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  • 8/10/2019 Herb Writen Up




    A herbaceous plant normally inbotanical use simply herb, is aplant that hasleaves andstems that

    die down at the end of the growing season to the soil level. They have no persistent woody stem above

    ground. Herbaceous plants may beannuals,biennials orperennials.

    Annual herbaceous plants die completely at the end of the growing season or when they have

    flowered and fruited, and they then grow again from seed. Herbaceous perennial and biennial plants

    havestems that die at the end of the growing season, but parts of the plant survive under or close to the

    ground from season to season meanwhile for biennials plant, until the next growing season, when they

    flower and die.

    New growth develops from living tissues remaining on or under the ground, includingroots,

    acaudex which is known as a thickened portion of the stem at ground level or various types

    ofunderground stems,such asbulbs,corms,rhizomes andtubers.

    Besides, examples of herbaceous biennials includecarrot,parsnip andcommon ragwort.

    Otherwise, herbaceous perennials includepeony,mint,mostferns and mostgrasses.

    Some relatively fast-growing herbaceous plants, especially annuals arepioneers, or early-

    success species. Others form the main vegetation of many stable habitats, occurring for example in the

    ground layer offorests,or in naturally openhabitats such asmeadow,salt marshordesert.

    Some herbaceous plants can grow rather large, such as theMusa genus, to which thebanana

    belongs. The age of some herbaceous perennial plants can be determined by analyzing annual growth

    rings in the secondary root xylem, a method calledherb chronology.

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    Herbs are useful plants found in every culture of the world. There are several documentations

    that prove that different herbs have been used for different purpose, such as herb for beauty, herb for

    medical, herb for cooking and herb for spiritual, throughout the world and ever since history has been


    Herbal Medicine History

    Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Herbs had been used by all

    cultures throughout history. It was an integral part of the development of modern civilization. Primitive

    man observed and appreciated the great diversity of plants available to him. Indeed, well into the 20th

    century much of the pharmacopoeia of scientific medicine was derived from the herbal lore of native

    peoples. Many drugs commonly used today are of herbal origin.

    Examples, In 2735 B.C., the Chinese emperor ,Shen Nong wrote an authoritative treatise on

    herbs that is still in use today. Shen Nong recommended the use of Ma Huang which is known as

    ephedra in the Western world, for example, against respiratory distress. Ephedrine, extracted from

    ephedra plant, is widely used as a decongestant. Moreover, The records of King Hammurabi of Babylon

    (c. 1800 B.C.) include instructions for using medicinal plants. Hammurabi prescribed the use of mint for

    digestive disorders. Modern research has confirmed that peppermint does indeed relieve nausea and

    vomiting by mildly anesthetizing the lining of the stomach.

    But in Malaysia, there are a lot of herb that can be found. One of the best example is Ginseng

    herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine going back over 5,000 years, and appears on

    several continents (origin unknown), it is and was used extensively in Native American medicine. The

    root is adaptogen, cardiotonic, demulcent, panacea, sedative, sialagogue, stimulant, tonic and

    stomachic. Ginseng has been studied over the past 30 years in many countries, its remarkable ability to

    help the body adapt to mental and emotional stress, fatigue, heat, cold, and even hunger.The major

    constituents in Ginseng are Triterpenoidsaponins,Ginsenosides, which is at least 29 have been

    identified, Acetylenic compounds, Panaxans, and Sesquiterpenes. Taken over an extended period it is

    used to increase mental and physical performance. It is medicinal and therapeutic for the whole body

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    Herbal Beauty History

    According to records available, in ancient times, the Egyptians used plant extracts to redden

    their lips and cheeks, outline their eyes as well as to massage and cologne their bodies. Women, in

    ancient times, applied the pulverized leaves and seeds of herbs on their face, hair and all over theirbodies to make them appear more attractive and beautiful. They also consumed tonics prepared with

    herbal extracts and topically applied the oils extracted from the herbs for various types of body

    massages. The Romans also applied face packs prepared with herbs and soaked in baths perfumed with


