herbal assingment


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Page 3: Herbal assingment

Herbal studyof

Isupgol & Ustukhudus

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(Uses & Side Effects)PRODUCTS


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IsapgolPlant Profile

Scientific name : Plantago ovata

P. psyllium

English name : Blond psyllium , Spogel seeds

common name : Isabgol , Isabgul (Hindi)

Iskol , Isphogol (Tamil)Family : Plantaginaceae

Distribution : India, West Asia, Pakistan, Persia,

Mexico, Mediterranean Regions

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BOTANYIt is 10-15 cm tall short-stemmed annual herb. Leaves are born

alternately on the stem. Flowers in terminal spikes, fruit like a capsule. Seeds are translucent and concavo-convex.

PART USED: Husk from spikes and seeds.

CHEMISTRYChemical ConstituentsThe large amount of mucilage (mainly composed of arabinose , xylose, galacturonic acid), albuminous matter, semi drying fattyoil and small amount of aucubin.The seeds are sweet in taste and have cold and astringent action.

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. Digestive enzymes is not acted upon mucilage , therefore

unchangedly passes through the small and large intestines. Fluids and gases present in intestines are also absorbed by this gel.

. They act as a soothing agent for the intestinal mucosa and their

mucilage binds and increases the mass of the stool to facilitate its smooth passing.

. The latest research has shown that isapgol also has cholesterol-

lowering properties.


An overdose of isapgol or not taking sufficient liquids with it may pose

a risk of partial or complete intestinal obstruction. In active phase of rheumatoid arthritis it may aggravate the pain and stiffness of the joints as due to its cold effect .

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Chronic and habitual constipation Diarrhoea (IBS) Dysentery Stool regulariser Specific and non-specific colitis and other diseases of the ano-rectal track like piles, fissures etc

Side Effects Anaphylaxis Gastrointestinal tract obstruction Esophageal food bolus obstruction Block the throat or esophagus and may cause choking, if it is not taken with sufficient amount of water.

Products Ispaghol Husk

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UstukhuddusPlant Profile

Scientific name Lavandula angustafolia

Lavandula officinalis

Common nameArabic: Ustukhuddus Spanish: lavandaFrench: lavende English: elf leaf

Family Lamiaceae

Distribution The plants are native to the Mediterranean


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BOTANYLavender plants are aromatic evergreen sub-shrubs that grow to

about 3 feet high. The plant has small blue or purple flowers. The narrow leaves are fuzzy and gray when young and turn green as they mature.

Part used Fresh flowering tops are collected, and the essential oil

is distilled or extracts are obtained by solvent extraction.

CHEMISTRYLavender flowers contain between 1% to 3% essential oil. The oil is a complex mixture of more than 150 compounds, the most abundant of which are linaloyl acetate (30% to 55%), linalool (20% to 35%), cineole, camphor, beta-, ocimene limonene, caproic acid, caryophyllene oxide and tannins.

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PHARMACOLOGYAntispasmodic/digestive aid: Lavender oil has spasmolytic effects on smooth muscle by reduced contractions in response to nerve stimulation.

Sedative/hypnoticlinalool inhibited glutamate binding in the cerebral cortex. linalyl acetate and linalool, significantly decreased baselinemotility.

Endocrinecause hypoglycemia in normoglycemic rats, active hypoglycemic components to be partially water soluble and those active components have not been chemically classified.

Immune modulation( Anti-inflammatory)Caryophylleneoxide significantly reduced IgE- induced histamine release and tumornecrosis factor-alpha.

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Analgesiclinalyl acetate, linalool and Eugenol exerted a significant localanesthetic effect, significantly increasing the number of stimuli needed to provoke palpebral closure.

Antimicrobial ( Antibacterial, antifungal, insecticide )limonene, linalool , linalyl acetate, and camphor.

TOXICOLOGYLavender oil exhibited a low order of toxicity when administered subcutaneously may cause dermatitis and allergic raction.

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Restlessness, Insomnia, Nervousness and DepressionDigestive complaints Meteorism (abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach.Painful conditions Migraine headaches ,toothaches sprains , nerve pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation.SkinHair loss (alopecia areata ) and pain, and to repel mosquitoes and other insects.Some people add lavender to bathwater to treat circulation disorders and improve mental well being.By inhalationAromatherapy for insomnia, pain, and agitation related to dementia.

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Side Effects Allergic contact dermatitis.

ProductsItrifal ustukhuddus

Majoon NajahSinus capsule

REFERENCES. The review of Natural Products.

. Leung AY. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food,

Drugs and Cosmetics. J Wiley and Sons, 1980.

.Weiss RF. Herbal Medicine, Hippokrates Verlag , 1988.

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