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Page 1: HISTORIES OF MALTAllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/table_of_contents...INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri) Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are: Books &



Passions and Compassions

Volume Ten


Page 2: HISTORIES OF MALTAllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/table_of_contents...INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri) Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are: Books &


................................................................................................................ . NICHOLAS BONET THE GREATEST BISHOP OF MALTA

................................................................................................... JOHN WARD, ENGLISH PIRATES AND THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA

............................................................................ DO MYSTERIES STILL LURK BEHIND THE HISTORY OF THE GREAT SIEGE?

........................................................................................................................................... THREE PAGAN0 KNIGHTS AND KILLERS

......................................................................................................................................... PATRONAGE BY THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA

..................................................................................................................................................... CASTRATI SINGERS FOR ST JOHN'S

...................................................................................................................... INSANITY IN MALTA AT THE TIME OF THE KNIGHTS

................................................................................................... DUN GAETANO MANNARINO . 'FALSE AND DECEITFUL IDOL'

............................................................. MALTESE 19TH CENTURY COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND THEIR ADORNMENT

.............................................................................................................................. A BRAWL OFF STRAIT STREET. VALLETTA. 1828

HORATIO AGIUS, MEMORY OF VICTORIAN MALTA .........................................................................................................................

SLIEMA IN PRE-WAR POSTCARDS ........................................................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................... THE INTERNATI - AND WHO SHOULD BE ASHAMED

ART AS POWER AND ANTI-POWER .......................................................................................................................................................

BROCKTORFF AT THE NATIONAL LIBRARY .......................................................................................................................................

INTERVIEWS FOR 'SUNDAY CIRCLE' ..................................................................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................................................................................... THE RIGHT STUFF

COINS THAT SHOUT HISTORY ...............................................................................................................................................................

COLLECTING COLLECTIONS .................................................................................................................................................................

PROVENANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................

INDEX .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 3: HISTORIES OF MALTAllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/table_of_contents...INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri) Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are: Books &

INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri)

Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are:

Books & Publications Churches & Chapels Grand Masters Langues & Auberges Popes

Entries in Bold indicate the principal character or topic of a chapter

A Abela, Gio. Francesco, 10 Abos, Girolamo, 72 Abry Descallar, Nicholas (Fra), 67 Aegidius Romanus, 10 Agius Gilibert, Gio. Battista, 159 Agius Gilibert, Vittoria, 159 Agius, Eliza, 159 Agius, Giorgio, 156 Agius, Giuseppe (Don), 84, 102, 103 Agius, Horatio (Orazio), 155-172, 175 Agius, Lorenzo, 155, 156 Agius, Nicola, 159 Agius-Vadala, Maurice, 47 Alcala, 38 Alexandria, 120 Algardi, Alessandro, 66, 68 Algiers, 23, 33 Alighieri, Dante, 10 Amato, Giulio (Fra), 67 Anastagi, Vincenzo (Fra), 40,41,42 Andreotti, Giovanni, 67 Anfossi, Vincenzo, 72 Angelo, Pietro, 77 Aquilina, Carlo (Don), 155, 156 Aragon, Joseph de (Fra), 54 Aragon, Langue of, 87 Arcaro, Pasquale, 77 Arena, Gioacchino, 1 17 Aretino, Pietro, 69 Aristotle, 16, 85 Armstrong Jones, Tony, 175 Arpa, Angelo, 148 Arpa, Luigi, 148, 151 Attard, Giuseppe (Don), 11 5 Attard, Robert (Dr), 127,238,241,242 Avignon, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 Avogadro, Girolamo (Fra), 33 Aylmer, George (Sir), 87 Azzopardi Castelletti, Gio. Maria

(Canon), 93 Azzopardi, Calcedonio, 1 15 Azzopardi, Francesco, 72 Azzopardi, Romina, 238,241

B Bachelieu, Franqois, 69 Balbi di Correggio, Francesco, 36,

38,87 Balbiano, Flaminio (Fra), 67 Balneavis, Henry, 148, 15 1 Balzan, Pasquale, 113, 11 5 Balzan, Pietro, 11 5 Barbara, Censu, 99 Barbarossa (Khayr ad-Din), 27 Barbary, 22,28, 32, 33 Barker, Andrew, 22 Bartlett, William Henry, 145 Basilicata, 27 Basle, 38 Bathurst (Colonel), 147 Bazzati, Francesco, 77,79 Beijing, 11 Bellanti, Michele, 2 16 Belli, Andrea, 69 Belzoni, Gio. Battista, 214 Bembo, Pietro (Cardinal), 69 Benedict XI1 (Pope), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Bennett, Henry, 123 Bernissone, Cassiano (Fra), 53, 54 Birgu 1 Vittoriosa, 40,55,57,60, 71, 78,