    In India, Ayurveda has also been endorsing the use of herbs for beauty and healthy skin for more

    than 5,000 years now. However, the fact remains that until the production of herbal cosmetics on a

    mass scale and commercially became prevalent during this century, majority of the herbal beautyproducts were prepared in small measures at home using various natural ingredients. Despite the

    commercial production of herbal beauty products, the skill of preparing them in the kitchen continues to

    thrive. Until today, several people like by making their herbal cosmetic products at home, since it not

    only helps to save money, but at the same time ensures that the ingredients being used are safe, natural

    and unadulterated.

    However in Malaysia, Cinnamon tree is very well known as beauty herbs and it also was known

    to ancient physicians even before 2700 BC. The Chinese used the bark of this tree as a medicine. The

    Romans also knew about the medicinal value of this bark. Eminent physicians like Galen, Dioscoredes

    and Sasaferes described various uses of cinnamon. Indians knew about the therapeutic uses of this herb

    before the 8th century.

    Cinnamon is a native of Sri Lanka and tropical Asia. It has been cultivated from ancient times. It

    appears to have reached Egypt and Europe by the fifth century BC. This tree occurs in south India up to

    altitudes of 500 m but is more common at lower altitudes, even below 200 m.

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    Herbal Cooking History

    The tradition of using herbs to flavour foods is nothing new. It is, in fact, almost as old as the

    human species itself. Archaeologists have found evidence which suggests that the earliest cooks used

    parts of certain plants to season and improve the flavour of particular foods. Mustard seed was chewedwith meat, it seems, and the seeds of wild wheat and barley were sprinkled on other foods to add a

    nutty taste. These herbs would have been found growing wild and the cultivation of herbs for culinary

    use came much later.

    In cooking, an herb is a tasty or fragrant plant use for adding fresh flavor to food. Types of herbs

    commonly used in cooking include basil, mint, garlic, chives and rosemary. Rosemary is an example of a

    cooking herb that is not an herb but an evergreen shrub. Other example, Basil also known as St. Josephs

    Wort and sweet basil, is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking. It is a low growing herb withtender, light green large leaves. Basil, which is native to Asia and it also has in Malaysia. It has been

    around for thousands of years and over the years the plant has been linked with cooking. The word basil

    is a Greek word that means king. Hence, the word basil is still referred to as "the king of herbs" from

    world-renowned chefs.

    In Malaysia the parsley herbal plant is well known as herbal cooking plant. It is a very popular

    erect, biennial herb which grows to a height of twelve inches. Rich, green, dense leaves form a rosette

    base. Its aromatic leaves are used as culinary flavouring.

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    Herbal Spiritual History

    Every herb has spiritual meanings which have been handed down through the ages. In the past,

    herbs and plants were an integral part of life and therefore had meaning on all levels. Some of the

    spiritual meanings have come through different spiritual groups that used herbs in their spiritualpractices.

    Flower lore is also another avenue for the uses of flowers and herbs in the past. In their spiritual

    uses, herbs are not used internally but instead used in the bath, in rituals,perhaps just tucking a fresh

    herb sprig under pillow. It just inhale and let the scent take somewhere within to human spiritual center.

    Performing spiritual-cleansing ceremonies with herbs is common among many spiritual

    traditions. According to Jane Alexander, a spiritual living expert, Chinese, Native Asian, Maori, Zulu and

    Balinese are just a few of the cultures that continue to practice these ceremonies. In Malaysia, One of

    the most common ways to cleanse with herbs is by smudging. Smudging involves immersing oneself or

    an item in the smoke from a burning bundle of herbs.

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    Common Herbs and Herbal Preparations

    Herbal Medicine

    Local Name: Misai Kucing

    English Name: Ortosiphon Staming

    Family Name: Labiateae

    Scientific Name: Ortosiphon Staming

    Uses: This type of herb, is very helpful in order to against serious disease. Example, high blood pressure,

    diabetes, stone pain, and good for urine process

    Method Of Use: Drink all the misai kucings plant boiled water. Take the part of plant from the root to


    Habitat: Easily to find at the lowland forest and forest edge

    Special Feature: The flower of this tree, look like cat mustache.

