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  • 7/23/2019 Hill Farmstead Blog - 1 of 3


    T U E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 6 , 2 0 0 9

    SEVEN Russian Imperial Stout Release

    On Thursday, January 8, at

    Nrrebro we'll be releasing an

    early tasting (3 months) ofthe

    Russian Imperial Stout project.

    Just a few days before Idepartedfor a two week holiday

    in Vermont, Murphy, Mikkel,

    Jens Ungstrup, and myself sat

    down for beers at lbaren and, unintentionally, began brainstorming

    names. Eventually I threw out the name "Seven Sins" and Jens

    countered with simplicity: Seven. The name stuck. For obvious

    reasons - seven brewers, seven recipes... and all seven of these

    project participants are expected to attend on Thursday. This

    current release is of the stainless steel version (my personal

    favorite). The picture shown here is me topping off the Bordeaux

    N E X T : T H O U G H T S O F H O M E . M Y

    D I S S O L U T I O N .

    The freshly fallen snow inGreensboro, Vermont. Hill Farmstead

    Project continues.

    T H E F U T U R E ?

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    H I L L F A R M S T E A D

    T H E E V O L U T I O N A N D D I S S O L U T I O N O F S H A UN E . H I L L

  • 7/23/2019 Hill Farmstead Blog - 1 of 3


    barrel. The oak aged version(s) will either be blended or released

    individually - hand bottled, bottle conditioned, with some limited

    draft (most likely at the debut at the brewpub).

    In other news, the 2008 brewing of the Stevns CCC (originally a guest

    brew with Will Meyers of Cambridge Brewing Company, modeled after

    his Cerise Cassee) was nearly successful... A five hour sparge and

    less than expected yield and gravity. My first 48 hour sour mash. It

    will be introduced to Pinot Noir and Merlot barrels in the next twoweeks - where it will be blended, in each barrel, with the 2007

    version and introduced, again, to Lactic bacteria and several strains

    of Brettanomyces.


    S U N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 0 8

    November - I'm late.

    Our uninterrupted spinning around the celestial star has led us to the

    inevitable onset of November... well, it's almost December now but

    I've been meaning to attend to an update since November 2nd. One

    hour less of Daylight and I am now returning home from work amidst

    the cool wet wind and darkness of a Danish winter. The arrival of this

    eleventh month also ushers forth two unmistakable symbols of

    cultural triumph and/or decadence:

    1. Election Day in the US Obama wins and brings an intimation ofhope to a certain segment of the global population.

    2. Julebryg (Christmas Beers) in Denmark

    3. The return of Murphy to Italy (and soon, another week, back to


    And, perhaps equally unforgettable, my first Thanksgiving not spent

    at home in Vermont with family and friends.

    Ill spare you three lone feed subscribers the emotional ramble about

    Thanksgiving, or the departure of my only fellow American Brewer

    friend (but it's ok, I saw him last night, and he's moving back in a

    week...), or of how much I despise spiced Christmas Ales

    Since last entry, I have released several new beers at Nrrebro

    Bryghus. Our Smashing Pumpkin Tripel, 8.4% abv and gently spiced

    with Allspice, is now being poured at the pub. Im really glad that I

    went with my gut instinct on this and added just 30 grams of spice

    opposed to the 120 grams suggested by Will! Whew this should be

    gone by the middle of this week.

    Also pouring is a new batch of Golden Spike IPA (Anders name

    "THE" Hill Farmstead Brewery: A long

    way from Denmark.

    S U G G E S T E D R E A D I N G

    My Friend Ingrassia's Blog

    My Friend Mike Murphy's Blog

    F O L L O W E R S

    B L O G A R C H I V E









    Onward into Spring...and


    SEVEN Russian Imperial Stout



    A B O U T M E


    I began this blog as an American

    Brewer living abroad and brewing

    beer in Copenhagen, Denmark. I've

    traveled the world in pursuit of life,

    love, and libation - which is perhaps

  • 7/23/2019 Hill Farmstead Blog - 1 of 3


    choice, not mine). I declare this as the best batch yet of the mighty

    Spike 85 ibus, 5.7% abv, and wonderfully drinkable. I have also just

    brewed a new batch of American Pale Ale with Warrior, Chinook,

    Simcoe, and Cascade hops this should replace the IPA in about two

    weeks. 6.4 % abv and 50 Ibus.