85,87,102,104,115, 155, 159 Birkirkara, 11 1, 115, 177 Blondel, Mederic, 69 Blondy, Alain (Prof), 11 0 Bonanno, Giovanni (Don), 114 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 55,65, 80, 105,

111, 115, 140, 170,213,214 Bonello, Giovanni (Judge), 229-232 Bonello, Giuseppe, 115

Bonello, J. (Giovanni), 177, 178 Bonello, Vincenzo, 207 Bonet, Nicholas (Bishop), 9-20 Bonham Carter, Charles (Governor),

198,208 Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea, 74 Borg, Carmine (Don), 115 Borg, George (Chief Justice), 199 Borg, Giuseppe, 79 Borg, Simone (Don), 78 Bosio, Giacomo, 37,38,40, 69, 85, 87 Bosio, Giovanni Otto (Fra), 38,40 Bottigella, Aurelio (Fra), 28 Boyer d'Argens, Luc de (Fra), 65,66,

102. 173 Boyer, Claude-Franqois (AbbC), 103,

104, 105, 108, 109 Brancaccio, Giovanni Battista (Fra),

57, 58, 60 Brancamonte y Guzman, Gaspar de

(Count of Penaranda; Viceroy of Naples), 60

Brito, Roderico de (Fra), 29, 32 Brocktorff, Charles Frederick de,

216-222 Brocktorff, Federico, 117, 122, 125, 127 Bueno, Luca (Prior), 60 Buggiani, Agostino, 77 Buonamici, Francesco, 69 Buridan, Jean, 9 Burlamaque, de (Count), 69 Burrough, John (Lieut), 147 Bush, George H. (President), 204 Butter, Nathaniel, 23,24,27 Buttigieg, Antonio Vincenzo, 123

C Cafa, Melchiorre, 68 Caffarelli (Gaetano Majorano), 74 Cagliares, Baldassare (Bishop), 93

Page 4: HISTORIES OF MALTAllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/table_of_contents...INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri) Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are: Books &
Page 5: HISTORIES OF MALTAllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/table_of_contents...INDEX (compiled by Maroma Camilleri) Within this index various sub-heading have been used; these are: Books &

J Jaki, Stanley, 16, 17 James I (King of England), 22, 32 Jenibassar, Mehmet, 28 John XXII (Pope), 10, 12, 13, 16 Julian I11 (Pope), 41

K Kalkara, 155, 159 Kelly, Francis J., 17 Kent, 2 1 Kepler, Johannes, 9 Kermainguy, August-Emile Cillart de,

111 Kiptciak, 11 Konrad V Duke of Swabia, 53

L L'Isle Adam, Philippe Villiers de

(Grand Master), 65 La Goulette, 34 Laferla, Francesco, 101, 110 Lanfreducci, Francesco (Fra), 79 Lante, Antonio (Inquisitor), 112 Lapparelli, Francesco, 68,2 14 Lascaris Castellar, Jean-Paul (Grand

Master), 57, 64, 66, 69 Lepanto, 23,41 Lija, 114, 115 Linosa, 34 Lipari, 27 Lisbon, 76 Lithgow, William, 21,22 Livorno, 29, 76 Loli, Francesco (Fra), 34 Lomellini, Stefano Maria (Fra), 66 London, 21, 65,94, 123, 145, 148,

160,208 Long, Chou, 12 Lonzo, Marco, 77 Lucca, Salvatore de, 77 Luccherini, Giuseppe, 77 Ludwig of Bavaria (King), 12

M MacGill, Thomas, 174 Maculano da Firenzuola, Vincenzo, 69 Magri, Francesco, 114 Maigret, Philippe, 69 Mander, Karel van, 68 Manduca, Giovanni Paolo, 88 Mannarino, Gaetano (Don), 99-111 Marandon, Francesco, 69 Marchia, Francesco, 10 Maxignolli, Giovanni (fra Giovanni da