    Method of propagation: By stem cutting method

    Care Management:

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    1. Keep the plants on a sunny window sill, preferably one with a southern view for maximum sun


    2. Herbs do not do well in cold weather

    3. Water the fresh herb plants only when the soil is dry. Be sure they can drain thoroughly.

    4. Trim or pinch back the center leaves of plants that have grown tall and spindly.

    Local Name: Bangun-Bangun

    English Name: Coeus Amboinicus

    Family Name: Labiateae

    Scientific Name: Plectranthus Amboinicus

    Uses: It easily to cure disease like, cough, constipation, stomach ache, fever.

    Method Of Use: Drink all the bangun-banguns plant boiled water.

    Habitat: It live at open space

    Special Feature: The leaf produce good smell and it also can be used as vegetable side dish.

    Method of Propagation: By Stem Cutting Method

    Care and Management:

    1. Herbs grow best in well-drained soil and develop their most intense flavor if kept on the dry


    2. When watering, apply enough water to moisten the root zone at least 6 inches deep.

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    3. Mulch around herbs to maintain even moisture and to reduce weeds.

    4. Fertilize lightly with all-purpose fertilizer if growth is slow or weak, but avoid fertilizing on a

    regular schedule

    Local Name: Kacip Fatimah

    English Name: Labisia Pumila

    Family Name: Myrsinaceae

    Scientific Name: Labisia Pumila

    Uses: Suitable herb for pregnant women, cure piles, bone disease

    Method Of Use:

    1. Drink all the kacip fatimahs plant boiled water. Take the part of plant especially from the root

    2. Besides that, the powder from this plant can also be use for piles treatment.

    Habitat: Easily to find at the lowland forest and watery place.

    Special Feature: It has green leaf and a red fruit stalks at the base of the stem

    Method of Propagation: It grow by the seed

    Care and Management:

    1. Water the fresh herb plants only when the soil is dry

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    2. Weed the bed regularly to prevent weeds from overtaking the bed. Weeds are aggressive and

    rapid growers that can quickly overshadow the herbs plant, robbing them of nutrients and

    moisture. Pull them from the roots when they are small to avoid disturbing the roots of herbs.

    Local Name: Pokok Gorek

    English Name: Caesalpinia Bonducella

    Family Name: Leguminosae

    Scientific Name: Caesalpinia Bonducella

    Uses: It is very suitable for maternity herb and patients who had high blood pressure disease

    Method Of Use:

    1. The roots of the plant can be used as maternity herb.

    2. The inside of the fruit can be boiled and drink the boiled water for the cure high blood pressure.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Feature: It is one of the herb plant type that has spiny root and the taste inside of the fruit is


    Method of Propagation: It grow by the seed

    Care and Management:

    1. 1.It is need to provide water daily in order to keep the herb plants live healthy.

    2. Weed the bed regularly to prevent weeds from overtaking the bed

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    Local Name: Periuk Kera

    English Name: Pitcher plant

    Family Name: Nepenthaceae

    Scientific Name: Nepenthes Gracilis Korth

    Uses: It is best to grow hair, eyes pain, diarrhea, venomous bites, stone pain, high blood pressure.

    Method of Use:

    1. The liquid inside the periuk kera plant can be used in order to grow hair lost and cure the eyes

    pain.2. Boiled the root and the stem to cure the diarrhea, stone pain and high blood pressure. The juice

    taken from the stem also can be used to cure venomous bite from danger animal.

    Habitat: Live in forest area, hill and montane forest

    Special Feature: Chinese people believe that this plant can give good luck to them.

