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History 3ES3 Environmental Summit Research The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987

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History 3ES3Environmental Summit Research

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987

Who am I?

• Just in case you can’t catch what I am saying…• Aaron Grierson is my name• Dr Egan is the host of the game• Student number available upon request, for

privacy reasons

What is this Ozone Layer?

How the Ozone should work…

What’s changed?

What’s causing the problem?

What else?

How’s this for a sunset?

A long time ago…

The United Nations Environment Programme was founded in 1972. It was and has been the host of numerous protocols on issues concerning the environment. It has facilitated the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987 as well as the meetings revising this protocol.

And now our Feature Presentation

Quick! Definitions:• For the purposes of this Protocol:

• 1. “Convention” means the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, adopted on 22 March 1985.

• 2. “Parties” means, unless the text otherwise indicates, Parties to this Protocol.• 3. “Secretariat” means the Secretariat of the Convention.

• 4. “Controlled substance” means a substance in Annex A, Annex B, Annex C or Annex E to this Protocol, whether existing alone or in a mixture. It includes the isomers of any such substance,

except as specified in the relevant Annex, but excludes any controlled substance or mixture which is in a manufactured product other than a container used for the transportation or storage of that

substance.• 5. “Production” means the amount of controlled substances produced, minus the amount

destroyed by technologies to be approved by the Parties and minus the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals. The amount recycled and reused is not to be

considered as “production”.• 6. “Consumption” means production plus imports minus exports of controlled substances.

• The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer• 7. “Calculated levels” of production, imports, exports and consumption means levels determined in

accordance with Article 3.• 8. “Industrial rationalization” means the transfer of all or a portion of the calculated level of

production of one Party to another, for the purpose of achieving economic efficiencies or responding to anticipated shortfalls in supply as a result ofplant closures.

Who all is involved?• Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda

Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia European Union Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Production and Consumption!

On CFCsEach part shall ensure that for each 12 month period starting on the first day of the seventh month that its calculated levels of controlled substances do not exceed its levels in 1986.Over the course of the next two decades, with yearly measurements, the levels of these controlled substances must decline by a set amount. This applies to both consumption and production. On HalonsSame as above, starting 1992.On Other fully Halogenated CFCsSame as above, starting in 1993.On Carbon tetrachlorideSame as above, starting 1995.On Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform)Same as above, starting 1993.On HydrochlorofluorocarbonsSame as above, starting 1996.On HydrobromofluorocarbonsSame as above, starting 1996.On Methyl bromideSame as above, starting 1995.On BromochloromethaneSame as above, starting 2002.



? ?

Can we fix it?

Relax…They have your back

A Different View of the planet...

Technology(We can help!)

The future?

So THIS is teamwork?

…Oh Politics

Ozone Day!?

Where to now?

We can rebuild it…

Photo-cred(it), in order of appearance• http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/080528-131405• http://www.acwastewatcher.org/hwaste/index.html?ID=hazardous_waste1131390624• http://js082.k12.sd.us/My_Classes/Physical_Science/Phys_Sci_ch_7/ozone_layer_depletion.htm• http://www.toomeyfund.com/2007/03/deplete-ozone.html• http://metalimpacts.com/• http://www.geekologie.com/2007/11/beer_fridge_is_awesome_expensi.php• http://www.customminifig.co.uk/custom-minifig-fire-extinguisher/http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://pics4.city-data.com/cpicv/vfiles27107.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.city-data.com/picfilesv/picv27107.php&usg=__TBtiKP_XoQxF5t0KMaqlbYVPUME=&h=660&w=1000&sz=255&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=6R6-ddUNekz5KM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=196&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drush%2Bhour%2Btraffic%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D831%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=256&vpy=131&dur=5077&hovh=182&hovw=276&tx=122

&ty=71&ei=10TxTMj5LofPnAfkg8GJCg&oei=10TxTMj5LofPnAfkg8GJCg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0• http://www.city-data.com/picfilesv/picv27107.php• http://www.wired.com/autopia/2007/07/ford-chrysler-j/• http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/news/2007/assessmentchair.html• http://bcclimatechampions.wordpress.com/2009/12/• http://www.mrcad.com/generate-sky-clouds-with-ozone-40-3dsmax-maya-etc/• http://hlspotlight.blogspot.com/2009/04/go-earth-go-earth-go-earth.html• http://wxresearch.org/earthday/• http://www.cotohousingblog.com/?m=201001&paged=3• http://postershop.com/Anonymous/Anonymous-Teamwork-Skydivers-II-9900669.html• http://hlspotlight.blogspot.com/2009/04/go-earth-go-earth-go-earth.html• http://depressiongetaway.com/2010/04/26/depression-hope-2/• http://www.forums.shoalhaven.net.au/read.php?2,1730,1730• http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/37062.html• http://tundratabloids.com/2010_02_01_archive.html• http://www.lenntech.com/greenhouse-effect/climate-change-glossary.htm• http://www.thirteen2nineteen.com/greenteens.html