Florentia), l 2 Marino, Gaetano, 77, 80, 81 Marino, Michele, 77 Marradas, Baldassare (Fra), 65 Marsa, 67 Marsascala, 169 Marulli, Francesco (Fra), 79, 80 Maxta, Giuseppe, 11 5 Mazzuoli, Giuseppe, 68 Mdina, 13, 14, 19,41,42, 77, 78, 80,

81,82,228 Mego, Dionisia, 40 Mego, Francesco (Judge), 40

Mellini, Raffaello, 77, 79 Memmi Rais, 27 Menga, Evangelista, 69 Mercieca, Arturo (Sir), 207 Mesmes, 69 Messina, 10, 26, 50, 54, 60, 79, 108 Messina, Rosario, 123 Micallef, Giovanni (Captain), 119 Micallef, Mark (Dr), 21 1,212,215 Micallef, Wistin, 91 Mifsud, Angelo, 155 Mifsud, Anthony, 230,232 Mifsud, Fortunato, 170 Mifsud, Francesco, 119 Mifsud, Ignazio Saverio , 10 Mifsud, Maria, 155, 156 Milan, 54, 88 Milos, 27 Miranda, Count of, see Zuniga de

Avellaneda Mizzi, Nerik (Prime Minister), 205 Modiano (photographer), 177 Mondion, Claude Franqois de, 69 Mongitore, Antonio, 10, 14 Montaigne, Jacques de, 45 Monte Corvino, Giovanni de (Bishop),

11 Monteverdi, Claudio, 72 Mori Ubaldini, Ubaldino, 24 Morins, Louis (Fra), 58 Mula, Saverio, 147, 151 Mulroney, Brian, 203 Muscat, J.A. (Prof), 206,207,208,210 Mussolini, Benito, 199 Muxi, Matteo, 88

N Nani, Angelo, 72 Naples, 11,49, 50,51,52, 53, 54, 55,

57, 58,60,61,75,76,79, 80, 115, 121

Narborough, John (Admiral), 143 Nasoni, Nicolo, 68 Navarino, Battle of, 147 Naxxar, 1 14 New York, 4 1 Newton, Isaac (Sir), 9, 15, 16 Nicholls (Lord), 207 Niven, David, 147

0 Obama, Barack (President), 208 Ockham, William of, 9 Oddo, Serafino, 77 Ogerius (Bishop), 14 Oliva, Gennaro, 77, 81 Oliva, Maria Carmela, 156, 159 Oresme, Nicholas, 9 Osterhausen, Christian (Fra), 60

P Pace Fomo, Gaetano (Bishop), 155 Pagano, Carlo (Fra), 57-61 Pagano, Giovanni Battista (Fra), 55,

56,57 Pagano, Mario (Fra), 49-55 Paladini, Filippo, 68 Palermo, 13, 8 1, 82

Pantalleresco, Albert (Mons.), 207 Panzacchi, Enrico, 74 Paribeni, Roberto, 175 Paris, 10, 12, 13, 16, 147 Pamis, Stefano, 114 Paule, Antoine de (Grand Master), 64,

66,78 Paulucci, Ercole (Don), 84 Pavels, Peder, 8 1 Pelham, Dudley, 147 Pelham, Fredrick, 147 Pellegrini Vidal, Battista, 15 1, 153 Pellerano, Gio. Carmine (Bishop), 103 Pellini, Pompeo, 42 Pepi, Saverio, 77, 81, 82 Perellos y Rocafull, Ramon (Grand

Master), 65, 69,236 Perez dlAleccio, Matteo, 68 Perez, Tommaso, 77, 79,80 Pergolesi, Gio.Battista, 72 Perowne, Stuart, 196,200 Perugia, 42 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), 12 Pezzuolo, Giuseppe, 77 Philermos, Madonna of, 66 Philip I1 (King of Spain), 54 Philip V1 (King of France), 10, 13 Piano, Renzo, 215 Pignatelli, Innocenzo (Fra), 80 Pindemonte, Ippolito, 69 Pinto de Fonseca, Emanuel (Grand