    Method Of Propagation: It is grow by root section method

    Care and Management:

    1. 1.The ideal locations for growing this plant are soggy areas.2. 2.Pitcher plants can tolerate low levels of humidity, during summers (growing season), high

    humidity levels (60% and above) are required.

    3. 3.Dilute the fertilizer (one teaspoon for one gallon of water) and spray on the foliage and not

    inside the pitchers. Should not put meat inside the pitchers, but, can use small insects, like,

    flies and crickets for this purpose.

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    Culinary Herbal

    Local Name: Daun Bawang

    English Name: Spring Onion

    Family Name:Amaryllidaceae

    Scientific Name: Allium fistulosum


    1. Spring onion are often chopped and used an ingredient in various hearty warm dishes, although

    onions can also be a more prominent ingredient

    Method Of Use: Usually people use their leaf only in their dishes.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Feature: The leaf can give good smell on your cooking meal

    Method Of Propagation: It is grown from seed

    Care and Management:

    1. Prepare onion bed on an open sunny site that has good drainage.

    2. 2. Dig in plenty of well rotted manure or, add lime if soil is acid, onions like a pH of between 6and 7

    3. Sow the onion seeds very thinly into drills 13mm(1/2") deep, in rows 23cm(9") apart. Carefully

    cover the onion seed with soil and gently water in. Germination will take approximately 21 days.

    4. The pest that always beware is onion fly, eel worm, neck rot, white rot.

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    Local Name:Ketumbar

    English Name: Coriander

    Family Name: Apiaceae

    Scientific Name: Coriandrum sativum


    1. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves (cilantro) and the dried seeds are the parts

    most commonly used in cooking.

    2. The word coriander in food preparation may refer solely to these seeds as a spice, rather than to

    the plant itself.

    Method Of Use: All the compartment include the leaf, the fruit and the root can be used for cooking

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Feature:

    1. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and

    feathery higher on the flowering stems.

    2. In American culinary usage, the fruits ("seeds") are generally referred to as coriander, the leaves

    as cilantro.

    The Method Of propagation: It is grown from stem cutting method

    Care and Management:

    1. Plant coriander seeds in a sunny spot, with some shade for the hottest afternoon sun if the

    plants will be harvested for their leaves, as intense heat can cause the plants to flower and go to

    seed more quickly. They grow best from seeds directly in the soil, as transplanting them can also

    cause them to flower quickly.

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    2. If the coriander leaves are to be harvested, the plants should be at least four-to-six-inches tall.

    3. If the seeds of the plant are desired, it could take up to six months to harvest them. Wait until

    the flowers have wilted and dried, then cut the stems with scissors. Place them head-side down

    into a paper bag, and close the paper bag around the stems and tie with string. Hang upside

    down for three weeks, and then the seeds can be harvested by simply shaking the paper bag.

    Local Name: Jintan Manis

    English Name: Anise

    Family Name: Apiaceae

    Scientific Name: Pimpinella anisum


    1. Anise is sweet and very aromatic, distinguished by its licorice-like flavor.

    2. Anise as a moderately popular herb to flavor some dishes, drinks, and candies.

    Method Of Use: Blend the anise and pour to your cooking dish.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Feature:

    1. Anise is a herbaceous annual plant growing to 3 ft (0.91 m) tall.

    2. Its flavor resembles that of liquorice, fennel, and tarragon.

    Method Of Propagation: It is grown from seed

    Care and Management:

    1. Seeds sown directly into the ground. Sow seed 1/2 inch deep outdoors. Does not transplant

    well. Rows 2.5 to 3 feet apart.

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    2. Anise seed will germinate more rapidly if sown near coriander. It has been shown that the

    presence of coriander improves the actual seed formation of the anise plant.

    3. This spindly plant needs protection from winds and plenty of sunshine to promote healthy

    growth. Its fragile, tender seedlings do not transplant well. Add fertilizer only if the soil is

    extremely poor, and add lime if the pH is very acidic. Water regularly in hot, dry weather,

    preferably in late afternoon or evening to avoid scorching the plant.

