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Page 1: Here are some illustrated · are painful. You have to go a diet to lose weight and it’s bad for your health. I hhaavvee
Page 2: Here are some illustrated · are painful. You have to go a diet to lose weight and it’s bad for your health. I hhaavvee

Here are some illustrated tips

This is a lunch tray at Macdonald's.

Many people eat this kind of food, but

they do not know is that this meal is high

in calories and eating too often this type

of food can cause weight gain or even

illnesses such as diabetes.

To prevent diseases and avoid getting fat, here are some tips

Do not eat too much fat and too sweet,

adopt a balanced diet and it will help you

feel better.

You must replace sodas with bottled water: it is better for your

body and much less rich in calories!

Page 3: Here are some illustrated · are painful. You have to go a diet to lose weight and it’s bad for your health. I hhaavvee

I hope that these tips will be helpful and allow you to limit the cases of

obesity in your family, among your friends or even in the world.

You should practice sports to lose weight

Do not snack between meals

Move! Ride cycles! You spend! Do

not stay in front of the television


Page 4: Here are some illustrated · are painful. You have to go a diet to lose weight and it’s bad for your health. I hhaavvee

Junk food is bad for our health!

The dangers of junk food:

It causes obesity, because today the population eat junk food all the time.

It provokes diabetes and it is a very dangerous disease, which can cause many serious illnesses,

and even death.

The greedy children who are attracted by junk food are forced to live in disastrous conditions:

because of their weights they cannot do all the things that the other children their age do.

More and more people eat at any time, out of meal times.

There are persons who eat a lot when they have a psychological fragility in their social lives, thus

it may be a danger for them, because they can become obese very quickly.

The advice:

Less salty, less sweet, less fat food is needed.

You can practice sport, to be healthier.

You should eat more veggies, instead of having meals in Macdonald’s, which makes you fat.

You can take some medicine, to lose weight.

You can eat a balanced diet, to feel good in your body and in your head.

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To all the women of the USA, this is an urgent message!

The USA are famous for having the biggest cars, the biggest houses, the biggest companies.

But we don't want to be famous for having the biggest women, right?

Foundation, powder and all the make-up can't hide your excess of kilos.

Today there are more obese than beautiful women in our country.


The reason for obesity is especially fast food, junk food. Only this can make your life hell:

Would you go to a night-club in a dress XXL?

Do you think a boy will give you his phone number if you are overweight?

Your boyfriend will break up with you for a thin girl.

you'll be rejected by society.

Obesity will cause you social problems, but also health problems:

You'll have cholesterol

You'll have diabetes, it is a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the


You'll have serious health problems, today smoking and obesity cause the same number of deaths

every year.

Junk food is unhealthy, it makes you put on weight easily.

If you don't want to have all those problems, here are the top-ten tips for a healthy life:

First, you should eat a well-balanced diet.

You must practice sport, do some exercise.

Fatty food is forbidden!

You could drink a lot of water.

You could take medicine.

You have to eat more veggies.

Don't take the elevator or the lift, take the stairs.

Don't drink alcohol, especially beer (it makes you have a bit of a paunch!)

You should get out of your car, and walk a lot.

Stop smoking.

Good luck, you are the pride of our country!

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DDoo yyoouu kknnooww tthhee ddaannggeerr ooff jjuunnkk ffoooodd??

It provokes diabetes, heart problems, some others illnesses and death. Eating hamburgers, chips, crisps makes

you put on weight. You can’t move like you want because you are obese. You have to pay a lot of medicines and

it’s very expensive. You become depressive because people judge you. You have to choose your clothes in stores

for big people. You can’t sit in the plane because it’s not adapted for obese people. Your knees and your back

are painful. You have to go a diet to lose weight and it’s bad for your health.

II hhaavvee ssoommee ttiippss ttoo hheellpp yyoouu nnoott ttoo bbeeccoommee aa bbiigg ppeerrssoonn::

Eat 5 veggies and fruit in a day.

Practice a sport regularly.

Drink a litre of water every day.

Don’t use a car but walk or cycle for short distances.

Walk at least thirty minutes every day.

Don’t eat food which contains too much sugar and salt.

Go out with your friends instead of staying at home, watching television.

Don’t eat between meals.

Avoid cooking with oil and grill your meat.

Don’t go to fast food restaurants more than once a month.

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A diet,

A health,

A life!

Today, eating junk food is a very effective way of reaching Obesity!

It is not good for your health to eat food which is too greasy or too sweet or too salty. You must eat

healthy food and exercise to maintain your strength.

Moreover, junk food provokes diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease or high blood pressure.