Master), 64, 69, 71, 117, 145,215 Pinzano, Rubeo, 11 Pirri, Rocco, 14 Pius V (Pope), 222 Pole, Margaret, 52 Pole, Reginald (Cardinal), 52 Polo, Marco, 12 Ponso, Tommaso, 71 Porta, Giovanni de la (Fra), 55 Potenzano, Francesco, 68 Pouisselgues, Antonio, 11 7 Pozzallo, 29 Pozzo, Bartolomeo dal, 24, 54, 55 Prestre, Antoine le, see Vauban Preti, Mattia (Fra), 67, 68,214,238 Pretiosi, Ludovico (Don), 61 Preziosi, (AbbB), 108 Preziosi, Leandro, 159 Price, John (Lieut), 148, 151, 153 Provence, Langue of, 88 Provost, Simon, 68 Ptolemy, 9 Pullicin, Salvatore, 119 Pullicino, Lawrence, 230

R Rabat (Malta), 67,93, 114 l Ragusa (Dubrovnik), 44,45 ~ Rais Essechiaseli, 28 Rais Quel Velli, 28 Raven, N.R., 147 I

Reagan, Ronald (President), 204 Redin, Martin de (Grand Master), 67 Reis, Yusuf, see Ward, John Resseguir, Clement de (Fra), 67 Restelli, Felice, 233 Rhodes, 40,87

~ ~

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Ricasoli, Giovanni Francesco (Fra), 66 Ripa, Giovanni di, 10 Ristri, Aloisio, 79 Robert of Anjou (King of Naples), 11 Robertson, James, 159, 175 Robinson, David, 143 Rochet, Nicholas (Fra), 28 Rogadeo, Giandonato, 71 Roger (Count), 99 Rohan-Polduc, Emmanuel (Grand

Master), 64, 69, 105, 1 12 Rome, 38, 58,60, 63, 65, 68, 75, 76,

79, 102, 114, 115,118,214 Rospigliosi, Vincenzo (Fra), 66 Rosselli, Agrippino, 77 Rossett, Gabriele, 44 Rossi, Ettore, 24 Rubens, Peter Paul, 214 Rubino, Antonio, 77, 80 Rull, Bartolomeo (Bishop), 93

S SalC, 33 Salvago, Girolamo (Fra), 67 Sammartino, Melchiorre, 72 Sammut (Fiteni?), Salvatore, 108 Sammut, Joseph C., 233-237 Sant'Angelo, Liborio, 77,80 Santa Maura, Agostino di, 38,40,85 Santa Maura, Filippo di, 40 Santa Maura, Gasparre di, 40 Santa Maura, Giovan Battista, 77, 78 Santarelli, Giuseppe, 77, 80 Sarria, Martin (Fra), 4 1 Satariano, Claudio, 11 5 Savasse, Felicien de (Fra), 65 Sayd, Lorenzo, 77 Saydon, Gio. Battista (notary), 159 Scander Rais, 28 Scarlatti, Alessandro, 74 Schellinks, Willem, 216 Schiattarelli, Corrado, 77 Schliemann, Heinrich, 214 Scicluna, Bernadine, 216,217,220 Semini, Giovanni, 119 Sengle, Claude de la (Grand Master),

64 Senglea, 145, 147 Serbelloni, Gabrio, 69 Seychel, Giuseppe (Don), 96 Seymour-Bathurst (Mrs), 147, 148 Shun Ti (Toghon Temur), 11 Sicily, 13, 14,29,40,41,42, 50, 54,

103,115,228 Siena, 34 Sisto (Ristri?), Giovanni, D., 77,78, 79 Sitwell, Sachaverell, 175 Sliema, 173-195 Capua Palace, 173, 174 Church Street, 179, 189 Dingli Street, 179, 189 Ferries, 178,179 Ghar id-Dud, 175, 176, 178, 184, 185,

186, 192, 193 Holy Trinity Anglican church, 174 11-Fortizza, 178 Jesus of Nazareth church, 177 Marina, 176, 179, 180, 181


Prince of Wales Road, 178, 179, 190 Promenade, 195 Qui Si Sana, 180 Rue d'Argens, 173 Strada Santa Maria, 179, 190 TignC Point, 179, 19 1 TignC Road, 177, 182, 183 Tower Road, 175,178,179,187,188,191 Union Club, 176 Smith, Penelope, 174 Smith, S., 147 Soldani Benzi, Massimiliano, 68 Soroti, 202, 210 Spada, Lionello, 68 Spain, 51, 52, 53, 54,61,76, 117 Spiglioti, Giovanni, 55, 57 Spiteri, Stephen C., 41,47 St Aubin, Rocquelaure de, 33 St Barbara's church (Valletta), 66 St Catherine's church, (Valletta), 221 St Catherine's monastery, (Valletta), 112 St Francis' church, (Valletta), 68 St James Cavalier, 101, 104, 105, 112,221 St John (Order of), 14,49,52,60,62,