    4. After the flower umbels have become heavy with ripe brown seeds, cut the heads off before

    they drop. Place them in a single layer on a paper towel or plate in a dry place. If possible,

    expose to direct sunlight to allow the seeds to completely dry out. When the seeds are crisp and

    dry, rub between palms to separate the seed from the hull, sieve to remove seeds from the

    husks, and store in airtight containers.

    Local Name: Daun sup

    English Name: Parsley

    Family Name: Apiaceae

    Scientific Name: Petroselinum hortense


    1. Parsley is widely used in Middle Eastern, European, and American cooking

    2. Curly leaf parsley is often used as a garnish

    3. Green parsley is often used as a garnish on potato dishes (boiled or mashed potatoes), on rice

    dishes , on fish, fried chicken, lamb or goose, steaks, meat or vegetable stews (like beef

    bourguignon, goulash or chicken paprik)

    Method Of Use: Usually people use their leaf only in their dishes

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

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    Special Feature:

    1. It grows as a biennial; in the first year, it forms a rosette of tripinnate leaves 1025 cm long with

    numerous 13 cm leaflets, and a taproot used as a food store.

    2. The seeds are ovoid 23mm long, with prominent style remnants at the apex

    3. The plant normally dies after seed maturation

    Method Of Propagation: It grow by stem cutting method.

    Care and Management:

    1. The best time when to plant parsley seeds is to sow them indoors about six weeks beforehand

    2. When planting parsley, simply sprinkle seeds on top of the soil and mist well with water.

    3. It should begin harvesting parsley once the leaves start to curl.

    4. For optimal flavor, pick parsley early in the day (morning hours) when the plants oil is strongest

    Local Name:Pokok Kucai

    English Name:Chives

    Family Name: Amaryllidaceae

    Scientific Name: Allium schoenoprasum

    Uses: It is used for culinary purposes as flavoring herb, and provide a somewhat milder flavour

    Method Of Use: Cop their leaf and pour into cooking dishes.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Features:

    1. The chive is a bulb-forming herbaceous perennial plant, growing to 3050 cm tall

    2. The bulbs are slender conical, 23 cm long and 1 cm broad, and grow in dense clusters from the


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    Local Name: Lidah Buaya

    Family Name: Xanthorrhoeaceae

    Scientific Name: Aloe Vera


    1. It is promoted as a moisturizer for facial cream or cleanser

    2. It also anti-irritant to reduce chafing of the nose of users suffering hay-fever or cold

    3. Besides, soothing the skin, it also keeping the skin moist to help avoid flaky scalp and skin in

    harsh and dry weather.

    Method Of Use: Choose and extract the good quality of Aloe vera, then collecting their juice after doing

    some process by industry.


    1. This species has been widely cultivated throughout the world.

    2. It also enables this species to survive in areas of low natural rainfall, making it ideal for rockeries

    and other low-water use gardens

    Special Feature:

    1. Aloe vera is a very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60100 cm (2439 in) tall,

    spreading by offsets.

    2. The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks

    on the upper and lower stem surfaces.

    3. The margin of the leaf is serrated and has small white teeth.

    Method Of Propagation: It is grow by stem cutting

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    Care And Management:

    1. It is only need to water this plant once every 2 weeks.

    2. If the plant begins to outgrow its pot, like it probably will, simply transplant sections and place it

    in another pot with dirt.

    3. Aloe vera plants need bright light for its growth, but harsh sunlight can sometimes damage theleaves.

    Local Name: Daun Pegaga

    English Name: Pennywort Plant

    Family Name: Mackinlayaceae

    Scientific Name: Centella asiatica


    1. Centella asiatica has been used traditionally in the management of skin disorders.

    2. The extract has also been included in anti-aging creams and other topical formulations useful in

    retarding free radical mediated degenerative changes in the skin.

    3. The extracts is good in superior anti-ageing cosmetics and in nurturing creams for sensitive and

    dry skin.