    Still aging in a barrel with three strains of Brettanomyces and

    Lactobacillus is a Belgian Brune which reminds me to inform

    everyone (yes, ALL of YOU few!) that I have secured a location for anew barrel aging operation just across the driveway from the

    Bryghus. According to my measurements, it should be able to hold

    approximately 25 x 250 L Wine/Spirit barrels. Oh sweet heavens

    still attempting to source a relatively large number of inexpensive

    spent wine barrels. The sooner I retrieve, the sooner I begin the

    project. Also, having just brewed a Belgian Dubbel (with Raisins and

    Figs!), wouldnt it be wonderful to have 250L aging away in a French

    Wine Barrel with some Lactobacillus? These barrel aged gems will be

    the source of much creative effort and experimentation for me - as

    will they also be released to the public in small quantities, bottle

    conditioned, and hand labeled. Some limited edition draft, as well,

    and one can also predict that there will be some blending of multiple



    The guest brewer day with members of the Russian Imperial Stout

    Project was, not surprisingly, enjoyable and inspiring. Despite two

    stuck mashes and 3-4 hour run-offs, we managed to hit our targetgravity. After the brewday, all of us brewers and special guests

    sampled great versions of the Imperial Stout style Dark Lord,

    Speedway, as well as an early bottling of the Amager MurpHill

    Bourbon Barrel Imperial Rye Porter. Lovely.

    After a lovely fermentation, from 28.7 Plato to 8 Plato in just 4 days,

    the beer has rested for four weeks and has now spent one week in its

    Port and Bordeaux homes. The consensus, between Murphy, myself,

    and several other tasters, is that the stainless version has a certain

    edge to it that is more 'characteristic' of the style than the early

    oaked counterparts (think Yeti vs. Oaked Yeti). Thus, this beer may

    forego its prolonged stay in the barrels and be packaged sooner than

    I had imagined. Possibly even be able to serve one 30L as a sneak

    preview on New Years Eve or New Years Day. More to come Does

    anyone have a 10 or 15L keg they would be willing to loan for a week

    or two?

    More to come soon. I promise.


    how I've ended up here. Hill

    Farmstead Brewery in Greensboro

    Brewed its first beer on March 30,



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    T H U R S DA Y , O C T O BE R 9 , 2 0 0 8

    Smashing Pumpkins...

    Pumpkin Ale. The utterance of these three syllables is banned inmost circles of beerdom. Or provokes puzzled, bewildered looks

    among Danes. The expression is prone to responses of moaning

    rejection like suggestions of doing homework, taking out the

    garbage, or, worse, running for the sake of exercise. The cause of

    this aversion(which is how I feel about licorice!) this seemingly

    involuntary reaction and triggering of ones gag reflex? Allspice.

    Nutmeg. Cinnamon. In Heavy Handed and non-rational quantities.

    Not so distantly removed from thoughts resembling Christmas in a

    bottle. One must wonder how many brewers drink their own spiced

    ales? Admittedly, I am not a fan of this style thus, when confronted

    with the challenge of creating a pumpkin beer for the birthday of a

    beer enthusiast (the first commercial pumpkin beer ever produced on

    Danish soil, I believe), I immediately contacted the one person that I

    know loves pumpkin season: Will Meyers. I think Will must brew 25 or

    so batches of The Great Pumpkin at Cambridge Brewing Company

    each Autumn. He probably even begins dreading the following years

    Pumpkin Season before the current one has begun. Do you have

    any advice for me on brewing a Pumpkin beer? Wills customarysense of humor could produce only one response: Dont. Eventually,

    I was able to procure a few suggestions that would help me in my

    endeavor. My goal: A complex Belgian style pumpkin ale with little to

    no spicing.

  • 7/23/2019 Hill Farmstead Blog - 1 of 3


    Peter (Sonne), Rune (Restaurant Manager), and I spent 5 hours

    skinning, quartering, seeding, and julienning 70 or so kilograms of

    sugar pumpkins. The strategy would be to create a separate

    pumpkin mash and then add the pumpkins and the water into the

    lauter tun before sparging. Knowing the brewhouse all too well at this

    point, I was concerned with a stuck run-off and a 12 hour brewday.

    So, in order to ward off any evil spirits (the brewery surely seems

    haunted from time to time), Rune had carved a pumpkin and, on

    brewday, before setting foot on the platform, I lit the jack olantern

    and propositioned it to adorn the brewhouse for the duration of thebrewday...

    Well, the pumpkin spirit either

    sojourned with all of the

    existing tricksters, leading

    them astray for the day, or

    ravaged them into

    noncompliance with its haunting

    glow! We added 50kgs of

    julienned pumpkins (with a

    gravity reading of 5 Plato thats just 50 grams of sugar per liter of

    solution - hardly worth all of the work!) to the lauter/mash and began

    running off into the kettle.