64, 66, 69, 71, 72, 101, 123,214 St John's Cavalier, 221 St John's Conventual Church,

(Valletta), 74-82,206,213 St Laurence's church (Birgu), 55,71,

87, 155 St Margaret, (Convent of, Birgu), 66 St Paul's Shipwreck's church,

(Valletta), 78, 102, 103 St Publius' church, (Floriana), 102, 114 St Urusla, nuns of, (Valletta), 66 Staiti, Francesco (Fra), 29, 32 Stalin, Joseph, 206,214 Starkey, Oliver (Sir), 34 Strasbourg, 226,227,228 Strozzi, Leone, 66 Surda, Filippo la (Fra), 54 Sutherland, Graham, 21 2 Switzerland, 38 Syracuse, 26, 118, 121

T Taliana, Giulio, 77 Tartary, 12 Tempier, Etienne (Bishop), 16 Tencin, Jean-Louis GuCrin de (Fra), 69 Thompson, William, 143 Thorvaldsen, Bertel, 8 1 Tibet, l 2 TignC, Rene Jacques de (Fra), 66 Tongi, Cyansan, 11 Tonna, Alessandro, 114 Tonna, Michele, 115 Tours, 10, 11 Troisi, Pietro Paolo, 68 Tunis, 21,22,23,33, 121 Tuscany, 22,76

U Uganda, 200,201,207 Underthan, Johan, l4 USA, 203,204,207,208 Usbek Kan. 11

v Valette, Jean de (Grand Master), 28,

40,41,45, 214,235 Valletta, 23, 34,49, 66, 67, 69, 71, 77,

78, 80, 82, 84, 93, 102, 103, 112, 115, 116, 120, 122,140, 145,147, 148,153, 155, 156, 169, 172, 173, 180,216,220,221,222,228,229

Varallo, Fabrizio (Inquisitor), 32 Vassallo, Ganni, 11 1 l Vassallo, Gian Anton, 11 1 Vauban (Antoine Le Prestre), 69 Vega, Lope de, 69 Velasco (Velaschi), Giuseppe (Don),

113, 114 1 Vella Gera, Alfred, 178 Vella, Angelo, 11 9 Vella, Theresa, 2 16,220,222 Venati, Carlo (Fra), 57, 58, 60, 61 Vendome, Philippe de, 69 Vendomme, Pierre Gentil de, 38 Venice, 52, 65, 66, 143 Vensi, Chemboga, 11 Verdalle, Hugues de Loubenx de I

(Grand Master), 50,53, 56, 68, 71,77

Verospi, Marcantonio (Fra), 58 Vertoa, Giovanni Battista, 69 Vertot, RenC Aubert de (AbbC), 69,71 Vilhena, Antonio Manoel de (Grand

Master), 64, 65, 66,69, 72 Vincennes, 12 Vinciguerra, Giacomo (Captain), 26,

27,32 Volo, 27 Voltaire (Franqois-Marie Arouet), 36, 75

W Ward, John, 21-35 Washington, John (Lieut), 147 Watts, William, 34 Wignacourt, Alof de (Grand Master),

32, 67, 78, 88 Wilde, Oscar, 21 5 Wilson, Robert, 141, 143

X Ximenes de Texada, Francisco (Grand

Master), 65, 78, 104

Y Yochoy, Joanni, 11

I z Zahra, Francesco, 68 Zahra, Giuseppe (Prof.), 108 Zahra, Michele, 159 1 Zambeccari, Alessandro (Fra), 66 Zammit, Carmelo, 159 Zammit, William (Dr), 116, 117 Zaportela, Geronimo (Fra), 87 Zaportela, Juan (Don), 87 I l Zarb, Stefano (Don), 114 I

Zauli Sajani, Ifigenia, 109, 11 1 Zebbug (Malta), 108, 114 Zuniga de Avellaneda, Juan de (count of I

Miranda; Viceroy of Naples), 49 Zurrieq, 55 l