    4. Further applications are in the treatment of stretch marks and cellulitis.

    5. Cosmetic action of Centella is always toning, emollient, purifying.

    Method Of Use: Cop their leaf and pour into beauty purpose. It also can eat just like that.

    Habitat: It is grows along ditches and in low wet areas

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    Special Feature:

    1. Small trailing herb.

    2. Stems slender, prostrate, rooting at the joins.

    3. Leaves alternate or tufted at each node.

    4. Orbicular, round or kidney-shaped, obviously crenate.5. Inflorescence in single umbel.

    6. Bearing 1-5 small flowers in white or reddish colour also without stalks

    7. Fruit very small and compressed.

    Method Of Propagation:

    1. Simply cut off any length of plant at the leaf joint.

    2. The cutting will use its pre-established roots to take hold in just a few days.

    Care and Management:

    1. Temperature of the plant must be in between 64-79 F or 18-26 C

    2. The pH of the soil must be 5 to 9

    3. Select a sunny site for optimum growth of this plant although they can grow well in light shade.

    4. Watery this plant twice a week at least in hot weather.

    Local Name:Pokok Inai

    English Name: Henna Trees

    Family Name: Lythraceae

    Scientific Name: Lawsonia inermis

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    1. Henna is cooling and specific for devitalized, fragile, fine hair. This ancient plant has a wonderful

    conditioning and smoothing effect on the hair. This is an excellent hair conditioner and tonic.

    2. Largely used as a hair dye when mixed with other natural dyes. It is dried and crushed into a fine

    powder that is then mixed with oils and natural ingredients and applied to the skin.

    Special Tips:

    1. For an herbal hair bleach blend henna with orange, lemon and cucumber juice and apply to hair.

    Always make sure the pH is adjusted to 5.5-6.0

    Method Of Use: Cop their leaf and pour into beauty purpose.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Special Feature:

    1. A branched deciduous shrub with 4-gonous lateral branches often ending in spines

    2. The leaves are simple, opposite, entire, petioles very short or absent

    3. The flowers are white, or rose-colored and fragrant.

    4. The fruits globe capsules, tipped with the style and supported by the persistent calyx, seeds

    numerous, smooth, pyramidal.

    Method Of Propagation: It grow by stem cutting method.

    Care and Management:

    1. It does not thrive where minimum temperatures are below 11 C.2. Temperatures below 5 C will kill the henna plant.

    3. Watery the plant twice a week in hot weather.

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    Local Name:Kulit Kayu Manis

    English Name: Cinnamon Plant

    Family Name: Cinnamomum

    Scientific Name: Cinnamomum burmannii


    1. It is important in the cosmetic and perfumery industries.

    2. It is strongly stimulating to the skin and warms the body.

    3. Cinnamon bark is a natural astringent known to suspend excess oil on oily skin or scalp

    Method Of Use: It can be used on cosmetic either its bark or its powder.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area

    Special Feature:

    1. A moderate sized evergreen tree, 8-18 m in height and 50 cm in diameter with reddish brown

    soft bark

    2. Its having numerous small warts, leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, shiny above, 3-5 ribbed from a

    little above the base.

    3. The side ribs ending about three- fourths up, the base usually rounded.

    4. The flowers small in axillary or sub-terminal cymes or panicles.

    5. The fruits ovoid berry, dark purple in colour having persistent perianth.

    Method Of Propagation:

    1. Cinnamon is harvested by growing the tree for two years then coppicing it. The next year, about

    a dozen shoots will form from the roots.

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    Method Of Propagation: It grow by stem cutting method.

