn. ,I "-'iH aprly to'the Coun.. Emmn. KDt'n. .. • . Mi~ Helep Po"~i~il returnedty Ttea Urer of Wayrte county i Several fro~l thiI "cmILy aL- Sunday to V; esL Pomt afLer 8pend-

1 Nebrilsk for a deed thh f' 'I" tended the mission £C$ti~ ,at Nor~Iih~ two \\'eeb I.\"ith b('r brother.Date<l ihis 23rd da of~irr. st folk Sun~.. . Elkhardt Pospi!hil.

1927.1' ' Y, gu 'i Helen ,Soden 1.5 spendmg the!' Doroth;1' Rnd J1a CnrtOlOn (':nt('r-J. E. Hefti. PUrcha.."l;Ct' 'l';Ii"cek Wi~. ber 5i$t~r. ~t("'$;. ~. E'lt~'\inCd thin)' young pi~ople Friday

'I A"'St! ,I Lund, atl Newc:astle, ," ,,_ening :It a. party. Games 'wereI ,I:" . Mis.'i rrcnore Hc.rman of Wake-- followed b)1 luncheon.

flMbthll'1 spnnklng small son I field ~PC~:t Friday af~rnoon in the, ¥nIo Ba)' Perdue and Allan.loses T'$ ,000 b~"et'..., 'read.;1 A. J:,XI n homo. , ,M.... Ru...11 UndMy and l\(....he3d~Un One tim~ whIm it t'C U ~I ~h~, \lIRe B(lmar of Omaha nr~", ma.~a W~r(! ~rQnd-a)' djnnerdid 1I~l't h~l' mbl'O than hi pji.t spenl, ~l nnd Vicdn... llU""ts at th. ~[~nlA lk>mar ~ome.ndalp,lIlalIn urier ,m.- ,. day w1thlfrienda boro. . Un, Elkhardt,' POllPbhll'jl1llll.

· q. , Mr. and M",. IImliali llinner- 11>,y r.'rdue and Mr!l. Ru"",l1 ~Ind,Wlult:ht~-D···--·-'r~ - rt ichs WN'l Sundny dinl1H Jn1r:",t... ill ~,ns l11'lp('d ){m ~rOllt..'l. U~}nt!lT

TIl:'eds is 'Platto;:;:o~t.1Cmpn Y the GC-QT Reuter home. ('ook for ~hn:-Nl('N ~:l.ttmby r.:y~-vhf~ a.' ediurn b~.(!(!n '\\" \.~::I "2\fr. A"rd ¥~ A. Jo~ft~ ..e~ "Nnt', 'I , I'

l!li!i~:~;:~==:~;:;=;:;t;~~~~;~~~~;;~~~~TI~ mcnt running pri...-nte b . $tO 1 dinner ~csts In the Au~~ Stahn 'Mr. and YNL Cta Wenill. M1!:Sprivate tlnsin(!ss runnirl;nc.S5. An~, home at :Wakcfielll Sundas. , ,'Loui",c: and E"'d)~n Wendt and;Mrs.u\cnt--E) PasQ Time~ go.. t!rr.- Robert Turner and William W. E. Back' and daughters


'i', ''1''','1:1 ""I "," 111 I" ! :'I·JPhn'!l!~ )eljtl

Sllnda.l'1 fori a two IJ>Ionduy for Yi!ian, S. D., to\i5itl~!=~Im~Illli~=~1=TlilP~~1lllI1lIl*,'" "',""" I",., ',' ,i. , " ,: 1, ,,11,4' , II'''' j. '1,,:1, I :i' 'I f 1:1:':":'

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~

,r ISS Ruby Rei v.: as fl guest of

Ml~S Manue PlInCe Saturday an~1

Su day. ~lIIS5 Bess n d I MISS. orothe!l

Re \\( re Way l€ F.hOPPN, SatlU'-~a:" afternoon.. r

L 1 IS. Art At kel' vIsIted al th~

Ihol e of Mrs eo~E' P!ltterson atW yne Saturdll .

