hitesha a barot

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  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT



    DEFINATION:- Immunotherapy is a medical termdefined as treatment of disease by inducing, enhancing,

    or suppressing an immune response .

    Immunotherapies designed to elicit or amplify an

    immune response are classified as activation

    immunotherapies.Immunotherapies designed to reduce, suppress or

    more appropriately direct an existing immune

    response ,as in cases of autoimmunity or allergy, are

    classified as suppression immunotherapies

  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    The active agents of immunotherapy are collectively

    called immunomodulators.

    They are a diverse array of recombinant, synthetic

    and natural preparations, often cytokines. Some of

    these substances, such as granulocyte colony -

    stimulating factor (G-CSF), interferons, imiquimod and

    cellular membrane fractions from bacterial

    microorganisms are already licensed for use in


    Others including IL-12, various chemokines,

    cytosine phosphate-guanosine (oligodeoxynucleotides

    and glucans are being currently investigated

    extensively in clinical and preclinical studies.

  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    Cell based Immunotherapies are proven to be

    effective for cancers, where the immune cells such

    as lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells,

    natural killer cells (NK Cell), cytotoxic T

    lymphocytes (CTL), etc., work together to defend

    the body against cancers and attacks by "foreign"

    or "non-self" invaders such as bacteria and


  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    Cancer immunotherapy attempts to stimulate the

    immune system to reject and destroy tumors.


    Immuno cell therapy for cancer was first introduced

    by Rosenberg and his colleagues of NationalInstitute of Health USA. In the late 80s, they

    published an article in which they reported a low

    tumor regression(2.63.3%) in 1205 patients with

    metastatic cancer who underwent different types ofactive specific immunotherapy (ASI), and suggested

    that immuno cell therapy with specific chemotherapy

    is the future of cancer immunotherapy.

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    In the beginning Immunotherapy treatmentsinvolved administration of cytokines such as

    Interleukin with an aim of inducing the lymphocytes

    to carry on their activity of destroying the tumor


    Thereafter the adverse effects of such

    intravenously administered cytokine

    lead to the extraction of the lymphocytes from theblood and culture-expanding them in the lab and

    then injecting the cells alone to enable them to

    destroy the cancer cells.

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    Though the concept of this treatment started in

    the US in 80s, fully fledged clinical treatments on a

    routine basis have been in practice in Japan since

    1990. Randomized controlled studies in different

    cancers with significant increase in survival and

    disease free period have been reported.

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  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    Lung cancer has been demonstrated to potentially

    respond to immunotherapy

    In many parts of Asia, medicinal mushrooms are

    thought to be able to boost the immune system naturally.

    Cellular and animal research has shown that Agaricusblazei may stimulate immune system cells and the

    production of interferons and interleukins (reviewed by

    G. Hetland).

    Mushroom isolates like PSK also are used to increase

    immune system parameters (reviewed by Kobayashi).

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  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET)

    In the multipronged approach to treat cancer,one very useful latest weapon would be AIET

    which is in clinical practice in Japan since 90s

    AIET is a treatment method in which some

    immune cells are taken out of a patient's body

    which are cultured and processed to be

    activated or to acquire additional functions until

    their resistance to cancer is strengthened, then

    the cells are put back in the body.

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    . Researchers have found that the thus activated

    immune system might also be able to determine the

    difference between healthy cells and cancer cells

    eliminate the cancer cells from the body.

    In AIE

    T, specific type of cells mainly the NK cellsand lymphocytes are isolated from the peripheral

    blood of the cancer patients (during remission in

    patients who undergo chemotherapy)

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    These cells are act against cancer cells and active immuneresponse.

    Upon encountering a tumor cell, the activated NK cell attaches

    to the membrane of the cancer cell and injects toxic granules

    which dissolve the target cell. In less than five minutes, the

    cancer cell dies and the NK cell moves on to its next target

    cancer cell. A single NK cell can destroy up to 27 cancer cells

    before its lifespan. This is the mechanism by which AIET is

    effective in Cancer therapy.

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    Dendritic cell based immunotherapy

    This utilizes dendritic cells to activate a cytotoxic

    response towards an antigen.

    Dendritic cells, a type of antigen presenting cell ,

    are harvested from a patient. These cells are then

    either pulsed with an antigen or transfected with a

    viral vector. The activated dendritic cells are then

    placed back into the patient

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  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT


    Monoclonal antibody therapy

    Antibodies are a key component of the adaptive immune

    response playing a central role in both in the recognition of

    foreign antigens and the stimulation of an immune response

    to them.It is not surprising therefore, that many

    immunotherapeutic approaches involve the use of


    The advent of monoclonal antibody technology has made it

    possible to raise antibodies against specific antigens such as

    the unusual antigens that are presented on the surfaces of


    A number of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies have been

    approved for use in humans; approvals mentioned here are

    by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration(FDA).

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    Cancer immunotherapy:Monoclonal antibodies[1]

    Antibody Brand name Approval date Type TargetApproved


    Alemtuzumab Campath 2001 humanized CD52




    Bevacizumab Avastin 2004 humanized



    growth factor

    colorectal cancer

    Cetuximab Erbitux 2004 chimeric


    growth factor


    colorectal cancer


    ozogamicinMylotarg 2000 humanized CD33






    tiuxetan Zevalin 2002 murine CD20



    Panitumumab Vectibix 2006 human


    growth factor


    colorectal cancer


    Mabthera1997 chimeric CD20


    lymphomaTrastuzumab Herceptin 1998 humanized ErbB2 breast cancer


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    The therapy is indicated for people who are

    extremely allergic or who cannot avoid specificallergens.

    Immunotherapy is generally not indicated for food

    or medicinal allergies. Immunotherapy is typicallyindividually tailored and administered by an allergist

    (allergologist)This therapy is particularly useful for

    people with allergic rhinitis or asthma.

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    Other approaches to immunotherapy

    Recent research into the clinical effectiveness of

    Whipworm ova (Trichuris suis) and Hookworm

    (Necator americanus) for the treatment of certain

    immunological diseases and allergies means thatthese organisms must be classified as immuno-

    therapeutic agents.

    Helminthic therapy is being investigated as apotentially highly effective treatment for the symptoms

    and or disease process in disorders such as relapsing

    remitting multiple sclerosis Crohn s,

    allergies and asthma.

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    Cancer Vaccines Back to the Table of Contents As described above,

    biological therapy or immunotherapy is now

    considered a fourth modality of cancer treatment, and

    examples such as interferon and monoclonal

    antibodies have become part of standard cancer


    Vaccines have revolutionized public health by

    preventing the development of many important

    infectious diseases, including polio, small pox, and

    diphtheria. It has been much more difficult to develop

    effective vaccines to prevent cancer, or to treat

    patients who already have cancer.

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    . Attempts to develop such cancer vaccines,

    despite many decades of experimental work, haveyet to yield proven results.

    Cancer vaccines typically consist of a source of

    cancer-associated material (antigen), along withother components, to further stimulate the immune


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    cancer vaccines have been shown to be capable

    of improving the immune response againstparticular antigens.

    The result of this immunologic effect is not always

    sufficient to reverse the progression of cancer.

    However, cancer vaccines have been generally

    well tolerated, and they may provide useful

    anticancer effects in some situations.

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  • 8/7/2019 HITESHA A BAROT