    Special Feature:

    1. An erect much branched softly undershrub, 30-60cm high with red or purple branches,

    2. The leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oblong, obtuse or acute, entire, serrate, or dentate, scent

    on both sides, minutely gland dotted, petioles slender

    3. It has hairy, flowers, purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls, stamens exerted, upper pair

    with a small bearded appendage at the base,

    4. The fruits is smooth, not mucilaginous when wetted.

    Care and Management:

    1. Keep your basil plant in a sunny spot in your garden. Move it inside to a sunny windowsill when

    the temperature gets below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2. Water regularly, but do not allow the soil to remain saturated. Repot or transplant if the soil is

    not well-draining3. Fertilize 1 to 2 times a month with a liquid plant fertilizer. Any well-balanced fertilizer will do,

    but avoid those designed to increase blooming.

    4. Trim often by pinching center leaves. This will not only give you a tasty addition to your recipes,

    but it will also help your plant to stay productive longer.

    5. Remove any flower stalks. Once basil starts to bloom it will put all of its energy into flowering

    instead of growing leaves.

    6. Remove aphids with insecticidal soap, manually or with a blast of water.

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    Local Name: Limau Purut

    English Name: Lime

    Family Name: Rutaceae

    Scientific Name: Citrus aurantifolia


    1. In Islamic way, it is a substance which is one effort to cure diseases caused by disorders of Jinns

    and black magic.

    Method of Use: Usually use the fruit and its juice for the medication purpose.

    Habitat: It can easily to be found at the low land area.

    Method of Propagation: It is grow by stem cutting.

    Special Feature:

    1. It is a globe fruit, 2.55 cm in diameter, that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green


    2. It is smaller, seedier, has a higher acidity, a stronger aroma.

    Care and Management:

    1. Select an appropriate location for your lime tree in an area that gets at least 6 hours of full sun,

    with deep, rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0.

    2. Remove any lawn grass in a circle 3 to 5 feet in diameter around the planting site. Dig the

    planting hole 1 1/2 times wider around than the root ball, and about as deep.

    3. Place the lime tree in the hole, making sure it is centered and straight. Backfill halfway, then

    water enough to wet the backfill and settle it around the roots. Finish filling and tamp the soil.

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    4. Construct a watering ring--or circle of soil 6 inches high and 8 inches thick--with a width slightly

    wider than that of the planting hole. Fill the ring with water, and fill in any soil around the root

    system that may have shifted

    5. Water your new lime tree thoroughly three times the first week, and twice a week for the next

    few weeks thereafter, depending on rainfall. After that, let soil dry to an inch down before

    watering, and fill in the ring with water. In 4 to 6 months, the ring will dissolve and your lime

    tree will be established.

    6. Fertilize the lime tree with granular fertilizer when it begins its new growth the following spring,

    and every month thereafter through October. Use one cup of 8 to 3 percent nitrogen the first

    year, 2 cups the second year, and 4 cups the fourth year. Scatter the fertilizer on the ground at

    least a foot from the trunk, and water well.

    7. Mulch the grass-free area around your lime tree, making sure to keep mulch at least a foot from

    the trunk of the tree. Use a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring to keep weeds from

    germinating in this area.

    Local Name:Pokok Sintok

    Other Name: Beluru

    Family Name: Leguminosae

    Scientific Name: Entada Spiralis


    1.Akar Sintok help to speed up matchmaking knot barrier, opening the dark until the light flashes of light

    will attract the opposite sex. But it is all up to Almighty.

    2.Give energy to women who had premature cycle.

    Method Of Use: Boiled the root and drink the boiled water

    Habitat: : Easily to find at the lowland forest and forest edge

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    Special Feature: It is a woody climbing plant stem.

    Method of Propagation: It is grow by seed.

    Local Name: Pokok Gaharu

    Other Name: Karas, Engkaras, agar wood, aquilaria, krasna, agaloca,aloeswood, eaglewood, jinkoh

    Scientific Name:

    Aquilaria malaccensis

    Family Name: Thymelaeaceae

    Uses: In Islamic way, people tend to make gaharu as a fragrance for died people

    Method Of Use: Boiled the gaharu wood, then make used the boiled water for spiritual purpose

    Habitat: The plants that grow in tropical rain forests, especially in the lowlands up to the area up to 270

    meters height above sea level

    Special Feature:

    1. It has 40m height

    2. The diameter of the stem tree is 60m

    3. It can survive in all soil types except the marsh and water.

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    Local Name: Pokok Mambu

    English Name: Margosa Trees

    Other Name: Semambu,bambu,laksamana,neem

    Scientific Name: Azadirachta Indica

    Family Name: Meliaceae


    1. This tree is popular for the people of India and used in prayer. It is also known by the name of

    god mother sakhti or india.