• Irs Otto Glal·f Ilnd IMrs JohnLor b~("~ wer' Nor:folk visito~Frl :t;,; afterno n.

llr and MIS Q(01ge B GOldonanl Ml"-S Elln )ihham '\ere l'\oJ:;­fol" \'I';llOl~ F d~y

1 rs. 11 G raul\\ eat and !'lOllS,

,1111 IOf ,Inct 1\1. l'wn. \\ ere vt"itotb~n V,l'rlH' Thu :day

.1\<;~ HO';l II.l 1 RaurUt>lstl r l;um!(F! \ LI)' flom H ••dllr d]j(j Ih "Isttlngfn'nds hIll this \('lk

Jrfl ,II](! ,Ml'< 'Ed (llll~on Vlslte1d

,It ttll .John \1111Jm1l1s home nemIb11dOlPh Sl~nd 1) Ie\,( !lingo",

111' <l1H1 lI\lIo:: Guy hukrl' ~lt1d

dd ght( l' L(lrettH~ returiled FriJdayfrom a fe\>; d,I~~s'l VIsit nt Hart~ng-ton~ I

jItS Lucl\\lg I~ch!?mh('l'g' lanld

!!1"< ndc;on. ([)n'l1 St llOmberg, r ,-

"" ned Thul' 'd~'j f, nm l' Met',"\ IS t ,it Handol h all(~ 1JcLcan• 'he l\ll<ltpod Rt L<l~\lls' Aid 80-

Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~


Page 7: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 8: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~
Page 11: Herald (1888-Present)/1921-1930/1927...\11"-- ('br"l11'l'"'ood,;: has been '1:111,' ill)!"'""' A Tndpy ha~ be m ill the ~

Aft r Fifty ~earll. ,

Dl", A. L. ixb)o' in Lincoln Jour~'~\al: August 11 the ''Vayne H~bldl~SlH'd a pa er of six~y page~, the'bigg'f'st a{'hi('vement [for a wc'ek.lyin any city ?f its siz~ in the \~hplecountry. It Ii' fl. dt, l~xe histonYlof'Waynp eountyl and city and manyof the 1>urrOllldil1g Icolnmun~ties,tpllillg a story of industqal devel­opnwnt that S~ em:" like a dreallh too n'c \\ ho, pass(~ I ovpr that tel'l:i,tbryalmost 1lftYj' ,'aI'S ago. It W3$ Dophenollwnal, ) ~t'formlancp, credIta­ble in every' I tai1.-The bes.t if al~'ways to he '.'·pected from E'I W.Hust', bllt irl hlf; lntest entcrI?~'iseht: attained It' • superlatiw. ;,

:11 'RefleCh~ rowing Country.:'

Frempnt H raId: ThEl He~lald

would lw go '~l~y of gross fratdl!lna]diseoul'te--y Ifl it allowed thel bigslxty-pag-€' ~IHjdal l,dition of theVi'a;, 11(' H(,I'Ul~l, is~tl('d last wf'el(, topa~" \\ ITIhou~ wntioll and withoutth{' pI al"(' \\ ch so fine an effortde:-il'l'\ pl, f~' Jlla~1I1~oth editionSI'('!l1o; 10 lIa Idreen Iissued wlthout(l{'('<I"'lOll. It 1:--' ~Imply a finf' histor~

ieal, bno--te - rlitlon brought ,outto rl'lord tlJt' I r('atne~ of W~:~mecity 1l1lld lounty. truI~ apral __I'\\ol~,h -j product, delighl~fUlin I'\t'l \ fo alu'(' of lits nwking, and'I'll,' 1'1 ( mOl ~ It'rald l:ongratulltcs

('d.l~:l:l~ ;'l\~\I/hl~~~~,17~ot~~ el~~('\ 1], 111 a ho le \\"'Ijy' . "

W.lI C !ntin-ue- \0 Sene. IYtll], R\ Jl~lb!J('alll 'jjhl' Wayne

Her,tld IH'\-l'r <10(''< I allythiJ1~~ half

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