It is recommended to avoid junk food and fast food although they are convenient when we don’t have

time to eat. Most dishes in fast food meals are rich in fat and toxins. This can create heart problems

you know! This type of food is often appreciated by people because it helps relieve emotional problem,

but this food is not good for your health because it is unbalanced and difficult to digest!

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A top-ten has been specially prepared for you so that you can have a healthy life!

1 - You should practise sports --> It allows you to keep fit!

2 - You should eat less fatty food --> eating too much fat is very bad for the heart

3 - You should eat more veggies --> this you can eat without putting on a gram!

4 - You should eat a balanced diet --> this is the best thing to do!

5 - You could drink a lot of water --> After oxygen, water is the most important element for life

6 - You should get out of your car --> Cars pollute and walking is good for you. Do not hesitate!

7 - You must not smoke or drink alcohol --> Smoking and drinking alcohol are harmful!

8 - You must have a healthy lifestyle --> Just follow these instructions!

9 - You should laugh as much as possible to keep the best form --> It’s fun, it helps to stay fit and in a good mood!

10 - You should go to bed earlier everyday --> Sleep helps to have a good mental and physical recovery.

Good luck to all those who would like to improve their lifestyles!

Hajar's diet

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Junk food is very dangerous for your health because it provokes diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. And eating junk food increases the obesity rate of our children. Then the lives of the adults and the children are threatened. Junk food is a drug so we eat it again and again and then our bodies are filled with fat. Then we get tired faster and we make less physical effort .

Top 8 tips for a healthy life for adults :

-You should practice sports several times a week , because it eliminates the fat

-You should eat vegetables and fruit several times a day, because it is very good for the metabolism

- You should eat between 1200 and 2000 calories per day, because It is necessary to maintain a

stable weight

- You should drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day : It is necessary for the body

- You should avoid fast food , because it is bad for health

-You should avoid stress, because it makes you fat

- You need to eat dairy products: This is good for bones , more advised to women

- You must stop taking drugs: It is very unhealthy

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Eat better to live better.

Lots of teenagers eat junk food but there are dangers:

If they eat junk food : fast food , pizza , candies , they can become overweight and if they overeat junk food they could become obese


Junk food is unbalanced, salty, and fattening food : they can have health problems, heart problems or diabetes.

There are solutions too:

For a healthy life,

You can eat a balanced diet

If you are greedy you could drink sugar free soda and eat low-fat food

You can eat organic food and vegetables

If you are overweight you should go on a diet

Teenagers sit on a chair all day long, they should practice sports

They take bus while they can cycle

They eat refined sugar when they are hungry, whereas they could eat apples

Teenagers can cook instead of going to fast food restaurants

They play video games while they can move outdoors

At the fast food joint they should eat salads

They can go to fast food restaurants once a month and eat low-fat food the rest of the week

More and more teenagers are obese, it can be bad for their future, the parents have to teach their children to eat healthy food when they are little.

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Do you know the consequences ?

-It provokes overweight, so you have health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, renal insufficiency. -Eating junk food regularly is an addiction : it acts on the brain in the same way as cocaine and heroin. Habituation, loss of control, compulsive behavior,… Rats made obese during a study (realized by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny, researchers to the research institute of the Scripps in Florida), then short of cheesecake, chocolate and bacon, develop a behavior similar to those of the drug addicts, wandering in their cages in search of a crumb of cookie. The rodents, completely hooked on junk food after some weeks of this diet, are ready to do anything to have their “dose” and get fatter and fatter. If you are a plump or obese and you want to lose weight, you can : -Practice sports, do some exercise : practice body-building, dance, gymnastics,… -Eat a balanced diet -Take some medicine, but pay attention ! Don’t buy on Internet and ask the opinion of your doctor And, of course, you should : -Eat less junk food, like once every six months -Eat more veggies : courgettes, tomatoes, leeks, carrots, beans, salad, peppers, endives,…

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Today, more and more people go to fast food restaurants. Increasingly, people in

America are obese (1 hundred million today), because before the mother in the house cooked, now, 46

million people go and eat fast food every day. Obesity is the second cause of death after smoking in

America, it kills 400 000 people annually. Junk food provokes cholesterol, diabetes .. Eating fast food

often is very bad for your health.

For a healthy life, you can eat vegetables They are good for you because they have

vitamins and minerals, and iron is very good for the body.

You can practise sport to maintain healthy body, it is good for the heart and when we

practise sport, we lose weight.

Don’t eat fast food everyday because junk food is bad for health.

You should drink lots of water

Don’t eat lots of salty and sweet food because it is dangerous for your health.

If you go out, you should take your bike or walk .

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