    2. Indian society also believes the leaf can be used to drive the ghost, that is why most Indian

    homes have this.3. This crops are widely used in india people folk rituals

    Habitat: Usually this plant grow at the shade place ,and always found aside of the road side

    Method of Use: People usually used the leaf for spiritual purpose.

    Special Feature:

    1. When the plant reach the matured stated it can reach a height of 3 to 5 meters.

    2. This plant requires enough sunlight to grow.

    Method of Propagation: It is grow by stem cutting and seedling

    Care and Management:

    1. Water the margosa plant during the warmer months, allowing the surface of the soil to dry out

    between watering. Apply enough water to thoroughly moisten the soil and allow all excess

    water to drain away

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    Care and Management:

    1. Select a container for rosemary tree that has holes for drainage and is at least 1 to 2 inches

    larger in diameter than the pot it came in.

    2. Put a few handfuls of potting soil into the new container. Remove rosemary tree from its

    original pot, if necessary, and place it in the pot you have selected. Fill the container withpotting soil. Pat the surface of the soil with your hands to ensure it is firmly packed.

    3. Place the pot in a sunny location. Only put the pot outdoors if you are sure temperatures will

    not dip below 40 degrees F. Otherwise, keep in a bright, well-ventilated room

    4. Water rosemary tree only when the soil feels dry. Overwatering is a common mistake, and will

    cause leaves to turn brown.

    5. Remove any dried-out or dead branches as necessary.

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    Summary and Conclusion

    After im finish up all my herb writing up individual assignment, I can made conclusion that, my

    knowledge about herb plant going better. The knowledge about the specific name of the each plant,

    their family plant name, belong to what kingdom and their other name according to different races and

    nation. I also know about their habitat, where they can found, and last but not least their uses to human

    being.. Examples, Misai Kucing plant normally known as plant that can very helpful in order to against

    serious disease. Example, high blood pressure , diabetes, stone pain, and good for urine process.

    Meanwhile, Henna trees, is well known for beauty purpose. Henna is cooling and specific for devitalized,

    fragile, fine hair. This ancient plant has a wonderful conditioning and smoothing effect on the hair. This

    is an excellent hair conditioner and tonic. From this examples, we can see that, different plant have

    different benefit to human.

    Im also can get knowledge about plant special feature and their method of propagation. Some plant

    grow by cutting stem, but the others maybe grow by seed or just live in open space. From this, we can

    made conclude that, if we do not study and made research of this plant, we cannot manage to identify

    and know about their details better. Our old folks already used them in ancient time, thats mean their

    benefit to human is not doubt anymore.

    Besides that, by this research I manage to know herb plant with proper care and management. The

    sources from internet and books helps me a lot to understand their care tips besides our lectures note.

    Different herb plant have different approach to care them.

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    (Internet Source)


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herb www.ehow.com/how_2094503_use-herbs-natural-beauty.htm












    Risalah Taman Botanikal Melaka, Perbandaran Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka

    Agrobitz ,Edisi Sabtu 26 November 2011


    HANITA HASSAN 2007, Buku Taman Botanikal Melaka, Perbandaran Hang Tuah, Melaka


    MOHD NOOR,AHMAD NAZARUDIN MOHD ROSELI 2006, Tumbuhan Hiasan Untul Landskap,

    Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysis (FRIM) Selangor.

    BOO CHIH MIN, KARTINI OMAR HOR,OU YANG CHOW 2006, Second Edition, 1001 Garden in

    Plant in Singapore, National Park, Singapore.

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