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    Magically! It was one of the best run-offs Ive had at NrrebroBryghus. A fair dosage of brown sugar. 12 IBUS of Northern Brewer.

    And 30 grams of Allspice. 19.4 Plato. Now, my 8.5% Pumpkin Ale isfinishing up fermentation and awaiting my next dilemma: whether or

    not to add more spices?

    This beer should go on draft during the week leading up toHalloween. It would also be perfect to place 250L into one of my

    barrels along with some Brettanomyces - but, Im short on barrels.

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    Next year, if all goes

    well, Ill be brewing this

    with my own farm raised

    sugar pumpkins and

    some homemade maple

    syrup (wonder who will

    help me chop up all o

    those pumpkins?) And

    some of it will go into abarrel. I promise.

    Pumpkin in a barrel.

    Sounds wonderful. Or



    M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 6 , 2 0 0 8

    October: The Usurper

    The new spirit, as it becomes more conscious, is increasingly

    capable of transforming the moments of contemplation into one

    moment, into a permanent vision.

    -Piet Mondrian

    The feeling of winter is beginning to scratch at the surface of my

    skin, looking for entrance between the over-abundance of hair

    follicles, and hoping to take up residence amidst the whirlwind of

    travel and busy-ness that is becoming of my life. Even the frigid

    fingers of winter are in need of a warm residence and an occupation

    time away from itself and the boredom that might ensue. Fortunately

    for mother nature and those windy, leaf blowing tentacles, my

    October is the perfect vehicle for inane antics and time away from


    Friday the 17th of Octoberis Russian Imperial Stout Project Day. I

    have invited some of my very good brewer friends here in Denmark

    to each submit their ideal recipe for this particular beer style. I, in

    turn, will then synthesize the 7 recipes into one behemothrecipe

    which we will all brew together on Friday. The participants are

    myself, Michael Murphy [from Gourmet], Mikkel Bjergs [Mikkeller],

    Christian Skovdal Andersen [lfabrikken], Rune Lindgreen

    [Djaevlebryg], Jacob Storm [Amager] and Peter Sonne

    [Halsnaes/Nrrebro]. Although I have not yet formulated the final

  • 7/23/2019 Hill Farmstead Blog - 1 of 3


    recipe, it appears that it will be somewhere around a 12%abv Russian

    Imperial Oatmeal Espresso Stout aged in both Port and Bordeaux

    Barrels and combining somewhere around 15 different ingredients.

    More to come on this

    Sunday the 19th of Octoberis a fundraising event called Beer

    Drinkers for Obamaand is going to be held at the Black Swan here in

    Copenhagen. Thus far both Murphy and I have donated beers for the

    cause Mike his APA and I a blend of an APA and a bit of oak agedbarleywine.. Details here.

    The following week, well be releasing one of my favorite creations

    here thus far - Mikkels Monster Barleywineat Nrrebro

    Bryghus on Tuesday, October 21st. A beast of a beer that was a

    collaboration between myself and Mikkel from Mikkeller 14+% abv, a

    blend that was aged in Bordeaux and Port barrels. We'll have three

    versions on draft: Columbus Dry Hopped Version, Port Barrel Version,

    and the blend.

    Wednesday, the 22nd, I fly to Turin, Italyfor five days to attend

    the Salone Del Gustowhere I will be pouring beer for the American

    Craft Beer booth.

    Lastly, and sadly (for me), my best friend here in Denmark, Michael

    Murphy, will be leaving the last weekend of October to move back to

    Italy where he has taken a job with Birra del Borgo. It seems fitting

    that a going away party will ensue as will at least one visit to Rome

    prior to my own departure from Denmark.

    And the quote atop this entry? I found it most fitting to my current

    state of mind as Ive been reading a great deal of Ken Wilber of

    late and recognizing the zeitgeist-consciousness at play in the world

    around. On a personal level, perhaps equally integral in its own right,

    this spirit o mine is becoming more conscious and, I hope, is finally

    beginning to transform all of these years of contemplation and

    foolishness into a unified and permanent vision: Hill Farmstead. As

    the battle ensues with permitting and my own personal struggle to

    leave Europe Thus, each entry that follows is, in part, a member of

    my/your/our One Moment and a vision that may continue to evolve

    as does our consciousnessand Hill Farmstead lurks beyond the



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